In mid September, I was still in Sweden. The nights were getting chilly, and a new Covid wave was breaking out across Europe. I needed to go back to the UK, and I wanted to cycle it. I wanted to try the route along the North Sea coast, which looked as if it would be very different from the inland route I’d taken on the way out. But what with one thing and another, I was hesitating, delaying setting off. Suddenly, however, I realised that a lot of campsites would close at the end of the month. So, if I was going to ride it, I had to go pretty much immediately. The weather forecast was bad – tons of rain – but I packed up the bike, and late one Friday night, I set off. It did feel a bit mad to leave our cosy sitting room and ride alone to the docks in the dark and the wet. But I was pretty sure that, come what may, I’d enjoy myself. Anyway, here’s what happened! Hope you enjoy the film!

    Thank you Hello in september it was time to return from sweden to the uk i rode to the docks in malmo it was dark and cold and wet from the ferry i watched the city of malmo slip past in the rain under the autumn clouds the next day at dawn i arrived in germany

    The route i had chosen was along the coast the first part was across schleswig-holstein well good morning here i am in germany again it’s about quarter to eight in the morning completely nobody but it’s quite chilly my woolly hat on i’m heading for tim and all first hand which looks like it’ll be

    Really nice and i’m going to have breakfast there it felt quite hard setting off actually i felt which is not like me at all but i did feel a bit lost but it’s hard going away from somebody it’s a little bit up and down here in holstein actually

    Kind of like lessons in a way totally cheered up now right has been really lovely i like it around here it’s woodland and farmland I went past lovely old farmhouses they seemed keen on painting things green in this region there were nice busy towns And i had a lovely coffee break at the roadside Well it’s half past three now forecasters is likely to rain soon and definitely going to be pouring down by seven eight o’clock well it’s not raining very much actually not too bad i’m on the last little bit now coming into bob ramstad said and hopefully i’m gonna find the site

    Good morning it is sunday it’s raining just now but it’s stopped That’s right uh Space there or a little bite to get through these kind of lanes are a joy to ride on it’s super The western part of holstein was really flat this feels like a whole other landscape here just huge and i reached holstein’s west coast and came to gluckstadt on the banks of the elbow so that’s the first bit of the journey done i was hoping to stay at the campsite but

    It didn’t work out well i realized i wasn’t going to make it to uh odd bedder scarf i think it’s cold and it’s kind of dark and rainy and it’s four o’clock now and i thought okay i’m gonna pitch wild somewhere i saw this grassy track that led away from the main road

    It’s a turf farm or something i don’t think it’s within actual sight of anybody um it’s been quite a tiring day actually or sort of just a grim day in a way a grim but it’s rained a lot like pretty much on and off the whole day which is sort of what i

    Expected but it makes it harder it’s been long straight roads so far across what they call a mall which seems to be black green wet open space winding roads and woodlands it’s really nice [Applause] just had another one of these road shut problems you just get a sign going

    Shut and then a huge diversion which of course i don’t want to do just rang on a doorbell and talk to a lady and she said they’re resurfacing the roast it’s the first day of the Left a little bit and i came to the visa the port at brainerd harvard and my second ferry which would take me to aust queensland now in australisland i rode through an area called studland with drained marshes and friesian cows and horses i came to the jade bite a huge bay of

    The north sea it was looking pretty hopeless for camping but then i found a brilliant spot i sat in the shelter of the tent and i cooked my dinner and watched the light fade over the sea maybe first couple of days of this ride hadn’t been that easy

    But now i was really enjoying myself that was a fantastic place the days have just floated by this time really fast yeah well there’s all of holland still to go lots to look forward to so time to go i entered the area called the trees there were frisian gulf house farmhouses

    And dense woodlands i came to the flat annoyed the water more and tried to shelter from the wind and then the rain it’s got a bit wet as you can see i took a break in a bus shelter and now i am back on the road heading for leah

    It’s been so wet this afternoon but um never mind so i’m gonna cross the ms river and hopefully find a place to camp quite soon oh wow wow this is big it was getting late now and i urgently look at somewhere to camp along the dike by the river ends

    So i think i’ll come here it was getting a bit late and i was slightly anxious actually that um it’s going to get dark and it’s not a good feeling not having a camping spot so well good morning it’s a nice day here down at the m’s river

    A little bit gray and but it’s not raining the breeze is destroying the tent nicely i’m so lucky with these wild camping places had three really cracking spots now i was really close to the border between germany and the netherlands there was a minuscule sign saying colin so i’m following it But the tiny sign was right and i arrived in the netherlands in groningen province i loved the wide open space and the huge skies and the sun came out [Applause] There were amazing posh villa farmhouses i rode through massive grasslands sparkling in the sun and sweet villages but i needed to stop my clothes were dirty my gear wet my bike jammed with mud from the jade bite and the chain clogged with thick oil that a kind stranger had sloshed onto it

    I’ve got so many things i need to sort out now after three nights i’ve been so clear the chain runs smoothly now but oh my goodness it’s just like a lot of stuff and it’s all on my trousers it was the last weekend of the season

    And i had the entire trump side to myself so dirty the next day i watched the sun rise over the north sea and then i packed up and continued i went through gorgeous old villages Riding on tiny paths through the fields I had lunch at a manor house now i rode into the air report from punching home aiming for a village called lauerzook at the westernmost tip of groningen The sky was full of birds i kept making wrong turns but it didn’t matter too much i’ve gone wrong so many times this afternoon it’s just a maze of little sort of lost alleys up here but every time i go wrong i find something else it’s going to pour with rain

    Tonight it’s coming now so by five o’clock it’s gonna be tipping it down here it’s about quarter to four now the next day the sun came out i rode along the north sea dyke into breezeland there were huge flat fields shining in the sun absolutely beautiful today i took small lanes through villages

    Right under the sea wall morning I had planned to see my friend andrea in the hague on sunday but it was getting a bit tight today it’s friday i’ve still got a hell of a long way to go actually get all the way downstairs I do want to make sure i get it at an old fishing village i climbed up town The air was filled with birds Absolutely i came to hauling in a brilliant world then i wrote the last bit before the scene Well i don’t know if this is right at all the website said that the bus is going from scotland i thought it would be sign there isn’t really anything here i’ve got to get on that bus oh it better not just go god wow i’m so

    Lucky what time do you go four minutes you are lucky indeed that’s my lucky day yeah that must be yeah thank you very much for the ride and also for speaking english oh my god even speaking yes it feels like i’m gonna make it that’s just been so much what’s going on

    It’s starting to look pretty good it’s so quiet i hardly dare talk is Hello hello i’m going south towards a big patch of views i crossed the north sea canal on another ferry it’s quite a long day actually anyway there you go it’s been such a super trip even though the weather’s been mostly bad it’s been such a lovely trip

    Feels so lucky i mean it’s a cliche but after you’ve had a couple of brushes with cancer then it just seems so precious and then there’s not a hundred summers left so good idea to make the most of them That’s it packed up last time slight sense of humor failure just a minute ago completely muddled up and lost and it was raining so it’s such hard nice weather it’s nice and the sun’s trying really hard gonna get to the end now I took the ferry from hook of holland back to england the government advice was to avoid public transport so i had a massive breakfast on board the ferry and then cycled from harrich back to london i passed pubs post boxes churches and public footpaths it was a lovely long last day

    Monday it’s about [Applause] i’m october the m25 back into greater london it’s been such a lovely summer You


    1. Just stumbled across your channel as I'm getting back out on my 2 speed Brompton and am loving camping again! Perfect video then haha, great stuff and subbed! Paul, London.

    2. Hello Susanna, I watch all your videos with a great interest ( I am french talking…) excuse my bad english, I’m owner of a Brompton too and I dream of a trip alone and independant as you… you are an example for me. « comme on dit aux marins , bon vent, Susanna et prends soin de toi… » one day, very soon I’l do it too 👍😘

    3. I love Nigel farrage. We have a large picture of him on our living room wall. I have trained my family to kiss it before they set of to school every day.

    4. Thank you very much, Susanna, for sharing your inspiring adventure. I would like to learn more from you about trip planning, touring equipment and weight-saving packing, please. Bless your heart!

    5. Susanna, I don't know how you do it but i'm glad you do. I thoroughly enjoy your adventures from the comfort of my bed! I guess you have to be physically and mentally fit to cover the distances you do. How do you prepare for such trips? Do you ever catch a cold or flu?
      Do you ever get scared of solo travels and wild camping? Have you ever missed any of your connections when cycling in Europe?
      You are…..gosh, can't think of a word to describe how much I admire your spirit.

    6. Hi Susan

      love your videos

      When you are touring like this how many hours a day do you ride and how many miles on average do you think you cover?

    7. Excellent video Susanna, I spent four years in Germany when I was in the army and I loved it, I would like to see how you meal plan and how you manage any issues with your bike please. Hope to see you soon ☕🍰 ride safely: Russ 🚴‍♀️🏕

    8. Well done, would love to do something like this, as I've done the London to Paris twice, London to Amsterdam once and the Dunwich Dynamo. Keep up these inspiring videos buddy.

    9. Thanks for sharing . It's fabulous to see a little bike touring so fearlessly and wild camping. Thanks for in inspiring us all to get off our butts and ride in the rain. Good luck with your chemo !

    10. I love you for taking the journey! So good to see a woman capturing the natural beauty of the world, nature in its greatness and difficulty. People and nature are wonderful, I want to see southern California being this wonderful and free, although I know better about the rules here. About to get my own Brompton and take videos of areas I know here, develop my method of bikepacking/camping in a way that suits my part of the world. Thank you forever for these videos!

    11. Susanna. Love the video, as we cycle in Holland ourselves. Just one question. Why do you torture yourself on a commuter bike? Best wishes!

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