Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Bernie J Taylor is with us to discuss how art astronomy, mythology, mapmaking and our living library of the natural world originated more than 35k years ago in Africa and Iberia and we have been rediscovering the same ever since.

    Bernie Taylor is an author, speaker and researcher exploring cultural astronomy, mythology and cave art from the Ice Age. He is best known for breaking the source of Picasso’s masks in his painting Les Demoiselle d’Avignon at the Altamira Cave and identifying both terrestrial and sky maps depicted as animals on the walls of Ice Age Iberian caves. Bernie has presented his research at dozens of scientific and popular audience conferences, authored two books in these areas, is published in the primary literature, and has sat in the guest seat for over 100 podcasts.


    Air date: February 13, 2024

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    The smoke radio for the masses headline addition July 8th 1947 the Army Air Forces has announced that a flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army if the game is rigged change the game game changer I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish

    If we were facing an alien threat from outside this World this is f to Black with your host Jimmy Church on the game changer radio Network good evening everyone how you doing today is Tuesday though it’s not Monday today is Tuesday February 13th 2024 this is Fade to Black I’m your host Jimmy Church yeah we took yesterday off I had to it was an amazing weekend I just got back from the conscious life

    Expo and yeah I was planning on doing a show last night I was going to do my annual recap of clle I ended up staying for the postcon so I stayed there extra Monday which uh I’ve been hosting clle for 10 years and it was the first time

    That I was invited for postcon which was amazing but it threw everything off which also is a heck of a drive back and I I was on the road as the show should have started so that’s just the way that it is but I’m here now so today is the

    Start of a brand new week here on Fade to Black help support the show and uh get yourself a fade to black T-shirt there two sheet two two sheets two T-shirts and two ways to get them the links are below get a game changer membership and you will get in addition

    To your autograph t-shirt you’ll also get Fade to Black Coffee from River Moon get your faded black coffee today get your t-shirts the links are below it was an amazing weekend uh the conference was packed and what’s interesting about the show tonight uh Our Guest is Bernie Bernie T

    Bernie J Taylor uh tonight in that um over and over again when you have oh man uh that the the rough about 10,000 people at the conference and yes is large it was packed it was fun it was great to have that many people in one

    Place where you check your ego and your attitude at the door you come in and just let it all hang out it was it was like that but um what’s interesting about the weekend combined with the show tonight is over and over again it seemed that the theme for the attendees as well

    As the speakers and presenters where I have uh people coming up to me all day long raising questions and they have some is that uh it is the pursuit of knowledge and and going back and I did uh the keynoted dress that I do every year on Friday night and to have a

    Packed room like that uh just just standing room only with with the questions and the comments and the way that it was the ancient Secrets panel going back and discussing things like cave art was brought up goly tee was brought up um the what what the Ancients

    Were leaving for us to discover was brought up and discussed from the get-go on Friday night all day Saturday all day Sunday all the way through Monday and I was so excited about tonight’s show because I’ve got a really good warmup from the conscious life Expo so we’re going to do

    All of that and much more tonight with Bernie tomorrow night we have Sev talk here for the first time very excited about that and uh she’s a contacte um she is of service to others and she has had a life of ET contact and we will be

    Discussing all of that and much more to tomorrow night with seev talk and then Thursday Dr Damon Abraham is with us again here we go my favorite subjects Tech Mee uh parapsychology and everything in between that is going to be Thursday night and this is what I’m thinking all right now

    It’s not on the books yet and I don’t want to make promises and where I can’t deliver but I think Friday we should do a conscious life Expo wrapup show I’ve got too much uh on my phone I’ve got videos and I’ve got uh stories and I’ve got selfies and images and and

    Everything else so let me see if I can dial that in and we’ll do that on Friday night I’ve got stuff Friday day scheduled but it’s you guys that I want to hang out with so we’ll see if we can swing back and do a CLE conscious life

    Expo 2024 wrap-up show because it was absolutely incredible so with that tonight Bernie J Taylor is with us we’re going to be discussing amongst other things but we’re going to center around astronomy mythology a little map making and our living library of the natural world that has originated more than 35,000 years

    Ago I think it’s much older than that but we’re going to find out much more from Bernie in Africa Africa the Iberian Peninsula that area and and how we have been rediscovering the same ever since Bernie he’s an author he’s a speaker he’s a researcher exploring cultural astronomy mythology and cave art from

    The Ice Age best known for breaking the source of picassos that’s right mask in his painting Le de moel de Aenon at the Ala miror cave and identifying both terrestrial and Sky Maps depicted as animals I’m going to say this part of the show tonight is going to be amazing

    Because what is there what were the Ancients seeing in the sky and what were they preserving on those walls we’re going to discuss all of that and much more tonight it is are you ready are you ready for this Bernie J Taylor is with us he is live and looking good there he

    Is Bernie how you doing young man I’m doing great Jimmy and you’re right it’s more than 34,000 years ago but the record the the artistic record the nomenclature I can count to 34 easy but of course it goes back to hundreds of thousands of years but yeah that’s

    Absolutely right yeah my sweet spot my sweet spot is 34 to 12,000 years ago everything after 12,000 years ago is a remake go Beckley Tey the Egyptian pyramids Picasso Greek astronomy it’s all a remake all redoing the same thing now they’re really nicey remakes you

    Know go back you tap those go go gole [ __ ] is beautiful right Greek astronomy is you know the pictures are wonderful but they’re all remakes they’re all remakes for people that distant past I don’t I’m not saying that people made pyramids and we’re going to talk about

    That today and not going to say that they they made the exact same Maps as the Greeks did they had another way to do it but it is the exact same constellations in the same order and you can tell time and through space with these Maps man Bernie’s coming out with both guns

    Blaring look at that well see but here here is um and and thank you for that let let’s start with a general statement which is Dogma by the way okay all right in in the PE definition of Dogma that uh cavemen were were wearing you know you know wearing animal

    Skins and running around with clubs right and and there’s just we they didn’t have a concept of of art they didn’t have that ability and then you go and you look at these cave paintings and I would argue that they are as deep and as beautiful as anything that anybody has

    Ever done ever right and so you cannot say that and when you look at something like we’re going to be talking about Iberia and Africa but you can pick in uh any cave ancient cave painting around the world and see ad depth there but when you look at lasow and and the

    Idea that 5,000 years of continuous occupation of that c 5,000 years five we we can’t even wrap our heads around these these kinds of uh time periods 5,000 years and you can see the expression the emotion and the depth of what is going on there to be preserved

    For us in the future and I’m not wrong the Dogma that people have been fed over the years starts to become truth and it it’s it’s people like you that need to start to unravel for the world absolutely now Jimmy you just dated yourself a little bit because um I

    Didn’t I haven’t seen let’s go because let go was closed in 63 64 the year before I was born so you’ve you you know you must be somewhere a little earlier than that the time but yeah I’m about I’m about 95 but absolutely the Dogma so where

    Where does the Dogma come from I mean that is like that’s the big question why do people believe what they do well it’s actually about religion and it’s about politics so half the caves upper Val caves are in Iberia and the other half are in France early um early

    1900s Spain have had a revolution Franco took power General ISO Franco and he was aligned by the Catholic church now these were not Kumbaya Tam tambourine Catholics these were Penance Catholics you know when was the last time by just wor here Jimmy when was the last time you did

    Penance uh mate you know what I was baptized Catholic I don’t even know what that word means so you got a long list to to atone for okay we’ll just leave that there we’ll put that as side for now long listone okay so anyway Franco takes Franco T um over overthrows a GLE

    Elected government alongside the um Catholic Church okay and until about 1970 that was the Dogma so there were three things in caves there were images of people there images of animals and there geometric signs nobody could ever understand and if you go into any of these Iberian caves today that is

    Exactly what they’ll tell you and they’ll tell you that because it’s a patriarchal society they learned from their f one Professor going back in time to another and there’s there’s no BL there’s no blasphemy because this is blasphemy because it ties into the Catholic church and the Catholic

    Position and I’m not down on Catholics because you know 1970s tambourines right you know Kumbaya and Bob Dylan songs being sung the whole deal but Spain never got out of that Spain was in this this dark Catholic um this dark uniform Catholic cloaks late 1800s the altamir

    Cave was discovered or and about and they thought it was a fraud because the Catholic Church decided that and the archaeologists the French archaeologists of course um they said that nobody had the ability to do this in the Deep ROP pelic it had to be a fraud and so they

    Wrote prasu in about early 1900s 1901 1902 to ask the question Picasso walked out he said none of us could have done anything like this but Picasso not only walked out with that statement Picasso walked out with actual images that he placed onto his paintings I exactly onto

    His paintings um one was LE leel davo and the two masks which were said to be African masks but the entirety of his work soort cubism Modern Art no modernity to it we have these upper pelic images and what Picasso said he recognized but he never said where he got them from that

    These people were animists these people animists they saw themselves as animals Brothers sisters uncles cousins the whole thing so if you saw a bull that is of a fierce person and in his art he made the bull as Franco because he was at odds with Franco interesting so what

    He does is he takes these animistic animistic themes and if you look at animistic um literature mythology around the world it’s all about animals animals talk to each other then humans come and they give up their their pelts and their their um meat fles for the humans but so

    We’re looking at when you’re talking about religion and you’re going back in timeing saying tens of thousands of years ago we had these animous people that had the same Traditions as we do but as animals that creates a little friction out there and to this day um

    It’s there it’s there in in Spain I’ve been there I’ve walked through the caves and I’ve heard the guides and I’ve read the books and I’ve shook shook things up but anthropologists archaeologists mythologists astronomers outside of Spain this is oh my God how come we didn’t know this how come we didn’t

    Connect that Picasso had lifted these cave these images these masks and put them in his most famous artwork of all time the rupture moment in modern art Le Dem Davon it that’s where art comes from Modern Art nobody knew that but why didn’t they know it well first of all

    Picassa was on the wrong side of Franco which means he was the wrong side of the Catholic Church therefore he was the wrong side of government nationalistic archaeology in Spain so that’s what this is all about so what is the Dogma it’s truly is Dogma this is a religious this

    Is a religious um situation in Spain that’s not in the rest of the world in in such a way okay so history was driven by the religion of the past two centuries ago and that’s where the Deep history has come from so it’s so go on no well

    But that’s just it and that’s how Dogma starts and the other the other part of it and and the word just the word dogma sometimes I ju I use it way too much but it’s because it’s what drives the world right knowledge is based on dogma and it doesn’t matter you

    Could put the the religious side of it because that’s right there in front of us but that goes with the history of Mesopotamia it’s Dogma the the history of Egypt it’s Dogma you can go to Greek Greek which is modern that’s a modern society Greece didn’t rise until 600 BC

    Right but it it’s Dogma that is fed down and that is it it is and and once it gets started it’s very hard to back off of it and to get everybody cognitive disson they’ve got the blinders on they’re driving down the road they don’t want to get off on an exit rant

    They just want to stay right there because it’s safe and I hate to say it but that’s just the way it is and we are on a mission to help people understand get past the facts and then somehow get to the truth absolutely now Jimmy you realize there’s some dancing with the

    Devil tonight right the question is who’s flaming in red okay we’re gonna have that’s the question we know by the end so Dogma around the world most archaeology is funded by governments therefore it becomes nationalistic archaeology which we don’t have so much in the United States but everybody who’s

    An archaeologist in Spain professional archaeologist is paid in directly or indirectly by the government you can go to Egypt you can go turkey anywhere in the world and so what happens is the dog these dogmas get caught up in the the nationalism the institution and they become codified literally codified in

    The laws because if you say anything or you go digging around you have just broken the law just let’s just give an example let’s say Jimmy you are a the world’s expert in ancient African languages and scripts okay and as and in in North Africa the oldest language is

    The is um tiffan I’m sorry is a the Berber language amaz people and is it has a written language called Tiano okay Tiano is the oldest language possibly in the world that we know of okay it’s we find it in the Sahara and rock art dating back for tens of thousands of

    Years and let’s say you’re in Egypt and you’re you see some some half a Tiel SCP at the bottom of a pyramid and you look at that you say well you know that looks like tiffan maybe I’ll dig six Ines under there to see what’s there well you

    Just got throwing yourself in jet because you you Mar disrupted not just the physical artifact but also the the nationality the nationalism of egyptology you’ve just broken all the rules because the laws are designed that you’re not supposed to be digging around on the on the edges of the pyramids

    You’re not in most places you can’t even take photographs so in the caves of Spain I cannot take photographs of the of the cave walls but a lot of professional photographers have taken those photographs that I’ve I’ve been very fortunate to be able to use okay um

    So I I I got to work way around that but if you go around the world we have this nationalist archaeology anthropology and this is not what all AR all archaeologists and anthropologies aren’t behind this but the ones who get paid by the national governments definitely are

    We find this more outside of the United States and outside of Canada um it’s it’s really you Egypt you know freaking France Spain turkey U ma major um all over Africa this is the way of the law this is nationalistic archaeology now when we talk when I say nationalist

    Archaeology around the world 99 99.9% of archaeologists are not professional archaeologists they graduate from college they go do something else they go work from you know something right but it’s a very small percentage that actually become professionals and they become they fall in the Trap because if

    They don’t if they try to get out of the Trap they then um are you know they lose their jobs they lose their jobs that’s let me let me jump in it that’s exactly the problem and I don’t blame anybody here yeah you’ve got to pay your

    Mortgage you’ve got to feed your kids you’re on a career career path things are good things are secure you don’t want to Ripple the water and I I I I totally understand that but there are those archaeologists and egyptologists and and and anthropologists around the world that do dig six inches deeper and

    They go wait a minute I’ve been lied to and that is happening more and more where it you know it’s just like wait a minute I can’t I can’t conform anymore and we’re starting to see that shift do you feel the same shift going on absolutely so I

    Go to conferences I go to Scientific conferences in the humanities astronomy um you know geography the whole thing I’ve done about 25 conferences in the last four years five years around the world all the major conferences when I first started going to conferences actually the first conference I went to

    They didn’t want to let me actually I got in they got I got kicked out okay and then someone said someone up I want to hear this guy I want to hear this guy um and that person is now deceased so fortunately the timing worked out that

    He so and he said well let’s just let him do a poster so I did a poster it actually worked out because it condense a lot of information into a poster then the next conference I did they said okay let’s this guy do a paper well you know

    Dozens of dozens of conferences and symposiums later I have this great inventory and when I go to a conference now people clap when I finish when I finish speaking when they CLA for nobody else and so the world is the world changed people people in these places

    Where they’re they’re stuck in a Hole by nationalistic archaeology or na really nationalism it’s not nationalist archaeology it’s nationalism they want to hear what the other side says so people in France they want to hear what’s go what’s really gone on in the Spanish caves and people in the UK and

    All these other places because they know they’re not getting the story when they right away when they said you guys didn’t see the the Picasso connection or make actually it’s not that they didn’t see the connection people didn’t make the connection there this because politically Picasso was you know he was

    On the out um he was hiding out in France for a long time and so people are saying yes we want to hear this guy and I’ve done over a hundred podcasts um around the world I’ve done all the all these conferences but I also hear of

    Other people I listen to other people a lot of disruptive ideas um and they it takes it takes a movement it takes people to cite your papers it takes people to talk about your work it t takes people to keep inviting you to conferences and to symposiums and to

    Teach at the universities and other places so you have to build up a movement what I don’t do what I’ve never done is I’ve never said hell with Jimmy Church he’s over there and hell with blank blank blank he’s over there I’m not any anybody’s side I’m in the middle

    Uh I’m in the middle and I’m listening to both sides I’m gathering information and I’m moving forwards but I’m doing it from perspective of um let’s I’m getting people on on board the ship you know over 100 podcasts later the ship’s full oh you know it’s pretty full anyway

    Maybe you know it’s not the big ships you know right right and and let let’s let’s actually start to dive uh deep here and let me uh I’m going to make an observation and end it with a question but it it both of them will be quick which is this to take the

    Time to paint or to create on a cave wall 30 40,000 years ago took time not only did it take time you had to create pigments a a transfer medium a way to do that that’s a high level of intelligence which would would suggest you may have been taught from somebody before you

    Which pushes the dating back but the other side of that is if you are taking the time to create this which takes time instead of killing something outside to feed your family right because it was all about survival those out there on the Savannah in Africa that were thinking eight right

    That’s just that’s just a fact so if if that is what we are dealing with we have that element and then we have the third thing what is it that was so important that they had to preserve it for us they were observing the heavens yeah and and in an astronomical sense to

    Do that then was extraordinary the purest definition of that right and so when we look and and now when we start to pull this apart what was so important to them to overcome and ignore surviving the night right to preserve for us for the future what was it that

    Was so important the origin story that’s what it was and it was it was preserved for us today is truly the origin story of humanity where we came from and where we’re going and when I talk about the origin story we’re talking about the big bang the Big Bang came from the cosmic

    Egg it didn’t come from physics it came from the story The from the the cosmic egg which goes back to ancient Greece times whenever all the constellations the whole Cosmos was in an egg that exploded well we actually have that Cosmic egg story in Upper pill the cart

    Because that Greek ripped it off was you know they borrowed it and thing of credit for so it’s the story of humanity and we could I’m going to walk into one cave for a moment this cave is called the elel cave and it’s in Northern Spain

    I’ve been there and you walk into the elel cave you walk through some some narrow areas kind of slippery lots of water on the floor even on this paved surface it’s slick okay and you walk into this chamber called the G called the G of disc and the g disc is about 10

    Meters long so about 30 feet and and you shine a light to it and you see all these engraved lines now what’s very interesting about this this naturally you’d be just it’s Limestone it just kind of be like mushy and hard just hard mushy that would be like so what they

    Did 10 meters across is they engraved the entire surface the entire surface okay and this there disc red discs about 100 or so that run across from the right side to the left side and on one end of the panel if you studyed close enough you can see all these um iberians

    European animals you see a horse you see Iberian links and on the other end of the panel you see African animals you see a giraffe and there were no giraffes in Africa during this time period per drafts in in Europe during this time period and you see other you see other

    African animals and in the middle you see a whale you see a dolphin you see a crab um and a monk seal so you have a you have a body of water so if we go from the north to the South the body of water is a stolter simple I mean this

    Isn’t rocket science simple simple mapmaking and so all these animals as you go from right to left or north to south or back again they are animals that you would see on the terestrial plane so if you if you’re in you’re in if you jump out of an airplane and you land in

    In Madrid and you see a giraffe you’re either in a zoo or you’re not in Madrid me it’s one of the other okay and in North Africa there were giraffes at that time okay and so this so we have a we have map making and we have through

    Animals well we we can go from from the from the north to the South again and the north we have a man we have a man that is actually Hercules he’s the he is the constellation Hercules and that man overlaps with a horse and that horse is

    Pegasus that that horse overlaps with an eagle to give the wings of Pegasus okay and the man also overlaps with horse to become a centur okay and we go down this panel we go through one constellation after the other we go through Pisces in the center um and then we have you know

    Going we have the bear on top with Ursa Major um we have the Leo the lion the lion and here on this journey actually he fights with the lion the only animal he fights with is the lion and he so he becomes herc the hero is Hercules is the

    Origin story of Hercules but as he travels through the night sky we see Hercules as the constellation we see a Ryan as a constellation as the actual figure constellation we see Perseus as a constellation he’s swimming but it’s all the same hero on his journey so they

    Didn’t see it as they they didn’t so in in Greek mythology have Hercules does one story Orion does another and but that’s not how the the pelic story was it was one hero on his journey through the seasons through the night sky and as he goes to these Seas to the night sky

    He meets animals wherever he goes and he overlaps with those animals who give him strength they teach him how to be successful in the real world now all those animals except for the lion is female they’re all he fights lion but all the others that help him are female

    And by the end of his journey other Journey gets back to the north again and he sees he becomes the complete um mix of the male and female okay so when not talking about sex we’re not we’re talking about this is a psychological transformation so he had he sees the the

    The total of the world but remember that animists thought the animals were the brothers sisters Aunts Uncles all that sort of stuff so he has incorporated not just the he Incorporated the terrestrial Cosmos he has he has incorporated the the constellation Cosmos in the Underworld to complete the package so

    He’s integrated everything together now this is not unique to opic people we find this among Native Americans we F let me jump in let me okay that that panel that you’re referring to uh let’s not let’s not just blow past it because it’s extraordinary number one number I’m G it

    Is the most important artifact in the world in the world bar yeah it’s crazy but when you first see it right okay the Galler the it’s just spots on the wall right it’s just it’s it’s just prehistoric man goofing around right painting painting and then you you have

    To stop and look wait wait a minute this is Celestial now if if if the representation some I’m just going to be direct here some of is oh yeah that’s a horse isn’t that cute wow they could they knew how to paint a horse to tie to actually see what you’re seeing

    Which is constellations that means um this painting that predated modern man I’m just going with air quotes for the for the dog Mist out there right that means that prehistoric man is going out and observing the cosmos observing the season observing a timetable that takes a long time to

    Cycle through they are seeing the same images you know looking at Pegasus right looking at Leo and seeing that and turning around and inserting it into the timeline that is high intelligence and that really freaks me out and to to go to go backley tee or the modern zodiac

    And the astrologers of the world to say these things it was going on 35,000 years ago the Ancients were seeing the same thing over a huge length of time to get it accurate on this cave wall right and that it’s crazy town it’s it’s absolutely phen absolutely

    Phenomenal so what the if what they also saw was the animals in season so they didn’t just show an animal show like a an eagle at a certain age and Eagle is is a ail a Keila of the constellation and that’s in mid June well if someone

    Saw that same that same panel 10 years later they would recognize that Aila was out of season and that somehow time had been different that they didn’t know what it was but they would have realized that somehow time was different there was an earlier time there was an earlier

    Epic there was an earlier stage of mankind that we weren’t this is not the time we have now um but we could look back time and ultimately that’s probably how procession came about there or parkus the concept of procession is they realized that they were images from earlier time that showed constellations

    In different seasons therefore there was a different time there was a different age different age okay that that’s a really good point actually I was going to touch upon that a few minutes ago that you have to accurately and I don’t know how they did it right but I imagine

    Something like this a stick in the ground with a shadow and then you tell your son okay in 30 years you’re going to take over my job and this is what’s going on right you’re GNA observe you’re going to look at this and then you’re going to do another one and another one

    And and that’s where we are at now in about 20,000 years we’re going to get the full cycle of the procession but but that’s this is how you know you know what I mean this kind of tradition it wasn’t put together with a telescope over a weekend this took huge amounts of time

    Where the tradition was handed down and taught to the Next Generation and there isn’t another way to look at it is there there isn’t no and the the the the year is somewhere around 320,000 years ago yeah and and Western North Africa at a place called jeer hood and for a long

    Time people thought that the oldest modern humans came from Southeast Africa 20 240,000 years ago but they were there were bones that they had at jebor Hood in West North AF Africa Morocco that were not correctly dated until about five or six years ago and it just exploded 320,000 years ago it was

    Absolutely amazing and so rewrote the entire history of mankind when nobody thought it could be that way so I would say that the starting point was 320 thou around 320,000 years ago in West North Africa at a place called Jebel Hood I and Jebel means Mountain hood is this is

    The place itself and that’s now this is where it gets this is where it gets I’m gonna take level crazy right I mean we’re on the level crazy um we’re dancing with the devil right now there’s a there’s a mountain in West North Africa called um a jebot toaca jebot

    Tooco is the tallest mountain in North Africa the Greeks had a name for it they called it Atlas you want to know the take one guess of what the what the what the Greeks called the people that live there atlanteans you got it at atlan AB absolutely and that’s before before so

    This is from Herodotus who was who was before Plato and before Plato before Herodotus there was The The Phoenician sanino and he said that a Greek I’m sorry he said that a Phoenician a Phoenician went to this mountain he founded astronomy okay so if you look at

    Um all these images that I’m talking about they’re actually parado they start they don’t start in the night sky not at all they start in parader on the trust plane so if you look the face of jebot toaca you see all this paradoa well actually if you know what the look for

    You see you see an elephant you see the the ear of an elephant and you see the head of an elephant and the climbing route up jebot tooco is actually over the head and up the ear it’s a thing and um and then at the top you got this kind

    Of reptile kind of splayed out in paradoa and that reptile became Draco in on the on the G disc so the constellation Draco and of course of course Hercules climbs Atlas remember that story right he climbs Atlas and when he climbs Atlas um the Titan Atlas

    Is already turned to stone because in a previous myth Perseus carries up the head of Medusa and she turns all the animals and the and the Titan to Stone through her gaze and so they had this this animist way of looking at it to explain how it came came to be well all

    Of those animals on the gallery of discs are founded in terrestrial parado okay and so what they saw was saw animals on top of animals so they didn’t actually create the constellations in such a way they looked at they saw this paradia and they say we’re gonna put that star there

    For the tail or that one there for the eye and that’s how it made this made it simple because if you tried to overlap all these animals on the gallery of disc as constellations it’s it’s impossible but they had the source so they literally copied it so that the i

    In ancient Iberia up people they copied it from Western North Africa they had the source The Rocker Gibralter is another Series where there there’s a bunch of animals um there’s there’s a we find both the the um a whale and a dolphin going one goes north the other one goes

    South and that becomes Pisces for the for the so we can go through one one animal after another and then there’s a third site there’s a third site that I didn’t know until last year and it really really stumped to me I mean like stump when I when I was working on this

    Project started this about um 2014 I had a guide by the guide of sorts his name is George Sher George Sher is the foremost wildlife biologist in in the world he’s the man he’s the man I met him when I was I was at my early uh

    Early early 20s in Beijing I’ve been places um and George me I remember him and I contradicted when I F I saw this p on the gall discs I saw it looked like a lion um and I also saw that looks like an elf but the lion had a main and at

    That time in up p with cave art there was no lions with Mains because we don’t know and the Elephant was clearly not a um an Iberian elephant because they didn’t have a humped head it had a flathead like an African elephant so George and I we worked together and you

    Know if he helped me out a year and a half later uh we kind of wrapped up dozens of animals in a few different panels but one of the animals that was most important and that totally to totally changed George’s mindset this is what it is this is North this is south

    South and that’s Africa was the giraff now this is what George said he said it’s a Messi dff Messi dffs are in South Africa South Africa okay how what what stuck out for him to go right there head in the horns the head in the horns he said this is

    Clearly a messiah giraffe and so what we we KNE there there’s still giraffes in North Africa you know people hunt them in the Sahara so we said well maybe this m draft wandered North but something happened last summer something came out in the news at a at the rising star Cave

    The Cave of Bones it was all over Netflix and I looked at that thing I said oh my God it’s a match and it was like the piece of the puzzle fit right together and there was a mide giraffe and I was like whoa there’s a

    Mide giraffe and then what I do was I saw the other animals in the same order that we see him both on the G disc and another panel near jalter and so what we connect what I connected we already worked out this West North Africa and this Iberian P picture but we

    Didn’t know what that where that giraffe came from and once we saw the this home homey but not really um this these images in the rising star cave it connected the dots to put the whole picture together that the range of these people were from the Iberian potential

    To South Africa at a minimum at a minimum now people will say well that’s an awful long way to go well Sahar and tuar the people the the blue people who want who sort of wander around the Sahara they travel over a thousand miles a year on foot and they stop along the

    Way and have camps camps so to walk to walk from Iberian potential to South Africa isn’t that far I mean for you and I you know we’re we’re you know we probably just need a few days in the gym maybe we can do it but it’s not that far

    So that the scope of people or their range of people was from the Liberian Peninsula to South Africa now what did Plato say about the atlantes what did did he say that their range was he said the whole of Africa he said the whole of Africa

    That’s what he said okay so where did so where did where did where did Plato get that from well he got it from Egypt he got it from the the priests well when he was in Egypt at the same time there was an astronomer named uus he was Greek and

    It was udus that brought the Greek constellation the these constellations from Egypt to Greece that that made record so all these constellations that we’re talking about here and many more of the record they came from Egypt they came through uus and we know that’s when they entered the record and then they

    Were they were supplemented with Mesopotamian constellations and some other constellations the ancient Greeks had so Plato was right but Plato was wrong Plato didn’t understand the big picture he said the whole of Africa what the heck does that mean so people think that’s Libya think it’s Libya but uus

    Brought back the science he brought back the astronomy and he gave he left up this record that we can compare with the up with with the upper pth record to see what constellations were brought over where and when and the constellations were not just what they saw in Northern

    Spain not just what they saw in in Iberia Str bral or what they saw jebot call in Morocco there were also constellations that they saw in South Africa and at that time the Ice Age we have the the furthest range in both directions there was no place El to go

    Okay now this is where I asked the obvious question walking is one thing okay I get that I understand that but to have so many cultures and in in in many cases we have to uh get water in between so now we’re talking about something transoceanic but uh it’s north to south

    Right hold on hold on but you can’t answer the question before I ask it is this the consistency of something like go Beckley tappy which has constellations you have the modern zodiac in say dendera right you’ve got what’s going on in Iberia but you also have what’s going on in Australia

    Polynesia you have South Africa you have a consistent eventually what turns into the Zodiac that we know today but the Ancients were seeing the same thing now the communication via walking is one thing but it was a global identification so how do we explain that or was there one Central teacher body of

    Knowledge that was navigating the world and sharing astrology and astronomy and what the constellations were represented by good question okay so starting from I don’t think they walked either okay I don’t think but I think they took because we talked about the constellations these constellations are

    Really from north to south okay north to south and so I believe they took canoes or something along the shoreline now you ask the question about going so then the question is going we’re going to go Beckley taple on the side because something different okay okay

    So rock art emerges or cave art emerges for the first time that we have a record of is about 45,000 years ago in Indonesia and then about 40,000 years ago emerges in Europe okay so it was in Indonesia first it’s quite so did Ro did cave art emerge in Africa then go east

    And north okay possibly um so the the central point was not in in iian Peninsula was a central point in Indonesia I don’t know okay because there’s not that much of it and it’s not it’s not of the same I’m going to say the quality as we find in in in South

    Africa or we find in Iberian Peninsula so this is what probably happened is people did leave Western North Africa that’s what I’m going with okay they and they went in all different directions okay um they didn’t I don’t think those people got to Australia okay but this is

    What happened as people migrated to new areas and settled down they they found new constellations they found new animals they found new environments new paradia to to build on and they created their own little like cultures that was built on the original culture and then they left and went someplace else and

    They merged with other people and so by the time so the people in Australia ultimately got what everybody had in Australia I’m sorry everybody had in in Iberian peninsula in Africa but they had created their own their own night sky um they had created their own environment that made

    Sense for them because as we talked about these animals we said these are Iberian animals these are African animals these are animals that swim across back and forth on the St jalter these are animals that are unique to their environments so so people traveled to other places they had to incorporate

    Their new animals because they didn’t know what a giraffe was they didn’t know but you know what complicates things and I don’t want to because you’re absolutely spoton but here’s where it gets uh this is where stop for a second and go wait a minute Australia is in the southern

    Hemisphere yeah they’ve got a different Sky they’re they’re looking at something completely different than anybody else in the planet and yet the similarities are the same thing and the ability to understand astronomy and time and and procession were all there from the southern sky looking out into the southern hemisphere which is different

    Than Mesopotamia that’s different than South Africa and it’s different than Egypt and it’s certainly different than the United Kingdom and it’s certainly different from the Baltic Sea right or Siberia or North America and I it seems to me that maybe the migration is there but I think somebody was also coming to

    Them I agree with that too people were moving around they this was we had cultural exchange from South Africa to the Iberian Peninsula ongoing cultural exchange now we we talked about the the giraffe the Messiah giraffe I found the constellation of the Messiah giraffe and

    It just to I didn’t realize it until I saw the the home olti stuff which isn’t home theti it’s the Southern Cross and Indigenous peoples in South Africa are still using the giraff for the Southern Cross and so when I I gave this these presentations astronomy groups professional astronomers and I go

    Through all these greatek constellations and I’d leave the space I’ve always left out the giraffe because I didn’t know what constellation it was and the giraffe is further south than Orion um going south and so when I when I when I started then I started looking what is

    What’s there and the Southern Cross is the crossing neck of the mother giraffe and her juvenile that’s what we see in the image we just don’t see a mother giraffe we see the crossing neck of the mother giraff in the Juvenile and that creates the southern so the southern

    Cross as the constellation uh as the constellation of the draft goes back to at least 34,000 years ago probably goes back to 320,000 years ago okay um so that is the so but what’s important about that’s a north to south constellation what I’m not seeing is any east to west constellations I’m only

    Seeing north to south and I’m not seeing the constellations that there’s all kinds of um in Australia they have all kinds of other constellations I’m not talk indigenous ones I’m talking not talk about the the white man’s you know Captain Cook sort of stuff um I don’t

    See them you know I’m I’m only seeing animals that are indigenous from a straight line from the Iberian Peninsula down to South Africa I’m not seeing kangaroos okay so and but I’m not I’m not seeing I’m not seeing giraffes in Australian constellations either um but we have

    This this link that it’s amazing this this hom this BS totally s homo project um for the Engravings turned into one of the biggest discoveries that they didn’t know was in front of them um for the the connection between the North and South and the upper polyic and they have the

    Same animals in the same order that overlaps with the Iberian ones and they’re all constellations they’re all constellations that we can still identify today because the Greeks received them the Greek uus received them through the priests in Egypt at the time of Plato when was them was the

    Opening of Greece to the world following the the conquest of Alexander the Great we um oh really oh there’s a new spend 30 seconds on this there’s a new docu series about Alexander ah where’ I see it might be Netflix I’m not too sure I saw it a

    Couple of weeks ago fraking amazing and if you haven’t seen it go and check it out the docu Alexander the Great go do a search it’s it’s a recent release really good um but okay staying on this the uh the idea of looking to the sky and preserving it and and locking it

    Down would suggest that there was a deep understanding of of you have to throw in mathematics you have to throw in remember that they started from the parado on the mountain but they’re also counting they’re counting you you have to be able to understand when they count they obviously count yeah absolutely right

    And and and when we are talking about huge chunks of time Millennia a millennia a millennia a that it wasn’t 10 fingers you know oh we can count to 20 because we have 10 toes it was much more complex than that so there was a a deep understanding of

    Mathematics uh you know 340,000 years ago right you know pre Ice Age yes so this is what I think they did so they they had the constellations in the night sky they had the constellations in the parado and they had the representation of those constellations as animal an on the

    Terestrial plane so if they walk north to south they see you know the different animals and they also they also knew because the map the constellation map takes them north to south and it takes them to each paradia spot and so they can reinforce reinforce the narrative

    Now I would say going back to your first question your first first question was why did they do this why did they why did they preserve this and truly for us today because it’s the origin story it’s not just the or their origin story of Hunter gathers it’s the origin story of

    Mankind it takes us back 320,000 years ago to West North Africa the Jebel a hood where we now know we have the oldest the oldest um documented recorded Homo sapiens it’s the origin story they were just as interested in back then as we are today and so there the origin

    This was a pilgrimage it was an origin story pilgrimage to go back and forth back and forth between West between the Iberian Peninsula North West North Africa and and South Africa back and forth these people knew each I’m not I’m going to tell you I’m not going to say

    They’re brothers or sisters these people were connected because the Artistic Styles are just too close it’s just impossible and there are animals in the in the in the home in the rising star cave South Africa images that did that have haven’t existed in South Africa since forever for Bears there’s there’s

    Never been any I mean like for hundreds of thousands years there were no bears in South Africa the Bears were in West North Africa they’re called um the atlas M the atlas bears and we find lots of bears in that Bayon Peninsula and so we

    Have the Bears we have the Bears we have the giraffes in one place where they they don’t exist and we have bears and and other animals in another place that don’t exist there’s also horses depicted in South Africa and they’re not zebras and not whatever people can come up with

    They’re horses there were no horses in South Africa there were no horses in Africa um at that time period so we have animals in the wrong place they KN these people knew each other they had culture exchange and and I would say that they weren’t the same artist because I’ve

    Studied that I’ve you know spent years on this studying the techniques but these artists Were Somehow connected within Generations so they weren’t hundreds of hundreds of years thousands of years or that they were not that far apart these were connected within Generations that they had they they could replicate the Artistic

    Styles by the way there’s probably more of these there’s probably lots more of these that people haven’t found well yeah you see it everywhere and there are times I’m not making this up Bernie because I look at this I talk about this probably once or twice a week on the

    Show I’ve been doing it for a decade cave art blows my mind petroglyphs blow my mind hieroglyphs right look at that and and you start to see the same thing over and over again and there are times when I’m looking at cave art and I don’t even know what country I’m looking at

    Because right the similarity is is right there now it would suggest to me I I I go I go to the dark side immediately I I Dance with the Devil it seems that somebody is teaching that’s it feels to me like somebody is teaching I don’t think there

    Are any original thoughts I’m going to we’re going to go to a break I’m going to share this with you I think that the origin story is spoton the problem with the that with that that conflicts with the Dogma is the Dogma says no man they’re painting what they see in

    Nature well wait a minute there is no double helix in nature show me a double helix somewhere right show me these right angles show me the the and when you look at that show me where this exists in nature and when you start to get into Celestial stuff like the

    Castile cave by the way it doesn’t exist in nature oh yeah the horse does but the rest of it the mathematical calendar right right right there in front of you that doesn’t exist in nature so you can’t say that it conflicts and so I’m I’m in a cave here in North

    America I’m with some friends we find this cave it’s at night by the way and we go up and this is what we see now and everybody was at we saw all these petroglyphs and I’m trying to figure it out and and I said to the group I didn’t

    Know uh anything until much later there’s a story here they’re telling us something now let’s just figure this out 700 petroglyphs by the way right in this and and we’re looking at all of this together anyway so we we get up into this cave high up on the cave wall it’s

    Claustrophobic by the and high up on the cave wall I’ve got it on video I can show you the pictures is this about 30 feet up I don’t need even know how they got up that high to carve this is a dude a stick figure standing on water okay so

    You see the water and it’s about it’s about yay big right maybe three feet by three feet he’s standing on water with his arms extended and in one hand is a ball he’s holding up a circle on the other hand is a cross just a simple

    Cross and he’s standing on this boat on water holding out and it’s like okay what are they saying here now you have to really look at that now you can go in any there’s a lot going on in something I can offer something I can offer saying Jesus Christ Jimmy you need

    To go to penance I’m waiting for the lightning bolts right but but it it’s extraordinary and nobody knows who did these petroglyphs okay that that’s it uh it’s in the mve desert but the Mojave Indians say n they were here when we got here so nobody really knows but there’s an

    Origin story there yeah a boat on water in the middle of the desert with a guy you know holding up it’s it’s it’s bizarre but that’s for a preserving right it’s a library preserving something for us for the future trying to tell us something on the dark side of the moon

    Right in five minutes we’re gonna hit gockley teppy let’s talk about it let’s do it this is Fade to Black excuse me I’m drinking coffee our guest tonight Bernie J Taylor we are doing all of that and much more tonight on Fade to Black mythology cave art Origins astronomy astrology all of

    That when we come back right after this short break stay with Us subscribe to our YouTube channel get your alerts and access to over 2,000 videos click that subscribe button right now my job is not to preach my job is to take you on this journey in a state of passion nothing negative can happen that it’s the moons of those planets

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    Drink it is the best and it’s doc again River moonwell all right Welcome Back Fade to Black I am your host Jimmy church tonight Bernie Taylor is with us he’s got the J in there for a good reason there are a lot of Bernie Taylor running around out there you’ve got to separate yourself from those other Bernie Taylor and

    Tonight so we’re talking about mythology cave art astronomy astrology and and how it ties into everything with us today fascinating conversation I just came off of the conscious life Expo and one of the subjects uh Andrew Collins was there one of my favorite people on this planet and

    We had long discussions panels uh about that centered around goly tappy one of my favorite things now here’s here’s the deal let Bernie the magic of go Beckley Tey is well first off it cannot be measured that’s the first thing but the second thing is it’s an enigma it wasn’t supposed to

    Exist the dog the Dogma right is that yeah 3000 BC nothing before don’t talk to us everything is at 3000 BC you have Giza you have Mesopotamia language the Arts astronomy engineering laws civilization communal living cities writing everything happened at 3000 BC if anything else goes down let us know

    Well boom go Backle tappy and it predates by 7,000 years right or older right and that’s part of the magic of gole Tey but it was a GI to the Dogma right it just pushes everything it just messes up everything but here’s the thing uh uh one of the

    Many things about gockley Tey but that we have 3D relief art what that wasn’t supposed to exist right right clearly it’s there and it was deliberately buried and preserved it was ju it’s just magic but it would suggest there are animals there that weren’t supposed to

    Exist in that area and on on pillar 43 and others I would suggest constellations now when you say oh hold on it’s a separate subject pump the brakes let’s get into this you have my full attention so what are we seeing with goly tappy absolutely well it’s

    What happens with gockley Tey is a continuance of knowledge 12,000 years ago cave art ends in Europe just zip all that Arc okay at that time an explosion in the Sahara and we do have a genetic back migration into West North Africa 12,000 years ago then now the other place that we see

    Big art is goly Tey okay there’s a theme in Upp in Upper cave art that we have the the man that emerges with the bird okay it be a some people would say shanic I say it’s atomistic it’s the man becomes woman with the bird it’s his hand his uncle his grandmother whatever

    The story is the man merges with the bird and that be that becomes the constellation Hercules in that in that North North North End of the sky that’s important North End of the spot sky so let’s go to the the vulture stone at gobec tee we’re going to start off that

    You know you know that big beak and that round head right round head Google Google go vultures anywhere in the world there is no vulture with a round head okay and also the the the the the wings on that vulture are just way too short for a

    Vulture and then it has that that V collar just like my shirt just my shirt has a v collar just like all the human figurines atoly heer they had that V collar okay so the red the round head is not of a vol it’s of a human and what

    We’re looking at is a an avoid a human figure a man and I would say that’s a child just the size of the head has put has has a vulture has a raptor possibly vulture beak and is wearing the wings of a vulture okay so is it becomes this this

    Figure this spiritual leader figure who mer merges into the bird to go on his journey and we find this over and over and over again in uphill at cart the only difference is is that we don’t see that character go GOI riding a horse it’s the only difference emerging to

    Pegasus okay so what I would say and it’s also that that that bird I’m going to call it a birdman is also newly facing and the same as a constellation Hercules and as we find upper Pell cave art okay so as we go down from there we

    Have we have a scorpion on upper Pell cave art we have a um a crab okay a crab and so we have a crab and a scorpion you we might taxonomically think they’re different animals but for people tens of thousands years ago it’s the same it’s

    Roughly the same animal okay so you do so that becomes the constellation Scorpius okay and so you have you have Hercules overlaps with the bird AA Kila and then we have Scorpius okay we have that same alignment Northerly facing into on goly Tey so where’s the connection I mean like besides actually

    Iconography these are the same things what’s the connection how can we actually prove the sick well there’s the people in Western in Northwest Northeastern Spain are the Basque and The Basque have been the’s time Memorial and The Basque were the people of gerer who bombed by remember Franco okay going

    Back to that story Franco okay Franco bombs The Basque um and the Bas people are believed well the Basque will say that they have a unique language nobody else in the world has it and it is for certain not connected to any of the Indo European

    Languages not true that no no I think wait wait wa okay they’ve got Armenian words in oh that’s where I was going that’s where I was going how’d you know that I am Jimmy Church yeah you’re Jimmy okay it’s Armenian so but Indo European Armenian isn’t that not indoeuropean

    Okay it’s not it isn’t it isn’t okay it is okay so you know that so you’re right so Armenian Armenian and so the bask always said well you got to prove this with the archaeology well 12,000 years ago people left the Iberian Peninsula including the Basque they went they went

    South to Africa and they went they went East to Turkey about as far as they could go and they brought their art with them and we see these reliefs on on Limestone pillars of go tee well UPF cave art is full of these reliefs and

    Every one of those caves as far as I know everyone I’ve seen they’re Limestone caves they use the same substrate with the same characters and they took it to gockley teepe and other places we this there’s probably more of those out there so just just as go go go gockley Tey was

    Buried and just like the rising star cave in South Africa was just F that the gravens were just realized within the LA last year there’s probably more of these all over the place that we just haven’t seen or we or they’ve been buried nationalistically for different reasons okay usually found in a Rel

    So so the connection between the Basque and the Armenian is language there’s there’s one of the mountains one of the parado mountains I worked on in Northern Spain is called chendi chind DOI DOI means place um and chin has absolutely no meaning in Basque it’s just it’s just

    Chin well chin does have a meaning in our meing it means bad so it means a bad place okay and then this this this choki is a is a parado uh it’s a parado elephant okay that’s what it is it’s really cool you can look at my images

    It’s really cool and we find this this chend DOI replicated multiple times in different uphill of the cave from 12 to about 22,000 years ago okay so we find it over and over and over again and it actually becomes the constellation Taurus if you at the time of year as

    Depicted in the caves in that season if you got up Before Dawn and you saw looked in that direction at choki you would see the constellation Taurus setting into the day effectively okay and we can find the same concept over and over again with different animals

    And Uphill at cable well so what we do have is we have chind DOI with chin which is a or meaning word and we have chin which is a um it’s still there so the Armenians been arguing as you know for decades and this go this is for over

    A hundred years they made this recognition the bass say no no no no where’s the archaological evidence gockley Tey is the archaeological evidence that connects the two 12,000 years ago the people went the people went East and then 8,000 years ago people came back again people came during the the

    Agriculture migration came back into well came into Spain France so we have you have two different migrations imigration 12,000 years ago you have a back migration 8,000 years ago that brought agriculture so yes gockley Tey is the signature of upper Pell the cavar in fact stylistically there’s um upper

    The Iberian called you said that you s you can’t tell the difference between the caves um cave art um because most of it’s actually Franco Iberian cave cave um art within you know 300 miles of each other okay that’s why it kind of looks the same we have the same style with the

    Reliefs in on gockley tee the difference is gockley Tee it’s an earthquake zone you CA caves aren’t going to last very long and so people built the substructure of the cave they dug it out they had the pillars and they put something on top of it so some people

    Drop down into the chambers to have their um their I say the The Apprentice Journey the the religious experience how to pass on the knowledge the origin story to the next people and they pass on that knowledge story of the man that merges with the egole that’s next to the

    Crab that crab that man and that and that bird is in paradia at the rock of jolto the story originates at the Iberian Peninsula at the Rock let me um I’ve got like 10 thoughts to to get in here the first one is um is that the Sun or the moon or

    Another planet on the vulture Stone no idea no idea NOA so what they did was they so that also the birds to if you’re look at to the bottom right like geese or something like that cranes people picked up as people traveled they picked up new animals to put into their

    Constellations so those that those geese crane whatever they are do not which are water Birds by the way they do not exist in the upper pillar of the cavar we have but we do have the man that merges with a bird that and under him is the Scorpion the crab that we

    Find in Iberian record and we find in paradia at the rocket jolure so we we have a time and place but there but there’s some intention here and I’ve I’ve intention not attention sure there’s intention with the way that the because either that’s the Sun or the

    Moon maybe it’s the earth I don’t know but but it’s being held up by the vulture I mean it’s it’s there with intention and I’ve always okay that pill cave art we find that that Hercules at the end of his journey he holds an egg he holds an egg okay that

    Egg is STO in in the in the Galler of disc is stolen from a crocodile which becomes a conation Draco and the Greeks picked up that story and they said that he was stealing the golden apple from at at Atlas from under the the monster crocodile Draco so it’s

    He carries the same symbol in our P cave art as an egg so is that an egg It Go Go beuy or symbolis of something like that concept because remember it’s the cosmic egg it’s where the everything comes from everything explodes from that Cosmic egg that is that is the origin story the

    Origin story okay okay okay now I’m GNA take it one step further sure okay uh there’s two points I need to make sure and you’re gonna uh address them both but I want to ask them at the same time above the vulture is one in my opinion one of the craziest

    Things on planet Earth and that is the three purses sure so those three handbags are clearly depicted there intentionally and if we are dealing with an origin story and it’s ascending right from north to south to botom you want to put it it it’s there in order and that

    So you have the purses above which is my point second the vulture is holding a freaking planet or something right and then you have a scorpion below so you’ve got the order of things in an origin story that purse is on every continent in the world it’s part of somebody’s

    Mythology ology that has been depicted in in paintings cave art sculpture in stories in mythology Samaran ancient Mesopotamia you have the anunaki version of this but it goes all the way over to North Central and South America too as well very interesting that this shows up

    Out of the blue at gockley tee 12,000 years ago from today now here’s the second part I want you to address that because what is in those purses is that the origin story is it DNA is it knowledge I don’t know but I just got

    Back from Peru and I’m going back in a couple of months I just got back from Peru I’m at uh tanaku Puma puku I’m in Bolivia and I’m walking around doing my thing shooting video doing this doing that exploring researching and around the corner and what do I see a

    Pillar exactly like gockley Tey the hands wrapping around the belt the the Gown right everything but the Hermes belt buckle if that would have been there I would have lost my mind but anyway I’m looking at an exact duplicate of what was found at goley Tey this is

    Not coincidence this is a sharing of knowledge and again I would I don’t know if it’s transoceanic or if there was a master teacher that was traveling the world like Gandalf you know wearing a robe of all colors you know sharing knowledge I don’t know but but

    What do you make of that the purses being everywhere and and the fact that we have um uh humans depicted the same identical way on pillars on opposite sides of the globe question so the short answer to that is those purses do not exist as far

    As I’ve seen an upper pill cave art in either the Iberian penins France Franco Iberian art or South Africa so it came after I recognize this I recognize the symbology of it they don’t exist and so it had to come after I don’t I don’t know where it came

    From but it did come after now let’s let’s Also let’s we got to talk about timelines a little bit too because people what before we get there um let’s stay on the purses for just a second sure yeah I I just hosted a panel with Linda Molton how and and Andrew Collins and

    You know all these big brains sitting there Matt lroy and Caroline Cory was on the p and and you know some pretty big minds and and researchers and I asked of all said Daniel Sheen was on the panel too as well I got him to jump in I asked each one of them

    Individually what they thought the handbags or purses represent and I got six different opinions which I love let’s put it all in the middle of the table no opinion no opinion here right yeah so that’s so burn what what what do they represent what do you think

    That’s what I so I have no opinion on what they represent but I think we need to understand the timeline a little bit so PE Native Americans came lived in brenia so the connection you know 700 miles north to south spanning between Alaska and what is now former Soviet

    Union right people lived there for for 8 10,000 years and then they came down somewhere around 20,000 years ago maybe 22,000 years ago right came into into the central United States maybe 16 17 those are pretty good num numbers right it’s pre-clovis okay but think about these this cave art

    The Iberian Peninsula we’re we’re talking 30 the the the we’ got solid 34,000 years ago and it probably in the region probably much older than that so this time period is much is before people migrated into bar Bia Liv there and then migrated South okay so native

    American traditions we can tie many of those because people They carried them across and they had the same animals okay URS Mage is like a popular one you’ve probably heard that one the stories okay so so the timelines we’re so far back in time on the gallery disc

    And the cave of bones in South Africa and the parado in these mountains is forever right I mean it’s forever forever um so there’s there’s been migrations there’s been movement but in terms of symbology I have absolutely freaking no idea absolutely no idea yeah

    I I it it’s they are trying to tell us something right I mean it’s right there it’s everywhere holding it carrying it it’s in the background it’s in the foreground but it’s right there and to have it so prominent uh in gockley Tey uh above the vulture on a very

    Significant pillar that I would say definitively is a zodiac I I don’t think there’s any question about that there’s many interpretations and and that’s great but but to see that in order um I I just can’t figure it out and then you see it represented so many times so is

    This handbag handed over is it given to different cultures is it you know the bag of knowledge is it the nuclear codes right but you know J I I gave you a doz more than a dozen constellations today I mean I’ve laid it out in a platter I

    Tied to the Greeks I tied it to Cave heart I mean I did my I did my duty right I mean I can’t answer everything it doesn’t exist is it that Cosmic mountains and South Africa right right you’re asking for an awful lot I am I am and that’s

    Why and and here’s here’s what I find so interesting when I you know you walk around the corner in in tanaku I’m so familiar and studied go Beckle Tey uh so much and when you see a pillar like that and I’m looking at gockley Tey it’s

    That’s when you’ve got to step back and go wait a minute we are not being told the truth I don’t know what the truth is right but when you see that you walk away with more questions than answers and and I find myself doing the same thing I do with other

    Researchers um for years Bernie I’ve asked the different specialists in and Anthropologist archaeologist and outside the box inside the box so why well I don’t well now that I have traveled the world and seen these sites I understand that now I don’t have all of the answers

    I didn’t walk away with the keys to the universe I kind of expected that but what I did learn is what we are being taught is wrong yeah and it goes about this nationalist dog about Jimmy I need you to do me a huge favor for for the next

    20 seconds I need you to sing a song and I need you to do that because I need to replug in my charger it’s just draining like heck so 20 seconds do not fail the audience they’re waiting for you to sing a song go for it see it’s not Bernie

    Taylor it’s Bernie toen Elton John’s partner and he needs a new song and he needs me to sing right now and that’s not going to happen it did happen at conscious life Expo though by the way I sang on stage and it was uh I did pretty

    Good I did pretty good and also we did happy birthday uh to uh Linda Molton how a few times over the weekend and to hear me sing Happy Birthday um is something that is entirely painful but I did it for the spirit of uh of conscious life

    Expo and singing to Linda Molton how and so Bernie I’m watching ber can can you guys see Bernie this is the other thing um I didn’t do this uh for Bernie during uh his intro what did you say um I what I was telling everybody was that you used

    A roie for Foreigner on the double vision tour in 1978 and clearly you know what you’re doing on stage I do okay okay let’s go back to let’s go back to the the so you didn’t sing a song I got it you gave a story that’s

    Cool yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so uh Bernie the last thing that the world needs is me to sing you know if I did sing I would probably because I do this so well I would probably do Barry Gibbs faletto for um uh Saturday Night Fever I

    Think I would do that I I you can tell that I have that beautiful high voice you do you do got it now the big question you I thought you would answer was about the pyramids the geiz of pyramids and and the Mayan pyramids and the whole

    Stick but we’re GNA do that in another show I’m good no do you remember do you remember the opening scene in the movie Stargate and if you don’t oh not the opening scene the second scene with James sper and he’s giving a presentation at a museum in New York

    Right he’s got a room full of people a couple hundred people there yes I do remember yes I know this yes yes and somebody raises their hand and and goes okay that’s all good that’s all good but who do you think built the pyramids and he goes I don’t know and everybody gets

    Up and leaves the room because that’s the question right that’s the one that’s the one question we need answered and so um uh I’ll be back in Egypt in in a few months I cannot wait for that this will be my third trip in two years to Egypt

    And I gotta tell you I I don’t know I but what I can tell you is it’s not how they’ve been telling us correct 100% sure not correct yeah yeah and by the way you’re you think there’s a bounty on your head for for digging around the pyramids looking for tiffan inscription

    So you probably should watch out where you’re going I’ve got I’ve got a passcard at the G a plateau I can do what I want okay yeah the pyramids the pyramids important important subject now I’m GNA I’m going to approach this archetypally so you’ve had some Yi people in your

    Program I’m sure um so Yi Swiss Swiss um psychologist um La 1800s to early 1900s absolutely brilliant if you’ve ever taken a Myers Briggs Test that’s based on the work of young so if you’ve bought that you’ll buy this right okay so a young young analyze the dreams of

    Thousands of people he found that the two non Organics we’re not talking animals so two non-organic characters he found in the dreams were a body of water of transformation and a mountain just like almost everybody the two simp two characters that have their dreams and I can just see you you were a

    Billy Joel fan 30 years ago maybe you know of course of course remember remember the River of Dreams I do Billy Joel this backstory on that Billy Joel wakes up from a dream and he’s he’s got this song in his head but he sees he sees in color he actually sound is in

    Color for him and at that time he’s married to to Christy Brinkley and so he gets out of bed and he TR he goes to the shower he tries to to get this thing off because he’s not a spiritual man he says it in the song and

    This song he comes out with a song about you know afraid to cross the river he climbs the mountains of Faith all this sort of stuff he dreamed that in the same way that young Dre found the dreams of people crossing RS of trans as well as climbing these these

    Mountains and we find it in music and poetry and mythology all around the world we can’t escape for it escape from it and when we can’t find these mountains in people’s dreams or we can’t find it in the terrial Plaine people built the mountains so you you went down

    To Yucatan pretty flat right yeah it’s like really flat and so they built their Cosmic mountains to rise above the plane it’s an archetypal signature in their head that we can’t escape from on the Giza Plateau or actually we just it’s flat as heck right and know everywhere

    Everywhere in Egypt where it’s flat because you can’t build pyramids on Hills right it just doesn’t work but at the end of the time that they made pyramids they they because it did end they went to the Valley of the Kings and they built PE they built Chambers into

    The mountains and mountains where they where they laid people to rest and they put their their goods for the great Beyond at the top of the m at the top of the Valley of the Kings is a is’s a pyramidal peak so they went from making pyramids and

    Having um Chambers inside them to going to the Valley of the Kings where they found the ca where they found they dug into dug into the the mountains that have this pyramidal peak on top nothing changed nothing changed the world and there’s nothing changed between that and

    Of the Mind people so how far back in time that could that possibly be well if it’s in our psychology our archetypal psychology as Youngwood said it’s as far as we can go so certainly goes to jebot toal the mountain that the Greeks called Atlas that was the high it is the

    Highest mountain West in North Africa okay you can go around your world you can find all these archetype of mountains these Cosmic mountains that people climb for no apparent gain and and people could be apparently could be injured we find these Arc Moses Moses climbed the mountain of the Ten

    Commandments Jesus was transfigured on Mount Taber um the Olympians lived you know on Mount Olympus the V of the Gods the the Tibetan people believe that mountain that Mount Everest was where the gods held so we go around the world anywhere you go you will find these Co

    Cosic mountains and if you don’t find the mountain it was a flat plane people built the mountains they made them they made to the pyramids they made them um the M temples and so forth okay so how far back in time could this go well is a

    Gang pang how do you say that word gangang gang gang pang yes okay Gan Pang so there’s this there’s this narrative out there that Gan Pang is a pyramidal is a pyramid that’s connected to the Egyptians well I will say that it’s not connected to the Egyptians

    But it’s connected deeper in time we can find cave art remember we talk about Indonesia having the oldest cave art about 45,000 years ago so there were people that came out with this archetypal psychology that came out of Iberian peninsul West North Africa um they came into IND Indonesia during that

    Time period and perhaps they looked at these mountains and they said well that one’s damn interesting it’s got all those things sticking up it’s different from all the ones around here that became my Cosmic Mountain that is where the hero or the shaman or the teacher or

    The the Moses the Jesus of their time climbed the mountain to reach to meet the great beyond okay because that’s what the cosmic mountain is the cosm mountain is it’s a it’s a it’s a testament of Faith Can you can you reach to the great beyond to the to the gods

    And that’s exactly what was going on jebot tooca we have these constellations in parado in the mountain people CL Hercules climbs the mountain okay to to steal the Golden Apple the Apple of Eternity um and so we have this concept of cosmic Mountain all over the place I

    Would say that the Egyptian the Egyptians made these pyramids to be representative of cmic mountains did they have alignments of course they had alignments okay and people there’s all kinds of concepts of what people have in alignments but what is most interesting about the Giza Pyramids is that during

    The time of the ancient Egyptians which you kind of can’t really see now is they were they were they were capped or the whole size were Limestone let’s go back to Limestone in Northern Spain and in SP and in France where we have all these caves they’re all Limestone mountains

    And El Castile where we find the this gallery of dis it’s a pyramidal shaped mountain and it’s Limestone looks just like a pyramid in Egypt now this is what it gets more interesting so the the Spinx the Egyptian Spinx we have a representation of the Egyptian Spinx in

    In on the G of disc okay and it’s an overlapping of two animals okay and the net it even has the broken nose therefore the broken nose didn’t wasn’t done by Napoleon and it has the nemes the nemes is actually part of the the elephant okay well we find the parado

    Origin of that the parado remember it’s not real the parado in the mountain where these other animals come from at jebot tooco so they found the they found this paradoa and they brought it to the cave in the elasto cave and across this panel and in ancient times this and

    Other caves were like the Disneyland people went to these caves to to like refine the past you know to you it was it was it was the place to be the Spinx is it’s not a ripoff it’s a redo it’s a remake of an earlier time that was found

    In paroya at jebot tooco that was remade at at the El Castillo cave it has the all this it is it is you can put them side by side they’re exactly the same so the Egyptians knew about this and when they said there was a zeep in earlier

    Time they’re talking about 34 thou they didn’t know it was 34,000 years ago but they were talking about the elast steel cave they didn’t know it was jebot tooco because if they knew it was jebot tooc call they would have had the art a little differently it just it would have

    Done it differently the Spinx origin comes from the elasto cave which who has a par ofar origin at jebot tooco do you have a linear dating for this so the linear well the the gallery disc is third 4,000 years ago we can date that based on the um the panels are

    All Limestone right I understand I understand the dating of uh El Castillo I’m talking about the connection between the Sphinx and what is depicted there in the cave because that’s 34,000 years ago allegedly the Sphinx was built around 2700 BC which we can all agree the

    Egyptians did not see jebon they and I’m gonna tell you why they didn’t see je I’m sorry I’m gonna tell you I know they didn’t see it this is the reason why okay they they saw the gallery of disc they went to the gallery of disc and

    They saw this panel you know 10 30 feet across Maybe 12 feet high right okay and we said one end is north and the other end is south and in the middle we find the Rock and BR with these marine animals okay and then well that’s you

    North to south well then we talked about the jebot toaca it’s actually on the top of the panel it kind of runs like a like a blotch on top it we have the we have the the Leo the bear we have Elf we have the the elephant we have uh I’m sorry

    Leo the Lion elephant the Bears we got some other animals in there we got and we got the the crocodile the as Draco if you looked if you didn’t if you didn’t know that so if you went to the gy dist you looked at that whole thing

    You well would look like you know the north you know the South you know the East and that be West right well if you saw that thing up there what would you say well it’s a freaking Island because they knew they knew where the rocket jalter was they knew that parado o

    Because that was old news right they knew the animals there the marine animals they knew the north they knew the north because they the horses and they knew the South that they had the giraffes well if you’re going off in that direction to the West it looks like

    A freaking it looks like looks like Island but it’s not an island it’s jebil tooco and in the pl story he talks about a place where there’s there’s elephants he talks about it right an island with his elephants and if you look at the SI

    The relative size if you if you if you if you look at you figure where they are in Northern Spain you figure the rock of jalter is it would be approxim it would be about the distance from the Atlantic Ocean where it meets Northern Spain at

    The top to the north and to to the rock jalter it would look like a not like an island it look like continent it’d be absolutely huge it’d be the size of Iberian Peninsula so they they looked at it now so the G the Egyptians if they had seen je knew about Jeb

    Tooco they they would have obviously that it’s it’s there so Herodotus going back to Herodotus and sanath they knew it was jebot tooco and that’s why they called it Atlas at Mount Atlas and that the people there were called atlantes so this the the the the Herodotus had it the ancient Phoenicians

    Had it but the the Egyptian their Source I don’t know who their Source was could have been them could have been somebody else they mixed they didn’t know that that was jebot tooco they thought it was an island okay and so therefore they if they had seen if the Egyptian ancient

    Egyptians and they also had the pyramidal Limestone Mountain that is El Castile it’s looks like a pyramid if they had seen if they knew jebot tooca they would have had a different narrative they wouldn’t have made pyramids they would have made reconstructions of jebot tooco but they made reconstructions of these the of

    These Limestone mountains specifically um El Castillo mountain in the north of Spain okay two two I love that by the way and I’m probably going to steal it and I’m saying that live on the air so when I do uh I don’t carry the guilt okay but but

    But if I was going if if I was going to follow that thought there’s a couple of things that mess with it and number one the where the bent pyramid forget about Giza and by the way when you said it was the the tribes allegedly came in and leveled the Giza

    Plateau 18 hect acres to build the pyramids on top of it and the alignments and everything else okay that’s crazy town but just for stone AG man to come in and level off a a limestone hillet like that perfectly to build the pyramids I have to pump the brakes right

    There and say somebody taught them that type of engineering they just didn’t think this off the top of their heads but if we back up and look at the bent pyramid which allegedly was built before the geese a plateau that sits in the middle of The Red Pyramid is a mile away

    In the middle of flat sand there are no mountains there’s nothing I’ve walked around it I have filmed I have walked around the entire bent pyramid took me an hour by the way it’s ginormous anyway it’s perfect when you look at the bent pyramid it’s still finished right the Giza plateau at

    What’s on the outside is removed you look at the Ben pyramid there is no way that stone AG man knew how to do that there’s no way you’re thinking this off of the top of your head and planning that you’re you’re just no no it it’s not a believable set of Dogma somebody

    Taught them whether it’s from that Island you’re talking about whether it was the atlantans but somebody brought that in that’s the part that messes with me but now if we talk about migration and we back up all of that Bernie gockley T sits to the north the ability Quarry and to carve

    And to form and to move megalithic structures was happening which is now on the Syrian turkey border right but it is north and that would suggest to me possibly that the migration came from north to south not from South Africa north that’s correct it came from

    Nor South you would agree with that yes yes so I I would say well I would say so the migration from North Africa West North Africa the Iberian Pinal was across people swimming taking both cross St Jal canoes or something but then when we’re talking GOC tee which and in Egypt

    Um there were multiple sources of information so I would say that the people of gockley C were the Basque I mean the Armenian Plateau you knew the story um that’s where they were um the Egyptians came much obviously many thousands of years later and that they they they had

    A direct source meaning Egyptians went to elast Steel cave or they had summon the Phoenician somebody in the middle who made these observations now I had actually made a video of the the Spinx connection I took it down because the sound wasn’t really hot um it’s called

    The riddle of the Spinx I have just emailed it to you and if you want I’ll send just got it I just got it I’ll send you the live fee and it’s only it’s less than two minutes um and so the it shows the the exact match one for one it’s

    Indistinguishable um so the I say people went there were multiple migrations and people kept going back and forth to visit and there were hubs of information where people sprouted off in different directions um but the gockley Tey I mean it it’s within it’s the same time as the kard ends gocu Tey

    Rises so in terms of moving Mount large stones and megaliths um I think that I think the ancient Egyptians with the pyramid is a pretty huge accomplishment um I’m not convinced that gockley Tey it’s cool but you know you could probably get a bunch of your buddies and move some pillars

    Around uh no a 20 ton pillar no yeah you’re not lifting it you’re not lifting it you’re rolling it you’re rolling the pillars you’re rolling nobody’s lifting anything not happening not happen no well look if we go I’m just saying if we go with or Orthodox archaeology and anthropology nationalistic archaeology I’m going

    Yeah right I like that I like that um the the thought of rolling something on rollers they did dude allegedly they were struggling they didn’t even know how to make shoes so don’t tell me right or everything that you told us was wrong and there was high technology back then

    But rolling stuff around on on on circular objects or the the impression of the idea of a wheel and engineering and and weight transfer no that was not happening in the Ice Age what is what is a Ford 150 truck weigh Yeah Yeah by I’m not saying Wheels I’m saying like locks

    Like locks but what is what is a what is a good siiz truck weigh oh I I’ll top I I’ll I’ll even I’ll I’ll one up you on that a semi truck semi Tru carries carries 60,000 pounds how many tons is that I have no idea 6 5,000 pounds in a

    Ton okay so how many how so 12 so there is don’t I don’t want anybody to and and and I’ll take you one further so one of those one of those pillars would break a semi so there wasn’t a bunch of dudes out there with hemp ropes pulling this stuff across the

    Sand that’s number one number two ass Swan is 500 miles south of Cairo above Egypt now youp youp yeah I don’t know about Egypt pill I have no idea how they bu to kill in pyramids no idea we could do Lebanon we can Malta we can do

    France we could do the ory Islands we can do uh o Tomo and Peru Pi a spot it’s all the same issue sure when there is no way you are moving a 20 30 40 50 100 2,000 ton Stone back then you’re not and and the Egyptians didn’t have wood they

    Didn’t have wood they didn’t have wood any wood in Egypt was Cedar from Lebanon there were no trees in Egypt you would crush a palm tree so just forget about that that’s just a poor soft Woodall is an enigma I’m gonna give you that is a total Enigma a ball back and H

    I mean I’m I’m mystified I’m totally mystified in that one and and one last thing because this is your specialty this is what I find fascinating so the Armenian Highlands people think of Armenia today it’s just little landlocked country but the Armenian Highlands uh was ginormous right okay so but in there’s a

    Place called uh uh there is a calendar a stone it’s called carun in Armenia predating Stonehenge by 4,000 years that’s in Armenia in Egypt you have nabta pla again predating the Giza Plateau by thousands of years and you have step’s calendar in South Africa and you have these ideas of astronomy and

    And star alignments and Sun alignments and counting that predates Mesopotamia in Egypt by some Cas is three four five six 7,000 years Gan Padang was just d officially at 25,000 years old right so what the the knowledge of a calendar and how to use it is is all over the world is this

    Again a universal language or is it just built in our DNA well I don’t think I don’t believe it’s built in our DNA because 99.9% of our DNA is the same as a chimpanzee and so the chimpanzees can’t do this chimpan can’t tell time I actually do like full

    Presentations on this we’re the only animal that can tell time and the reason that we can tell time is that we’ve harnessed the Sun the moon and the stars so we can just not just tell time but we can navigate in time and space we learned to do that at least 34,000 years

    Ago but I mean I can I can Peg the date scientifically 34,000 years ago and it wasn’t discovered then it was discovered before we came into into Iberian Peninsula it was discovered in I would say West North Africa and it migrated down to South Africa which is absolutely

    You know on the incredible scale that I didn’t see it coming me I knew there was a Messi giraffe I mean the world was foremost wild Bist that’s a Messi giraff and I could never have imagined that this narrative went 34,000 years ago before Picasso before the Greeks before

    Goe before the Egyptians before Go Back le tappy I mean going back so far in time before everything is that there was a culture culture exchange between the Iberian Peninsula to South Africa the southern limits and up into Western North Africa at a place called jebo tobaco The Mountain the Greeks

    Called Atlas that the hero Hercules climbed why why do you think and we’ll close with this I it’s it’s like the big question why the big secret why is it that our true history just isn’t told I don’t get that I I think we are a little bit entitled

    To know about the distant past and also the possibilities of of us rising and falling in in the far past and the possibility of that but why hide that from us because it seems that that’s exactly what’s going on so in my world in in sort of this academic space and

    Over 100 podcasts I’m out there telling the story and people are clapping but we go back to the beginning it was Franco in Spain had a coup over the general the democr democratically elected government um and Franco’s coup was in line with the Catholic Church which squashed the

    Whole thing so this Nar as as archaeology progressed they were still stuck in the dark ages of that Roman Catholicism which is not the Roman Catholicism of the United States these are not the you know the Michael roore people who you know the banjos the guars and the

    Tambourines Iber Spain was trapped in time when all these developments were made there was no there was no study of there was no study of the possible question because there’s only animals people and G Geographic symbols that no one will ever understand on the walls of

    The caves there are no centur there are no mountains there are no Rivers there’s no rocker jalta there’s no jeboa these things cannot exist because that is not the patriarchal Spanish tradition so this is about nationalistic archaeology where we started from there’s lots of archaeologists in Spain who absolutely

    Love this stuff and would love to and would be you know they clap at the conferences they want to talk about it but they can’t because the hierarchal structure which is tied to religion Franco and the history of Spain the modern history of Spain it’s all wrapped

    Up together and that’s it’s the lid on it and so everybody’s running around the world coming up trying to find all they see all these laks these links sort of come together and they they can’t find the source they couldn’t find the source because there was a l on the source and

    Picasso saw the source Picasso was on it because he took these images of these animals in the cage caves and he projected them as human characters and Picasso also captured the astronomy in some of his paintings including Gera that’s a whole new program but he Carri he took AEL the cave images the

    Characters anim of characters in The Animals projected as as modern humans and Lin them up with with astronomy Bernie amazing conversation tonight my friend just absolutely perfect show where can everybody go and chase you down sure before and I just uploaded I just actually re opened up to public the the

    Riddle of the [ __ ] Spinx and you can go you can look at the Spinx you can see the Egyptian Spinx you can see the El Castillo Spinx and you can see the paradoa origin of that Spinx at jebot tuo the mountain the Greeks called Atlas that the hero Hercules

    Climbed thank you so much I look forward to our next conversation Bernie perfect show thank you so much you got it that that is why I do Fade to Black right there Bernie J Taylor his links are below okay so everybody can uh head right over before or r

    .c we’ve got the links in the comments over in social media and on our website all right now what am I doing tomorrow night does anybody know what am I doing tomorrow night tomorrow night oh seev talk is with us tomorrow night Bernie kicking off the week tomorrow night SE

    Talk Thursday Dr Damon Abraham what a great show tonight I’m back from CLE I’ll see everybody tomorrow night f black is produced by Hill and J Palm Renee Newman and Michelle freed thank you Bill thank you J aside Web Master is Drew the geek thank you to Dennis thank

    You Kevin music Doug aldrid intro space boy spaceboy Fade to Black is produced by kjcr for the game changer Network this broadcast is owned and copyrighted 2024 by fade the black and the game changer Network Inc it cannot be rebroadcast downloaded copied or used anywhere in the known universe without

    Written permission from Fade to Black or the game changer Network I’m your Jimmy church until tomorrow night with SE talk I want you to be safe Go Back le tappy


    1. Great interview, Bernie clearly is very knowledgeable but so hard to follow, talks so fast and thinks at a million miles an hour. I love that he wasted no time, straight into the deep end right from the start.

    2. I appreciate the ideas, however there seems to be a lot of “assumptions” presented as “knowing”…sorry, I think Plato knew what was up; we just haven’t put enough diverse minds on the subject.
      Starting with your timeline of 400k years ago (I’m cool with), then saying they were still “walking” 30k years ago…please. They would have had at least steam engines/wheels/ships and these “cave people” may have just been refugees like today.
      They would have consisted of all occupations, not poor dummies!
      The presentation was good, but kind of confusing to me personally.

    3. Try this mental exercise:
      The “reliefs/details” are the distraction. What you are probably looking at is one “gear ratio” for the knowledge of a mechanical watch. I predict once the entire area is surveyed it will look like the back of a watch. You see “pillars” I see the missing gear ⚙️ inside; ie: the negative space/what is not seen.
      Food for thought!😊

    4. Super annoying to listen to this man’s tone of voice. He is embarrasssingly smug telling history that is commonly known and has been told by others for years. He speaks of nothing new. He believes somehow he is the gift of knowledge which is laughable.

    5. The problem with Egypt is they don't want the world to know that man did not originate outside of Africa….
      The out of Africa theory is the narrative that egyptologists push….
      Hence….barely any defining info gets released…

    6. The standard story of the peopling of the Americas has Asians migrating across a land bridge into Alaska some 14,000 years ago, after Ice Age glaciers melted back, and gradually spreading southward across a land never before occupied by humankind. But the claim in 2021 that human footprints discovered in mud in what is now New Mexico were between 23,000 and 21,000 years old turned that theory on its head.

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