At this year’s PostNord Danmark Rundt, the TNN squad was able to ride every stage with the name someone living with #diabetes on our bikes.

    Meet the members of the Danish diabetes community who helped us change diabetes! 🇩🇰

    My name is Dorothy and my son’s name is and we’re from bombing in Denmark we imagine that it was something terrible that was wrong with him and they found out it was diabetes and we thought okay we’ll figure it out it could be worse he

    Wrote in the car to follow one of the writers I think it’s a special day for Martin to see that even though you have diabetes you can follow your dreams and you can really make something with your life My name is I’m from Copenhagen that’s so cool I love it you can look down – my name undermines everything he’s writing for me that’s cool if you had a message for somebody with diabetes you have a hard time what would it be thing there

    Is at the end of the tunnel it’s gonna be okay and today I’m riding fana in the last stage of the tour hey Tobias we’re riding for you today here in Denmark sometimes diabetes can be hard but don’t let it stop you my name is Shalini and today I write for

    TV I was falling years old when I got

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