2024 will, incredibly, be Charles Veitch’s fifteenth year on Youtube. His videos, very much “one man with a cam” see him walk the streets if Britain, usually in his home city of Manchester, and document the oddities, misfits, petty authoritarians, as well as the good-hearted and mild mannered yeomanry that make up the Great British Public. A fascinating insight into Britain today, and the everyday insanity on its streets.

    He joined for a very special in-person conversation where he told me his remarkable journey from leftist to conspiracy theorist to Based Internet Star.

    Along the way, we talk about how words like racism are used to shut down conversations, spiteful mutants, fighting and the greedy autistic mathematicians that run everything.

    For my full, UNCENSORED videos, documentaries and interviews, go to https://www.jollyheretic.com/. Now!

    Hello hello hello and welcome to this very special edition of the Char heretic onter uh he’s already making me laugh I I have S speci guest today he’s I’ve been on his show while long time ago now uh he’s been on mine and I finally met

    Him and that is Mr Charlie vich uh Charlie hello how you doing I’m very well Ed it’s always interesting when you’ve only known someone on a screen and you’ve always been 6 in tall for me on my laptop screen and it’s funny you’re a normal sized I’m yeah normal

    Sized human being 5’9 10 something like that and and just above average where you’re just happy to be it’s just it’s yeah I’m not like I’m not stretching it at 6’5 or something I’m looking over he’s got not he’s not got enough leg space I’m I’m sat cross-legged like a

    School boy in the Assembly Hall he’s he’s mounted into the window T window seat and Gathering up his feet he sat cross-legged like a Turk uh in Jane air um but uh yes that’s it so I’m with Charlie Beach and he has made his way all the way down from Manchester if

    You’re familiar with his show from crackie Manchester where all the crackheads are um whom whom he and uh the people with with the what was the guy with the crutches uh and all of these kinds of people down here to salubrious barns uh where there’s not

    Many have you seen any craies no I’m walking through the SW postcodes to get to the studio here and where our hotel is it’s one of those places that if there’s any trouble you know it’s you causing it it’s so safe you know so it’s just endless prams and one thing I have

    Seen here is seeing mismatched mother with little blonde babies and they were like oh and then I said Laura’s like that’s not Mom I said they’re all nannies Laura everyone no one raises their own kids around here it’s nannies is that what we’ve got I I noticed that earlier if I I noticed

    Earlier I noticed a a group of about it must have been about 12 children uh tied with with fluorescent uh sort of uh bibs I suppose you’d say essentially tied together on a rope system uh led by U two Muslims yeah I’m assuming that they were their it wasn’t some sort of piracy

    I mean they they they they were their Nursery School teachers well I was I was initially worried I saw a Malaysian woman with two blonde children Walking In A hurried manner are they getting child smuggled or no they’re just nannies they just it is it is extremely

    Safe almost boringly so uh in in this area there must have been a time from the siid of the houses where working-class people lived around here and yeah cut each other there must have been I think um yeah it’s been gentrified beyond belief and we were on

    Laura and I were on the King’s Road today in a shop and uh the I can only describe the children as looking like little ug uglier versions of princess beatric and Eugene you know that kind of inbred like weird face and we were queuing to pay and then the mother came

    Oh J my Tilly and then and and then they pushed in by accident because they knew someone that was paying and I’m so sorry madam we were next and she goes oh um oh um oh do you want to go in front and I I could see what she was doing as that

    Whole she her ego couldn’t just say oh my God I’m so sorry you’re right of course and I all I said to her she goes do you want to go in front I said well according to the formal rules of queuing yes and she was she didn’t know what to

    React she just thought I was a scumbag and anyway it’s funny like I in Manchester I’m considered very middle class but I come to the South the SW postcodes in London and I just feel like a kind of imposter from Scotland you know amongst all the the really rich

    There you go well when you when you did your pretend Posh accent there you did accident it was accident you did go into what I call Posh Scottish yes of the malolan kind of way ofing out the worlds from morning side kind of that of that ilk um but um

    Yes so so you it is it is it is very very I was in clacton the other day and I think I was well me and my uh producer were the only middle class people we saw I don’t know if you’ve been to Clon no but that that being the only middle that

    Sounds like Salford in Manchester you know you can go for days without seeing a middle class person I is CLA in a a diverse energetic area absolutely not diverse diverse it’s just white people all like white working class absolutely essic there’s a sense there’s a sense in which you kind of feel at

    Home in a way because it’s it’s England it’s really England but then it’s in England where everybody’s fat uh everybody has t most people are fat most people have tattoos a lot of people have one leg and a lot of people are in mobility scooters um it’s so the type of

    People that if they’re maybe able to overcome some sickness or disease or ailment they choose not to and choose to go into disability benefits I did meet a number of people on disability benefit yes U sitting in their in their car whatever you call them their mini

    Ability scooters by the by the by the sea or or whatever and one woman was talking about how she has to use she has to use her own money to pay part of the rent I was like your own money what do you mean by that yeah my Universal

    Credit so the housing benefit doesn’t cover it I wasn’t familiar with this concept so that’s so so she regards Universal Credit as that’s hers yes she hasn’t earned it but but that’s her money and then there’s just extra thing so I didn’t know I didn’t know about

    That and you know speaking just very briefly about Universal Credit benefits you know like you look at a pavement and plants and seeds will grow successfully and any little crack in the pavement concrete plants and human beings are the same like a benefit that was designed to

    Get you between one job or the other humans have figured out a way to successfully breed big families on benefits and watching your video Ed like your predictions what is it in a 100 years or you I don’t know if you give a particular time stamp on it but we’re

    Getting 85 IQ in 100 years 85 IQ in 100 years because normal middle class people cannot afford to have children and just also just don’t want to have them don’t want to have them because a lot of work and it’s tough whereas uh when the government’s subsidizing you for every

    Extra child and you get more money more beer tokens more cigarette tokens you get 700 quid a month so yeah a month is this uh is this Universal Credit it’s more than and then housing benefit and then the extra things you see extra cost of living money a month all this stuff

    So they and then these people people were still saying to me oh we tried we tried to get B I’ve had to give up cigarettes I can afford them I what no everyone’s getting this money you’re spunking it away on something takeaways I think so uh and the amount of

    Takeaways you got in this place I mean most of the shops are takeaways uh and um and the people look like most of the shop they are like the new Elite the they are you know the kind of if you’re fat English or it doesn’t matter what your National you’re in Britain on

    Benefits having 10 children you are the genetic Elite you’re being subsidized to you’re winning yeah yeah yeah you’re winning and I don’t know what the answer is if you cut the benefits then they all Riot they all turn into Hamas I yeah will will they write though I think

    Rioting involves a certain degree of organization and intelligence you have I was just talking to academic you have to get off your ass and yeah exactly exactly I know I noticed that actually I don’t know if if if it’s me being sort of uh uh reading too much into it but I

    Noticed that the job center we stood outside the job center we’re talking to them and um the appointments seem to stop at about 2:00 and it’s almost as if the attitude of the people that run the job center is we will get them out of

    Bed in the morning they are not going to sleep in they we will deal with them in the morning we’ll do admin in the afternoon yeah um which I think is fair enough isn’t it they at least have to get out of bed um but uh yeah so um one

    Of the things they can do when they’re lying in bed of course they can watch the Charlie V YouTube channel uh I’ve not done it like in bed personally but I’ve any I’ve done it in various places and it’s you you you reached a a turning point recently you reached a string of

    Zeros I have um a lovely a lovely beautiful beautiful string of zeros and you’ve been doing a long time I mean very long time now but what is it that you think that has has kept it going and has meant that it’s managed to reach that many string of zeros is well I

    Think a bit like the musician Madonna I I I constantly Reinventing myself you know so I was a a leftwing Anarchist activist in my 20s in my 30s I became a bit more of a cinematographer filmmaker oh look I’ve got young children but then

    Now I’m in my 40s I’m jaded C cynical a bit more nihilistic and now I I want to um I don’t know maybe my my channel is like a Nostalgia for what I remember of Britain in my early childhood in the 80s um being half Brazilian half Scottish

    Living in the Middle East Saudi West Africa whenever we’d fly over to Britain I was even being British the whole Paddington Bear red elri boxes red phone boxes London policemen bobes with Hats everything being safe people saying hello to each other milk being delivered by you know electric vehicles at 5:00

    A.m. there’s like a a kind of a sadness in my work that I go out there and I’ll give you an example recently of this sadness is I was filming and I sh I sometimes if there’s police around I I’ll shout out things even more confidently um than usual so there was a

    Bunch of um Middle Eastern men you know maybe Mediterranean Syrian Lebanese typ men in their 30s late 30s cuddling cuddling touching 12 and 13y old girls um the girls were dressed inappropriately already where was this in Picadilly Gardens in Manchester and so I on video shouted out all you 35y

    Old men you’re here dealing drugs stop hanging out with 12-y old girls and go home and they’re all like ah shocked the police were shocked that I said it as well someone has to say it and then one of the Middle Eastern looking gentlemen he goes to me I know

    Your channel vich if I catch you outside the city yet I’m going to rob you I’m going to rob you so I said to him I’m going to rob you of your dignity and he go I’m going to rob you and then I processed it for about 30 seconds and I

    Said you know what you’re clearly not from here how would you feel if someone went to your native country and said to the people there I will rob you this is an outrage I got taken aside by the police and go oh Charlie I’m I’m I’m not comfortable with you saying like how

    Would you feel in your own country that could be a bit you know not comfortable have you committed a crime or not no and then he the video went viral and it caused a big stink with Manchester police and people and how did how did it

    C stin with the police well it it went Mega they’re normally quite nice to you I’ve seen very nice to me um but I’ve noticed that whenever a cop says something stupid to me um and it goes mega Al and all sorts of different people taking the clip on Twitter for

    Various reasons some people just hate pedophiles other people are very patriotic they don’t like to see England now as this hell hole and uh then that officer I just don’t see again like they’re on the city center team video gets seen by millions of them saying Oh

    I’m not comfortable with you asking the man who’s threatening to rob you who um clearly rapes um 12-year-old girls where he’s from and so maybe he’s gone in for a bit of re-education maybe who knows so you’re you’re having an effect on on the quality and the training of Manchester

    Well I like to think like I wish more people would do what I do but I do also value the lack of competition so people will watch my channel because nobody else can do it um the same way but uh I’ll tell you what though I interviewed a gentleman who worked for Manchester

    Council called Nick Buckley MBE oh I’ve interviewed him oh you know you know Nick great guy great gu yeah lovely I loved him um and so um 20-minute interview at the council very lucky with things going on in the background really good interview and he said the city

    Center is a hell hole Andy Burnham the mayor labor mayor is doing nothing two days after that interview aired and it went a bit viral 25 30,000 views for a man talking is quite good um and within two seconds there’s operation Vulcan I like the name the operation Vulcan um

    Last year they had operation pereus you know chopping Medusa’s head oh yeah yeah yeah they love it so I don’t know what Vulcan is he like steel and forging steel and stuff like that I can’t it’s reference to Star Star Wars two days after the Nick Buckley interview when he

    Says we’re going to clear up Manchester andony Burnham cleared up Manchester and um it was crackhead free for a week a whole week a whole week it was very S I would have maybe even taken my children into Manchester for a week oh was that all yeah I I know maybe maybe I’m

    Getting a bit excited we’re in the interiew how old are your kids I me I think that’s I would never take my children to matter what age they were I if fact if they were 18 19 I would discourage it but but but um yeah that’s

    That’s uh yeah so that’s why you think the the Reinventing yourself but why was there a need I mean it’s interesting what you do in some ways it’s quite a um is it the thrill of danger I mean it’s you’ve put yourself in quite difficult

    Situations yeah I think I was a bit aspy maybe a bit on the Spectrum growing up at school I was popular with other people who were a bit autistic I think we were like I was the king of the shaddows you know of the like not cool

    The har Muse in person yeah yeah yeah so and so I think I wish I I I stay up at night night wishing I had good comebacks or people bullying me at school but then I grew up and I think in a way it’s me

    Trying to get my own back at bullies and people who just want to so you went you went to you went to you were from edin you went to some private school in edin Ed Ed cademy Ed it’s quite well known Ed Academy and then being Scottish of

    Course you have to go to your local University it’s the law so edinb University philosophy same as David Hume yes moral philosophy yep David Hume um true um and then and then you but what was all this being in Saudi Arabia what your father was working my dad was a

    Harbor pilot in the oil industry so he was glorified Valley parking for oil tankers because they arrive at a port the captain doesn’t know the currents and the sandbanks so they have the pilot gets helicoptered or speed booed out to the tanker and then they park it so

    Where there’s Rich Arabs in oil there was the V family so okay and and and your father was uh your mother mother’s Brazilian dad’s Scottish yeah and the only reason my my parents would never have paid for it out of their own pocket the only reason I went to boarding

    School Saudi aramco the oil company paid the school fees and the flights for all the children for all the Western people this is how they got all the white people to work out in Saudi Arabia okay so um and you spent so you spent a bit

    Of time out there okay yes I did yeah my first ever arrest was uh the Saudi religious police I had a 15y old no 16 year I was 16 as well so don’t worry not an underage girlfriend I was young as well but gave her a kiss on the lips in

    A shopping mall in Saudi AR I got seen by a religious policeman they called him matawa big bearded uh wahhabist and luckily we both had the ID that we worked for our parents work for Saud ramco so angry phone calls were made we weren’t whipped but there was a funny

    Scene um when we got taken to this room and they’re shouting at us my girlfriend at the time were going back 25 27 years she starts crying so I go to console her and the matwa grabs and go you do not touch woman and I was like oh [ __ ]

    Yeah I was like of course so F you’re compounding your original offense I was like in front of them you know like trying to console her it’s going to be okay so what was your second arrest um oh God have I ever been arrested for anything dishonest no they’re always

    Fighting or public order or things to do with my YouTube channel you know like kicking off with people and okay um but no dozens no I’d say 18 arrests 18 arrests yes two convictions public order offenses I also stupidly I got um in Burnley filming a

    Year ago I um a crackhead attacked me I tried to shake it he refused to shake my hand so I made some joke he’s oh were you off to next I said your mom’s house just to bad bad mistake he start he attacks me starts throwing punches the

    Police come everyone in Burnley Bears false witness against the evil far-right YouTuber Charlie Vach and I get issued a 90 antisocial ticket an actual violation ticket and because it’s said on it by paying this does not indicate any legal you’ve not admitted anything it’s an outof Court settlement and then I

    Subsequently find out that it’s on my criminal record so that was that was a lie it was a lie it’s on it’s on my criminal record yeah for what for what offense did you get a criminal record in the first place uh it was um oh acting

    No the i i b it’s on record has um paid the fine for acting in a threatening manner no but you’re saying you got a criminal record yes so so I I thought to be to get a criminal record you have to be convicted of something in court I’ve

    Have two convictions unfortunately for public order offenses but then when I went to check my de criminal thing it said the Burnley fine that I paid and I did not expect that to happen I probably this is this is not usual is it for a privately educated uh graduate of the

    University of Edinburgh to have uh criminal criminal convictions for two public order offenses this i’ just like to say categorically on video I I I plad guilty doesn’t necessarily mean that I was was guilty of the offenses sometimes it’s just easier to okay all right and

    So then after so you went to Ed for four years I suppose uh and then after that what did you what did you end up doing I ended up uh like all philosophy graduates at Edinburgh you either become a philosophy PhD lecture or you do everything else and Edinburgh my dad’s

    Like oh Edinburgh is a financial why don’t you become a financial adviser so found a German company marshalik Lon schlager they’re um on the um Frankfurt Dax as a big bank but they they opened up a UK IFA business so they trained me up got my FPC certificates became a

    Financial adviser and then I did that for many many many years um in Edinburgh and also in London moved to London 2005 didn’t start youtubing properly until about 2010 2011 yeah 20 2009 yeah I know it was I was about to say that because I saw I saw on your

    Channel I’m just going to take my tweet off it’s I don’t know maybe there’s something wrong with me I don’t feel that hot or maybe the people maybe the maybe the guests are under maybe you’re just more of a you’ve got more better body control of temperature like regulation my body regulates the

    Temperature correctly yeah okay I hope I’m not affecting all the white balance and all the settings on the camera I think I think it’s absolutely fine to just wear wear a shirt no creat but never mind I know um so I the woman in the shop at Kensington would have liked

    That perhaps um was it Kensington where was it yeah it was Kings Road King Road Chelsea Chelsea Chelsey so right so you were doing this this uh this job uh it was presumably quite well uh paid but you didn’t like it I guess you didn’t find it satisfying um so what was it

    That moved you over into the world of being a uh online a provocator of you’re right the the remuneration wasn’t too bad in the IFA world and uh I got made redundant and got what did I get three Monon salary and so I was like oh wow I could either not get

    Another job in finance or I could take this opportunity at the age of 28 to finally finally try and do what I wanted to do since I was a little boy which is working movies media filming video directing and um and I I did it I think

    The right way YouTube was invented a few years earlier 2005 and I thought I’ll do it myself and so I started megaphone in London very kind of Lefty Anarchist Vibe um I even did a video for Lush saying no one is illegal I was campaing for no

    Borders and looking back I’m like what have I done what have I done but I was in my 20s you know I was young and uh I think the political landscape back then wasn’t as polarized as binary as it is now like remember when we were in our

    20s head like politics would come up but it’s more like if someone’s fun to hang out with rather than are they left wi are they rightwing yeah I had all when I was at University which was I mean I think you what you a year older than me

    When I when I was at University basically everybody was leftwing uh I was rightwing and a member of the conservative party and and that was regardless just a sort Harless eccentricity eccentricity yeah an interest a hobby whereas now it’s like we’re in the the pre- Civil War

    Everyone’s taking sides you know um just to jump into different topics Hamas our favorite um our favorite um balaclava wearing um funny people in the Middle East mhm I say this with horror what they’ve done but they’ve called for an Islamic day of Rage for the third after

    Tomorrow Friday the 13th it’s a great you know Freddy Krueger Jason FR so they’re calling for an Islamic day of rage and I’ve just done a video here they get it though I mean they’ll get it of course they will there’s enough young angry people that any excuse to kick off

    Any excuse so the streets the streets of Le of of Burnley L Lon they’ve already burnt down the car park at the airport in Luton did you see that oh you thinking that that’s a awesome well there’s no evidence but it’s very funny timing with Israel Palestine kicking off

    That the city in England with the most Muslims would have a massive fire at the airport it’s I’m just you know connecting dots there’s no evidence for it though so but no there’s no there’s no actual evidence for it is scientific fact but it’s act no yeah exactly yeah

    Um okay so you um so you you you started doing your megaphoning anyway in London yeah uh and how were you led to uh what what I frankly regard as not the best place to live uh which is Manchester how did you end up there yeah well so I was

    Working with a gentleman called Danny shine is an Orthodox Jewish Wedding Singer and he he looks like a mixture between Dan akroy and um Richard Nixon obviously Richard Nixon when he was in the White House you know pre-water gate um so we did that and that was very entertaining we both held conspiracy

    Theorist views um that was uh very very good um and how do they end up in Manchester um I I met someone and had a child in very quick succession and so the the children make me a mancunian now um I would stay in Manchester for them

    Forever you know of course but uh they’re not going to be children all their lives and I would strongly advise my three children that when they come of age to to leave Manchester for more um or maybe should I say less insane cities but in terms of your channel though the

    Fact that it’s as you put it insane is part of the things part of what makes it what you can just go out in the morning and you know that interesting in a way that we can’t be that sure off around here the interesting content is going to just organically manifest you’re

    Absolutely right pound for pound square inch for square inch there’s no City on not even London I did a video with Laura we came to London and over two days tried to put together a video it didn’t compare at all to an average Tuesday Morning in Manchester walking around um

    What I love about Manchester it’s extremely social class diverse from the scummiest like living in the gutter crackhead um through to some very Posh people and and when I look at my demographics online male female and all ages 13 to 18 through to 75 years plus

    Every bar is identical and so all social classes watch me all ages watch me unfortunately is a sausage party 95% men um I’m not popular with the ladies I’m glad Laura in the other room I’m glad if if they can hear us hi Laura hi yeah

    Right yeah no it is it it’s oh God that’s even more masculine than my channel really you get more I’m about I’m about 70% male really because yours is academic of the ideas where mine has that but it’s very kinetic War fighting street fighting street figh it’s it’s

    Fighting and speaking of the fighting when I moved to Manchester I was a soft conflict avoider ing middle class boy from a good family now I’ll throw the first punch all the time obviously if it’s legal to do so as a self defense defense preemptive strike but um I would

    Run away from people half my size 12 years ago I would run away a little bit anyone confronts me I’m like whoa now a year ago or so you had that that they them that attacks you oh God there’s quite been quite a few big chubby they thems nondescript big chubbers um near

    Manchester University or something wasn’t it oh yes I know which would I was at the Socialist Workers stall they were insulting me I then he goes oh you’re pathetic you’ve got no subscribers I said no not only do I have hundreds of thousands I bet you they get

    More sex than you and he didn’t his little brain it’s a hard dis noise and he goes you’re misogynist I said what for saying my fans get more sex than what misogynist what anyway so then as I was leaning over filming I had my legs

    Apart I’m 6’5 I have to off and stand with my legs apart so I’m not Tower ing over all the munchkin like betas around me so as I was leaning over forward I felt the tip of a shoe clip my testicles from behind at high speed and luckily it

    Was painful afterwards I turned around and a young girl 18 pretending to be a man called Bob or Richard or whatever now before that before she kicked it the they then before I don’t know what before the creature kicked me um I had a conversation saying are you a boy or a

    Girl he go boy very clearly a feminine girl so then this woman felt sorry this it’s hard to know in 2023 this creature saw a 6′ five hairy big man big strong man who could snap them in half she felt it was safe safe to kick me in the

    Testicles to put my ability to Father Children at Risk and so I turned around and had it actually been a a boy I would have smacked them very hard and I probably would have I I don’t want to sound like a crazy person but I find sometimes especially when you’re a very

    Big man a very open hand slap can be more humiliating than a a punch and I’ve I’ve employed it many times and also you’re not likely to break your finger you’re also not likely to cause permanent damage to the person you’re hitting so all around I would say

    Slapping is a much more kosher alternative than punching um so anyway coming back to the day then so I turned around realized it was a young lady that just kicked me badly in the balls so I grabbed her backpack and I ripped it in half and all the contents

    Of her backpack Spilled Out onto the street and I felt that was fair yes but then all the Lefty men came running in you can’t hit a woman and I was like it just said it was a man and then the C it’s like so that was and even if even

    If it was a woman all the sex is equal and isn’t I mean that’s the thing what the fascinating thing about them they they’re totally logically inconsistent when it suits them oh sex is non sex is a fluid thing it doesn’t exist when it doesn’t suit them apparently they’re

    They’re sh they’re chivalrous they’re troubadors um rescuing the poor Maiden in distress I mean how extraordinary they are and I saw um a banner in Manchester it goes is biology the root of women’s oppression and it got me thinking that to even ask a question like that these people are at war

    Against the universe against the very fabric of reality itself and they see people who aren’t spiteful mutants to use your excellent phrase that I use all the time on my channel thank you very much um yes I saw you saying it on Paul Joseph Watson’s Channel he clipped a

    Video saying said are you a spiteful you know what after I get back I’m going to let everyone know where it comes from so um so I saw this sign is biology the root of women’s oppression and isn’t the bolshevism we see around the world now is um the the people with bad

    Genetics realizing that they vastly outnumber people with good genetics and bandying together to create a world where they are the Elite yes of course and it’s it’s the spite of the mutant and isn’t it the exact same reason why Cain killed Abel isn’t it in a way

    Expand on that well you know the gods favored Abel he was a handsome guy all his crops worked when he took the Sheep out the W wolves didn’t eat his wolves and Cain tried it his crops didn’t do very well he wasn’t very intelligent it

    Was a bit uglier and it’s a very short passage in the Old Testament but he caved his head in with a rock just because he was handsome and popular and nice and because the things he did worked out and to expand on your idea of

    Course he then was the mark of C yes and they have their Mark they have blue hair green hair and dark frog hair dark frog hair apos semitism you know the poison yeah exactly what is the apos semitism apos semitism is is that you display very clearly your poisonousness your

    Danger the opposite of camouflage camouflage you don’t want to be seen you want to stick out so that everybody leaves you alone and that’s what they do and it’s the difference between a wasp who is genuinely dangerous I mean he really will attack you or she attack you

    And sting you and a hoverfly that wants you to believe they’re dangerous and stay away they’re not dangerous and that’s what they are they’re hoverflies it’s an infestation of hoverflies it’s funny you mention hoverflies can I just say something very quickly about the animal kingdom um I was showing off in

    Manchester um to all the City Slickers I can’t remember what the context was but there’s a big hoverfly and everyone’s like that’s a wasp Charlie that’s a wasp I said it’s a hoverfly watch this so I grabbed it by the wing and its mimicry was so potent Ed it even turned its

    Abdomen around to pretend to try and sting me and I had to really that’s a [ __ ] hoverfly and it was but it a mutant hoverfly yeah and it even Twisted its abdomen around the way a wasp wood to sting you and I thought that’s incredible anyway just wanted to

    Say that as an I saw you filmed that didn’t you on a different one yes I did that was in shefield yes I I filmed another hoverfly that I caught and uh but yeah I’m I’m quite often catching hoverflies to show to people they’re not wasps it’s the same way I I’ll smack

    About a few lefties to show that they’re not poisonous you they’re not I I was at Bird world in farum yeah and there was this massive nobody would go near it this massive I guess it was a hornet but it was huge like one of those Japanese

    Murder hor maybe it was one of them yeah it might because they’ve now been seen in sari and Hampshire and south of England so I it was huge and nobody was going near it uh and and I just well someone needs to step up and squish it

    Yeah so I did so I just got up walked up to it and stomped on it yeah and then it it was still breathing was it still going after that I had stomp on it again so that’s how that’s how impervious to to violence these things are that’s how

    Hardy they they are reminds me of a story my dad said he was working on ships in Angola and in the kind of beetle season he says or Beatles so big that you went to stamp on them they just shrug their shoulders and throw you off the beetle just hisses at

    You nothing is that is that the best you can do that’s a frightening thought for a large insect that if you’re allergic and it stings you once you’re dead so just to explore the world bolism like there’s no doesn’t seem to be any direct I mean we can argue that the woke people

    In corporations are pushing out the messages but it seems to be almost like a hive mind of the spiteful mutants they’re all they sense weakness and they sense blood and they sense almost you know there’s white guilt to do with diversity and racism I think there’s also middle class and upper class guilt

    That you know Europeans tend to feel very guilty about their success and and stuff and so the Bolsheviks they take advantage of that and they’re like the whole like please what’s it to you like everything’s easy for you you’ve got sex and children and money and houses like

    We want to rewrite the language precisely they they’re they’re extreme individual we we’re evolve to be basically group oriented across time to take away the evolutionary pressures then all these things come together because we things that you evolve for you select for become playo typically related they become they come together

    And one of those is basically being genetically healthy because we’re selecting for that and having a pro-social personality and that means being group oriented take away the evolutionary pressure you’re going to get more people that are sick physically sick and who can B they’re going to be

    Ugly they’re going to be short they’re going to be whatever and they’re going to weak and they’re going to combine that with being very selfish people individualists and they’re going to combine that with poor mental health and then in that context what they going to do how do you you want Power because

    You’re individualist you want Power how do you get power you can’t have a fair fight then you’ll be beaten to death so you have to Virtue signal and you and you and you take advantage as you say of a very good point of of things of these things that which pro-social people have

    In abundance empathy guilt empathy so you can be easily manipulated and that’s why I think things always seem to shift to the left because conservatives they value group orientation and they value individually oriented values they value they care about har avoidance and equality as well if you only care about

    Har avoidance in equality for your own good and you signal that oh I’m so in favor of the good of the group and whatever then the conservative can empath sympathize with you yeah so it’s asymmetrical so you always push things along until until you get to chaos until

    You get to a war as you said with Manchester earlier it gets to such chaos that even someone like Andy Burnham has to say okay well we need to stop this there’s so much apping stuff happening but even then that’s just him as a as a

    As a macki of ellan realizing OD dear this Buckley guy it’s he’s not going to win but he could take away which is unfortunate by the way um but he he could he he could take away enough votes from me that the conservative or the Li

    Liberal wins I better I better steal his idea and and act on it and that’s a tremendous Shame by the way if you’re watching this you’re from Manchester do I mean I don’t know maybe my endorsement the cas of death I shouldn’t do that but

    But um you know he’s a lovely fellow uh undoubtedly and and I’ll tell you the good news I think we’re so far along the cultural War now that we’re in the kind of like actual open Warfare so I think any endorsement is helpful and any labels or criticisms that people can

    Throw at us or you know like oh my God Ed why are you chatting to Charlie v he’s a crazy bloody violent guy from man we’re just the labels don’t mean anything anymore like I get called um pedophile or racist or sexist or transphobe um on a almost daily basis

    And my viewers by the tens of thousands sometimes by the hundreds of thousands see me get called all these things and you just carry on we know we know that the these are these shut up words these blood words these these indefinite words of attack we’ we’ve always had them I

    Got me thinking actually when I was I was in Essex as I said yesterday and um Essex was the heart of the witch craze and that’s another examp and and was why was it the heart of the witch craze because they were so Protestant there they were so religious there terms like

    Papist in the 16th centur what did it really mean it meant buger all it meant you have deviated even slightly from Orthodoxy and that is dangerous for those of us that have power our power is based around us signaling that we are the most Orthodox possible if you undermine the Orthodoxy you’re

    Undermining potentially the source of our power therefore you must be reproved you must be manipulated to move back on to the to not in any way deviate from the path for we will do that with the term papist um and so it’s it’s it’s indefinite it’s it’s it’s like racism

    Anything can be racist at all or not racist depending on the mood of those in power it’s it’s it’s a way of frightening weak people um to kind of get in line um and not question the system because they’re questioning the system a bit and question the system bit

    Questions the power of those that are in charge of the system yeah it’s like a thousand years ago if you get called a heretic The Village thinks you’re a heretic you’re not going to do well the labels are there for a reason to ostracize yeah Heretics another one what

    Point are you a heretic I suppose someone that’s legitimately questioning and speaking of religion do you think this world bolshevism that we’re seeing in the west especially um does it have religious elements is there like a kind of hippie World worship or you know like the whole climate change

    Seems to I hate to use the word seems to intersect with a woke it seems to intersect with diversity they all seem to be and I it seems to be like I I went to some conspiracy talk in Oslo very interesting where we can speak very openly on this podcast can’t we like

    Yeah so because I’m slightly Mediterranean looking with a a very big I’d say a Roman nose the C say a Roman nose a bunch of Norwegians took me aside for 10 minutes and they said you’re a Jew you’re Jewish I said no I’m not Jewish you you’re a [ __ ] Jew what

    Kind of confence is this cribes yeah so I was like no no no but anyway so it was a very conspiracy theory we went there to talk about 911 was an inside job I I don’t believe that anymore I think um this is quite a while ago yeah 10 years

    Ago 10 years are you in your conspiracy face yes yes yes in my early 30s very conspiracy and so I was there and the guy he was American guy gave a talk saying that there’s an ancient Greek idea of the andrine that it’s like a TR

    Kind of Eternal [ __ ] a kind of a a god a Greek god of That’s Got male and female and they’re worshiping this like unfortunately sterile and renous God and and it it stuck with me since then because that was before [ __ ] were being pushed onto children but now I I

    Always think that is there some like secret society religion I think I personally my view is that that societies go through Cycles uh and at certain stages in the cycle I.E the winter or the Autumn um you start to get uh the breakdown of of selection what

    You’ve been select selecting for is the collective worship of a moral God and a religion that is basically promoting adaptive things taking that which is adaptive and making it into the will of God and as you get the rise in whatever you want to call them mutants or

    Whatever um then you’re going to start to get a rise in different form forms of religiosity that will deviate from that form which is adaptive um and some of those are going to basically get maladaptive things and make those into the will of God and you see that in um

    The winter of civilization with Christianity with certain forms of nostic ism such as the aites um and there’s various others that basically worship sterility that say that the highest thing you can do is um not have yeah not certainly is to not have children um you should be the world is

    An evil evil place and therefore by having children you’re perpetuating people into evil evil and that’s and that’s interestingly when I’ve talked to um these kinds of leftists they will say actually what I I’ve said to me that part of the reason they don’t want to have children is the

    World is so terrible the world is so awful and therefore it’s wrong to bring children into this evil way it’s a very Gnostic view so I think it I think it does I think it it it has religion can be talked about a number of things that

    Have come together as a bundle yeah they’re then selected for weaken the selection the bundle breaks up and you’re get therefore all kinds of what you want to call them quasi religious sort of things I don’t know if exactly the same as a religion but yeah that’s

    What that’s what this is and that if you think about the they don’t have the belief in a moral God but they do have all a lot of other traits of religion like absolute certainty moral superiority dogmas uh their iconography is very strong almost like the out

    Catholic the Catholics and all the flags and the the symbols and the fists and it’s very the symbols are inred like every day there’s a new sexuality flag that comes out that’s like some weird pastel shade and I have a friend from U from Belfast and and he was he was

    Walking along the on the Falls Road and then he was on the what’s the prestant road called the uh shankill shankill yeah yeah and on both of those you see the same thing that what has United both the Protestants and the Catholics is the rainbow flag like you see you see this

    Pub it’s known it’s everybody knows on the shankill that’s a uvf pub rainbow flag you go on this W everyone knows that’s an IRA Pub rainbow flag and that’s how they yeah it’s that it’s end homosexuality has essentially ended they’re United over that virtue signaling in Northern Ireland over the

    Rainbow flag you may have just given me the first example of that rainbow flag iconography being used for a good purpose maybe I suppose so yeah in a sense in a in a in a in a sense yeah yeah if we can have more homosexuals bringing together like maybe Israel

    Hamas maybe the gays could go in there and show them the the benefits of male love you know you know Hamas I think you know they’re very strict you can’t have a girlfriend until you’re married so they might be open to Hamas maybe there’s a lot of tension there that’s

    True if the rainbow flag could unite Waring well we know Tel Aviv is like the world’s gay Capital you know the Jews love a bit of um ancient Mediterranean boy love you know they’re oh no they were very against it no but but is it the secular Jewish people very there was

    I know that I know that I’m I remember reading um reading about this that they had the the reason why there’s some is it in the B is it somewhere in Corinthians or something like this it had to be stressed to them that that homosexuality is wrong in both giving

    And receiving oh yeah because the the tradition there was a belief among the heniz Jews um um a bit after the time of Christ there was a belief that well it’s okay to be the top that’s all right it’s just just if if you receive you’re an Abomination that’s like female isn’t it

    But it was it was emphasized this was the heniz Jews yes and they’ve taken on that idea yeah but the original Jewish idea in Leviticus is absolutely no never never you know it’s the worst should be put to death is what it says in the viticus ah so maybe it’s helenic

    Influence helic so as a joke goes how do the Greeks separate the men from the boys I don’t know with a crowbar although ironically now Gree is a fairly conservative players on these kinds of issues you know I was thinking about Greece the other day do you

    Remember I think it was called Leica no was that the astronaut dog anyway I think the riot dog in Athens was called Leica as well there’s like a little Mongrel dog that was with all the leftwing protesters fighting the the WTO G20 type remember do you remember 10

    Years ago Angela Merkel kept lending money to Greece and they never paid it back what happened to that how how is Greece still running did they just refinance it all into like 100y year low interest ter I suppose if you have fat currency you just create more more currency

    Refinance inflation undermine the value of the currency and then that’s I guess you can stretch out a loan into infinity and if you keep the interest rate low you oh yeah that’s why that’s why loans sorcery Lo it is loans that’s once you have F currency is sorcery loans

    Shouldn’t be in money loan should be in something tangible like meat yeah because in a way sorry to explore the fiat currency sorcery then the people who are most able to abstract big business ideas and weird like and like say you’re working on Wall Street if you can come up with the

    Strangest derivative that derives of something that isn’t really real that the more it’s we’ve given the world to incomprehensible yeah so to the greedy autistic mathematicians they’re running everything I like I think so I think so the very idea when I first read about it that that money is not based on anything

    Other than confidence in basically the American government that’s it it’s confidence yeah and and once you lose the confidence the money goes whereas at least before it was based on gold and gold yeah okay it’s pretty and whatever but it’s useful you can make things out of gold things that

    Are that work and that that that don’t break easily and the great one I saw and I verified it I went and looked up what how much is an ounce of gold worth it’s like £22,000 something like that so 100 years ago an ounce of gold would get you

    A fine tailored suit from saval row now an ounce of gold will still buy you a fine tailored suit from saval row so there you go it’s maintained its value and that it blew me away how a 100 years ago an ounce of gold would get me a fine

    Suit and still an ounce of gold will get me a fine suit so gold has maintained its value right so therefore why don’t we just demand to be paid in Gold it’s not a bad idea we need to do this chat we gold maintains its value it’s very

    It’s a very good currency very terrible D decoration but that but that’s exact but that’s exactly what they were doing towards the end of Rome they were removing the gold from the coins yeah they it was it was this inflation that we have at the moment where there’s you

    You just create money you create currency out of nothing um it’s infl inflation is theft basically yeah and and and and so you eventually you’re not really paying anything is inflation I I was explained inflation by my colleagues in the IFA world as saying oh in the in the fiat currency confidence everyone’s

    Obviously it’s always going to charge a little bit more because we’re always pushing boundaries to see but then I thought that doesn’t make sense because surely the free market is controlled by something’s only worth someone else is willing to pay for it and then I thought

    Maybe it’s just U an cuz it is sorcery this is like the kind of the the angel share you know like in the whiskey Cask the inflation is just the alcohol you lose to the gods you know yeah I don’t think it is sorcery I think there’s

    Something clear going on which is and it always happens by the way at this at this stage in Civilization which is the underbinding of the currency yeah uh and then you can’t eventually you can’t pay people no and then then you in trouble

    Yeah so I hope like me as you can see by my very public YouTube channel I’ve been training over the last 10 years to to become a mad maxian warlord in in the apocalypse you know and fighting crackheads and defending myself and stuff so I hope all the viewers and

    Yourself head are preparing to be a a high ranking warlord in the apocalypse because it can all turn very suddenly like look at Southern Israel one day they’re there in the caboots um doing whatever they’re doing and next thing there’s yeah why is that turned so

    Suddenly I suppose is it just that they became complacent there hadn’t been anything for a while and the Spy system broke down and the the the paper like there’s no Communications on electronics the Israelis listen to everything Hamas managed to plan it all without the Israelis knowing so it was a the Jews

    Love their holidays I don’t know what holiday it was last Wednesday but there was only maybe two guards per guard Tower not all of them were manned they’re all on holiday there’s no news and I saw the videos what Hamas did they did the Ukrainian style they dropped

    Bomb drones killed the Border guards then they all ran up to the fence and and whilst they’re doing this 5,000 Rockets into Israel so then obviously I don’t know because I’m wondering why didn’t the Apache helicopters come in and but I think they they’re not allowed

    When the Rockets are flying over like at low altitude there’s so many Rockets maybe the Israel not allow anyway I I think the reason why I’m exploring it so many people think oh the Moss did it on purpose they allowed this to happen the same way the Americans allowed 9/11 to

    Happen so then they can like reshape the Middle East but I don’t think so I think it’s truly no indication hamash was about to do anything why do we need to man all the guard towers there’s no indication we’ never expected they thought there would be people running up

    Towards the fence and then they could radio in they did not expect 5,000 Rockets did not expect bomb drones killing the young they didn’t expect some somebody in some sort of uh weird Skycraft to um to to uh a h hang glider to fly over a concert and start machine

    Gunning people paragliding paragliding yeah I mean that’s just I saw the videos um I’ve got Israeli friends on one of them is really into sa trance which is the type of music psychedelic trance music very big in Israel and I saw the video at 6:30 a.m. they’re all like off

    Their heads oh and one guy’s filming the parag and they they must have thought tourists look at that like extreme Sportsman enjoying a bit paragliding the dots get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger those are strange fireworks why am I bleeding why is my

    Intestine hanging out God sorry sorry no it’s a I mean it’s just so awful they uploading to a grandmother’s Facebook page yeah killing the granny I mean appalling stuff but the terrible thing about it as I was saying to S web earlier he was saying to me I mean it’s

    A war and if if there is a level on which the person that is highly negatively ethnocentric that loathe The Outsider is more more likely to win and what that doing that Dreadful as it is is an expression of how much they hate um beyond anything we could ever feel

    Yeah I think uh ever you could just couldn’t do something like that even in war what’s the word it’s an intractable problem there’s not going to be there’s too much hate and yeah it’s I mean I’ve heard I heard stories from old soldiers that I spoke to in World War II and they

    For example they capture a German or whatever and they’ can I put it nicely you know sort of take out their frustrations on them beat them up a bit basically yeah and it’s a war crime that is a war crime but but a minor one yeah

    Um but they would do things like that these poor young English guys that have been taken away from home and 1941 or whatever and they’ve been away for years and it’s stress and I’m sure the Germans did the same to capture English people yeah but that seems almost gentlemanly

    Now doesn’t it like you know what even remember Saddam in 1991 he shot down a couple of tornado Pilots paraded them on TV remember do you remember you’ve got the image of the beaten all bruised up and that seems like such a almost an old school gentlemanly like if I was a

    Fighter pilot and I got shot down over Syria I would expect to be roughed up a bit by Assad’s men you know but you don’t want your throat slit so no so yeah the hatred as as you said it’s well I I met a guy I was a member of the

    Guilford young archaeologists Club when I was 11 and I met this guy indana Jones hat I I’m afraid there was nothing exciting about her um and I uh there was this guy I was 11 wasn’t I so he was about 11 I guess and he’d been in Q8

    They’d lived in Q8 and he if you remember there one he took these Western hostages and then they filmed Saddam meeting and chatting these Western hostages and him and his parents and sister whatever were them really the little boy that we saw him it was him

    And he and at the same age as us then yeah exactly same age yeah and as I said 91 11 years old he and he met Saddam shook his hand was spoken to by a translator uh and he said Sadam was a very nice friendly guy yeah I’ve seen

    The footage yeah the boy was just confused you can tell he hadn’t been mistreated but um looking back I bet you know I bet we wish we still had Saddam in power he he liked to keep the crazies in control a bit yeah I mean a friend a

    Friend of M at University set up a society called darham Junior bsts really bsts because a joke they had the Student Union had no problem with that yeah uh it was just a joke Society but yeah now if he was there I mean he was a vicious

    And evil dictator but he did kind of hold together the Middle East has kind of got a bit complicated since uh since Saddam um Americans and Tony Blair we we we really believe that once we liberated them they would Embrace democracy and liberal values with open arms I don’t

    Understand why we believed that wishful thinking isn’t it there’s so much money to be made wishful thinking everything I know about genetics and the level of cousin marriage in these countries and and all of this kind of stuff tells me that no no they are not going to Dem democracy involves

    Cooperating with people that aren’t related to you yeah I wanted to ask Ed um is it true that coming back to like consanguinous marriages blah blah blah but in civilized countries countries that have been sorry areas that have been very civilized for thousands of years do executioners play a a a a a

    Genic effect to make people chill out that was my first ever YouTube video it maybe you’re the one that planted the seed maybe it was so bad I filmed on like my on my iPad or something because I couldn’t work out to do on the computer yeah uh I’ve redone it since

    But yeah there is there was a guy called uh Peter Frost I can’t remember if I interview on my channel I think I have um and he I have and he and he it’s he came up with this idea so first of all he said the Roman this the pacification

    Effect if you if you execute people for lots of crimes who are you actually executing the answer is young childless men that’s who commits crimes most of them yeah right so what he and and then he so that was so he argued that one of the things that paved the way for

    Christianity of this religion of Peace uh was this process which the Romans had engaged in it they they they pacified I call it the Taming of the gene Taming of the Gene and they and they they pacified the population now of course then the RO then it breaks down the whole

    Civilization breaks down and you get the the the uh uh the more pro-social people whatever stop breeding and you get de generation into barbarism and whatever yeah and then and then it happens all over again that in in the Christian the Christians were at first against capital

    Punishment and they probably did a lot of damage in that sense because they were against capital punishment they got rid of it and then in about 1000 or something they started to change and there was this belief that the you know the the evil should be removed so the

    Good can live in peace and you start to get get this this system of execution for all felonies um and he calculated this guy that about 2% of the male population every generation were being executed it’s a hell of a trim 2% and who were these 2% these would have been

    People who commits crime Psychopaths basically uh young men stupid people so it would have been having a selection effect yeah um and even people loow in religiosity I published a paper where we me and a colleague calculated that that there was a causal relationship between us becoming more religious across time

    More more heresy more witchcraft um and us just this execution process so it’s probably uh we got we stopped executing people for loads of crimes round about the time injust Revolution um and so it’s probably an extra compounding effect that all these young men the worst young men the worst

    The cracky scum as you call them you know the worst people were being removed every regeneration well now they’re encouraged to have 15 children by 10 different dads and live in free houses free so Society is fuar Bundy you you know the term fuar Bundy I’m afraid I

    Don’t no Fubar stands for [ __ ] up beyond all recognition it’s a paramedic term and Bundy is for but unfortunately not dead yet so so when a par B that on the bed do they or on the I think they say it to each other when they turn up

    At a motorbike accident when the man’s in half but he’s still screaming he’s fubar Bundy speaking of Fubar Bundy and what we were saying earlier Ted Bundy you know the serial killer in America didn’t have any children I don’t think normally but women got his he smuggled

    His sperm out of uh the maximum security prison before he was executed and he’s got two children by a woman who inseminated herself with his Psychopathic so women obviously I’m not going to say but there is a type of woman who likes but this must be an evolutionary

    Thing Warrior like that’s who that’s who that’s who won through the psychopath if you there was a study on the yanam Maro and it found that the men that had the most children very very primitive they’re called The Fierce People the most violent Amazon tribe and it was found that that they

    Were by the way 12% of Eng left hand it’s about 25% of them 30% left left hand colle with Psychopathology with testosterone so that’s why women are more right-handed than men um and they they found that the yeah it was the men that basically killed the most other men

    That had the most women what is it about killing other men that women find just so sexy well it’s because in the society like that in a unstable Society it’s that kind of man that reaches the top yes so it’s an expression of other things if you kill other men you’re also

    High in testosterone you’re good at fighting you’re muscular so it’s an indirect thing perhaps but it’s also expression he’s killing no one going to mess with him um and so in an unstable ecology you need a child you need your kids to be do good at that they inherit

    It so it becomes a a selection thing among women that are know fast isue Str the ones that revolve to unstable easy ecology there’s going to be something attractive about the psycho and and that that’s why you get these women that writing Jeffrey Dara letters in prison

    Yeah and even though he was a homosexual even though they yeah but so they must be they must be attracted by if a man is if he’s got no nothing holds him back he’s more likely to get resources isn’t he if if he in that ecology kill anyone get she’s evolved

    And so therefore people like that these just these crazy BLS basically can can be attractive um like women some women you get they attracted like the wi boy um but and it’s most extreme it is unfortunately murderers um and it’s uh it’s so do you think maybe we’ve we’ve

    Trimmed 2% a year too many that now there’s not enough wild Intrepid big it’s a very good point like and women women are screaming out for those missing jeans that’s a good point and and it’s it’s been argued actually um we’ve gone too far there happened the

    Why is it that the Vikings come from Scandinavia and now the Scandinavians are the most pacifist sort of people they even sit down to we all right do they they do it’s very common in Scandinavia for men to sit down to urinate I didn’t know that yes in

    Finland I should say I mean Finland is not really Scandinavia but in Finland I’m fairly sure they stand up to we yeah I think Sweden Norway Denmark they’re very sit down like you know they don’t want to offend anyone it’s a it’s a hyper masculine toxic masculine trait to

    Um Point your penis down at the thing and stand up and yeah horrible oh that’s a poor it’s it’s a fact simil for rape it’s uh you know you’re raping the toil victorians if you go to some very old L they have bees and things like that

    Printed on the oral if you’d aim at skipple airport in Amsterdam I first saw that in the ’90s so you piss on the be yeah yeah yeah you got to aim somewhere yeah exactly um and and uh also it’s quieter if you aim towards the porel oh

    It’s true I wanted to ask it suddenly came to my mind are the aggressive spiteful mutant Neo Bolsheviks going to die out within a generation yeah um I’m I’m thinking that when we go for our our little uh vlogging walk if nothing happens we can just have a discussion

    About SP but but yeah I I don’t know about a generation but because they they’ll keep being born won’t they but but but um certainly there is evidence that um uh being uh leftwing the major sterilizer among uh for stop is being left wing and being left wing is

    Basically a mark As far as I’m concerned as the I don’t exaggerate it but of mutation and among the more intelligent particularly uh being left wing is a u is correlated with stability so I I do think yeah learn about generation but I do think that you’re going to get a move

    Back to conservatism and among the more intelligent which means a good future which might mean possibly but then on the other hand low IQ is still predicting breeding yeah and low IQ correlates with mutation as well yeah so with low IQ and uh uh poor health and

    What they all like I said in CLA so there won’t be a shortage of craies for the Charles VES of the Next Generation and on that note I would like to thank Charlie for coming on absolute pleasure to meet him at last and uh we’re going

    To have we’re going to go out for a bit now then we’re going to have dinner should be very very nice hopefully no crackers though um and uh and I will see you all soon remember to subscribe to Charlie’s Channel and I will see you all soon and goodbye

    Are you ready for the future of the West


    1. Are you left-handed, JH? I know the camera flips things. But that’s an interesting fact you brought up about that Amazonian tribe. Handedness is something that’s under-discussed.

    2. It's so funny that those durdy Ayrabz have strict laws for men and women in THEIR country but in the UK it's "Do as thou wilt"
      Muhammad = Bahamat aka Satan btw

    3. Oh wait l had to clear out university war archives, funny how he doesn't mention how soldiers killed their own officers to pervent any fighting, but l guess being in a poor community growing up it was widespread that kids fathers taking out those in leadership putting them at risk, l guess he only knew the crass uncivilized decadent elite

    4. The last time I was in Manchester, it was early March 2020 (before the pantodemic). I booked a room at very popular hotel right in the centre. When I got back to the room after work, I assumed the couple next door were having a very heavy love making session. Very noisy, and seemed almost too noisy… quite wild.

      Anyhow, I decided to go out and get some food and as I left my room, a film crew came out of the room in question and filed down the hallway… I guess that's Manchester for you.

    5. Edward, thank you for uploading this on YT for free. YT is censoring my comments so I must rephrase them to be nice, Lrd·Js·Chr bless your guest for calling out and confronting the naturalized British fellow of certain near–eastern or subcontinent origins for romantic attraction (and acting out thereof) to prepubescent humans (f.)

    6. Good show as usual. But that claim that "Scandinavian men sit while they urinate" has got to be one of the stupidest things I've heard in a long time. Do your research before you make a statement, please. In my 58 years, I have never heard of men doing this, and I work in a very male-dominated profession where we talk about everything. I would be laughed at if I were to quote your claim to other men in my social circle.

    7. The Rainbow flag is not about 'Gay' it's about 'Trans' (ie believe what we want you to believe, say what you want you to say) – in fact its anti-gay to want effeminate men to become women, and masculine women to become men.

    8. @17:30 CV tells of leaving school with a philosophy diploma then going to work for a financial house. Yes, in the US also, the philosophy graduate who doesn't go into law used to be able to move into various areas of finance. I knew a couple of junior people at Yale who became traders. They did very well.

    9. I've watched his videos and I like them against my better judgement, but it makes me feel grubby like a hand job from a lady boy. His videos could be called poverty tourism, winding up the mentally ill and damaged for clicks while making basic political points. He loves the Royal family, the establishment, the British flag and the State of Israel, he hates the mentally ill, the damaged and the usual suspects.

    10. The Pride Rainbow flag is a symbol of American hegemony. It shows the country they fly in that they have been colonised by the GAE (Great American Empire).

    11. Charlie completely brushes over his time when he self-styled himself as a prominent "9/11 truther" which culminated in his appearance on the BBC's "Conspiracy Files" and proved himself a transparent shill.

      It is understandable that he might want us to forget, but the internet NEVER forgets.

    12. Europeans feel guilty because they're Christian. Did the Spartans, Romans & National-Socialists feel guilty? It's all to do with the operating system.

    13. I am enjoying these interviews, I look forward to more. Charlie, I have been watching you from when you first started with that other dude. Your most recent video exposing open grooming from foreigners was shocking, I bet there is a lot more of that to expose/see in the UK.

    14. You should have shown your true feelings and disdain to the people down Clacton at the time instead of being two faced and "bitching" about them back in the safety of the studio.. its a race to the bottom and you are leading the charge😂😂😂

    15. Great conversation! Just wanted to point out that Greece generally did not approve of being gay ever. It’s a popular myth that has become useful to propagate.

    16. the first such deviation was christianity going from the adaptive morality of mose's 10 commandments to that the maladaptive morality of jesus's love one's enemies and his duty of meekness, etc.

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