Video meant for the adult action figure collector. Video not meant for kids. GI-Joe classified series Ram Cycle Kitbash/Custom. Tiger Force Ram Cycle action figure vehicle.

    This YouTube video is meant for the adult action figure Collector video is not meant for kids this kitbash video is also going to be influenced by my own personal experience of using and owning motorbikes in the Philippines so aside from my sedan I have two motorbikes one

    For the city and one for my family’s property or when I go visit my family’s property which is quite rough terrain I would have a dirt bike like this so on the table are going to be the materials that I use to custom or kitbash my Tiger Force Ram cycle so this

    Is going to be the Standard Version and I have another version on hand okay so Sharpie black Gundam marker sketching pencil a simple notepad nail polish the trans curent one eraser and your Peck very simple materials something that you already have on board the one thing that we

    Don’t have a lot of is time so plus we also want to really have our custom or kit bash in just within possibly 30 minutes or an hour instead of of dismantling Parts on this Ram cycle and then taking off paint and repainting priming Etc which is going to take a lot

    Of your time and resources instead of just having these materials to work with actually you don’t need to really strip of paint on this because it is already good to go what you just need is to Accent or put paint on areas that needs to be paint and take off a little

    Bit of paint on areas that does not need to be accented and the other material that is not on this table which you also need is going to be nail polish remover so you have your RAM cycle on hand and if you want to really modify this um thing so

    First thing is to get your drill and run a drill bit on this section so you could put stuff on this section and if you want a carrier then this section or this visor has to go actually this is easy to take off so just using your

    Fingernails this thing pops off easy and you have more sections to put stuff on and actually you already exposing areas that you’re going to really accept so thing that we going to do first which you’re going to see on the finished um build of the ram cycle is going to be this

    Ice on this section of the motor bike I used nail polish to take it out so those are gone in my final build and if you have markers so it’s easy to paint sections which you’re going to see later on and the use of Gundam markers is if you see the panel sections

    On the bike it’s easy to panel line them and aside from using the gandam marker having a sketching pen also to paneline some stuff which this won’t go into areas that um the pen won’t reach the pencil will do and if it’s just way too shiny and

    You want to really roughen out some sections it’s just easy to do this so with your sketching pen just mark an area on a pad like what I’m doing right now and with your finger something that we I did as a kid before and just paint out areas that needs to

    Be painted or darkened instead of using um nail polish and taking paint off it’s just easy to really just darken things out with carbon from the sketching pencil and you’re going to see that too in the final product and the last thing after applying your markers especially

    Areas where it’s all um blackened out so with the use of this tip I would apply a coat of clear nail polish to protect the painted areas so from this to that so let’s do a 360 view of the finished product before we go back to the customization

    Table okay so let’s put this aside and we’re going to concentrate on this but we’re going to later on just put this back on frame so you could see which of the section I painted okay so let’s start first with the attachments so buag number one Lieutenant Falcon buag number two action force

    Berse bug number three crimson guard attachments that’s the shovel from GI Jo classified series Tiger Force Outback that is the weapon carrier from GI Jo classified series Sergeant stalker and the rifle which comes with GI Jo classified series Grant so all of those accessories with the use of those pegs would easily just

    Fit on the sections on these sections and the front section that this bag goes on top these two bags would go on the side and the last accessory that I didn’t mention was this this is going to be a rain coat now that is just going to be a

    Elastic tie that I um actually it’s going to be this something that you could get at one Walmart for less than a dollar to tie the or to secure the rain coat to the back section of the bike okay so let’s start with the sections that are painted

    So just as I mentioned earlier I took off the visor so I could Mount this bag and just with the use of the sketching pen I darkened areas that needs to be darkened and for comparison purpose okay so let’s put in the other bike so those are the areas that I

    Painted so I started with the rims and then the disc brakes front and back with the use of the gandam marker I paneline those sections and the vents too on this section that section and I also used a silver Sharpie to paint out this section so compared to the original

    One so that area is also painted then the marker once again to paint out these sections sketching pen on areas that needs just light um shade instead of very dark shade of the Gundam marker just a lighter shade on areas especially on the top some areas on the side to really accent

    Out especially these sections whenever you see a paneline use a sketching pen to darken it out and you’re going to really see the difference okay and on the foot rests too so that is darkened out with the sketching pen and areas that I painted on this section is going to be this

    Strip and that part of the display console so just for point of comparison versus this one so just by accenting using making use of the Gundam marker Sharpie and a sketching pen and just carbonizing Parts carbon method is able to come up with a used up dirty looking bike and to put

    Up all the attachments just easy so let’s start with bag number one action force vver so just snapi in on those holes communication and sustenance so we have water and we also have other equipment like the rope and a knife but we also have a shovel on this section okay

    So let’s put it on this section or on the back and the shades of green on these two bikes are h on these two bugs I mean are similar so the shade is really not so far off okay and the last part so you drill a hole on this

    Section so the crimson guard bag is going to snap in place on that section and with the Cobra Insignia or the logo just make use of of the acetone to take it out or so with the ice on this section so the eyes are gone which I

    Find really annoying to look at so this is the original one but with just that um mouth section I really like it plus it’s a waste to take this portion out if you want a really plain looking bike it’s nice and painted anyway so I wanted to retain that section except

    For that I or I I mean so really did not um rest with me well and also last uh sections that I paneled so the mards ultimate Ram cycle with GI Jo classified series Duke my kitbashed version of Duke so we have a different helmet for

    This action figure just for this bike so it’s going to be action force bers just like my dirt bike which I modified to have um different mounting configurations so this is how the Ram cycle Tiger Force Ram cycle is going to look so he has everything that he needs

    For stealth night driving so he’s not going to use his headlights and backlight so action force bers NV G or night vision goggles s for night Ops so this is one thing that I really miss doing in the Philippines or back home especially on the Metro whenever there’s traffic the best mode of

    Transportation if it’s not r it’s going to be a motorbike so I already sold my sedan um I already sold my dirt bike but my city bike that is something that I really cherish so just sharing a little piece of laruan Obi-Wan back home in the

    Philippines so my city bike is going to be a Honda C70 so this is a 35 years old motorbike right now I have a second one that I keep four parts actually the broken one I keep four parts but this this is the bike that I enjoy especially on days that are really

    Heavy traffic and if I just want to go for a night ride or simple um ride around town this is the bike that I use it’s classic and it really did not give me any problems well it’s not a big bike compared to a ducatti or a 300 or a 250

    Or possibly 400 cc motor bike it’s just 70 CC but boy this bike really consumes gas like a camel SO gas consumption not a problem you could go miles and miles and miles and have a lot of fun with this bike so that’s it just I’m sharing

    A little bit of me back home so if you like this review like comment and subscribe to help me grow my channel and see you on the next action figure or custom action figure review


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