Taking my new Insta360 X3 out with me on the bike to test out how it well it works for cycling content. Picked up a few of the bike specific mounts too to get some fairly interesting angles…

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    Follow the journey:



    Hello and good morning from dry Manchester not Sunny Manchester but at least it’s dry so today we are going to head outside on a bike ride not being out on the bike outside at least anyway for a couple of weeks now the weather has just been unbearably bad rain wind

    Just not ideal really so been spending a lot of time on the indoor trainer but today we’re looking all right so I’m going to chance sit and get out there so we are going to be doing a local rout it’s one of my favorite local routes actually it’s called The Brick Works if

    You’re from the northwest or Manchester is area You’ probably heard of this route or done it it is about 80 km up and down Hills which will be perfect because we are going to be testing out a brand new camera that I’ve bought the insta 360

    X3 now this ain’t a sponsored thing I have gone out and bought this because I’ve seen some pretty cool footage captured from other people who do cycling content on YouTube and Instagram and that and I wanted to give it a go myself so I will show you the setup that

    I’ve got there’s a few attachments that I’ve stuck on the bike in a minute but first let’s get into the fueling for the day so you know the drill we are going to be putting ‘s super carbs into two bottles that is 80 g of carbs per bottle

    160 G of carbs across the two bottles black currant flavor or lemon and lime I prefer the black currant personally I’m currently just drinking one of the electrolyte tablets just to make sure I am properly hydrated before I go and then I’m going to bring with me an

    Assortment of that sort of bars shoes and gels basic basically just to keep me going got their caramel Flapjack bar Apple Che these are a fan favorite and also if we find ourselves about to Bonk the super gel which has 40 G of carbs in

    It as well so we should be covered on all fronts uh from a fueling point of view so I am partner of with OT I have a 20% discount code in the description if you are interested in trying some different types of fuel I do genuinely back it it’s really decent stuff anyway

    Enough of that let me show you the bike setup for this new insta 360 camera that I’m using so the bike has seen better days for sure it’s looking pretty ugly at the minute with this hideous mud guard and now these new attachments for the insta 360 but we move so it’s pretty

    Straightforward really we’ve just got two attachments for it we’ve got this rear one that sits on the seat post that extends and you obviously attach the camera to the back of it and then also this front attachment that’s pretty similar you just stick the camera on the

    End of that and it should be pretty sturdy hopefully but we will test it out today anyway I am absolutely freezing so I’m going to stick another layer on get some gloves on and we will get out there and start the ride right we are 15 km in

    Now I’m just off the main road so I can start to breathe a little bit Jesus Christ it’s so stressful driving on busy roads I just delayed cuz I’m starting to get a bit hot as well but it should be a good day I think uh I’m hopeful the

    Weather is going to hold out it’s a bit gloomy but it’s better than rain so let’s go for it I also don’t have any external mics with me so everything you’re hearing is from the insta 360 and as there is a bit of wind I’m not expecting audio to be perfect but we’ll

    Do what we can right 20 km in I am going to have my first energy tube because we have got the first big climb of the day approaching and I feel weak as yeah I feel like I’ve lost quite a bit of momentum with the cycling since picking

    Up my illness over Christmas it proper wiped me out out I was done in bed proper like rough about 3 or 4 days and since coming back I’ve just not felt the same with my running over the cycling so it’s about to build guess nowadays the pain follow me deal with trauma

    Privately I don’t want to be a burden I handle things defly spend a decade searching for a higher power guing me figured out that faith is not up there that is inside of me act with execution what’s a plan with zero action faced with bad habits knowing it’s a magnet to

    My imbalance I’m somewhere between confidence and arrogance the middle ground is treacherous I work on getting out of it so this is an audio test for the insta 360 X3 quite intrigued to see how it does cuz it is quite windy out and my other little DJI action cam Falls

    To bits when there’s any Wind He he oh my God that was so fun I’m not sure what speed I got to but I’ll check it afterwards and I I’ll put the dials on the screen as well raised by the r sa by the painin a Thing to bur I got turn be jumping My mind still on dreams soon as my eyes roll open come good tokens I’ve been training myself to add cheese to the pict mil little Chang came a time they the price name still got work to do I’m try da cuz up but I can take it by now

    All my demons know I’m praying by now my know I’m Stand St it flipping yeah you know the plan feel like I been gave with another chance and it ain’t wasted on gambl cuz I know I would be this F they say he put on can’t hand so I just see a

    Few sh on my m Iere cuz I train myself to find a ni I he introspection P when you let the hour in easy when you go without for dinner and I was even a te yet I learned that for my G stretch I’m moderate not more cuz I’m eating yes I tolerate lactose with a

    Cheese in the P all right well that was a bit sketchy there was a little slab of ice halfway down that hill so I just sort of saw it coming and let go of the brakes basically I thought that was the best approach uh we’re going over Ice yeah I P step Tom FL too clean I’m by new toos now lat popping and buying Hot Cheetos the free throw easy please believe me baby bought a Tesla bought a Rolex watching I ain’t dreaming baby scheming baby Dina ra me really from the section with them Killers drug

    Dealers never got to help from Pops they need some love lick them messing not the pain so P Up N not too far from it everything I didn’t seen and done it late night running hidden houses in police cuffing we ain’t have nothing house was cold we were open oven now we

    Eating good just whole ice less for buns and OV bakeries linked up with quitting and started making cheese Sushi overseas the server she speaking Japanese to I’m at the L to see got aada with rip seats and all your leaks kicking like messy little you shouldn’t test me right

    So good just started working on my Lefty I’ll be climbing up the CHS if these let me getting everything that’s mine I’m charging Lees relaxing man I stay in action natural believer got me feeling like Imagine Dragons 2017 I quit my job because it had to happen make my

    Daughter proud look at me of this your daddy rapping let me hear that back oh my God right we’re back home I couldn’t record much to be fair after that last descent because I was just so cold became a bit of a survival Mission

    Just to get me own my my face was so freezing it’s almost giv me a headache um but otherwise it was a decent ride uh let me get the stats up uh we covered 68 km with 1,327 M of elevation there a lot of hills on that

    Route I always forget how hilly it is it’s just it just feels like you’re always going up a hill um yeah I cut it short a little bit cuz like I said I was just freezing I just wanted to get home and warm my head up and I did secure the

    Foot long on the way back as well chicken and bacon uh if you’re interested yeah otherwise it’s nice to be back out on the bike I just wish it would be a bit warmer man I just wish we’d just get a bit of sun or something

    And the ice would just disappear on the roads as well don’t like that anyway uh thank you for watching if you have watched this far and I’ll see you out and about next time


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