2023.08.06 ~ 08.07

    길바닥 위에서 이어진 소중한 인연, 몰랐던 스웨덴 내륙 노벨의 도시 칼스코가 체험.
    마이&피터 그리고 폰투스씨께 무한한 감사를 드립니다!

    #세계여행 #자전거세계일주 #자전거여행


    Insta : @jinwcho
    Email : jo930131@gmail.com
    촬영 : Gopro10
    음원 : Epidemic Sound

    “ Hut shelter in front of a lake in the inland forest of Sweden ” Day 3 of riding in Sweden It’s about 100km to the next shelter. It’s fun to spread the shelter . I’ll run hard to the next shelter.

    Hmm… I’m thinking about setting up a tent and sleeping today. I’m in the middle of the day. I really couldn’t sleep because of the mosquitoes. If you drive about 35km from here, you will reach another big city. Let’s leave . Today’s first city is Örebro! There are 29km left.

    It will be 12 o’clock by the time we get there. ↑ (As soon as you look away, go straight to the highway) We have already arrived at Öreb, the first city today. The course is better laid out than expected, so we arrived really quickly, right? I only rode it for an hour and a half, but I’ve now ridden 35km. There are no dirt roads, so the speed is really steady.

    On the map, there is a big uphill when you leave the city of Örebro, and as it goes up and down, the altitude seems to get higher as you go towards the Norwegian border. And I focused on the beginning. The reason why I step on the pedal is

    Because my body still feels sore for the first 30 minutes or so, so I move my body very quickly to endure it. When the stinging and itching symptoms come up, I have to move more dynamically I really step on it until I die haha, but after 20-30 minutes it gets better and of course I don’t sweat so I’m dry every day But I’m winning every day Wow, what is this? Shall we go to the center of the observatory ? (It’s quiet) Is it quiet here too? Only Stockholm is bustling. There’s a big river flowing in the middle, and there’s a castle right in the middle of the river. Looking

    At the map, I’ll take a look as I pass by It’s pretty here~ I’ll just go out. There’s a restaurant I really want to stop and eat at. Can’t find it? I’ll cross the main street here and start riding again Sweden has made its flag long and has it fluttering Nice to meet you / me too I’m Johannes. I’m Jin. 16 months? Wow, that’s awesome. How about you? How long have you been traveling? Oh I did it for 3 weeks. Where are you from? So you went to the Balkan Peninsula in winter? No, I went to the Balkans around spring and summer, and when I went to Switzerland, it was winter, and in Turkye, it was the middle of winter, so it must have been difficult~ haha ​​/ Yes haha, would you like to say hello? So are you on your way to Stockholm? Um, no, I’m on my way to a city called Falun. I met my girlfriend there and decided to travel with her I’m going up north. Travel safely / Okay, you too! I’ll watch the video later haha ​​have fun~ / Have a nice day! Is that good?? Let me take a look! / Thank you so much. It’s good. I have something to do this evening. Are you riding your bike this way? Yes, I’m going this way. I just came out to exercise today . Then, let’s ride a little together haha ​​/ Then, of course,

    Where are you planning to go…? Um… where I’m going… I don’t know the name of the city, but Karlskoga Karlskoga~ Okay, I know where it is! I want to go to the lake near the city of Kalskoga. I heard there is a cabin shelter there, so I’m going to sleep. / Okay,

    I want to stop there. I have a very close friend in Kalskoga, and if… maybe he could help you. I slept in the outside shelter for two days. If you want, I will contact my friend in Karlskoga right away.

    If possible, I would appreciate it haha;; / Your friend is very kind and friendly. By the way, what is your name? Mai / Mai, nice to meet you ! No! My name is Pontus. My friend’s name is Mai and my name is Pontus.

    Wait a minute and I’ll ask if it’s possible / You can take it slowly. I thought I was just passing by, but then again haha. I live near here and was exercising by repeating this path. You never know, maybe it’s possible. Haha. There is a Korean guy riding a bicycle here Hello~ / Hello Where are you from? I’m from Korea Okay! Are you staying in Kalskoga for a day? / Yes, my plan was to pass by Karlskoga. If you want, you can stay at my house My husband and I live together, so we will stay here for the night / Okay, I can use the bathroom. Thank you so, so, so much!… My, please send me your address. Let me know this friend. I was sitting here at the shelter for a while and resting,

    And he said he had an acquaintance and connected me. (I was lucky) See you later~ Haha / Bye / Okay! Everything will be okay, I didn’t expect it… haha ​​/ Mai is really good at cooking haha ​​Mai is very kind and likes bicycles It’s about 40km to Karlskoga. ? / Yes, that’s right! There are a lot of mosquitoes in Norway too, right? Yes, Norway is beautiful. There are many high mountains inside. / Yes, so I want to go inside. And it is expensive. Is Norway more expensive? Or is it similar to Sweden?

    I think it’s a little more expensive, oh my god haha ​​/ That’s a pity haha ​​Be careful of the prices when you go to Norway haha ​​But you can do it camping, so you can do it here in Sweden as well . Oh, is there any problem? /

    You can spread it out and sleep anywhere. I always set up a tent, but I always worry about what if someone sees it. It ’s okay. / Oh, I understand . You can throw it in the green grass over there. Any place is okay. You’re free. In Sweden, you’re free.

    Because I had a bad experience in Italy. I had a tent pitched under a bridge. Someone saw my tent and maybe they called the police. And about 5 minutes later the police came to me and said, “Oh my gosh, the police didn’t speak English.” He just got really angry at me

    And shouted at me. / I see you on a bike tour. What’s the problem? So, I asked the police to tell me there was nowhere to go, but that was a bit too much, so what was the problem? I couldn’t understand it. So I withdrew again and

    It was already 9 PM, so I didn’t have a chance to find another place. So I found a place to stay. I looked for it, but there was a small village nearby, and the price was almost 70 euros (about 100,000 won).

    But I had to spend it, because I couldn’t find another place to sleep… Well, sometimes you have to do that. This is my subjective opinion, only my experience. It’s based on that, but Italy wasn’t friendly. One unfriendly person is enough to make a traveler think that way.

    It’s like one person is giving a traveler a bad stereotype about that country. Yes, that’s correct. In my opinion, it’s the friendliest country. was in North Macedonia. I still don’t know why, but everyone smiled and welcomed me. North Macedonia~ Check! It was very pretty with many lakes. / I see.

    I’ve traveled to a lot of European countries, but I’ve never been to North Macedonia. So where did you start this morning? Near the city of Arboga / Arboga! okay! Hmm, you’ve already ridden quite a bit today, huh? Yes, I rode 53 km. Apples and plums are very common in Sweden. There

    Are so many people, so if you see anyone, go ask and they will give you apples. Everyone throws away too many. The same thing happens on a small island in Korea. There are a lot of tangerines on that island. mandarin? Oh, it’s good~ Haha , so everyone shares it.

    So they hand out tangerines wherever they go. Haha, it’s good, it’s the same as here haha ​​(He said that as you get closer to the Norwegian border, there are more forests and you have to pass through small villages)

    What’s funny is that there is a special dialect in the Swedish area near the Norwegian border. Dialect? Yes, the dialect is quite strong. Is Sweden’s nature similar to Korea? No, haha, not at all. It’s hard to find this style of nature in Korea because Korea is now quite modernized.

    Most of it is surrounded by buildings or apartments. Everything is very crowded. Even though it’s a very small country, the population is close to 51 million. 5100 A bay? We are only 10 million people? / Yes haha ​​(I think you got the idea a little) I want to go to Korea someday .

    I’ve been to Japan and other Asian countries, but I’ve never been to Taiwan or Korea. Korea is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and there are a lot of big mountains in the inland. It’s sitting there Yes, that island is Tangerine Island hahaha / Ah~ I understand haha ​​Old women swim in the sea to catch seafood / Do you know? I think you’ll have to wait and see, but maybe you can go and rent a bike and go down to Jeju Island. Yes, that’s

    Right. I love biking in Jeju Island. One trip around the island is almost 230km, and there are bike paths everywhere. Oh, that’s good. You can go for a ride? / Yes, yes, of course. And it’s very pretty / That’s nice. It’s the most famous island in Korea. But the capital, Seoul… haha,

    The population of Seoul is crazy, isn’t it? Haha / Yes, it’s crazy. There are almost 10 million people. And there is a lot of delicious street food in Korea . Of course there are countless types of Korean food in Korea. Do you use Maps.me? Otherwise , I use a map app called Komoot.

    Before I knew about Komoot, I always used Google Maps, but Google Maps bike routes are not good. I don’t know, but I use a map app called Maps.me. I think I traveled in Europe with the Komoot map app. It’s so good to do.

    You can get information about some places in the Komoot app. What I felt in Sweden after leaving Stockholm is that every village or city is quiet, peaceful, and not crowded. Haha, is this what you’re saying now? Haha, it’s hard to see people on the road.

    Haha, but there aren’t many people~ I know, it’s strange haha. You can just pick and eat the apple trees on the road that are not inside your house for free And there are a lot of blueberries in the forest. I don’t want to ride with cars on big roads / Small roads are the best. For the first three months of my bike trip, I always focused on the destination and tried to go fast, but after learning how to enjoy bike travel

    , I always ride on small roads, mountain roads, and gravel. I think it’s much better to take the road and go into a small town. That’s a good idea. Good luck on your journey. I’ll watch YouTube as soon as I get home. Thank you. / Okay, have a nice trip, Jin!

    And if anything happens while you’re in the area, call me right away. We have a car and can come out right away. You never know what might happen / Yes, thank you. If you didn’t go too far. Thank you . You’re welcome , right? widely!! Oh my~

    I sat down and was hungry because I hadn’t had lunch earlier, so I forgot about the snacks . I think it was someone who lived nearby. He was exercising up and down and I think he was curious and asked because I was still sitting.

    But then he suddenly said that he knew someone in the city I was passing by today. He even personally contacted the acquaintance and provided a place for me to stay. My original plan for today was to go to a shelter next to a small lake next to Kalsko, the city where

    I was invited , and finish it off, but I was really lucky to be invited, and today I took a shower in a warm place without mosquitoes. I can sleep comfortably (my happiness level is fully charged).

    Since you gave me the address, I’ll go there based on the address you gave me. I think the highway next to here is the main highway that runs through inland Sweden. I think I can take it all the way to Oslo. I think I can get in. Maybe

    That’s why the road is big and there’s a lot of vehicle traffic, but there’s a good side road on the outside like this. You have to ride another 300km from here to Oslo. There’s still a lot left. Oh, I’m a little hungry, but I’m not starving yet, so I’ll keep walking.

    Look at this house. It looks very old, doesn’t it? It’s full of emotion~ All the detours around the house are unpaved from here on out. It’s a country that’s very tolerant of camping~ Northern Europe itself doesn’t seem to have much of an aversion to camping.

    Even if you don’t have to find a shelter and use it, you can just spread out wherever you can see~ Oh, I almost slipped. The signpost said there were 305km left to Oslo, but 17km to Karlskoga?? I ‘ll have to ride at least 20km to go back. Yes to Sweden ~

    Huh? Is it raining? It looks like raindrops fell? The (lake) water appears again There is no place to look around It’s amazing. How much would a house like this cost? Still, wouldn’t it be cheaper than Seoul house prices? It’s starting to rain. It looks like it will continue to rain today. I’m really lucky. I was invited and was able to avoid the rain. The roads here aren’t as good as I thought.

    Is this going to break again? The map keeps telling me to take the main road? But the main road is too fast; Ride this? Gaeobande? No, you can’t ride this. It’s confusing. The road is still marked with bicycle signs. Oh , what is this again? I thought it was blocked. It’s not easy. The course says this is a bike path, but it’s actually just a forest path, right? what? This place… I feel like I have to cross over It’s so tight here; Wow; It’s bloody ~ The road looks like it’s possible to ride a bicycle in my opinion. This is a European road, so it’s probably like a highway, but there are too many cars and they’re too fast, so I don’t want to ride.

    I have to take this unpaved detour and keep going back and forth. I’m hungry. That hamburger sign . This sign is really intuitive. Hamburger & Pizza Has it finally been resolved? I think it’s resolved. We’re almost there. I’m a little worried because they say it’s going to rain a lot tomorrow Monday and Tuesday. First of all, I entered the city of Kalskoga. I think there’s about 4km left to reach Mai’s house, who invited me .

    Wouldn’t it be better to look into lodging in the next city? First of all, I’ll wake up tomorrow and take a look, but I’m not sure because the forecast says it’s going to rain a lot. I ‘m really glad that I have a place where I can stay

    Without getting caught in this rain. It’s unpaved because of the highway right next to here. It was a little difficult to keep riding and coming back. Let’s go quickly. Next to the city of Kalskoga, there is a pretty big lake. It’s not that big. It’s really big

    . There are a lot of lakes here too . But the more you go, the more there are. According to Uncle Pontus, even if you just set up a tent in this place, no one will. They say they don’t care, but it’s not like this, it’s all the way down there. It’s

    Really big. I thought you said it was a white house? I think it’s here. Yesterday , I rode 92 km from the lake shelter to Kalskoga city. I was very lucky to be invited by a local person, so I finished the day neatly. I’ll stop here today.

    Can I open it? Haha, I’m not sure. I’ll try to contact you. hi! / Hello~ Come in the back here / Yes, I understand. I have a puppy. / Yes, I like that puppy. / Okay! Common! Oh wow, you got caught in a lot of rain, it’s okay

    Haha, you have a lot of bags , thank you for inviting me haha ​​You’re welcome, of course I like this bike more Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Jin / I’m Peter. Let’s go inside first. / Should I take off your shoes? / No~ Just come in, take your shoes off and put them next to here. I think you can sleep here tonight. / Yes~ Of course!

    And here’s a towel / Thank you haha. Take a shower / It’s perfect haha ​​(Dog’s name: Sky, male) Sky’s ears aren’t very good. How old is he? / He’s 11 years old By the way, Tack: Thank you, gam… Um, I heard you say thank you in Korean, thank you haha ​​/ Thank you My wife watches a lot of Korean dramas on Netflix haha ​​I like Korean movies , so let’s eat Swedish pancakes. Yes, I want to try Swedish food.

    Is this your first time eating Swedish pancakes? / Yes okay I hope you like it uh how long have you been in Sweden? Um… I came to Sweden on the first day of August 1st, huh? Hasn’t it been a few days? So~ Today is August 6th,

    And I stayed in Stockholm for 3 days. So, on the first day of riding, I rode 91km, on the second day, yesterday I rode 98km, and today I rode 92km . Are you talking about k..km? / Yes, then…~ So are you crossing all the way west from Stockholm?

    Yes, I’ll go to Oslo as soon as possible. There’s one thing I have to do when I go to Norway, and I really want to go here. I’ll show you. This is a world-famous place. If you go up the fjord near the western city of Stavanger, the natural scenery around here is amazing The further north you go, the flatter it gets. So this is the wilderness itself. It’s similar to Switzerland . Thank you for the information / Have you ever seen the Mission: Impossible movie? yes! One of the scenes in the movie is hanging on that cliff, and it was filmed here. It’s going to be adventurous . You can see it when you see it, but is nature in Norway steep? / That’s right, it’s going to be very difficult because there are a lot of ridges haha. I’m very excited right now. I’m thinking of seeing the beautiful Norwegian nature. Yes,

    I like Norway / Norway… is just fantastic . Do you like Korean ramen? Are you not hungry? I’m preparing for a hike in the Swedish mountains with some soup powder. I’m thinking of leaving for about 10 days next week. A 10-day hike? / huh! This is dried food / This is carrots! And there is also dried meat~ Have you ever eaten this? / No,

    This is Knäckebröd, Swedish dried bread. I also dried meat. What to cook while hiking? Cooking easily? / Yes~ That’s right! Sounds good? Peter showed me how to eat it. Hey , show me what to eat. It’s simple, but you just have to spread butter on the bread with a knife. Ah, you eat it with butter. / Yes. Show me how to eat it the Swedish way. You have to spread butter evenly all over the bread Ah~ Okay! Now I understand haha , that’s right, it’s my first time haha ​​This is the Swedish way to eat knekebröt. Is this only eaten in Sweden and Norway? Maybe Finland would like this too? Haha, do you want to try some really Swedish food? Very… what? No lol. It’s Swedish.

    You may like it or you may not like it. Give me a little bit. / What is it? It looks like fish eggs… Yes! I want to try it / Yes, this is very special. It has to do with fish? I’ll know it when I see it (He squeezed something like toothpaste )

    Wait Hahaha, if you don’t mind, take a picture of what you’re eating and show me / yes yes haha ​​this is me eating Carles caviar! Is it okay to eat now ? / yes! really? delicious? Wow, this tastes really fishy haha ​​(This guy doesn’t eat fishy things well) Wow, this tastes strong . You can eat more if you want It’s a huge amount, isn’t it? Why are there so many waffle shops in Stockholm? That’s only for tourists. It’s not common in Swedish homes. Peter will show you how to eat the Swedish way. Oh, that damn Swedish way;; / Hahahaha / Just take a few and eat them Take more and eat more Or, after eating, take another and eat Yes, I’ll take one more haha ​​This is jam / Strawberry jam ? / Umm, can we just put it on top and eat it together? Yes, add a lot and mix. And is this / cream? / That’s right,

    What should I say? Whipped cream? Yes, the whipped cream is good haha. It’s easy. Do you eat a lot of pancakes in Sweden? It depends on the family. I like pancakes. As I was about to eat pancakes, Pontus finally said he wanted to say hello; Hey Jin~!! Thank you so much. Please tell Pontus how the Calles caviar tasted. Pontus! Calles caviar! Ah~ Calles Caviar! I tried it / It wasn’t tasty, the fishy taste was quite strong and this… (I can’t speak) haha ​​(I guess it’s food with sharply different tastes)

    I came home and watched some of your Moroccan and Italian videos . Ah~ Yes, yes, this is really challenging and adventurous. Ida Jin It’s nice to be able to follow your channel. Thank you for subscribing and thank you for providing a place to stay. Thank you so much /

    You’re welcome ~ I hope you enjoy the food / I hope you all enjoy it and travel safely Tack Do you want a cola? I have cola and would appreciate it if you could give me some water. How do you utilize your time? Do you decide from time to time?

    Do you tend to make plans in advance? Make a plan every day / That’s good! Just decide on a place where you can sleep or camp and just go check out the place you chose. That’s really good, right?? Wow, haha , but I always worry about finding a place to stay.

    Finding a place to stay is one of the difficult things. That in itself is a big adventure. That’s right. In Sweden, you can camp almost anywhere, so there are shelters / Yes. It’s very free. You can go into the forest and just do it . So, I used it yesterday.

    There was a shelter in front of a small lake. It was the best. The scenery was amazing and I could make a fire. There was no need to set up a tent , but because of the mosquitoes, I actually didn’t sleep well. Eat more of this too. Yes, this biscuit is delicious too.

    Make yourself at home, okay? / Okay haha ​​I think your parents will definitely be worried… right? Actually, you were very worried at first. So actually, I showed a lot to my parents. Before starting this trip in Korea, I traveled a lot by bicycle in Korea as well.

    I showed my successes to my parents. “I did this. It was one of the reasons I decided to film from now on (they trusted me a lot). I wanted to show my parents how I travel. So these days, my parents are really enjoying it. Okay~ / Don’t worry too much.

    And I call my parents every week. I will also give you a video call. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes, I have an older brother. He is 4 years older than me. He is 34 years old. Okay~ Is it just your brother? / Your brother lives a normal life.

    I’m just a little weird lol. I think he’d be jealous of you. But I like this life. I realized that I like bikes and travel, so I combined the two. Yes, bike travel too. It’s good to see the world because when you travel and see the city or countryside of that country,

    You can easily get closer to the people of that country / That’s right, at a good pace that is neither fast nor slow, you sometimes have many opportunities to meet local people. Ah~ To you, us. I have to tell you this. In Sweden, Swedish people…

    Are closed-minded because they don’t open their hearts easily? How should I explain this? It’s difficult to build a relationship with Swedish people. It takes time. / But once the relationship continues, I understand from then on. / It’s difficult to build a relationship for the first time. / That’s right!

    Are you saying that the beginning is difficult? Exactly! It’s very difficult / They become friendly after the first time. That’s right. From the beginning, they don’t go up to you and say hello or ask where you’re from. That’s because the Pontus guy you met was interested in bicycles. He

    Said he also traveled / That’s right, he was curious about me / That’s right, that’s why he said ‘What on earth is that Asian guy doing sitting over there?’ I think you were thinking, So where is Uncle Pontus going? You’re probably asking, but in general, Swedish people don’t approach you first

    And they’re very shy, right? It’s the exact opposite of America. My friends in America are very welcoming and their reactions are good, but I completely understood it. Haha. I don’t think it’s all like that, but there are times when it’s too extreme. I think I’ve felt that a little too.

    When I’m riding a bike and I make eye contact with someone, I always say hello. But Swedish people only say hello or just ignore me . But usually European people welcome me when I say hello. Not here . It would be strange to say hello to strangers outside, but Korea is very similar.

    In Korea, we don’t even greet strangers outside on the street. / Really?! Okay, that’s interesting. If you go to Korea and say hello, you’ll know right away that Koreans are tourists I’ve seen a lot of Korean movies and I really want to see Korea. And chicken!! Chicken and Korean food~ My wife likes food / I really like Korean chicken… It’s delicious haha ​​I miss Korean chicken too haha ​​Actually, I don’t miss Korea, I miss Korean food

    Okay haha ​​/ I want to eat Korean food haha ​​When I travel by bike, I cook. What do you do? Do you have that? / Yes, I have a cooking utensil. I usually cook rice haha ​​(strong affirmation haha) Me too! Where is my rice?

    I also carry my rice in my bag every time. I think it’s easier because I’m a man. It’s more difficult for a woman alone. Even for me, I have experienced it, but even for a man, it’s a really difficult journey.

    But a woman traveling alone by bicycle is a very difficult journey. I really respect people who do it. Even women travel alone to Africa and India. I can’t even imagine. What I’m curious about is how the women did it. When I look at Swedish cars, they have bigger lights on the front

    . Why are they like that… / Sweden What are you talking about to the vehicle? You mean extra lamps~ / Yes, why are you carrying all those extra lamps? Because it’s crazy dark in the winter. It gets dark at 3 PM in the winter. Here we are / 3 o’clock?!?!

    Only in the summer Now only in the summer is this bright So in the winter there are only a few hours of sunlight So… It’s boring haha ​​Swedish winter is very boring Is it from November to January? From February to March, it

    Is very dark from 3 p.m. to 8 a.m. the next day, so in areas higher than the appropriate latitude in northern Sweden, complete darkness (polar night) lasts for 24 hours in winter. Completely dark in the summer ? / Yes, in the summer there is no darkness for 24 hours (white night). It

    Is bad to not have light for 24 hours, but it is also bad to have light for 24 hours haha. However, if there is snow piled up, it is white and a little brighter. Sometimes in winter, it snows. If it’s melted and gone, it’s completely dark. It’s really dark, right?

    Yes, it’s extremely dark , but it also snows a lot, right? Well, it snows a lot, but sometimes the temperature rises and all the snow melts, so everything is black. What is the temperature like in winter? Sometimes it seems to go up to 5 degrees Celsius, but

    When it goes down it goes down to -20 to 30 degrees Celsius. That’s why it’s very boring in the winter. But I like Sweden. I was born in Vietnam, but my parents are Chinese, so being Chinese is important. But

    I like it here. But I moved to Sweden when I was only 5 years old, and I’ve lived here for 44 years now. So you’re Swedish. Haha, you’re Swedish too. I like Sweden. I traveled to Sweden during Corona. I saw a lot of places in Sweden then. It’s a really beautiful country.

    And it’s a country. It’s really big. And since it’s a European country, if you go just 200km to the side, you’re in Norway haha. If you go 300km to the right, you’ll be in Finland. / That’s right haha . It’s the best. But imagine, in Korea, we can’t cross the border.

    Even as of now, Sweden is the 33rd country. It’s a travel country, but the act of crossing the border with my own two feet is so exciting and fun because it’s a very surprising thing for us Koreans. I also served in the military for 2 years and served very close to the border

    . Oh, I don’t know if you’ve seen this Korean drama. But was it a crash landing of love? That was so fun and funny haha ​​A woman crash-landed while paragliding and fell into North Korea haha ​​I’m going to eat the most famous pizza in the city of Karlskoga now haha ​​The famous pizza in Karlskoga haha . Have you ever checked out the city of Kalskoga? Do you know anything?

    No, I haven’t searched at all. Okay, can I tell you a little about this city? Yes, yes, of course. There are factories that make weapons here. Weapons? / Yes, they make weapons here, cannons and guns? / Not small guns, but things like big machine guns for military purposes? / huh!

    It’s a city famous in the world for weapons manufacturing. Karlskoga is a city famous for its weapons companies, right? So you make bombs too? / Yes , we make missiles / Wow… And have you ever heard of the Nobel Prize?

    Nobel Prize? / Do you know what the Nobel Prize is? / Yes, yes, of course~ A long time ago, a man named “Alfred Nobel” lived in this city. Is he the person who created the Nobel Prize? / The person who created the Nobel Prize?!

    The person who created Nobel lived here all those years ago, really?! Haha (I had no idea) If you want, let’s quickly go to the place where he lived for a while / Sure, that’s cool! I just chose a place to go today… I told you earlier haha. I made a plan for that day and just went to a good shelter next to Kalskoga. Finding one… I thought, ‘So I should pass by the city and go to a shelter to sleep and avoid the rain.’

    The point is that most people don’t know that the Nobel Prize was created in this city, so this is not the place where the Nobel Prize is awarded . It was conducted in Stockholm by the King of Sweden , but this is where Nobel worked and was a famous inventor.

    Nobel was very smart. He was a genius. It was amazing! Haha, I really didn’t know… It’s a more historic city than you might think. Let’s go get the pizza first. / Yes, and there are some people who don’t even know what the Nobel Prize is. What is that ? Huh? really?

    In educated places, most people know, but you know / of course! However, if you sometimes ask people from other countries, they ask you again what it is. I don’t understand. There are people who have never heard of the Nobel Prize. Oh, I once did something about Sweden! Max’s hamburger place.

    Have you tried it? Haha / Yes, I tried it. Okay, what do you think? Haha is it okay? And I got a coupon Discount coupon? Haha / Yes, it’s a discount coupon book. So, when I arrived in the city of Örebro today, I tried to use the coupon for lunch in that city, but I couldn’t find Max Burger in the center and it was too far out of the way. That’s

    Right! They’re all just on the outskirts. Ah, I wanted to use a coupon, but it was too far so I just passed by. Okay, so they did something more Swedish. / Yes, lol. It’s just here. It won’t take long. / Oh, I understand. The name of the pizza place is Pizza Boutique.

    What is it in Korea? It feels like pura chicken? Isn’t that where the Nobel Prize was made? / That’s right, did you buy it there? / that’s right! We’re going inside, so take some pictures with your camera. I’ve been here~ haha ​​You must have been here a lot, right? Haha, everything behind that tree is an explosives manufacturing factory. Bombs

    Are not made here, but weapons are made elsewhere, and it is an explosives industrial area. / Wow, it doesn’t look like that at all. Haha, it just looks like a regular factory. Haha While I was riding my bike today, I saw a lot of factories nearby. I passed by these fields

    . Ah! So you passed through the weapons factories a long time ago? I think this place was a museum around 1800 / That’s right, it’s a souvenir shop . The house is really big for someone who lived alone! There was a lot of money back in 1800.

    You can see the face over there. Ah, is that Nobel’s face? / huh! That guy created the Nobel Prize? / That’s right, I had no idea that this city was the city where the Nobel Prize was created. It was a place full of history. This was the Nobel Garden. Haha, his garden? Wow,

    It’s good! I didn’t even know that the Nobel Prize started in Sweden. Now I know~ Now that I’ve been here haha ​​(my knowledge has increased) I always heard about the Nobel Prize on the news or broadcasts, but I don’t think I even thought about where the Nobel Prize was created.

    I got to meet a Swede haha ​​(what happened today is just amazing) I often say, “The world is small.” The world is small. Yes! I agree! The world is quite small Is this the famous kebab pizza? / Yay! Have you ever heard of kebab pizza? Even though I’ve heard of kebabs, this is my first time trying kebab pizza haha ​​(I started hunting pizza for the second round after the pancakes for the first round) After my parents’ dogs also went to heaven, my father and mother don’t want to raise another dog. Don’t do it. I’m the same. Skye is the first and the last / My father is the same. If I had a dog, I wouldn’t be able to travel or move for a long time.

    That’s impossible . It’s like a baby / I feel like a 12-year-old child. By the way, this is delicious! It’s nice to hear that it’s delicious haha. Here’s your laundry! yes I’ll take it out. Just plug it in and charge it. Dinner was really good. I’m full now! Haha Good, good! Haha, if you need anything, let me know / I’ll tell you. You can spend your time. You can spend your time too. Peter will be downstairs and I’ll be up there. I think Skye wants to go out? I have to take you out / We have to go out no matter what haha ​​Skye! Let’s touch it just once . Oh , come . I made a reservation for a hostel today . The price is 35 euros (about 50,000 won)? 35 euros?! / Is your price good? ? It’s super cheap??? LOL It’s a shared room with a bed. Still, it’s really cheap. It’s a good price in Sweden, right? / That’s a really good price.

    The average stay is usually… / Is it 50-60 euros? / It costs 100 euros , but then you can use a private room / Yes! It’s impossible for me lol I hope the weather is okay today. Did you hear a sound at night?

    Did you sleep all the time? Or did you wake up to the sound of rain? I didn’t wake up. It rained a lot at night. / Really? Yes, during the night The weather is pretty bad today, right? Yeah, you won’t have much time to look around when you arrive at the next location after riding your bike for 7-8 hours every day, right? Yes, so I’ll definitely arrive, look around a bit, and then leave right away.

    It’s hard to find a lot of time to explore the city in the European Schengen countries. But usually when I go to a big city , I’ll try to stay / Yes, I’ll try to make time, if I’m interested haha

    ​​(the last one) Destination) I wish I had time to look around Prague haha ​​Maybe I won’t be able to see it haha ​​You can just get the Prague stamp and go right away haha ​​Because after arriving in Prague, you have to go out of the Schengen countries again, so

    You have to take a bus or train and jump to the UK . I want to say that it’s really not easy (extreme) , but it was crazy haha. I’ll see a lot and I’ll miss a lot. That’s right. When this trip is over, I’ll definitely miss this kind of life. Riding my bike every day and not thinking much. A life of running, sleeping, and seeing nature. So the next destination is Karlstad, right?

    In Sweden, the city of Karlstad is called Sunny City (the city of Karlstad is known to be the sunniest area in Sweden). It’s probably about 60km from here. It’s going to work, but… you have to be very careful. From this city onwards, when you pass by Kristinehamn Because… it’s going to shake when the trucks pass by. I always do that. I ran while feeling it haha… I’m suddenly really scared hahaha… I ride there very fast and then I ride leisurely. Usually, when I get on a very busy road, I want to run away from that road, so I go very fast. I run , and when I come across off-roads or bumpy roads, I go slowly. I pedal every day and check my body

    . If I feel good, I go further. If I feel bad, I change my plan or take the shortest route. How long do I plan for when I leave Korea? Did you start with that? At first, I thought it would take about 2 years. Wow..

    It’s almost finished now, but it’s shorter than 2 years . Maybe 17 months? Well, I can finish it. That means it’s been a year and a half. And I have to meet a friend in the north of Germany. I met him in Portugal . Last year… was it April? Haha

    , and I promised that friend that I would say hello if I were to go to the north of Germany. I almost arrived haha . So, he has been waiting for me for over a year haha . So I have to say hello / Yes haha.

    I met other cyclists, talked to them, and shared our experiences. ? / Of course~ I even met a German bicycle traveler friend while coming yesterday haha ​​Really?? / Yes, yes, on the road. We chat about small things. Sometimes it’s really good . Sometimes we get to share experiences with other travelers

    . That’s really fun. You don’t camp in the winter, right? You say you go camping too ??? / Yes haha ​​do you have any decent gear to keep from freezing? Yes, I have a good winter sleeping bag. When it gets over -10 degrees, it becomes difficult to sleep, but

    I keep holding on and leaving the next day. Also, I got caught in a blizzard in Turkiye in the winter . And by blizzard… Isn’t there such a thing as frozen hands? My fingers and toes freeze every time in the winter. That’s the hardest part about riding a bike in the winter.

    The best thing to do is to ride in the south of Europe in the winter and up here in the summer. / That’s right, it’s so cold here haha. I think it’s impossible because it snows a lot here. I think so. What do you plan on doing when you go to the US

    ? Longitudinally or transversely? I want to ride all the way to South America, Argentina. How much do you plan to ride from north to south in the American continent? That journey is going to be longer than this journey. It will take 2 years . I think it will be

    At least 2 years . So this trip feels like a tutorial . It’s an exercise in how to use it and adapt to it. I’ve practiced a lot in European countries. My opinion is that I think I can do a little better on my next trip to the Americas. This is my first time traveling abroad by bicycle.

    I gained experience and accomplished many things during my trip to Europe. I think that has made me bigger. You are right, I can live my life. Do what you want, challenge yourself , experiences and everything. I don’t know why, but my body always tells me. I want to take on a challenge

    , and you are young now~ / I want to break something. I don’t have a family or kids yet, so it’s good. After I do that, I can talk about it after I have a wife and kids. The happiest moment is when I achieve something I want.

    That’s what makes me so happy, and I think that’s why I can keep trying and trying. What everyone always says is that everyone wants to travel around the world someday, but they wait, wait, wait, wait , but you do it, lol. What I mean is, not everyone actually does it. Because it

    ‘s hard to let go. I put down everything else to do this. I think the experiential life is a much more valuable life than the material life. That’s right, you’re a strong kid. You can do it. What made you ride a bike? Why did I choose a bicycle? / that’s right!

    At first, I also started backpacking in Korea. When I turned 20, I packed my bags / Ugh, just like me! It was a typical trip to Korea using public transportation such as trains and buses. Yes, I was a backpacker. I went backpacking in Korea twice.

    After that, I had to go to the military. After I finished the military, I wanted to do it in a different way. I wanted to go to a small town or into the mountains, but there was no transportation to get there, and it felt very inconvenient.

    I did a lot of research to see which method would be better for traveling. Cars and motorcycles were too expensive and fast. I had no money. But I thought it would be too slow to do it on foot. That’s right. So I searched on a Korean website for “cycling around the country” and

    Someone had already done it. So, as soon as I saw that post, I had a dream. I had to travel by bicycle as soon as I finished my military service . I saved up enough money and

    Did it as soon as I finished my military service and succeeded. It was my first bicycle trip around the country in my life. It took 76 days. I think I rode 3,000km in 76 days. And after the 3,000km bicycle trip to Korea was over, I visited many other countries. I wanted to go.

    I had already seen so much of Korea that it actually wasn’t interesting to me anymore. I wanted to see outside of Korea. So after that bike trip, I focused on going to other countries. That’s why I was trying to study English and make money. Parents I didn’t want to go

    Because I lost my money and that’s why I made a plan. A plan of what I should do if I wanted to get out. I kept dreaming about the next step . So here I am. My dream is to ride my bike from northern to southern Italy. Yes , but I’m old…

    So I don’t know when I’ll go. Haha, he said he doesn’t like Italy~ I don’t know why, but I like Italy! / You can do it~ haha ​​I dream of traveling to Italy , but I even met a lot of older cyclists. Bicycle tours are really popular in Europe.

    Many people do a lot of bike tours . Now then… good luck to you. And I’ll be following you. Can we take a picture together? / huh! I really wish you luck and please be careful when you go down that road, okay? Good haha ​​ah! And if you want, you can take this

    . Okay. Should I give you more? It’s okay (I got Shin Ramyun, udon noodles, and bananas) Take everything you need, okay? Thank you~ / You’re welcome! Oh, thank you. We made this at Peter’s company? / huh! Thanks Uncle Peter I hope this isn’t too heavy for you You can’t carry much lol But this is small lol I even have my Moroccan Sahara Desert souvenir still in my bag lol For memories? / Nene souvenir haha

    ​​I still have that Sahara desert sand souvenir for over a year haha ​​Anyway, thank you very much. Uncle Peter. You can use it on your key ring and other things. I think I will never forget this Kalskoga I will always travel safely and keep an eye on you. / Thank you. Have a nice day. Maybe it won’t rain much! Oh yes, it’s not raining haha ​​that’s nice! Okay, I also have to go this way for work. Just get on here, get on the road, and keep going! Okay~ Bye,

    You really made me feel comfortable. I had a really good rest before leaving. Today, I found a hostel in Kalstad, a slightly bigger city. It’s a 50,000 won hostel, but I said I found it for about 50,000 won, so Uncle Peter was very helpful. Are you saying it’s cheap?

    Anyway, they say it’s going to rain a lot starting this afternoon, so I’ll go in quickly. I think I can ride about 70km This city here is Karlskoga. From Karlskoga to the next city (Kristinehamn), I think it’ll be okay to ride for about 70km. You have to take the main road you see Go here? I don’t think this is a good idea… lol In the end, it says that you have to take this main fast road. It won’t be easy, but today? If you don’t take this road, you’ll have to drive almost 90km, right? The road on this side isn’t good. Let’s go back.

    No matter how much I look at this forest road here, it doesn’t seem right. I should take that European national road , but there’s no way. There’s no bike path until Kristinehamn, Kristinehamn. So I’ll take that main national road. I have to get in, but the car is too fast.

    Ah~ I can’t help it, I have to get on it. I’ll concentrate and push hard to get out . Wow;; Is this a bit harsh? It’s really bloody; Why didn’t they build a road just here? It was well paved up to this point (the ridge uphill visible in the distance).

    It reminds me of Türkiye for the first time in a long time. And there are also a lot of trucks. Maybe because it is the main road to Oslo , you only have to pass through this gate. This is the hardest to ride on. There’s no way. Oh, there’s a shelter here.

    I’ll take a break. The road is too fast. There’s a small pond here. If it rains a lot, it’ll overflow . (Maybe because I was riding nervous, it was too hot and my body didn’t lose heat well.) Because I don’t sweat… and;; Wow… Heat is building up all over my body and

    I can’t get rid of it. A burning sensation surrounds my whole body. The wind turbine is surrounded by clouds . I can only see half of it Ugh, there’s no answer, this is the road lol ( I feel like my life is shortening) Let’s go inside and turn around. There’s a little detour from here. Hey~ The road here isn’t easy. I hope it’s not mud. The ground is soft~ It’s easy. It’s dangerous. The wheels are sinking

    Now, but oh. I’m glad this place is okay. It’s so hard to get into the next city. Wow, this course is the worst. The way I see it… I hope there is a bicycle path from here. I wish there was a detour, but wow , it’s amazing

    . I’ll eat a hearty breakfast and keep riding straight. But from this side, bicycles are well laid out Why there? Didn’t it get installed? About 30km? I think I ‘ll just have to ride 30 more kilometers today and finish early. I ‘ll go to the hotel early and get some rest for the rest of the evening. My legs are so tired, they

    ‘re so sore. (I was going well, but then I suddenly came across an iron window along with a blocked road. ) The bike path is cut off again Again, it says to ride on the road? After a short ride, you will come to the detour again, so it’s 400m . I thought the door was closed, but it’s open. I’m really glad. I almost had to go back. S Mon?? I’ll go over there. The road that runs through the central inland area here has been unusual since yesterday.

    It’s not well done. I guess people don’t ride bicycles on this side often (I found the bus stop that is my soul’s best friend). It was wide open. It felt like the same road I’ve seen every time, but why does it seem so different here? ? The scenery? So… traveling by bicycle

    Is an amazing and good experience. Even though it looks the same every time and seems like a boring road, when you ride it, you see different scenery depending on your mood or condition , and the scenery also contains a lot of your emotions. I think I don’t know. I

    Can’t explain it clearly in words. I’m not good at talking. It’s beautiful. Yes, I’m happy. Kalstad~ 9km left. Why is today so difficult? There is also a large lake in front of this city called Karlstad. It is the largest lake in Sweden. The scale of this lake is enormous.

    Before entering Norway, this place called Karlstad feels like a huge city, like a base. We are almost there and are now in Stockholm today. It’s the 4th day of riding since we set off, and I’m a little tired. Strangely, I only rode 70km today, but it

    ‘s hard. It seems like these rivers are all separated from the lake, but there are a lot of them. This is the hostel I booked. It’s right in front of the road, right? Look at the hostel building haha. I don’t know if the hostel building can be this cool.

    Check-in starts at 4pm. Also;; They don’t even answer the phone. Haha. I guess I’ll have to come after lunch. There’s a Max Burger 2 km away from here. Then, I’ll go get a discount coupon. I added the coupon to Gaehyeja’s hot wings, right? I said it would rain a lot today, but it didn’t rain and the sun came out? I think I have to ride for 3 more days to get to Oslo, the capital of Norway. How can the weather get so good ? They said it’s going to rain a lot today, so I decided to stay here haha. This is why I can’t trust the weather.

    But~ Tomorrow is the Meteorological Office. The forecast calls for 100% rain, right? Well.. I have to ride. I finally checked in. I’ll end here today . I didn’t know I’d ride more than 80km, haha. I rode 81km . End There are 5 beds, right? overpass view


    1. 아무리 허기가 졌더라도 모두가 자리에 앉을때가지 기다리는 손님으로서의 식사예절이며 전세계 문명인의 식사예절인 모든 상차림이 끝나고 초대 주체인 마담이 자리에 앉을때까지 기다려서 식사를 했더라면 좋았을 것을 …..오랫동안의 힘든 1인 여행탓이겠지만 ….동방예의지국의 국민임을 잊지 말아야지요……

    2. 아들같은 님 응원합니다
      한국인최초 유럽횡단 라이딩여행
      라이딩후배들의 다음도전을위해 여행책 만들어보시죠
      60넘은울 와이프가열열구독하고있습니다
      덕분에저도 구독하고있습니다
      멋진여정 잘 마무리하길 응원할께요

    3. 스웨덴 분들은 엄청 착하네요.
      긍정적이고, 말씀에 배려심도 많구.

      노벨은 당시 세계적인 재벌로 알고 있는데, 생각보다 소박하게 사셨네요.
      발명품 다이나마이트가 전쟁에 사용되어 사람을 해칠 수 있다는 것에 큰 충격을 받았었다는 기록을 본 기억이 있어요.
      그 충격으로 사회 공헌을 생각하셨었나 봅니다. 노벨상 덕분에 세상은 많이 발전하고 좋아졌죠.
      노벨상을 우리나라도 많이 탈 수 있는 시기가 오길 기대해 봅니다.

      스웨덴은 노벨상, 이케아, 축구가 유명하다고 생각했었는데, 오늘 보니 아름다운 자연과 아름다운 사람들이 정말 많네요.
      영상 보고, 남부 유럽 보다, 스웨덴 자전거 여행을 꼭 한번 가보고 싶네요.

    4. 세계는 좁다라는 말과 가도가도 끝이 없다라는 말이 오버랩되는 지구 여행길 …… 그 미지의 길을 탐험하는 진쓰레블님 화이팅

    5. 1시간 영상에 깜짝 노랬습니다. 잠들기 전에 1/2 시청하고, 오늘 나머지 시청했습니다. 1시간 영상인데도 "여기서 끝~" 소리에 벌써? 라는 아쉬움이 들더라구요. 아쉬움에 여러분들이 써주신 댓글까지 다 읽었습니다.ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 덕분에 스웨덴에 대해 알게 되었습니다. 감사합니다.~^^🥰😍🤩

    6. 1시간15분 영상.. 이거 너무한거아니오..ㅋㅋ 일하면서 짬짬히 보고이지만.. 너무길어~ (잘보고있다는뜻임 ㅎㅎ)

    7. 오늘은 멋진 장편드라마를 봅니다. 진우님 이 영상을 보면 아직까진 참 좋은 사람들이 많은 아름다운 세상인것 같습니다.
      늘 안라하시길~~~😊

    8. 딱딱한 도로 위 모래가 깔린 곳은 미끄럼 주의 해야됨. 방바닥에 비비탄 깔아논 것과 같달까.. 근데 다니시면서 많이 능글능글해지셨네요. 초대하면 바로 쳐들어감. ㅋㅋ

    9. 진쓰레블님~ 친화력이 대단합니다 ~~ 최고예요^^덕분에 다양하게 많은분들 보게되고 세상에는 좋은분들 많아요 ~ 자연과 주변을 잘 정리하여 보여주고 곳곳의 명소 정말 고맙습니다

    10. 따스한 정이 느껴지는 스웨덴의 멋진 추억을 담으셨군요. ㅎㅎㅎ
      세상은 그래도 참 살 맛 나는 것 같아요. 엄지척!!!

    11. 여행자에게 호의를 베푸시는 분들, 많이 배웁니다. 진님, 화이팅!
      풍경에 감정이 실린다는 말에 동의합니다. 🎉😊

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