It’s a matchup between an unstoppable force and an immovable object; Harry Kane winning a trophy vs. Bayern Munich losing the Bundesliga!

    Xabi Alonso’s Bayer Leverkusen absolutely dominated Bayern in their match over the weekend, winning 3-0 and looking like the clear favorites to finally dethrone the Bavarian giants as champions of Germany! Christian and Alexis break down the match and predict which side will win the Bundesliga. The guys also discuss the 2026 World Cup stadium locations, react to blue cards potentially coming to soccer, recap the finals of AFCON and the Asia Cup. Let us know who you think will win the Bundesliga in the comments!

    0:00 – Intro
    6:21 – 2026 World Cup stadiums anounced!
    19:15 – Leverkusen top Bayern in crucial Bundesliga contest!
    31:54 – Blue cards coming to soccer soon?
    46:35 – AFCON and Asia Cup finals are decided!
    58:16 – Wrap-up

    Who Are The Cooligans?
    The Cooligans are two New York Latino stand up comedians who love soccer/football/futbol/calcio and do live streams, podcasts, and YouTube content around the sport. Imagine if you walked into the best comedy club in New York City and two comedians on stage were talking about the sport you love. That’s the Cooligans!

    Exclusive content:
    This is where we put everything we shouldn’t say 😉

    Two full YouTube episodes every week:
    Mondays 8pm ET
    Thursdays 8pm ET
    Multiple weekly clips and shorts @SoccerCooligans

    Alexis Guerreros
    Christian Polanco



    Weekly audio podcasts:


    About The Cooligans:
    Two professional stand-up comedy who love being funny about soccer, MLS, USMNT, US soccer, USWNT, Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga and much more. Alexis is of Cuban descent and Christian is of Dominican descent, two futbol POWERHOUSES in the Caribbean. Shhh, let us have this. We’ll help you enjoy the game after the 90 min are up.

    #bundesliga #bayerleverkusen #bayernmunich #fußball #football #soccer #futbol

    Another amazing cool looking episode I’m back baby look who’s back wow what a lovely to hear your voice again uh after being in London I thought you were going to come back with uh a new accent and terrible teeth you know what I do I spread my accent out there bro all right

    You know use your your accent to colonize their accent bro I’m I’m colonizing them you thought you could come here they were like dude what’s that Rocky pulling I’m like Plymouth Rock bro I brought it to you uh what’s good everybody welcome it’s Buddy my name is Christian poano

    I’m Alexis Guerrero Alex is back you got you went to London you saw Your Arsenal win against Liverpool if I’m in a building we take three points that’s just what it is bro okay I go to an away game we lose that’s also been proving at good as

    In Park it’s a little bit different and that’s he had but uh that was a fun win that was nice to see fun against Liverpool against top of the league Liverpool that’s right yeah no that was not just fun yeah that was life affirming okay um the and then Arsenal

    Ended up winning hold on hold on I just want yeah that’s Jamie leaving a game early I was just L going to mention that West Ham uh got got touchdown put on them Dam Miss extra point speaking they Arsenal played better than the Chiefs to be honest Arsenal scored more touchdowns

    In that game than the than both teams in the first half so uh so that was uh entertaining as well Arsenal against West Ham sorry for all you hammers uh damn son damn bro the Hammers got nailed that day hate to see it but uh so that was fun yes and the uh

    And the Super Bowl we got quick quick reacts to the Super Bowl I mean you have Alicia Keys is amazing that’s my reaction to the Super Bowl okay you know and Usher agrees with you was us sure my eyes are up here do okay cuz I I I

    Thought we were just gonna focus on you know I expected Usher to take off his shirt and and just here’s the thing Usher and and Alicia Keys clearly know each other I hope okay because there’s a certain familiarity with each other I’m pretty sure Swiss beats thinks that they know

    I’m sure he’s looking through her phone at this moment how well you know each other again no but look I mean they’re entertainers they’re putting on a show and we were all very entertained SS be might not have been but I have but that’s that’s part of the show it’s like

    When uh you know if uh if you’re an actor or an actress and you have a love scene in a movie it’s you don’t go back home even if it’s a movie where a love scene wasn’t expected like now you guys you’re probably going to be singing from

    Two ends of the stadium no I’ll make my way over there your wife can’t be like uh how are why are you cheating on me in this you know $40 million motion picture with that demorgan yeah it was a scene not real they’re entertainers okay

    Uh so but no I will say she is timeless there’s something about her where you’re like that’s like the you know those acts that like when they’re 980 something or whatever they’re still singing in Vegas that’s it feels like that’s what she least Usher will not be when Usher loses

    The ABS it’s all over why why is allowed to show his nipples but Janet Jackson can’t all right and why did I want to see his more than hers that’s a question I got to ask myself I mean he looks can’t help you with that one yeah 45

    Years old ABS he looks very good good for him what when he he came out in the roller Kat I thought he was gonna Buzz his ass on games I’m not gonna lie when he when he went Luda Luda oh Luda L John

    Love it bro I mean it’s a for for all J de Bri looking like one of the lollipop kids out there the outfits were great I mean look I my uh my hot take about these about Super Bowl uh halftime show nowaday you you have to be rid you can’t

    Dress like a commoner and and people no you have to dress ridiculously even if it’s quote unquote bad so that people are talking about you yeah you need that you need people to get back and your SEO watch Jermaine dpri drop some new uh new

    You work on some album or you know some new track or something like that that’s why when we do the halftime show come out in a dong we need people to talk you feel me we need the chatter to go up right so that’s it that’s the that’s

    The strategy going forward uh all right Next Episode you guys just want to come out in thongs or whatever I’m wearing one right now and training okay just seeing how you know did you know if you wear a thong and you fart you feel it flutter did you know that oh wow that

    Almost sounds poetic I know Valentine’s Day coming up but put that in the card I’ll make your heart and V flutter this joint so tight it sounds like you’re pulling on a guitar okay someone playing a harp oh my bad that was a silent one anyway a lot to go over because uh

    We had two really fun EP episodes last week uh obviously uh Christine kopo joined us uh for one of them that was two weeks ago well that two weeks ago yeah we had a week and a half ago yeah week and a half we had Patrick V and yes Patty

    Bro Patty uh so it was Koop Patrick V and Tony roacha the episodes that aired last week and those were all really fun we have a really uh dope one coming up on Thursday uh with Brandon Hunt uh of of T lasso you may know coach beard uh

    He came through and we had a great conversation about it’s a big deal big deals are starting to swing by the stew I mean what it what can we say okay the it’s weird that you’re not here I know you know who you are you know who you

    You know exactly we’re talking to why haven’t you accepted our invitation yeah dog your DMs bro is it the thong picture that we sending is that a problem because is it the audio notes of it fluttering so uh so a lot to look forward to but uh there was a lot that

    We didn’t get to cover because Alexis was away so we just we got to start right now with uh the World Cup schedule uh being announced the ma match schedule and uh the show itself because uh it was it was quite the show um you know Johnny

    And fantino who we all requested we were like yo Johnny has to be a part of it yeah Johnny and also could you dress cool uh when I mean what I mean by cool is uh you know pastor of a mega church it looks like if Dr Evil like tried to

    Get swag so I mean Johnny fantino is wearing a a suit hoodie or is it or is the he’s wearing a a jacket over a hoodie no no no I think it’s part of the Blazer yeah I think it’s one thing which is the worst option like you could have you

    Could have found something that is more oh the kids will like this how do you do fellow kids the Steve Bushi GIF uh he’s also wearing like instead of like regular like pants or trousers wearing like those Instagram ones that are like never wrinkle you know what I mean like

    Marino W the ad doesn’t stop coming up and you’re like you know what I got to buy it so the stops coming at me it has the other pocket on the side of the leg I got to I got to get it look at this a hidden zipper you know my first thought

    Was pants don’t need technology bro stop it these these shows are you know we know what they are look at they they sort of try their best they try to make it for the the the the most possible viewers the the most like is that what

    They do I think so it’s just it’s like a sort of as generic as possible oh like the most universal you mean I thought he like to upset the most am no because if so this one on the board bro I think for us who are you know you know the the

    Soccer nerds the people really connected to you mean the ones who going to watch the the World Cup I’m just saying they they they’re not really thinking about us this this is why you invite Kevin Hart as well and look and this is the first thing I thought I’m like yo Kevin

    Hart they brought a a comedian to to announce the World Cup like and look this is our failure we’re not big enough names how we been big enough names this is on us that we we’re not at the same level as Kevin Hart most literally the wealthiest comedian in the world you do

    Not need to be mad at Kevin and his our fa had we been bigger names we would have been the ones up there really talking soccer you know what I mean so uh look and this is because you know Kevin Hart has a very uh uh large

    Audience all over the world so Infantino 100% texts Kevin Hart okay IED on like yo I was texting my bro Kevin so I was sending him photos of my of my hoodie boys said yo you think this is grip cool or cool so look hit one of

    The two I don’t know what accent I’m doing by the way so I don’t want to get too I don’t want to parse it too much like I care that much is J Infantino Italian he is Italian you’re supposed to dress a lot better than this again look this I’m sure there was

    Some conversation about it and this is what they ended up with I don’t know how there’s a 100% chance that as he wore it put it on for the first time and turned around and got out of the view of anyone in the wardrobe they all went you know

    Little giggle you know just not not Lou enough for your Pier to hear but not the person you’re talking about the person yeah it’s a signal to everyone else I’m on the same page as you but we can’t tell this man no so um so I don’t want

    To go like too critical about the the one thing we’re looking at the the the picture here of them uh it’s uh I believe Jenny Taft Kevin Hart and and Infantino by the way Kevin Hart sneakers are like $1,000 those are the Gucci Adas I just I just thought the the the this

    Posture also the the the mans spreading of of Infantino and and and Kevin Hart and Kevin Hart with his hands folded in between his legs this is not this is not the posture of announcing the World Cup M body language langu is more like the opening of a new like yogurt

    Sh there’s just like bro show show this moment a little bit more respect bro this is how we found out that New York was going toost you didn’t even start this New York wear that soccer the world yeah then we had to find out through Johnny’s horrific Blazer and and Kevin Hart’s complete

    Lack of knowledge of the sport and look and and Jenny de is the only the only like what’s that uh the The only positive thing where the only uh like expert the person that is there to relay the information to maybe the soccer layman in the country or all over the

    World and so the Saving Grace was the word I was thinking of she’s the only saving grace of this whole thing she did she did great and then and but then there was there were a couple moments that you know the internet was a little upset with one Jenny fantino uh sort of

    Making a kind of remark oh when he said that Kevin Hart would be a striker but she would be a cheerleader that one you think essentially well you know Jenny T I assume uh maybe played growing up or I I don’t know at what level but she

    Clearly knows soccer and knows the game and she is saying that the uh you know they having conversation what position would Kevin Hart play and then uh you know and then gu to her and she goes like oh what what what position I she like sort of felt left out of the

    Conversation what position would I play and Infantino goes oh you will be uh cheering in the stands and it’s like whoa okay and she had to kind of laugh it off and it’s just like a bro what you you know how many people are watching and and you know all the issues that

    FIFA has had with especially how they have talked about women and female players be like keep buying clothes on Amazon prick she wanted to say some w so that was uh the Instagram algorithm is doing you wrong that wasn’t not a good look and look and and Infantino didn’t do himself

    Any real favors he’s not also not the biggest I don’t know personality why is he there I don’t know why he’s there I was just going to ask there’s no reason for him this is why you know we make fun of it all the time in Europe when they

    Do like the the draws for like champions league and stuff it’s like it looks like you’re in a big spaceship it’s like huge for no reason there’s too much music music and like Orchestra the pageantry is too big it’s to stop these people from saying these stupid things I

    Figured it out it’s like as as performers we know that the the the producers don’t need to be on camera that’s how what it is that sometimes the producers the people who have the money they’re like yo I could do that there’s a reason why the CEO of Apple doesn’t

    Walk into all their shows on Apple Plus on Apple T even though Tim Cook he’s he’s all right on camera he’s all Hees he’s done a couple sketches and Little Couple B he does all the what’s that when they announce the new phones and stuff he does all that he does a great

    Job but you know when you need to bring somebody to sell a product right he doesn’t show up on the succession or whatever name an apple show so we get that and uh so so I don’t you know so Infantino is goingon to do stand next to Melissa Ortiz when they announced

    Messi but then also Kevin Hart um I thought look does he know a ton about soccer no no uh he’s done some stuff he’s done like sketches and stuff with like Manchester City and stuff so he’s now like completely but this is way above his paper this is a lot and then

    This is like not scripted he he has to like actually know some he also a movie star he’s so busy he’s probably not doing research for this so also this is how comedians are you’re like I’ll show up in all right funny riff RI I I mean

    How many how many million here’s a data pack no I heard you I’ll rip I’ll rip the whole thing there L there’s 100 matches in the World Cup I I mean you want you expect me to read all this bro it could be a thousand I’ll be jokey

    Jokey okay he’s like bro Jenny Taff got me do I’ll just go to J fantino be like yo where you from what do you do for work talk to me about your shirt and boom we got a show we got we got an hour and a half filed dog we

    Don’t even need to talk about the World Cup now that I think about it okay there a crowd Work World Cup Special by Kevin Hart Kevin Hart’s just holding a microphone the whole time so the uh so he didn’t know that much but I look I

    And I’m watching I’m I’m a comedian I also work in soccer I’m I’m required to know a bit about both of those Industries for me to do this job and so I’m watching so this is you’re watching Kevin har and you’re like there’s a little bit of Envy a little jealousy of

    Like bro this is a job for the [ __ ] if we were doing this this would I mean it would have been so fun there would have been so many specific jokes about can you imagine you guys on stage there to Johnny Infantino that we would have roasting his hoodie this hoodie Blazer

    Would have been taken off he would have taken this off before the end of like all right time to pick though is like oh my God he would have been announcing the World Cup Final in a tank top he would have been just flexing his P okay oh my

    God if you are going to the World Cup final don’t take the train at 3:00 wearing this shirt okay because you’re about to get cooked by Dominican Teena so we uh so there’s a yeah there’s a little bit Envy because this is like man this is our wheelhouse we could have

    Been it would have been great it’s really our failure it’s really we could have we should have done more we should have done more um I look back I I live my life without regrets I got one but Kevin Hart uh uh upset a few people when

    They announced uh who was going to have the opening game and it was estad AA in Mexico this is a huge moment right to put it in context AA is one of the you know one of the cathedrals of our sport without a doubt p p uh you know raised

    The World Cup trophy there Maradona the hand of God and right um just one of the one of the most important play to open the World Cup in this stadium is so meaningful and I’m sure now I didn’t get to watch it right but I’m sure Kevin Hart took all that into consideration

    Now what did he say basically talking about uh kind of how important and how great uh uh you know is and and Mexico opening the tournament and then there was just a question about uh favorite Mexican food that randomly came up which is like as soon as it came up I’m like

    Why are we talking about Mexican food right now and uh I think Kevin Hart asked the question if I if I if I’m not mistaken and then Infantino said oh I don’t know uh tacos and then uh they were kind of going through doing the job

    And like H tacos are great and then they were about to go into the next thing kevinar goes oh I thought I thought you were going to say uh how the how the food just runs right through you you know you always like end up in the

    Bathroom or something like that like I’m paraphrasing but it was just a you know Mexican food gives you the runs joke and as soon as I heard it I’m like my God high level com the internet is going to get so upset about this if he would have

    Said the water he would have gotten away with it even maybe but Mona’s Revenge you get I get like you got yeah this but this you’re conflating Taco Bell to actual mexic exactly exactly so that it’s it’s a little bit I might add how much I love Taco Bell okay you want to

    Sponsor the show feel free to do that okay uh but the it it to me was just like this isn’t the time for the hacki of hack jokes this is one of the biggest moments in in a sport that is so important to the country of Mexico and

    You make a joke about how your stomach can’t handle their food exactly just oh a diarrhea joke yeah and by the way I’m fine with the joke I’m fine with it the joke just the timing of it which is important in comedy if you were at a

    Comedy club doing this joke I’d be like yo why is why is he doing jokes from the 1970s exactly and then and we’ just be like oh what it’s a dumb hacky joke afterwards you said take my wifee what’s up with Mex okay who are these people

    And how do they eat so much Tac okay so that’s where I’m like as Kevin Hart came up through in an era in comedy where you know with with with uh uh o Patrice O’Neal with Jim Norton with patri on’ was alive he would have gotten cooked for making Colin Quinn these guys

    That didn’t you weren’t allowed to a hack around anywhere near them even close to not even close you would get roasted relentlessly so this was just a joke of just like bro you you really doing this joke I mean I understand like you do a comedy special not all the

    Specials are going to be as great as like you know the one of you know his first one you need some filler jokes yeah yeah you just have a good time there there’s they’re not all bangers there’s there’s better jokes than a than a Mexican terrible filler so that was my

    Only sort of disappointment um when it came to the the the comedic offerings of uh of you know of Kevin Hart but whatever he did he you hired Kevin Hart not Kevin Hart to do comedy I’m sure the direct deposit hit yeah so good forev get the bag uh hopefully it’s the cool

    Getting the bag in the 20 uh the 2030 announc so now talking about some actual soccer that happened over the weekend we got a big match in the Bundesliga Bayern Munich took on Byer Leverkusen first place versus second place and Byer lusen won is like Harry Kane I think this

    Proves that Harry Kane is just the worst worst luck in the history of professional soccer he will break the Byron curse by himself he is he is allergic to trophies that man something going on man this Dark Cloud follows this man’s career he’s like the guy from

    Uh the Snoopy cartoons he’s got like the dust all around no no no no the one with the dust the one that’s dirty all the time I don’t remember who whatever that guy’s name is that’s har Kane going from place to GL brought that up as a reference if

    You didn’t know it dude I’ll look it up now I look it up now we’ll figure it out okay so so yeah Bayern uh do do lose uh at at the Bay Arena or by Arena whatever they call it um so Bayern lusen wins 3-

    N this was a pig pen Pig Pen Pig Pen okay uh Byer lusen uh obviously in first place they had a two-point lead if uh uh before the match began if I’m not mistaken and I thought this was you know everybody kind of looked at this they look at this game

    And being like this this will essentially decide uh the championship I thought Bayern were going to give them a much uh uh any trouble at all they got one shot on target it’s it’s kind of remarkable just you know all the news now about chabi Alonzo and they’re Bas

    Everybody’s basically like he’s going to take the Liverpool job and he should take the Liverpool job but by lusen are is it 30 Games 30 they unbeaten the entire season unbeaten in uh 30 some odd games this is remarkable I mean we’re on there’s a possibility we could have an

    Invincible Bundesliga team yeah which would be huge which would I mean if you look back at this a lot of us will remember you know the tactics incredible uh Florian verts is absolutely incredible the idea to put in odian instead of uh a shik is tactical genius

    Gardo being a left back and his heat map looks like he’s a striker I mean all of this is Absol his goal was a class yeah why are you that far Nico Nico goes he might be the best left back in the world I’m like how do you compare him to any

    Other left back you’d have to compare him to attacking midfielders based on the way he plays the tactics are incredible if you want to break down of shabi Alonzo there’s a million of them but he he plays two different sides of the field or two different I mean

    Absolutely incredible I mean if you look at Tel what are you doing dog you bring in Sasha Buie literally the best right back in all of turkey this young Frenchman who seems like the future of the right back and you play him a left back where he’s never played before and

    Then when you bring in guo a left back who looks good in place of uh of Alonso Davies who scored a goal at left back hey you put him at right back what are you doing do too trying to lose there there was a article in the athletic I

    Only saw the headline but I I got to read the article but it just it basically just uh said like the essentially like you’d be surprised at how terrible players are with their with their weak like meaning like you don’t need to have a a good weak foot to even be a

    Professional football you just need one good foot one that’s a 5050 chance so you can’t be swapping the guys on different sides of the field because the first thing I thought of was remember John Terry what’s his name uh Terry the basketball player who won the NBA Finals

    With the Cavs who got the tattoo of the final right before it he was a point guard Terry Jason Terry Jason there maybe I don’t remember uh he only could only dribble with his right hand he literally couldn’t do anything with his left and people were like like oh he’s

    Only got one hand he’s like yeah been able to stop me with only one hand and it’s like yeah it kind of works but this was absolutely so here’s one of the one of the pieces that I absolutely love so inape inap uh is incredible he’s I guess

    The left Center back but so Grimaldo typically comes up and kind of hangs out wide on the flank but what he did was he cut in to the space where ver verts is right there so he would cut in which made mazra uh goreta and Dyer have to figure

    Out which one of us should go up and they kept pulling uh Dyer and uh and and um Kim out of position because they want to be so aggressive that it’s like bro you left these Acres of space back there it really honestly tactically made Tel

    Look like he didn’t know what the hell he was doing he looked like he ain’t got no I mean byon losing 3-0 one shot on goal um is is an embarrassing defeat for the record Meister as they always they kept saying uh in the broadcast um go down and look at the

    XG where’s the it’s right there 1.32 they scored three yeah yours is 0.5 you ain’t scored 1.3 but you score three just goes to show just how you know lethal these guys are and that’s without uh who’s my guy uh Bonnie face uh this with that’s without uh uh sunu that’s without like

    Some of their best starting players yeah this is uh yeah I mean look I is it I guess this was the game I at least I was waiting for to just be like uh you know this this lusen streak and all this stuff is like not a fluke or whatever

    But this this was Byron’s one opportunity to really kind of just like change the narrative a little bit and I don’t know if you saw um there’s a clip of Thomas Muer uh talking cooking everyone but I don’t even speak German I’m like yo this man I know exactly what

    He’s saying I know he’s upset bro a guy yelling in German always my point of reference is always one thing and I’m like it’s the bad one it’s the bad one p might want to sh up the the borders first that’s my first thought it’s like yo this you Germans

    Need anger management at like three years old bro ever say like the marketing the just the pr for a German man yelling has been ruin there’s no way that there’s no context that changes it he was upset I I I believe the the you know the reporter asking him about Tule

    And like you know just his his Tule as a manager and stuff like that and he and he basically focused the attention on the players and yeah he said we have like 11 International Players blah blah blah so he was he was pissed off uh but

    He has every right and this is a guy who doesn’t get that P this is a guy who’s like lski L he a fun guy chill guy you ruin Thomas mu dude but then there’s a part of me that’s like bro you you’ve never not won in your like time and bu

    You’ve never not one why are you so mad like yeah but can you imagine how upset B fans would be if he was kind of chill about he’s like I honestly I didn’t want to have to buy new Dr there has to be some level I’ve done this 11 times in

    Someone all the time but imagine he was like this kind of exciting isn’t it oh my God we’re losing dude finally going be like you know you tell your wife we had sex 30 straight days in a row and on the 31st day she she like she’s like I’m

    Not in the mood you going to do this to me what am I supposed to do with all this poison in my body it’s unhealthy for me to not get it out oh damn it just seems ridiculous I’mma forget what you feel like don’t get mad at me if I find

    Somebody else I know yeah mad toxic bro wildx Thomas relax dog yo chill give shorty a break so yeah man um uh yeah look it’s a we we can talk a little bit more about chabi Alonzo because I think this is obviously a big a statement win and it

    Does feel click on Harry Kane’s face oh yeah yeah oh yeah let’s let’s talk about Harry Kane Harry Kane had one shot bro their shot their one shot onget I didn’t even know if it it wasn’t on target this was not the this was on shot look you

    Could see the on the screen it was blocked so this wasn’t even their shot on target this wasn’t their shot on target this was just you know hey he got n out of 10 accurate passes 90% passes chance created not a one that wasn’t their fault I don’t think that was his

    Fault but if you scroll down you can see his touches it’s just got to mess with him mentally so much he like isn’t me is it me it’s got that’s got to be going through his head at this 18 touches though yeah uh not not not enough for

    Harry Kane can we just let’s click on like uh adly might not be a good point because you’re playing the false n but let’s click on floran verts and let’s just see how many touches he had uh well you just passed it there it is at the

    Top 71 71 a little bit more a midfielder will have or Winger whatever he plays he count of a little bit both um he’s going four and a half times yeah I mean but look look the go to adley well let’s see what adley had the

    The because maybe it’s pretty fair for a game this of this of this 52 52 52 for yeah that’s a significant amount you were there you were present you you said was active hey teach I’m here yeah this is like when my friends would get into

    Fights and I would just like show up at the end like yeah son don’t mess with us anymore bro bro okay I wasn’t here the whole time man I just feel good having another Victor on my belt I’m just shaking my hand like a what do you guys

    Want to do get pizza after this that’s my typical Victory meal so look but but Harry Kane um you know he had the opportunity in the was it German super cup in the beginning of the year to win a trophy to to obviously pretty much all that’s left is Champions League

    The Bundesliga champion playing against the the pocal dfb pocal champion they uh they lost to RB liic uh the yeah and then obviously still in Champions League and uh and Bundesliga is not out of the question but it looks like it’s going to be even more a five point gap against a

    Team that hasn’t lost yet which is just that how have they not lost at all I mean I was watching they’ve only drawn I think like five times not that many the the team that gave them a tough time I was watching they play stook cart I

    Think a couple weeks ago and I was like okay like they’re they’re not you know Invincible like you know they have some flaws like teams can figure them out a little bit and and that was still just a draw and and but Bayern you just with the the amount of like resources the

    Players that they have Harry Kane alone you would think that that you know byon have already won so much uh year after year of the last decade that bringing in a player like Harry Kane it’s just like okay this is there going to be another

    Walk in the park but l so it’s more to say you would assume and I think this is like something that like English people say all the time but like oh Harry Kane’s good enough to at least find you a goal in a bad game you know what I

    Mean and he is of that ilk but bro n no but chabby Alonzo’s like the strategy of basically like don’t let Harry Kane get the ball it work constantly frustrate him yeah they also muala didn’t look good he looked bad I and but I this is

    What you got to credit uh uh by lusen cuz this is I think what they’re doing this season is byon are doing enough to win the Bundesliga without a doubt like without it every other year this would have been perfectly fine they’ve lost what three four matches uh uh a good

    Point uh uh kind of record so far but what Leverkusen are doing are is I I think spectacular and even you know we talk about a lot of play but granes Shaka at Leverkusen has made such a huge difference yes I know I said I wanted

    Him sold and we sold him and now I keep hearing from what a player uh but he is just an incredible player and I’m happy that he got was able to go back home and is doing so well but I will say this so Bayern losing this game that’s good for

    The fan of the Bundesliga right that it out yeah and it’s good for Bundesliga even employees at Bundesliga like yes fin we know CU we talk to some God um how is this for Harry Kane’s that’s what I’m saying bro he’s got to be so down hold on like what about Harry

    Kane but then also he was like you know why would it help this situation if we bring in Eric Dyer bro bring my boy out here bring my boy okay all right we’ve taken some of the massiv L’s together and we’re going to fix it here yo do you

    Want to not win a trophy I have someone who’s an expert okay so this is something more on social media a lot of people have been asking for your guys opinion op on this I want to hear what you have to say too the idea of a blue card coming into

    Soccer basically I don’t even know is it like in conjunction with the yellow card kind of trying to replace a yellow card put a player in like a sinb and a penalty box like they have in hockey what do you guys think of this what is

    Going on so just to just to clarify what it actually is they’re they’re they’re triing this in some lower leagues and they’re thinking about bringing it into the the kind of professional levels um or the higher levels uh so a blue card would essentially be given if you um uh

    Sort of for those like intentional fouls um the those uh you know the the keini uh grabbing Saka and pulling him back stopping this promising attack that it’s not quite a red card it would because they’re clearly a Defender there but it’s it’s a um I forgot the word that

    They use it’s not malicious is not the word but it’s um it’s intentional and it’s meant to stop the flow of the game and so so a blue card would be uh given to a player and they would be have to they would have to step off the field

    For 10 minutes um a lot of people don’t like this idea they think a yellow card is perfectly fine um the the I think the intent behind it or the spirit behind it is to um not have these files at all so that you know the the flow of the game

    Could so you know instead of kolini grabbing uh Saka like that and and stopping him from from what totally could have been a goal or at least a really good play um the I think the thought is that fans would want to see that instead of this foul uh so that

    Would be a blue card and then the second reason you would give a blue card is for Dissent for for you know swarming the referees being disrespectful to the referees not quite not quite a red to be sent off but just to be like hey you got to go over there and will

    You know go think about what you’ve done think about what you did and then then we’ll come back so a lot of people are upset about it but we can uh kind of share our thoughts on what we think let me start with the idea of it being blue

    Is stupid okay color color is the first issue that’s the first part if it’s not quite yellow and it’s a little more than yellow and not quite red that’s orange okay you it should be an orange card I think maybe for the so my retort there

    Would be uh that it might be hard to distinguish between orange you think I wasn’t ready for you you think I wasn’t ready for you my guy you got you got a you got an orange circle you’ve been is it’s still a c it’s just a square with rounded edges I

    Forget what is it beveled beveled Edge there’s a term for a square with rounded edges I forget what it is uh so first if it’s if it’s more than yellow not quite a red that should be orange um second of all why are we constantly trying to add

    Things to this game that slow confuse and take the fans out of it one of the most beautiful things about the sport of football is its flowing free flowing style the think about how dumb it was when we thought uh just when they first announced that they were going to add

    Water breaks to the Qatar World Cup and we’re like oh but the game and the this and that we’re not even talking about potential injuries of a player at the end of a match they’ve been running for 70 plus minutes and now they got to go out there and stand and they’re coming

    Into a really high octane moment in a game this is this is only going to cause more and more problems look a lot of times you have to ask yourself is the juice Worth to squeeze are we doing stuff simply to do stuff or are we thinking about about what the

    Consequences of these decisions and what they they will mean and look yes the keini grabbing Saka by the collar it was horrific right we didn’t want to see it we wanted to see a go- score moment if you’re Italian you’re thinking to yourself that’s a high IQ moment right

    There because he was far enough where it wasn’t a red it was like a perfect time to do it it’s frustrating more frustrating would to see keini have to step off the pitch for 10 minutes and would that even give you the advantage that you wanted give you back how

    Terrible would that be cuz England could have won the Euro and that for us who would have wanted that oh god oh it it came home I don’t want to hear that remix so uh just in general this seems like another thing look I thought I

    Thought V was a good idea I still think it can be it’s just being really wrongly implemented shouts to afcon that’s doing an incredible job with V by the way so obviously it can be done it is you okay the problem was you the whole time um

    Clearly V is something that could be a positive even checking every goal to make sure it went in at some points you start to feel like could you do this a little faster you know what I mean it feels like a little it feels uncomfortable to sit there and wait and

    Then have the just someone go hey I did you know as opposed to being able to really celebrate but now adding this on top of that sin bins and all this stuff bro it’s too much there’s ways to regulate the game and this I feel like

    We’ve I don’t want to say the game is perfect but it was it’s good enough at this this moment I’d say this I think the uh my main issue with it is uh like that the professional fou that you kind of mentioned that that is I like that

    Part of the game I think that is you need you need to be intelligent you have to have a high football like make those I’m not like when when keini did that I wasn’t like man damn we didn’t get to see a possible goal I said yo he almost

    Ripped that dude shirt off yo that was crazy bro horse collar 15 yards do yeah so the fact that I got to see such a wild foul um was that that provided a fair amount of entertainment so I’m and gave us stuff to talk about which for us

    Is good yeah so I’m I’m less okay with the the a blue card being given for that than for like the scent I think descent there has to be some level of protection with referees we’ve been seeing so many crazy incidents uh at high levels at amateur levels with

    Referees I think the the blue card gives an opportunity to for for uh uh to to to have a little bit more authority to to to police this this disrespectful behavior that is not that I think we don’t want to see in the game so I have

    A better idea if people are crowding around you give the captain a red card or give the captain a yellow card I mean the captain is supposed to be the one responsible for getting the other players away from the ref and have that conversation with the ref if a

    Conversation needs to be had with the ref that’s part of the game is communic with the ref how the game is being called but that’s the thing is that certain players can influence the game and influence the referee constantly it part of the game but I look I have to

    Like think about look Christina Uncle she she retweeted our uh our tweet because I I had tweeted this about um you know when yellow cards and red cards uh were created uh I I said they were invented for for Pelle because he was being uh um you know during the I think

    It was the 66 World Cup and and he like had to miss I they had to miss like one of the World Cups [ __ ] out they were following him like crazy because the cards didn’t exist and somebody said like it wasn’t Pelle um that it was uh

    It was in 1966 there was a game between England Argentina and the head of the referees uh created it because it was it was literally almost chaotic it was just chaotic um which I think both are sort of a factor because I I’ve read a bunch of stuff about you know Pelle was

    Literally the most popular player in the world and he was missing matches he was missing tournaments so financially it was just like we well we can’t have our the greatest player ever not playing and stuff like that so I think it’s a a little bit of both or at least Pelle was

    Definitely a big influence but Christina Uncle she uh I had asked the question who well who are they making the blue cards for and this was her tweet she responded she quote tweeted us she said literally for every quick counterattacking player who’s been pulled down by a Defender who’s been

    Beat to take away the quick counter and promising attack can’t wait to see that Defender stop the poll uh because the punishment prevents the crime and we get some beautiful goals so I understand that like look and she is a referee and I understand the uh that intention

    Meaning that she would like to see that goal progress rather than see or at least the play progress rather than to see the foul because that would be more entertaining to her I I have a different opinion but I think you know getting to know Christina uncle and hearing her

    Talk about referees I’ve I’ve grown to have a lot more sympathy for referees it’s a difficult job they deal with a lot of like not just criticism from like the internet literally the players on the pitch are screaming at them and and at some point there has to be like HR

    Got to get involved be like yo why do I got to deal with this but don’t you think the fix to that is like I feel like a lot of those moments when players are crowding around the referees it’s because the referee has made a mistake

    And isn’t the easier fix of that just to have the referees be better or get better referees it’s not just mistakes there’s times where where players are realizing they’re not to the same quality as the other team and influencing the ref to try to get a

    Certain player out is a is a good way to do it I mean it’s also very common in Latin America where you need to you need to win at not just how many goals you’re scored you need to win everywhere so win as far as influence against the ref you

    Have to win in trying to get the other player to to allocate allocated as many fouls as possible again you know that’s part of winning within the means of the game for me and this is what’s frustrating is you’re you’re not thinking about what the consequences of this will be you’re

    Saying yes if we want to know if a goal was scored or not after every goal we’ll stop down and then and you’re like all right but what’s the net effect of that you don’t think about that so now you’re going to hand this blue card out that’s

    Also going to be you know contested was that even was that should that be a blue card hey I was you can’t hear what I was saying I was just saying blah blah blah or the tone was different blah blah blah the simple way of doing this is to

    Simply tell the C the captains at the beginning of the match hey no crowding around the ref no trying to influence the ref if we see it you’re going to get docked three you got a yellow you’re the captain you have to take this one and now that responsibility falls on the

    Captain to make sure his team knows if you crowd around the the the ref I’m out right right and at the end of the day now you’re making the team police themselves versus adding this extra thing that’s going to be something and you guys do this every time you don’t

    Realize every time you add something it’s more for people to yell at you for if you want people to stop yelling at you stop adding stuff man I agree with that part I think it this is going to it adds another layer uh to the game that

    It’s look referees can handle it they can hand out another card but it’s just it’s the thought process of is this the right punishment right now but there’s no reason to add a different punishment when you can simply expand the punishments you already have or enforce it correctly again I just don’t trust

    The current crop of referees that we have what if one of them just just like in a bad mood one day and he’s like oh I don’t like what you said to I understand that but look this is the the the reality so I think we’re all agreeing

    It’s AI R right the reality of the matter like I really think that would solve it even if even Mike saying uh you know I don’t like this crap of referees there are no there’s no better referees these are the best ones I got to be hon in the Premier League these referees

    Have so bad there are no better ones whatever ones I think you’re what you’re saying is probably not wrong but it’s frustrating to here it is frustrating but but I will also say two of my ideas which I think you guys are not giving cred okay one AI refs get rid of the

    Refs it’s all computers now you can’t argue with a computer or two can we get a ref Academy that what do you think that doesn’t exist let’s just build it doesn’t we need to build refs for you know what refs are it’s like most left backs are like failed midfielders who

    Were failed forwards you know what I mean right like or center backs like just keep pushing them further back ref what failed accountants why refs are people who didn’t get listened to in high school I’ll show you no I sorry Christina uh refs I think are for the

    Most part people who played the sport but knew they weren’t going to make it at a pro level so they turn into ring no one grows up saying I want to be a ref okay sure yeah but it’s still you met anyone still a job it’s you know it’s

    Still a job that people need to do yeah what are you talking about yeah so there has to be some respect given to the job that’s all I’m saying now when your job is to tell the players they’ve done something wrong that you’re always gonna

    Feel the ey of the player and the fans of that player and that team adding a blue card is making your job harder not easier stop it and I don’t dispute that I’m I’m not disputing that I do think it makes their job harder because it adds another layer of punishment another

    Thing for them to think about about a million things there yeah exactly so this is the uh uh you look I’m not defend you heard about oh [ __ ] Christian Les we got a purple card dog oh he’s got to be up for 48 and A2 minutes no I’m

    Not defending a referees just like just a sort of a blanket statement like they can do no wrong they should be given more respect on a general basis game every referee will make a mistake every game and it’s just a matter of how big the mistake is that’s that’s the reality

    Hear me out let’s go to the most extreme scenario right Tottenham Liverpool game from early this season where the VAR makes a mistake yeah what if one of the players is so convinced that he’s was on the Tottenham player was on side goes up to the ref starts telling him you’re

    Wrong you’re wrong you know says whatever something maybe a little bit over the line gets a blue card for 10 minutes Liverpool goes down and scores again now you’re doubling down on your mistake because not only was the original mistake wrong but you punish the team for arguing the correct should have been

    Made two different things you can’t if you know you’re not supposed to argue at that point as frustrating and difficult as it as it is but if they’re objectively wrong yes yes no you’re getting a back call yes I get it but you can’t say like well the only reason I

    Punched him is because he hit my car and now I got a paper you can’t you also did something wrong look at the end of the day the the idea a that refs don’t have to answer questions at press conferences is ridiculous if you are the end all be

    All of these rules then you need to answer for them and when you’ve made a mistake that needs to be called out and that I think is how you first of all we may never get any more refs some one might sign up for but this is how you

    Get the Reps to be better second of all adding more things is only creating more a more difficult job for you to do so all of these things you think you’re solving problems you’re creating them for yourselves if that’s at the end of the day what you want you’re doing a

    Great job of it this is all your faults all your faults these are all dumb rules so over the weekend there were the finals to two tournaments that we haven’t really talked about too much honestly have we tal I don’t think we’ve talked about them at all since they’ve

    Been really happening we brought them up in the beginning during the group stages a little bit yeah not too much um since then but the Asia cup and afcon both finished this weekend congrats to Cutter and uh Ivory Coast for winning their respective championships but Ivory Coast

    Without a manager without a manager no manager my this is the I mean the the game they played against uh Jordan right or no ran was no Asia cup that was Asia cup yeah yeah no no I’m saying the Asian cup Qatar one who do they play I forgot

    They play Jord Jordan bowled out by the way Jord good was good yeah and uh but they got three penalties uh which is Imagine scoring a hatrick on penalties bro which W that’s bananas the the the dude uh the the gold celebration that he did you saw he did the magic the magic

    Trick so turns out it was an S his wife first name starts with an S okay so that’s what it was it was a reference to his wife that’s what the the AP reported got it got it but it was I was all also like all right this is like impressive

    Like it was ni go and pulls a rabbit out of hisat or something bro but out of the the shinard and does the the you see him fold it when he pulls it out of the you don’t you don’t believe in magic anymore bro what do you mean anymore did you I

    Wish you would have met me as a child and you’d be like wow you’ve always been like this I didn’t I didn’t have a cord on my ear you liar you ain’t got my nose dog I would have felt that also how would it have stayed back there who this Punk get out

    My damn face dog uh y I’m about to call Peter on you with that rabbit so then and then the afcon final uh was uh was also I I did watch this game this was I will say I mean look I haven’t seen every fcon obviously this might be the best fcon

    I’ve ever watched so this has been absolutely exciting titillating I might even a lot of uh just a uh Wild Games a you know kind of like you you again I I haven’t seen too many afcon uh uh tournaments uh but this I this tournament I watch the most games ever

    And it’s it’s one of those things where you don’t know I personally don’t know like the what quality to expect from each particular country um I I I go online like everybody fans don’t either yeah I mean even this was a very upside down but even like I go on Twitter and

    I’m like oh you know I see cap uh cap ver playing really well I’m like okay maybe I’ll learn a little bit something and then people like on Twitter like yo have you seen the cap Verdi and women you okay right this what I should be

    Paying attention to oh by the way you know all those all those camera guys that are trained to just find the baddies in the stadium they’re all at AF it is nonstop they hire the best of the best oh my God it is non-stop the horniest group of

    Cameramen okay um so uh so so was entertaining tournament throughout uh you know to say the least Ivory Coast uh who had one win in the in the group stage they were very very poor bro they lost four nil to ecuatorial guinea yeah and now they they’ve won the whole thing

    At home ecuatorial Guinea is the only African uh country that speak Spanish uhhuh they’re the only one that pronounce it Africa okay love it um so the um so Ivory Co had a terrible start obviously they uh by the way the reason they speak Spanish is not for a good

    Reason same with the Portuguese or the French the reason I speak Spanish is not very good the reason I speak Spanish also not very good reason reason we speak English is not a good reason look we can get into a whole thing that was actually a slight positive as to me speaking

    English thank you for letting my mother in the country any so uh so I Coast they sacked their manager after the group stage before they qualified for The Knockout yeah cuz they were like and then they qualifi and then they qualifi they were like because another you know

    The results of the other team they got in as a third place team they tried to borrow Renard yeah yeah yeah her Renard who was the the Saudi Arabia manager at the men’s World Cup who he’s got French women French women right now they tried to borrow they tried to loan and manage

    Yo for a couple minutes he’s not he’s not doing anything right now no I’m look I’m I know he’s your man’s bro but I just need him for this one thing one last job yeah yeah that’s like my boy this my my boy got caught chea on his

    Girl and the girl was obviously very upset and he’s like bro she means nothing to me I’mma break it off after next weekend and she was like after next weekend he’s like bro I promise her i’ go to her brother’s wedding hey yo she let him go

    Do hey you know what Bernard bro she she she hit him with the you know what but he comes back home to me that’s right that’s right I hope you ain’t dancing right now she was watching that like Swiss was watching the half time show she was outside the

    Shrubs I do I do appreciate though how the Ivory Coast was just like all right the who do we need to stand in our sideline if we don’t the most ripped assistant we have the dude was in like the XL sh his arms are puffing out

    Homies SW by the way this is his first managerial job ever look at that bro crazy I thought it was nutritionist just on the side hilarious the physio is up there uh wins the whole thing but you know who I feel great first of all Sebastian aair what a great what a great

    Story beats the cular can or remission I know my wife works in cancer so you never say beats cancer but you know survives that I talked to Charlie about that this morning just the the pulling at your heartstrings but also the feeling of like all right none of this is really as

    Important as we made it all out to be life is the most important thing so you could kind of see that when he tried the bicycle kick that would have G it oh this dude playing with no worry bro he going for it and then that little dink

    At the end I mean to score the winner yeah that I I thought it was an own goal I mean it was a great the spe it it was you know he he he stuck his leg up there and uh truce Tru Kong who scored uh the

    Goal H for Nigeria in in the first time William TR Kong who I where does he plays for p but I think he did he grow up in England he might I I I’ve seen like an interview with him uh and he’s just like a a really great dude oh but a

    Lot of the Nigerian team are all as uh as a willby put it in an interview they’re all mandm yeah yeah yeah he’s from the ne NE lands TR Kong K but a lot of people on this team now obviously Adam OA lman I believe grew up in London

    Um but yeah he was like yeah you go I think AI was like not technically the first I think there was a goalkeeper but a willby was the first one to be like yeah I grew up in London or whatever but I’m going to S with my di but TR Kong is

    The center back but he scored a couple goals uh in the tournament and uh just like a strong a strong Defender great player and he was the guy marking Sebastian air and I it was one of the things where he the ball arrived so quickly into the box where he was like

    You know uh uh haer’s foot is not anywhere near like my my face is going to and like and then You’ have to be a kungu master like the rocket bro is going to get to this ball before anybody’s foot does and and and allair

    Got the he hit the ball with like the with with the studs which is from the angle that it was coming at it it’s it was like he he pinged it off of his foot and uh it hit it into the the the far netting you know turich is like yo why

    Don’t you do that at BB dog there was a little bit why might not seeing this at home my so the uh uh so just a great moment uh obviously Dr by the way did you see that I know legend legend scream he crying but I mean the the scenes of

    Him sitting not even in like a city was like in the stairs trying to watch and just the emotions to think back to this man stopped a Civil War in this country by saying hey if y’all don’t put your gun Downs we’re not guns down we’re not

    Playing to stop a Civil War in that country and then to be a part of this scene be be a significant member of this team he he would run into the stands and the crowd he was like so excited and so happy but they won at home to to come to

    That like that full circle moment must be so wild that too but then it’s also when you see the the initial images from the group stages it’s just like yo why are you making drug but so sad bro as sad as he made Arsenal fans why are you

    Doing that to him my man is he’s one of those people that you just can’t hate without doubt I can’t hate drug but yeah oh yeah and you met him I saw him at the when we were at the E AFC event and and

    I was like bro this man I want to hate him as much as he used to kill Arsenal but I can’t and then I put the mic on him and he was like I enjoyed killing Arsenal like stop man I like I even like you that you said that it’s so hard like

    You saying that but this is this was someone who you know we went to go see him play in a playoff game in Montreal right right right where where the lines weren’t correctly drawn on the field they had to redraw the boxw they had to respray the box it was hilarious just

    That molest uh but this is he’s one of those players that you just I wanted them to win for him sure sure and ivory coach must have been a party man shouts to C bro yeah yeah that was uh uh you know you feel bad for the Nigerians cuz

    Uh you know obviously uh you know we know not lot of Nigerian people we know obviously when you know especially in England there’s so many a huge Nigerian community so I’m like I feel like I’ve learned more about Nigerian culture through through England and English friends and stuff like that so that was

    I was rooting for them um but in that part of me wanted them to win yeah but that second half was uh just and they didn’t want it they didn’t want it they weren’t playing that aggressively uh they were trying to like uh you know

    Just park the bus uh so to speak and yeah and so Ivory Coast wented at home uh and incredibly entertaining uh tournament also one of my favorite things about afcon is the way the announcers talk about the the the team sometimes like there was a I can’t

    Remember who it was I think it was maybe kusu somebody somebody or I can’t remember who it was but somebody took a a long range shot when they probably shouldn’t have yeah yeah there was a lot of those at AF there’s a lot afcon got coup went in though a couple ball shots

    A couple gasos but this guy definitely tries something that even they’ve never tried ining and Patrick y you take that shot tell me when you take that shot when did you try that shot but uh bro the announcer was like whatever the guy’s name was I’ll say it was let’s say

    It was kusu it might not have been but I’m just using that as an example he was like kusu clearly tried to be the star of the pun I just like wild disrespectful but also what we’re all thinking so shouts to just I think afcon in total people there’s always the idea

    Like you know the perem league managers always treat it like oh God why do they interrupt our why you take our best players blah blah blah blah blah and fans are there’s a disrespectful tone when they talk about afcon and I just think about how amazing the whole s it was literally

    Picture Perfect everything from I don’t know the infrastructure because we weren’t there but there were questions about uh Ivory Coast’s infrastructure that seems to be perfectly fine the the V the officiated was Trey magn cuz it was I mean they they also had the the World Cup uh

    Semi-automated uh L outside and stuff so that I think that helped a little bit as well but um get that M of the blue cards bro can’t invest in that uh all right yeah man I I enjoyed it uh very very much all right yo Round of Applause Asia

    Cup afcon two great competition without a doubt all right everybody shouts to Jordan as well thank guar is back toback you deserve all the credit but Jordan bald out uh thank you so much for joining us again welcome back to Alexis uh again we have an exciting episode

    With Brendan hunt uh this Thursday make sure check that out the homie from Ted lasso coach beard we had a on this show live in studio in the studio in the stew we made that man walk into this building okay oh no uh so uh make sure you check

    That out subscribe to the cool again podcast wherever you listen to podcast Apple podcast Spotify leave a review feel free to do that and subscribe on our YouTube channel as well almost 10K we’re very close to 10K we’re so close get us there baby get us over the line

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