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    🤠 how old are you? 49
    📆 when is your birthday? april (taurus)
    🎓 where did you go to university? salford
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    🎥 what do you film with? Sony FDR-AX53 and DJI Pocket 2
    👾 what do you use to edit? final cut pro

    Video Journal about life, growing food and flowers plus visits to horticultural shows, allotments and opens gardens. Trying to become fitter and healthier as I approach 50.

    Hello I was hoping to get to the Garden or get to the allotment but it’s been such a rainy day over the last few days I don’t think I’m going to get to do my bombfire night video it depends on the weather for the next few

    Days but I just wanted to have a chat about something um now I can’t go into detail so you need to respect that but basically I will be moving house at some point over the next 10 months and I’m trying to think at the moment

    Where to go and I spoke to somebody this morning spoke to a friend this morning and they said with doing YouTube why do you need to stay in London and pay the extortionate prices for rent and just for the cost of Liv living and a few people have said this

    To me over the last uh 2 or 3 years what I do do I really have to be have to be based in London how about going somewhere which is uh cheaper and then I’ve got more for my more for my money so now that this situation has presented itself I’m thinking

    Yeah maybe it is time to move out of London but where would I go if I headed down to the coast the South Coast that’s almost as expensive as being in London for some reason bizarre reason nor fol is in my mind or do I go back to

    Wales now I looked on the internet just now before I started filming this um for what I pay in rent I could get a full house and a garden in Wales in the place that I grew up in but I would be going back to a even though it’s place I

    Spent the first what was it 21 20 25 years of my life and I grew up there uh 99% of the people that I knew there have died or they’ve just moved on well know they’ve just mainly died um and organizations that I used to be involved

    With they’ve closed down like the G the gardening club that I was very heavily involved with that’s closed but they still have a lotman sites there but if I had a patch of land as a garden and as long as the landlord was okay with me digging up the garden um

    And I’ve actually seen a place on the internet I’m me down to have a look at it and I think that’s what I’m going to do over the next few months is just go back to Wales for a day for a day or two uh I

    Can guess I’m need to look after the cats while them away and just to have a look but I thought I’d make a video cuz I want to document this because who knows where it’ll be in a year’s time now I know a lot of people say oh it’s a

    Shame you’ve just had the rusty allotment and you’ve got the garden and you’re making progress on them but sometimes when you think that all your ducks are in a row something like this happens so who knows maybe it’ll be for the best in the long term

    And I don’t know why I’m making this video to be honest but maybe you could suggest something maybe you could say um oh come to come to this place this place is good cuz you’ve got the quiet of the countryside but you’re within you’re within a mile of the town or

    Something or that the rents are cheap there um so who knows so it is a especially the garden that I’ve got like the rusty plot I’ve had that for about a month I’d be quite happy to walk away from that um as long as I take my red love apple tree

    And somebody said to me that cuz I was saying about how I wanted to buy the red love apple tree again but they weren’t available for sale because the company is based in Holland I think and they don’t want to sell send them over to England cuz it costs far too much money

    Now uh so even paying the £25 for the plot if I can have the apple tree back um then it’s worth it so who knows I may I could move closer to where the garden is cuz that that that Garden is a nice size it’s an it that Garden could give

    Me everything that I want so space for veg space for trees you know it’s a good size so I I might look for somewhere closer to the Garden but the problem and it’s not a problem but it it is for some people is that I’ve got cats so I’ve got to take

    That into into consideration when I’m trying to find somewhere now I’m quite close to the countryside here um about half an hour so if I got a little car that wouldn’t be an issue but I need to investigate what the rents are like down there but is it time to go back to

    Wales I don’t know it would certainly be cheaper and that would take stress off cuz this YouTube channel earns a bit but it doesn’t earn as much as it should but if I went back to Wales it would then earn enough to cover uh a house cuz the rents in whales are

    Ridiculous well to me they feel ridic ridiculously cheap you could get a whole house for5 500 with a garden in the place that I was born and brought brought up in I did have a look cuz I thought I wonder if my old house is available but it’s

    Not um so who knows this is going to be a long uh process it’s not going to happen within a week or two so yes is there anywhere that where you you can sort of think oh Sean would love it in this area Countryside bit town to get all your

    Food and your bits of shopping in few little few little cafes to go and see uh there’s a a lot site down the road you could put his name down or ber Bert the farmer is renting out an acre of field he could he could

    Rent that out for I don’t know £500 a year or something who knows it’s what they it’s h what’s that thing if you put it out there who knows what will come back so I’m putting it out there and I’m here with open arms waiting for it to

    Come so who knows I’ve been in London now uh nearly 20 years which has gone really quickly somebody’s got a whistling cattle I can hear so we put the clocks back the other day and it’s already starting to get dark yeah somebody’s making a cup of tea it’s already starting to get dark

    Already and it’s getting a bit chilly and it’s not even 5:00 yet so who knows now during this time off period I call it time off but it’s not really it’s time off from uploading videos and doing all that and the Instagram posts and all that but I’ll still be researching see what’s

    Worked this year what hasn’t worked how I can change things to attract some new people into the channel how how can I make the channel work a better so I’ll be doing all that and I’ll be improving the blog that I’ve got so I’ve already got a few videos that I’ve already

    Filmed now the plan was I wanted to get them all out by the 5th but because I’ve sort of been thrown by the situation about finding uh somewhere else to live that has sort of thrown me for a few days so I’ve got a handful of videos and I’m thinking rather than just

    Put them out and bombard you with uh five or six videos in the next five days I might do them so that they’ll be one a week so even though I’ll be having time off to you it might feel that I’m not cuz I’m going to put the videos up

    Cuz um I filmed them so you may as well see them so I’ll be having a break but but you it might not feel like it sometimes it’s just nice to come and sit isn’t it feel the wind on your face so I’m quite optimistic about

    It it came as a bit of a shock but got to try and see the positive side to this and like I said this could be the push that I needed so who knows where I’ll be this time next year I won’t be sat on this bench it’s too bloody

    Cold I think this is one of those Contraptions to uh attract the wildlife but it looks like the wood is burnt doesn’t look like there’s any life in that I must say not in that house it would be nice to be in a place where you haven’t got constant uh police

    Sirens going off around you and in the place that I grew up in the planes are so high in the sky you can’t hear them whereas here in London you you you hear them more cuz they’re starting to uh come down to taxi to go into

    The airport so that’s why you tend to hear them a lot in the videos there’s another one there’s another police car I just know if I got back to wheals the life is completely different in the sense things are a lot slower but maybe that’s what I

    Need like for example Pub a public transport would be in London there’s a bus every 6 minutes the tube every 4 minutes whereas in the place that I’m thinking of there’s two buses an hour and there’s two buses a day on a Sunday but then I I’ve got my bike maybe

    It’s you know I’ll get fit I’ve only put the wait on since coming to London cuz in Wales she so busy going up a hill then going down a hill then going back up a hill you soon lose the weight and there’ll be mountains mountains to go up

    And you know I could take you and show you little as we call them Dingle Dells and uh uh fa fairy Falls I was talking to somebody the other day who lives in the area that I was born and I said have you been to the fairy Falls and she said oh

    Yeah we’ve been there and I’ve got a picture and she showed me it and I said Ah that’s not the fairy Falls the fairy Falls is just around the corner behind the um the brambles and when I used to go over the mountains back in the ‘ 80s and the ’90s

    We used to me and my cousin we used to help clear the paths so we would go out with a um secar or Sai and as we would be going through the forest we’d be cutting the path to make sure that it was clear so I would imagine that there

    Are a lot of paths that I knew that are slightly overgrown and not a lot of people know about them so obviously there’s a bit of trepidation about it all but there’s also a bit of excitement to see what’s going to come next what’s in the next chapter now this brings up

    The topic of if I’m going to move what’s the point in doing my allotment and doing my garden but like I said it’s not going to happen quickly I think it’s going to happen at a pace where I’m still going to get time to get a harvest out of the alotment and

    Out of the garden and especially with the garden now that I’ve decided to do one side as an orchard I could still put trees in there it’s very windy is that microphone picking it up it’s I could still do an orchard but I could put them into really large

    Pots so when I do go I can just lift up the pots and take them with me me so there’s a lot of research to be done over the next few weeks and few months but anyway I just wanted to get that down on video cuz it’s always good

    To keep this video diary up to uh up up to speed but I’m going to pop inside now and get something warm inside me so I’ll catch up with you soon so thanks for listening and I’ll see you very soon bye for now


    1. Go back to Wales. Will soon go to Pembrokeshire for a holiday. If it is good enough for a holiday it is good enough to live there IMHO.😜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    2. I live in South Wales, I would say view a move back to Wales as if it's a new place as it will have changed from your memory. Have a look first if any area has allotment sites. Whether its Wales, Norfolk or anywhere else. Such a hard decision for you to have to make. Would it help to write down essential bullet points for lifestyle you live. A list without any emotion just facts. Then look at areas you fancy and apply the list. Apologies if you already have done this. Best of luck.

    3. Go with the hiraeth if it's calling you I did 36 years ago from Liverpool to North Wales never regretted it my roots were in another area of Wales but I have many friends here you are the type to fit in well

    4. Follow your dreams and instincts 🪶I’m 62 and live with this saying in my heart “I don’t know where home is ,but I’m on my way” As a Welshman you should be familiar with the word HIRAETH…..sending love and positivity…your cats 🐈‍⬛🐈will love anywhere you’re happy ❤🙏🏻

    5. How exciting Sean. I would also consider locations further afield such as other parts of the UK, Ireland, France etc, but Wales is great of course

    6. Just do it Sean!!!! You’ve been talking about it for so long and it doesn’t have to be a long process once you’ve made your mind up. Move to Wales… it’s as cheap as chips! You don’t have to move to where you grew up, it can be a different area. Get a place with some land attached so you have your garden on your doorstep. Good luck and looking forward to seeing your progress

    7. Sean, if you move back to Wales, you could set up a whole new gardening association. You have the knowledge and determination. You may not know anyone if you move there but that would soon change. I reckon gardeners would flock to you.

    8. The great thing about renting is that you can move more easily so you could just move to Wales and try it. If you don’t like it, you could move back to London. I am aware that it isn’t as easy to find rental properties with pets and it always cost money to move ( I have rented most of my life) but moving might not be so scary if you know you can reverse it. At the end of the day, you need to be where you can be happy, or at least contented. If London is no longer this place, then just do the move. Do it when you are still young enough to establish new connections with the community around you. Have you considered maybe moving just outside London? It won’t be as cheap as Wales but it will be cheaper than London and it would still give you access to London( although train fares are so expensive…). We are in Buckinghamshire and although it isn’t cheap, it is cheaper than London. We have town and countryside side by side and lots of allotment sites. It might be worth looking at all the counties outside London and compare rent prices. If Wales keeps coming into your mind, give it a go. If it doesn’t work out, try again nearer London. It is never easy to move but you will get there I am sure, you are a strong person. 🌸💕

    9. Hi Sean I think you should stop faffing about and set the wheels in motion for moving back to Wales. You are still young and fit enough to establish yourself in the community you long for with a much cheaper life style and a less stressful life. Go for it and good luck in whatever you decide.

    10. Sean, I returned to my home town because I missed family, but after two weeks, I realised family didn't miss me.That was hard.But, if you remember that you can't put your foot in the same river twice, I would look at somewhere near your home area, not necessarily your home town.It will be different, there will be different people but go…go and just trust that the universe will provide.Of course the cats will go too.They are family. I was kicked out because I was too old at 70, after 13 years of creating a garden from nothing. And my family were homeless because their rental was full of mould, the fault of an irresponsible landlady and ignorant agents.We were all moving from Australia to Ireland, sick of the heat, droughts, bushfires, snakes.Then my daughter got cancer.I am spending my small inheritance on a seaside mansion, all of us together, but we will be homeless again in 6 months. My dream of Ireland remains but I don't know what my life or my family will be like.I am doing my best to trust the universe will provide, and us and the cats will have a home, and garden, somewhere on this planet. All the best, from Kaye. 🐈‍⬛

    11. We left London 20 years ago to Liverpool. We are near North Wales and really enjoy visiting there over the years. It doesn't feel right if we miss a year . Have to say we still go down to London as we have very good friends there. I had previously lived in Ireland for my childhood prior to going to London in the 70's London is a great place but it is necessary to have a high level of income also it can become stressful as it's so busy. Good luck with your plans perhaps write a cost and benefit list,consider positives and negatives while taking into consideration change means opportunity.

    12. It is a big change so the trepidation you seem to be feeling is understandable. But the good news is that you mentioned there are cheaper rooms to rent in London than where you currently live. So itd be mighty easy to move back if you change your mind after moving to Wales.

    13. Get out of London. Get freah air. New friends can be made. If there isn't the club you need start one. Life throws us such curve balls but fresh starts can be for the vey best. You have support on here. ❤

    14. My dream is going to London- i am in a small town un upstate NY. You see, i follow Corinne Drewery; she was in music group ' Swing out sister ' 🎶 She seems very nice but when I'm on her Facebook page she doesn't write comments to me. London seems interesting & I'm sure it's gorgeous ⭐

    15. Hi Sean, Im new to your channel. How are things now? Where can i find your most recent video and are you alone in this journey? Do you have kids and a partner and how are the cats? Best of luck mate, Stu

    16. Well, obviously you’re now in wales but, I’d of suggested south Lincolnshire… our farmers practically beg us to take the over spill of veg from the farms. Bit flat across here though. But the sea is lovely. 😊

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