Join Samir as he begins his biggest carp fishing adventure yet!

    A three and a half week endeavour down the twisting, turning Guadiana River, eventually leading to the almighty Alqueva, the largest artificial lake in Western Europe.
    This was not a small task, not a passing thought, this was a carp fishing adventure nine months in the making and it starts here!

    This is a trip based around motivation, striving for more within his life inevitably leads to the same within his carp fishing, combine this with the wild nature and inaccessibility of the river and a two-wheeled adventure was the only way to approach this.
    Of course, a motorbike has its own set of limitations; minimal storage space.
    Samir is forced to refine his kit to the bare essentials, enough to fit on a motorbike, 6ft Scopes packed, tacklebox loaded, let the journey begin.

    🗣️ “One bite can change everything”
    Follow both the physical and emotional journey of a trip of this magnitude, from the deepest despair and uncertainty to elation, a perfect example of just how quick things can change when you’re carp fishing.

    With sweeping landscapes, the beauty of the wild and Spain’s stunning river carp, part one will leave you craving part two, stay tuned… it’s not far behind ⏳

    #nashtackle #nashbait #carpfishing #carp

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    1. You really capture what it's like to fish in Extremadura. Endless up and down tracks, dead ends, locked gates just hoping to turn a corner and find q bit of paradise. can t wait to returm and retire out there.

    2. This video is up there with the best of Nash films, ever !

      Massive respect to you Samir, not just for your pioneering spirit , but also your taste in music. It's so refreshing to watch a carp fishing video without a generic DnB soundtrack, which seems to be the trend in modern carp fishing.

      I never thought I'd see a fishing video with Metallica, REM and The Rolling Stones as part of the soundtrack 👌

    3. Awsome video ..I must say ..not only are so keen on angling but help so many people out about …not been afraid to use a motorbike to do this ….This is fishing at its beast ..thanks for the great video and advice…Dan from stoke on trent

    4. now then bruv, great video samir , that 56 lb epic mirror was fkn amazing bv, well done living the dream mate, im still carpin down buckshole res with harry cawkhill etc, bucks did a 40 lb common not long ago, laters mate

    5. Samir, this is by far the best movie I've ever seen. Hats off ! You've succeeded in combining absolutely everything I love, carpfishing, motorcycles and fantastic music. Cheers mate !

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