Esztergom to Komarom
    Distance: 52.38 kilometers
    Ride Time: 2:56
    Average Speed: 17.83km/h
    Elevation changes: 152 meters

    0:00 Introduction from outside Adalbert hotel
    2:14 Time-lapse ride
    9:00 Stopping at a tiny café with a tiny kitten
    10:14 More time-lapse riding
    14:22 First impressions of Komarom, Hungary
    15:20 Time-lapse ride to Penzion Leher in Komarno, Slovakia
    16:09 Inside Penzion Leher
    17:31 Walking time-lapse of Kormano city center
    18:05 Dinner at Klapka restaurant
    18:48 Slow walk back to Penzion Leher
    24:39 Drinks at Viking Pub
    28:25 Conclusion from my hotel room

    Hello welcome to day three of my euro velo ride european ride unknown where i’m going today just on eurovello 6 still heading west i believe day two was a bust as you saw i ran into quite a few problems the laptop two thousand dollar laptop i got three months ago

    Melted part of it melted so the screen’s coming off and it was nice laptop msi prestige 15 but it was in the sun for that six seven hour ride so that didn’t work and yesterday it was starting to kick the bucket i had to reinstall all windows

    Because a lot of things weren’t working i was up until three in the morning luckily it is working now uploading a video as we speak i went to the bike shop this morning looking for the front pannier paneers but they didn’t have any it’s not a big bike shop but so i have

    My ones on the back which are not waterproof and judging by the weather today i might get in trouble because it looks like rain is on the cards other than that i have this i tried to get one of those sun visor things windshield reflective things for a car but this was

    All the shop had i’m hoping it will reflect because it feels kind of the same the luminee material put that over my backpack and hopefully that’ll protect my laptop and electronics shouldn’t do any harm at worst it’ll be the exact same i would think but today’s not looking bad so it might

    Be all right it is 11 30. let’s begin So Do It’s 32 kilometers one hour 46 minutes in a little village i was looking for a nice cafe but couldn’t find one so i stopped here the gentleman inside working doesn’t have any milk so espresso only limited drink options sodas coke water so i got a water and

    The only pastry he has are these little [Applause] apricot jam cookies but luckily for him i like them then all of it cost two and a half dollars so this is a terrible ride so far though as you saw just on the side of busy roads lots of trucks not good

    See how far you go oh here comes a little kitten come here oh you’re so little yep yeah Do Do In coma rome and severely disappointed at the moment if that street i rode up and down is the main the city center it’s pitiful um this park says it has free wiffy or wi-fi so i will use the laptop and look see if i can find a restaurant i’m gonna

    Eat and maybe a place to stay it’s only been i think three hour ride and uh 50 kilometers kilometers-ish but i’m in no rush today i don’t think i’m i can’t make it to well i could but i don’t want to make it to your that’s another 50 kilometers it’d be night

    Before i get there it’s uh 12. so yeah dinner here and maybe a room or maybe i’ll go a little bit further and stay in a village we shall see In my hotel room after a shower feel much better um it’s a very shady looking hotel it’s 45 euro breakfast included breakfast is in the restaurant downstairs next door is a casino so that should tell you how nice it is but it’s clean it should work just fine

    I am ready to go get dinner though my laptop the internet is laughably slow and unpacking my bike each day is going to get quite old quickly so this is the slovakia side actually if you saw we crossed the river so in slovakia now paid in euro that’s why it was 45 euro

    Instead of hungarian foreign and yeah it was an okay day the trail was not nice but it is over and tomorrow probably set myself to go to your 50-ish kilometers i think again i’ll have to look and yeah so i will attach you to my backpack and let’s walk to go get dinner Hello may i set out time for just one yes okay this is very nice it’s very nice yeah okay Clap restaurant was delicious the chicken with lots of cheese and jalapenos was tasty the cabbage was tasty the bacon wrapped asparagus was tasty moscow meal was good coffee was good beer was good everything was good and it was 23 euro so oh not much more than hungary not bad this town is dead

    Or else they really come out late it is 6 20 18 20 hours and this is the city center on a monday evening just pitiful thank you hmm i wonder where the people go to bratislava or maybe they really don’t come out till night who knows

    I might sit down at the irish pub have a beer see if they come out later mostly the only people out there old men and the mothers with a child a museum here unknown what kind yokai i guess whoever he was oh a few few people at the irish pub

    I think tomorrow i’ll make it to your so maybe i’ll reserve a hotel tonight don’t know why it worked out just fine today getting it at the last minute kind of miss the old days where you could just walk into hotels and ask for a room

    Now it feels weird i mean who does that everyone books ahead i should probably get water somewhere after a three hour bike ride need other liquid besides moscow mule and a beer oh quite a few four people around at the irish pub actually take it back it’s not an irish pub viking pub

    Whatever that means Probably just a name all the young people go to bratislava glenn it’s not as expensive as i thought hotel costs the same as the one in food costs about the same phone as a garden okay considering the hotel rooms just up here i’ll go there first edit one more video

    See how this super slow upload is going and then come back to the viking pub these dead towns and villages are so depressing there’s nothing wrong with it it’d be nice if there were people walking around fine looking buildings mostly and is what it is

    Back to my shady area next to the casino hopefully i can get some sleep tonight here we go here come the drunks hanging out in front of my place oh no staying in my place well shoot there goes my sleep look like be lucky if my bicycle is still here in the morning

    And yes i judge people based on their appearance because it works sometimes not all the time more often than not though i was correct about my neighbors the guys going into the hotel they are my neighbors in the room right next to me and they’re noisy playing video games now something like

    It and it’s seven seven o’clock so it’s going to be a rough night bummer but i mounted viking pub and this is my kind of place i like it some nice outdoor seating they have their own garden but like i said this town is dead at the moment so the inside is down

    There those iron gates with the beer bellied viking with a mustache in front and the internet is pretty good free the beer is too hoppy for me celt never heard of it before but 1 euro 50 i’m not going to complain much i can always complain a little bit uh

    Tomorrow um like i said go to york i haven’t gone to hotel yet but i shall shortly show you what happened on my laptop if you can see that it is warped here on the bottom don’t know if that shows up but the bad part

    If you can see here the glue came off so there’s that and to close it yeah it just cracks open so i have to hold the whole bottom luckily the screen is good but i’ll take it to a shop or buy super glue i’ll probably let someone else do it

    Take it to one of the shops hungarian labor is still pretty cheap maybe in the morning if there’s a shop here have them try to de-warp it and glue it if there’s such a thing maybe just glue it the warping i’m probably stuck with but anyway that’ll be my evening just

    Sitting here using their faster internet three times faster according to than the hotel and that’s it probably have to stay up late since the neighbors will bother me so again thank you for watching i’ll see you later maybe again tonight maybe tomorrow day three is almost finished this is

    Cool i was just downstairs and i like it it’s a good seller pub and i don’t know why it’s called viking pub it is irish there’s an irish stout tap down here so it’s very cool Watch your head Look at that I mean it’s dark there’s the toilet on the left but you can tell this town is dead even they only have one tap the other three are empty as it showed me it’s such a shame And that is a wrap for my third day cycling actually only second day cycling one day was uneventful with no cycling anyway i had a bunch of local beers and le fe le fay brown i love lefe both the regular the blonde and the brown outstanding

    It was three and a half euro per bottle it’s expensive but it’s fine and i got my drunk kebab which there was only one place open this town is dead sadly and that’s it go to sleep hopefully the neighbors are quiet so that’s good i was mistaken and then tomorrow

    Riding to euro or beyond i haven’t gotten a hotel so i can go wherever i want we’ll see what happens thank you for watching that’s day three good night goodbye

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