When an American oil company sets up an experimental drilling plant out in the vast deserts of Mongolia, they awaken a nest. The deadly creatures begin to breed and spread, devouring everyone in their path.
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    Genre : New Full Movie in English, 4K,
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    #FullMovieENGLISH #FullMovie

    Does it fit correctly? – Yes. I just have to press it. IN ORDER. I hope that’s all. – At least, that is what it seems. Do you have them too? – Yes. – Okay, then we can pack our bags again. LBK experimental oil production plant in central Mongolia

    The entire system is collapsing, my friends! – What can I say, Mr. Manus? For example, don’t let something like this happen again. Until I know what caused this, I don’t know if it will happen again. The solenoid valve is gone. Change it. – This is the second time this week.

    Yes, I know that too. Why not check the pipes? It’s not because of the sanitary facilities. Total load is too high. Go to the truck and get the booster pump, okay? This thing here is supposed to replace number three on the south field, on the south field. Yes effectively. – GOOD.

    They are calling all the headquarters. If we continue to make mistakes here, alarm bells will ring. It’s surprising no one has come yet. We still miss that. Nothing can go wrong here. – I understand. Actually? You understand that? Do you realize that our burden is always there?

    Level three in the compressor room, Why don’t you still have information on when these people will help us get these things out of here? The longer you stay here… I can only talk to them if they want to talk to me. He has accepted his consent. You made me a firm promise.

    It’s not enough to pick up the phone and talk to people like that… But we’re running out of time. You understand? It is urgent. So promise me you’ll help us get through this. Delivery will be made no later than Friday.

    And there are no more problems. None of us can use the company here. Excellent. Excellent! Mr. Manús? – I listen. Bomb number three failed on the south field. We must close this area immediately. NO. No, don’t do anything until I get there, okay? Screw you! Nothing else works here?

    Come on. He finishes. I’m excited! I think I’m crazy! We’ll have it! This pig master! Yeah! Yeah! – Ah, come on, my beautiful car! %*# in %*# ! Go faster! Come on, step on the accelerator! Hold on! To come back! -Yes baby! Go go go go! Light!

    You can run away as much as you want! Let’s get you! Let’s get you! At some point they will blow your mind off. But not today. Not today, my friend. You shouldn’t play with Kowlan. He’s got a lot of %*# here, you know. Everything is under control, Timur.

    I told you, don’t mess with her. What is it? It’s simply a misunderstanding. This is really not worth mentioning. Kowlan’s misunderstandings often end in funerals. I don’t have a hole anymore. There is nothing planned for me. Not for Daniel. Finally he stops chasing old myths.

    Ah, come on friend, these are not myths, they are facts. Well, facts. Grasp. Actually. There is a treasure here. You know. Timur, you know it and every day I get closer to him. You’ve been saying this for years, Daniel. This time it’s different. I have this in my urine.

    It’s tangible, I can feel it. He’s there, I’m sure. Sooner or later, Kowlan will catch up. And believe me, Daniel, that’s the only thing you’ll feel. It’s the blade of your knife on your back. – Don’t worry, that won’t happen. This time it’s different. I have infallible clues.

    I just need time. – Okay, after finding the treasure, You’re going to report this to the authorities, right, Daniel? Naturally. Logic. Clear. – Yes naturally. And if I understood correctly, you are the authority, right? What you do with your share is your business.

    Did you know? I think you could use a bite. Come to the barbecue tonight. Yes, I have little money right now. It’s a surprise. Hey, you’re invited. Real? I really have a problem with you, don’t I? You will return everything when you find the treasure. I like the environment.

    It seems like you are very close to your goal, right? You said it. Yes. IN ORDER. I’m coming. Something happened? – Half a village wants to kill another half a village, and all because of a goat. I need the goat, otherwise it will bleed. Very good, partner.

    She must be a good dog. Sepegal in central Mongolia Steffi, we lost two more. When will the others come? We need more medicine. I know. They arrived. I promise. What is she saying? Who is coming? – It’s just a myth. She believes the disease comes from the deadly worm. – That?

    Deadly worm. He is a legend here. Good day? – Good day. Hello, she’s here…-Hello, Alicia. You listen to me? Good day? – AND? What is it? It does not work. And you ? The only thing I can say is that there is a problem with the engine.

    Can you fix this? – Yes, but it would have to have a different engine. Maybe it’s better now. I’ll call headquarters again. Good day? No, I said Sepegal. All I can say is how urgent this is. I mean, we try to be like… Hello? Good day? And what they say?

    All transport planes are overloaded. We are so close to Sepegal that we should try to get there ourselves. Classroom. Well, I’ll try again with Steffi. Maybe the connection is a little better now. LBK installation, lower sector, basement. Mr. Manús? – Be careful with the boxes.

    So what did you discover? – Someone will contact us tomorrow. With these kids it’s always “tomorrow.” I’m all for finding someone else. We do not work with overnight express mail. These people work the way they work. You don’t ask questions. You will be. Besides, there is no one else.

    This bunch of pigs. I still have a stomach ulcer. Mister? Yeah? – Moua didn’t come to work this morning. Your car is still in the west sector. His He also did not complete any work. Then there is another thing you should check. Immediately.

    I’m telling you, at some point there will be a lot of uniforms here. And then everything went to hell here, you know? Mister? – I’m on my way. This looks promising. – Maybe the police chief. Lady. There are problems? Yes. I’m Dr. Alicia Brewer from Doctors for Hope.

    And we have urgent delivery of medicines to Sepegal. Segal. It’s exactly the opposite. Sorry. I have to go to the emergency room, there is nothing I can do. We also have an emergency. People die without medication. We can not wait. One moment, please. Long time no see. Are they tourists?

    They say they are doctors. Their car is broken down and they need to go to Sepegal. Ah, ah, ah, ah, Timur, come on. Don’t do that with me. I don’t have time for excursions. I have to go on my mission. But they definitely have money for these cases.

    But now it doesn’t work. I’m an interesting protagonist, Timur, please! This must be checked quickly. – You owe money to a lot of people. And it’s time to give it back. IN ORDER? – Yeah. Well I have to go. – Yes, yes, I know, I know, the goat.

    Thanks for your help, Daniel. IN ORDER? – Yes. – You are a real lifesaver. He will help you. IN ORDER? Very big. – THANK YOU. – Lady. Hello, did the police explain our situation to you? – How much does it cost?

    Sorry what? – Coal for the trip. How much does it cost? I accept US dollars, euros, gold and even tögrög. There are no free tours. Doctors for Hope is a humanitarian aid organization. But it’s not Daniel’s taxi. I am sorry sister. I’m not your sister, I’m a doctor.

    A disease has broken out in Sepegal and people are dying there. Then pray for another taxi to arrive. Sure. How much does it cost? How much should we pay for your desire to save lives? How much does your good deed cost? – How much do you have in your bag?

    How does it feel to be so selfish? – That? If you don’t know. – Hold your breath. You want me to feel guilty. Forget it, it won’t work. I’m waiting. This %*# wants money. – I don’t trust this guy a single cent. Yes, but we depend on it. How much do we have?

    I have about two hundred. Who is this? I don’t know, a greedy American. But we have no choice when the sheriff calls us losers. %*# is a highway robbery. Too quiet. We need him and he needs the money. And from the looks of it, that should probably be enough.

    I have your money. – How much does it cost? – Three hundred. So please listen! That’s all we have. Well, you’ll have more when we get there. Three hundred more. So is this disease contagious? Only if you drink water. And I beg you to do it. Are we in business?

    Daniel’s taxi is at your disposal. He takes the youngest. THANK YOU. Where can he be? What are you looking for? – This could be a warning. Warning? That ? Someone knows. He knows what we found. It is impossible. – Certainly? – Yeah.

    You don’t know anything about the people here. – I know a bomb is on strike. Where’s the rest of your team? – There are rumors. – That? One man is missing. The news spreads. I understood this correctly, yes? A man disappears and… Is that why others no longer come to work?

    Most are superstitious. This country knows many legends. Please leave the stories. What fairy tale is bad enough? That you skip work for this? -Allghoi Korkhoi. The deadly Mongolian worm. – That’s right. Some people think we wake you up with our exercise. Good people. Look, nothing happened. Nothing itself.

    He just disappeared like everyone else, right? Clear. – In order. Who is this? – That, my friend, is a big problem. This bomb definitely works, you understand? And move the boxes in the lower sector up. And if the messenger doesn’t arrive soon, I will be angry.

    Yes effectively. – I told you. The last two boxes are sold out. Hello can you hear me? Who is here? Who is here? Aid! Aid! Aid! NO! AND? How long have you been playing Florence Nightingale? I think it’s better if we don’t talk, okay?

    So make yourself comfortable. The trip will be long. Without music. I already had a CD player, but… Stolen? – Not crazy. – How terrible. How long does it take to get to Sepegal? – It will take a few hours. You have enough time to take a nap. Chill out.

    So I guess they were smugglers or arms dealers. Very close, dear. – AND? In fact, a little of both. – Hey, then they’ll kill us. You should go to sleep. – Oh, why me? Then he ended up dead in the desert.

    I stole clothes, I stole money… – How? Do you have more money? Guys, please, okay? Just because he’s paying for this tour doesn’t mean he’s a thief, okay? True, but extorting money from a nonprofit doesn’t exactly make you a saint. Okay, so I’ll be somewhere in the middle.

    A little closer to the Thief. – As far as I’m concerned, that too. Money or not, I’ll tell you something: I’m just saving your skin. This is exactly the difference between us. We don’t care about our skin, but there, in a town, many people die.

    And we want to save their skins, you know? There are many other differences between us, but I understand you well. Hey, what is this? – What’s that ? Is here. – Oh? Nothing itself. Of course that’s something. – Hey, don’t touch that, okay? What’s that? – It’s none of your business.

    You can touch that. Have fun with it. What exactly are you doing here? – Look for. Important research. Oh yeah? And what kind of research is this? – Important scientific research. Was I clear enough? – I suspect you’re looking for something. You either run away from something or do both.

    So for those who don’t want to talk, talk a lot. Sensitive subject? – Three hundred were just for the trip. The story of my life costs more. I don’t think your life is that exciting. Everything is alright? – Yes I’m fine. Just a minute.

    I just don’t understand how dangerous this can be. Diseases can appear out of nowhere. There has never been anything like this here before. Steffi, we’ve had something like this here before. It was a disease like that. A long time ago. It’s part of our history.

    What are you talking about ? – I’m talking about the deadly worm. Oh no, not that story again. I thought you would tell me something useful. Steffi, listen to me. Look, Manus, I’ll explain it to you again. That’s what we do here: we pump a lot of boiling water into these wells.

    Yes effectively. – This boiling water consumes the permafrost, and when it reaches the shale layer, mud is formed. We refine this sludge, extract the crude oil and put it into millions of barrels. And that’s how we make a lot of money.

    Yes sir, I am aware of that. – This makes the inspector happy, This makes our partners happy and keeps us in business. Do you see where I’m going with this? Of course I know that, sir, and I would appreciate it if you would not treat me like a schoolboy.

    I would try. I know what we’re doing Because I am responsible… – Yes, exactly, you are responsible. And obviously it doesn’t work. If the pumps don’t work, it will be difficult to make money. And it is extremely difficult

    To pay your great salary. You understand me? – Yes effectively. – GOOD. I understand that you are there. – In order. Where is the problem? The problem, Manus. – Alright then. My workers disappear almost every day and the solenoids go on strike, because there is some kind of electrical fault.

    Show what you can do. Hire more workers, okay? This is not serious. – Is if, Because it’s a legend, right? – One that? I can’t even exclude them from the payroll, much less temporary workers. I do not understand that. What do you mean by legend?

    A kind of worm legend. – Did you say “worm”? – Legend of the Worm, yes. – Worm? The deadly Mongolian worm. – A deadly worm? Yes, exactly. Mr. Manús? – Yeah. We just lost another bomb at South Field. You didn’t lose the bomb, the ground is very soft.

    If Jackson comes here, he should take a look. What’s new? – You will not like it. It’s just unreal. – Condemn. And there? He needs to calm down a little. – Yeah. When can we move forward? Like I said, the engine needs to cool down.

    Plus, it’s dark. We will camp here and leave tomorrow. NO. We have to go to Sepegal, okay? We will continue our journey when this pile of garbage can move again. I just said the engine won’t run anytime soon. Also, these streets are not safe at night.

    Are you afraid of some holes? – These are not holes. Smugglers transport their goods through the streets at night. And when you meet them, they shoot first before asking questions. I would take the risk. Every second we waste here costs human lives. – There is no discussion here.

    Phil, help me. – Why are you dragging Phil into this now? I don’t train him. I just don’t want to be blamed for a doctor’s death. Not even for a madman. And certainly not because of two dead doctors, right? He is right. He doesn’t help anyone if we can’t do anything.

    I say it like this. -Phil, exactly. So help me with the hood. Clear. – THANK YOU. GOOD. In order. Good man. – Very big. So we ran it off the road and out of sight. Press! How many times has this happened? – I don’t know. Sometimes.

    Sometimes, you say. Come with me. Can you tell me what has happened here in the last four months? Are you listening to me? – Clear. There is enormous geological instability right under your feet. Bedrock can also soften. I don’t know.

    Or these are his verses. – Maybe it’s the worms too. I am going to rest. And I suggest you do the same before you start saying stupid things again. Do you understand, Manus? Understood. Was it them? Have you finally reached an agreement? They think it’s a trap. They don’t trust us.

    Are you kidding. No, they want proof that we have what we claim. Manus, where are you? – Alright then. So give it to him. I’m coming. I am sorry about what happened. I know you were just worried about our safety. No, you don’t need to apologize to me.

    Maybe I should apologize to you. I didn’t take you to Sepegal. You get a little discount, okay? A discount sounds good. If you can, it is best to sleep for a few hours. Very good joke. We are doctors, we don’t need sleep. I’m starting to admire your determination, you know that?

    It is you who wanders, God knows where, to make your dream come true. – Okay, enough mutual admiration. So what is this? – Just a simple EMF device. Measures the fluctuation of the electromagnetic field. Because it is important? This is important because it should help me achieve my dream.

    So is this some kind of metal detector? – Well, something like that, yes. Anything else. Do they really not need doctors in your city? There are many doctors in Michigan. Unfortunately, most people are not willing to travel around the world to treat cholera. I understand what you’re saying.

    Here comes the help. Finally. Hide the phone, Phil. I said you should… Well, Daniel, you have new partners. – NO. We are not partners. He just takes us with him. %*#, Keep your mouth closed! Okay, let’s stay calm, okay? No one should get hurt.

    We can discuss everything calmly. – Kowlan thinks you’re trying to betray him. He knows you found something and wants to know what it is. I couldn’t find anything, he is wrong. Tell him he’s wrong. You can tell him in person. At pickup.

    But we just want to camp. Very quiet, very quiet. Gentle. Kowlan Camp west of Sepegal Switch it on. – Gentle. It’s no big deal. IN ORDER. Relax, friend. Sit down. Hey, shut up, buddy, okay? Daniel. How are you, Kowlan? It’s good to see you again.

    What’s that %*#? – I just said hello to you. Man. So these are your new investors, right? NO. Kowlan, they’re doctors, man. An aid organization for Sepegal. You have nothing to do with the matter. Let her go again. We needed a ride. – You only speak when asked.

    Do you know something. What are you hiding from me? Okay, listen to me, buddy. I found an artifact. And clearly there is a worm there. The symbol of the Khan. AND? If I concentrate my search, maybe I will find the treasure.

    As you know, an earthquake occurred near the oil production site. – Yeah. Some said they saw the worm. But that’s exactly what I mean. I’m sure they are there. And I’m close. – You talk about treasures and worms, and people die in other places. – Again.

    You only speak when asked. One more word… and I will serve your tongue to the vultures for lunch. It’s okay, Kowlan. I said she had nothing to do with it. She has no idea. %*#! Stupid dog! Tie her. Daniel and me, Let’s talk privately now.

    IN ORDER. – Come on, move. – Tell me. Someone is trying to send a delivery. I do not know what you’re talking about. Are you sure you don’t have a partner? I get up at five to make a call and all I hear is noise.

    Again. Excellent. Now we are months behind. And I felt that I had to correct myself if I was wrong, that the geological studies before starting the renovation was carried out on site. Yes. They are in my office, signed by the administration and authorities.

    Yes, okay, but then why are they wrong? Because? I don’t know. Take a look at the office plans. No, I want to see the substructure myself. Sir, I can’t allow you to do this. You don’t have security clearance to get there. Then why?

    The helmet is safe enough. That’s how it happens, right? Lord, listen. Mr. Bixler, I am responsible for you… No no. I insist that we go to the office to collect the reports… Sir! Manus, who the hell shit on your head? Do you know what kind of problems this causes?

    Do you realize that I might have to close everything here until Let us know what happens next. I have to call management here and they won’t be happy. You understand that? Sir, I can’t allow this. – Mr. Bixler! Oh no, please, no more problems. Yeah?

    A call for you from the United States. They were successful. Oh, hallelujah. Do that. – This way, sir. Mr. Jackson’s flight was delayed, but they said He would be there this afternoon. – This boy is very nervous. We should call it “springboard.” %*#, Daniel.

    We die. We die. – No, we won’t. But they will torment us. – No, they won’t either. My masochistic side is completely underdeveloped. You are right. – Our father in heaven… OK that is good. There! God… Do you agree? – Ask me something simpler.

    They’re going to kill us, right? Tell the truth. I have no idea, okay? But we have to get out of here quickly. – You do not know. I tell you one thing. They will definitely kill you if you don’t do this.

    Don’t give them what they want, but you’re just a fraud, right? A simple thief. At least that’s what we thought, but… Phil, you’re not being very helpful. – You could have mentioned that there is a reward on your head. Philip! What is so valuable here that everyone is looking for?

    The tomb of Genghis Khan. Are you serious? – Yes Yes. What do you have to do with these scary guys? – We came to an agreement. Kowlan lends me money when I need it and takes a cut of the discovery.

    Why is he so angry with you? -He is losing patience. That’s all. And he doesn’t want any more partners involved. And these verses? – These are deadly Mongolian worms. According to legend, he was the guardian of Genghis Khan’s tomb. – Legend? But he said they were seen.

    It’s also true. I also saw them with my own eyes. And I’ll tell you one thing: if there are worms, then… then there is the grave. – I’ve never heard something so stupid. This is my life’s work. – Felipe. Then you’re stupid too, man. – Philip!

    Did you know? I can understand that you two are angry. In fact, very good. And you are right. But I promise you one thing: I will take you to Sepegal. How can you promise anything in such a situation? Because what I start, I finish.

    I may not be a good tour guide, but I’m a great villain. What is it? Other people have already tried to tie me up. – Grasp. Give me your little hands. – Thank God. Okay, you have to go back to the street we were on.

    This leads directly to Sepegal. – And you ? I still have a lot to do. Don’t worry with me. No problem, we can take care of it. Don’t be so bold. I haven’t gotten you out of here yet. No panic. Keep your place.

    Do you have my call? – Yes sir, but the lines are still saturated. I’m just trying to do this. I hope it won’t be too long. That %*#. Hear. You wait for the signal. Then you start running. And what kind of signal? – Well, that’s certainly it. Understood?

    Hey, isn’t he back yet? I want to see this proof. Stop doing that! Give me this. – Naturally. Here. Screw you! Was that the clear sign? One type %*# ! It does not work. – Forget it. We unloaded the medicine and placed it in the van. – In order.

    And Daniel? – Because? What should happen to him? Would you like to go back and get it? Are you kidding? He’s lived here, I don’t know how long. He can do it alone. He saved our lives. What happened there… What happened was his fault. There are people who need us.

    Our job is to take care of these people first. If I read correctly, that’s what we’re here for, right? That’s right. – Yes it’s true. GOOD. Excellent. We are going to Sepegal and if we arrive safely we will call the police. IN ORDER?

    If it’s not too late. – This is the best we can do. Where are the idiots? They must have been there hours ago. I said men are… …a group of cowards. – Yeah. I spent the night trying to contact her by phone.

    I’m pretty exhausted now. I just want to say one thing: I’m sure we’ll have to close here. Good day? You’re here? Good day? Is something working here? You’re here? Before we part again, I would like to say one thing… They need to send someone here to reevaluate the situation.

    Everything has changed, geologically and structurally. I need a team here to support me as quickly as possible. Mister! We just got interrupted. – Manus, what is this for? Keep your mouth closed %*#. Just keep the advantage! There’s my baby. IN ORDER. Oh Steff… Thank God. It is a disaster.

    Phones are not working and supplies are running low. How bad is it? The entire town has been affected in the last 24 hours. We have supplies with us. Not much, but what was possible. Why are you so late? What happened after? Please, do not ask. Come on.

    My God… – Yesterday we lost two more. We really do what we can. Little by little we are running out of drinking water. What we have with us will not be enough. Severe cases must be stabilized. Kelly, try to find a source of water and boil it.

    As many as you can carry. – Yeah. How could things have deteriorated so quickly? Allghoi Chorchoi. – Because of this. What does that mean? What did she say? – Crazy things about worms, which are said to contaminate the water. Did you say “towards”? I don’t. She. That?

    Manus… – Shut up, okay? – Manus… – Snout. You can’t get out of there. Shut up, man, and shut up! Your plan is getting out of control. I’m tired of waiting any longer for your people. Let’s continue with Plan B. – What is Plan B?

    How should I know this? – What do you plan to do with it? Bring your people here! Damn, hurry up! One zero three is Timur. Come. Can you hear me? In it. What the hell is wrong with this damn thing?

    I need some time. Are you still with this? – Clear. You Steff… – Yes? – Good job. I know how difficult it was. Daniel. It’s good to see you alive again. Yes, that is entirely my role. Because you are here? I just wanted to see if you arrived safely.

    I mean, you two, of course. Phil too. He almost feels like genuine compassion. How beneficial. – Yeah. I don’t know what really happened there, or how many of Kowlan’s men survived. But if they survived, They will appear here soon. – We can’t run away.

    People need us here. They will die if we don’t help them. Yes. And unfortunately, it’s even worse than you think. – So that? Bixler! Good day! Hello Bix! Bixler! Anyone there? Nobody’s home? This looks very bad. People need even more support. Much more.

    As much as possible. And who are you? – My name is Daniel. We do not have much time. We have to get people out of here quickly. Yeah. Especially very serious cases. Tuan, tell him what you know. There is an oil production facility. They have phones, maybe trucks too.

    You can get us all out of here. – Yes, I know the system. I go there and try to help. This is our last chance. We should use this. Okay, I’ll go with you. Aren’t you needed here more urgently? The service is there, the doctors are good.

    There’s not much I can do until we get there. Get out of here, but maybe I can speed things up. I need to talk to you for a moment. You don’t trust me, do you? – No, I do not have. And the fact that I’m here because of you doesn’t matter.

    Probably out of personal interest. It could have gone anywhere. Just drive to the next city. In order. This means that you do not value good works. I will remember this. I’m just here to make sure everything goes well. And I thought you’d be happy to finally get rid of me.

    Oh, that happens too, believe me. First we help, then we talk. Certainly. Yes. Well, your decision. Gather your things. I’ll wait outside. It’s okay everyone, stay together and seek shelter. I’ll be back with reinforcements. But we still need water to cook.

    Do what you can’t help but do. Stay here and trust me. Yes, good. GOOD. Patrick… Patrick, if I test you, So stay away from yourself… – Shut up, Otherwise I’ll cut out your tongue! Okay, I’m sorry we’ve come to this point, but you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.

    You know, I want to trust you. We could have been partners. Is that. You don’t love me, Bixler. Mr. Manus! – Aid! Aid! He’s going to hell. – Aid! It’s getting more and more out of control. – Unfortunately we have no other option.

    AND? Have you talked with them? – NO. Something is wrong here. I can’t contact anyone. – That? God. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay, let’s upload the items ourselves. Why not? We transport it ourselves. It’s too risky. We will never leave the region.

    And certainly not across the border. – Why not? We will do this alone. – And the delivery of oil? Can’t we do smuggling with normal delivery? It is stored. If this is America, then… I understood! We are changing the inventory directory. If necessary, we take the products individually to the warehouse.

    This is exactly how we do it, it’s very easy. We carry things ourselves. We need one. – Mr. Manus! Bana! – Excuse me sir. You sent it to me? Yes I have. I need you to guard the fortress here while we’re gone, okay? – Yeah.

    Why are you still here? They’re all gone. Money. I’m worried, Mr. Manus. Cholera broke out in my town. Segal. The money I earn helps alleviate suffering and pain. If I understand. Small deposit. Okay, then let’s get started. Hey, do you know how to handle a gun?

    Good day! Good day! Aid! Who is here? Aid! It works as a thousand wonders. Understood? Stop, hang up. GOOD. Switch it on. Press. We can’t waste time. Stay in the car. IN ORDER. That’s how it is? Partially anyway. Disgusting, right?

    How is something like this possible? – I mean, how does that happen…? How is it possible that no one knows these things exist? Even if they crawl across the country? – Well, I’ve been here for six years. and I saw two. – And you ruined a device,

    To find them. – These things send an impulse, that disturbs the electromagnetic field. Until a few days ago I wasn’t sure if it worked. Now I know it works. What are you doing? Don’t touch it, it’s poisonous. Could you please take my bag? – Yeah.

    After seeing these verses, you will have to believe in the legend. And when you do that, you realize that these guys are guiding me towards my goal. In the Khan’s tomb? – Yes, exactly. Rapid decomposition. acid base. Larval structure. – Okay, what is this? What does that mean?

    I don’t know. So not yet. What are those things? That is the question. Since they live mostly underground, these creatures could have something to do with the Sepegal plague. It’s funny, Sepegal disease has all the signs of cholera. But infection tests are all different. That’s what makes things so complicated. What’s that?

    Here you have a little souvenir. I’ll give it to you. So we have to crawl there. Switch it on. There is not much to do in the area. – It looks pretty deserted. Apparently she is too. What happened now? – An earthquake, I guess. It seems that Kowlan is right.

    Why build a facility on a fault? You didn’t do that. I know that. There is no flaw here. – But something is wrong. Do you think they were evacuated? – I don’t know, but we’ll see. Good day! Relax friend. – Who are you?

    My name is Daniel. We don’t want to hurt anyone. Keep calm. I am a doctor. We are looking for a telephone. It is important. No, all the phones are broken. – What a stupid excuse. Of course there are phones here. – I have my orders.

    What type of orders? – Listen, who gave you these orders? We understand that we need help because an entire town is sick. Do you mean Segal? – Yes, exactly. Do you want to help my people? – Are you from Sepegal? Maybe you don’t understand what this woman went through.

    Help your people. And now everything she wants is hers Use the phone and call more doctors to your house It can help people even better. Careful! Come on, come home quickly! Just go ! Hurry up! IN ORDER. We have to look for as much water as we can carry.

    Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. – So that? What’s new? It’s no big deal. I stay calm. I thought there was something here. Everything’s fine? – Yes, yes, it’s just… I’m having a hard time understanding this. You were right. They were OK. – WHO? What do you mean?

    Workers. They left, they were scared. And I didn’t believe them. We are all cursed. Keep calm. We don’t want you to have another heart attack here. Pay attention. Worms don’t kill us, no matter how big they are. Now we just need a phone. That’s all.

    So that’s how it is. – Are you still going? – Yes. Delivered with. We have to get up here. I am not receiving a dial tone. That’s what I said. The phones are broken. So you didn’t lie. – NO. These things send a strong impulse. They’re probably jamming the lines.

    Or earthquakes destroyed them. What are they really doing here? What type of installation is this? A kind of experimental oil production facility. In fact, they closed a few years ago. I wanted to start digging right then, but it wasn’t possible. Some corrupt funds acquired the facilities needed to conduct testing. Yeah.

    Bituminous shale oil. -And how exactly do they do it? Would you like to change careers? No, but I have an idea what’s going on. Explain this to me. – Boiling water is pumped to the bottom of the board. It must be that. – What should be what?

    How deep is the water? Does it also work through permafrost? Yes, even now and deeper. I think the water releases these worms from some kind of torpor. That’s why what we found collapsed so quickly. Permission. Sorry what? – This is called cryptobiosis, a common biological phenomenon. A good example is brine crabs.

    They are practically dead and, when they come into contact with salt and water, they come back to life. This would also explain why these giant worms have never been seen before. Piercing is the reason so many things appear suddenly. Have you heard? This seems logical to me.

    If what she says is true, this system needs to be stopped immediately. Until you know what’s going on here, you should close down. I can not do that. – If not you, who else? They are not here. – Okay, I’ll tell you something. Or LBK wasted millions and

    Millions building this on shaky ground. or hundreds or even thousands of worms burrowing into the foundation. Regardless, this system must be stopped. She has to… Don’t tell me you can’t! This must be done! – I do not know how to do that!

    Yeah! THANK YOU! I don’t want to offend you, don’t worry. Okay, now tell me this: if we turn off the system, and the worms? – Impossible prediction. Guess what. I have no idea. You are the scientist. Well, it could be that the live worms continue their cycle.

    Life that, as far as I know, lasts a few days, maybe a week. Then they have to die. So it’s perfectly possible that when you turn it off, new worms will no longer be born. – GOOD. Perfect. You’ve done a good job so far.

    But do you see this? I have the gun, so I’m the boss. Turn off the system. Turn a knob, unplug, press the red button… – I’m not allowed to do that. Permission is granted. – NO! I’m just a mechanic. I can… – I’m going to tell you something now, okay?

    If you make fun of me, I will stop you To help your family or friends. Understood? A psychological trick. AND? Well, I only know how to do this in an emergency. Perfect! And how do we do this? – It only works manually.

    The manual is great, I loved the manual. We do this manually. And how? We have to go down. – Perfect at the bottom. We are going down. We’ll go down, you stay here. She keeps trying. Aid! Here. It’s the last. IN ORDER.

    Tuán! Tuán! Tuán! Tuán! NO. That is… Aid! Aid! I have a lot of activity. There must be something nearby. How far is that? – At the end of the hallway and to the left. There are the main valves. What’s that?

    Unused machines, spare parts. Things that are delivered. Very well, continue. Tuan! – What’s wrong, Felipe? What happened? Where is Tuan located? I don’t know. A minute ago she was there and suddenly she disappeared. Oh my God! My God! Run! You take the valve.

    Okay, Daniel, please listen to me carefully. These two should be pointing to the right at the same time. GOOD. – At three. One two three. Light! No no no. Wait wait. What’s that? Incorrect. Sorry. These two should be turned counterclockwise. If you turn it clockwise, everything overloads and hums!

    If I understand. Boom, nothing good. Then turn to the other side. – Three, okay? One two three. Light! There is a third valve. – Yes, continue. What was that? – That? There’s someone else here. Come, come with me.

    What is it? Where do you want to go? – Sorry. It hurts… What’s the point? Hey! Light! You have to enter! Do you agree? – I do. And you? Do you hear that? – NO. I do not hear anything.

    She turned off the system. I’m going to do… You’re here! We must go! Wait wait! – We should go! You’re here! Have you turned off the system? – Sorry, we have to go! This time we will take two boxes, otherwise it will take us all night.

    Hello, I’m Dr. Alicia Brewer from Doctors for Hope. Can you hear me? Hello, I hear you. This is officer Timur. What kind of problem do you have? – You can hear me, okay? Please speak more clearly. I do not understand you. – Good day?

    Good day! Can you hear me? – Speak more clearly. I do not understand what you are saying. Good day? Segal. -Segal? Good day! Good day! Oh please tell me you can hear me. Keep your phone! What are you doing here?

    Everything’s fine. I am a doctor. My name is… I didn’t ask your name, I want to know what you’re doing here. Screw you! He’s going to hell! I knew it was here. I knew. Naturally. The treasure. Naturally. What the hell… Oh %*#.

    Is everyone okay here? – No, we need help urgently. I killed all the worms there. Where is Daniel? He wanted to get help. – I received a call from Alicia. She also asked for help. Help is already on the way. Careful! I hope it won’t be too long. Sorry.

    Please put the gun down. Lower your weapon. Do you agree? Alice, are you okay? I agree. That’s good. This means you are not feeling well. And neither will you if you don’t drop the gun. Shut up buddy, I’ll do it. I’ll leave you, okay?

    Stay away. – Look, she’s on the ground. Can you tell me what you are looking for here? I think you’ve already found it. I hope you’re happy for me. How did you discover the tomb? Probably thanks to a renovation, right? Yes. Yes, the old system lasted 50 years. AND?

    Understood. IN ORDER. Let’s be sensible. Where is she? – Where is who? Come on, what does that mean? You know exactly what I’m talking about. I searched for it all my life and risked everything. Like now? What happened to your friend sitting in that chair over there?

    He was your friend, right? Is he? What are you talking about? IN ORDER. And how does this continue? He drops the gun. Lower your weapon or he will kill you. No I dont think so. – Why not? I am the best shooter.

    Do you still see worms there? – No, but I’ll tell you what I see. AND? That? Here comes the help. – Thank God. Where do you want to go? – My work is not finished yet. He has the gun. No, no, don’t do that. Stop doing that!

    No, no, no, no, please take it… I’ll shoot again. Daniel! Daniel! Daniel! Come quickly! Go out! Light! Hold on! This is the queen’s nest. She kept the treasure. But that was taken away from him. We can’t just close this facility. We have to blow this up. Good day? What’s going on?

    I think this is exactly what you were looking for. I’m going to tell you something: I don’t want to spend six years looking for an empty grave. It’s stupid that anyone else found it. She didn’t take the treasure. I would have realized that.

    Daniel, we have to get out of here. – Wait a minute. Daniel, we have to go! Trust me. Come with me. -Daniel! Screw you! I knew. – Won. Now let’s get out of here. – NO! No, you don’t understand that. That is my life.

    This is my life too and I don’t want to die here. Come on. – Do not touch me! – Chill out. Too quiet. We’re blowing everything up here. With all this treasure? With the treasure, yes. And most importantly: with worms, the queen, the nest, the… – Don’t do that!

    In silence, yes. No difficulties. Nobody blows anything up here. Do not do anything stupid. No no no! Get out of my way! I’m already receiving my boxes! Drop your weapon. Let it go now! I will not do anything. – Don’t be stupid, Manus,

    Otherwise I will shoot you. – We have to hurry, Timur. We have to get out of here. – He is my darling, okay? He is not yours! He is mine, mine, mine! Well friend, I’m afraid she thinks he’s hers. Come with me. You too friend.

    Well, we are in the right place. Timur, watch the hallway, Alicia take this valve. When I count to three, I turn the wheel clockwise. Clockwise. You understand me? – Yeah. Clockwise is important. We lost everything the first time. GOOD. One two three!

    What are you doing? – I will send the system instead. In hell. Are you sure this works? – I keep my fingers crossed. In order. Just one thing. OK, that’s it. Now we must go. – Yes, get out of here! Come!

    She continues. Do you agree? – If so far. Hurry up! Here! Light! Light! Light! Attention! Stay behind! Timur! – Hey! Run! Further away! Fast! Run! Be careful, it will rise! – Exit! To descend! What’s that? It seems your call was answered.

    Then I misjudged you. You’re not really a villain. I’m definitely a bad guy, but not really bad. We still have a lot to do. You know, I always have my own rescue mission. And in my opinion you are in good hands here. IN ORDER. Yes, thank you very much for everything.

    Oh, there’s no reason. You know, I still have a lot of coins to collect and I think some of them are yours too. No, that’s not my thing. – Of course not. For a donation to Doctors for Hope? – Well, it’s a good deal. An anonymous donation, I guess. – Yes of course.

    The… the taxi was free. THANK YOU. – See you soon. I really can’t hope.


    1. công ti không hề
      chỉ nuôi mảng xọc dăng
      ui tín .?,chị iên tâm các em xẻ về xớm thôi bảo vệ đá lọi nài nhanh chắc phải 10@./nâm nửa

    2. …das ist so bescheuert: das Auto von der Straße schieben und sich unsichtbar für die Schmuggler machen, von daher zuallerallererst mal ein schönes Lagerfeuer anzünden😂😂😂

    3. Okay, es reicht, ich habˋs wirklich versucht, aber ich kann nicht mehr…miese Schauspieler, miese Story, miese Würmer…keine Spannung, null Charisma seitens des Hauptdarstellers ( geschweige denn der anderen Akteure ), unterdurchschnittliche Dialoge, nur dummes Geschwafel und noch dümmere Handlung…das Grab von Dschingis Khan, bewacht von Riesenwürmern, wow, darauf muß man erst mal kommen😂😂😂und Tschüss

    4. Buenísima me encantó la película tiene de todo un poco gracias saludos desde Chile 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏❤❤❤❤❤❤😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

    5. Boa.tarde.pai.aleluia.perdoa.mim.por.favor.meu.amor.celestial.mente.no.ceu.pra.nossa.cerimonia.celestialmente.maravilhosa.gracas.ao.deus.do.ceu.meu.rei.pra.trabalho.na.terra.nao.tem.meu.doce.amor.muito.obrigado..meu.dono.na.eternidades.sem.fim.santo.espirito.sagrado.senhor.aleluia.rosana.nas.alturas.no.ceu.vou.amor.obrigado.pelo.filme.da.biblia.na.realidades.amem.eu.sou.gabriela.presente.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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