Every night we discuss the news and politics surrounding the war of russian aggression in #ukraine from a Ukrainian perspective.

    I’m Yulia, an independent reporter from Lviv, bringing you the coverage part time from NYC and Ukraine.
    You can find me on @UNITED24media ‘s Ukraine Briefly, hosting my podcast Ukraine War Brief, disrupting russia’s special disinformation operation with @svidomi_media on our podcast FAQ U: Ukraine Explained, or in the wider webs creating informational videos about my country aimed at providing historical, cultural and geopolitical context to the current events.

    Find more of my work here:

    Help support my work by becoming a channel member here on YouTube or my Patreon for only $5 here:

    Donate to the current fundraiser for the 3RD SAB here:


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    00:00 Intro Briefing

    As per usual I forgot that I have my camera set up and I forgot to press on the camera thing so we’re doing the webcam again because I’m clearly you know in the in the very best mindset of them all um also because of how ridiculous things have

    Been in the recent couple of days um you know I’m wearing a shirt that’s just as ridiculous so you can you know love it or hate it it’s actually a uniform in my favorite restaurant in leiv and um and um so there is that it’s funny and I

    Love the shirt uh and uh you know I’m I’m waiting for someone hi Dale I’m waiting for someone to notice the shirt um hi lios lios um hello I think you might be new uh welcome but it does seem like someone doesn’t know you so not that new right

    Um hi everyone on Tik Tok hi Tony um Bonar Bonar uh hi Travis hi Martin um Martin love the shirt thank you uh Martin uh did Martin did another very very um lovely and uh funny in a way donation because it was um because it was

    Um uh so uh Martin did a donation which we will talk about in a minute because it’s uh it’s again a donation after hours and it is again it evened out the um the uh the Don it evened out the Su and uh where am I okay so uh hope

    You’re well hi Life by Design oh my gosh hi hi Naomi uh I’m good I’m okay I’m better I mean it’s been a super stressful week and it finally looks like it might be getting okay uh my mom did agree to drive me to KV on Wednesday in

    Her car and uh she will drive me in the dogs and I won’t have to come back and take the train and that would not have happened uh had um had my apartment not been in utter mess in terms of a construction zone so um so yeah for those of you who

    Missed the stream yesterday I came back from K incredibly incredibly incredibly incredibly tired I walked into my hi Mr Spock and welcome Rick’s Community I do love Rick’s Community you guys are awesome uh and so is Rick but so yeah so um basically what ended up happening is

    I walked into my apartment in leiv which I’m moving out of into an apartment in cev and uh what ended up happening is it was completely and utterly covered in construction dust because I was told that the windows are going to be weatherproofed but they weren’t weatherproofed it was a literal

    Renovation where the windows were taken out and sawdust and all this stuff was like on my bed and everywhere and it still is and this is going to be happening until Friday and I was like hi landlord she’s very sweet so we like had a conversation and I was like listen I’m

    Moving and this is like not you know this is not reasonable so um we figured it out my mom was like uh I honestly I was going to ask my grandma to borrow my grandpa’s car and and have him take her car cuz she is sick and she doesn’t like leave her

    Apartment at the moment so and my grandma the problem with that is my grandfather like literally trashes all the cars he gets because he drives like you know like a maniac and so I was going to ask her if she could give him her car so I can take his car because

    It’s like a hybrid and it doesn’t eat a lot of gas and also like you know I I don’t want the responsibility of her car so um so I was going to get his car and I was going to drive myself to Cave drop everything off and then drive back get

    The dogs and jump on the train and my mom was like okay fine I’ll drive you so I’m driving on Wednesday tomorrow I have a hell of a day I have like a doctor’s appointment at 10: a.m. uh then I have uh C stitches are coming off at

    Like noonish and then I have to meet my dad and help him with some paperwor stuff that he asked me to do for him or he asked me to anyways it’s a long story but so I have that that I’m meeting my childhood friend that I haven’t seen in

    A very long time that I’m packing up the rest of the shed in this apartment and then on Wednesday at 10: a.m. my mom and I are driving to cave on Thursday I’m doing what hopefully is my last test shoot before my new job starts and then

    I’m supposed to record the first um people facing episode on Tuesday and I love that everybody walks in and sees the shirt and then like comments on so this shirt is actually a uniform from Mad leiv which is like this three-story restaurant that’s my favorite restaurant in leiv and um and I

    Basically figured that since I’m moving to K and I will not be seeing this t-shirt um seeing this t-shirt anymore uh almost every other day of my life I’m going to get one for myself and it’s going to be my house wear so I love the T-shirt are you you Ukrainian Orthodox I

    Am an atheist so no but technically my family is Greek Catholic but I would say they’re pretend religious people um anyways well James I I um I think you might want to shove that opinion up your ass because I don’t care if you think uh you know what you

    Think about my religious preferences or lack thereof do I see bums on that shirt yes Irene you definitely see uh bums in that shirt see here’s like the thing this is like so totally absolutely uh like off topic but I will comment on it because I

    Hate it so much when people like ask me about religious things and then like I say I’m not religious and they and they suddenly have an issue with it it’s like so I being an atheist and thinking that God doesn’t exist did doesn’t exist and absolutely like despising everything

    That has to do with religion respect your religion and everybody else else is and I think that you should be able to practice whatever religion that you want and believe in whatever you want to believe and I’m not going to sit here and impose onto you my opinion that God

    It doesn’t exist and it’s a con construct made to manipulate people right because that’s just what I believe for me um why is it that not everyone but a lot of like Christian people very often like to impose their views as if they’re Universal and as if you’re somehow wrong

    Or um completely just like utterly um you know sinful of a human being if you don’t believe in what they believe in okay like for some reason when someone tells you they’re Muslim you don’t try to impose Christianity on them right so if someone tells you they’re an atheist please

    Respect that and just move the along because I’m over here not sitting and giving you a lecture on why I think God doesn’t exist okay uh so why don’t you you know why don’t you keep being a Christian and continuing to believe your religion and practicing it

    Without having to like you know force it down on other people and making and you know making it sound like they’re somehow wrong for believing in the same thing you do anyways um hi Kurt hi Dawn hi gourd hi Odin I want that shirt they want and need the validation oh yes but

    Um Sam once beliefs doesn’t make it so it’s not in one’s heart it’s not well that’s the thing like see I like respect all religions and I respect all people’s beliefs as long as they’re not harmful to someone else so it’s just sort of like I I think that it’s like not okay

    To impose what you think to be truth or what you think to be right onto other people because it’s like at the end of the day the thing is it’s a belief right like it’s not scientifically proven there is no evidence so it’s not a fact

    It’s a belief and like just because your belief and your religion says that it’s the right and True Religion and the right and true belief doesn’t mean that you just discount everybody else’s religions or lack thereof because at the end of the day you choose to believe and

    Some people choose to believe in something else and some people choose to believe in or not believe at all and that’s the thing it’s a choice and you can’t impose your choice onto other people as if it’s the the only choice and the only right thing to do it’s kind

    Of like you know the it’s the same to me uh it’s the same to me as the people who think that their truth is universal in a way of like they think that you should be doing this this and that and that’s just what they think and

    That’s why they believe that this is the right way to go but it’s like no there are many different ways to go and just because it’s not done the exact way that you want it to be done doesn’t mean that it’s not done right so that’s um you

    Know that’s that’s where it is Trump holds his Bible upside down Trump I I don’t think he’s ever read the Bible I don’t I literally do not think that man cares about anything but himself he is clearly a narcissist and uh he clearly wants power just to avoid legal

    Responsibility and because he thinks he’s Invincible when he’s in the presidential seat that’s about it I have to laugh at a religious extremist saying something doesn’t make sense yeah I mean totally so yeah so um Christian here could care less to others religion yeah it’s like you know my grandma is super

    Religious she’s like incredibly religious she goes to church every Sunday she puts up candles for all of us she is um’s like you know she wants the best for everybody she never judges someone else’s religions Religion she never judges anyone’s like sexual preferences or anything like that she’s um she

    Doesn’t think like abortions are wrong because well she wouldn’t get one herself but she thinks that other people should have the choice um she’s not like you know it’s it’s the thing this is like the case of someone who does truly like believe and who is who is a very I

    Would say she’s a hardcore Christian like she’s a well she’s a hardcore hardcore Greek Catholic but um but she respects other people in their opinions and like what they want for themselves in life like literally the only thing she the only thing that she says she’s

    Like very gung-ho about that is about um like people harming other people right so it’s like if you if your actions and your choices are harming other people then they’re wrong if they’re not then they’re not wrong they’re just your choices so that’s kind kind of like how

    It’s supposed to be I think um there is that hi I was wondering where I can meet Ukrainian and Russian people in the US I don’t know where anyone can meet Russian people in the US because I don’t try to do that nor do I want to meet any

    Russian people in the US um you can meet Ukrainian people on for instance like Facebook groups for ukrainians in the US um you can go to you can probably uh meet Ukrainian people if you try to take up Ukrainian as like a language to learn because a

    Ukrainian person is going to be teaching it yes Chicago is a very big uh is a large con it’s a large it’s a city with a large concentration of ukrainians um Ukrainian restaurants are going to be a place where you can meet ukrainians um Russians I am not you know

    I don’t know can’t advise you anything I would actually advise you not to meet Russian people but you know uh Houston has has a lot of ukrainians now oh that’s cool I you love my grandmother s Sacramento uh well no that’s actually very highly Russian populator

    Populated um oh Walter thank you so much that’s very sweet of you thank you so much and hi hello good to see you oh my gosh uh Jerry oh you were in Chicago that’s awesome uh there are ukrainians in San Antonio yeah I mean like I’m sure there are ukrainians in various different

    Cities but Chicago is like a concentration a has a very large concentration of ukrainians there are also Ukrainian Flags I believe to this day like everywhere around Chicago and I don’t mean like people put them up I mean they’re like actually all around the city thank you Austin has a Ukrainian

    School oh that’s cool there are lots in Canada yeah winneg apparently uh Winnie Peg apparently is a um is a city with uh is winipeg is apparently where the largest Ukrainian diaspora outside of Ukraine is so the largest population of ukrainians outside of Ukraine in the west is in

    Winnipeg uh how do you pronounce my name it’s ulia so like Julia but with a Y instead of a j i just spell it as ye wle a um because that way it’s like phonetically spelled and it’s kind of like a and Elias speaking of aliases

    Which is um or aliases sorry speaking of aliases um yeah Alias uh oh thank you Classic Car Guy So speaking of aliases um there is um so at my new job where I’m going to be a host of a show well not show but like a host of a News

    Segment basically and an interview segment um I’ve been asked so the proper journalistic ethics is that I need my name and last name and uh as you guys know I do not put that anywhere because I don’t feel comfortable so I am going to need a new

    Alias and uh I decided to pick my grandma’s lost name so her maiden name to uh to do that because obviously I was told I can choose any last name but there has to be a last name uh so that’s what’s going to happen and that’s going to be interesting because it’s really

    Not that far off from my actual last name but um and it’s a very very very like Ukrainian last name so I’m actually quite happy with that my dad suggest suggested that today because we were sitting with my grandma and him and um and yeah and also I took thank you um I

    Took my so I took my dog with my grandma and my dad to my dad’s friends restaurant and he’s a chef there and so he gave her some beef some like raw beef and so for an hour that we were there Cy literally didn’t move and just sat and

    Stared straight towards the kitchen because she was just like waiting for vvo to come out and give her more beef and I thought it was so funny she was so well behaved every time she’d spot him like in the distance she’d be like she’d

    Perk up so fast and it was so cute um so uh we are now at $8,200 for the drones fundraiser for third separate assault Brigade for um we for those of you who are unaware we are fundraising for six drones for third separate assault Brigade and we are over

    Three drones in funds right now so it’s $8,200 even the reason why it is very even is because Martin last night uh donated uh an exact amount to like to make it even so thank you Martin and if you would like to donate to the fundraiser um oh hi Canada are you from

    Nova Scotia because it says scosa person um so if you would like to donate to the fundraiser you can do so on Tik Tok through my link in BIO you go to the beacons and there is a fundraiser there right immediately you click on the link

    And there is a PayPal a venmo a revolute and a mon monab bank link there’s also copy paste for all of these things and if you would like to donate on YouTube then the link is somewhere right here pinned uh the reason why I can’t actually po point to it because my

    Camera is not mirrored and that’s a glitch that happened recently and I don’t know how to turn it off and pisses me off so much because I’m seeing myself like from a completely different perspective and it drives me nuts and also like I hate that when I’m moving on

    This screen on Tik Tok I can actually see myself mirrored and then this screen it’s like going in a different Direction and it’s just like screwing with my perception I’ll just even it out at the end thank you uh but yes so we are at $8,200 if we could get it to

    8,300 tonight or 8,400 or like $88,500 but that’s like you know that’s that’s that’s a lot that’s a lot to to shoot for that’s shooting for the stars but I will remind you that every donation is a big donation no matter how much of a

    Donation it is and uh a know 80 cents matter and $1 matters and $2 matter and $3 matter because all of that adds up and um $10 matter and 20 and 50 and 100 and a thousand and however much because all of those are very good donations uh so

    Yeah R will work in L TV studio or capital city I’m uh no I’m moving to KV and it’s um it’s an English-speaking Ukrainian uh newspaper well not newspap media it’s an it’s English-speaking Ukrainian media and it is in KV um uh so yeah oh thank you thank you to your son

    Oh radio hi it’s so good to see you hello thank you for the rose and so good to see you so yeah so at least time to be annoying oh my gosh okay well there is a $1 And1 Cent donation with the uh with the caption

    Time to be annoying so we are now at $821 And1 cents for all of those of you with OCD um so yeah uh basically at least like the good thing here is that my mom is going to drive me to KV so I won’t be

    You know I won’t have to let like go back and forth uh between cities again and having to like you know drive myself or live in the apartment right now without windows and stuff so you know it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s getting somewhere can we create a live Emoji yes

    Once I move to Kev and I’m settled and I am like you know in one in one place uh I will create new emojis and for for both YouTube and for Tik Tok and I’m going to start recording videos more often I have a whole list of things that

    I want to talk about it’s just that like you know the thing about the thing about like creating videos for me it’s just that like the way that I talk about things I’m either feeling like it or I’m not feeling like it and I don’t want to just

    Record videos on a certain subject to put them out there I want to like know how to talk about these things and I want to and I want to um you know and I want to like I want to put information out there that I’m actually saying that

    Like kind of matters and that I know what I’m talking about not just record it to record it because it has to like be in the infos space so um so I don’t want to do that until I get it’s not that I don’t want to do that it’s just

    That like I’m in no mental like space to do this because every single time there is like a new annoying thing that happens like for instance the freaking me coming back yesterday to this apartment where I barely have anything left to begin with so it’s like you know

    I don’t have any of my like uh face washes or like normal soap or anything like that I have one towel I it like there’s just like there’s just a lot right but also like coming back into sawdust like everywhere was not fun and uh also commuting to K every week and

    Having my sleep schedule screwed and today I couldn’t be home because the the the construction crew was here from like 10 to 7 so I couldn’t be indoors from 10: to 7: and I had to like find a place to go work at and like I had to record a

    Bunch of things so it’s like I can’t really work from a cafe most of the time because I need silence because I record a lot of stuff and so it’s been you know it’s been a whole thing so yeah so um I have a feeling I

    Have to send you a care package no you don’t have to Veronica but that’s very very very uh sweet of you so yeah um basically it’s just been a lot of stress and I’ve been sort of living in between like planes and countries and trains and random apartments and my mom’s and all

    Of this stuff for the past four months and it’s just nice uh it’s just nice to be to like finally look forward to like settling in one place when you say without Windows um when you say without Windows do you mean no sunlight or no glass I mean no glass

    Well I mean no like the entire window frame has been taken out of my apartment today because they’ve been doing some construction work that I did not like consent to uh I mean it’s not my apartment I don’t own it it’s just that like the owner also misunderstood what

    The work is going to entail and so uh yeah so basically there’s like sawdust everywhere and all this stuff and for the most part of the day there were just like instruction people walking around and I think my like limit today was when so I was like bound to one room which is

    The bedroom and my dogs were like freaking out and it was super loud and stuff and the the construction guys thank you T hi Tara I mean the construction guys um uh uh the construction guys were like walking around everywhere right um walking around everywhere and

    And um and like at some point they they just walked into the bedroom and um I was like and I was like hey can you please leave because I need to change and so this guy goes yes and continues doing what he’s doing and I’m

    Like no can you leave now I need to go somewhere and I would like to change and I literally have no access to any anywhere in my apartment where there is like no you so he walks out I change and then I go to like um the bathroom to get

    Uh to get my socks that I had just washed and I come back and he’s there again and I’m like dude like just like no he’s like but you’re not here and I’m like I literally walked out for one second can you please get the out

    Of here and just like I didn’t say it that way but that was like the way that I was like feeling it because he’s like well the work needs to be done I’m like great I’m renting this place from someone and I understand you need to do

    Work but like it’s not me who’s in your way way it’s you who’s in mine and like I’m literally bound to one room where you’re not there and not even always he’s like well I need to get my job done I’m like fantastic I need to

    Change and I need to have a space because I’m paying money to be here and currently I feel like I’m an Invader an intruder into a literal construction zone like get the out of my room I will be leaving in 10 minutes anyway so like you can do that

    Then but it’s just like so insane you know these like they were so rude too and just like so annoying and I called um no I did not say get the out obviously I would never say that I was just like I like in my head I did but in

    General I was actually being very polite and like honestly he did not deserve that because he was so incredibly rude and entitled and just like such a dick to begin with but I don’t like talk to people that way I was just like losing my mind because it was the most

    Annoying situation ever CU again these guys were like acting like I’m in their apartment do they have oh yes they do have a freaking key and I and they literally showed up like uh unannounced it didn’t knock didn’t didn’t do anything just walked in and I’m like that’s not okay you’re supposed to

    Text me and let me know that you’re going to be there at some point like you know in 20 minutes or like whatever so yeah it’s been it’s just been fantastic which is why I cannot wait to just like leave uh because it’s not um thank you

    Radio because it’s not conducive to like to to it’s like it’s not you can’t live here uh while this is happening also we just got two donations each 99 Cents sorry Martin yours was second so one evened it out to $822 and the other one brought it to

    8,229 which um I do appreciate the humor but um but yeah I think Travis you were the one who evened it out and Martin then accidentally brought it to brought it to um hi Katie brought it to uh 99 cents again so as a gentle reminder if you are able to donate to

    The fundraiser for drones for third separate assault you can do so in my link in BIO in Tik Tok it’s the beans.ai grumpy will send it in the chat um uh and am I living in Ukraine now yes and uh if um you can also do that

    Through um through the link here on YouTube that is pinned and Kurt is asking hey ulia is there any way to directly why are you the money to avoid the PayPal fee PayPal fee I actually so I have a PayPal uh connected to my Ukrainian

    Account thank you I do know it’s a cool shirt um I have a PayPal connected to my I have a Ukrainian connected PayPal and um and it’s and it’s um there shouldn’t be any any fees when you do that to a Ukrainian PayPal I actually didn’t I just I just

    Created one finally so um uh this is uh this is my Ukrainian PayPal over here I’ll replace the pinned message with it so um so yes that’s that that should be my that should be my Ukrainian PayPal I’m intrigued by your shirt everybody seems to be intrigued by my shirt it’s

    From it’s a it’s a uniform from um uh PayPal charges a fee if it’s uh if it’s um International transactions but if it’s coming from like the same country to the same country then it doesn’t but if it’s like from Canada to the US sometimes it has fees if it’s

    From like you know uh the Ukrainian PayPal transfers go so long no they don’t not really um it depends I mean I don’t know but yeah so uh I do have a Ukrainian PayPal it’s pinned so you can you can try and use that um I’m curious why to move there if it’s

    Not safe I mean I’m Ukrainian my um my mother and father and my grandparents and my entire family lives here my country is at War so yes it’s not safe because Russia’s bombing it all the time why move here um I don’t know because I give a and I want to be

    Able uh I want to be able to help on the ground and when I’m in New York and I am uh I talk about the war every day of my life and I explain uh Concepts to foreigners I explain the news I explain geopolitics I provide context and stuff

    Like that and when I do that in New York all I do with my life is I sit at my computer and I do that all day every day I haven’t seen most of my friends in like in like um a year literally I have not seen

    People that I consider to be my friends in a year or two actually two because I don’t um because I don’t care you know like I don’t like it’s not that I don’t I love my friends but it’s like I don’t know um I don’t

    Know what to talk to them about out I don’t know how to talk to them I don’t know how to talk to anyone who is not connected to this War I genuinely don’t and I feel like when I’m sitting in New York first of all I literally am not

    Living at all I am living this war through my computer screen I don’t see my parents I don’t see my family I’m not here I’m not helping it takes me longer to figure out what’s needed on the ground and stuff like that here I do all

    The same things but I’m also actually on the ground and I see what’s happening I see my parents I am able to like I live in a country where everybody understands me and I actually get to go and get breakfast with um no it’s not for ukrainians okay one second I’m actually

    Able to go and get um um to get breakfast with my friends because the friends that I have are usually the people that do the very same thing that I do and are going through the very same thing I’m going through and um uh and uh I you know it’s just a

    It makes way more sense for me to be here um and you know and be here on the ground wait um hi Leslie uh thank you guys for the compliments on the shirt wait I don’t know why it should be it should be wait it should work this should

    Work maybe did you copy paste it or did you it didn’t work for you either really that’s that’s odd that’s so weird huh nice Shir question marks question mark thank you hi cat copy pasted oh that’s so odd because I said sent I sent myself a transfer to see if it worked

    And it worked oh New link works oh did I why am I not in cave yet um while I’m still in the process of moving I should be in cive on I should be in cive on um oh the one I just put works oh yay okay cool so

    Yay so um the reason I’m not in KV yet is because I’ll be moving to KV on Um on Um Wednesday and I should be there on Wednesday night and I should be there like you know for for for like that I should finally move all of my stuff I’ve got another address for you with PayPal yeah so this is a new PayPal I recently

    Created which is a UK which is tied to my Ukrainian bank so it’s a Ukrainian PayPal so it’s um so it doesn’t have the international transaction fees are you excited about moving I’m not excited um I’m not excited about the process of moving because I because it’s been a

    Ridiculous ridiculous process and it’s been really just there’s just been a lot but I’m really excited to be moved um joint late what about hi hi Jay is your mom in a better mood today yeah she was actually being very sweet today which is which is very interesting are

    You really doing doing this joining military what do you mean joining military I am still going to take the combat medic medic course but so what I what I am um what someone in the military had told me which they actually have a really reasonable reasonable thing they had a really reasonable thing

    To say so I women with with certain military with certain professions um are going to be are going to start um okay provide your info oh what is it what is it doing um one second uh did it work I think so one one one second I’m so sorry one second um

    I’m there so ah thank you thank you DW so uh what they did tell me is that um what they did tell me is basically uh women with certain uh with certain uh professions can get conscripted soon and so if I am a trained combat medic then and I have the

    Certificate for it then I might be able to be then then I don’t know in a month or two or three the law might change and I might get like actually forcefully conscripted because that’s that’s a thing and so what I wanted to do is because I’ve never done anything medic

    Medical related is I wanted to get uh my combat medic training and I wanted to volunteer at a hospital first like somewhere in nepr or something like that and thank you Kurt and um and I wanted to do that so I but I don’t want to dive

    Into something I’m not ready for like right immediately because it’s not first of all it’s not good for anyone it’s not good for the people that I would be treating and it’s not good for me uh and I uh it’s just like a very it’s a very

    Wrong thing to do and so what I’m actually probably going to end up doing and um can you be conscripted as an American citizen I’m not a Citizen though um I’m a Ukrainian citizen but no you cannot be conscripted as an American citizen in Ukraine that’s not that’s not a thing

    Um oh thank you rod that’s very very sweet thank you so much for doing that and so what I’m probably going to do is I’m going to still take the combat medic Force but I’m going to come at medic course but I’m going to ask them not to

    Issue me the certificate of completion until like until I’m actually ready to go do this uh because if they do if they do provide this new law or something like that then it’s just well first of all I will have to come back to the US

    Once in a while because I’m going to lose my green card if I don’t so forceful and like forceful conscription means that you have like no autonomy over over doing um over doing you know like you have no autonomy so that was a point that someone um that someone

    Had brought up and I want to be able to do this on like a good term and not be thrown into something that like I’m not ready for because again like the reason why we have so many amputations on Battlefield is because um uh is because a lot of people are

    Because a lot of people are being thrown into a situation they’re not prepared for and they’re overusing tourniquet and stuff so it’s just uh it’s just not like it’s just not reasonable you know so um one second you guys um PayPal glitched uh and it was like the screen was going

    Crazy so give me one second um so we have $606 so that is and we also had some donations before that so we are at $ 8,293 eight Um uh well so you uh Mr Max on you probably mean a native speaker uh who is American because a Native American is a very different thing and uh that’s actually indigenous people uh in uh the United States so no but uh yeah I do I’m aware if you’re not

    Ready for it why do the training that’s meant to save lives it’s not that I’m not ready to do that it’s just that there are different places where you can be doing that there are hospitals where you need to where you need to do where you need where you can volunteer and you

    Can get prepared right so it’s like I don’t want to take a three-week course and then go under artillery fire and save lives because in that way no one’s actually prepared to save lives that’s why people freak out and start putting tourniquets and then it results in amputations the reasonable thing to do

    Is to go take the course go volunteer at a hospital and go get prepared as much as you can and then go to a place and then go to the front line and and do that there so I don’t want to go take a three-week course pretend like

    I’m qualified to do to to to be like a Frontline Medic and jump into that no I want to do it right if you don’t have the certification why they let you volunteer at a hospital because I can take uh a uh I can take I can also take a deep first

    Like a a more a more in-depth First Aid course and that will qualify because it’s not Battlefield medicine does that make sense and like the reason why I’m responding to you the way that I am is because you are being incredibly condescending and so I’m returning the same favor to you how about

    That um also yeah you know there is a war and so there is a shortage of people who are uh willing and qualified to do these things so they will train you at a hospital for these um you know for this partic in this particular field

    Because you know you should be able to save lives in a city as well can you imagine um there was also a donation of I think like $1 and one um uh $1 and like one cent or maybe I’m wrong I’m sorry I missed it because uh

    You know I was busy I was busy yelling at a troll um and also Taz someone had taken your uh taken your handle and uh and has come to Tik Tok with a very fake recently created profile to say a bunch of really bad so Um no y there is a lot of being a medic basic fielded medical training is very basic Medics are very important yeah well that’s the thing it’s like I don’t want to do something you know um I don’t want um uh I don’t want to Um um I don’t want to you know do it the wrong way grumpy don’t be mean he didn’t get it he thought I was not that I didn’t understand Ukrainian like you I I know that you’re protective but like genuinely sometimes you are very mean to

    People and I don’t like it like I don’t want to be mean to people especially Ukrainian people for no reason also wait oh enhill thank you we just got another donation of $30 and that brings us to 8,3 I am I am as Ukrainian as you I’m not a

    Troll just trying to understand why I take the uncertified training well your name is Tyler right so I I doubt that you are as Ukrainian as as as I am because I’m a born and raised Ukrainian who has lived my whole life in leavea

    Until I moved at the age of 16 or 17 to New York to study and then I and then I moved back home um so uh I doubt that you grew up in Ukraine with Ukrainian parents and went to a Ukrainian school and actually finished 11 grades of

    Ukrainian school so I do highly doubt that the reason why uh it’s not uncertified training you are saying this you’re uh you’re purposefully um you’re purposefully misconstruing what I’m saying I am saying that I would take a train I would take a training course and then I wouldn’t have the

    Certification given to me until the day that I feel like I’m ready to literally go to the front which means that I’m going to take a combat medic course then I’m also going to volunteer at a hospital and see how things are done and I’m also going to take a basic Aid

    Course after which I can freaking volunteer at a hospital what is uncertified here I am literally taking a course after which you you would get the certification it’s just my friends run the course so I would ask them to hold off on um signing the certification because I don’t want to be forcefully

    Conscripted into the circumstance I’m not ready for I want to learn as much as I freaking can so I can actually help people instead of being on um instead of being thrown into a situation where I’m going to be an obstacle and I’m not going to be useful and I’m actually

    Going to play to the detriment because I don’t want to be I don’t want to end up being the type of combat medic who overuses tourniquets and costs people limbs for no reason is that a good enough explanation can you now tone down your condescending

    Voice or tone or can you now tone down the condescension and actually if you don’t and if you don’t want my answers to be the way that they are maybe just maybe you should change the tone of how you asking them if you don’t want to be

    Spoken down to don’t speak down to people because you know you get what you um uh you get what you put out there right anyways and I literally do not take any any crap from people anymore Ukrainian or not Ukrainian so ha um 83288 is what we’re at also let me turn

    Off it’s not microwave that’s my washing machine and it’s going to continue doing that until I turn it off then I’m going to come back and read armen’s quote of the day because it’s fantastic and thank you for resending it Armen I am really really really really grateful because I

    Would have scrolled up and then we’re gonna get to the news so I’ll see you in one second okay um there we have it yes s can I help you somehow how can I help you syy okay um um okay so Armen is a fantastic person on

    YouTube who sends quotes of the day every time that he watches a live and he knows a lot of quotes and his literal social media uh handle on other platforms other than YouTube is Armen the quote guy because in fact Armen knows a lot of quotes and I am always

    Very surprised and inspired by how many quotes armen’s Arman knows so today’s quote of the day is every day is a journey and the journey itself is home Matsu abaso if the road of life is taking you to KV then KV is home it’s that simple greetings from Armen the quote

    Guy I am actually going to pin it I think it’s very cute and I really like the quote um it was a troll alert beeper oh my God also hi CJ thank you uh just learning more than just basic can’t harm anyone yeah that’s the thing it’s like

    We have a lot of ill-prepared combat Medics right Ukraine has a lot of ill-prepared everyone right what we don’t have a lot of and what we are lacking at the moment is people who are in fact prepared uh which is why there is restructuring of military command which

    Is why there is um you know uh there is the law about rotations coming into place which is why they’re restructuring training for soldiers which is why they’re restructuring training in general so there is no point in joining in joining the fight in joining the war and in aiding in the war

    In a situation in which I would be more detrimental than helpful I am much more helpful right now doing what I’m doing every day or every other day and um and raising money for drones and helping people and you know raising awareness than I would be being a shitty

    Combat medic that costs people Limbs and if at any point I take the course and I feel like I am not the type of person or I can’t get myself to a point in which I feel like I’m useful not detrimental I’m not going to do it I’m going to do more

    And I’m going to do my best and I’m going to amp up what I’m doing to actually help the people that would be better than I am doing these things if I’m gonna take this and I’m going to do all this training and I’m going to realize that I’m still going to freak

    Out if I see a person B leing out in the field and I know that I’m just not going to be like useful in helping them then what I’m going to do is I’m going to start helping raise funds and do everything I can for for people in

    Training for combat Medics so there could be people who are well trained who can be so much better than I am because there is a place for everybody in every situation and there is a thing that everybody can do best I think that I can potentially be well well trained enough

    To actually be useful right but if I but if I don’t feel like I can then I’m going to do everything possible to produce as many people that could be even more useful as I can because that’s actually something that’s more helpful than going out there and being in the

    way right so there is that uh someone you talk about that um okay oh hi Paul hi everybody so so yes so um $832 A8 is what we’re we are at for the fundraiser today sorry can we get it to 8,400 tonight by any chance maybe potentially that would

    Be that would be what 7192 look at me learning math okay I am to hit the Bell oh no well hello thank you for hitting the Bell thank you for showing up all righty let’s um let’s start with the news because we’re 50 minutes and this is the longest I’ve

    Talked without like actually reading the news in a while hi LJ Boon but today is hello good to see you but also today is like a day where I am not you know I’m okay going to bed late I’m like okay you know I so it’s it’s fine I’m um I’m

    Going to hang out here for a while uh Russia has recruited 15,000 nepes for the war against Ukraine reports CNN journalists interviewed one of the volunteers 37 yearold ramchandra kodka who returned home after sustaining injuries on the Ukrainian front lines Katka participated in battles in bmot undertaking two deployments totaling one

    Month during his second stint he sustained injuries from a bullet to the thigh and cluster munition fragments reflecting on his experience kodka expressed regret witnessing horrific scenes and lamenting his decision to join the occupying Force um your live may contain no uh no the notice is unclear no my

    Live does not contain content mentioned in the notice there we have it says live restricted um okay reflecting on his experience codka expressed regret witnessing horrific scenes and lamenting his decision to join the occupying Army was that before he got injured or after uh there is not a single centimeter of

    Land in bahmut that was not affected by Bombs all all the trees bushes green areas they’re all gone most of the houses are destroyed the situation there is so terrible that I want to cry he recounted Russian recruiters entice foreigners with Promises of substantial payments targeting foreign students and migrant

    Workers uh the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nepal has lodged a protest with Russia over the recruitment of citizens for the war diplomats report that that at least four nepes Fighters are currently held in Ukraine as prisoners of War so um interestingly is like you know a lot of foreigners uh

    When they’re back uh in when they’re back in um in their home country or when they sustain an injury or when they don’t get paid by Russia suddenly you know they’re so their um their sense of moral is um changed and they suddenly think that it’s that it was wrong to

    Join Russia and they suddenly think that it was wrong to um invade Ukraine and help Russia invade Ukraine and suddenly everything is um is you know makes sense now and now it’s so horrible that you know bahmut is destroyed and usually that comes after the realization that Russia recruits them as mercenaries and

    Doesn’t pay them but when they were making money doing it or they thought they would be making money doing it somehow it was not a problem whatsoever so yeah I mean I’m great that he I’m grateful he’s sharing his experience but also I don’t feel bad for him by any

    Means because that’s just what happens oh my gosh also today so you guys remember um uh first of all let me redo the stream on Tik Tok I’m going to finish it and I’m going to re and I’m going to restart it because I don’t want it to be age

    Restricted um and you know I’ve put uh a hoodie on that does not you know what what what if it’s like a cheeky little bit uh just like a cheeky little bit you know just a cheeky little bit also we got another donation in the amount of

    Eight in the amount of $88,000 I wish no in the amount of $25 and it’s now at $835 38 um but so you guys if you remember my friend you so I’m going to restart the stream after I say this so if you remember my friend Julia and her husband

    Max so Julia’s classmate Andre is you’ve seen his picture a ton of times it went viral online he is the guy who lost most of his voice yes I did Kurt I counted in uh I counted into the um the sum total of $60 that came in together with your I

    Mean it was like together your donation and other two donations it came out to $60 and something and I put it into the total and then it was before these donations but yes I did get it thank you so much and um so he lost his voice pretty much um he lost

    Some of his hearing he lost both of his eyes and both of his arms at the front line and he was his picture went viral in a lot of different Publications uh his wife Alina who is fantastic has been taking care of him and uh lios the the famous photographers

    Took photos of them at the hospital and uh I’ve been talking to them because I’ve been wanting to interview him because his resilience is is incredible like this guy is the type of person who will take any circumstance thrown at him and he will learn how to make the best

    Out of it and so I’ve been talking to Al for a little while we’ve been like sort of planning to um to to do an interview and today I’m walking to dinner with my dad and I literally see them walking down the street and I completely forget

    That Alina his wife has no idea what I look like she just like has spoken to me through messages thank you Matthew thank you so much through messages on Telegram and so I call out her name and she turns around and she looks so confused and I’m

    Like oh my gosh sorry I’m Yulia Julia’s friend I’m like we’ve spoken on Telegram and I was like aren’t you supposed to be in this other city and so they got um and so they got uh you know they they just came to leave I think maybe for

    Like you know to visit or maybe for a uh for a fund or something or for a clinic but so yeah they just got there and I ended up seeing them on the street which was like very interesting and so I just said you know enjoy your enjoy your day

    And I was like hey sorry for turning you around I just saw familiar faces and I acted and Leslie says I got a charity to reach out uh to him to help get Prosthetics oh really so I mean they have been working so the thing is like the issue with prosthetics for him

    Is that most of the bionic Prosthetics that need require eyesight for them to actually work and um most of the ice eyesight Prosthetics um require hearing uh for them to work and uh a particular kind of sort of like and a particular um condition of the nerves of the eye nerves and

    So there are lots of complications with Pro with getting him uh Prosthetics and stuff so they’ve been working on it for a while and they do have a lot of support and the people are all so kind to them about it it’s just that they’re they’re facing quite a few challenges in

    Actually in actually being able to get the Prosthetics big hospital and superhumans uh V Rehabilitation Center or unbroken those are the foundations and uh they’re very very very good uh okay so you guys let me let me reboot let me reboot the stream on Tik Tok because you know we’re not now we

    Now have only a cheeky little bit of butts and uh also if you don’t mind I will um I will step out to uh to turn on I’ll step out for like a minute and a half I will turn on the um what is it called oh my gosh the ringing

    Function yeah ring right like uh what’s the function where um when you’re laundry is done but there is still quite a bit of water in your machine and so you want it to do an extra cycle of an extra spin cycle there you have it an extra spin cycle thank you very

    Much see I’m getting Ukrainian ised and I’m and I’m forgetting English thank you an extra spin cycle but also to be fair I would not know that because I did not have a washer in my apartment in New York really ever so all right let me

    Reboot the Tik Tok and I will while that’s happening I will go and get the stupid washing machine in place okay so I will see you in a second okay you guys I will see you in a minute and you guys I’m what theck why do I always have

    Freaking like Russians on recommend it to me on on Tik Tok and like it’s always like Russians on live Jesus Christ okay I’ll be back in a second just give me a minute um you know what I’m gonna show you ciney and no I did wash my clothes in

    New York I just washed them at in laundromats here syy be nice be good be a good Dogo syny be entertaining take care of people Be nice S Sy are you being a good dog are you being a good host okay Cy but also you’re taking up the entire thing okay bud yeah C is very adorable okay lady here let me do this sorry give me some space dude you’re in my chair okay oh Americans with the Super

    Bowl she’s such a good girl she’s adorable I love ciney she’s like I’m so happy that ciney is my dog because she’s just an amazing dog o all right okay not those kind of toys accessories for his rifle yes that’s that’s what I got banned for not you

    Know not here this is a cheeky little bit of of um of uh a cheeky little bit of of t-shirt much calmer than live oh well live right now is like pretty calm as well okay so hi Ry uh let me check if anything came in

    Because I thought it might have and I don’t want to miss it um so oh what am I supposed to what is it asking me for just a moment hi okay um all right okay director chov known for the film 20 days in Mar was honored as the Laurette of the

    Director’s Guild of America award for outstanding achievements in documentary Cinema in 2023 during his acceptance speech chernov referenced the shelling of his hometown of harv by Russian forces and here is I will have you listen to his speech got killed three who are children so it is sad day at the same

    Time I recognize the power of Cinema we standing here and looking at you because when those children when those people run from the bombs that are falling on them they sits in basements and to cope with their fear they watch CL Z not just leaves the stories and history for

    Next Generations and for that I think you too it also helps us all to cope with sometimes unbearable World unfair world and hopes uh gives us hope to to stop everything bad that just happened and to just to go the words better future thank you um so Mr slav chernov uh I I

    Interviewed him actually at one of the screenings of 20 days in marup in New York City uh while the screening was happening I interviewed him in the downstairs room and um he’s a very very very wonderful very interesting human and it was by far one of the most interesting and inspiring interviews

    That I’ve done because he you know a lot of people that create the type of work that he does um think very highly of themselves and they feel like this sense of a mission or an accomplishment and he very clearly said that he feels a sense of responsibility and he’s not on a

    Mission because once you feel like you’re on a mission it’s about you not about what you do and so he is a very very very phenomenal person and so um the podcast the interview podcast that I’ve had um that I have that I very rarely advertise because it’s sort of

    Like a smaller podcast than the um the Ukraine war brief and because you know we sort of launched it right before I was moving and anyways we we didn’t we didn’t give it as much attention as we should have but it does have very good interviews it has interviews with s Loi

    Uh the um author of gates of Europe uh it has it has an interview with mrl chernov it has this fantastic discussion about tankies with my friend Charles who’s a very very interesting person who knows a lot about it he has a history degree so the podcast is called the

    Press lounge and it’s on Apple Spotify and uh Google and everywhere else and I highly recommend you listen to the interview withl chov the creator of 20 days in marup because it is it is genuinely a very very very interesting interview and he’s um H he’s such an interesting um such A he’s a unique person he’s a very very unique person with a lot of um depth to him and you know he’s a very different person but in order to be able to do the work that he does you kind of have to be

    So I’m uh kind of I’m very in awe of him and I have a lot a lot of respect for him um powerful documentary The leaked footage G galvanized my support for Ukraine in March 2022 never looked back yes I think that his footage really did

    Change the course of the war like his and the photographs from Yan mka Hi finnen and um his team I think that they have done a very very very very important job and you know for you to like just so you understand there are journalists who stayed in a city under siege fully

    Surrounded realizing that more likely than not they’re going to die and they did that to um hi Giddy and they did that to thank you uh and they did that to bring truth to the people and show what really was happening so yeah there is

    That um thank you giddy also I did get your uh so I didn’t see the donation during the live but there was a $65 donation I believe from you yesterday and I did see it after the live and I did count it uh into the total today

    Um Taz we can sleep after the victory am I going to have lack of sleep in the morning again um um I don’t know I’m still digesting 20 days it’s it was Heavy it was very very heavy and slow green um yeah so so here’s what the crater I’m keeping up with Ukraine

    That’s awesome thank you so much uh my chat keeps freezing oh no I’m so sorry I wish it wasn’t I don’t know how to fix it um so this is with the crater after a Russian missile strike looks like one of the Craters didn’t Julia the combat medic sneak footage from marul out of there in a tampon yes she did so um her name is uh Yulia PVA and her call sign is Tyra she has been a combat medic since the beginning of the Russian invasion and in 2014 and uh she’s a phenomenal person

    She’s gotten multiple uh multiple Awards and recognition and she’s a she’s a very very very strong smart and phenomenal person and yes her name is Julia uh so that is the same name as mine and um and Julia PVA I believe it’s bva and uh and her uh call sign is thra

    Ah and oh my God that’s at least four meters deep yep it is it is a very very deep crater um okay on February 11th near the yoden dorus checkpoint one of the protest sites of Polish of Polish Farmers an incident occurred involving Ukrainian trucks carrying grain three trucks

    Driven by citizens of Ukraine entered Poland after completing Customs procedures however protest ters prevented them from proceeding further at one point the protesters opened the semi-trailers causing some of the grain to spill onto the road subsequently the drivers returned to Ukraine stated uh yach a representative of the Helma

    Police chish also mentioned that there was no violent confrontation during these events so ukrainians actually reacted very painfully to uh polish protesters spilling out Ukrainian grain first of all this protest in general uh of blocking um Ukrainian goods from entering Europe has been started by the pro-russian political parties in Poland

    Their far right they’re tied to Russia this was uh you you remember you do you remember when the Border was blocked that was started by pro-russian politicians and very farri parties and um of course there are ties to Russia here well this particularly was very painful and disrespectful to ukrainians

    The spilling out of Ukrainian grain because first of all this grain comes to us in a very very very difficult manner um yes Ukraine is the Bread Basket of Europe and yes uh po Poland is like oh my gosh you’re oversaturating the market with all of this grain but for us these

    Farmers who uh procure this grain work with Blood Sweat and Tears they get blown up on mines because you know uh grain Fields H Trad because grain fields are mined everything is mined and a lot of farmers actually suffer deeply also a lot of Ukrainian wheat Fields have been

    Burned to the ground and so they cannot produce wheat uh farmers are dying for this grain and also so this is something that I actually never realized to tell you guys but this is like a part of Ukrainian identity and culture in Ukraine you can’t throw out bread if

    It’s stale bread you can’t throw it in the trash can if it’s um if it’s moldy bread you can’t throw it it out you will give it to birds you will try to figure out how to recycle it you will not be throwing out bread it is considered to

    Be like the worst thing you can do and growing up I never understood why but like for instance my mom never throws out bread my grandmother NE never throws out bread no one in my family ever throws out bread it’s like not allowed no one in Ukraine ever does that

    There are very few people that do that and most people don’t and the reason for that is hore the reason why you can’t throw out bread is because of hore because you are throwing out stale bread um because you are spoiled and there were people who died to get less

    Than that and um so bread trauma and grain trauma and wheat trauma in Ukraine is very real and it is a really really like people have died in Ukraine for a piece of bread throughout centuries people have died in Ukraine to preserve these fields people are dying today to

    Get that grain and there is so much there’s so many wheat fields that have been burned down to the ground mind and stricken by missiles as struck by missiles and stuff and so when polish farmers up to Ukrainian trucks and dump the Grain in the form of the protest because you are

    Oversaturating the market it is really a slap in the face to ukrainians and it is a really really offensive really hurtful thing to do because have you seen the burnt out wheat fields and do you know what it takes for this grain to end up on that truck

    People die to get that grain out so yeah maybe you’re unhappy that Ukraine is oversaturating your Market or like whatever there are many other ways to show protest than dump out grain that people have died for so yeah it’s nothing to say against Poland in general or Polish people in general but

    For those protesters who did that a genuine massive you to you because they’re people risking their lives genuinely it’s not a large quote it’s not like an inflated quote it’s not a shock value quote to get that grain onto that truck there are people who have lost limbs there are people who have

    Died there are people who have been severely injured because every day they go out and they do everything they can because Ukraine used to produce much more wheat and we are also also responsible for remote countries and for sending them grain and for feeding them and Ukraine has been one of the largest

    Donors of free grain to multiple different organizations that are that are fighting hunger worldwide all the time and we actually can’t give as much grain as we used to because we’re not producing as much grain as we used to and we also need to get to keep our economy going to some

    Degree so it is an incredibly incredibly incredibly incredibly disrespectful thing and it is such a shitty thing to do um let me go press okay on that washing machine because it is not going to stop until I do that and grumpy can you just take out that piece of garbage person who commented That cool all right this might need another spin cycle but hopefully it won’t how can I help you sin yeah thanks so yeah it’s not a kitty it’s a doggy but yeah so um hey guy they can America China and Russia produces more grain Ukraine has 30% of world’s richest black soil and

    Ukraine is the Bread Basket of Europe and the world no Ukraine produces a lot of grain and Ukraine is one of the largest donors of grain in international organizations that fight hunger not for the past year because Russia has ruined most of our wheat Fields but you can go

    Shove that ignorance up your ass and uh you know continue going with it wherever it is that you were going Orban stated that Ukraine should serve as a buffer zone between Russia and the West offering specific security guarantees but not being admitted into the EU or NATO regardless of preferences

    Ukraine’s geographical position is fixed the optimal scenario is for it to function as a buffer zone between Russia and the West with accompanying security assurances failing this Ukraine risks losing territories orbon emphasized uh he went on to assert that Russia would continue to pose a threat to Ukraine resisting the notion of

    Having a NATO or EU member on its borders Orban acknowledged that there was a missed opportunity in 2008 to integrate Ukraine and Georgia into the EU and NATO which consequence consequently dimmed Ukraine’s prospects for future membership in these organizations he also expressed skepticism about the possibility of the Russian Ukrainian conflict concluding

    Including in 2024 advocating for at least achieving a ceasefire and creating conditions conducive to negotiations um ah yes a Russian shill uh putting out his hot take is always what we should be listening to first of all um hi Martin hello um uh first of all if Orban really wants a buffer zone

    Between Russia and NATO then he can you know he can just um Stand On the Border and protected with with his body he’s pretty fat I usually do not make those remarks about people and I don’t like using personal uh vanity characteristics as offensive quotes but Orban is literally subhuman and therefore you

    Know uh his body mass alone unless he goes on a diet and starts living a healthy lifestyle is going to protect is going to be enough of a protection layer to be a buffer zone so why don’t why doesn’t he try that um anyways as I said

    I don’t like using it against people subhuman don’t count uh so anyways he can go do that uh in um in other news Ukraine is not going to be a buffer zone and uh that is a really shitty take and that’s a really crappy thing to say

    About a neighboring country to you and also no Ukraine and nato in fact is going to repel a Russian invasion and any Russian attempt to do anything because Russia knows that it cannot take on NATO uh that is just another manipulation and that is just another um another Russian rhetoric that uh they’re

    Putting out there to force Ukraine to the negotiation table and to force the West to the negotiation table um o over Ukraine but uh that is just a Russian um rhetoric that and a Russian narrative that Russia wants out there and Orban is repeating it nothing

    New uh so yeah there is that um also uh let me let me sum up the fundraiser again in case anybody else wants to donate and bring it to $8,400 tonight so it’s at 8,353 eight to all those of you with OCD you know I’m sure there’s going to be a 20

    Cent donation sometime down the line if that does not even out but uh $835 38 means that we are $462 a and sorry 90 $ 46.92 away from um $8,400 from the drones if we brought it to $88,500 tonight that would be wow but hey a girl can dream the main intelligence directorate

    Of the ministry oh and I forgot to say if you’re new here if you would like to donate to the fundraiser to buy 6 DJI mavic 3 Pro mavic 3 Pro drones thank you DW for third separate assault Brigade the link to donate is in my link in BIO

    And if you are on YouTube then it is going to be pinned in a minute sorry Aran um also I did want to comment so I saw a video by Joey cantino for those of you who are on uh Tik Tok and I love Joey uh Joey is fantastic he does

    Provide really good information he did have a hot take however that I am going to have to debunk and I’m going to have to say I complete opposite opposite thing to it and ask you not to listen to it so his hot take was that um zalinsky fired zus because zusin has political

    Ambitions and he’s going to prepare to be uh to uh run for president because he has all this support from people and he has a really uh High approval ratings Z has multiple times said that he does not want to run for for president and he

    Does not have anything to do with the politics um he cannot hold any institution like that in office in Ukraine if he wants to run for president so Jo Joey’s take was that he stepped down as the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian military because of political Ambitions no he has said he’s not going

    To run for politics he’s also stayed on the team he’s now like basically going to be second top general or third top General and S is going to be the first top General the reason why he was um why he was F or why he was replaced is because it was

    Time it’s time to change military leadership Ukraine is trying to completely revamp its strategy and therefore we need um a fresh person in charge and I’m not saying that syki is the best choice of a person and I’m not saying that zi did not do a good job or

    Anything like that he’s fantastic he’s he’s going to go down in history and he has done everything he could for Ukraine and I think that his idea is the same as like he has done everything that was in his power as a top general for the Ukrainian Army and it was

    Time um he’s not running for politics in fact he has said multiple times that he’s not planning on running for politics and he’s still holding the office because he is in um he is still remaining on the team uh so I will say that that’s a very

    Very very hot and a very unlikely take and that is kind of speculation and um I really don’t like spec ulation like that uh oh my gosh we also just got a donation from rebecky thank you in the amount of $692 cents which brought us to

    8,360 um so yeah so that makes no sense also we never we don’t know when the election is going to come and the way that Joey posed it was kind of like oh you know um it does look like Ukrainian military leadership and like Ukrainian political leadership believes that the

    War can be over this year year and so maybe there is going to be an election in 2025 a scheduled that is a very far-fetched take and like please don’t listen to those takes and the reason why I why I say don’t listen to those takes is

    Because it might happen it might it might not but also like you need to be realistic and you need to look at the situation realistically and you need to understand that it’s looking like it will be a very difficult war and unless unless unless we start receiving the

    Support from the US in the amount in which we need it again and unless everything plays out the way that it should it’s going to be really really really hard to accomplish something like that and it is a very difficult war and feeding yourself with sort of these like

    Oh my gosh the war is going to be over at the end of 2024 is not reasonable it’s like expect you know hope for the best expect the worst and so I really don’t like when people are saying things like oh my gosh the speculation is that this this and that

    Because like it is a slap in the face to Ukrainian Defenders who are having a hell of a journey at the front so please don’t like you know don’t don’t over dram dram dramatize the situation and like joke about cremia beach parties and stuff like that do whatever you can to help

    Us oh my gosh um aren thank you we are at $846 $40 away from 8,5 500 and um Arena thank you so much for your for your $100 donation and I think your lost name is Ukrainian so that’s very very sweet thank you so much um but yeah so I think

    It’s just not like you know it’s not um it’s not it’s not like a you know I don’t think that that was I think that was like a bit of a a bit of a very hot take and again this is nothing against Joey Joey’s actually fantastic and I have

    Nothing bad to say about Joey I think that he genuinely just wants to believe the best but because when you’re a foreigner and you’re not here and when you’re not experiencing it when you’re not seeing the people you’re not talking to the Defenders every day it’s a

    Bit it’s like you’re stepping out of line with a hot take like that you know it’s a bit inappropriate so that’s just all but Joey is phenomenal he’s fantastic he does provide really good news coverage and he’s a really good person and I don’t think that it meant

    Any malice behind it I just wanted to say that like it is a very far-fetched take and I saw a lot of people agreeing in the comments ments and being like Oh my gosh how did I not see this and it’s like no not at all um um so yeah also uh wait

    Joey has a different View and that’s okay well yeah but it’s also like it’s an unfounded view you know what I’m saying like it’s a rumor it’s a rumor and it’s a very very very large speculation and you know how I feel about speculations like that it’s it’s

    It’s inappro it’s an it’s an inappropriate speculation that carries misinformation in it um um Commander is Russian okay we are going to have to discuss this so so syi um first of all is a Ukrainian last name so you know there are lots of ukrainians who have been

    Sent to Russia their parents could have been sent to Russia but that’s not even the point yes he was born in Russia yes he went to the Moscow um he went to the Moscow um Military Academy he also then finished two other military acmis in Ukraine he has only served in

    Ukraine and um he has been second in command he has been second top General in Ukraine this entire time and nobody had a problem with it so if UK If you he’s him and literally have done everything together they have immense respect for each other they’re very good

    Friends and they have been working together since the beginning of this war so all of these rumors of like oh my gosh this is like the end for Ukraine a Russian’s in charge and like oh no he’s a horrible person like he is an infantry guy he’s an infantry guy and of course

    No one told you this because like this is not how disinformation and how rumors work that’s what I’m trying to say is that everybody keeps focusing on like fail defensive here and fail defensive there he is one of the people who was in charge of planning the defense of kib he

    Was also in charge of the counter offensive in har he was uh he also had only served in like you know he has he has served in the Ukrainian military he has finished two um higher military institutions in Ukraine after he had finished one in Moscow he has been working for the

    Ukrainian military since the Cod Dawn um he has literally been Z’s right- handman since the beginning of the invasion so saying that someone put syki in charge because they want Ukraine to lose is absolute garbage because he had literally he he had literally been right there the entire time and he has been

    Number two so it is like you know if uh he it’s it’s it’s one of those things where like it’s Um Russian propaganda wants you to think these things because Russian propaganda wants people to be incredibly mad and Russian propaganda wants people to stand in maidan and demand zi to come back zi doesn’t want to be back as the general it does seem like he was like

    Like he understands and he thinks that he has done what he could have done and it’s time it doesn’t mean that you’re a bad General it doesn’t mean that you are you know that you are it doesn’t mean that you’ve done anything wrong it just means that you

    Have done everything you could do and you’ve done everything fantastically and now it’s time to move on and pass the torch to someone else I don’t know if cki is the best choice because he is an infantry man who specializes in assaults so for instance the criticism he has

    From the Ukrainian military man is that and women is that he is not nearly as careful of human lives as zi was because zi is not an infantry man whose specialty is assaults right um so offensives so that’s one of the things that people are upset about but the rest

    Of it is literally Russian disinfo that spreads itself into the Ukrainian Society to wind people up and he has been there the whole time so why was no one so outraged when he has been when he has been second in command with Z like WTF you know

    Uh so yeah there is kind of that and thank you DW the main intelligence director of the ministry of Defense reports that Russian UAV operators are being trained for the war against Ukraine in the Syrian shyat Airfield intelligence indicates that the military training is overseen by one of the

    Commanders of Hezbollah Kamal Abu sadik who specializes in the manufacture and maintenance of drones the embassy of Ukraine and Poland turned to the police due to the incident with the scattered grain and expects a decisive reaction from the Polish side after the incident at the border IMF Representatives led by Uma

    Ramakrishan a uh deputed director of the European Department of the IMF have arrived in cave to discuss the challenges facing Ukraine’s that Ukraine is facing in its economy North Korea has announced the development of guided missiles for multiple launch rocket systems mlrs uh raising concern about potential uh proliferation to Russia according to

    Yonhap um the newly developed ammunition Fe features a caliber of 240 millim and North Korean military conducted tests on the system last week reports suggest that the system equipped with these new shells is currently deployed near the border with South Korea and is aimed at the capital Soul Hong Kong un hongming

    Union a senior researcher at the South Korean Institute of nation uh of and the South Korean Institute believes these projectiles likely serve as a dual purpose practically there is a possibility of considering them for export to Russia while politically they may be intended to exert pressure on

    South Korea so just like everything in Russia and North Korea it’s kind of done in a hurry in a military industrial complex run by a dictatorship where a lot of parts and things are sanctioned and a lot of goods are just crap quality so it’s obviously a lot of these things

    Are going to be misfiring and a lot of them are going to be broken a lot of them are not going to work as intended but also that is a large problem because quite a few of them will work just as intended uh but their their systems do tend to be

    Very bad quality and they do tend to break very fast in Germany a tragic incident occurred so this is insane in Germany a tragic incident took place a 17-year-old Ukrainian Basketball player W Yakov was killed with a knife as reported by the basketball Federation of KV the report states that buum and his

    Friend Aram kachenko were attacked with knives during a fight at a bus station unfortunately despite efforts from medical professionals Yakov could not be saved while kachenko remains in in intensive care um the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has taken special control over the investigation into the murder

    Of a Ukrainian Basketball player in Germany and uh it is not confirmed by but it is it is REM and it has been said that it was done on the basis of uh them just being Ukrainian so it was like a a fight because they were Ukrainian Um um mongolia’s ex-president reacted ironically to Putin’s historical Excursion during an interview with Tucker Carlson so this is what Mongolia um this is what mongolia’s ex-president said after Putin’s speech I found a historical map of Mongolia don’t worry we are a peaceful we are a peaceful and Free Nation it’s actually phenomenal

    It’s a phenomenal response hi BM the politician wrote on the X social network alongside images of a map of territories that once belonged to the Mongolian Empire that is actually freaking hilarious it is so good Um uh NATO cannot be a military Alliance dependent on the mood of the US president stated the head of the EU diplomacy Joseph B this comment comes in response to Donald Trump’s statement suggesting that the US may not protect NATO allies who failed to meet their financial obligations B emphasized NATO cannot

    Operate on a whim nor it can be subject to the changing moods of the US president it does not function in such a manner it cannot adjust its principles based on individual whims let us not waste time commenting on any impractical ideas that may arise during the US election

    Campaign that is that is a very um reasonable and a very strong way to answer that is a an honorable response I would say um the Council of the EU approved the resolution that makes it possible to use profits from the frozen assets of the Russian Federation for Ukraine

    Yay the EU said they’re they’re talking about setting up their own Coalition yeah it makes sense I mean listen if Trump wins then it makes so much sense uh Forbes reports that the Ukrainian electronic warfare system poovan which has been invented in Ukraine during this War uh is capable of replacing

    Navigation and confusing shahad drones while Ukraine has previously downed Russian drones using spoofing at Short ranges the new system operates at much at much greater distance according to Thomas Whittington an expert at the British defense Think Tank R USI this system will require a network of perfectly synchronized transmitters

    Ukrainian forces already utilize a similar synchronized radar control system in their National air defense network shahad drones are known to be relatively well protected against electronic warfare systems they can operate even without a SAT a satellite signal I’ll bite for a limited time however Ukrainian Engineers have discovered vulnerabilities in their

    Navigation systems after dismantling SE several drones that is actually really cool and that is a had drones yes that’s literally what they are um so that is really cool and I am really really proud of Ukraine for developing like these technologies that are so um useful and that are adapting to the

    Demands of the current you know know of the current situation and we’re not just waiting for the West to send us things we’re actually trying to replace them or trying to come up with our own things that can get us where we need to be Russia is experiencing a shortage

    Thank you thank you USI Russia is experien experiencing a shortage of Yuan at stocks of Chinese uh currently sorry Russia is experiencing a shortage of Yuan as stocks of Chinese currency rapidly diminished particularly since Chinese Banks began refusing to work with Russian companies and process payments for them this trend intensified notably

    Towards the end of December and into January coinciding with us threats of secondary sanctions a sad as of January 1st 2024 Russian Banks held only RMB 6.8 billion marking a 25.7 decrease compared to November and presenting the lowest figure since June 2022 with trade between Russia and China now predominantly conducted in National

    Currencies further reductions in Yuan reserves pose a risk of dwindling import volumes Russia’s dependency in Chinese Imports has never been higher the shortage of currency threatens to result in commodity shortages unless companies resort to barter as suggested by some officials Al alternatively they may seek Solutions through foreign currencies

    Although this could lead to price increase due to intermediary markups actually I don’t think this requires a comment uh I’m going to show you a series of photographs this is Germany in 1933 and this is Hitler yugan which is Hitler’s Youth uh doing a swasti formation um this is Russia

    2024 and this is Russia 2024 so participants in the Hitler Youth parade at the nsdap Congress photo 2 and three Moscow 2024 all Russian race Russian ski track reports indicate that the organizers requested a group photograph of the particip in the form of a giant letter z in support of the

    Special military operation according to reports from Russian sources everyone was understanding and no one objected reminiscent of goel’s propaganda tactics yeah also do not think this requires a comment the armed forces have initiated the use of the vampire laser anti-drone systems to sh to to shoot down Shah

    Heads as reported by defense Express analysts suggest that on the night of February 11th it was through the utilization of vampire systems that the shahad attacks attack was successfully repelled um uh an Aussie that some of you know and love a lot of you know and

    Love is actually now a proud owner of the certificate of training on uh vampire drones so you know just FYI one of the largest technology corporations in the world the German company cement AG is closing its business in Russia which it has been doing since 19 since

    1853 it was then that the first Bureau of the company was opened in the Russian Empire can you imagine 1853 that’s actually a big deal H the Russians indeed attacked Ukraine with this with the ziron or ciron missile reports the BBC this determination was made by experts from the C of scientific

    Research institute of forensic expertise who examined the missiles used in the Russian attacks on February 7th 2024 uh the director Alexander ruven Alexander ruven stated that the markings and parts and debris along with the identification of components parts and features of the weapon type confirm the use of a ciron missile hi

    James specifically laser markings 3 M22 were discovered on the rocket debris additionally elements elements characteristics of the 3 M22 ciron missile were found among the debris along with parts and fragments of a jet engine and steering mechanisms with specific markings the 3 M22 ziron is an anti-ship Hypersonic cruise missile

    According to the Russian Federation with a declared range of up to 1,500 km and speeds of up to Mac 89 it was adopted by Russia for service in January 2023 The Institute is currently analyzing the composition of the metal from the rocket from The Rock rocket body fragments and thermal insulation

    Materials so there is that um well you guys thank you so very much for listening to the news tonight um I am that’s all I do have for you for tonight we are at 8 $460 for the Drone fundraiser and we are $40 short of being at $88,500

    So maybe someone wants to contribute to that if not that’s okay as well but um thank you so very much for listening and participating I do really super appreciate that and uh I will see you probably tomorrow actually um and then on Wednesday I likely won’t or

    Maybe if I don’t see you tomorrow I’ll see you on Wednesday we’ll we will see I will let you know I will post I will make a post about it thank you so much for coming over and listening and CNY and Liv are saying hello they’re um you

    Know cute little lovely doggies and um I hope that I survive this move thank you so much you guys I will see you soon it is 2:06 a.m. and is prime time for me to go to bed okay bye bye good night and and


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