Paddington House Hotel by Oyo, in Warrington. Housing migrants, lady here has a meltdown and kicks off!

    That goes on YouTube and I will be suing you he said he reckon he’s going to do a little video you put that Ro over this building I will thr the police I promise you no I’m not leaving till you go okay yes then the people we’re here in Warrington

    Today we’re looking at the Paddington House hotel by oo hotels migrant Hotel early morning here half n something like that it’s definitely occupied because full of bikes FR Gardens ruined look and I can see from here that over there full of rubbish let’s go and see what they’re saying yeah look at the

    Mess doesn’t look very uh wow all the windows are blacked out all the windows are tinted I wonder whether that’s been done especially uh and these guys may well know I’m coming because yes yesterday in Warrington they made them aware you leave please hello side please

    Sorry go side not loud in here I’m not coming in am I sorry I’m not coming in am I so what did you open the door for then to let you know I’m here yeah well can you leave please you’re not allowed on S I’m going to do a little video I’m

    Sure you know what I’m doing lot me you’re going to leave s you doing no you’re not allowed on site you’re trespassing he said he reckon he’s going to do a little video what I’m going to do if you let me talk and you’re not going to do nothing can you leave sa

    You’re not going to hear me out I just stand here and not say anything well I’ll phone the police you’re trespassing right I’m going to make a little video outside the property not coming in on the pavement maybe yeah I’ve got a drone I’m taking the drone over no you’re not

    I’ve taking the drone over the I’ll the police okay private property it’s only a small drone I don’t care what it is it’s only a little one look no need property please so the intention is to take that over the top basically prop please yeah

    Yeah hold on let me put this back in my bag yeah don’t be putting it over the property that’s what I’m here for no well you’re not supposed to be where you where’s your think your consent that you should be here to do this consent yes so

    What I normally do nor private property I normally walk on say what I’m doing so you know you’re not doing it I go back over there you’re not and I crack on you put that Ro over this building I will thr the police it is going over I’m AF

    Not going I’m sorry but it’s not J can just tell this please can’t I’m not I’m not refusing to leave I’m just letting her know I’m taking the drone over taking the drone over I will CCTV so yeah but I’m not going to be on here

    When I do it I’ll be it doesn’t matter the Drone will come over of course it will yeah you will not be able to do it all is I want to see the back Garden no we haven’t got it back on right okay so do you want to leave the proper yeah

    You know I’ll go back out there um yeah as I say do not put the drone over because as soon as I see that room I will film the police right why why would you do that cuz it’s private property and why should you come and film private

    Property I’m just making a little story on the hotel I’m sure you know how it works no it doesn’t matter me you’re not allowed I’m here to do my job no so what what is your job so you tell me where to stand no tell me what your job is to

    Make videos to inform people on what’s going on around the country not just hotels no many different topics no me it’s today is Hotel day no it’s not Hotel you’re number one today no I’m yeah I am might be today but you went everywhere else yesterday uh no I did

    Two yesterday yes do you want to leave the proper I did two yesterday um I’m asking you now to leave the you know how it works CH can you find the police please I’ve never refused to leave but we’re still talking no we’re not talking I’ve asked you to leave and you’re not

    Leaving you want out on the road come on out out on the road leave the property problem no problem but I’m just let you know the Dr will not go over because the second I see that the police will be here it’s private property you are not

    Unless you’ve got consent you are not putting that Dr over do you think I need consent to fly over well do you want to film this property you’ve got no you’ve got no consent to film this property I want to film the property he saying that he’s allowed to film this property what

    It is I just said to her just leave the leave now said the police I just want you to not bring the police I ask this gentleman to leave CH yeah but then what happens is you start talking to me so I stop and talk to you I’m asking you to

    Leave the property don’t call the police it’s a waste of their time police leave the proper cuz that room goes over there make the police are Comon you know how it works if you know who I am you know how it works I’ve asked you to leave

    Yeah and you’re still here leave the property okay no problem I’ll go I’ll go out on the road please now out please you need to follow me all right no I do I need to get you off the property I’m going your Tres if you know who I am

    You’ll know you’ll know that I never refused to leave well you I don’t want to I don’t want to go out there and fly and then you come out I will pH the police you put that room one step over this property and I will I don’t know

    Why you think that I’m not allowed to fly over it’s private you’ve got no consent to put your Dr over yeah so you know what I can’t do I can’t stay here trespassing can film so I have to leave no problem not filming this building that that second that goes there that is

    Going over I’m sorry I am sorry the please please I’ll go out there and do it but it has to go over getting annoying now leave you’re getting annoying you’re annoying leave you walk back in I’ll walk out the police to do cuz he’s been a deckhead you walk out

    I’ll walk out no you leave I have to stay here to I promise I will go and get my tctv in a minute and then I will show my out my body cam no problem you walk in I’ll walk out I promise you no I’m not

    Leaving till you go off all right off the more you get I’m not getting angry listen I’ll be on the way the stay you walk in you walk off I’ll walk off I promise you no I I’m not allowed you I’m security mate I have to

    Get you off what I mean is if you stop walking towards me I’ll back off I promise you no problem no problem I’m going to fly over once I’m done I’ll be back 10 minutes I’ll be about 10 minutes we have 10 minutes in the air

    And I’ll be gone all right no that comes over here I it’s just a little camera I don’t give a crap I’m not going to be zooming into no window nothing like that I don’t care you are not put that that over this property you are really not

    Putting that over you can’t stop me I’m afraid I can this is private this is private let’s let me go out there I don’t I don’t want to be on the property longer than necessary go film in the park private property I’m more interested in here no you’re not going

    To it’s not a very big hotel anyway I wouldn’t worry about it matter you’re not filming right you really are not filming leave the property I’ll film from out there no you cuz that second that drone here M your trespassing move no no no yes the Drone can’t trespass

    Well you’re flying over property that you have got no consent to film leave if you calm down for a second I’m not mad I just want you I’m going on right yeah well turn around you guys can’t control what flies over be it a helicopter be it

    A jet be it be a Dr you can’t control that you come deliberately to film this out of course but yeah well you’re not doing it I am you’re not the piece of be second I the second I get out here the police will come very soon don’t you

    Whenever this so out I bet you why do you have a lot of problems here it’s none of your business do you know what I hope I hope the police do I hope the police do come quickly because then they can tell you that I’m allowed to fly over you you

    Told me that you’re filming this hotel you’ve got not no consent to film thisel I’m only filming the building that it’s not a big deal well what you want to do the building for what for what reason to check everything’s intact everything’s as it should be what do you mean because

    You know at the moment it’s government paid so we want to check that everything’s good that’s it I’m buing that over the building how can you tell because I can’t see from here obviously I’ve just trespassed coming on well you told me to get off if I come back on

    Trespassing you’re trespassing yet so I can’t see from here start filming that without consent that’s another TR you can understand from here I can’t see much apart from the front of the building don’t need to see anything cuz it’s not of your business but if I want

    To check things like the roof and the back Garden or whatever if there’s a garden right what you want to check the re for of business is it of yours the taxer the government send you to do this okay you know Auditors from the government do come you know they do come

    Don’t they you’re just a you’re just a citizen that feels that you need the to do I’m doing it independently yes sorry please help pH okay I’ll be about 10 minutes in the air and I’ll be gone that I’m telling you now it’s going over it’s not I’m trying toay your concern by

    Saying I’m not going to zoom into Windows not going to be low it’s going to be high I am going to go over when it stops raining I’ll go over I’m sorry okay all right have good TI me no worries have a nice day yeah you too

    Cheers well the Drone is just costed whole load of drama I didn’t expect that to be honest with you well lady thank you very much for the content you’re going to make a great thumbnail oh dear me yeah I didn’t expect that I mean if

    You look at the hotel it’s quite a small hotel and from the outside it doesn’t look like there’s really much going on right genuinely thought it it nothing that’s going to happen it’ll be one of those where the door’s locked and and they just refuseed

    To come out and engage at all but no if she wanted to play her mouth the Drone is not coming over that drone goes over I’m calling the police yes lady will you do that the Drone is legal to trespass the Drone cannot trespass the Drone can go where it wants to

    Go the Drone is above the law in terms of trespass we are going to hold off a second because it was just spitting with rain and it was a little bit Breezy but we’re not going to hold off much longer because we do have a lot of

    Hotels to go to and as she said I went to every other Hotel yesterday I didn’t I went to two in Warrington here and today we’re going to move up north we got one in Burnley Preston Manchester cheser uh Chester not sure we’ll have time for all

    Of them today but we’re going to do our best to get as many done as possible well there we go we’re over we’re going have a quick look at the front door see where this lady’s at and then we’re going to get up in the

    Sky she’s G back in so let’s get up high Paddington House Hotel let’s have a look not very big is it no not very big at all back straight on houses there I’m not sure what the fuss was about what’s wrong with her that drone is not going

    Over the second that drone steps one foot over blah blah blah it’s starting to rain again so we better be quite quick with this flight yeah they’re not ready for the Drone either these hotels yeah you go outside and make your video no problem soon as you mention the

    Drone Changes Everything But the Drone gets a better View the the Drone can audit properly roof back everything so look at those tinted windows they’ve got and over there there’s a garage full of not sure what internal Furniture rubbish but look at this weather raining now not good we’re going to get the

    Drone Buck s everybody we’re not going to spend too much longer here at the Paddington House Hotel on sweet bedrooms look weddings conference and events bar not no more we’re going to have a quick look in this garage and we’re going to go I’m just looking in the garage I’m

    Going sorry I’m just looking in the garage and I’m going you want to leave I’ll ask you not to come on the property just leaveit please just wondered what was in there your business just leave so the drone’s already been over it’s finished seeing it okay oh you saw it

    Yeah cool okay see it wasn’t that much harm was it doesn’t matter me I’m here to do my job yeah leave the property but your job is to protect the property it is and you keep coming on it but you can’t protect the airspace all right no

    Maybe I can’t but I can’t protect you that yeah oh yeah I spoke to the priest yet okay but you have no right you you are asked not not to come back on the property and you’ve done it again you’re on CCTV so we will be phing the police

    Cuz you’ve been asked well you’ve been asked to leave the property and you just come back on it I came back on to make sure that everything was finished as you should I knew you come out no I’ve asked you not to I wanted to tell you that the

    Drone’s finished this is always on is it am that goes on YouTube and I will be suing you suing me for what because I’m not give you permission to film me I don’t need it don’t yet just leave now all right so if anybody else turns up

    With a drone if it ever happens just tell them as long as they’re on public on coming on the I won’t come back on now I’m done yeah I’m done have a nice day cheers on YouTube I’ve been on YouTube yeah yeah have you yeah last one I watched

    You last week it was um police station the police HQ and you had the all the coppers come blue lights flashing and all that but put a video on this place you know who was I don’t know it was let me show you he come and he done a video on it which

    Which police station was that at remind me which one that was I not what I don’t know where it was was it the one where the coper come out saying uh get the Drone down big fell what was it yeah bully bully boy I don’t know if that was

    Me you know was it me it was you don’t know DJ media I don’t know I do the hotels normally no no done a lot of Hotel videos in the past me uh where are we now well these these have all got the [ __ ] leg have they

    Yeah they haven’t been out how live here yeah and uh him and the shop was telling me I said he all come out on the [ __ ] bikes and stuff yeah yeah yeah and I said uh seen none of them come out they all walk past my house they said oh

    They’ve all got [ __ ] skin disease really so they’ve all been [ __ ] quarantined never yeah so they’ve only just started coming out now so when I turned up there she was horrible that woman oh she’s she was mouthy you can’t get in well what we had the police on him because

    Uh what he do Sean Li there he had to put a [ __ ] camera up flood lights really cuz when they coming from town to go up his drive and have a piss big lad rude is it he’s been in here and [ __ ] R up at him has he yeah hold him and he

    [ __ ] more out of it he said and uh she just told me she’s going to ring the police on the Drone going over yeah she’s called them and then she said oh like the police have obviously told her it’s fine they won’t [ __ ] come they don’t do [ __ ] all the police I can’t

    [ __ ] find that is it treasure police here treasure I it 10 101 is suppos to ring you’re ring 101 waste of [ __ ] time and you’re riding these bikes I’ve had him about these [ __ ] bikes I can’t find that video not to worry mate but what they’ve done is is it’s c whatever he

    Is and it was one sat here cuz them chairs came out last year and put all the [ __ ] E and out like yeah and the Dy bastards they don’t clean up after them they come out they have the breakfast they play football and then uh they come with his camera yeah this is

    Paty house in warington took a picture of that and then uh he went round but he had no security on them all right so he could go down he was looking in all the [ __ ] bedrooms with the and everything wow and uh it got on about it I can’t

    Remember who we fing was so uh was a big long he had one here on the seat he said he he said that’s a nice phone you’ve got a’t he yeah far got these [ __ ] iPod phone things iPhones that God yeah brand new trainers yeah yeah got everything [ __ ] they walk past my

    House and I’m thinking I’m sure that’s a [ __ ] catalog model the [ __ ] clothes some of them yeah brand new track SS yeah yeah all [ __ ] brilliant and he was talking this BL could come from Iran and he said oh you’re all right and then he wouldn’t talk and he said no he

    Said can’t speak English oh yeah but my daughter lives in down the road here in the Terrace two-bedroom Terrace right front room backro little square back ketchen yard it’s a HMO now all right right four bedrooms in yeah two bedroom terce it just started to move in

    I’ve had the Council on them well they’re putting them the immigrants in there yeah are they we’ve got I don’t know it’s SP be before but I don’t know how many’s in but um that’s all paid for by the government yeah right yeah Ciro

    Ciro so I I I got the Counsel on it said we got all the [ __ ] [ __ ] show you the picture what this is how they’re living somewhere they’ve got pods brand new pods built for the families yeah yeah look the those So I reported them to the council because uh come back max this is this is how the [ __ ] living there’s a few hotels around here that are now open to the public again so all those migrants that were in the hotel where are they well this is what they’re [ __ ] doing now they’re

    Putting them in houses there were two the the in yeah so that one yeah and opposite that one are they in there they were but they’re now back to the public oh you know the one at the junction yeah the island yeah there there’s a hotel opposite it and there’s

    The holiday in I didn’t know they were in there yeah I know they was in the holiday in cuz they had all Somali both be Somali there’s a hotel opposite is that right is that the area you’re talking about yeah yeah this is one the [ __ ] living your daugh are

    Living next to this have a look just just do what you do yeah this is how they’re [ __ ] living next to her had get the council out with all the [ __ ] rubbish yeah they’re just putting it outside aren they yeah we got the council out Council will

    Come out atast 6 at night shifted all the [ __ ] [ __ ] the fence had blown down he put a new fence up for them right sens eatting on all [ __ ] day yeah all day on all [ __ ] day might at me [ __ ] daughter live it on the own can’t afford it you’re like yeah it’s

    Not fair is it [ __ ] don’t believe it it’s not fair no not on but must be [ __ ] hanging in there but before this it was that was the top Hotel was it years ago yeah [ __ ] top hotel and then he died it got sold and then Indians bought it right

    And what happened was when you come out of neck or you was a druggy or something to put it in there okay we had a load of trouble with them but we the Indians sold it to another [ __ ] IND Indian 20 a [ __ ] night anybody coming in all

    [ __ ] on drug and all [ __ ] night man wow and then uh he sold it to somebody else she was going to make a nice hotel out of it got rid of all the [ __ ] druggies this blow took over and [ __ ] DS are putting these in cuz we didn’t notice anything it was

    Like all these young Lads walking P what’s [ __ ] going on here realize there yeah yeah yeah they’re everywhere now these hotels are loads of them mate I’ve got them up here yeah and uh will show you so you see all the green dots and the yellow

    Dots so we’re we’re there yeah the green and the yellow dots [ __ ] hell migrant hotels F everywhere so today I’m doing all the ones at the m6 yeah up to Burnley there’s another one down there you know is there yeah I may have done that one yesterday uh women in it women

    And kids supposed to [ __ ] be I’ve maybe done it I don’t know what’s what have you got what’s it called the um how far away is it from here not far the lights turn left and there I’m not sure I did a few yesterday around here got the

    DB I did that one yeah this I can’t think of this one here the right they’re all in there now they’re in here and they’re up fing all of the in my next one is at oh B Styles H do oh yeah the end there no that’s my next one today we

    Not far from it you get here brania Wigan Hotel wig you’re not fair uh Leland yeah you’re not Preston leand Hotel where are you from I’m I’m living in Swindon at the minute I’m going to move soon and then in Burnley Arrington Mercure Duncan Hall hotel look at this place looking joking

    So that will be a good one cuz I take my drone over and’ll see everything expose it you know fing this SCS dinner this that’s the plan today that’s the first one I’ve done today they yeah I’m going to move on and do the rest now well you know

    Where the m6 don’t you yeah yeah yeah straight on yeah yeah way yeah how it goes well Al apparently I pull the council about this said but who’s giving them these [ __ ] bik they getting can’t hi the bikes they all over the [ __ ] road him in the

    Shop knock one over last week when he was taking his daughter to school a friend of mine knock one over and broke his [ __ ] arm I nearly knock one over down outside my [ __ ] house coming in the car and I said so who’s giving him these [ __ ] bikes it’s a

    Halford’s some of these hotels have brand new nice bikes well the Halfords give them the bikes CLE told hords to give them the bikes this is the hord’s bik right my old bike Carrera yeah if I took my old bike into hals it would give

    Me so much money like power tax for this yeah yeah yeah but then they give to these but we’ve got disabled kids up a crap no and you take your bike to them all thing you and they fix the bikes and sell them yeah yeah go chck it

    Up there I’m [ __ ] giving it to these but some of some of them have real nice bikes at the hotels some of them oh brand new like a thousand some of them electric bikes yeah ,000 worth the one here he stands here in the morning at

    9:00 the wagon comes up picks him up the van him to Manchester I pulled him other day he picked him up here he normally drives down here he won’t come down here and he was trying to get out this is one way I said to him hey you [ __ ]

    See the sign [ __ ] no entry can’t you read me [ __ ] up said that’s nice is it no on the [ __ ] off well the Channel’s DJ e media yeah I’ve got all my hotels on there okay so the other fell I don’t know who he was but he he like say

    Before all all this really kicked off he he he could get in cuz he had no security but he pled all them windows off I thought they had he pled all window them black security no I just walked in I went in the front door and she came out yeah

    What are you doing won get in get out yeah won’t let you in know great video job well where’s your car I po down there out the way yeah yeah just in case police called and they come the police will been trying to get your registration or what’s your name mate so

    I say I’m not telling you nothing my car’s right there they’re on it you know he was on about that last night there was the bully boy he was and uh it was on YouTube bully boy big fat fell come out with this thing where’s your ID said

    What son on you he said where’s your ID said where’s your ID here’s my ID so we run the [ __ ] thing up and then two coppers come out and then the [ __ ] blue light come he had about five coppers around him and he’s as it well

    What are you going to do could do [ __ ] he well he said but you’re not supposed to be [ __ ] flying your drone around here he said Can Fly where the [ __ ] want we have to tr and get that just get pingon now something mate on YouTube I

    Have a look mate yeah later like to say this is when it all kicked off and then Med ranan you wouldn’t speak to him but uh we’re not coming out now because it’s supposed be a [ __ ] leg or something in there come out you go to mosque you

    Come back go in the shop two bottles of um Red Label Johnny walk whiskey really where’ you get the money from told to get5 £9 a week in it £5 a week or something if they’re living in here they got £49 a week if they live in a HMO

    House do they yeah but they got to buy everything for that but some of these they doing in the car wash one’s a mechanic cuz his hands are [ __ ] back well I’ve got one here the other Sunday on C Sean talking 9:00 in the morning I walked to the shop but it was

    Icy don’t what the [ __ ] hell is this com up on his bike he had a [ __ ] big blue suitcase here and a [ __ ] big box on his back and I looked at him and I went and he was laughing his [ __ ] I don’t know where he went but I got him on the

    Camera anyway some of them are funny aren’t they well I better let you go then yeah mate I’m on to the next one that YouTube half can’t find it’s all the way back I’ll have a look DJ media yeah okay you see this video next week on YouTube

    I’ll have a look right you take care matey byebye Royal Mail delivering there look so we’re off guys if you like this video at the uh Paddington House Hotel in Warrington give it a thumbs up drop a subscribe and we’ll see you on another video


    1. I’m not refusing to leave but I’ll still stand here telling you stuff you’ve told me a number of times you don’t want to hear. Yeah fair enough mate she can’t really do anything that you do legally, but she told you to piss off so just do that. One of your last videos you told the police you didn’t want to antagonise a situation but here you are again just doing that. Plus your blurring out of faces needs work. Either you do it or not!

    2. HMO's This is what they're doing folks. How many HMO applications are near you? They intend to disperse them into the community and give them the right to work. To wash their hands of the issue.
      Remember this when you visit the polling booth this year. As for Labour…..they would be even worse.
      Make your vote count!

    3. No customers service skills from this woman at all. I have an SIA badge and would never act like that. People get a badge and think they are on top of the world

    4. this is a hotel racket
      if only the government would pay for homeless citizens to stay in hotels
      but u goto be an undocumented immigrant trespassing in the country to get that red carpet

    5. How times change,I had my wedding evening there in the early 90,s, it took us ages to save up to pay for the hotel fees,it was a beautiful place,now free accommodation for certain people,amazing!!

    6. the place is so grotty it looks abandoned, if i just saw the drone footage, i would have thought i was watching the secret vault channel, who does urban exploring and drone flying,

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