A Series of Short Videos of a Bike Tour in Spring 2023.

    In this film I travel along the banks of the Loire, passing through some lovely villages and towns and onwards to Angers and the campsite.

    Riding my Genesis Croix de Fer 10 2021 bike with flat pedals and a selection of the most inexpensive equipment money can buy, wearing tennis shorts, trainers and a £20 jacket I travel over 100km a day fully loaded to the camp spots and typically complaining about stuff.

    #bikeride #eurovelo #biketour

    Instagram : @TheGlennJobson

    [Applause] Okay good morning day four I’m starting in St lcu and heading to on today about 80 kilometers hopefully on some nice uh routes strange campsite last night I have stayed there before as I said but it looked exactly the same strange thing was I arrived on a Sunday and the office

    Was closed and I’ve left on a Monday and it’s about 9:00 in the morning and the office is still closed so there was no way to pay anybody so um yeah don’t worry about that so on was this way Today’s the first uh properly Sunny morning there was a lot of rain last night and a thunderstorm uh but that was that was all all right no problem with that tent was great just looking around there’s loads of little buildings shatow and all sorts of things dotted around the landscape already really Nice okay first Bridge of the day quite a nice long one they’re all going to be long I think because of the uh width of the river but there we are just coming out of the musk day region where the grapes happen onto this little cycle way across the bridge Fantastic Just single carriageway bridge for cars this one with a single Carriage Way for me on my bike fantastic love it so I’m following this very long straight road I seem to be uh not following the typical path there’s a Common Thread there I think um but I’m

    Following this one up to that little town I can see over in the distance a CIS or something like that in French so I’m going to head there find some coffee and some pastries haven’t had much breakfast yet going this way though I can see the wider

    Landscape which is uh typically Along by the river very flat but there are some quite steep Cliffs next to the river on that bank over there this straight bit of Road’s about 5 km long dead Straight I’m still following this little uh uh off-road bit now uh heading to the town it’s quite nice just been through this really small little Hamlet with some yurs and uh bits and pieces older French properties probably off grid so yeah just following This I’ve left the river behind it’s over there on the on my uh right just coming into town now need to find some breakfast I’m absolutely starving that was quite some energy to get here we good though good right for Laery okay AIS was a very strange little place there was a lovely looking Shadow but it’s Labor Day in France bank holiday and uh nothing is open nothing at all no cafes no restaurants nothing so uh I didn’t stop there I decided to carry on I’ve got a

    Couple of cants which I bought earlier um from a different place and I’m going to stop up here somewhere make some coffee very Good These little tiny local roads are the very well signposted Euro 06 it’s fine when it’s on these little roads but then all of a sudden it goes a bit peculiar Euro6 boto anyhow I was saying it goes a bit strange the problem is that when it goes Offroad the off-road is really bad so you can get along here at like 22 23k an hour and Offroad you’re down to about five or even pushing so yeah not great The other problem is when you’re on these little roads there is nowhere there’s nowhere to stop no benches nothing so I’m still looking for somewhere after 15 km to make some coffee oh well all right this area looks promising just need to try and find somewhere to stop

    Now um probably close to the bridge might be good I don’t know there’s a little wall there I can make coffee on that Okay so I just found this little spot where I think I can get down to the river just going to go and have a look at that there’s a bench there I’ve been complaining about that for some time I get down to the river down here just

    Going and have a quick look stretch my legs again not that need much stretching at the moment so here we are l oh very Nice it seems to me that there’s not as much water in this River as there normally is just at the end of winter start of spring which is pretty bizarre so I just imagine it’s only going to get lower no shipping either at all I’ve not seen one boat on this River all Day another beautiful little village just on the banks of the river really nice to find these places nice to cycle through loads of interesting stuff the rivers just behind these houses here on my Right So just stopped there a minute stretched my legs and have a little look around it’s a beautiful little village everywhere’s closed but that’s fine it’s really nice to see nice to look at some quite nice little streets and houses great we’re going to move on towards On I’m traveling along the south side of the river now on the euroo 6 just following the signs when it’s good it’s really good but there is some really questionable sections but nonetheless pretty good at 25k an hour just moving along really nice Just found these uh two solx on the side of the road here had stopped with a problem had a quick chat with those guys that was really nice uh yeah two nice mopeds there really good nice to be riding along here today on one of those except they weren’t cuz they’re not very Reliable another great little Bridge bikes and single track for cars there’s a car coming let’s move over to the side yeah it’s great lots of these things along here the L’s broken up into various sections um this one’s quite a quite a wide One this morning when I set off from non um the wind was definitely from the Northeast and I was heading Northeast and that was pretty painful but it switched around now and uh I seem to have a predominantly southwesterly wind behind me which is really nice so I’m

    Just going to ride on until I cross over the main channel of the river again and that’s where I’m going to stop for lunch you can see that little Channel behind me me that’s one of the uh one of the splits of the River just came around the corner and found this little Rena 4 in a field abandoned just want to come over here and have a look at the river this is one of the um channels of the river yeah it’s great B sun over there but it’s that little house just over

    There who lives in a house like This Here we are just like that we’re back to sran utter rubbish there’s a route there so let’s make it a bike route back to the susp strs rubbish we get in England been 8 km an hour on a loaded touring bike because the surface is so poor and then just down

    Here it’s all back Again Uneventful lunch stop over and done with just going to make my way now into on try and find a campsite most of the riding’s done today put another 20 km to go that’s all but really easy going again no more that nonsense Pavement Just thinking about that Renault 4 in the middle of that field back there you see that all over France some someone’s old abandoned car parked in the middle of their Garden I don’t know why why anybody thinks that’s a good idea to park it right in the middle of the

    Garden I don’t know it just seems to be a thing Park year old car right in the middle of the garden and leave it there for years I don’t Know okay that little rise was 14% we’re quite a a way up above the river now probably 60 70 M last few KS of today’s ride along the the banks of the main Channel absolutely fantastic lovely and sunny now getting quite warm it’s still chilly when you’re riding Along still going uphill it’s funny how uh 6 and 7% feels absolutely fine after a few hundred meters of 12 to 14 but it can only be downhill from here I can see on in the distance and that’s where I’m going anyway I’m on the top now the

    River far down there below me about 100 met down actually it’s quite a hill this One must be very close to coming up onto the campsite now I’ve been through the town that just precedes it or the village that precedes it this uh route is beautiful through the trees but it’s so slow because the surface is so poor just bump bump bump bump bump Okay this is the approach to the campsite it’s a city Camp so all pretty standard stuff really all very nice not perhaps my favorite choice but it’s exactly where I want to be so that’ll all be good hopefully they’ve got a Spot Okay camp set up uh dried everything off because of the thunderstorm yesterday everything was a bit wet still bringing it along so I’m going to have a shower now I’ve set it up this way because the sun’s going to go down over there it’s going to come up over there in the

    Morning which is going to be just what I want I’m planning to stay here till about 9 half 9 in the morning have a little bit of a leisurely morning 65 km to the next place I’m going to and I want to pop into orang in the morning to

    Have a look around so yeah that’s all going to happen um I’m just going to enjoy the evening here looks like the sun’s going to go down somewhere over that direction U not sitting in direct sunlight but it’ll be quite nice so yeah have a shower bit of food just uh relax

    Into the evening 90k today pleased with that um yeah Good

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