When you thought Theo couldn’t do more, he then took on the KMG Speed Booster, G Force!

    In this vlog we take a full walkthrough of Wakefield Super Value Funfair with Paul Earnshaw, featuring one of the best Waltzers about! See the vlog to find out more

    This fair in Wakefield is the ‘Jacobs Well Lane’ behind the Jet garage and close to Trinity Walk. Open daily until Sunday 18th February 2024.

    Wristband fair with 3 sessions per day. £12 for 2½ hours of unlimited riding.

    Please note we use specific equipment to film on rides. We strongly suggest that you don’t use your phone on rides.

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    #wakefield #funfair #ptvlogsuk

    Welcome back to the channel welcome back to another fun fair Vlog welcome to wake Fields we’re starting off going high on GeForce we’ll take you for a full tour in a moment show you what is here but before we do all that you’re going to get to experience Theo on his

    Very first kmg speed Theo how are you good good you’re nervous aren’t you yeah very first kmg Beed this for Theo he’s done peppies never done a kg speed let’s see how Theo rates this one this is GeForce I’ve done this before did this a traffic center last year was hoping to

    Do this in um Newcastle but it wasn’t [Applause] open really yeah we’ll go really fast here we go we’re going to flip next wa here we go wao liking it already that’s an air time wa look at this look how close you get to the uh free out look at the fre

    Out W that’s a l one Theo how are you good you enjoyed it yeah that’s good to know wow oh wow slow it go faster it goes a lot faster than a Fab doesn’t it oh my God how close she get to that W look look how close you get to this

    Look at that oh he timing these just perfect here we go again we’re having a super cycle whoo how’ you feel good yeah you enjoy it yeah yeah yeah wow wow fantastic start to the Vlog the O Sun’s very first kmg feed what a great start to the Vlog

    Woo yes welcome to the channel welcome to the Vlog as I said before we are in Wakefield for Paul and ch’s fairs or Super Value funfan as you’ve just seen on right foot footage of GeForce the kg speed an Theo that was your first kmg speed tell

    Me how was it amazing what did you like about it everything it’s fast wasn’t it so then what’s be kmg or fabric Kmg 1.4 is just tall enough now very borderl with 1.4s everyone’s 1.4 are totally different I hope you enjoyed that opening I was nervous for him if I’m honest with you so rban fair this it is um1 for 2 and 1/2 hours here and we’re going to show you what you can do

    In those 2 and 1/ half hours by taking on a tour starting you with of course you know GeForce now this is still on loan to mmbs however uh not for much longer this is the last location we’re going to see this unfortunately it’s been sold so we won’t

    Be seeing this uh in the near future unfortunately but m&d’s m&d’s mmbs are getting a good lineup of new rides soon so um don’t worry they’ll be replacing it with some decent rides they’ve got a few rides you coming in the next month or so and then into 2025

    As well so make sure you watch the space but very good kmg uh speed there very good very powerful as well entrance is just there uh as your PID to come in there stores we have got a fun house um Theo has told me I’ve got to do this I

    Do feel like if we’ve done this before we’ve done this before where we brought the place but I know we’ve done it before we’ve done it before we got that today it doesn’t look like there’s a slide though should be nice and easy got a lot of juvenile kids rid here

    Toy set we have got a little Sizzler over there uh we got a chair a plane uh sky swinged here not cly open today not like that matters to me because um quite frankly um we don’t do them Theo doesn’t like Star players so we don’t do them I

    Don’t mind them but Theo doesn’t want to do it we W do it so they do have that here next there we have got a Sizzler twist this is the only ride that I’m aware of one of the main rides that has returned unlike any of

    The others that I normally hear on this ground in Wakefield um normally cuz you get Terry off is stuff here and I think he’s at his own ground DW guest twist is always here if I remember rightly this one this this one tours the Blackpool area actually it goes to Blackpool it

    Went to anaz home uh last year went to a few other areas in Blackpool but it also goes over to uh Lincolnshire a lot and also it goes to um Heim as well mentioned Heim in our other Vlog it’s um Hara as well we do up there got a dumbo set there got

    Trampolines there now I was told about this Walt set and I was like oh there’s a e Walter for you today well then turns out and I only found this out about two hours ago we’ve done this before the elite Walter this is uh Nick PE um but this is from

    Bridlington so me and Theo did this in 2019 in Bridlington so it’s not a new Walter uh but it is newly acquired we haven’t seen it in 4 years also H so we’ve not done it in that long because obviously brington have got their own Walts now um dsers maybe um so

    Yeah not do for a while so that’s good we got a train set plenty to do for kids we have got a Dodge set here oh yeah we’ve done these plenty of times what this Hot Wheels no it’s not Hot Wheels no s it a few times it goes

    I’m pretty sure these are the ones that go to silon you know the ones where we do silon I always beat you we always have an argument in silon and who won but it’s always me yeah I’m pretty sure that them this look like he went to windy Farm windy Farm

    Hey you could be right T I don’t know you’re the smart smart smart ass say that I’m SM you yeah you are quite smart you you’re actually quite clever yeah uh we’ve got another little train set here uh and then to box this tour off we’ve got two of mmb’s rides

    They’re super Bob as I’ve mentioned the uh this goes to well I say I’ve mentioned when i’ like talking about rides that go to big grounds this goes to Hall done this a few times done it a few times last year it’s good little super Bob quite comfy it’s got high

    Backs and their other mmb’s ride is their free out it’s not a freak out it isn’t conf folding either it’s um I forgot where it’s from but it’s it’s one of those weird ones but it’s called Extreme it is an extreme it’s not a freak out again we have done this quite

    A few times in the past and that oh and there is a teacup set there and a game I don’t know if I showed you the Dumbo I’m sorry if I didn’t but the dumb are behind here just trying to keep out the music there is a dumbo set here as well

    So that is what is here for the two and a half hours that you’ve got uh to get you riding out of the way uh we’ve done the first ride already what is ride number two for now let’s just get it out of the way because I’m going to have to

    Go in it at some point have we done too yeah yeah yeah make sure you are following us on Facebook by the way you get to see where we are where we’re up to what we’re up to and uh the lineup of Fairgrounds before they go go out on

    YouTube uh so as Thea said this will be his third one today because we’ve been to Harriet that’s our last one so you can check that one out as well anyway we’re going on the fun house we don’t know where it was from but oh we’ll keep it rolling shall

    We let’s roll roll Roll probably have crazy stairs in They not spin you do spin wow doesn’t want to work for you does it just been a bit stick I’m just going to go ahead here hi t What punch PS oh there’s some heat coming out of there wow it’s great place today great place to go if it’s cold we have done this before I have I do recognize this yeah where where though this was probably it Hills then W it maybe definitely done this before Though Jum go you go get PA go yeah go there can’t get through there surely what do I know here’s the view of the fair from the top the El quite a small ground it’s typically small a slide that’s confusing me oh we didn’t even go through

    That run run run run run run run run run faster faster faster faster run run run run no what do it again don’t think we are once is enough come on You come on we got to do that yeah fine you’ll be able to do the upside down trick in that because it’s going way too slow You’ be upside down for ages oh well there you go that’s fine put your time coming off the head in

    You okay we’re going to do the Twister next cuz it’s just finished it cycle I think we should work round Theo yeah we’ll work round so on the Boo for now Yeah exactly so we’ll may we work it out yeah yeah yeah we’ll do this Twi so we’ve done this a few times got work done by showman signs anyway let’s do Thiso you got to know this song Timber Going down round and round going down it’s going down I’m yelling you better move you better dance coffee you in [Applause] pending Back for 24 singing on the Swit I’m sure he hates me I’m sure you hate me Theo you don’t oh that’s good am I an embarrassment yeah going down sing with me to when he comes on down and around going down I’m going down I’m yell dance Me yes faster Timber yeah it’s going [Applause] faster it’s got cushions but they’re not really doing anything oh my forgot how fast this can Go why won’t you sing with me cuz I don’t like singing you don’t like singing what about singing on Sizzlers singing on Twisters no okay got mirr on Here I have a feeling it’s going again I was just about to end the uh video we’re 4 minutes In Did you know This should say three but I did it oh here we Go I’m pretty sure that’ll be it I’ll be amazed to it goes Again you know what I’m going to give it an underrated status because I forgot how that goes I’ve seen this so many times I don’t do it very often and and like I say I forgot how it went incredible that’s another Twist of them today that’s really stolen the show

    Really good right we’re going to do this Elite wal oh that’s a big jump M wow right Then let’s go right here we go I’ve been pre-warned about this ride oh my God and then the lad just told me as well here we go oh my God that’s a back cracker that go the other way get the timing right here SP back

    Man you get your hands in the air you want some more Str are we ready go faster my God faster double oh my god wow you oh I can’t sing pass let’s go you know the rules so do I yeah my God all right all right can’t let you speed of these Platform here we go again good say I can’t sing W keep that roll going we going to give you aing going say goodbye and here is I don’t think we need a spin anymore someone got a message oh my God wo I can’t see what’s going on

    Anymore let’s slow down a bit wait for wait for to completely it’s oh my goodness right side of the ride exit to the right please oh my life woo that was a big jump what can I say about that well nothing like it was in Bridlington I I think I remember when I

    Did it in Bridlington when Theo was just four it went fast then but my goodness now I did get warned about that before I came here saying um the elite one and I was like oh yeah new Walts a nice one and then ear today it started to rain

    Then earlier today I discovered it’s the one from bidlington so I was like it’s not new however it’s had a lot of work done on it it’s a single loader now he told me um and it’s running very very very well love that Theo Wo good was it busting busting why it was I’m just choking it was um you’ve got have you got like a the Walters that you like like have you got a top three would you like to share your top three Walters with us yeah okay John Collins yeah all right give you

    That one yeah all right uh Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor oh all right the three Hill oh I’m they’ve got three they’ve got the old traditional creaky one and they’ve got the fair trade free Hill fa trade for Hill I don’t know where which ground was it

    At wait no what’s the one that’s in battle with John Collins Joe White yeah that one as well okay so you’ve got a good list he’s got a good list of waltzes mainly Fair Trades and yeah do you know what I hope to see more of that this

    Year I really do really in fact we’re going to do Dodge him because it’s the next ride in the line it’s got a moat though got to cross the bridge you good at fun houses slip oh my God he he he nearly went as well I hope this weather holds off hey

    You could have got wet then right we got our second dodging battle today who’s going to win this time don’t know why that’s that question right dodging Battle here we go now Theo is just basically said can we do US versus them okay though although that’s kind of the thing this year oh my god oh not doing good that way go t get him oh it’s wet here though yes get me Lev what CU speed of this car back

    Again get lost oh my God I think these I think these can go backs y they can oh that’s how you get out of a mess all right I’m sorry kaboom oh he’s got that car push them into the Side oh my God you could have been smart hey T I think his car’s dead oh my God yeah unless he’s not put his foot down W holy cow no one knows which way round the right way there’s a big Arrow up there no one’s paying attention to

    It oh he could have got me Kaboom yeah oh he gave me Evils go on then he’s going to get me wait scared of no One what I don’t know what you’re saying come on then come and get me where’s he gone there’s going to be a fire at the end of this I can see it oh my God God T oh who do we get here who do we get oh his car’s working now good for

    Him whoa oh no here we go oh come on I got out of it who do we go for now not them yeah and him easy Wrong Way Around the [Applause] truck I think we need to do a lot more of them Us Versus Them who won actually

    Do you know it’s debatable I’m not too sure e mate on at least I didn’t fall off right super Bob Time super Bob time this is blizzard this is Blizzard no it’s not it’s super Bob it says super Bob what you the oh yeah Waai to the sa let’s Go I like the move it m it I like the move it moov it I like to move do it put your hands in the a you want to go Faster okay f f here we go here we go let’s go yeah the F machine said okay he he hey right there somebody scream oh he he he he he hey Screen oh my life I like to move it move it I like to SL SL let’s go let’s go You know what that wasn’t that bad and I say that all the time with this one with the high side super performance from the super Bob i g last ride the all well last ride to do here yeah oh yeah ke over it so we’re going to do the extreme which is the

    Um I forgot who makes it it’s not con folding but it’s an extreme this L of times I don’t know why there’s no key for the booster though ride of the uh ride of the fair that anyway do this Are you going to show everyone What You’re Made Of everyone’s going to scream and you are You Look at him no I don’t like him P’s Eyes this is the best good thing about these they got really good Air Time on them oh my God the SE a love how free you are in these seats oh my God my God oh my God look at This a face I think okay I think I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m Okay y That’s the h y y see off the ride cuz this is all it does for the next 5 minutes well there’s a bit of extreme for you there absolutely fantastic cycle that was going then brilliant but yeah I hope you’ve enjoyed this Vlog what a fantastic ground this

    Has been I really hope you’ve enjoyed this Vlog I can’t believe there’s no key for this we just got straight on brilliant hope you enjoyed this Vlog make sure you are subscribed if you haven’t already done so do follow us on Facebook completely free to do so you

    Get to see what we’re up to and what we’re doing and what the ride lups are before we produce the Vlogs on YouTube Theo how’s this Fair been good yeah what’s your favorite ride he this I agree how been said that that twist was on fire and that Walter was

    Absolutely fantastic but yes GeForce is a fantastic booster I’m going to end on that hope you enjoyed the Vlog we’ll see you in the next Vlog oh that’s slow see soon guys woo woo a close to that freak out oh he’s slowing it down hey again oh yeah woo it’s cold oh my

    God he knows how to control this oh w The all I want oh all I want you you so long so long why you keeping me waiting all I want all I want you you so long so long why you keeping me waiting


    1. Hi Paul and Theo thank you for another great video as always looked an amazing fair well done Theo on going on the booster it was crazy how it interacted with the extreme the funhouse looked good too the dodgems was a bit manic I hope that Megan and little Margo are well have a great day 😊

    2. Hi everyone, Join PT and Theo as they visit Wakefield Super Value Funfair.

      Please make sure you are subscribed and your notifications are set to "ALL" so you will never miss a vlog from PT, Megan, Margo and Britain's youngest No 1 funfair vlogger Theo.

      Give us a like, share on your socials to friends and lets all help PT build the channel, already we are now up to an amazing 13.6 subscribers.

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    3. Hello Paul and Theo hope that you are all well love your vidio of Wakefield fair were jane McDonald lives hope that you have a good valentine's day best wishes take care stay safe xx ❤😅😅

    4. Good to see this vlog from Wakefield and to see Theo ride the KMG Speed what brave boy he's certainly is for getting on these extreme rides at his age and good for him too Paul , another enjoyable vlog mate 👍

    5. Had a ride down to Wakefield to attend this and G R Tuckers fair and I was stunned at how fast that waltzer was i thought it would be fast but not that fast gotta be in my top 5 for speed.

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