#lufc #leeds #leedsunited #efl #49ers #watchalong #reaction #stream

    [Applause] [Applause] evening folks how’s things welcome to the match preview sorry about that Banner popping itself back up there shouldn’t have been there haven’t done this alph enough recently so I’m a little bit Rusty sorry about that H joined as always for the match preview by El UFC stats AKA Andrew Dal Andy how

    Are you doing mate I’m very well thank you how are you I’m very good I’m very good yeah busy busy mad week with work absolutely nuts yes but we’re near it the weekend and we’re nearing another home performance from Le United uh against bottom of the league R United

    Now they do say there’s no easy games in football but without tempting fake too much this should be a straightforward victory for the rights yes leads unbeaten at home rodam can’t win away it’s a shoe in for a rod run win we said that yes yeah should be straightforward

    This one yeah it should my fingers crossed it should be yeah if you’re listening on Spotify these will be available on demand on Spotify afterwards as is the daily news now as well as available on Spotify want to check it out on that format as well if

    You are listening to that I will reference a couple of comments during this but you can check them out on the YouTube stream if you want to do that as well there is one comment I would very much like to just throw up on screen straight away because Marcus I saw you

    And I was not coming my hair in fact I was shaving my head there you go we make it better there you go there go I hope everyone’s having a really good day it’s been a weird Day in the leag United world uh good things and bad things floating around today we’ve news

    Of Le in’s move loan move to Borman looks like it’ll be made permanent for 20 million pounds Leeds did purchase him for 21 million pounds I’m ass I I assume there was a lone fee involved in his move to borou which probably brings it back to breaking even so

    Not bad not I do have a question for that of Interest where does that leave Jaden Hony that well they’re not connected as far as I know ah got you got you yeah and it will still be there till the end of the mean the existing

    Deal will still be in place until the end of the season and then when the window opens the New Deal takes effect from that date perect people did ask me during the week can you sign players outside of a transfer window you can you absolutely can sign them but they don’t

    Become your player until the window opens so yeah and just a real quick shout as when thanks for the Super Chat G really appreciate that made very generous of you and thank you very much we won’t do a huge amount of comments tonight we want this to be a rapid fire

    Stream we’re not going to be here for a long time just a good time so we’re going to try and get into this as quick as we can we will start off it’s a 3M kickoff on Saturday Legion Night At Home in Ellen Road against Rod unit has stats

    As already said rock bottom of the league leads flying form at the moment five leue League wins in a row everything everything going well so far in terms of the form guide leads I said five wins in the last five games in ter position in the league could potentially

    Go into second spot depending on results at the weekend we might see ourselves in Forth temporarily as ipwi do kick off against West Brom at 12:30 all fingers crossed for Carlos corbran to do us a nice little favor down there that would be nice s hamton have Huddersfield you

    Would imagine that’s a win for sampton given the form that they’re on that’s your thoughts on the the form guide anyway coming into this about well we’re in the best form aren’t we since uh July 2020 when uh Lees won promotion and won the championship

    Uh under Marcel B Elsa they won the last six games of the Season took 18 points they only actually Drew one of the last uh seven I think last eight games are due to Luton uh following the the co break and I don’t like using the term

    Easy games because no easy the no games are a gimme uh in football but Le come into the Le the back of two very very good performances Away From Home Bristol City on on Friday which I thought was a really accomplished uh professional job at ashon G which could have been a

    Tricky game go from willing onto and then it be it the game that went into extra time on Wednesday night at Plymouth AR was it Wednesday Wednesday night against Plymouth AR Tu actually say cifi I lose track of days what’s going on uh and I could I had extra time

    But there was a freshness about them on the B the likes of uh georgino routon and and Patrick Bamford and a special word of course for for Joe Gart who I thought a really really good cameo role as well as mat Joseph has and his second

    Start for the club so yeah they’ll be fresh they’ll be raring to go and it’s kind of the start of a big week isn’t it for leads because obviously they’ve got rotheram on on Saturday before the traveling to two big big away games Swansea City midweek to to the Liberty

    Stadium where we’ve got very very happy memories when P herandez scored that goal uh that just took us an inch closer to promotion and then back to home park a week on Saturday so uh it’s a really really big few games and if we come out

    Of that I think with seven points if nine I think we’re in a magnificent position obviously we’re still relying on Salamon to to drop points I’ve not seen there next to after hfield Aima both be away because they’re at home to thefield time uh this weekend so it’s a

    Real opportunity for Leeds to to get some points on the board and ahead of that big big big mouthwatering game on the 23rd of February uh at home to League leaders Leicester city which could tell us a lot so yeah it’s a big period I’d assume Daniel farer will win

    The uh Championship man of the month award for the second time this season uh and I think Dan James got nominated for play of the month as well so yeah it’s all goes well I just want to mention the the under 18s as well J who had a

    Magnificent Victory uh away Chef United on penalty kicks last night in the fa youth cup fifth round uh and they’ve now made the quarterfinals for the first time since 20023 uh ironically the last time Le United made the FA Cup quarterfinals and they’re at home to Liverpool at the

    Start of March uh dat to yeah absolutely and the date to be confirmed so it’s really really positive in around the Ellen Road at the moment and it’s great for for all concern that the youth team are doing well and the first team are doing well so yeah it’s

    All all good stuff really at the moment and hopefully Le can uh can get the three points on Saturday home to rotheram uh and then move on to to Swansea City on Tuesday night yeah the Saints have got their home to hfield this on Saturday they have a Tuesday night away game to

    Bristol City then they are away on Friday night to West Brom and then home again on Saturday they’ve got a couple of games this week they’ve got some games backing up here as well then they’ve got Hall City a new look a very new look Hall city after they really

    Really went for it in the transfer market this year the playoffs you can see they decide to throw everything at it to try and make sure they make it so that’ll be an interesting couple of games they got the distraction of the Liverpool and the FA Cup as well in a

    Couple of weeks time as well so you know they they they still have their wobble they’re still a wobble there I think it’s coming because they what 23 games and beaten in all competitions that that last that that that and if it does last then then fair enough but the

    Run they’re on is is ridiculous at the moment to to be that consistent is unbelievable and it’s just crazy how a team can go that far amazingly the last defeat oh the gameing for the last defeat Le United wasn’t it back in September and annoyingly that was the

    One which kind of got them back going again League table because of the the run that sampton been on all year lead’s run since the turn of the year leicester’s start sorry leicester’s run all season IPS just start to the season there’s an 11o gap between fourth and

    Fifth in the table which is just nuts which tells you exactly what kind of a a league we have this year it’s been an incredibly competitive league Les have lost what two games in the last five that drawn one in their last five won all the rest of them leads un beaten in

    Their last five it’s iwit that have had the proper wobble but only one win in their last five so there’s that as well on the FAU cup stuff I always say this the FAU cup is a very good metric to know what talent of youngster you’ve got

    Coming through we bought a lot of youngsters in the last era of League United this under 18 team is the first kind of Organic Crop of players to come through with the odd exception with Josh McDonald Lou Perry and Rory M who were brought brought in yes to the side as

    Well Roy M as a goalkeeper is definitely want to keep an eye on a t Fant last night and it’s all positive it’s all positive and uh a little start for the last time we beat both norch and Sheffield United uh on the route to the

    FA Cup fa youth cup was back in 92 93 when we uh actually beat Manchester United in the eth Cup Final uh and that is always one to to get in into so yeah it’s all very positive at the moment but it’s gone so well Lou Perry signed for

    The club at the start of the season and Lou Perry today signed his first professional contract at the club so that’s done really well yeah and I really like the look of Josh MacDonald I think he’s not to mention also miss out Marley Wilson up front scored a lovely

    Goal as well very well taken little kind of half bicycle overhead kick from a really good run so just some really good T and then you’re adding to that what’s not in that under 18 Squad at the moment is is is Harry gray who’s been playing

    For the 16s and the 15s but he’s also been in the 18s and scored goals there it’s an exciting group of of of players there if you haven’t watched the game on LV go watch it go check it out because it’s really good game of football as

    Well yeah very much so and yeah it’s all it’s all goes well and I know there’s been changes like with Scott gner moving up and what have you so it’s all very positive and this is what we want from the football club and it’s funny because

    If you switch back a year ago I think someone posted this week on Twitter that Jesse Mar had just been sacked this time last year it was all doom and gloom nobody knew what was going on nobody knew who was taking I know scoobs came

    In for for for what of some games for three or four games that didn’t quite work har Gracia came in that didn’t quite work and then all of a sudden you look at it now and it’s it’s it’s unbelievable it’s it’s chalk and cheese I know we’re in a lower league I get

    That but isn’t it great winning football matches it’s this team of the destination and the journey isn’t it which would you rather have is the destination better than the journey or is the journey better than the destination because and I’ve heard I know Square ball said this this this

    Year wouldn’t be great to win the championship in stay in the championship and win it again next year and then Win It Again the year after and just win it again the year after but I’d probably rather win promotion this year because it it does notoriously get tougher doesn’t

    It the teams will come down okay I know we’ve had the parachute payments I got I get that but yeah let’s get out of this I want to win the league I want to get out the league i w I think what the big thing for me is when we won the

    Championship in 2019 2020 it was under covid wasn’t it and we kind of had that taken away from us a little bit because of the situation uh with lockdowns uh and what have you so for me I just want to get out of this league get under F

    And the other side of is if we don’t go up this year there is a potential you do possibly lose the lights of join routa you do possibly lose Ethan Edo that there is a possibility that the that players do move on Joe rhen another one

    Might not sign for the club so uh for me I think it’s imperative that we do go up this year yeah yeah I think it’s really really important just because I because I think there’s a positive building process behind the scene at leads I mean

    I did a bit of a joke thing today on the news where we looked at the um the the investor the sports players investor group were released yesterday of who was actually investing in the club and I kind of a run through that didn’t include um my head the Australian guy that’s

    Involved in the club I didn’t including the main director guys that are in the club I just included the sports and then added the York family and it puts leads in a very strong position from a Networth perspective and I know also the net worth doesn’t mean liquid money in

    The club it does give you a benchmark of how much money is potentially there to push the club forward and it looks really really healthy yeah and and and that’s what what we need and compare this to as I say to 12 months ago it’s it’s it’s chalk and cheese and it’s it’s

    A different Club isn’t it and I think there’s there’s real possibilities that this club could go far and and the job that that Daniel farer is doing is is quite incredible ing him at the start of January after back toback defeats every team goes through a little blip and

    Least had their blip in uh in December with the with the away defeats at Preston and and West Brom and Christmas is a notoriously tough period you get injured you get suspensions uh and what have you but this team’s on a rooll and I am very positive about the future I

    Even said on uh on Joe’s Channel when we had the the transfer window that this team will all go up and I maintain that this team will still get promot it I’m very confident stats I’m so confident I felt very positive at the weekend I booked my flights and I booked

    My hotel for the final game of the season I’m make sure there this time I’m very confident that we will get up and I will be there to meet you great definitely we’ll do that we’ll definitely do that right let’s move on a little bit let’s get in and talk about

    The team news coming into the game and it’s an injury ravaged Ram United that will face Le United the rattle through a few Cohen bramel he has been an everr in their defense all season he’s played the bul of game former Arsenal Defender he is out and out for a significant amount

    Of time H Cameron humph is is touching go he has been out injured he could come back for them but Shane Ferguson Tyler blackett Grant Hall Daniel Ayala and Andre green are all out for them in this game deadline day signing Charlie wil could play in the game but not confirmed

    As of yet from a lead perspective Willie nto will have update from Daniel faret around the willly nto foot injury he bruised his foot when he came off he did say he should be okay for this weekend’s so fingers crossed on that Jamie Shackleton was going to travel with the

    Squad for the midweek game against Plymouth but he was Ill better he stayed at home than sitting on a Ben in that weather if you’re not well so he could be back at the weekend as well Daniel James could return this weekend as well Pascal tro you’re looking at the end of

    February and Carl darlo also the end of February for those two returns and then the Stuart Dallas injury still not confirmed any return date for Deli fingers crossed we’ll see him at some point it’s looking less and less likely but hopefully for him and for everybody

    We do get to see him back from a a a team perspective stats how are you feeling about what we’re going to go into this on a squad situation versus what R got going into this game I think it’s interesting isn’t it we’ve got as I

    Say we’ve got Swansea uh on chees night and Plymouth on on Saturday and it’s a very short turnaround especially with the uh the early kickoff at home park next Saturday being I personally think Conor Roberts could come in for his debut uh obviously depending how s Byron

    Felt after the the game at Plymouth very heavy pitch horrendous conditions in the uh in the pouring rain so I think there’s a possibility there uh does he then revert back to Ethan Ido and and Glen kimara and IL Gro has just been absolutely magnificent hasn’t he uh the

    Last last last month or so and it’s it’s very difficult to know where to kind of where to go with it all so I think he probably revert a bit to tip to the the game against Bristol City last Friday night uh yeah also a lot depends on willing

    Onto what he was injuries like if it was just precautionary coming off against Plymouth but there’s not too much you change j s Archie gra has been absolutely magnificent uh right back this season but isn’t it nice to have options to have he look in the Midfield

    As well was a nice to see him back in the middle of the park as well doing it he look great it’s nice to have all these options that possibly have not had for for a we while so yeah I’m I’m I’m very positive I think I think you might see a

    Debut for Conor Roberts he he trained down at home park on uh on uh Tu Tuesday evening so yeah I think there there’s options there I thought Liam Cooper looked very steady at the back uh against Plymouth and just want to mention C little stat that I put out on

    On Tuesday night he’s actually three games away from equaling Trevor Cherry’s record uh of uh uh Captain cap Captain the lead in 223 games he’s Captain the team in 220 games which is absolutely magnificent uh for for leion to do that under a 10-year period he’s wonderful

    And I know he’s lost one of his close mates in in bill aing that’s gone to Middlesboro so he he’s a massive stay at leag United is uh is is Liam Cooper and what he’s done at is absolutely fantastic to be part of all the manages

    Is being part is unbelievable and I will be preparing should con Roberts play what number player that will be that that Liam Cooper has played with but that’s to come over the weekend I’m waiting for that one that’s when I’m going to prepare on uh on for for Le

    United so yeah options very and the good thing look at the bench on on Tuesday right just like Bamford Rutter Summerville brilliant options Off the Bench fantastic gamechanging options gamechanging options and they were two of them scored it was great though to see I mean you mentioned Joe gard and he

    Was a two fantastic volleys away from being a scor scoring twice very unlucky yeah playing on the wing as well I thought he was and I thought was really involved and very good but I really did I’ve been dying to see a good look at Mato Joseph and I’ve been keep saying it

    I want to see him when he’s surrounded by the first team players not the the backup kids yeah I want to see him give the opportunity to be to see what he can actually do his hold of play was excellent his pressing was excellent his movement was good he was unlucky not to

    Score great Save By The Keeper hit the crossbar so I mean there’s a really good talent there as well and I think Daniel far would have seen a lot from certain players that they’ve stepped up at the during the week as well and he can now

    Trust them a little bit more in case he needs which might lead to some ear changes in games and might give us a chance to you know rest some of the legs one of the concerns I had the weekend sorry the Plymouth game was in the second half watching Junior fle go down

    With cramp was a bit of a concern given the amount of games they’re gonna have as well yeah he’s been really good for leads especially from an attacking perspective going forward he’s been very much involved in goals so that’s another one but hopefully with these younger players starting to make a marks the

    Adding of Conor Roberts in there as well we can start to see some little tweaks you know the odd rest here and there for Paris just giving them you know them a chance and we’ve got some games coming up we should get opportunity do that as

    Well so yeah and this a really big period now these these three games to come for League United I think will tell us a lot there’s a lot of traveling involved uh first down to South Wales on uh on Tuesday night and then also to home park on on Saturday lunchtime but

    It’s a massive opportunity this I feel for leads to really set down a marker and then I say ahead of that massive massive game against Leicester city uh two weeks tomorrow yeah yeah we’re getting into talking about the actual game now as well but I only think away your your

    You’re thunder on the stats around the match stats so what have you got when it comes to Legion United versus Rod com well least at least I’ve got a very very good record R United in my lifetime R only won once Ellen r that was back in

    2015 2016 and ironically that day Steve Evans was managing leads and Neil red was managing Rotherham but rotheram came out on top thir thr One n Victory and what I remember from that day is gatana barard and Leon best both got red cards and barard uh I remember I think

    Actually clashed with best and he came off worse and he got a blooded nose and then it was him that got sent off and ironically there was also a red card in the uh in the game at the New York stadium that season I think it was Matt

    Darish again classic Gana barard they also met the fa cook that year which Mustafa carel scored in and Mustafa car AR was the last League United player to debut uh against R United and that was the FA Cup TI that leads won by two goals to nil Solan dear scored the other

    Goal and prior to that Lee irn remember him I think he was hyped up I think by Peter laa God Rest his soul he made his debut in the one-nil defeat against R United back in November 2015 uh if you look ahead to 20 I don’t think we didn’t we

    Play them in 1617 we won third3 nil Cal Bartley scored from a corner chriswood got two uh 1718 we didn’t play them to been relegated uh 1819 was the last time R visited Ellen Ro and he’s won that game by two goal so Luke alen got his

    First ever goal for Le United uh and kear R also scored in that game back in August 2018 seems an awful awful long time ago now other starts to to keep an eye on leag United have won 1697 League games so they’re three away from getting to 1700 potentially could do that this

    Week uh and in total they have won 1996 games so hopefully hopefully by the end of uh the Leicester city game they’ve hit the magic 200000 Mark which would have also meant would have won nine League games in a row we have of course won uh seven in a rows our record amount

    Of League games we won in a row we have won 10 games uh in all competitions we did that in 99 2000 six and League games off the top of my head and I think we had some uh eifa cup ties against pan Belgrade locomotive Moscow and a League

    Cup tie against BLB rers in there so it’s it’s an opportunity to try and break some records uh and one more for me Daniel farker uh had broken a record uh on Tuesday night against CL far the fastest Le United manag to win 21 games in charge that’s in the top two tiers

    Jimmy anfield did win 20 out of 34 but he do his next game samon Grayson has got the record overall but that was uh has a league one team so plenty to get involved in and one last one should Conor Roberts be involved on uh sun say Sunday I’m losing trer days Saturday

    Lunchtime he’ll be player 875 to take to the field for League United Football Club so plenty to keep an eye on I’ll be a to spe with all the stats on my Twitter feed on Saturday afternoon join the game but it’s a game I’m very very much looking forward to we

    Have him we have Brin L Adam Pope staring over your shoulder yeah paty bamford’s got an interesting one as well he’s scored an assisted scored or assisted in four of his last five games and he has scored in all three of his last three games against Rod United as well so keep an

    Eye on Paddy as well the fact that he didn’t start the weekend I would be shocked if he doesn’t start at the weekend as well I also pointed out by a couple of people have started a few questions and we’ll come back to if I haven’t put your comments on the screen

    Green I starred them and I got to come back to them um there was the one around yeah Conor Roberts can also play left back as well as right back so you may see a similar situation to Jed Spence you may see him play his first game

    Start his first game at left back so there are options there it’s great to see that we’ve talked about maybe lead’s not bring enough players in during the transfer window but I think we’ve seen we’ve got enough players who can move around and fill in very very well in

    Positions that we should be fine especially in a game like this a couple of comments just to get to real quick and a couple of super chats just to throw it up um Dominic Martin thank you very much for the Super Chat we need to discuss the Enigma that is Joe pero it

    Would be just typical for us to drop points against one side like rodam swans pouth I don’t think we’ve seen the best of Joe pero yet but I think there’s an awful lot more to come from Joe pero if we’ve learned nothing else this season don’t write off a player too early

    Correct we have learned that let’s relax and give the player time you know it’s a new team it’s a new system he’s been asked to playing a different way as Daniel frer said he is not the focal point of the club anymore I would like

    Like to see him as a number nine we haven’t seen the best of them but he still is lo clocking up goals when they’re needed as well and right now probably the best penalty kick taker we have and we need somebody who can take a penalty because God knows we have nobody

    Else that can take a set piece so it’s very very good very use just on that we don’t want the playoffs if we are in the playoff to get to penalty shoot out please go there I think my heart I think my heart would take it yeah let’s give

    Him let’s give him a chance another one coming in from Daniel AAR evening guys youth team is a must for a club and for the future you don’t have a future without a youth team and a good U team and investment in your player as well people have been saying that we’ve kind

    Of maybe wasted some um we’ve wasted a couple of years with the players that we’ve had in the under 21s and we’re not bringing enough players through the reality is most teams might bring one or two players through into their first team every couple of years you very

    Rarely get four or five players coming through in one year from One Cop when you do it’s usually a UK Cup final year go back to David Larry’s era the team that came through with him the young players that he had coming through from the UK Cup Final you know so it’s not

    All always a given that just because you’ve got good young players they’re all going to make the Breakthrough and the other thing as well is people writing off Charlie Creswell as well young players Peak at different ages they don’t all Peak at the same time a

    Player that I mean look at Luke aing he was sent down to non- League Football from Arsenal worked his way back up jimie verie at Lester was a a prime example as well discarded not gonna make it Premier League winner FA Cup winner played in Europe so you know give it

    Time give it time absolutely another one coming in as well from M will Bor at sell cine for a profit the AC Milan were interested yeah there’s an interesting one there so this came on the back of the Diego ente story that was going around that basically there’s a parent

    Deal not confirmed there’s an apparent deal of four and a half million between leads and romea for ente but they plan on selling ente in the summer immediately for close to1 million pounds the PSG which is a little bit of messing around I think lead should be a bit more

    Careful with Roma going forward I wouldn’t be it’s a bad look for Roma person I think they that might damage them with dealing with other clubs in the future so we’ll see what happens AC Milan did show a bit of interest in Sydney apparently during the week as

    Well but only if they sold rafhael a to PSG that might not happen and it wouldn’t be done till the end of the season the buying option on s’s contract would run out at the end of the season as well so Borman has made the move now to prevent anybody else from getting

    Involved in that transfer so that’s that’s why it’s been brought forward and then finally from Michael Pollard what’s the difference between being dropped rotated and rested I thought the rested rotations and a few not dropped dropped is simple dropped us if you’re not in form out the squad or if You’ been

    Playing a couple games and on the bench and you’re not playing that’s dropped that’s rotation is taking play for a game or two and putting them back in again just giv rest which I think we’ll see a bit of over the next eight or nine days yeah we will I’m sure we will

    Couple things I want to talk to you real quickly about as well yes do you think Conor Robert starts stats yes I do I I think I think he does because I think he’ll with the schedule we’ve got over the next eight days I think he’ll freshen it up and I think he

    Just needs to like you said there that comment with rotation I think it’s a good opportunity against a side that are in Dreadful form they’re heading back to League one rather unit I’m not been trying to be disrespectful to the Millers uh they’re going to be heading straight back down there they’re

    What 12 13 points off safety uh at the moment so yeah I think Conor Roberts will start on uh on Saturday afternoon yeah I think he will as well I loveed seeing him do travel with the team and warm up on a way to make an impression right there attitude perfect

    Yeah loved it loved it Junior purple I want to talk about his performances recently especially his attacking performances we’ll talk about his defensive stuff next year we’re in the Premier League let’s just focus on the good stuff right now what he’s doing really really well what have your

    Thoughts been on Junior fpo so far because I thought again a really good game another player there is a confidence player and again I think he he’s got some unfair criticism because of what happened last season he was an easy target for for the So-Cal boo boys

    Now for me you never boo a player yes you can be critical of them but you don’t build a player and Junior F’s come he’s had an injury he’s come back and he’s looked brilliant his attacking play he been absolutely fantastic and he’s working on his defensive play and it all

    Come for him that I think he did an interview with with po I can’t remember after which game it was whether it was the the Norwich game or the or the the home game before against Preston uh but he he said it had got to him it had affected his confidence and and

    Footballers thrive on confidence and I think at the moment junior is thriving on the confidence and log make continue look it might be all different in a year’s time I’m not even thinking about the Premier League we’re still a championship Club at this moment in time hopefully that’ll come for for a

    Conversation in May due time there’s a lot of football to be played before we start thinking about that and I think Junior furo for me has really really improved he’s got his head down he’s got a smile on his face and he’s a confidence player and I think that’s all

    That matters really it really is confidence is a huge part of football um he does he did struggle defensively last year but last year was such a mess for I was critical of him like my hand up and admit I was very critical of his performances and I will go back to the

    Stuff we’ talked about off camera about Patrick bford there is critical and there is insulting yes you can be critical without being personal and make sure we do that like we’re talking about performances of players as football and football only and that’s where it should stay and that’s where it should live

    Yeah it’s been an interesting period of time we’ve seen some players Redemption arcs have been done we’ve had Mel early on the season Willie nto had his moment last week with the crowd which I loved seeing that Georgina rers had a really good moment with the fans as well and

    Now we’ve seen Junior FBO come into it as well so it’s been really really good to see we’re in a very positive space right now we are winning games and we’re winning the tricky games as well against the teams we’ve struggled to break them down before in the the first half of the

    Season now we’re seeing that we’ve actually learned and we’re developing and getting better and we’ve showing that we can actually break down these teams when we have to do which is I think is massive positive yeah me to that’s what I’m really looking forward to the last can’t we’ve got 16 years the

    Seon has just flown by 16 games to go we probably need 12 wins to to get back up which will take because uh what so it’s 12:30 90 odd bloody yeah 90 odd points uh it might not be enough you never know one depending what Sal to now the end of

    The season but I’m positive I think we’ll go up I’ve said it even at half time against norwi City Le one promotion I about please responsibly uh but yeah I’m I’m really positive at the moment and it all goes well for this last part of the Season we finish up on the question

    That’s on screen because it’s a very good question and that’s does stroke come straight back in when or do you anid at Center back you’re missing the one jigsaw piece in that line of text that’s missing Ilia gruev as well yeah because how do you drop that man this

    The big one for me against he had like 90% pass accuracy and the volume of passes he gets through makes that stat look even better but the weather conditions against pmit the other night and he had a 97% 94% um pass accuracy and Joe RH on a 93% pass in accuracy

    From a center back in that in that in those conditions that’s the first thing you got to take into consideration yeah you change your winning team no yeah Robert pull it this way I’m not Daniel Parker he’ll make the decision for them I’m sure he’ll say it’s a nice

    Headache to have he’s got really strong options brilliant for us this season as well folks we’re going to wrap it up we’re going to leave it there stats before we go anything you want to leave us with any score predictions as well yes uh leag United five Ram

    Nil I’m going big our Fant is big time I really do I think someone’s gonna get it on uh this before the end of the season we’re in great form they’re in awful form early goal settlers down I think we’ll have a bit of a field day on Saturday

    Afternoon yeah I’m gonna go fournil let see that where we go from there I’ve seen some sixes thrown around as well we saying all year at some point the chances that we’re wasting front of goal are all going to go in got to happen at some point law of averages it will

    Happen folks stats first thing thanks very much for joining me always a pleasure me everyone thanks for watching really really appreciate it go check out today’s news video I could do with the views go check that out there’s some interesting stuff in it and I’ll will be back tomorrow morning for more leads

    News we got some interesting stories to kick off tomorrow morning already enjoy the rest of your evening and I will talk to you very very soon have a great evening mind yourself bye


    1. Thanks 🙏 GER good show. Just a quick one GER in there history Leeds have been promoted 8 time's 1924 ,28,32,56,64,90,2010,2020. Six times in a leap year's 24,28,32,56,64,2020. In 1964 Liverpool league 🏆 champion's Leeds second division 🏆 champion's in 1990 Liverpool league 🏆 champion's Leeds second division 🏆 champion's in 2020 Liverpool Premier league 🏆 champion's Leeds second division champion's. This season it's a leap year 2023/24 are Liverpool going to be League champions 🏆 Leeds United going for it in the second division could this be our season again fingers 🤞 crossed would be nice 100 year's on Leeds get promoted again when they first 🥇 got promoted 100 year's ago 🙏 In 1990 and 2010 EVEN years but they were not leap year's. In a nutshell GER Leeds only get promoted in leap year's and EVEN numbered years just a daft bit of information I know thanks 🙏 GER TOP 🎩 Man and Mr Stats Man 🙌😍 marching on together we all love Leeds keep fighting 🦚🇮🇨🤍💛💙

    2. I know this is a super reductionist way of looking at this game. But Leeds, under no circumstances, should be losing to a side with Lee Peltier in it, especially an aging Lee Peltier, who was awful even when he had his legs

    3. Stats! Always great to see Stats. Stats was on a podcast with Redders on Radio Yorkshire when I really connected with the club, helped me through many a drab work day.

    4. Great info from LUFC Stats he knows his stuff 👍 Top v bottom – Jan MOTM Farke will get that (Managers Curse). Andrew said the millers are going DOWN 😂. This game has got banana skin written all over it. 2-2 DRAW – hope I'm wrong ALAW

    5. Leeds are in a good moment. So are Southampton. It will be tight. But I wouldn't be surprised if the three teams that went down last season all go up.

    6. Hi Ger I'm not reading the comments people send whilst in the video as fast as you …having to mess about with remote rewind ect..keep up the good work tho loving the content 👍 👍

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