We start the invasions of India and the Middle East, which draws the ire of the British. More interestingly though the Belgians get to try out their new toy, an Ontake class battlecruiser!

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    Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
    Veteran Sergeants: 1stplaceonion, LCG Canyon, Welshy, Rui
    Sergeants: Jackie, Twitchyknees
    Veterans: Telemonian Dan, Sunless Sky Nova, Threadoflength, Darth Vendar.
    Battle Siblings: Jacky Chan, nagebenfro, scurvekano, Cpt Graftin, Icd, Iroey, Zadrias, JT Bismarck, Documentleaker.

    Hello brother Monro here welcome back to Ultimate AAL dreadnots where it’s a couple of months later it’s now November 1956 couple of months after the previous episode we have taken Northern India which is pretty cool um so the Army have actually done something amazing uh the invasion of Cyprus is progressing the

    Invasion of eastern Australia should finish next turn and I’m going to start invading the andan islands there we go Andaman Islands go um just cycling things out I’m not doing all the convoys and ambushes and little battles here and there because we’ve seen a lot of that if it’s an

    Interesting battle I will do it um but mostly it is map painting at the moment and trying to get ships back in action the blockade of Britain Contin use their economy is really going down the toilet really going downhill um we might be able to make them like implode um which might seem

    Counterproductive but uh it will make all of those territories in Africa that we’re having real trouble with um ungoverned and then we should be able to take a lot of them um we should get a lot of conquests and and attacks and then we can go and block Soviet Union

    Whose economy is also going down into the toilet um so might be able to eliminate two potentially very irritating enemies from the game completely um it doesn’t look like anyone else is moving against us so that’s all good um and uh yeah pretty pretty happy with

    How things are going at the moment so I’m going to end the turn continue invading and I’ll let you know when there’s something to talk about well maybe our efforts are finally starting to tell home I didn’t actually check Britain’s uh Logistics but Sudan has been taken which is excellent

    Um uh and we have taken eastern Australia fantastic uh yeah the logistics has really dropped off because we sunk so much of their heavy ships why can’t I launch another Naval Invasion would have thought I could oh it’s cuz the anab an Islands one is just started we also have a Port

    Strike no I don’t I don’t like the palace don’t like trying to take on the palace with a with a 12in cruiser but uh yes this is very interesting because if the Army is starting to make some progress we have a lot of uh a lot of potentially interesting attack vectors

    Against the British here might be able to take Pakistan might be able to take Bhutan and the Northeast Frontier yes very good here we go it’s starting to snowball a bit the Central African Republic has been taken very nice more territory more resources that we can uh that we can put

    Into our war machine this is going to be the same fight again uh this is again not interesting but we can now order the invasion of Tasmania and that will finish up the um British Pacific Holdings that is the last outpost of the British well basically east of India and that is extremely nice how’s this one going 100% 100% I’m not sure what to do here actually I might take Southern turkey or

    Try to it’s a pretty big Province to try and take at 193 um it might be worth a look though to try and take it that cuz that locks the British out of the Mediterranean not quite cuz they still have all in Turkey but effectively does and then these fleets can move down

    Through the Red Sea uh and start attacking this stuff down here I think it’s worth a TR at least one one uh one attempt anyway here we go we’ve taken the Gold Coast very nice and now we move on to tasm Mania good good good um yes all right how’s that one looking

    Yeah 100% 100% 100% that’s what we like to see and yeah Britain is oh it’s not going down like fast but uh yeah they are they are really struggling now really really struggling oh Deary me there we go the anderman islands Falls and so does Cyprus okay so I’m going to move uh

    Fleets here like so and you lot are going to see yeah you’re going to see if you can take Salon that should finish well actually that’s got a while to go um can I yeah let’s launch the southern Turkish operation first because that one should take longer um and then we

    Can uh launch the invasion of Salon after they should line up okay all right we have taken Chad because of course we have um and yeah invasions and things still going on are these ships ready because we got more Akuma class uh ships available uh I mean in theory they can start

    Invading somewhere else no they’re still commissioning uh but they’re probably going to be needed uho not powerful enough to take on a battleship But invasion’s continuing how’s Britain’s economy doing still suffering they have been rebuilding though they got quite a few Capital ships but uh unless they’re going to

    Engage my Capital ships uh there’s not too much I’m interested in we’re going to start um building up for our allies now we’ve Prett what are you doing all the way over in Petros um pretty much got things working the way I want I might do a big old round of

    Refits um once the war ends just get everything up to say in 1960 do a big big round of refits just to get everything kind of up to date actually what I should do is build a bunch of Destroyers because we’re going to need Port protection uh so let’s get a bunch bunch

    Of them say another 30 there we go just because the game will distribute them around and it should generally prefer ports where there isn’t anything um but other than that it’s just keep on invading the Empire continues to expand southe Southwest Africa um is gone Botswana apparently it’s going to get taken Tasmania

    Falls ah Perfect Right the fleet’s here then well the the main Fleet I think we can send the reserve Fleet home they’re going to try and take BL Bangladesh these guys who are very old ships we can uh send them home where they belong uh let’s send them yeah back to Yokosuka uh

    Meanwhile yeah we we’re going to assemble ships over here I think are the akumas done yes no leave the leave The Heavy Cruiser arrive and attack Bangladesh in force we are actually moving on Eastern India it’s going up number go up number go up all over the

    Place oh I like that right yeah naal Invasion there two months and here three all right Nigeria has fallen uh we’re really uh getting no I’m not Tak Ireland funny though that is uh no um yep Nigeria Falls and that is looking pretty bad for the British in

    Africa they’re probably only going to have Gambia left because I can’t I’m going to have to invade Gambia myself um but they’ve lost most of their East African Holdings and uh we’re starting to move on their West African stuff or we will be in a minute and uh yeah India under

    Threat not great their economy is still holding up which is actually bad for them they’d probably be better off if they collapsed oh we’ve taken Southern Turkey um that is good looks like the British are starting to have problems with um rebellions and things but this well these two

    Fleets can in fact we might be able to do a double Invasion here if I uh set it up correctly I should be able to take these British provinces on the Red Sea we’ve taken southern Sudan uh so it’s if we take Yemen and British somal Island and then we can

    Actually split The Fleets one can go this way one can go this way problem I’m running into now is I can only launch Naval invasions so quickly right Bangladesh go for it we got a lot of ships here and they’re big very big ships uh yes well T that is looking super

    Solid really then it’s really only the United States isn’t it is going to be an interesting challenge but uh we shall continue to dismantle the British Empire we go Salon has fallen stop telling me to invade Ireland um we have other things to do we are busy asking that some other

    Time right let’s go take the mes uh what is this at 98% that’s probably going to fail but let’s see if we can get um Som Mary land on the not going to have to wait till next turn blast um oh this is Soviets okay let’s have a go at the

    Soviets sure be good to get some victory points against them um I guess now that we’ve taken Southern turkey there uh trying to do something but the yeah I guess we are popping into the Black Sea for a bit of uh mischief and we have some help from the Greeks lovely lot of

    Destroyers which we should be able to take out relatively easily yep wait torpedo hit oh they firing Torpedoes into each other okay hilarious thanks guys that’s very helpful get firing when you’re going straight on it’s quite hard to hit with torps oh firing at the uh already damaged Destroyer the Torpedoes

    Cruel if they hit obviously we they do but it does oh Greece you not been storing your Torpedoes properly apparently can you finish them off please thank You and then get to work on those transports while we continue to take out their destroyers they don’t have torps loaded down there go come on the transports please oh that’s a Romanian ship y there goes uh last transport m yeah get some flooding going there we go got him the

    Zante pretty fast 39 knots can definitely uh Escape if it wishes to uh maybe not So Much Anymore let’s taking a flooding hit come on I need you to slow them up just enough that Cruiser can get in range or you could just take him out yourself that works too H poping smoke

    For just keep hitting the same compartments over and over that 6in guns just about in range should manage to finish him off herard showing she’s still got the goods and the zanti or the Zant don’t know how that would be pronounced in Russian anyway she is sunk ah very good very

    Good well that puts uh put some score on the board how many victory points did we get for that uh 6,000 no not bad not bad at all well see see like the Soviets fad enough that is hilarious no I don’t want any anything that that’s just basically a white piece

    Like oh yeah uh Japan they’re actually quite scary aren’t they yes yes we are right no yes hey Pakistan nice that is a very nice Province to grab uh right let’s invade British smaland and then we can get on the go I also want to get the males on the go H

    So many invasions so many invasions that I want to do all right we have taken Uganda as well which is fantastic and yeah more offensives getting lined up we should now be able to inv invade Yemen and they yeah those circles should overlap so we should be able to uh

    Progress those just fine this has dropped significantly I don’t know why it’s probably because oh yeah there is a fleet right there um what’s it got in it can I can I force an engage here cuz I’d really like to get rid of them Let’s uh let’s see if that works

    I’m goingon to and the turn live um I don’t know how they managed to sneak those ships in for a start they definitely weren’t in Bangladesh when I started the invasion it’s kind of annoying that the AI is able to put any ships in an invasion Circle without it generating a

    Fight um although it is possible that I missed it I would I do I have been checking the battles even if I have been skipping them uh so we might have to repeat the invasion of Bangladesh which is kind of annoying um cuz yeah any ships in the

    Vicinity are going to going to ruin it uh right do that strike Mission yep uh yeah sure you can have one of them and it’s not this Convoy battle do you know what I mean it’s like I probably have to wait for this to time out F although it’s gone up again

    91% uh also means I should be able to start hitting the mes no next turn let’s go live Turn end again um yeah so this Fleet once they’ve wrapped up Bangladesh I don’t think we’ll be able to take Eastern India at all uh uh so I guess they can help

    Take um the Middle East and startop working the way down Africa I think we’re going to have to rely on the Army to take Eastern India I don’t think I can take it nly Madras is just too big of a a port to be able to uh to be able to attack

    It let’s have a look boom nope Togo land Falls Bangladesh has fallen yeah there we go oh the Soviet Union have taken Northern Norway how Charming for them uh that is not the battle I expected look there’s a fleet right there three battleships I really want to kill them fine um let’s

    Uh let’s send you up to take bar rain um and you guys Can head over to the trucial states and we can start on the mes and yeah it looks like uh invas invasions invasions although I thought we were getting an attack this way but apparently not uh if I need to I can of course just summon All The Fleets and try and take Eastern

    India that way uh which might be worth doing um but we’ll see how it goes all right we have taken Liberia which is uh very good and Yemen which is also good uh send this Fleet up to Oman and uh yeah we might have to uh blob

    Up and uh try and take eastn India Let’s uh deal with this finish up all of this uh stuff first and then we will uh try and do that yeah it’s just like Cruisers and stuff um wait a minute I don’t remember selling Belgium an onaki

    Class um but uh yeah I’ll take that action it’s a shame it uh doesn’t have a proper name but sure look at that lovely stuff right uh you’re on follow save avoid off please thanks oh they got a hit on me we are firing at the battle cruiser

    Right m no your ACC is terrible anyway just to make sure that’s what we’re firing at no wasn’t po initial Target selection which longrange Gunnery again very good let’s uh cut in cuz I do really want to SN those transports we got secondary guns for a reason

    They might be going for my light Cruiser here yep they are kindly leave her alone Oh main belt pin that’s more like it oh [ __ ] Torpedoes a lot of them full stop cuz there’s a nice little concentrated bunch of them there it’s going to hit me right smack on the nose bastards getting some hits in h for some reason no IDs yet

    Okay the light Cruis is starting to work over the transports here’s Lord Clyde oh it has terrible armor okay might as well re purpose 6 in guns on it wait for the ex turret to swing around there we go main bu pen lovely oh yes lovely shot again a main belt

    Pin well play still a float here oh she doesn’t look like she’s is in danger of sinking stck out a gun on her though B turret he’s still ignoring us which um I mean is a tactic you can make taking a lot of damage though it’s the engine room she’s

    Flooding still obsessed with my light Cruiser think the Lord clein is going to flood out here oh yeah definitely is now oh more Torpedoes Nest good good right Hui though can now actually just get nice and close to those uh transports and take them out now that she doesn’t have to worry

    About the bigger guns trying to get her and the like Cruiser over here well get wrecked amazing she done for how the transport’s doing poorly yep well that was fun that was a good that was a good fight that was a good battle I like that one right uh back to the

    Map here we go uh we’ve taken British somal land that should allow uh troops to attack Italian somal land fairly easily but I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to get this Fleet to sit off Madras and start trying to just knock

    Down the uh the port a bit uh while I you know start cleaning up the uh Middle Eastern Holdings of the British Empire and then we will concentrate Force to try and take Eastern India we do have a lot of ships congregating over here all right uh the warrior has shown

    Up again but this time she is uh well trying to prevent the 14in fleet from conducting a Port strike so we might be able to uh get rid of her another good C Class sent to the bottom is good as far as I’m concerned and this time we outnumber them cuz this

    Only one of them so yeah those 10in guns 10 1/2 in are very irritating but we have more because we are almost certainly going to be firing at the wrong target here I want All Ships to eliminate the warrior she will be hitting us pretty much immediately she gets her first

    Hit but so do we yeah demolish it I think we’ve got them repeated main belt hits look at that don’t matter how good your ship is to take that many hits it’s going to cause problems right uh battle Cruisers can you take out that one battleships that one thank you

    T and if there were any toos to dodge it doesn’t matter because they’re gone most damage dump by the tosa very nice and look at that light Cruiser actually the most accurate I was expecting it to be the the warrior down here but no well sucks to be you TOR oh

    Dear it’s is just not fair at all in any way so unbelievably harsh no probably not even going to issue a single order amazed that they’re coming towards us no no they’re not no but after seeing those splashes I would probably turn tail and run there we go who did that

    Marur and it’s six thanks to a 20in hit from Akuma yeah like I said that was never going to go particularly well eh how fine right given that you are oh they sent a single oh they said they sent a fleet okay well you can go over

    Here and start trying to generate Port strikes on madess um I’m going to have to wait another turn right before I can launch anymore yep I don’t think any of these are going to be well no to mizuo no ah again no don’t want to do any of those right uh that’s end

    The all right uh pierce the resolution and the S Vincent along with the Comas uh trying to uh again prevent an invasion here or something maybe they just failed to escape it is narrow Waters up in uh the Persian Gulf of course much harder to avoid an enemy

    Fleet but yeah it seems they the Middle East really is getting Britain’s um blood up which is interesting a lot of battle Cruisers in this Fleet come on there we go but uh generally enormous Fleet against two relatively small battleships at least compared to the aim as they

    Are one of them already taking big big hits oh I like that this must be the X-Men that’s an actual Nelson design look at that it also seems to be uh getting taken down rather fast one more shell will’ll probably do her in yep shame cuz that’s a cool layout at least

    20in guns just making a mess you have a battle tip here oh wow I really want to kill that Cruiser down she goes oh she did fire some Torpedoes that’s why uh they’re not going to do a huge amount of damage it’s fine come 20 in shells oh dear oh dear oh

    Dear I like the exmouth class it’s not very expensive though I supect it had very little armor uh and the Vengeance class well I’ve spoken about that before not my favorite there we go um we have taken well a few few is there uh Northeast Frontier and uh bot

    Somewhere it’s p land wasn’t it oh no it’s uh Bean land anyway we taken somewhere um right trucial States next I think yeah should be able to wrap see look at that percent chance has gone down because there’s um there’s a battles chip sitting there anyway any that fail

    I’m just going to move the ships over to Eastern India how’s the Army getting on not not great to be honest all right last battle for today I think um the British the exmouth the conquerer and the prince conso plus a whole bunch of light Cruisers have run

    Into this Fleet and I can never believe this I alter resolved I should if anyone said in the comments earlier why did you alter resolve all those big battleships against a single light Cruiser that was stupid yeah well I did that off camera and it totally damaged a bunch of my

    Ships like more ships than it could possibly ever have done by itself even if it landed every torpedo um never use Auto resolve you always regret it stupid or Al resol is terrible anyway uh I have even though in the mod I have tried to make it

    Better just and this is not a criticism of dreadnots this is just a criticism of Auto resolve in every game ever where it has ever appeared every total war game ever it is terrible uh it is always terrible all to resolve always ow yeah I do like these these Nelson esque

    Ships oh something goes down uh yeah I’d like you to concentrate on killing the battleships please work on the other stuff later yeah they really don’t have enough Armor All right one down you guys can go after the battle cruiser that should eliminate all of the big guns from the fight a

    And a main gun we accidentally sunk ship over there you guys firing at the wrong things you’re firing at the right thing you are not eliminate big ships first can play with the little ones later turned oh there we go that’ll do has the battle cruiser looking worse shells for short battles ship’s

    Down battle Cruis is down too fre what the hell happened to you not much oh were you just damaged from the start from that stupid auto resolve quite possible right small chip abuse begin just trying to make my course slightly unpredictable for them there we

    Go you take one but it doesn’t do a lot get off to them 8 in guns opening up as well there we go and if these are the expensive light Cruisers this is going to be a very costly battle for the British there goes the Pearl oh I should have a

    Look at the Conqueror here before she goes under the waves ah good pain belt but uh the rest the ship somewhat lacking look at that light 16in shs it totally is a Nelson very interesting and the prince consult here uh n not not my favorite ship ever these

    Cruises all the expensive well they’re not cheap there’s another one just charging them down now at this point yeah they’re doing their best but oh no this is one of the really expensive ones I think they’re all L of torpedoes aren’t they oh Sapphire’s not actually I

    Mean she’s now she just got exploded but there 8 in guns on the aimus proving pretty useful here actually oh Andromeda no what happened to your turret exploded off and with that that British Fleet is gone suspect yeah a lot of victory points there 100 nearly 120,000 and a whole bunch of light

    Cruisers that I no longer have to hunt across the Seven Seas um Musashi damage leader followed by yam very nice uh most accurate again the British are accurate they’re able to hit look at that 63% from the Canada that’s insanely good although she didn’t actually fire that

    Much um but you know the Conqueror here um was definitely hitting her shots uh 36 hits she got just uh not not really doing the business anyway I’m going to end here thank you very much for watching I’ll see you again soon for some more timate app RS bye for now


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