In this video, I share my opinion on living in London while riding my bike from work. I talk about the pros and cons of living in one of the most diverse and vibrant cities in the world, and how it has changed my life. I also show you some of the sights and sounds of London. Whether you are planning to move to London, or just curious about what it’s like, this video is for you. Watch me bike and chat about London!

    Okay guys another day another dollar just finished work going back home it was not my best day to be honest but it’s gone is in the past now that’s it we need to look forward we got some few more days before the weekend hopefully the weather’s going to be a lot

    Better during the weekend and we can go out somewhere let me see bum bum bum okay cuz it was a long week it is a long week feels like he long to be honest and he’s only Tuesday only two days in this weekend and it feels like it was 5

    Or6 but yeah it is how it is what can we do yeah well today’s subject because my first time when I will do this Vlog in English so probably I should start talk more about how I ended up in England it’s a red and uh when I came here what is my opinion

    About living here and uh yeah some of this stuff you know I should talk about more well I came in in England more exactly in London about 10 years ago so in 24 of April I think is going to be 10 years since I’m in in London because I came straight in London

    And uh if I will have to be honest I don’t really enjoy it first years when I came here like I would say first 10 year first story first first two years it was good and it was only because I was earning more than I used to earn in

    Romania and yeah a lot more than I used to earn in Romania and uh yeah that that used to bring me a lot of happiness it made me feel so good but I think money and um the happiness that money brings it to you I think it after a while it goes

    Away and you start see other things that you need you need more you need to chill more for example London for me is too crowdy this pack of people whenever you wherever you go it’s full of people which don’t get me wrong is not bad for someone who enjoys

    That it’s not bad but for me first one two years I didn’t really care I didn’t feel anything I didn’t even realize there’s so many people here because it was so new for me everything was so new and uh yeah I didn’t care about so many things but now

    It’s it started to bother me a bit CU I really want to have more I don’t know maybe you it’s it might be the fact that I’m getting a bit older now I came when I was 24 now I’m 34 so when you get old maybe you get a bit more irritated about

    Stuff you don’t really like noisy places anymore like you you know guys you don’t stop enjoying going out so much I used to go when you are young you go out a lot clapping and I don’t know nighttime night life all that things but while you’re getting older you start

    To want to be more in the inside the house after work you getting tired quicker and yeah even when you go into holidays you want to go in places where it’s not so crowded you want to spend more time chilling resting and that’s me I’m talking about me

    Now some people are different some people like to go out like crowded places but it’s not me anymore but yeah when I when I first came here it was it was nice I to enjoy a lot I had a bit of a shock to be honest cuz what you

    See on the internet and also on the TV about London itself is totally different than what you see into when you get here is totally different because obviously who wants to show the bad side of a country or of a city nobody they will always show you the good

    Side so that what that that is exactly what happened to me I didn’t know exactly what to expect I was expecting to see you know things that I used to see on the TV but when I got here I was in a bit I was in I was in a bit of

    Shock because it was not what I was expecting and uh it was 2024 when I came and uh it was the same year that Romania had the right Romanians had the right to work here legally because as you know we joined EU way before 2014 but we didn’t have the right to

    Work so we we had the right to come here but we didn’t have the right to work so in 2024 it was the year when they um let us work legally and I remember I was looking at the TV uh and there was many of you probably you saw and you

    Remember there was a TV show called Romanians are coming in 2014 Great Britain opened his doors to us Romanians This Is My Gypsy son my wife too is Gypsy even the little dog is Gypsy we w’t exactly welcome with open arms should be here beg him beg him Begg him

    Send him back think this a lot this is the story through our eyes in a sense we are taking jobs from people jobs English people don’t like to work hard hello lady of what your country means to us this is my job this is my house perfect hey I Live it be time to change your mentality to come and meet us the Romanians are coming Tuesday at 9 on four which if I’m wrong if I’m not wrong it starts um show it at the TV in England in 2013 I don’t know exactly somewhere over there around that time it was

    Because they were trying as hard as possible to don’t allow Romanians to work and probably they were trying to show that on the TV so people will get a bit of afraid of us I will let some uh small images videos from that TV show and uh yeah man that was for me

    Like it was a bit sad cuz I knew that’s not Romania that was Romania but you know as as I said who wants to show the bested side of Romania so they start to show that side of Romania and obviously you could see some of them were fake some of the those people

    Were paid to say things because they were poor they were taking they were taking advantage of them and uh yeah it was sad I remember I was looking at the TV and I it was a bit sad to be honest when I saw what they showing because I knew oh

    In my mind was like what the heck that’s not Romania that’s not exactly how Romania looks like and I can say that Romania is not even close than what they show in other TV just because it’s a poor country doesn’t mean is uneducated is unsafe and it’s dirty and whatever else they they

    Say I strongly um tell you guys to go and visit we got we got so many nice places to visit over the castle uh cities a lot of things you can see guys over there and you will feel very safe and um yeah you will you will go and visit again I’m 100%

    Sure man this road looks so bad but yeah guys that was uh when I came here in 10 years just because now I’m talking about this I won’t change the subject in 10 years since I’m here uh I work most of the time I didn’t I’m not of one of those immigrants

    To apply for benefits or I was working most of the time since I’m here probably all probably all together in 10 years if I have one month if you take all those days when I I was uh I don’t know going from a job to

    Another and I had those few days that I had to be unemployed but most of the time I had a job and uh yeah just trying to I was trying to do my best that’s it that’s what I can say it was hard it is hard even now I enjoy being here even

    Though sometimes I wish I was in a country with a better WEA uh better weather and with uh I don’t know not so rainy days but uh once even like that I won’t complain I enjoying being here this country gave me more than probably in not in my home country I was uh

    Making and uh I’m not allowed to say that it’s bad even if I would like to I’m not allowed to say that if if there is bedside there is but who which country doesn’t have a bad side you can tell me a perfect country then I will be able to say

    Bad about England as well cuz there is no there is no not the country which is the best so the wind man it’s killing me so I’m not allowed to say it’s bad it’s good let’s just say it’s good and forget the rest I have a job I have

    A roof over my head And it’s good oh man yeah so that’s a bit of of my story since I came here I was able since I came here I was able to see a lot and do a lot of stuff that I was not able to do and see what

    When I was back in my own country cuz I couldn’t a for all that so yeah so all Canary Island probably that’s one of the I know I’m not allowed to go with my bicycle on the pavement but there’s nobody here so I will just take a

    Shortcut but I saw Canary all of Canary Island since I’m in England and back when I was home it was just a dream I never thought even thought about visiting other country well obviously I was in another country but it was so quick it happen so quick

    That I cannot even call it a holiday cuz it was just uh I I I can say it was me trying to find a living over there so I cannot call that the holiday uh when I came here after 2 years I was able to go and see

    Tener with which is great it’s a great great place to visit then Gran Canaria and then fto Ventura and then Lazaro and so on and why I will say anything wrong about the country what the hell I don’t know what is happening here guys so much traffic going on man that’s

    Crazy that’s why guys you need to buy a bicycle ride a bicycle as much as you can cuz cars a car won’t help you anymore I’m telling you now so yeah guys see you into the next episode take care

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