Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is bicycle touring England on 30th January 2024. Canterbury to Horam. Garry leaves the campsite in Canterbury and heads into the city centre for a spot of sightseeing, which doesn’t take long. And Garry is soon on the road heading through the Kent countryside.

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    Stay safe and keep peddling.

    #travelsonabike2 #bicycletouring #england

    Good morning all well that was a very short night do and it feels if I just gone to bed um very windy today um I don’t that’s what it’s working um I don’t know whether it’s just up here cuz um when I was being shown around last

    Night to my picture I should say um he said oh there’s a nice sheltered spot away from the wind and I said oh I’d rather be near the showers and he said oh okay so yeah um as I say it was very that’s blinding me that was very

    Windy in the night um hopefully it won’t be um today or if it is it’ll be um behind us but what’s time I don’t know I think it’s getting on for seven so we’re a bit qu to probably about normal time although was a little bit late up right

    I should get on packing up and well I shall speak to you all when we get on the road goodbye right let’s see if that winds against us or behind us I know what I think it is it’s not nice should have stayed the same direction as yesterday that was a that

    Was an easterly blowing against us I don’t think we’ve got a huge amount of miles now think it’s 40 odd maybe I need to stop and put my light on on oh here’s one of the hills we had to come up late last night just coming out of

    Canbury no doubt we got a hill to come out out of the other side as well that wind is definitely going to be against us today pretty along here except for the C I don’t whether we came we probably came up here last night now I think about it Go the path

    Got a couple of pictures of the um cedal I think is we get m I think we’re going to give up on trying to find that well we found the cathedral but you it’s surrounded well seems to be more like a castle so I think we’ll take a few photos here and

    Then we will continue on our way mind you saying that now I’ve just turned around we’ve probably got the best view we’ve had of it so far all right just take a picture how cool is that I got a little viewing um that police officer took me I can

    Have a little look and take some photos right you’re going to get apparently there’s a view from the out uh University but it’s Upper Hill so don’t think we’re going to bother I’m not liking the look of this weather um I’m sure I can feel spots of

    Rain well we’ve been following the aoad so far and well we decided to cut through this V where are we chilling I think it’s not morning yeah um yes so we decided to just cut through the village why did I bother very pretty though I’ll give it that no very pretty all

    Right better look to see where we need to go this building up here yeah what’s this Chillin Castle Gardens all right think this road you want let see I’m not coming back up it well I think I’m going to stop and put my glove back on we chilling here there how bare

    Everything looks at the moment suppose it won’t be long before they start coming out in a bit of greenery oh I remember why I don’t come east very often it’s this I got this wind to battle against going home oh no wonder it’s hilly we’re in the Kent Downs

    Another pretty Village I’m Charing I think this is but we just come down a big hill no doubt we’re going to go up the other side stop rather chilly wow that dish oh yeah I’ve just noticed I don’t think we’re sheltered but that wind seems to have dropped off we

    Quite we’re up a hill shall I say and I don’t know how much fur we’ve got um seems it taking a long time getting to wherever we are I might have I there a junction up ahead I might have a look and see how much further there is to

    Go not the matters cuz whatever there is there is I’m quite Pleasant around um here and some nice houses a nice old o houses as well oh no doubt they go for a fair price is this there’s Junction up there right right have a look I know we go right well

    Get but I think we’ve got about um 16 mil to go and well hopefully we’ll be there for half p 4 I would like to get there in the light today today well as I said earlier I can’t believe that was taken me but we have been praying around quite a

    Bit and we are slow especially uphill no there’s gin um where we’re in uh bear wash from the um uh pavement blcks got the names all these books right hopefully we’ve got quite a nice downhill now cuz we’ve been coming up for a while I wonder whether I’ve been through here before I’m

    Just the rudo kiplin um lell with me but then most places say oh so and so lived here or born here whatever what a name for a house well different y there it is I hope they got somewhere we just had a three Hill down 3 Mile

    Downhill to here so we won’t be going back oh I hope they’re open I have a feeling that I came here once before I around with kids find someone

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