Today we visit normacot in stoke on trent, an area which is made up of mostly non british people.

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    Hello guys welcome back to another one uh we today we’re on norac cot uh love your streets yes so fish Road sorry in norac Cott uh doing a bit of uh citizen journalism again uh we got to be careful around here guys uh now another person’s

    Video around here and they’ve uh had a lot of threats since then here we go guys look at this oh my God this is bad now this area was promised to be cleaned up by by The One and Only By The One and Only Jane Ashworth Jane Ashworth who is um the

    Leader the lead counselor of stoon Trent uh well she’s failed miserably here aren’t she cuz this doesn’t look like and she’s uh done anything in this area probably cuz all the money has gone to the migrants uh there we go just down there guys oh my

    Lord so again as on the last video I’m wearing my boots gloves are on we don’t want to be um treading on anything uh that’s going to stab me in the foot we’ve all got his boots on today guys cuz uh I’ve got people with

    Me today oh my God what the hell’s going on here look at that Jesus yeah so she said she was going to help these uh Alleyways to be cleaned up and um she hasn’t as you can tell uh so it was posted on um Stoke uh Stoke live um on

    Facebook which I all sto cont live that’s what that’s the word I’m looking for but uh you know what they post on their social media site is an absolute AB load of uh you’re best off doing your own research coming out and do some doing some of your own citizen

    Journalism don’t listen to what they sort of put on the social media and things like that Jesus just empty your as stay out where I don’t you uh yeah don’t believe what you read on social media and what Stoke on Trent city council tell you come and do your own sort of

    Research oh my God a look at this guys and this is literally in plain sight of the street you know car stereos Car Bits an old fridge in there the rubbish goes on and on and on down there head of the council she says she’s tackling this does that look like it’s

    Being tackled to you I don’t think it does counselors Again full of so we’re heading up here the sort of Alleyways behind ory Street Road ory Road the wife likes to correct me sorry yes oh my Lord are they doing that up or have they just left it there it

    Looks left to be fair oh my god I’ve got to go into that right here goes anyway guys what I want to say is in this area um it’s predominantly uh if I pronounce that right um a Muslim area uh we are not far away from norac cot mosque and but it’s not

    Just uh Muslims that live around here there is a lot of um drug abusers around here oh my Lord look at that bloody hell he so I’m not just saying it’s just one sort of type of person that is sort of letting this happen or doing this

    Should I say it is a variety of people but we all very very close to the mosque oh my God shitty no I bet there’s rats everywhere oh my God look at this oh my Lord oh my god look people living in here why would you live with this oh my

    God it’s shocking guys shocking there you are there’s the grid uh looks like there’s like drug wrappers and things like that in there it’s only a grid but look the rubbish fills the grid oh my God look at that look at that oh my God would you be happy living

    Next door to that cuz it don’t look like they’re doing their house up it looks like it’s just sort of been left like that or maybe someone started it ran out of money and it’s just been left like that couldn’t the council do some about

    It to tell them you know they can’t be left like this you know these this the counselors were supposed to the counselor the main counselor was was supposed to be sorting all this out as was last year she put it out there that she was sorting it all out and to

    Me it looks like it’s just getting worse drug paraphernalia rubbish everything everywhere it’s absolutely it’s gross oh my God and I’m not being too loud guys because I don’t want to sort of intimidate the residents even though they doing this but you know it is absolutely I mean it’s I you know I

    Struggle to find the words for it I’ll be honest with you I really do I really do struggle to find the words for places like this dirty na don’t you oh my Lord they I’ve got bins they are supplied with bins but to don’t look like they like to use

    Them why use them when you can get away with just chucking your crap in the alleyway oh my Lord look at this now that looks like a quite nice house and then you’ve got that in there surely the council need to start getting involved with this and

    Start doing some it start finding people start making sure that this sort of stuff doesn’t keep happening maybe give the residents an incentive to not leave it in this state I don’t know if you’ve got an answer guys you put it in the comments you know God at this oh my Lord

    This I I’ve got no words for it dog everywhere oh my Jesus this this doesn’t feel like England I must say guys it really doesn’t and I know how that sounds but you know I’m sorry that’s just just the way it feels what as I’m walking around it’s where the council where the

    Council cleaning this up you know is look at all this yeah look at all look at them two try and get out the way of the camera uh yeah it’s bad that isn’t it terrible where are the council cleaning on this up non-existent Council terrible there we go guys this is the

    Signs that they’re putting up it’s the only deterrent around here but anyway guys if you like that video please do give it the thumbs up and I will see you on the next one


    1. I don’t care what anyone says…….south Asians…….ie Pakistanis don’t mind living in filth……seen loads of clips like this…..and it’s ALWAYS them responsible……why are they like this?

    2. Hi joe i live on a large council in Copenhagen denmark when we moved in 2010 it had three caretakers working outside and one in the office but when two of the caretakers retired they put us and another estate together and just increased the office staff now the place just gets more scruffy and all they did was privatise all outdoor cleaning when we complained we are told we have to save money but it's just to pay for the office boy's, you can never have enough office staff.

    3. Ayaan Hirsi Ali writes about this in her autobiography ‘Infidel’ about the terrible attitudes and behaviour of her fellow Muslim immigrants to Holland whose mantra was ‘its Allah’s will’ if they throw rubbish on the streets

    4. I used to travel to Moscow for work and it's absolutely spotless, zero litter, graffiti free, safe and pleasant to travel round, Import the Third World Become the Third World.

    5. All the houses that used to house proper hard working British people have now been given away and it shows, they take pennies on the pound to clear peoples shit and just slowly discard it all on the way home…

    6. So why don't you get a legal aid court claim for the Council to get all the asylum seekers to clean up the areas> it's not only horrific environment that must be cleaned up but it's unhygienic

    7. My grandmother before she died, lived in the same house for over 40 years, on a large council estate in a large northern city. The neighbours all got on, the streets were clean and safe, many with flower/plant pots at the door and there as no gangs mulling around. Since she past ( as have many of her old neighbours ), the street has been “handed over” to immigrants over the years who have turned the street/area into an absolute sheet hole. Cars are dumped all over, anti social behave is rife, there’s plenty of petty crime and criminal damage to property, the houses are not kept tidy or looked after in general, bins are left on the streets and there is litter all over. Our successive governments have orchestrated this disgusting situation which is destroying our neighbourhoods, culture and heritage under our noses…make sure you destroy them at the ballot box.

    8. Another video to view is a flight from Pakistan ! The cleaners detest it, it is the grottiest plane you've ever seen. Its similar to this alley! Poops, food, tissues, rubbish, more food, poops in the ailses !!

    9. Keep well "friends". I moved out to the sticks. Which is lovely til you need services? Hospital 2 hours by 2 buses. Im going tomorrow. Other half seriously ill – heart failure.
      NHS 111 rubbish! "Get a covid test timorrow, Bye" Took 3 clinicians from 11am to 10pm to send ambulance, i had to argue blood pressure dangerously low !!
      If i miss bus back at 4pm theres none til the next day? 😮
      One of the highest council taxes here. No sewerage, no street lights, no litter pickers (me!) not seen a policeman or heard a siren in 5 years. Brilliant! Leave door open for dog walk, left car unlocked for a month!! Try that in south london !!
      Get blood pressure checked regularly – too high bad, too low bad!! Night !

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