A “dangerous” killer who stabbed 17-year-old Kyle Wright to death at a house party he wasn’t invited to has been jailed for life. Jonathan Cox, from Camberley, was sentenced at Guildford Crown Court and told he will serve a minimum of 20 years behind bars.

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    Police with emergency OH police officers Elite Police units created to crack the toughest of cases my role is investigating serious and organized crime this was out of the ordinary and this was a high pressure situation calm yourself down their task tackle the villains Liss to murder all right and

    Bring them to justice now real who did it with unique access to some of Britain’s most talented detectives we explore for the first time their investigations we’ll spend years putting together all of these tiny pieces of evidence their methods the most bizarre investigation I’ve been involved in and

    The evidence that’s put some of the UK’s most dangerous criminals Behind Bars they look clever and they’re Dangerous So I’ll show you a picture of the knif the photograph I call exhibit rf3 so I hold that picture up for you that is blunt okay I thought you were talking about different one KNE crime in the UK is on the rise and all too often it involves young

    People there’s a time in my life I thought I was cool I thought all of these knives look cool they shouldn’t be carrying knives it’s just very sad very sad the age of the suspect the age of the victim is quite hard-hitting it it does stay with you in many cases the

    Internet plays a deadly role for me it opens up more concerning issues around the use of social media how influenced young people are on social media Mot listen me look at me and how aggressive people can become Look At Me Know Mur honestly social media should be put

    In a hole and buried I really hate it sari is very affluent it has a lot of very nice affluent areas it does have its fair share of crime but in general it’s a safe place to live my name is Simon D I am a detective Chief Inspector with San Sussex major crime

    Team and primarily our role is to investigate homicides kidnap and anything else that is deemed a major crime the best bit about working in the major crime team is that when we deploy to investigate a homicide where someone has lost their life there is a huge Drive amongst the whole team that

    Essentially no one goes home until it’s Solved 21 the on the 27th of May 2022 I was one of the major crime on call SOS for the weekend it’s Friday night and a police Response Unit has been called to an incident what the free details in the job cuz we are literally right on it and I don’t

    Want to stumble across I was contacted by my colleague that I was on callt with and told me that there had been a stabbing outside of a house party in Celly essentially it’s been informance called in saying there been a fight and then got a mail that’s been stabbed outside the informance

    Of saying that it’s not new it’s fair to say say that those officers encountered quite a difficult and challenging scene there were friends of the victim who in vain had tried to save his life who were extremely as you can imagine very emotional very angry and other party goers as well who

    Couldn’t believe in what had happened the victim is 17-year-old Kyle Wright and despite the best efforts of his friends and paramedics Kyle is pronounced dead at 11:14 p.m. I mean this doesn’t happen you know when you go to a party you don’t expect one of your friends to be to be

    Stabbed the party house and Street are now a crime scene and the following morning Simon takes over his lead detective of operation Hillcrest I sat down to watch a briefing at hopa State and I was then given information it was a birthday party of a 16-year-old girl and she had invited

    Numerous friends and Friends of Friends it was half term and there was some celebrations there the victim was 17-year-old Carl Wright a local boy from the ersa area and he was also one of the friends of of the person whose party it was Simon also learns about a potential suspect

    Additionally we had a police vehicle that was attending the incident that had passed an individual on a mountain bike have we got any offenders description just see gu aiac as the cyclist goes past he’s briefly caught on camera there’s no description of anyone at the moment all got is a young of young

    Teenage yeah going to go we go stop him when those officers had seen that individual on a mountain bike they did a quick U-turn and tried to catch up with that person but they were unable to find him it’s a missed opportunity but at the crime scene multiple accounts from party

    Goers point to one man the lead is immediately followed up with detectives tracking the named individual to his home there had been an arrest made in the early hours of the morning the individual was mentioned more than once by Witnesses at the party and there certainly was information that

    Suggested that he was involved so that was a priority for me to either rule him in or rule him out and to establish the facts of what had happened and that takes a good team effort that takes good dedication and allocation from myself downwards to members of the team the CCTV in this

    Investigation was vital and that’s where Leanne came in the best part about my job would be making the difference and ultimately you’re doing it for the victims and the victim’s family one of the first bits of CCTV that was seized was from a house which was at the junction of where the

    Incident took place the whole incident was captured on a ring doorbell and I watched that CCTV footage the house party was on the left hand side of the road it showed Kyle and his friends come out to the road they were in a good mood they were laughing and joking with each

    Other after around 15 minutes they go back to the party 20 minutes later another person can be seen approaching in the background some meters behind you could see a figure that was slowly walking hiding in and out of the bushes along the roadside making his way towards the

    Group two then three of car’s friends have now come back as he met with the group there was a discussion of some sort it’s at this point Kyle also returns Kyle and his three friends were facing the asalem and he was significantly smaller around 5′ 6 5′ 5

    And from that you can see him with a rug sack pull out what appears to be a weapon then with one clear shot he stabbed Carl um once that Force propelled Carl right backwards and the suspect ran off down the road in which he came having been

    Struck by what appears to be a large bladed weapon Kyle runs off screen and then you watch him come back into camera you see him collapse and that is the end of his life it was just quite hard to sort of like imagine that children of that age

    Teenage years have had to deal with that or witness that or even go through trying to save a friend’s life The footage was really grainy it’s quite rare that you get footage on any CCTV system that gives you a clear indication of a person it’s impossible to identify any faces but Simon is certain of one thing and it’s not good news it was at that point where it became quite clear to me

    That with all the best intentions we had arrested someone who may be completely innocent and we still had a dangerous individual out and about somewhere and we needed to get hold of him as soon as Possible it’s the morning after the Fatal stabbing of 17-year-old Kyle Wright s police have a suspect in custody but lead detective Simon Dunn believes he may not have been involved the individual was quickly arrested at his home address however review the CCTV it became really apparent to me that he was significantly

    Taller than the as salent in the CCTV footage Simon needs to speak to the three youths that directly witnessed the attack so the victims friends who were with him when he was stabbed were extremely traumatized extremely scared about giving information to the police however through a dedicated

    Approach by my officers we were able to establish from the three Witnesses descriptions and details of the offender I knew that the victim was 5’1 and the asant was significantly smaller the detailed statement from one of the victim’s friends supported that and said that our suspect was 5′ five

    Asian looking spoke with a local accent and was wearing specific clothing dark clothing this confirm confirms that the young man in custody is not the killer but Simon is not ready to release him yet the realization proved to be a bit of a challenge for an siio because on

    One hand you don’t know what his involvement is he may have conspired with the as salent to stab the victim but he may be completely innocent since the mid90s the overall number of crimes committed in the UK has decreased knife crime however appears to be going in the opposite

    Direction in 2021 police recorded over 50,000 offenses involving knives or sharp instruments that’s 78% more than a decade ago and of the 282 people killed by knives that year 51 were between 13 and 19 years old on the Saturday morning I went to the scene and I was able to get a really

    Good feel as to what I’d seen on CCTV the area where this happened it was a tranquil area of Celly very affluent big large detached houses long driveways and for me it was a surprise it’s not what I would normally expect in terms of an incident of this time

    Type in the days following his death Carl wot’s family would describe him as a sweet and gentle son who wouldn’t hurt a fly he was also known to be a popular student and a talented Sportsman although it looked like from the CCTV footage that the as salent knew

    The victim I wasn’t 100% sure that it was a targeted attack so an investigation like this when it happens there are team of officers that will go out doing house-to-house inquiries and that’s normally our uniform colleagues and also our local pcsos and it’s all hands- on Deck we all help each other

    Out they will go to each house that’s in the local area and they will ask a series of questions which involve whether they were there did they hear anything did they see anything do they have any CCTV footage a single clip could be vital to the investigation but securing it is not always

    Straightforward the difficulty with any incident like this with collecting CCTV is that not everybody wants to get involved and those that say they’re going to provide the material don’t provide it and I think it’s a case of that they’re worried of repercussions and also the type of instant that it was

    With young people and knives I can understand the reluctance so therefore often we would seize the item ourselves which then prevented the householder from not having to attend court all by being sensitive to local fear and anxiety house-to-house inquiries begin to yield results during the house to house phase

    Not only did we find some really key CCTV moments but we was also able to find a witness who was able to say to us that he saw an individual matching our suspect’s uh description coming into the area just slightly away from the murder scene on a push bike and locking their

    Push bike up against a lamp post which then tied in with the information that came from one of the police units see gu of bike to make it that’s when the bike became important to this investigation could the cyclist be the suspect in custody or is he someone

    Else as more and more CCTV comes in leam begins to track the cyclist Journey creating a timeline of his movements although you couldn’t see the suspect’s face You Could See Clearly the bike and the reflectors on the bike going past this was important because quite often you have footage from the

    Same location so you see the bike going to the offence scene and you’ll see the bike coming away you can screenshot that image you can enlarge it and then you can compare the two images even though the person on the bike may have changed their identity by

    Their clothing I in this case trousers going to towards the scene and shorts coming away from the scene the bike still looks the same the frame is the same the reflectors are the same Leanne traces the suspect’s journey until he reaches Celly High Street it’s at this point the trail goes

    Cold however CCTV footage does prove valuable regarding the man still being held by Sur police because we also had CCTV that put him somewhere else I was satisfied that he wasn’t involved and and I was able to release him with no further action just before midnight

    Saturday the 28th of May and from that moment on we were searching for our suspect on a push bike having ruled out one possible suspect the immediate task at hand is to try and identify the psychist as we sifted through the material from the witnesses at the party

    A name popped up from one of the accounts using that name we was was able to do a significant amount of research in a short period of time and I was satisfied that I could nominate this individual as a suspect the reason being that he fitted the description in terms

    Of height he fitted the description in terms of his appearance and also that he had a fascination with knives and that he was a violent individual and lastly that he was local the suspected killer has previous convictions involving knives it’s now a matter of urgency to get him into

    Custody as soon as possible within 2 hours we was able to establish that he was at his place of work which was the local McDonald’s on CY High Street the next phase is to plan for his arrest bearing in mind that he was wanted for murder there had been incidents with him

    And knives in previous months he was a dangerous individual he was violent so it needed a degree of risk assessing to enable colleagues to go and affect that arrest and they did that at just after 5:00 on Saturday today evening yeah a local colleague who was a part of the neighborhood policing team

    For Celly he knew the suspect and he did a professional job in terms of going straight into the restaurant he knew exactly who he was looking for and the suspect was apprehended as he started work thank You one question the suspect he didn’t resist as such he did protest cal cal calm for us John you want to be calm and reasonable in this video but like you are you me on murder I didn’t kill anyone he made various comments that we had already arrested someone he had no

    Reason to be involved we tend to get that quite a lot when we when we make arrests family I didn’t kill anyone what do you mean murder arrest we okay I thought someone was in codyy Mur I saw someone arrested why are you arresting me what he doing

    Searching so when the suspect was arrested we conducted a thorough search of him and also of anything that he had access to at his place of work during the arrest police recover what appears to be the suspect’s bicycle a Ru sack and mobile phone is it your phone okay was the PIN

    For in the moments before the attack a witness saw the cyclist lock in his bicycle he also appeared to use his phone the suspect definitely did have a mobile phone at the time of the murder because CCTV shows an individual walking to the murder scene with a handset in their

    Hand why should I tell you I didn’t do anything I’m not going to tell you I didn’t do anything okay in my head this individual that we’ve got in custody certainly has a lot of questions to answer and what followed after that was some of the strangest Behavior I think I’ve ever seen

    My parents Pi it’s necessarily of Murder in the middle of it not anything John I appreciate that you’re emotional but stop screaming and stop swearing you’re only bring do anything listen you’re only bringing more attention to yourself right it’s only the first day of operation Hillcrest and sui police have

    A new murder suspect s calm down I’m acting how I would when I get falsely accused for murder John you’re going to make the situation worse for yourself if you keep shouting and swearing all right perfect cheers so when the suspect was arrested he was brought into custody I dispatched

    A team of dedicated specialist interview trained officers to go and interview him the suspect is accompanied by his solicitor got a written statement which I’m going to read now and it goes on the evening of Friday 27th May 2022 I was at my home address my brother was also at

    Home I was not involved in a murder at Green Hill Road as alleged and that’s the end of the statement um Jonathan knows that you all still going to ask him some questions but from this point forward his answer to every single question that you ask him is going to be

    No comment that includes anything that you might show him the suspect interview was very confident about his movements he gave what we call a prepared statement to say that he was not involved in the murder and that he was at home I’m going to ask you anyway all

    Right because I would like you to answer these questions that they’re important questions for us to ask okay so I’d like you to tell me everything that you know about the death of Kyle Wright no comment okay and I’d like you to tell me everything that you

    Did on the night or evening of Friday the 27th of May 2022 until the time that you were arrested on the 28th of May no comment okay it’s everyone’s legal right to answer no comment but for me as an siio it gives me an elevated sense of Suspicion when someone isn’t protesting

    Their innocence isn’t climbing the walls and isn’t saying this wasn’t me I wasn’t involved I was here I was there I was doing this you can check this and that’s what was in my mind during the interview phase the lack of cooperation may be suspect but neither the ruck sack nor

    The bicycle found during the arrest match those used by the cyclist on CCTV the news is also not good regarding the phone we was able to do a number of checks through the mobile phone service providers which quickly established that the mobile handset that we recovered from him on his arrest wasn’t anywhere

    Near the murder scene so for us it gave us another headache as to what device did he have and where is that now we were also up against a custody clock as well we only have a maximum of 96 hours to keep someone in custody before we

    Have to make the decision to charge or release with the clock ticking the pressure is now on to find physical evidence that will connect the suspect directly to the scene of the the crime I’m Ned Edwards I’m a sergeant with San Sussex police I work in Operations

    Command within the search unit Ned and I joined the police together 22 years ago with good friends outside of work as well as inside of work for me he is my go-to search advisor so at this point we had an idea of the items we’d be looking for we knew

    There was an outstanding murder weapon we had some identifiable clothing the backpack the bicycle and media items so mobile phones computers laptops SIM cards and with someone in custody one of the primary things is to get the home address searched before beginning any search attention to detail is vital to avoid contaminating the

    Scene what will happen is a forensic strategy will be written and it will identify what we can and can’t do if one of our Searchers has somewhere along the line been involved with the suspect or they’ve been to the scene where the murder’s happened what we don’t want

    Them is to go to the suspect’s address because they could then transfer evidence from the scene to the suspect’s address so in those instances we’re working with the CSI teams or we work really closely together we need them to go in and do what they have to do

    First nothing is found in the initial forensic sweep so Ned and his team begin their search so for a home address we have to do a lot of planning to search it so initially we’ll draw the floor plans out of the house we identify the areas we’re going to search and then

    They get searched systematically during the search we came away with 42 exhibits and that would be a variety of items so some knuckle dusters were seized there were Diaries clothing mobile phones and a large knife this discovery of what looks like a machete immediately puts the rest of the search on hold this

    Would be considered one of the primary items of a forensic value we’re looking for so our search officers will leave it in situ where they found it they’ll video it or photograph it and then CSI will be called back into the address so CSI can maximize their forensic opportunities

    Back at the station the suspect is informed about the discovery but there is some confusion as to the type of knife police have found okay just describe the machete you think we found in your room it’s it’s like sort of like a pirate kind of knife

    What it looks scary but it’s not a machete you can FR skate it do whatever you want so I’ll show you a picture of the knife the photograph I call exist the rf3 that is blunt okay I thought you were talking about different one that is

    Blunt and that is a toy if you look at it that’s not sharp at all okay it doesn’t look like a toy to me the suspect admits to owning two knives but the police have only found the machete so what was the point of having this knife that’s not relevant because

    That is not the motorway what you got understand is that that is blunt okay and you can friends get whoever that is impossible to kill someone with unless you hit someone with but it’s relevant if you’ve got a machete in your bedroom okay the machete was examined in a lab

    And unfortunately there was no forensic evidence that was able to match that weapon to the murder in my experience I just didn’t believe that he would take a murder weapon back to his room and leave it in there but it was a significant find because for us it showed that the

    Suspect had these sorts of items on him and we had a knife sharpener and two knuckle dusters as well as a toy or a replica firearm I had nothing to do with this murder why have you got this though there’s a time in my life I thought I

    Was cool I thought all of these knives looked cool but I’ve changed my life everything okay there is nothing from the suspect’s home to connect him directly to Kyle’s murder but the search does produce one more tantalizing lead the scen of crime officers went to the address spotted

    That there was cameras at the location and it was seized from the address a couple of days after that and then it was sent off to be downloaded into a playable format but until we got that CCTV back we didn’t know what was on it having come up empty-handed at the

    House Ned quickly moves his search to where the suspect may have disposed of any evidence the suspect has had effectively maybe 20 hours between the offense and being arrested and it gives them the time to dispose of these items you know people say needling a Hast stack but we

    Didn’t even really know where our Hast stack was those items were so key and so important the forensic material on those items would lead me to other lines of inquiry I had a suspect in custody I was against the pace clock time was ticking on and it was frustrating that we didn’t

    Have those items it is now 2 days since the arrest Simon can only keep his suspect in custody for a further 48 Hours unless he charges him but Leanne has news that could change the whole course of this investigation so the CCTV from the suspect’s home address was then returned

    Into a playable format so that we could review it and the footage actually had footage from two cameras from the front of the property quite clearly showing people going in and out in real time the CCTV from his home address showed the fact that he had actually been out

    During the material time of the murder so he’d left before and he’d come back after I was at my home address my brother was also at home I was not involved in a murder at greenh Hill Road as alleged What followed after that was some of the strangest Behavior I think

    I’ve ever seen from a suspect so after he’s returned minutes later he leaves in his home add dress he then comes back without a rock sack and this continued the next day with again the same pattern of behavior he’s out and carrying things coming back without things so it just formed a

    Really odd suspicious picture in my mind of his behavior on the Saturday with this new evidence Simon decides to roll the dice I was confident that I had sufficient evidence to approach the crown prosecution service and ask them to consider charges of murder against the suspect it was late

    In the evening of Monday 29th of May that we prepared our case the next day Simon is told he can charge his suspect there is a sense of relief that said you know we still have the tragic death of a 17-year-old whose family are never going

    To be the same and it’s where the hard work starts we only have a limited amount of time to build our case and and we still couldn’t find the rock sack the mountain bike the clothing the murder weapon and we were under pressure in terms of resources the potential search area is

    Vast but the suspect CCTV provides crucial information the night of the Saturday we have footage of the suspect leaving his address for short periods of time maybe 7 minutes or so he goes with things and comes back without it so the ruck sack potentially the knife clothing

    Was put into the short-term hide in case he was arrested overnight so he wouldn’t have the items on Him then he worked to take it to a longer term or permanent hide to get rid of it so we walked the route where he seen on the CCTV and looked at places he could go to it was really clear there’s not many places to go but there was a

    Shrubland area just at the end of the road while tracking the suspect’s route Ned also spots more cameras what watching the CCTV Ned was able to identify a potential route and that route took him to the next property that had CCTV which then identified the suspect going on a pedal cycle down

    Towards the wooded area now this became important when he returned from that location an hour and 37 minutes later as he didn’t return on his own having gone into the woods on the bicycle he came out on it again with an Associate who then dropped him off and he walked back

    To the address so the bicycle that we’ve been searching for for a couple of weeks was clearly disposed of Elsewhere and what was pivotal to me is that the individual was also carrying a rack so for me as the siio absolutely crucial that I identify who this other

    Person is through local media s police put out an appeal for information we had an indication of who it was and we did a number of inquiries to progress that for Ned news of a potential associate is only going to widen his search area and a summer heat

    Wave is not helping either temperatures were reaching nearly 40° inside the forest some areas were very thick in shrubland they were searching shoulder Tosh shoulder going through the shrubland some days we didn’t get very much done at all because of the terrain and the weather there was a number of

    Fins throughout the whole search process and I did get excited about a couple of things we did find a bike we found some items of clothing however when we put them through the forensic examinations and visual examinations we had to rule them out it appears that the suspects and his

    Associate have successfully covered their tracks but on social media investigators have discovered a digital footprint is it your phone yeah okay was a pin for it the P should I tell you I didn’t do anything we recovered from our suspect at the time of his arrest a mobile phone

    Device we was able to do a deep dive into number number of applications that he was attributed to most notably Snapchat and Instagram the messages on social media were done because online they thought they would disappear in this case they stayed in a area of the phone in its

    Internal memory so we were able to get these messages back on his Snapchat account there was numerous conversations that for me certainly spoke about the murder such as that he’d cleaned the knife with bleach that he’d Set Fire to the clothing that he’ buried things everything is stashed in the forest I

    Bleached it but not the handle and my bike is locked up on another road I’m so paranoid man I don’t want to go to pen pen is a slang name for prison there were messages in which essentially where any person would think that he’s admitted it it’s a result these inal minating

    Messages are the closest thing to the Hard Evidence Simon has been looking for they also show that the attack was planned and as we moved forward we was able to ascertain from the suspect’s Snapchat account that he had mentioned Carl he mentioned K before the murder he

    Had mentioned kle on the 4th of May and a willingness to cause harm to KY and having looked at that CCTV of the murder I was now starting to believe that this was actually a attack I don’t even know who died I just heard I don’t even know you

    Di detectives investigating the murder of Carl Wright now believe his death may have been the result of a local beef or Feud fueled by social media listen to look at me you know look at my feel like the murder someone the way we was able to build a picture of

    Two groups of people Kyle who was from aop and our suspect who was from Celly and there was some feuding between these two groups and that had emulated from a house party where these two groups had been involved in a physical altercation with each other the messages posted the

    Day after the murder the closest thing to a Smoking Gun Simon has got but he’s not satisfied I wanted to close every door I wanted to top and tail everything in terms of the investigation yes we had key eyewitnesses at the scene in terms of Carl’s friends but we didn’t have the

    Murder weapon the clothing or anything like that to link to our suspect as the trial date draws nearer the search for the associate has also drawn a blank we sought identification of that person through various different means through the media through colleagues through neighborhood policing teams that worked in Celly but despite

    All of our efforts to try and identify him but unfortunately it was never to be without the suspect’s associate or any physical evidence everything now rests on building the strongest circumstantial case possible so the CCTV strategy for me was a real key part of this investigation

    But I needed it to be put together in such a way that it gave a really good visual presentation and timeline of the investigation and that’s where Leanne came in although the suspect’s own CCTV indicated he is lying about his whereabouts it’s up to Leanne

    To show how he got to the crime scene and back there very limited CCTV until he is spotted on the pedal cycle traveling towards the scene and then it’s process for elimination as to which route he’s taken there was about three or four different routes and it’s a matter of

    Finding a premises along that road that has CCTV that ideally records the road fully and real time for the whole time although it doesn’t seem that long a distance when you’re painstakingly trying to recover CCTV from various different routs that can be quite challenging the amount of footage that

    Comes in in this particular case could be up to 150 200 bits of individual evidence to be looked at we’re talking probably 350 hours worth of video review at the time so yeah quite a bit despite the amount of footage there are still blind spots however sources

    Have now provided the police with a number for the missing phone in this case there were bits missing this is when we start looking at other digital Avenues which include the phone downloads putting phone evidence in where GPRS so where your CCTV may not put them somewhere the Digital Data

    Could put them in that area that builds up a bigger picture Leanne believes she has mapped the suspect’s exact route both to and from the crime scene but there is one final test one of the actions in this case was to task officers to go and cycle the routs from

    The suspect’s home address to the location and then from the offense location back to the home address in this case it was done and it showed that it was possible the length time it took to get the address was the same as the suspect took and the return Journey

    Was exactly the same as what the suspect Took in November 2022 the trial begins of course I get nervous in a trial setting you know the spotlight is on you as the siio as police officers we always say that that trials court is the best place to learn because anything that you haven’t done certainly does get

    Picked up it’s always a difficult time because you think have I done enough have I done enough to be able to paint a clear picture of what’s gone on to make sure that we get a result for the family without physical evidence the case hinges on who the jury believes in terms

    Of where the suspect was at the time of kyl’s murder so during the trial the defendant gave a number of varying accounts he wasn’t involved in the murder he was out drug dealing he was elsewhere he had nothing to do with it but he was unable to give us any detail

    Or checkable facts that we were able to then go and verify his account he also said about the messages in which essentially he’s admitted it he said that he took ownership of those messages to impress a younger friend it just Beggars belief in December 2022 a jury unanimously found 18-year-old Jonathan

    Cox guilty of murder there were no winners in this case yes we got Justice For Carl and his family absolutely but for me it opens up uh more concerning issues around the use of social media how influenced young people are on social media and how aggressive people can become it shouldn’t have happened

    Some Young Person’s lost their life and it’s a closer to home type job than it would be especially if you got Children of the same age it’s just very sad very sad Cox was 17 when he murdered Kyle but having turned 18 at sentencing he was given a mandatory life sentence with a

    Minimum term of 20 years Carl’s family they left devastated and broken he was the youngest son and I saw firsthand how that ripped that family apart and in addition to that the suspect who again is only 17 his family had been completely ripped apart it brought home to me such a a senseless

    Waste of an individual over something that was so trivial we had two groups of people here who clearly took exception to each other and that escalated to such a degree that our suspect felt the need to inflict a fatal injury on someone that was at a house party before sentencing the defense argued

    That Cox had mental health problems and that he did not intend to kill his victim nevertheless the judge described Cox as a dangerous individual who in the leadup to Kyle’s death had shown a clear intention to do serious harm to his victim it makes you emotional because

    You know you’re so invested in this you’re so vested in doing what’s right it does stay with you the age of the suspect the age of the victim and it’s probably something that I will always always remember in my in my career in this case we relied on really good

    Hardworking painstaking good old detective work and I had a really good team a dedicated team that literally worked day and night and we pursued and pursued because we knew that we had a strong case


    1. I have just been praising our justice system for a change watching a couple of cases on here where murderers got minimum of 37 years and now failure just possibly 20, seriously WTF

    2. I find it very interesting the police couldn't identify the accomplice. Smart phones can be tracked to within 8 metres anywhere in the world ! My guess is that the accomplice's father is a Mason or similar wealthy businessman .
      If I'm right , the murderer will get his first parole , because strings will be pulled .

    3. Maybe if the judge had dealt with the knifeman properly before, he would have been in jail and not out stabbing people. People with a violent history and a fascination with knives shouldn't be walking amongst us.

    4. Here we go again the victim family will be telling us he a bright young man who loves everyone and helps everyone in need, he was very intelligent and will not harm a fly

    5. It's not that unusual for guys from 12-25+ regularly carrying knives on the streets nowadays.
      Reasons varying and there's many as to why they do. What happened to the mandatory sentence for carrying that was declared years ago.? Social media sucks but props to the police for their due diligence and outcome.

    6. Yet another fantastic documentary. I only discovered this British Crime Only channel two days ago. As one, who's getting on in years, I find this channel the best outlet for covering some horrendous crimes in our country! Keep up the good work. Okay, I'm just about to view another video! Fantastico!

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