That was the longest class B exam in my whole career. In 20 years (since 2003) I didnt have had such a long exam. Ok, until 2021 the calculated exam time for class B was only 45 minutes. Since 2021 it is 55 minutes. But not driving time….

    We are starting a driving exam in September 2022 and we are starting in badam toos in a side street you see the blue car here on the right side it’s the automatic car because we need it to change into the manual shift car we are driving in an A4 Audi

    A4 we’re starting in baduna tonos in a side street and we will finish in zbak amtas which is a neighbor town of B zodin this is a 30 zone so we have right before left rule here fortunately not raining today so we don’t need the wiper and the visibility is good links

    Up please turn left the next street so oops that Arc was a little bit too big from the black car we check the right side and we already see the oncoming Street both both streets are free so we can turn here you can already see the next right before

    Left and we have to move to the right side a little bit and check the right side site and if it’s free we can go on and here we have the obstacle no oncoming traffic and we can pass here’s also a street on the right side but it’s a walking speed area you

    Can see the blue sign over there so here’s no right before left but it’s uh not very early to see and you see uh someone was overtaking us while we were uh moving to the right side but no problem if you already check your mirror and do the blind spot you will

    Always see this now links up being B please turn left we have a giveaway sign and we have to check both sides and waiting and waiting and waiting for a free spot exam time is running this black Jeep from the right side is waiting a little bit too early but he

    Lets us go that’s the reason for waiting so early and not going to the center now we have left the 30 area after our turn was no more uh 30 sign that’s why we are here and in the 50 area please drive into the roundabout and take exit number

    Two so let’s see what’s coming from left side and and good to go exit number one is here and exit number two we take pedestrian traffic lights are jumping because a pedestrian pressed the button that’s the only reason uh when the pedestrian traffic lights are jumping

    And here on the right side is my driving school Yoo and here’s the best pizza in town on the right side the 30 sign on on the right side said only during night time between 22:00 and 6:00 in the morning and next up please turn right at the next

    Lights uh slowing down parallel to our driving direction right now the pedestrians have green light no one to see from left side no one to see from the right side and and going On side distance 1 M or if it’s less than 1 M the speed should be under 10 that you’re ready to break if someone opens the door pedestrian Crossing from left side someone is coming and from right side also someone is coming it’s exam day then they all

    Come from all corners of the world in front of our our car that we have uh lots of things to organize B up up be please turn right if we enter this area it’s walking speed area so it must be less than 10 and all pedestrians have the priority if

    Someone wants to cross we have to wait and let them go and because they don’t want us to drive 50 they put us a 30 sign here on the right side and we are out of walking speed area next links up being please turn left on the right side is no Street only

    A house and a private property so oncoming traffic has the priority because of our left turn and we have turned we enter a 30 Zone and now here on the right side at the next light pole no here between the light pole it’s the one-way street sign without additional

    Sign so right now we are in a clean oneway Street bicycles are not allowed in oncoming traffic I’m in the bit links up being please turn left at the end where do you have to place your car left side left side my friend H okay he’s on

    The right side checking the right side right before left blind spot and turn and direct ly after the turn we have the next right before left checking nothing on the next links up being please turn left the next street from here you can see the next oneway street

    Sign with additional sign bicycles are allowed in oncoming traffic here on the right side you can see but the other one was a clean oneway Street and only in a clean oneway Street you have to place your car on the left side of the road left cbst

    Stone in oneway street it’s allowed to park on the left side please stop next to the blue car and make the reverse parking okay no problem left side is actually a little bit easier because you can see the distance to the left cstone much better out of

    Your left window and in your left mirror so with the front wheel he hit a little bit the curbstone and now going forward straight fatic okay then we can go on driving a little bit straight back checking and going on not no better not B up please turn

    Right and here you can already see the oneway street sign no additional sign it’s just a street name sign and links up Bean so while we approach we can see the right side is completely free then we have the obstacle no oncoming traffic yeah there’s oncoming traffic two cars coming next the links uping you can already see the stop sign so let’s see if he is able to do the full stop at the line

    Uh and 30 Road for nice distance on the right side so that’s why we can go nearly 30 here we have a priority sign we are on a priority Road o why is he breaking down we are on the priority Road uh FY B in please drive into the roundabout and

    Take exit number one and here we also have the yellow sign I hope he is going on on the priority road right now yeah yeah and here’s the 50 sign behind the tree now we can go a little faster but for going straight you don’t get any information you just search your

    Straight Lane automatically and then it’s fine and if there’s any doubt you just ask do we go straight yes but don’t ask every single intersection if we go straight this will be a little bit annoying we’re entering the city of zbar we have already been in ZB uh since

    The last roundabout but then we were crossing a country road that’s why they uh finish the city and they have to put the beginning of the city sign on the other side of the country road priority Street this time it works really well and just following the priority road is really easy stuff

    Pedestrian traffic lights nobody was there to press the button that’s why we can calculate that it stays at Green Light bus stopping at the bus stop it’s very narrow we cannot see the oncoming traffic really well that’s why he decided to stay behind and generally in a in a village like

    Here not many people getting in or out that’s why you can calculate that it doesn’t take so long and don’t forget it’s your driving exam don’t take a risk please enter the roundabout and take exit number one follow the priority road on the right side you can see the additional sign

    Already that it’s going to the right side even if you don’t see you see the lines on the ground which are turning to the right side and then it’s easy to to detect that this is a turning priority Street to the right side and here we are back to 50 passing the

    Sign pedestrian traffic lights and the bus is stopping at the bus stop now the visibility to the front is good but we see the left blinker of the bus he’s starting and then he has the priority we were clearly behind him so rail cross don’t forget to check even if

    It’s open and not blinking because if it’s blinking then you are not allowed to cross anymore and if it’s open and not blinking then we have to check the sign and the sign says it’s a rail cross and the trains have the priority that’s why we have to check real quick double check

    Left and right Next third zone right before left and from here you can see already that there’s a street from right side because of the street name sign he is moving a lot to the right side but we are in a oneway street with bicycles allowed in oncoming traffic so

    No need to go so far to the right side it’s allowed to overdrive the parking lines as long as they are free next links up be oncoming traffic check nobody turn out of the 30 Zone and we already can see roundabout bit of the no pedestrians no traffic from left side blinker first

    Exit and no speeding sign that’s the 50 Area here and if you’re following the channel for a long time you probably know to what area we are coming right now because we were here some sometimes in the exams next links up checking the right side dead end sign

    And from here you can already see no entry signs then he asked oh where do we go left or right nothing possible we turn around and here in the corner it’s a link We have had an exam which was ending here because the student did not

    Ask where to go and and he did not turn around he was just driving straight and I had to break and that’s what was a failed exam here are the white lines on the ground waiting lines so we have the right before left nobody f r and under done links up up again

    Please turn left at the lights and finally um the student placed the car into the right of the two lanes going left I always tell my students that’s the better option generally no matter from what Lane you are starting the turn you have to finish in the same Lane where you

    Started if you start in the left of two lanes you have to finish in the left of of two lanes and if you start in the right of two lanes like we do now you have to finish in the right of two lanes otherwise you cause a crash if you

    Change your lane while you turn it’s a failing point or you have an accident and because outside the city you have to take the right lane by law if you don’t overtake someone it’s smarter to take the right lane before you approach to the traffic lights look

    If you have choosen the left lane you have to make a change back to the right side the speed limit is 60 we drive probably 48 uh sorry 58 59 and the others go 65 66 so you are slowly in the left lane they are faster in the right lane right

    Overtaking not allowed ah many many rules that’s why I can recommend use the right of the two lanes and you are fine but if the examiner asks you turn left and then left again then it doesn’t make sense to take the right of two lanes because you already know that you should

    Turn left after your first left turn confusing yes from here you can see that the right lane ends so we have to merge and he realized that very early so start checking start indicating and then wait how it develops and then after a blind spot you can change here’s a construction now the

    Speed limit is going down to 30 you can see here on the right side so we drive with maximum speed of 30 and then please follow the signs to vpen hi way autoban V sparten now yellow lines are over 30 is officially over and the next speed limit is

    70 so there are some direction boards one yellow one blue and one other blue and we need the blue because Highway and we sparten so this is the right lane 50 on the side reducing the speed a little bit we didn’t reach the full 70 because we came out of 30 speed limit

    But we will not integrate into the highway we keep in the right lane which is going automatically into an exit so we are officially on a highway but we do not enter the we sparten highway so what do we need to do we accelerate a little bit that people behind us can change

    With proper speed to Highway we indicate right to show everyone we go to the exit we nearly have the speed like the truck now but we don’t want to enter the highway please go back to the right side and then there are two lanes we want to turn left at the lights left

    Left links uh yeah he was a little bit confused because uh in the highway training we accelerate and integrate into the highway but this time the examiner said we don’t enter the highway we stay here it’s combined acceleration Lane with the deceleration Lane and yeah that was a little bit confusing for

    Him no problem we explained Gros going straight entering the city of Frankfurt right now on the right side was the city sign no other red signs we have the 30 sign for the next 200 M because on the left left side is a school a primary

    School and after 200 M we are back to 50 next links up being please turn left the next street so start preparing early here’s a pedestrian traffic light and you can see where is it the priority street is turning to the right side so the right side also has the yellow

    Sign and the left side has a stop sign or a yield sign so we can ignore the left street but we check the right Street and bicycles from right side and then we can turn left of course illegally bicycles can come from the left side on the other side of

    The road that’s why we check mirror and blind spot before we turn if you see situation like this if you’re are heading to a house to a green gate to something it’s only possible to turn left or right so you can calculate to reduce your speed down to Turning spe

    Speed and here you see it’s right turn by law we are entering uh oneway Street a clean one-way Street there’s no bicycles allowed in the oncoming traffic then here’s a curve to the left side and again a clean oneway street sign amend the links up be please turn

    Left this 50 sign is useless because it it ends after the turn and where to place the car uh left side H he’s clearly on the right side in a clean oneway Street please place your car to the left side as much as possible that was the second

    Time here we have to turn right by law and you see the oneway street sign to the right side no additional sign it’s a clean oneway Street to the right side next a bit links up being and can you see where the other cars are placed for

    The left turn clearly on the left side and can you see where our car is placed clearly on the right side third time wrong and we enter a oneway street a clean oneway Street so three times we did not place the car at the left side links up being bitter now let’s see

    Now it works where does he pull the car clearly to the right side fourth time not placing the car properly on the left side so pedestrian way is a little bit hidden slowing down checking both sides and going we are still on a priority Road this time we are not going left we

    Are going straight but entering another Clean oneway Street but examiner didn’t want to turn left anymore he said we go straight to Highway Direction and traffic light Direction so don’t indicate it’s a little bit left a little bit right and it’s the result is straight because sharp left was another

    Street and right was also another street so we take the center and the center is straight right up again here we are at the same situation giveaway sign and the priority street is coming from from the front and going to the right so we just need to

    Check the front which uh is coming from the rail cross and in front of our car the bicycle way and if we keep right we have nothing to do with the traffic from the right side here’s the primary school on the right side frankurt here on top of the

    Direction board and Frankfurt is Right autoban Frankfurt the direction boards are 150 M before you turn that’s why it wasn’t uh necessary to turn right immediately here you can see the big bridge that’s the highway bridge and that’s where we need to go right here’s the blue sign to turn right

    We have nothing to do with the traffic lights we have a giveaway sign so we can pass here in the bypass and then wait until it’s free and then we can stay connected to the last car going to the highway and here we did the same because

    We didn’t want to go to the highway Frankfurt we wanted to take the exit directly so please stay here in this Lane accelerate a little bit if indicator right for the exit and giveway if someone wants to leave the highway we have to let them go

    We have to influence this time he was not changing to the left side so that was better reducing the speed for the curve and then please follow follow directions to kikin B zodan Lear two lanes going there and if we want to turn left many students change to the left lane but he

    Also recognized here are two lanes going left and I always say right lane is the best option for driving school he remember it very well and we started in the right of two lanes and we clearly finished in the right of two lanes then then we are

    Outside this city here’s the sign right now and there’s no written speed limit on the side that means here the recommended speed of 130 km per hour valid and here is a 100 sign and then it’s over with a uh free speed limit but that’s just because of the construction

    And here we go straight we do not follow ZB Boden anymore we go straight speed limit is going down to 60 and now Follow the yellow lines precisely otherwise we crash if someone is not following next crash is possible and then speed limit is back to 120 the construction is

    Over oh he changed early and the wouldn’t immediately release the accelerator a little bit it’s not necessary to break because the white car will keep accelerating we will not accelerate and then the distance opens up automatically without breaking the distance to the front is now 50 m you can measure with the poles

    On the right side from one white pole to the next one is 50 m and this distance is good for the speed up to 100 and after he was done with overtaking he got the information please take the next exit b m next start speed

    Limit we are back to 100 at 300 met sign we start indicating right but not reducing the speed unless we have changed to the deceleration Lane here’s 100 m sign then checking changing early breaking immediately shifting back to gear number three and enjoying the exit and please go on straight next links up

    Begin please turn left it’s important to choose a very good spot because they are coming quickly it’s a country road you can calculate that that they approach with a speed of 100 if they go straight from the right side you can you already know that the maximum speed is

    Around 60 because 60 is the speed limit they probably approach with 70 but it really needs to be a perfect decision to drive out of that giveway area and then here you see end of 60 so that’s why we could calculate that the right people come with 60 or

    70 and then integrate into the speed of 100 on the right side you uh can see the skyline of Frankfurt so here’s no danger we could speed up to 100 now look at the time 45 minutes rolling generally if you compare with other uh exam videos the rolling time is

    Around 35 or 40 minutes but now we are rolling since 40 5 minutes wow now the question is is that enough with the oneway streets not a single oneway Street he was he was moving to the left side of the uh Road four times then the stop sign in Baden H that was

    A almost a almost stop I think it was not a real stop it was still a little bit of of rolling movement visible it looked like which could generally be immediately a failing point but if the examiner was distracted by using his tablet or something else he probably didn’t

    Realize and after the stop sign we’ve had the priority Street where he break down and played the right before left left game but fortunately he saw the no entry sign which is normal for an exam then entering the highway we did not want to enter the highway we wanted

    To stay in the right lane but he entered the highway and he moved back and then at the traffic lights he was very late coming into the coming into the left turning lane at the traffic lights H and then the last row of of the oneway streets in Frankfurt un

    B not a single time he was placing the car to the left side in the clean oneway streets links up Bean so is this enough for an exam so reverse parking please second time stop next to the red car that was not the emergency Break by the way he was losing con concentration

    I mean he’s almost on the way 50 minutes um please do the reverse parking reverse right behind the red Audi he was just a little bit confused so he realized that he is too far on the left side for the parking process because the front left wheel touched a little bit the curbstone

    And now he replaced and did the reverse parking so this was second time reverse parking how does this influence the examiner exam Miner’s decision I’m very glad that I’m not examiner and I have to decide if someone passes or not I’m very glad that I’m just teaching how is this

    Going how is this going correction


    1. After wasting 1 year of life
      4000+ euros
      Failed 2 times

      Decided not to waste more time , money and mental peace so stopped chasing this shit.
      System sucks in Germany in many ways this is one of them
      Sorry If I am sounding rude but its not worth living in Germany specially as an Auslander

    2. Hi Andreas,

      I have been following your YouTube channel since beginning of 2023 and with the help your videos I successfully completed driving license back in March 2023. You are one of the best driving instructor I ever seen, the way you explain in every class and exam of videos in English, it is quite impressive and I really like the way you teach 🙂 I would recommend you if someone really wants to learn and complete driving in an organized way. I wish you more success and healthy life ahead. Many greetings from Bad Soden!

    3. A little unfair to the student. Considering your previous exam videos, this exam was way too much tricky and long. I can really feel for the student if they feel a little disappointed after the exam. I really hope the student gets a relatively easier one next time.

    4. I passed my practical today. Thank you for the helpful videos, particularly this one (#22). Having this video in mind, I aligned the car properly when turning left on a one-way street. Anyway, it's a nice feeling to watch these videos again after passing. Good luck to you ALL!

    5. Hi Andy, thanks for a very useful video. I have some questions-

      1- when you have the sign and signals together, signal takes priority. Here at 12.06 the sign and the signal are so close that I thought as long as the signal is working, the sign does not matter. However you said that the person should have stopped at the stop sign. How does one know when a sign is not part of the traffic signal? This one looked too close to the signal and I think I would have not stopped.

      Just watched further at 30.46. – same situation green signal with stop sign, but the signal is green and we do not look at the sign and don’t stop.
      Seems contradictory.

      Ok, I finished the video now and I think it has got to do with the solid white line with the stop sign in the first case. But not sure.

      2- At 28:35 – the solid yellow lines are over and the person is driving in the left of the two lanes. Your advice is to drive on the right of the two lanes whenever possible, would changing here to right not be a natural instinct for a learner driver?

      3- How does one know when to merge and when not to merge in the highway. Will the instructor tell that?

    6. Hi Andy, one more question though unrelated to the video. What are the costs of switching driving schools in Germany? I imagine the old school will give in writing the number of training hours completed and the new school will need some more to prepare you for the test. Assuming theory exam is passed and practical is not booked, what are the “additional” charges in switching schools. I would guess registering at the new school would be one but cannot think of any other costs/disadvantages of switching. What are your views? Not a direct driving practice related question but I hope you can answer 🙂

    7. I finally passed my practical exam today. Thank you very much for this idea, this channel; Without a doubt, a great help for those of us who live in Germany and do not speak German!!!… best.

    8. I have passed the practical exam today in my first attempt. Your videos really helped a lot. The way you teach and explain the situations in your videos is very good. , I will definitely recommend it to my friends to watch your videos during the preparation.
      Thank you so much.😊

    9. Is it legally possible for someone who live in Kassel, to take driving lessons in your driving school. I personally learned much more from your videos than my instructor because my German is limited and I cant get most of the things he explains during the driving sessions.

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