Classical Conversation Cycle3 Week 18 WW2 (part1)

    -Review of History week 17 ; the Treaty of Versailles
    – Background of the Great Depression in U.S.
    -the Great Depression with President Hoover
    – President Roosevelt New Deal
    – Affected American’s life
    – Totalization in Italy, Germany, Japan
    – the League of Nation
    -Axis Power (Italy, Germany, Japan)
    -Allies (Great Britain, France, Poland)
    -Germany invaded Poland with Soviet Union

    Hi everyone we’re doing CC uh three history week 18 already today and next week we’re going to talk about World War II so let’s review a little bit about World War I what happened after the war so there was a treaty of Versa and Germany returned some of the territory to France and

    Belgium and Poland and also Germany have to give up the oversea colonies and limited Germany militaries and pay P for the damage so most of the this uh the request really the poison to Germany because um the forever the enemy of the Germany was France and France really

    Didn’t want to have any threaten from Germany so France asked uh Germany to limit the military power and England wanted to have the money back for the damage for a after the World War I so England asking the money and America asking a lot of more uh few things but one of the

    Significant uh part the America request was the uh League of nation make organization of League of nation so when there for the peace when uh Germany or any other European country or any any countries in the world trying to invade some other countries without any uh reason and attack then somebody some

    Organization will make a peace but the problem was the America didn’t join American Congress didn’t want to join although the President Wilson um set up the league of nation so anyway that was the review of of our the Treaty of the Versa and the uh last week and let’s go

    Over the details for World War II so this request this Treaty of the uh vers was pretty poison to Germany so that makes people upset so let’s talk about what happened in uh America so during the World War I America economy was really do doing well because people are

    Selling uh War uh supplies to fighting countries and the factory is making supplies very quickly so that means you need to have more jobs lot of jobs required and so um America was doing very well so more jobs a lot of jobs that means economy boom so after the

    World War I there was problem Factory no more have to making War supplies so there’s no jobs and think many things in Factory piles and piles and cannot sell so the factory borrow money from bank and couldn’t pay back so no job that means no money that means you have no

    Food to bring home in the factory they borrow money from the bank and couldn’t pay Bank so the Star Market crashing off 1929 and people quickly selling the stocks at the same time and stock money went down and lost a lot of money people just lost money and the Great Depression

    Happened in America and economy collapsed and crashed and earn people earn less that so that people buy less and in the factory there is over production production is way more than the demand so American Business forced into layoff if for example the Ford Motor Company was forced to cut its number of workers

    By 45% that’s pretty big number and this is what happened in Great Depression if you get the picture this is what you people line up you see people line up for getting the free free bread and coffee and they say why can’t you give my dad a job and there’s four children’s

    Sale and um people are gathering people cannot really pay off their house so they uh have uh the uh the homeless people they get together and then there is a camp homeless camp and there’s no electric cities and there’s no Waters and it’s pretty bad pretty not good

    Conditioning if you look at the pictures so people even call it they have a uh the name for it and at the time the president uh Hoover didn’t really trying to help said that government job is not government job to help so the President Hoover made a federal government should

    Not have to uh help the unemployment and state and local government in private group or and Charities should help people and people blame for Hoover for causing the depression although it was only less than one year he became present people started blaming like nothing getting good and improving and the present

    Doesn’t do anything present didn’t want to help people so the people are unable to pay loan payment to their Banks and lost homes and the slums uh became known as Hoover Village if you look at the picture this is are work the kids are standing here Hoover Poor Farm tobacco

    Fund hard times are still hovering over us they’re making joke with his name and this is pretty bad situation people living here and this newspaper saying billions lost as stocks crash people just the bank they save the money in the bank and Bank just gone everything just

    Gone money is gone and people cannot pay pay off their job and then people using lots of credit at the time so when America was doing economically doing well they encourage people to use credit what is credit you borrow money you use to pay off the pay you buy things with a

    Credit and you pay off later that’s credit so when econ economy was not doing well people couldn’t pay back the money to the bank so that was a problem and people are Eagle to help like uh other president so there was a guy Frank Franklin Roosevelt President Franklin roselt he became elected he

    Became president so he had a new deal we have to act quickly and immediately and boldly to help people in 1935 the Congress passed 4.8 billion jobs programs and so he C uh he tried to create it the jobs for the people so they can have a work and they can have

    Money so what they do was building the schools and infrastructure Stam and Roads and museums and airports so it building the uh country more industrial and uh successful and uh they hire the people that who didn’t have a job so the jobs help restore self respect and confidence in American

    Workers not just helping the economic way but he created jobs that helping uh people’s self respect and um confidence and more stores opened so factories began to hire workers and the Social Security Act of 1935 uh so the Congress they set the Social Security Act of 1935 I thought

    This is very interesting because I uh read something about President roselt he happened to see the Elder people in the street they are digging the trash can and looking for food it really broke his heart so he made something new act so if you look at the chart here Social

    Security Act of 1935 there’s three parts there’s the first one is pension benefits for the elderly money for the pensions came from two new taxes one tax came from the employee tax employ pay and equal amount came from the employer so later you are becoming the older and

    You are Elder when you cannot get you cannot continue working and making money so the there will be the pension for your um older life when you’re older and second one is unemployment compassion the employer paid an additional tax to pay unemployed workers until they find

    Job so if you cannot if you you lay off and you um cannot make money then you cannot pay off your house and you become the homeless easily and so because you have no money so what the government helping was um the employer pay additional tax and so later the your

    Owner pay additional tax and you also from your paycheck your money go back goes to the tax special tax so later Whoever has no job you laying off job you get lay off from job you to get unemployment compensation so the government is trying to helping people

    And third one is disability benefit the payments were made to disable this uh disabled or blind Americans so the people who are disabled cannot get easily job then uh government trying to help so it’s called the Social Security Act of 1935 and also home own owners loan core

    Operation what it does is um make the low interest and long-term house loan and low cost for buildings and during the Depression many Americans in danger of losing their home because they could not make their loan payment so homeowners Loan in corporation it uh established in

    1933 was designed to helping them so um low interest and longterm and home loan and also the house there there will be available for lowcost home building and repair easily those kind of house available so the government provide that and the Great Depression affected most American’s life in a hard time people

    Dance actually to big band music and watch the m movie and there at the time the Hollywood movie was very like a lot of good movies came out and Hollywood provide a new world of Comedy and musicals and dramas it booster people’s life although the economically you have

    People having hard time because of this cultural movement and art and sports and dance music all these things make a people together for example the wizard of O I bet you guys like the movie there might be a happier so it’s giving the um um like idea and hope there might be

    Happier life after this so the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow became out so people losing ho one day somewhere over there it’s not too close to you but somewhere over there there is Rainbow there’s a hope is the depression the Great Depression will be end very soon

    And there will be Rainbo coming to you and also there there was a Olympic game and at the time the uh German theader aul uh Hiller he hoped to prove that white German athletes were better than any others so uh at the time in Olympic in b um in German in

    Germany the African-American athlet name Jess Owens he won four Olympic gold medals in Berlin in Germany so trying he Hitler he tried to prove that the superior uh the blood of the white German is most powerful the best best but actually the africanamerican uh guy just own he just

    Won four Olympic golden medal so if Hitler’s idea is proven is wrong and also in 1938 white German boxer and versus uh world champion American Professor boxer he’s black guy his name is Joe leis they also um had a game and hiter all again second time wanted to prove for white

    German Superior power their their race but it only took 2 minute and 4 seconds to win the game so American people uh trying although it was a Great Depression such a hard time but trying to get over and president roselt had a new deal to help

    People and let’s see what’s going on in Europe so in there’s something new idea is coming uh it’s called totalization that means so total is more important than the individual so before and during the Great Depression in US other countries having depression also it is everything affecting each other so Germany and uh

    Italy and Japan they fell under the control of dictators let’s talk about Germany I mean I’m sorry let’s talk about Italy first so in Italy musolini the guy the leader’s name is musolini you can see his picture here musolini controlled the Italian government since 1922 and he was very strong leader he

    Said the full power to run the country is the best and he was the fascist believer that uh the state or Union was more important than the individual so military power and the war were the good for the nation and the slogan for the Italy musolini musolini was believe

    And Obey and fight no question don’t ask any question just believe it and Obey and fight so total is more important your individual rights your freedom is not important only the total as a union of the country is most important how do you do that you need to have a full

    Power of the military let’s go to uh Germany Germany after World War I people are so upset they removed their King and established a democracy but then inflation was pretty bad if you look at the picture here the kids are blocked using uh the money block there that’s their toy blocks and

    The woman under under the picture the below the woman is uh burning the money to make fire buying Ood piece pieces of Ood was more expensive than all this money so it’s just more it’s cheaper to actually burn the money the money paper money was worthless it

    Just if you want to buy one one jar of milk right now maybe in US you pay like $3 but at the time in Germany like like if the if I compare right now for the situation you go to store you have have to pay like $3,000 you have to bring

    $33,000 of the the uh cash to buy one jar of milk that’s how much the inflation happened in Germany paper money became worthless and and many workers lost their jobs there were no more jobs and anyway that was after the World War I so people are having really hard time and

    Democratic um government of Germany was criticized being so weak and there’s a two group of the people the National Socialist and Nazi party they oppose the German government so one guy his name is Hitler he was the Nazi party and he organized to encourage the power of Nazi

    So he declared that democracy is actually the weak thing that democracy cannot solve the nation’s problems an economic crisis is not because of German’s fault is because uh we the German mix blood with Jewish so that’s a problem the Hitler keeps saying the reason of the economic

    Crisis is not our problem it’s not so they BL he blaming others and he told Germans that communist and Jewish they were trying to destroy their government he was pretty good uh speaker public speaking he had a public good public speaking skills so people actually listen to him and he promised

    That the pro prosperity for all Germans to gain their support and he reached against democracy and for hatred of the Jews and he became dictator he also was doing exactly same thing as musini he became the totalization and dictatorship and Hitler actually did did something uh improving the German

    Economy he created job so it’s pretty similar patent for to me to see the how president roselt deal with the economic crisis and also Hitler did very similar thing he created jobs so he built highways and public buildings like schools and hospitals and giving many people work and this is similar to when

    A City built a new road and the schools like to government is building this government job to build the city and the road and schools so the government giving job to the people and second thing is building military Hitler also spent lots of money on military by doing that he not only

    Strengthened the Army but also helped industry grow because they were making things for the military this is like a country spending money on its defense and third one is Germany self sufficient so Germany didn’t have to depend on other nations as much at the time the when they trade there was a big

    Tax going on when you buy American product there was a tariff so you pay extra uh High tax for that so Germany realize we should not buy other other nation’s product we should make our own so that’s what the Germany uh did for boosting their economy and Hiller uh as

    I just mentioned he was good public speaker he uh had a campaign against German Jews so the German Jews he called them Traders German Jews lost their citizenships and their jobs and the German Master race did domesticate do dominate the Europe a thousand years they there was a Holy Roman Empire of

    Europe and then after that it was German Empire so pretty much the German uh dominate Europe for Thousand Years what happened to them right now they feels like uh they are actually they were uh failure after the losing War so the reason they fail because of Jews who

    They mix blood they so the Hitler um speaking uh we need to purify our blood we need a purity and at the time the Church of the German in Germany their Christianity was weak so people just listen to him and following him and becoming the totalization and let’s see Italy in in

    1935 Italy invade Ethiopia through SS canel swis can at the time belonged to England British and British the England they give even permission for Italy to go invade to use Su Canal that is something is wrong you can tell right what happened to League of nation England was part of League of

    Nation and they even give the permission for Italy to use Su canel to go to Ethiopia to invade so although the Ethiopian resisted bravely their outdated way weapons were no match for muslin tank remember this uh Italy joined World War I so they already experience how the new

    Weapons and new tanks and poison gas can do so Muslim used those new technology to invade Ethiopia so Ethiopian King asked League of nation for help but there is no power in the league of nation that was problem so the league of nation didn’t do much didn’t actually

    Didn’t do anything maybe the league of nation did uh let’s not buy anything from Italy they have a boycott but there’s nothing really serious like power to force them to stop and Italy withdraw withdraw the league of nation in 1937 League of nation didn’t do anything to punish

    It and let’s see what’s going on in Japan in Japan after the world war war World War I it was pretty they have a hard time too because World worldwide depression also hurt Japan the Japanese industry needed more imported coal and oil and iron to run their their factories and

    Industrial um Revolution so the depression made it difficult for Nations to trade without enough raw materials so Japan threatened other countries because they didn’t have those raw material when you don’t have this and you are suffering what happen you go to take other people’s stuff right so Japan and

    Also Japan rely on imported rice the Japanese they eat lot of rice and people uh don’t have any rice because cannot cannot import the rice so in Japan at the time now there’s new technology and they know how to do it but at a time they’re not able to grow enough rice on

    Their own so many people have no food after they not trading is not easy and 4 one so radical military leaders took control of Japanese government and Japanese attack invade manua in China because this area was famous for rich in coal and iron that was 1937 and so Japanese invad China again

    And captur several important cities and that control Asia and and Japan control a lot of place in Asia and established Japanese empire Japan also wanted to expand it like like Germany so when Le of nation knew that did they do something they didn’t do anything so somebody is watching this in Germany

    Hitler is aha in Germany withdraw the league of nation 1933 and Germany is looking at it oh what’s going on in Italy it attack invade Ethiopia and Japan went to couple other countries in attack and invade but leag of nation didn’t do anything so Hitler slowly learning ah it’s okay to

    Do it’s okay to invade other countries and take somebody’s stuff because the Le of nation is not going to do anything so Germany sent military in front of France French the France feel felt threatening because the H the strong military just came in front of them so the Germany little by little

    Break the treaty because the Treaty of vers says you have to have uh uh you cannot use certain uh like uh submarines and aircraft and those things and you have to limit your military but Germany actually built strong military and send the military in front of France that means they’re going to do

    Something so the access power uh Germany from Hillary and Italy from musolini and Japan from Tojo they come they join together making access power they want to expand in um their Nations to Wi in 1938 Union of Austria so Germany going to Austria and invade Austria the goal

    Is that the he want to bring all the Germans picking people together because before World War I Germany already invaded Austria and Hungary they it was expanded it was theirs but after the World War I the America request you divide the Germany is already tooo big you return your uh the territory to

    These countries so one of the the territory belonged to Austria and Austria was independent but then Germany went to Austria and invade again he want to make expanding again so 1938 Germany went to Austria and make un unify and Austrian Austrian people didn’t even fight back to to

    Germany because they knew German German soldiers are very strong cannot even fight for back to them and also the Germany now this time going to Czechoslovakia there were many German speaking people too so Germany turned next to Czechoslovakia and Hitler threatened to use the force to avoid the uh to avoid

    The war the Prime Minister of Great Britain they knew something is they knew Germany is doing something they they knew something strange things Seer is planning so the prime minister of the Great Britain he suggest to get together with the major power of Europe leaders so there was um

    Chamberlain from Britain and musolini from Italy Hitler from Germany and another leader uh from France they together met in Germany so there’s a little small picture here you can see the leaders together they agree that in we uh it’s called Munch agreement okay Germany you take some part of the

    Czechoslovakia and Austria but no more no more asking no more tend to uh try to uh invade other countries or trying to take the territory so Germany they agree to keep peace and they keep they Germany agreed to make the peace with um France and uh British Great

    Britain and so the champoline and the leader of France they agreed to keep peace and give the Germany his demons which is the small part of the Czechoslovakia and you can see the picture here uh the champoline he was holding the paper and he’s saying oh now now we

    Are the peaceful our time the Hitler promised there will be the peaceful time there will be no more war they really trust that but what happened Hitler broke the promise and Germany invited chos Slovakia and took all the territory so uh Great Britain and France they knew

    Germany is trying to make war so they are making allies between um uh allies among the Great British Great Britain and France and Poland together and Germany asking Soviet Union the leader at the time was Stalin asking him to work together to invade the Poland if you look at the map the Poland

    Was between the Soviet Union which was uh former Russia and uh Frank of sorry with uh between the Poland was between Germany and Soviet Union so Germany asking Soviet Union hey why don’t we invade together the Poland and as a reward we just share the land

    Half of this land will be ours half is yours so they promise and agree okay we work together why not so um Germany asking Soviet Union to be allies together and invade Poland in 1939 so the Treaty of Versa had given Poland a strip of the land called the Polish Corridor on the

    Piece of land Poland gained access to the Baltic Sea and Great Britain and France expected help from the actually Soviet Union but Soviet Union to fight for fight against Germany but Soviet Union already promised and Germany already talked before four and they are friends together Germany Soviet Union

    They’re friends together so uh they Together Al attacked Poland to divide between them the land half of the Poland so Poland is gone now half of the land belong to Germany half of the land belong to Soviet Union and that’s how World War I started in 1939 when Germany broke the promise and

    Invade um Poland so that’s our history this week and uh we are going to talk about how uh how American joined the war of World War II and we’ll continue the story thanks for listening bye

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