A pro-Palestine rally was held in New York on Friday, 13 October.

    Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Times Square to stand in solidarity with Palestinians.

    Protesters could be heard chanting ‘Free Palestine’ and waving the country’s flag.

    Some activists could be seen pausing to pray during the march.

    The state of Palestine claims the West Bank and the Gaza Strip as its territory.

    However, the entirety of that territory has been under Israeli occupation since 1967

    Israeli have ordered more than one million Palestinians to evacuate northern Gaza ahead of an expected ground invasion.

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    1. Hamas says regarding the evacuation of Western care from Gaza that it only wants peace, security, and dignity for the Palestinian citizen, and that every action has a reaction. If peace exists, wars or escalation will follow.

    2. Whoever starts war knows of the destruction and loss of life to themselves and the people they are fighting. Civilians get caught up in it, lots of lives are lost and another dark shadow is cast over the earth. Psychopathic men at the top are responsible.

    3. Palestine doesn't want peace with Israel. They want peace without Israel. Palestine wants to wipe out Israel's history from their homeland.. So, no, the 2 states solution will not work.

    4. Not all pro-Arab Protestants understand that they are on the side of anti-Semites. They hide from them that Hamas does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. Read, Islam does not recognize the right of Jews to life. All this is being secretly led by the obscurantists of Iran. Israel cannot agree to create a state that will set as its goal its destruction. They have one goal – for all Jews to die. Think about why you are adding your voice of protest. Under the banner of the struggle for the rights of Arabs, all anti-Semites in the world united.

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