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    How to Make Eastern Europe Great Again. This is very sensational

    Clip used from @LivingIronicallyinEurope :
    Georgian music mentioned:

    Thanks for watching!

    Hey boys uh the Georgian government just used tear gas against me yo this protest is getting boring as bro the whole region where I was cooked up had mostly a bad reputation up until a few years ago because every Westerner thought that it was just a call and for

    The most part they were correct it was a call but they did not consider the past of why it was a call and now it’s like oh wow turns out they are people too turns out they can also have a good country if the circumstances are right and the circumstances being right

    Meaning not having any [ __ ] so [ __ ] tired as we are all aware when the union of hilarious countries collapsed every country was dirt poor people were selling their kids for a Christmas tree because every single place after the collapse was raped by oligarchs and the country’s transition to capitalism oh

    Yeah let me just grab all these resources let me just grab it all yo be honest with me tell me the truth my gamer you ever been [ __ ] this good no kid you have never been [ __ ] this good no K are you serious gamer like this is

    Exactly what it felt like for example I really like this one Georgian song from the 9s which was an insane period for Georgia right because the USSR had just collapsed we had three Wars with Russia back to back [ __ ] Batumi turned into feudalism because their government had essentially ruled it stole like 40

    Million and fled to Russia and now if he comes back he’s going to be sentenced to 15 years in jail [ __ ] was crazy right so this song is about how corrupt officials just took all the money for themselves and left everyone else to be dirt poor

    But in spite of that how we should still take care of each other and to hold out hope until the trees have leaves now that I think about it that just means until Winter but the thing is even though these places past has made it unbearable to live in the ’90s as I like to say very often real ones make it out the hood and Eastern euroports are so real we don’t pretend to care about how your day was at the cash register and coincidentally

    Lately after these places have been getting rid of corruption as time goes on and better and better people have been getting ower the quality of life increased and the countries got richer who would have thought right I thought people east of Vienna were just dumb people with pretty girls that could be

    Exploited with my British passport but nope turns out they can run a country too okay now I’m going to go a bit history nerd here give me your lunch money [ __ ] you think I have a lunch or money let’s take Poland for example Poland was literally nothing after the

    Germans were done with it Warsaw literally looked like this and now it looks like this when I was flying into Poland I saw warsa Skyline and I was like damn this the closest I’ll get to New York for a bit because all the Ang countries keep not giving me my Visa

    It’s almost like we are people too that have been ravaged by dictatorships for the past Century ask a Romania know what their favorite day is they’ll tell you Christmas because they get gifts and they get to celebrate chesco and his [ __ ] wife getting [ __ ] shot by a

    Firing squad you know how Europe was absolutely devastated after World War II like this is what Berlin looked like the Allies did not leave a stone in Berlin that did not get [ __ ] we gave them the Warsaw treatment and one of the major reasons why the United States is such a

    Big superpower and the number one country in the world with the most influence and the most money is because the United States literally built Europe back up from World War II and Japan without American Investment Germany recovering to the major power that it is today would be literally impossible or

    Any other European country for that matter and that is literally what the European Union is doing with Eastern Europe giving money two places that suffered from communism to rebuild their countries and their societies to become prosperous countries that look good and are not [ __ ] anymore the EU has given

    Vast amounts of money to Poland to rebuild their country after what the Germans and the Soviets did as you can see the biggest beneficiaries in the EU are mostly post-soviet countries because trust me after 1991 we all need it also because by rebuilding a country it will

    Pay off greatly in the long run having a weak and poor country in the EU is very dangerous because of how susceptible a place can become to Russian propaganda and extremism small countries with small populations are usually going to be influenced by other superpowers and are going to align with those superpowers

    For example I don’t think anyone expects Estonia Malta or Cyprus to have a huge foreign influence like the United States Germany France or China I’m leaving the UK out because you denied me a visa after I paid 250 [ __ ] dollars for it [ __ ] you I hate visas and foreign

    Superpowers are always battling for influence over smaller and less powerful countries and I know NATO and Europe have done bad things but Eastern Europe has experienced both influence from Europe sln and the Soviet Union and just ask them which one they prefer also a little side note yeah the mustach man

    Failed at the war but Germany still kind of rules Europe first of all the only reason he failed was because he did not have enough Georgians in his army only 30,000 the USSR was led by one and had like all of Georgia’s population too it was simple math that he did have enough

    Georgians to win World War II that’s why he lost anyway Germany still managed to rule Europe one way or another but now it’s just the European Union and done in good ways such as giving money to other countries instead of turning them to Rubble if you look at the EU most of

    Their money comes from Germany something around 25% of the eu’s GDP is just Germany then comes France Italy and Spain so when the discussion was going on about if Georgia was going to get EU candidacy status and then I saw this article I was like yeah 1,000% we’re in yeah bro Germany wants

    Us in you think we’re not going to join because Hungary will will veto it or something even Orban loves us how can you not love these mountains like come on okay everybody loves you so how to make Eastern Europe great is very simple leave us alone there’s a

    Reason why Lithuania a country that is not rich by any means necessary just gave €2 200 million e to Ukraine it’s not a coincidence that the biggest supporters of Ukraine when you compare it with their GDP are countries who have already been ruled by the USSR and they

    Not particularly like it like lvia which essentially had their culture genocided since Stalin would import as many bell Russians and Russians as he could to lvia and force them to speak in Russian even if there was seven latvians and one Russian in the workforce that one single

    Person could demand at the work meeting take place in Russian and if the workers did not agree because it’s not their language the workers would be accused of nationalism and then have their JS confiscated this desire for democracy and the Need For Freedom is the reason why Eastern Europe has flourished

    Throughout the years growing as individual powers and as a collective everyone from there remembers the USSR and nobody wants to go back oh yeah I’m sure ukrainians are super hyped for the USSR the place where they literally got starved to death which is the reason why these countries will do literally

    Everything they can to join NATO and be under American protection because Russia has invaded literally every single neighbor in Europe they have which is not in NATO of course Poland wanted to join NATO the most because of the molto ribbon trop Packa where World War II started by them getting invaded by both

    Germany and the Soviets and they split it down the middle and that splits consequences can still be seen today in Poland by the number of toilets or the type of people there are and what they vote on with the USSR part of Poland even today voting to be more

    Conservative in the western part of Poland liking gay sex same exact thing in Germany so they literally tried everything to join NATO however Clinton was not having it he did not want Poland to join NATO so the poll started scrambling they were like we’re getting into Nato one way or another so they

    Just started throwing [ __ ] at the wall first they invited the president of Russia at the time yelen to a meeting to get him drunk since he was known for being drunk literally 24/7 and get him to sign a pact saying Poland joining NATO is okay and will not piss us off

    They not work then they went you know what no NATO okay we’ll build nuclear weapons Clinton did not care he was like I bro whatever you say however elections were coming up and the Republicans wanted Poland and NATO and coincidentally the United States had a huge polish diaspora in the swing States

    So if Clinton kept insisting that Poland was not going to join NATO all of Illinois and the whole polish diaspora would have voted Republican so the threat of will build nukes did not work but they folded as soon as they they threaten to vote for the opposition this

    Is why protection is so important it raises people’s Faith because you know that if you build something it’s not going to be temporary so you’re more likely to put everything into it you’re not working and thinking yeah the Russian army is going to invade any day

    Now this [ __ ] will get destroyed and by far the most important thing is that foreign investors now have faith in the stability of your country and they Don’t Mind Investing a lot of money in it because for example if you invested in the part of Ukraine that is currently

    Occupied you’re probably pissed off because your whole business business got [ __ ] either blew up or it’s under new laws now now you got to talk with the oligarchs and [ __ ] and if your business was big and probably give them a cut it’s just a pain in the ass because

    Here’s the thing every country is Rich literally every single country produces value of some sorts there is not a society where [ __ ] are just sitting down doing jack [ __ ] all day beating their meat and sleeping every single country provides value to the world but the problem comes in who and

    Where that money goes to you see these rich corrupt [ __ ] keep taking away money from the common man just to make themselves Richer there is no reason why a country cannot have free healthare and free education the problem comes in when the ruling class takes this money away therefore taking away

    The common man’s right to get education and get free healthcare no matter their level of income most eastern European countries are very rich however they appear poor because the money is concentrated in the G wagons for politicians instead of buses so my mom was a crack addict and

    My dad lost the house betting against the Georgian in the UFC which is something you never do if you want to win the parlay so I’m [ __ ] broke now and I’m starting from nothing therefore I live in a shitty part of the city only if I had some access to the good parts

    Of the city where the jobs are so I can get a job and start making money oh no I forgot my politicians took all the bus money and invested them in [ __ ] [ __ ] and G wagons thank you for the wise investment which really benefited

    Me I really love that I want to pay more tax actually I want Orban to get more G wagons I really like getting [ __ ] in my ass you know I really like paying all this money just to see the democratically elected politicians by houses in Croatia please take more money

    From me in most countries with corrupt politicians that are fake and gay the interest rates are also High to make the people even poorer and just hold as much money as possible so if someone wants to start a business it’s worse because your interest rate is like 16% instead of a

    Normal count is 2 to 5% like hm I wonder why Hungary the most corrupt country in the European Union needs a 133% interest rate while Germany’s interest rate is at 2% you can’t even cope by saying oh they have a different currency the forign is an actual currency I swear Poland also

    Has a different currency but the interest rate is less than half explain liberal Mercedes-Benz is releasing an electric G-Wagon which can do 360 spins which I think is cool cool however I feel sorry for all Eastern Europeans because this means the politicians also think this is cool so sorry you’re not

    Getting any new buses these [ __ ] are going to cut Education costs just to get their cousin’s wife one of those that dude that Hungarian dude from the intro in eyes white shot is getting one of these personally donated by Orban and then that Monsters Inc looking ass [ __ ] will say

    The money for it came from personal revenues and then threaten to block Ukraine Aid however what love the most is that a lot of people are becoming more aware about all this corruption and the corrupt people are also getting sanctioned from the International Community too which I think is good the

    Best part is of course the people becoming aware of it because if you go to orban’s Instagram all the comments are just absolutely cooking him and when your government is doing some [ __ ] that is clearly bad you got to get some balls and protest against them for

    Example one way to stop corruption is what I call the tii model here in tii Georgia we had a lot of protests because the government was passing a very dystopian Russian style foreign agent law which could be used to discredit non-government organizations and the ruling government’s opponents in Russia

    There are a variety of laws regulating who can and can’t run in political elections one of the main ones used as a tool to eliminate a candidate of the ballot is the foreign agent law according to the legislature a person deemed as a foreign agent cannot run for

    Office in the country one can be deemed a foreign agent for a variety of reasons including owning a foreign bank account account which can easily disqualify them from running in the summer of 2021 out of 174 independent candidates the Russian government barred 163 of them from running because of these types of

    Reasons this is 94% of the candidates straight up band from even participating these non-government organizations are literally the only ones exposing corruption to so went to the streets because people were pissed the Russians had a war with us and now in Ukraine and you’re passing a Kremlin Style law no

    Thank you I’d like to have my [ __ ] not in Chastity please so yeah we went to the streets and started piping however the police here decided to throw tear gas and shoot water cannons at us to show us how good the Kremlin style law actually was tear gas you think I’m a [ __ ]

    [ __ ] Zeus is this how you face me card I am throughing the bidding of the Gods come down here and face me now as do people responded with throwing Molotov into the parliament flipping and burning police cars and as a cool bonus I got this great picture of me and my

    Friend soy jacking at the riot police we also threw down the barricades at the Parliament and then what do you know they withdraw the bill after a few days of the average Georgian teenagers day being going out getting tear gas for dinner and repeating low key bro about a

    Year has passed since I missed the tear gas I love the game The Hustle Man so now that we’re all aware that every country has the money to pay for good things for their society instead of the new Mercedes eqs I think there are some musthave requirements that need to be

    Made to ensure a country is good to live in and to put it on a path to development and not the path of being exploited by politicians free education is a must have in any country if your country is not corrupt and your people are educated there is a 100% chance that

    The people will lead good lives and essentially make it out the hood when the foreign investors come in they can’t just be like okay let’s get some Workforce Now and all they can get are [ __ ] morons who don’t know how to do [ __ ] and the free education is great for

    People that were born into poverty and most eastern Europeans were born in poverty most people in this region don’t own shares of gas Brom so by providing free education they can literally make it out the hood because imagine you were born into poverty right your butt [ __ ]

    Broke who do you think has the higher chance of becoming a good member of society the dude who needs to somehow get thousands of dollars for their education out of their [ __ ] because they were all already born in poverty and don’t have any money or the dude who

    Can get his education for free and then proceed to get a job where then because he’s not broke he can get his haircut and then oh he’s hanging out with his friends and Sana is looking at him nicely then they end up piping they end up getting married and then this other

    Dude went like [ __ ] it I’m going to rob a bank what are they going to do worst case they gave me free food Healthcare and shelter I’ll [ __ ] take it so yeah choose which one would be better for society as a whole the main point is

    Lowering the ENT to making it out the hood and incentivizing people to become successful because a lot of people might just be like [ __ ] it I can’t even get an education cuz I’m broke I’m going to start slinging dope bars oh your grandma is sick oh your granny’s dying well too

    Bad you’re poor you’re poor you don’t have money so rest in peace granny that’s all I have to say so what if your grandparents went through World War II right if they’re War veterans and they literally made you too bad I mean you know because like USSR collapsed and all

    Their money basically got deleted now they don’t have money for healthcare too bad you know now they have to die I’m sorry I don’t make the rules I genuinely do believe that every country has the money to give its citizens free healthare as again of course if the

    Corruption is not absolutely insane and I don’t even need to explain why free healthare is good do you want to get sick and then go broke do you want to be sick and broke at the same time no you’d much rather just be sick and free healthcare in the United States and

    Europe are vastly different because American Healthcare is overpriced it does not need to cost that much for example Accutane in Canada costs around $145 for a month and in Georgia the same exact pills that do the same exact thing cost $22 Canadian dollar the same goes in the rest of Europe where Healthcare

    Is actually pretty cheap and because the medications are pretty cheap it’s very easily doable which is why Europe does already have mostly free healthare for example in France 70% of initial patient care is covered and anywhere between 35 and 100% of prescription medication is covered Albania Romania and baltics have

    Free healthcare too which is a great thing but there are also places in Europe where that’s not really the case like Bulgaria where patients have high outof pocket costs or like in Georgia where Healthcare is only free if you have a medical emergency and get rushed

    Into the hospital but if you decide to visit a doctor just on your own you have to pay out of pocket for the visit and whatever they prescribe you is most likely not subsidized so yeah of of course a healthier population means a better population and you won’t have to

    Deal with [ __ ] like oh I have to pay for this treatment now I’m broke maybe hungary’s Healthcare would be good too if Orban spent more money on the healthcare instead of some [ __ ] because Hungary has one of the highest taxes in Europe and one of if not the worst healthare systems in Europe

    Coincidence because we’re focused on getting people out of the hood right and making them into functioning members of society public transport is very important for this and with my upbringing and with everything I went through I can person personally vouch that public transport is one of the best

    Ways to do all this the reasoning being if you’ve been to Eastern Europe or just Europe in general you know that the public transportation is very good even in corrupt countries like Hungary they’re still not lacking on their public transport but by far the best one I’ve ever experienced has to be Poland

    Because you can literally get trains from Warsaw to kco for like literally nothing and these are the two major cities especially when you realize how much money it costs for trains in other countries right I actually met a viewer on the train I was in the train I walked

    Up to some dude me and this blonde dude were standing next to the bathroom and I asked him hey man can you vape in here because it’s like a long train I I wanted to do it okay turns out he recognized me from my YouTube and also

    He told me that somebody ripped out the smoke detector in the bathroom of the train and I could smoke there amazing Ur but the main benefit of public transport is still that for people that don’t have money there is literally no other way to travel and like actually I don’t know

    Even going to your workplace if you don’t own a car it’s not even about like oh public transport will bring traffic down which it will but the main thing is that it would actually enable people to go and get better jobs and the jobs are usually not located in the hoods and it

    Makes everything easier for tourists as well because yeah if you want to tour around Paris for example are you really going to pay the taxi prices in Paris like bro trust me I’ve done that okay I took like three sponsorships after to make up for the money and if you don’t

    Like public transport it’s because your government is [ __ ] you when public transport is done well it is so good it’s liter the best form of Transport available a lot of the reason why people don’t like public transport is because it’s too crowded well the reason it’s too crowded is because your government

    Is buying G wagons instead of buying buses because if there were more buses first of all more people would be employed right to drive these buses and second if there were more buses it would be less crowded because yeah if a bus comes every 5 minutes to your

    Destination I can guarantee it’s not going to be crowded so yeah man like when I was growing up T is a huge City it’s literally bigger than most European cities right so to get from one end to the other it takes a long time even with

    A car in 2000’s Georgia bro not a lot of people had money or electricity or basically anything right but what we did have was good working public transport system so even today right T is a city of a million and plus people and the daily use of the Metro inisi is over

    Half a million just imagine that if you didn’t have the Metro bro this city would look like Cairo imagine taking 500,000 people and putting them in cars so yeah a good public transport system gave me the ability and me and my friends the ability to meet up even

    Though we were all kids and did not have the taxi money and stuff it gave me the ability to date e girls who were living in the other parts of the city it gave me the ability to get a job which was located like 30 to 40 minutes away from

    My home and it’s generally just a great way to bring people together and connect the society more cycling is also a great way of Transport that I’m really glad is getting more popular because look at Amsterdam right you don’t really see any overweight people because cycling is the most popular form of transportation

    Cycling and walking both burn calories which in turn means healthier people which in turn means better [ __ ] people which in turn means a better country too lazy to push pedals no worries there are ebikes and this also makes just driving cars more fun too because everyone is cycling right you

    Have more free car space and less traffic so yeah even as a driver you would much rather people cycle in their own bike Lanes away from the road if you have all of these and there are still [ __ ] bums in your country who cares there would be a ton more bums in the

    Country if these benefits were not in place like And subscribe follow me on Instagram and Goodbye


    1. sorry for the flickering, will be fixed next video I promise because I don't want to reupload this one because I don't feel like losing viewers. Thank you

    2. Maaan, I just fall in love with your videos. They are great and based, like and subscription guaranteed. Привіт з України and success in the fight for a better life in Georgia

    3. Funny thing is, throught my life I developed a habit of spitting my saliva every time I mention R*ssia. Now it's kinda problematic at work unfortunately

    4. Love your work Gattsu!

      You're commentary about Georgia is so similar to Pakistan's corruption.

      I'd like to point out that good public transit and ample housing is also a legacy of communist planning.

    5. Awsome video. Super tiny detail but the split in poland is because of parts that were former territory of the german empire, not because of the split with the USSR. Dumb and pedantic correction over.

    6. i get you are anti russian but at least with the propaganda laws you colde be more truthful and at least say they were based on the US model. Because thats the saame model russia took and used for themselves.

    7. The only two countries of Eastern Europe that have ever really been "great" are Russia and Poland the rest kinda had its moments but that's about it.

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