Precipitation flow in a confined geometry: Mixing, fingering, and deposition
By: Negar Shahsavar, Civil Engineering Department, McMaster University, Canada.
Experimental and numerical investigation of sandstone deformation under cycling loading relevant for underground energy storage
By: Milad Naderloo, Geomechanics and Applied Geophysics Department,
TU Delft, Netherlands.
Welcome here everyone uh to our P media daytime talks uh we are part of the interpo young Academy and we aim to to provide the young researchers the opportunity to present their work in this platform so we are here today for the uh 50 uh4 session of the tea time
Talk and uh we will have two speakers from uh Europe and USA so please welcome our first speakers which is uh ngar sash um she is a PhD candidate at mcmas University in Canada so she works on reactive transport in confine geometries and as a supervision of Dr Ben sorry for my
Pronunciation um so prior to this she had her Bachelor degrees in petroleum engineer from sh University and a master degrees from shiras University in Iran and today she will present her work on precipitation flow in confine uh geometry with a focus on mixing fingering and stabilities and
Deposition so Nega first uh we want to thank you for agreeing to present your work and the floor is yours uh thank you SAR for the introduction hello everyone I’m I’m Nar and I’m last year P student at macmaster University and I work under the supervision of Dr Robin show and first I
Have to thank the porest media T time talk group for in for their invitation and giving us the opportunity to uh present our latest results so today I’m going to talk about the precipitation flow in confin Geometry mixing fingering and deposition this work has been done in collaboration with Dr Ruby Fu from
Calch reactive transport involved with percipitation and deposition of particles is a common phenomenon in many processes for example uh in CO2 sequestration when carbonate Rich fluid is injected underground it uh triggers precipitation of uh carbonate minerals that eventually deposit in the PO space and change the procity of the formation
Rock when we have reactive flow that generates precipitation and deposition it can alter permeability and procity of the poorest media both in time and in space which leads to significant increase in pressure drop and decrease in injectivity so it is important to understand how these processes take place laboratory studies show that the
Precipitation flow is a complex system uh which is due to highly nonlinear coupling between adiction diffusion and reaction so for this reason people have uh studied the percipitation flow in simple geometry such as helel helel provides us a simple but effective platform to study these highly nonlinearities uh for example in the
Studies by nagu and um Kim at all they have shown that even uh sorry in nagot at all and Sher at all they have shown that even in a complete homogeneous hela cell the interactions of different parameters uh can generate a wide range of uh precipitation patterns so uh we
Wanted to understand these processes a little bit more uh we studied the reactive U flow dynamics of calcium carbonate precipitation in hosas and the key differences in our experiments in our studies with the previous studies is that we use much smaller Gap thickness of 100 microns compared to 500 microns
In previous studies and we also quantify the Gap average concentration of particles by analyzing The Local Light intensity we observe that precipitations are generated at the interface between the reactants which form um radial precipitation band uh that moves outward with the flow uh here the color map is
Showing the concent is showing the Gap average concentration of precipitation and uh the brighter color shows more precipitation in the Gap uh based on the color we can clearly see that uh at higher injection rates we have a larger uh precipitation compared to lower injection rate and also at higher initial
Concentration uh we have brighter patterns which means more precipitation in the gap the injection rate has a significant control on the concentration and uh special distribution of precipitates for example at the same initial concentration at low injection rate precipitates are small and they are deposited uniformly all over the cell
But at a higher injection rate larger Aggregates are formed that deposit as discrete clusters along the radially outward Direction and also we can uh see clear signs of viscous fingering at higher injection rates viscus fingering of precipitation flow has been studied in the past researchers found that particle
Enrichment in suspension flow can yield to viscous fingering uh because of the low local mobility of the suspension for example in the experiments by tangol and kiml they uh observe that in the flow of the dispersed particles in oil in HOSA cell we can see viscous fingering at the
Interface these fingering patterns are very similar to the fingerings we observe in our experiments but the difference is that uh the particles in our experiments are actively generated in sichu as a result of the reactions and we only see them in high injection rate experiments the reason why we observe a
Discuss fingering only in high injection rate experiments is twofold the first one is that when we have a higher injection rate we have high share stress across the gap which helps the precipitate particles to uh overcome the interparticle repulsion forces and form larger Aggregates that increases the effective viscosity of the suspension
And the second reason is that the higher velocity of displacement accentuates the viscous finger instability the viscus fingering not only controls the amount and special distribution of particles but also the rate of their production in our experiments the scaling of total amount of percipitation is held for different
Concentrations that we used in our experiments but they are changed as we change the injection rate so in in low injection rate the total amount of precipitation grows diffusively in time as t to the half while at high injection rate experiments it grows linearly in time and for the intermediate injection rate
Uh we uh have uh linear linear scaling at the beginning and then it evolves as uh diffusively in time and the uh transition in the scaling corresponds to the shutdown in viscous fingering viscous fingering enhances precipitation for production rate and the reason is that it generates a recirculatory flow inside the finger
Which brings a fresh fluid fresh reactant to the mixing Zone and enhance the mixing and reaction modeling of precipitation flow has been the focus of many researches uh the existing model use and AD diffusion reaction equation and they assumed that the viscosity changes exponentially with the precipitation concentration these
Models did not capture the variety of patterns observed in experiments and also they did not capture the deposition and temporal scaling of total precipitation production based on our experimental observation we think the existing models can be improved by incorporating a more realistic rology and uh deposition models in order to capture the behavior
We observe the experiments the local Shear rate uh at the band is going to control the mobility or the effective viscosity of the suspension because of the particle agglomerations and also particle deposition on top and bottom glasses of hela cell can affect the local permeability of uh and procity of
The cell so in our model we solve for the evolution of B which is the available Gap thickness for the suspension FL to happen in our model we start with the mass balance and our mass balance takes account in evolution in B and we have the transport equations that take
Account of the consumption in the reactant uh concentration due to reaction and it also accounts for the um precipitation the formation of precipitates and their deposition so in the transport equations we have three uh dimensionless variables the Peet number which is the ratio between the rate of uh diffusion and advection the reaction
Doolar number which is the rate uh the ratio between the rate of uh reaction between reactant A and B and the transport and uh we have the deposition Dom color number which is the ratio between the rate of deposition and the transport eventually we update the Gap
Tickness as a function of the amount of uh deposition formed so we solved uh the three uh blocks of equations sequentially in our model and uh we have uh the same boundary conditions at we as we have in the experiment so we have constant injection rate at the center of
The cell and we have open Flow boundaries at the perimeter of the cell from our experiments we could see that the effective viscosity of precipitate suspension should be a function of both local concentration of precipitation and also share it so intuitively increasing the uh concentration uh increases the effective
Vis viscosity but also increasing share rate increases the viscosity due to formation of larger Aggregates so uh in order to model this complex rology Behavior we used a modified uh cross model and for the deposition existing studies of suspension transport show that the rate of deposition is proportional to the concentration of
Precipitation in the flow additionally people have found that uh there is usually an onset uh onset of precipitation concentration below which there is very minimal amount of deposition so to capture these effects we model the deposition using a modified ver first order react first order deposition um and uh it depends on the
Con concentration of uh precipitation and also it includes a cross flow function that takes uh into account of onet concentration the simulation results uh show the same uh behavior that we observe in the experiments so at low injection rate we observe that the percipitation band is um is stable and
Small particles deposit un uniformly all over the cell while at high injection rate simulations uh the same as experiments the band of precipitation is unstable and we have visus fingering we also see that precipitates deposit along the finger side however in our model depositions do not pinch off uh into discrete clusters
Because uh we did not include surface tension effect in our model so uh beside the precipitation path pattern our model can capture the evolution in the precipitation rate so the same as experiments in the simulation we see that in higher injection rate cases the total amount of
Solid in the cell evolves linearly in time and in lower injection rate cases it evolves diffusively in time so we wanted to test our model beyond the set of experiments we have performed so specifically we used our model to simulate the experiments conducted by sherol they conducted a calcium carbonate precipitation in a
Hela cell with a much larger Gap thickness in this case 500 microns and they had different initial concentrations of reactants from bottom to top uh they increased the initial concentration and from left to right they increased uh the ratio of initial concentration or beta which is the ratio
Of the initial concentration of calcium chloride and sodium carbonate and amazingly we can see that our model can capture the variety of the precipitation patterns that goes from surface fing to holot tubes and this is the movie of transition from surface fing patterns to holot tubes as the increase beta in high
Dor number regim so to summarize our research we conducted a simple precipitation flow in hela cell and we observe a diverse range of patterns and we observe that in higher injection rate experiments we have viscous fingering and we have larger precipitate particles because of the effect of agglomeration and we
Observe that visus fingering controls over the precipitation rate and uh it evolves as t to the half in the absence of fingering and total amount of precipitation evolves linearly in time in presence of fingering and we incorporated aerology model that captures the precipitation concentration and Shear rate and also a deposition
Model into an adicction diffusion reaction model framework and we could uh predict a precipitation pattern and a precipitation rate that we observed in the experiments thank you for uh listening to my presentation and I’ll be happy to answer your questions if you have any thanks okay Nadar thank you than you for
Your wonderful uh presentation and those of you who are watching this please if you have questions write uh in the chat box and we will uh deliver it to Nar and while people are formulating their question I had a few question from myself so as an experimentalist I was
Wondering uh you mentioned that you uh try to estimate the gap between the hell cell plates by estimating the light uh intensity so can you briefly uh explain in little detail the process you took to estimate the gap between the plates uh so we estimated the uh Gap average
Concentrations um if I go to so we uh we record the experiments by the camera from the top and this precipitates because they block the light we can measure the local light intensity and it gives us a uh it it’s it’s a coif function of the amount of
Precipitation in the Gap so when we have more precipitation in the Gap it blocks more of the light so we can see that it decreases more and by doing the image analysis we can um uh we can have a semi function of how much precipitation we have in the gap
So you had prepared a the precipitate with the known thickness to as as a standard to uh use as a calibration yes so we uh actually the way that we analyze the image was uh at each time step we uh we subtract the current image from the reference image which is the
Cell without any percipitation and it has the maximum intensity because there is no blockage of light and then uh um and then we normalize that by the highest value of the precipitation which is like the parts that we know that they are not moving it means that they have
Filled the whole Gap thickness in higher injection rate experiments and then we could uh we we have like a semi function of how much precipitation we have in the Gap okay thank you and while you’re answering my question there are some questions in the chat so one two actually two from uh
Ala so thank you for great presentation thank you did you anticipate any effect from the roughness of the surface on the patterns that you observed uh no we did not uh we did not take account into the effect of roughness of the surface and uh we assume that the uh precipitations
Are homogeneously distributed over the over the glass surface if they are generated at any locations and then there was a second question uh also was your model able to capture the accurate time scale of precipitation for different flow rats I saw a time difference between the simulated and
Experiment uh yes there is a little bit of difference so the model can be improved uh actually the rology model can be improved and it has uh many capacities for improving that that could be uh an environment that we could work on in future but uh we we like um we we
Set the tuning parameters of the rology in a way that we could capture the uh best transition from having fingering to not having fingering and this transition at exactly what location happens but it still could be improved okay so we don’t have any more questions
In the chat so I think we can thank Nar for her great presentation and move on to our next speaker thank you thank you so our next speaker is uh Milad nlu um he is a postar in geomechanics and applied geophysics at to Del holding a master’s degree in rock mean mechanics
From the University of ton his expertise lies in induced SES sesmic fault mechanics passive Acoustics and Ro deformation experiments so today he will be presenting on experimental and numerical investigations of sandstone deformation under cycling loading relevant for underground energy storage mad flow viewers just double
Check yeah we can hear you yes yes okay okay H thanks for uh inviting and giving this chance for this talk uh so hi to everyone from all around the world uh from this meeting cabin inside telf I couldn’t find another room so today I
Will present you part of my uh part of the research from my PhD I slightly changed the topic and brought new things uh than the one you advertised which is about faulty activation and rock deformation mechanism under stress pressure cycling and relevant for underground energy storage so before
Starting I want to show one of the let’s say important slides here you can see all those uh researcher are supervisors in the top row uh a an from the experimental side and hardi and yandere Jansen from uh numerical and Mathematics iCal side and then you can see this uh
Fellow phds and Master’s students in the button row that they are all involved in this research and uh I wanted to thank all of them so uh then I’ll start uh my talk with a brief introduction just to bring you to the game that uh we all
Know these days we talking about it uh this climate change concern all we have and then we are proposing Solution by moving toward renewable energy different types of renewable energy but it’s not easy we all know scientists in different fields challenging to overcome uh this obstacle there are
There are many uh many concern like uh season because you cannot find uh in let’s say in Winter nice uh solar energy a lot of solar energy or the location some locations are not really let’s say proper to produce wind or solar or uh let’s say water power energy and then
Another point is storing it you know what is happening is uh you’re producing a lot of uh energy during the summer uh and then your demand is winter is high and then this gr doesn’t really match then how to really overcome this and then then to wrap it up a successful
Transition toward cleaner renewable energy needs this effective large scale storage like we can store energy there when we have uh extra energy and then we can use it when demand is high this is one of the big challenge so G scientist proposed sorry I have to interrupt you
It seems that the that you are showing is not really changing on the screen and we still seeing your introduction you don’t see no you don’t see uh you share your slides then it will solve the the issue let me let me let me do this let me do this sorry till which
Slide you okay let me I start from over uh this I have this I stop screen and just Milan just an advice put your your slide in in full presentation mode before going to sharing your yeah I did uh I did that uh so I share the screen uh you have it
Now yes now we have it and then and it is changing now it’s changing yes perfect okay okay till when you followed me then I can we just saw the initial slide just this one yes ah okay okay then I was yeah I was introducing all the people involved in this research
Then I already said that then I skipped it and I talked about this uh let’s say energy trans I and what is the concern there that what what can be the solution that we can let’s say move to our cleaner renewable energy then we need storage we need to store energy in a
Time that we have extra energy and then we’re going to use it in a time that we need so the uh geoscientist proposed that uh we can use subsurface we can use depleted gas reservoirs we can use salt Caverns to store energy that we can store compressed air uh we are thinking
About storing hydrogen there using it for the geothermal purposes and then previously we used it successfully for gas storage so this is one of the solution that we can store in large scale but it’s not is not easy when we look at it because what is happening
When we are uh uh using our depleted gas Reservoir as a energy storage we are injecting there when when we are need we are needing that we taking it up so what is happening this process we are applying a cyclic condition on our Reservoir so it’s like a dynamic
Condition with different frequency and different amplitude that we are uh imposing to our Reservoir so and then what is happening if we expose materials to cyclic loading they’re going to behave differently it’s not just load uh is also temperature by injecting your fluid there is also chemistry there can
Play a role but let’s just focus on the mechanics here that by applying the CYCC condition you are uh imposing change on your effective stress that can drive fault reactivation and subsidence and and uplift that which is a big concern nowadays for uh let’s say uh energy
Storage so thinking about this as an experimentalist uh we think how we can help there so uh in a simple way we take uh rock sample analog to the reservoir Rock and we want to do experiment on it in the suc condition and what are those important parameters that can uh play a
Role to see how our Reservoir Rock behave one of them is frequency like you want to inject and deplete your Reservoir in future your hydrogen future storage which is um can be daily can be uh weekly can be monthly that is or the amplitude you are storing with
The same amplitude and depleting with the same amplitude but after two years you see city is bigger we need more energy let’s store more and let’s inject more then then you increase the amplitude that’s going to play a role or or the reservoir that you are working on
That is it high stress regime lowest stress regime how deep it is so these are the important things that this research we try to answer that so for for that what we need of course experimental setup this is our uh loading system that we put this uh nice
Cylindrical uh red feler Sandstone which is uh from root Ling formation inside our pressure cell we are providing confining pressure with our Isco pumps and then we are providing Sigma one principal stress with this uh loading machine here we have and then one technique that here we are using is
Acoustic emission technique which uh simply we are listening all those micro earthquake happening inside our rock that can be in elastic deformation in the form of micro crack grow pore collapse or friction of the grains on each other they’re producing wave we are listening to them by converting to the
Signals and then we analyze to see oh how that even uh looks like so this is our experimental setup and then after setting up uh in our setup what we need H we need experimental protocol so this is our experimental protocol and how it looks we have our actual stress in this side
Or a principal uh Sigma one stress uh how you can say it and then uh we increase the actual stress and we bring our sample to failure while we have our Sigma Tre or confining pressure 10 so we want to see different stages of failure
First we have a of uh initial stage of loading a bit of uh pore closure micro crack closure and then we get in our elastic or linear Zone and then after that slowly we are getting out of the linearity and then this is our Britt
Yield point I I say this stuff just to to to uh grab your mind to uh how one rock can like our Sandstone can behave under loading and then we use this to design design our protocol we want to see we want to apply cyclicity in this stress level it’s a 38
Megapascal or we want to go do cyclicity in high stress regime 85 megapascal which is slightly above our Britt yield point and then this is how our stress uh cyclic stress waveform looks like you may say maybe in reality when you are uh injecting or depleting your field can be
Like a sine wave can be Square wave can be in a different shape but here we just use the Triangular waveform shape cycles and then apart from two stress regime here we are using also three frequency uh high frequency medium and really low frequency and then we are
Using two amplitude of the Cycles to see how that be effects or impacts uh in elastic formation or let’s say in a general way to say how it compact our Reservoir Rock so I directly jump to the let’s say cherry on top of the cake result this gives a total picture of the
Result here in the left hand side we can see uh total actual inelastic formation again I say how much we could compact our Reservoir rock is here with different amplitude and different frequency of course in the first look as we expected the larger amplitude the more uh damage you are inducing inside
Your sample and the higher the stress regime again the more in elastic de formation but what is uh really important and then we observe that if you lower your frequency of the Cycles you are inducing more inelastic deformation in your system and it is really pronounced in the even elastic
Regime so let’s let’s look at uh by detail to what happens for elastic deformation per cycle we applied eight cycle this is from above Britt y point and this is the blue brital point what we can see the main elastic deformation happening during the first cycle if you
Are going to start your uh energy storage the first cycle is responsible for the uh in elastic formation that happen in your system but another thing uh that uh is uh important here to mention is how they behave by increasing the number of cycle you see if you’re are in elastic
Zone low stress regime it’s slightly flattening and there is no increase in elastic formation but when we are in higher stress regime still by increasing number of cycle we are inducing some inelastic deformation and then I put uh all the experments here to have a whole picture
Of what is happening by increasing the cycle focusing on the top uh figures we can see when we are above Britt yield point and we have low amplitude by increasing number of cycle again they are merging uh toward each other and flattening but when we have uh let’s say
We are in a high stress regime and we have high amplitude and especially this green one lower frequency there is some sort of a Time dependent process going on like creep can be visco elastic that by increasing number of cycle still we are inducing in elastic formation but if you go to the
Blue Britt yeld Point let’s say safe Zone uh or lowest stress regime uh reservoirs then uh after 8 10 cycle we can see that uh inelastic formation doesn’t add into system so I also mentioned that we use acoustic emission technique here that uh as you can see we have here our plot
Uh the left hand side of the plot we have amplitude of those events we are receiving we listen to those events and we see oh what is the magnitude or amplitude of that event that I’m uh receiving and we can see by increasing the number of Cycles the number of uh
Events that happens is dropping and another thing is all those big ones these dots with higher amplitude happening in the first cycle which is kind of correlating with this one I showed you the first main elastic deformation happening in the first cycle so then they are nicely correlating so
This is uh what is we observing in the lab but of course many people may say you know this is just a homogeneous nice intact Rock du your testing of course then we need to come up with constitutive models that can captures all this observation that we have uh
During the experiment ment then we can think about uh upscaling it so this is the constitutive model that we propos that can capture all those deformations that we observed experimentally in the lab when we are in the blue brittle yel point you can see in this plots uh we
Have uh black one is the modeling and then the dotted red one is experimental that they are nicely matching with each other and fitting with each other even with the different frequencies I because of lack of time I don’t go in the detail that uh different uh models that we use to
Come up with the constitutive model here you can see like cam clay model hardening softening and then uh also above BR yield point we can see uh we can nicely uh fit uh the experimental data with our constitutive model so apart from the intact rock that we
Tested there we have also faulted Rock faulted medium inside our Reservoir so which is uh which is changing the game is totally different so now we’re going to see if you have a faulted medium then how pattern of injecting can uh can help to change uh change the let’s say
Behavior of your rock so here I I I don’t want to go into detail of this uh protocol but in general what we do here uh we bring uh this faulted medium to critically State condition what that means this faulted medium is ready to sleep if you inject a b increase the poe
Pressure there it’s going to slide and bang earthquake happens so here we want want to see how three different uh injection patterns monotonically you have a reservoir you want to say the operator you know inject there monotonically or you can say you know inject waight and again inject then we
Call it a stepwise or we can say you know inject uh cyclically because we want to try to come up with a solution that we don’t want to induce big earthquake there we want to see how we can inject the under into our subsurface hydrogen uh for the geothermal or
Compressed air that we are avoiding big airquake or we can replace Big Air squeak with couple of small a sake so here with all the injection patterns we’re going to reach uh 19 megapascal po pressure and then the confining pressure or Sigma Tre is 21 megapascal it may look a bit messy or
Complicated crafts but I just uh draw your attention to the black one which is poor pressure that we are increasing in our system in a monotonic way Poe pressure that increase the stepwise and then Poe pressure that we increase in a cyclic way and then the red one showing
A sleep velocity what it says like how fastly your fault moving and which it’s really important if it moves faster then you have a bigger earthquake and if it moves slower and then you have a smaller squ so here we can see in the monoton one we have acceleration and sleep
Velocity and then it gets uh constant or stable but the other ones we see episodic uh number of uh sleep slow sleep or let’s say nucleation of the earthqu which we don’t want and then another thing that can capture the eye is that maximum sleep velocity that happening in cylic injection is more
Than happening in monotonic one which is okay it’s showing it’s dangerous if you want to use use cylic injection in the pr media faulted PR media so I captured all those uh important uh let’s say parameters like number of earthquake you are producing the energy of all those
Air Squak that you’re producing and then maximum sleep velocity or a B value that shows how much you have larger squeak or how much you have smaller squeak then capturing and wrapping up all this stuff it shows the maximum PE steep velocity and total radiated uh energy resulting from cyclic
One is more than monotonic and a stepwise one and then that tells us if you are going to inject uh this is of course fundamentally in a lab scale result that if you want to go and inject in a faulted PR media uh you should be
Careful if you want to do it in a cyclic way so then I uh wrap it up with the conclusions that we saw inelastic deformation uh occurs even in elastic Zone we call it elastic Zone but it’s just linear Zone there is inelastic formation there and then amplitud uh
Stress regime and the frequency of the Cycles can affect the formation of our Reservoir and then our constitutive model could uh let’s say nicely capture all those de formation we observed in lab and then the last part of presentation was about comparing different injection patterns that monotonic one showed that more potential
To mitigate air Sak going to happen in our Reservoir so yeah by that uh I thank you all and finish my presentation yeah thank you very much Milan uh very interesting job very interesting presentation um I personally got a question and meanwhile maybe the audience can type down their question in the comment
Section um like a basic question how does this acoustic method work like how do you differentiate between different phases of your experiment how do you differentiate between the micro fractures and then like bigger fractures thetic yeah so that’s a that’s a good question because uh you cannot o1 always
Comes and come and say you know it’s uh like a like an earthquake because we call it micro earthquake uh of course we do record from the let’s say the stage that we really want and then we discard those stages that uh we didn’t want it
That’s the first step and second step is uh when when you uh have this event and Signal you can analyze it you can uh locate it and see where it is Comon and then uh even if you have more sensor you can you can see if it was collapsing of
The grain if it was the let’s say shearing of the grain of of the plate or is a mixed moves also it has this capability to come up with the moment in tensor inversion and then see what is that event coming from as you ask all right have you ever uh cross
Colorated U cross correlated like after that you perform experiment maybe doing a CT or something to see whether uh you guess right like uh there there has been a fracture or something yeah unfortunately yeah we we we we didn’t we didn’t do that but uh similar work down
In ut University they also har what I have seen they did uh let’s say cyclicity in elastic Zone not bringing sample to failure just in elastic Zone and they took and they saw uh let’s say uh what is the main mechanism is like you have your quartz grain in s Stone
And then between them clay coating them and then this squeezing of the clay is a main main let’s say mechanism and then they saw in city that how um microcrack density Chang after and before uh exposing to cyclic loading oh but we didn’t do City yeah
Yeah okay thank you very much um so ala asked uh in your trial yes uh did you account for actual po pressure or the sigma one is somehow a proxy for cyclic Poe pressure If you inject anlo it is it single phase or two-phase uh geom
Material yeah yeah that’s uh I I assume he asked it for uh first part of the setup yeah it’s it’s a it’s a definitely really nice question because we always let’s say try to mimic cyclicity because in your real Reservoir you inject then you take it out and then by changing in
The pore pressure you change effective stress by assuming by coefficient one here we did uh the same we kind of mimic uh cyclicity by increasing actual stress in our setup our samples are uh I mean just water saturated no other fluid even for my injection why one that faulted
One I showed is just uh water uh just single phase tap water but that’s of course super interesting uh to go for uh yeah let’s say mix of fluids and then see see other effects for sure okay thank you uh another follow-up question by Al do you expect different uh
Behavior for other rock types like for example yeah definitely yeah definitely definitely because even in the Sandstone not just uh even changing the whole rock type even in the Sandstone we we observed if you uh like take one sample with higher procity and higher clay content then you are inducing more
Deformation in your Reservoir and then for carbonate depends on their procity yes it’s it’s going to change yeah okay thank you very much uh if the people in the studio don’t have any more question maybe we can close the sessions uh but before that uh don’t forget to uh mark
It on your calendar uh we’re going to have two other amazing talks uh next week uh sorry next month and uh yeah and I wanted to note uh that uh interpo uh 2024 is also the is open for registration and you can uh submit your app track uh for both posters and also
Online uh presentations uh you can check it out as well um thank you very much everyone and uh have a great day evening and morning all over the world and see you next time under uh porish media te time talk thank you bye ciao