In The Remarkable Coggeshall Life Of Cecil Hewett we look at the Timber framed Buildings of Coggeshall and some remarkable achievements in archaeology of a former resident in Coggeshall who changed the way old timber framed buildings are dated. He used his own methods backed up by dendrochronology archaeology and carbon dating.

    Thanks to Trevor Disley’s Wonderful Books.,


    I’ve been looking at all these lovely timber frame buildings this is what stands out in kogal is the old timber frame buildings that are centuries old and we have a resident another remarkable person who lived in kosa and he has a link to the old timber frame buildings that we see this man’s

    Name is Cil hu he moved to kushu in 1960 and he made some remarkable changes to the dating of Timbers in these old buildings in actual fact he caused quite a stir when it came to uh Temple barns Crossing Temple bars and our own Cal B because he proved using his own uh

    Methods he said that the bonds were a lot older than they they were estimated previously and carbon dating and and endro chronology actually proved him correct so this man made quite a change historically and this is one of the buildings that would have fascinated him while he was here in

    Kogu I’ll give you a little bit about him cesil HT born 1926 died in 1998 CES gett moved to kogasa in the late 1960s and was a familiar site around the town and occasionally in the wallpack it was during his time in kogasa that he became famous through his knowledge of historic carpentry

    It was his understanding of the development and dating of jointing in Timber buildings that pushed the date of the gra B from the generally accepted 15th century to the then revolutionary 12th century a date which was later confirmed by carbon dating and dendr chronology cil’s AR I istic flare showed

    From a young age and he was regarded as an art Prodigy by the time he was 8 years old he was very competent with sharp edged carpentry tools and was making superb models of wooden farm machinery his attention turned from farm buildings to church buildings and by the time he was 12 12

    He was convinced that conventional dating of timberframe buildings was largely wrong it was this early appreciation of timberframe buildings and experience of acquiring knowledge of timber frame buildings firsthand that set the patent for his research it was his interest in carpentry and the dating of Old Timber buildings that changed his

    Life he started to write and publish articles on carpentry from his own observations bringing invitations to give lectures at various locations including the Institute of archaeology in London hu’s approach was to study the work of carpenter of the past their methods especially the evolution of the joints

    Used and the use of sharp edged tools and he established a strict datable sequence of joints and techniques he investigated the crushing Temple Barns and the dates he proposed for these and other buildings did not go with some of the experts and indeed proved to be something of a bombshell among the historical

    Architectural fraternity for a number of years researchers were split over his work but gradually his ideas have gained acceptance especially with the coming of the more precise scientific technique of tree ring dating it was in 1980 that CES published one of his Major Works English historic carpentry but not long afterwards he

    Suffered a severe stroke which left him unable to communicate but it did not affect his memory Against All Odds he gradually regained all his faculties the stroke forced him to retire although he did make one more effort to return to work retired gave him the O opportunity to publish yet another book entitled

    English cathedral and monastic carpentry in 1985 that’s cesil C dating old Timbers and old buildings would not be the same if it were not for him now so if you enjoyed this video as always I’ll put it up there and I will see you in another video stay safe

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