Er war lange nicht da, deswegen schauten bei der 125-Jahre-Jubiläums-Feier des SV Werder Bremen am Samstag besonders viele Augen auf ihn: Diego! Im DeichStube-Interview am Randes des Festakts in der „Alten Werft“ in der Bremer Überseestadt schwärmt die Werder-Legende von den Fans und „großartigen Erinnerungen“ an seine Zeit bei Werder. Aber seht selbst – Film ab! #werder #bremen #deichstube

    I have just have to say that I love [Applause] You welcome back to brond what does it mean to you to be back here only great memories so for me it’s a pleasure to be back here and and have this be more close for the people after more than 10 years everything what I remember about brem is fantastic what

    Are your best memories is it to stand on the balcony and celebrate with the fans or what what what is it what comes through your mind when you when you hear about Vera mine is when I I’m on the field and I just feel the atmosphere

    Every every fans are very happy and also the team play like uh for music now so that’s what I remember the assist the goals the trophies there many many great memor and the fans are always happy to see you you have to take photos you have to do autographs and something like that

    How does it feel to be yeah that famous so this for me is is a special because after more than 10 years I I don’t come here and they I’m still in in them memory that’s for me it’s a specials I spoke also with my wife today

    And with my friends maybe it is idea to make a game here one day because I played 12 years in Europe I I closed this cycle as a professional player in Brazil we did the last game but I think we would be a good idea

    If we do that one day here with v Breman will be a special day and that maybe can give back what they give to me for many times um you missed the last farewell game which which which which was here in Breman of claudo it was hard for you

    Because you had to do the the Cup Final wasn’t it right yes yes yes was not possible for me to be here uh I remember in the game of toson frings I went there and was special of course but in the life when you play soccer you

    Don’t have many things to do you you have a plan you have to respect that and that’s what I did in that time who were the the most important person during your time here BR was it the coach toas sha was it claudo was it Naldo who was

    It so it was many many people special was in my in my journey but I think Thomas shaffi was one one of the best most important people person I have in my life cuz he is a he is a leader he Trust on me more than me in that time

    Never had a coach like that again uh so I have some special coach was more than 40 coachs I have as a professional player but for sure thas sha was one of the most important one so you said your career ended looking back was it the wrong time to leave

    Breman no I I think I when I look back was everything what have to do you know I did everything uh right of course I make a mistakes but that’s the life uh but was I make more right things and I learn with the my mistakes and I’m happy

    For that and the most important thing is that when I look back I just have good memories and that’s that’s the most important you work as a speaker right now is it so so for for big companies or large companies so we have big large companies here in Breman so when we will

    See you again yeah sure I will improve my English and also my my German and one day I will come back here because of course was 21 years at a professional player as I said in different clubs in high level and uh we learn a lot when we

    Do that and that’s what I what I do in Brazil right now with the big companies and and clubs and everybody uh who want to be successful in the in their career I think I I can say something uh and that’s what I want to share with the

    People everything what I learn in my life we had to talk about the game today it was a loss for that how do you yeah how do you saw the game I think was a good game tough game uh they they they can improve of course I think but they

    Are in the right way uh step by step will’ll be in the best level did you especially watch the the midfielders because it was your position and was there anyone who had a a small kind of Diego feelings on the pitch yeah sure they play well I think the the the

    Competition every everyone did a good job on that work hard and that’s the most important but they play in different system so they don’t have a number 10 right now so I cannot say it but the guys did a good job if I remember right uh you were yeah you you

    L the parties in Breman during your time here so what can we expect today uh so in my time here we have many reason to to celebrate so and I think today is a night to celebrate also with the with the friends with my family with my wife

    And I’m happy for that so at least um you can say something to the Veta fans for sure they there was something to hear about you maybe in this camera I have just have to say that I love you thanks for everything it’s a pleasure to

    Be here and to remember all the great memories we have together thank You


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