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    Hello to all viewers of my channel, today the second part of the interview with Tomek Klimczak that I conducted, I mainly focused here on the answers to the questions you ask in the comments, the issues you are interested in, so I collected all these

    Questions, I asked them to Tomek, I invite you to watch Good evening, yes, and here I have a lot what else did the breeders ask such questions about the use of these drugs against salmonella and the question was whether enrofloxan should be added to water or to food,

    Apart from the fact that we are not assessing the validity of the treatment now, but if it says on the drug that it should be given to water and Some people give it to their food. And some people ask whether it is possible or not, that is, yes, unless they are drugs

    That irritate in some way. I don’t know, for example, Bajok, for example, given directly, for example, as a punishment, or in a high concentration such as… for example, it causes pigeons to vomit, such as regurgitation due to the vomiting movement, but for

    Example the question: Is it possible to dissolve it, because I think that is the problem, but if, however, to dissolve it, let’s say, you have to make a larger dose in a smaller amount, so in a smaller amount of water, this g gets more of it And I noticed that

    It actually happens that they can regurgitate the goiter later and then not, i.e. if ODR had gone, I wouldn’t recommend giving it like that, but I think it means that nothing will happen for sure. You can give it to K. However, when it comes to these

    Treatments, of this enrofloxan, coming back, there is a treatment against salm, it means the type of antibiotic for treatment is of secondary importance, primary importance is always in the case of salmon, vaccination and in herds where we do not suspect salmonella, we do not do the treatment, we immediately vaccinate where

    We suspect salmonella, so we have symptoms of some kind of arthritis, deaths . young ones, then we do the treatment and only then we vaccinate them. What are the symptoms of salmonella and maybe it’s more like that? First of all, it’s like that, there’s no way that there wouldn’t be some

    Symptoms of some pigeons with arthritis, i.e. with those balls like that in the ponds. it stops flying on the wing and at the joint of the elbow or shoulder a ball is formed, a ball filled with fluid, a yellow goo, and usually in the autumn and winter period it can

    Catch two or three of them in a flock. The next pigeon is something like this. The symptom is later. already in the breeding season and Wizna’s ball on his legs may also be swollen and then there is the constant question that if he loses or limps at the hock joint or

    He limps because his wing is stiff because it has nothing to do with salmon yes yes, but the wing, for example, has become stiff, stretch it, because there is also a ball, but it should probably be a ball, even if not immediately, later, after some time,

    A ball can be formed there on this joint. A ball is felt, it is typical that OBW if it is done If we have such a Pigeon, which we prepared such a ball with liquid, even if they didn’t grow something in it,

    Because sometimes it’s impossible to breed salmon, so we make a meal from such a Pigeon and the salmon doesn’t come out and some staphylococci come out, unfortunately, but I would assume it anyway that this is the cause is salmon, because it may simply

    Not be sown at the moment and if we have such a depth, then we do the treatment and vaccinate, but also how long is the treatment, generally about two weeks, before you need to administer an antibiotic, they don’t even give

    TR, although 15 20 days Then, in fact, you have to provide it, but I pay more attention to the vaccine to this treatment, because these treatments or this, because there are a lot of people and what medicine, whether amoxicillin or flare, it has everything, such a question

    Exactly whether amoxicillin or loxan, if it comes to it It has everything I say secondary importance , because in general salmonellae are very sensitive, resistance to antibiotics rarely happens, because we usually do these treatments in orchards where these blind pigeon salmonellosis, there is no such need, salmonella is generally a rare disease

    Of pigeons, it is not that it is very it is a rare disease, most people do not have this salmonella mercenaries and do not have to treat it for something that does not exist. If there are actually cases of these balls in these joints, i.e. these

    Inflammation of the joints or, for example, cases such that during the breeding season they fell on the young ones, that’s why the young ones were fed in the nests during the period of ringing, i.e. these 7-10 days, one day it is young, it’s

    Nice, it’s fed, the next day it’s young, it died, no, that’s it this is such a signal, this also happens with salmon. These are the two main symptoms, i.e. P blindness in one eye can also be blindness, but then there is photophobia without the eye. Wenia without conjunctivitis and then the pupil enlarges

    From the iris becomes discolored, the pupil enlarges, then it becomes white, so it’s not a wet eye, and so on, it’s just a dry eye, as if there’s light, so he is you. The rose’s eye becomes pale in color, the iris becomes pale, is it discolored in one eye, and

    Then the pupil is the one in one eye is normally constricted and reacts to light, and in this one it is wide all the time. Aha, so it is a reaction to light. PR yes, it is open all the time, and then the pupil becomes white, yes, so

    It is like this, it turns white inside and black. the ball is supposed to kill White boost So yes, salmon is loud, if someone had dinner alone, then what about this treatment if it was found in the test or if he had at least one of

    These symptoms, unfortunately he will undergo the treatment because such a treatment will not hurt, but it should not be done, for example, in a healthy person where We didn’t have such symptoms, so the chicken shouldn’t do it because it doesn’t really make sense. And the question is: If, for example,

    He had such a symptom and he doesn’t do the treatment, and he vaccinates, nothing will happen, and they don’t fall into this situation, nothing will happen after this vaccination, i.e. so what if this vaccination What? Because they say about the carrier that the carrier is the carrier and it

    Will be the same, even if we treat it with antibiotics for three months, the carrier will remain because antibiotic treatment does not remove the carrier of the name gika. So it will still remain. The litter will remain, these salmon can survive. they are simply

    So adapted to live in their host that they live in such places bile ducts inside epithelial cells inside cells even these macrophages these inside white blood cells they can survive that they simply cannot be removed antibot they it’s just that despite this treatment they survive and then after a period of such

    Calm they start to multiply again and they start to spread again and new cases of disease occur again, the problem is that then the antibiotic may work worse because this immunization means I simply don’t attach much importance to it. importance of these antibiotics, it is more important to vaccinate

    Than than than lezen, i.e. whether we do the treatment or not, then yes The most important thing is vaccination yes yes And that is why if someone says they are sure that they have this salmon or they really suspect it with a high degree

    Of probability, then by all means do it this treatment, but if he thinks that he has healthy pigeons, he really shouldn’t be afraid, just these pigeons will piss in these two weeks, this one, the only thing you need to remember is that if we have young pigeons, we do not give enrofloxacin Even the best and most expensive for them PLN 100 because they are so expensive, although the breeder stubbornly imports the maniac from Germany. He didn’t mention the company that is 10 times more expensive than the usual Polish producers, but

    He thinks that it is better anyway because it is much more expensive, maybe it makes the salon work better, but it is it is the same here, none under young ones only after the end of growth, i.e., for example, they must have it for

    Months, then they can be given And in fact, such le’s are the choice for the living room If they are adults If they are young ones, amoxicillin can also be used in the case of young but that’s it, it’s just an introduction to the treatment in order

    To calm down these symptoms, compensate for these pigeons and vaccinate So two weeks and even after such a treatment If someone has already done it, after how long can they do this vaccination in the case of live vaccines, it’s good that min,

    They will live somewhere in this body, so there may still be some remnants, and here it is important that this bacteria is not killed too quickly, so that the body has contact with it, at least a week, it would have to be done before,

    And then, as I said, we vaccinate the young, do we have these vaccines oil or salmovir Myko salmovir because it has the same effect, in a sense, on these, or like here, live, when we vaccinate these young ones, where, for example, there is no salmonella, so for example, a

    Program like you are doing RP for the second time RP, you don’t have salmonella And then Salem smallpox , you have been vaccinated against salmonella, yes. And if, for example, someone decides that they want the respiratory tract. Well, the only

    Vaccine for the respiratory tract is mykos phes ph, you can do it, for example, RP, for example, after mykos Salmo, vaccinate with this Salem and the live one, as if for the second time, that it would start like this if if if he was already vaccinating, for example, against smallpox, and

    That was the advantage of this resource, that if we had this Pigeon in our hands and we were going against this smallpox, then there is no problem adding more these salmonella also certainly not, i.e. even if someone vaccinated Myko with salmovir or salmovir Well, in this case, a live vaccine can be vaccinated

    And the point is that the cost of the treatment Well, it is probably lower than the cost of vaccination Just that the cost of the treatment Generally has an effect mainly negative, because in the case of healthy pigeons, administering this antibiotic really

    Doesn’t do anything, so that’s what we did in the winter, not some athlete has prepared for football competitions and is taking antibiotics before the competition, it doesn’t make any sense after simply, that is, we have vaccinated the young old pigeons and then every year we repeat this

    Series of vaccinations for pigeons because we started with the young young pigeons, that after the vaccination season we prepare for the old pigeons, and here we do this one vaccination like this, and here the basis would be salmonella, but

    No requirement we have paramiko roz That’s why we do it like this, for example, I, for example, or here at your place, that we vaccinate ourselves with mykos salmovir this November, I prefer this mykos Salmo og jze on these roads for some reason It works for me, I

    Don’t know why, but I know that a lot of people also complain about these Polish vaccines, that these pigeons get sick, but they say that I have been vaccinating them for years, I’ve been flying Rem, really, when I vaccinate these 100 pigeons, these d TR, it’s hard, but if they have

    Some, they react worse, so let me tell you that they always survive there somehow, it’s not like something terrible is happening there But m Well, if 95 or a naked person can pass, that’s good ad TR somehow that’s how it cures the disease Well, I just assume that this is

    The percentage of complications I can allow yes, it is not acceptable and normal for me. Well, it turns out that when I had the one who was, so to speak, injured, even for two weeks on old flights, she was a great aviator, it does not cause

    A vaccine to cause the person to be sick, to give up, or, or, or that it won’t work like that, then also Emphasize that I mean, I will say yes. Well, if someone approaches it this way, it goes to the depths that if he vaccinates and something happens to him and he

    Gets sick, three pigeons out of 100 and he won’t be able to vaccinate with this vaccine because he is already so oversensitive that I just, I don’t know, give up on vaccinations because two or three pigeons are a bit sick It’s sad, we definitely have a healthy Pigeon and we vaccinated him and he somehow feels it, but… Well, there is a proportion. Well, if we have two or three pigeons here and I somehow get sick and we have to

    Hospitalize them for a while, take them to a warm place, give them some aspirin, and then we’ll tell you what. Because there’s a lot of phone calls later, what to give. Maybe now right away, because we’re just vaccinating them and we have these complications, it’s still better than having these diseases

    Later, no, because when we have these diseases, we have a problem, in the case of, for example, salmonellosis, we have a problem for a long time, it’s not like we’ll do something later in two or three days, but we’ll get sick one gom in a moment, the other

    In a moment, some of the young ones in the nests will die. And then, for example, we get stuck in the herd, it just doesn’t even show itself in the fact that when there was a disease of the young, that a lot of breeders had their herd dying and it was drastic

    Only in San apricot maybe it’s because he’s quiet on the side, he’s a silent killer, yes, it’s not like it’s an epidemic, it’s just one thing at a time, I’ll collect one Pigeon in two weeks, another three again

    Weeks ago, the same in flights, you don’t know why they don’t fly and so on, it will lower the condition of these pigeons, that’s the case with this, it’s more like that in the case of the living room, there are more asymptomatically sick pigeons that are just

    Not there at all, only at night nothing to them plus Pigeons that CA have it for some time and their immunity is broken, they get sick, but Salza causes the greatest havoc, that is, in the case of fear, in the case of young pigeons in nests, there

    Is the highest mortality, in large pigeons, there is someone when you hear that someone, for example, cannot raise young ones yes yes no raising young ones because every time there is an awful lot of death in the nests this is typical I have seen

    Cases where the breeder said that I don’t know, his dovecote is infected, I even know a case where the breeder burned down the dovecote because he claimed that it had some kind of plague which he couldn’t deal with just help, the young ones were hatched, pigeons

    Were as old as dolls and the young eggs were hatched at a certain age and the young ones just died after ringing, the young ones died after ringing and he literally couldn’t raise d TR with

    So many pairs of young ones in the season because everything it was raining for him, no, it was typical salmoni, it could have been 100% sal and I know that he burned down the Dovecote, it was enough to vaccinate it, I don’t know if it was just enough that he got rid of

    All the pigeons, burned down the Dovecote and started over again, did it happen to him? it will gather there even and I know such a case Well, it was enough to vaccinate and nothing like that would happen, now about these complications we already have these pigeons, they just don’t eat us, they don’t

    Come down to eat, in fact, the complications may be like this well, the pigeon, you can see from it that how to react to it means that the most important thing is that when it gets

    Cold in the field, you need to take it to a warm place, that is, take it to a warm place somewhere in the garage or somewhere in the boiler room, you can give everyone aspirin, preferably effervescent tablets with one such a tablet per 2 liters

    Of water for the pigeons we have, let’s say if we have two or TR, we can do this by throwing these aspirins into a glass of water and giving them about 10 ml from this glass once a day, these aspirins will probably not take longer than TR days and

    We do not increase this dose, not that maybe instead of adding it to the water, I’ll break off a quarter of aspirin somewhere. We’ll throw it into the Wola because the pigeons are very sensitive to gastritis caused by steroid anti-inflammatory drugs.

    We can finish the Pigeon ourselves with an excessive dose of aspirin, also one tablet of ASP per 2 liters of water. TR days In addition, you can give some electrolyte, honey, for example, those pigeons that are weak usually do not eat,

    So it is important to mix the water with honey and throw it or add it to the Wola or, for example, some light food. Even throw a few grains there for them. and if there are a lot of such pigeons, alternatively, if it

    Does not go away, you can give some mild antibiotic, but it is either amoxicillin or colistin, but in 90 PR cases you can probably do without this antibiotic, i.e. aspirin with electrolyte and honey for three days plus m, take the pigeons that are sick

    To a warm place, give them something to watch over, or maybe a few grains of food, and it’s probably enough, and we won’t do anything about the second complication, it doesn’t mean anything if they are like this, you have to proceed

    With it then do nothing about it, do nothing about it, because the only thing I know is that some people cut it out, but that’s more, it can be harmful to your health. I mean, I know that when the stroller appeared, because there have been years like this, that because it

    Is also a mistake. with the vaccination technique, these nodules mean, I mean, yes, it’s more like scabs form on the surface, but when they go deep, there will be some kind of reaction. Well, it’s a post-vaccination granuloma and now,

    Yes, don’t stress at all, because some breeders also say that he was vaccinated a week ago and a lot of him has these lumps for the first two weeks, so don’t even look at it too much because after vaccination it is normal that there

    Will be swelling in the place, such as at the injection site and then, for example, after a week we touch it, most of it is bare. it will have such consistent yes yes because even if they vaccinate us somewhere Well, after a week, the vaccination site

    Hurts somewhere, is swollen, is hard, is painful But it spreads later if we do such an inspection after a week or 10 days after vaccination Well, it may turn out that 80 percent pigeons have lumps here, let’s say this kind of inspection is done after three or

    Four weeks, and then it turns out that out of the 80 pigeons that had these lumps, there are only five left that have these lumps. But the ones that already have these grains, I would he advised not to do anything about it, they decrease in size over time

    And it usually happens that later they mature and the body gets rid of them and works, it looks like this – above the grains the skin turns yellow, so thin, a small hole becomes so small and this granuloma

    Will pop out normally, it will separate from the tissues and pop out on its own and this morning will heal quickly and then at best we will find or see this Pigeon at the moment when this granuloma is actually mature,

    So now make this hole, you actually already see the hole and you see the ball it’s so hard that it becomes like this, this fistula, it’s called a fistula, then you can press it gently and the ball will pop out and it will heal in the morning,

    But I wouldn’t do any cutting or cutting it out because it has a very good blood supply at the beginning, it’s bleeding, you can damage something there and this grain, even if it shrinks to a smaller size, means that it will shrink a little over time, it does not bother a pigeon, or

    Consider whether to vaccinate a pigeon that has a tendency to do this in the future , it would rather be like an allergy, an allergy, but I would rather not do it. he cut it out. In sporadic

    Cases it is ripe and actually has this thick tuft, but if it doesn’t come out already, no, because it may happen that one of them doesn’t come out, there are sporadic cases where it would have to be cut out. In fact, most cases either it spreads

    Or it finally ripens. just somewhere, sometimes it takes s months, 6 weeks, sometimes d months, sometimes TR months, but eventually, it will usually mature and jump out and you won’t have any problems with such pigeons, only those that and those that are having a hard time. Well,

    Then. the only advice would be that if he had such a reaction once, later in the year he had such a reaction again, then he is simply allergic, like a person who is allergic to tomatoes and gets a rash, here and there,

    The vaccine again, he will have the same g And this is later And here just now, another question from the breeders, because we discussed these vaccinations quite thoroughly and there was a question about the pigeons losing their feathers, the breeder claims that a pigeon came to him and it was losing its feathers

    And infected him and when could it happen that the pigeon feathers there is a disease that causes the feathers to fall out Have you ever encountered something like this because it’s obvious to me even this question really surprised me so much that it’s some kind of

    Generalized disease that damages the feathers Well, it’s just a bad thing in fact but it’s not on the basis that these feathers fall out only in the case of sometimes such deformed feathers appear Well, this is one of those that actually It could be that in most pigeons during pairing,

    Some deformed feathers actually appear, but in general, the most common cause of such deformations or falling out is Well, it happens in young pigeons when taking medications if we give some deworming medicines, for example albendazole, in young pigeons of Gniazdów or in pigeons that are growing

    Some feathers, it actually happens that these foreign feathers all fall out, but this is only in young pigeons that have shins that only grow into feathers, and besides, they can there may be some genetic disorders where the feathers grow in the form of sticks and the cover

    Does not come off them, i.e. the feather cannot develop, then we have such disorders, let’s say genetic ones, but these are only in individual pigeons and there is nothing much to it we will also do it, it is possible that some hormones can

    Influence it, but generally these are just individual pigeons, for example which, I don’t know, we normally fart, suddenly she is naked, she is 5 years old and something is wrong with this farting what happens, that is, for example, these feathers do not develop, it is probably in the

    Case of some hormonal disorders, or possibly some parasites, but parasites rather cause the feathers not to fall out, but only because they are damaged, they are deformed, these feathers are perforated, undeveloped, not fungi, they can also attack feathers, but more in this form, they are also damaged, such as ruffled, damaged feathers,

    First of all, and here, if you are talking about a deworming agent, let me also mention deworming before vaccination, is it necessary or should I start, for example, what is the deworming program according to you because what I know it, dewormer AZ once, if the worms actually came out, from what I understand,

    You only have to repeat the deworming. Yes. I mean, yes, I’ll deworm it, I’ll do it again. So I’ll see you soon. However, because you’re waiting until If a pigeon still had feathers or Doły, wait a moment to do it, old pigeons. If you are still moulting, it is

    Not recommended to use these stronger means so that they have all these flight feathers They will grow back during moulting, they simply have to be completely washed. Wash them or we will leave a trace on the one that because then if this feather grows and it is dewormed at this time, then something may happen, something will always happen. Can something happen

    With albendazole, it will rather stay, there will be a sign, there will simply be a sign on this feather that something was given there. And then will it stay for the next few years or is it just like that, if it is shed, it will be

    Fine again? Only not, but it simply damages the feather at the moment when it grows so precisely and I mean yes, I deworm my own individually, i.e. directly into the beak even though I have never had parasites, for example, but I deworm every winter and deworm

    Each Pigeon individually, although deworming means two things: if we have pigeons checked and there are no worms, we don’t have to deworm before vaccination, but if we don’t know what it is status Well, it would be better to either

    Examine it or deworm it before vaccination and there is one such dewormer, I have also said it many times, but appeal to the breeders again that the parasites will come out, for example, we had a pigeon during the examination and the parasites came out, or

    The pigeons were dewormed and they came out, for example, we saw that there were here and there, because the next day he simply excreted the dead parasites in the stool No, at this point, let’s remember that we don’t finish the deworming at this point, we don’t stop at this one deworming,

    If we do this kind of deworming, do you do preventive deworming once or even in winter, it’s preventive deworming this applies to stats where there are no, there are no parasites. This means that we do it just in case, we can assume that

    A single pigeon somewhere is infected with worms, but in the event that we know that we have worms, i.e. parasite eggs were found in the stool test or they came out, for example, after a one-time deworming, we do inspections and somewhere in one of the lofts

    Since I know that they are happy about deworming because of worms Yes, and I have peace of mind And I have peace of mind , yes, but unfortunately, if we have these parasites and we know that we have them in the loft, then in

    This case they must at least once a quarter to keep an eye on it, that is, at least once every quarter, because these parasites cannot be gotten rid of, so yes, we have already said this before. Parasite eggs retain the ability to infect for 2

    Years. 2 years. These eggs are on the shelf. One parasite lays 2,000 eggs a day, on average, 2,000 eggs. per day, i.e. each parasite 2000 eggs per day folder d years they retain the ability to infect they float in the dust in the dust they fall into

    The drinking troughs they are somewhere up there on on on on on getting off for a long journey for ventilation it is everywhere simply if we have these these pigeons infested with worms and we don’t know about it, for example, for half a year they excrete these eggs, this Dovecote is

    Normally so contaminated with these eggs that they practically aspirate when breathing and there is no chance to clean them, burn them out, they are still mostly resistant to these disinfectants, I already thought so, I mean yes, painting this flame would probably give a greater effect than even

    Disinfecting rather than burning it off, you can paint over it, even if you have paint, for example, we have time left, I don’t know, about painting a room and just painting a layer or just physically covering them, physically just covering them, i.e. creating a layer under

    Which they are they will be trapped and this would probably be the best solution and I say and here we have the entire deworming program, so we deworm them at least once a quarter, so at least two dewormings in winter, one deworming

    In the middle of the racing season and at least one deworming before moulting so that these pigeons are they entered without these parasites. Is it also possible to deworm during the racing season, but rather some milder means we use pantel or even some people also give it. But I think the safest

    Is peran and then after the flight immediately after the flight, to children as much as possible, for example which, because once upon a time there was such a nice drug Peran Tesa, of course

    It is also available because I don’t know the medicines in depth, probably in a while it won’t be available at all, because every now and then a medicine disappears, another one disappears and for example it was so cool, such sachets were Peran San Pyrantelum there was an active substance it was nice, mild

    For these particular roundworms, it worked nicely. It is also unavailable. I don’t know if they will make it again or not, but there is such a human drug, Pyrantelum, a suspension for pinworms, with the same composition, with the same composition, one such

    Shelf, 7 out of 50 pigeons and this could be used during flights, it means that the perum works a little weakly on the capillaries, but if it does not work on parasites, for example, the trachea, it only works in the passage of food, but

    Again it is an advantage that it is mild because if it is not absorbed from the eggs, it is not burdened by the depth during the flight, because our pigeons can get infected in this cabin, they probably shouldn’t, because again, in order for these eggs to become

    Infected, the larva must develop and this takes three weeks, so theoretically, the hedgehog can exchange papers. and we have a clean cabin. No. Toy, even if such fresh feces is not a source of infection. Toy, this feces must dry. The eggs

    Must mature there, and only then, if they are well cleaned from the cabin, the paper replaced there, it can get infected there, it shouldn’t get infected there, so if these breeding farms have parasites because they were dewormed and these parasites came out, then these breeders should be dewormed during the season because

    They have this in the loft and they have to get rid of it because these eggs are in the loft and they can simply, even though they have been dewormed, it quickly becomes infected again. I have cases where someone was dewormed a month ago and after two

    Months they bring their stool for examination. They are infected with worms again. If someone has worms, it is difficult to get rid of them. It means that worms are definitely worse than staphylococci and streptococci. other inventions What’s more, there are cases like this this year, such a case that breeders

    Were dying of worms in depth, they can do such Invasion of these parasites That they can die, no And such symptoms Well if no, no, he can’t see the worms themselves But what kind of weight loss, usually poor form, weight loss during flights the depths are getting worse

    And worse on these On these later on on these 500 you can’t rebuild at all no because these pigeons are these worms they are eating them they are not gaining weight no if here’s another question What were the prophylaxis against streptococci streptococcus something like that maybe

    Then in general, these bacteria cause something deep down No, there used to be theories that these inflammations, I mean, it’s not arthritis, but these twisted wings, i.e. these problems with these wings, that maybe it was caused by this streptococcus, but in fact now their role it’s more like staphylococci

    So if we already have an infection, they can complicate more, i.e. we have some respiratory disease, i.e. some chlamydia or herpesviruses, conjunctivitis And these streptococci, staphylococci that are normally on the mucous membranes in the beak, in the nose, somewhere [Music ]

    Complicated, such as, for example, pseudomona with er gynosis, i.e. a bacilli of pus aeruginosa, which also when someone gets the result that they have such a bacillus aeruginosa in pigeons, you think that it is not known what disease they have, and then

    It’s just that in pigeons, the microflora in particular is very rich, there are a lot of different kinds of bacteria, but no, not everyone, not every single one, even though it is potentially pathogenic, causes some disease no d yes Yes, I have repeated it many times that the basis of pigeons’ health is

    Vaccination and deworming and really, if someone focuses on deworming properly, keep an eye on these dewormings Izie was supervising these vaccinations and sometimes the breeder comes and says Do I have to vaccinate And do I have to vaccinate them for example a second time No one has to, no one is forcing anyone,

    But they will be vaccinated more times, the better, it is not better to vaccinate once too much than once too little and deworming And that’s really 90% of success And now, as you mentioned about this warped wing Well, because the spring period is approaching,

    What is the recipe for this warped wing? The recipe should not be used in winter pigeons recipe jna recipe to let go in winter Well, the problem is that when the lizard attacks, you have to recalculate Is it better for the lizard to eat or

    Whether more of the lizard will eat or more pigeons will drop off because of the fact that they will get into shape too quickly any form of help for these pigeons limit it somehow because if, well, I understand that there is no 100% method to

    Get rid of it, supplements if you don’t release it because of it, then supplements for joints supplements for joints that nourish these joint cartilages and what and what to give them before the flight in general before release before release d Three

    Weeks noet maybe faster a month even early mo Vedas start I’m more likely less da admissions mind whole season whole flights get whole flights you give these funds forever somewhere after the flight and then around Thursday So the second time the second time there

    Twice a week you repeat another question from breeders, what kind of white feces appear, I don’t know how to understand it, but obviously someone, I don’t know if they had too much white feces, there was a lot of white feces, it means the white

    Fraction in the feces, urine, it’s urates, it’s just urine No , and now If there is too much of it or I don’t know, there is some precipitate or the feces is something like this, I don’t know, there is something like

    Pouring white over it This means that usually it may indicate some kind of damage to the kidneys But generally it is white wk Well, these are urates, so it’s like urine, not the fraction soaked, as you mention here,

    Kidneys, there was also a question about how to take care of the kidneys and liver, and this was about If someone treats pigeons, i.e. during treatment or immediately, for example, something administered orally after these treatments, it also depends on which drugs. Also,

    Not all drugs are very harmful to the kidneys, the liver, the most antibiotics are the most harmful in the case of the most toxic effects, especially in the case of the kidneys, they occur in the case of dehydration. That is, if we give antibiotics and expose them to for

    Some dehydration, some heat, for example, we will give antibiotics later, for a flight, for example, he doesn’t have access to water, so on this principle. However, if he has access to water, the antibiotic is not like the adjective of it. Well, there are probably some terrible toxic effects, no it has

    Kidneys, that means it certainly won’t do any harm, you can feed it at the same time or some antibiotics can even be combined together in one depending on what it is, or are there some that can simply be combined even in one water, for example colistin moxa cillin, that’s where it is

    Yes, there are antibiotics that can be combined with practically everything, even in one dose, or with an electrolyte or with some vitamin, then they can be administered together no And again, like doxycycline, enrofloxacin, you have to be more careful, they are a bit more susceptible to some

    Formation these helots No, well, I would rather not give it once, but is it so bad that when we do a shorter treatment, it is not so necessary that we have to administer it in some very protective way

    Over time, a lot of preparations, and the question is how to care for the kidneys and the liver in all the time C, two different preparations Monday to Friday, practically only because there is a lot of protein, a lot of strong food, some

    Oils, I can afford to buy them a liver preparation, I don’t have to, I have to poop floes, so you say it’s not just the breeders, then, for example, you know how they don’t say that, oh, I don’t know, or they’re cutting

    Costs, or they’re not giving something, because it’s later it becomes too expensive No, well, if you don’t have enough Well, you can provide them with everything, that’s what it comes down to again No, yes, the breeders treat it like that if they heard that there is a means

    That will make the cat naked a minute faster and it costs I don’t know 3 hundred and II and it’s for 50 pigeons, he would pay it yes aa vaccination which costs less aa a healthy pigeon these 3 minutes will definitely be faster that means no

    Attachment doesn’t mean yes Bzie if he is healthy it will be faster but yes vaccination is yes that you say, it’s about you If the pigeons don’t get sick, we’ve wasted our money, or AC, for example, don’t insure your car If we don’t crash the car, then we’ve lost money No,

    Unfortunately that’s how it is with vaccinations, but if we break it, then you’re glad they paid yes yes So if they encountered these diseases, they would get sick. It’s good that they were vaccinated because some say they haven’t been

    Vaccinated for years, they haven’t had any diseases or flights. It’s just Wow, but I know people who have been flying for 20 years and finally got them no yes yes yes yes it will happen sooner or later

    Because because of this Also here is the protection of the liver and kidneys, so if you would recommend it during Especially during flights and especially during flights because there, you must have a good appetite first of all later and in general One more important

    Thing in the case of and the diseases of the young, the so-called adeno, i.e. the diseases of the young, i.e. the Rota virus in young pigeons and what happens in old pigeons, in adult pigeons, the adeno in adult pigeons Well, now we are dealing with it

    More and more, it is very important to pay attention there pay attention to these kidneys and liver, there it is even more important to administer this antibiotic, to give these preparations to the liver, because these pigeons, after suffering from this disease, sometimes

    Have poor appetite and sometimes lose their shape and it is enough to administer some preparation for the liver and it’s nice that these pigeons come back later they start to get back into shape again. So simply, after suffering from this adeno disease,

    Old pigeons stop flying, they lose their shape, a preparation for the liver is administered and everything returns to normal, which is also very important for flights, these preparations for the nerves, the liver, it is very important. And you touched on this issue here. Recently, the topic

    Has been about the disease of young pigeons that appears in yearlings or old pigeons. And now, how is this reflected, because some breeders believe that since they vaccinated the young ones and they were too young, the yearlings who did not get the disease passed on such a correlation, I wonder if it is

    Still not there yet opinion whether it has not been fully investigated yet, what is the cause I think they will probably be like that, it means it is definitely a viral disease, it is of a different level than in the case of the disease of young people because it is not fully means

    They recommend there are recommendations to vaccinate with it for example, this vaccine against Rota virus is also very old and that it somehow protects these adult pigeons against this rotavirus, although I have not observed such observations, such relationships, but you know, if you know, I know breeders who vaccinated adult pigeons in

    The Republic of Poland and they also had cases where these pigeons were also sick I’m not entirely convinced for a moment, maybe I’m wrong, it’s not the case that it’s possible to say that the answer to this is a viral disease, there’s more and

    More of it, do you think that this vaccination is going to happen, as far as the case of young pigeons is concerned . this means a lot because I mean, these pigeons either don’t get sick at all or

    Get sick very slightly in the case of adult pigeons. I don’t think there is any, because there are some ideas that I talked to a few people about, first of all, they plan to give up vaccinating the young ones with this vaccine. RP is one idea to make the young ones

    [Music] sick, later such pigeons are more likely to get lost in the flights of old pigeons, not, for example, before the RP vaccine was available, it was not the case that if someone slightly przz nice vintage and if they are strong, then

    There was no PR of the vintage, it was a nice vintage and there were some nice vintages that didn’t get sick, they just managed to keep them healthy, they didn’t get sick with the disease of the young ones And then they flew and the young ones were in a completely different

    Condition and they were in shape and flew in the years of old pigeons, it was said that a nice vintage had been preserved. And if you put it down to the pigeons, there was practically nothing left of these pigeons and then you have such holes that every year there were nice

    Vintages and every year there were some good ones. And apart from that there is something that one illness does not protect either, so I don’t know what they would gain from it, if they don’t vaccinate,

    The young ones will get sick, I also have no guarantee that he won’t get sick next year, as yearlings, no, they don’t get sick, only yearlings, because they are sick, two-year-old TRs, breeders only have one idea. and the second idea is that they want to vaccinate the old ones. I highly

    Recommend vaccinating them. It will do the most harm. It will definitely not do any harm. However, I am skeptical that it will have an effect, so as not to be discouraged by the fact that it may not work. although

    It is certainly a better vaccination than the second method so as not to vaccinate the young. Because if someone, for example, in the fall vaccinated Myko with salmovir or salmovir, then let’s say the second time the RP has for a couple, but it’s not like it’s not a

    Problem, the second time with St means maybe, for example, I don’t know, maybe there were breeders in the comments who vaccinated like this and maybe they have some observations of their own, such that, for example, they had a problem with pigeons, in the case of

    Old pigeons, they vaccinated RP with it and whether they had any improvement Well, maybe it was like that, it could be It was like that. I personally haven’t seen any correlations that would somehow protect it, although I’ve seen opinions that maybe

    Someone will comment there, maybe there will be different opinions, not that someone will say that it’s how it protects it. It means that you don’t have much experience in it. in this respect , not enough studies, not enough cases, it’s all so different, yes, there

    Are so many different symptoms, some people get sick a lot, some yearlings are single, for example, I had it last season, twice, one pigeon caught it, not so many breeders had it that one piece at a time , exactly, and the worst thing is that it can catch the crap at the end

    Of the week and one of the symptoms is, for example, that this one doesn’t want to eat anymore, there are long flights, he feeds well at these depths, don’t you know, this one is overeaten, it’s just that he is fed up or something is just happening like a word they

    Also care about the aviaries the name can be lost easily not with a small amount yet you will notice it carefully notice one He goes to eat not that there is anything wrong but in the case of a larger quantity in the case

    Larger number Well, in fact, you can actually gather such a Pigeon somewhere without noticing that one of them disturbed him, after some time, another one, and so on, later, it just sits somewhere in this flock . You have to be vigilant about this, you don’t have to be vigilant. that when a pigeon

    Doesn’t want to eat something, it’s time to light a lamp. And the pigeon also has to be watched, usually it’s kind of greenish, but it ‘s like that . it’s fine and we feed in the evening there’s something wrong with

    It, the breeders thought they had no problem with the old ones’ flights, but unfortunately it’s not, it ‘s starting to become a bigger problem than with young pigeons. Because although this disease of young pigeons has been somewhat controlled by these vaccinations, it’s not a problem

    Yes, it’s a big problem. Well, in old people it’s actually a big problem. Here, the breeder also had a question: What to treat, in what doses, and for what diseases? He probably meant to give probably all types. It’s

    Possible to give such a list. Medicines for what to treat, simple because if we vaccinate, we don’t have to treat, vaccinate, deworm, we don’t have to treat anything at this point, because then, because you know, all the diseases in the world will be

    There. Well, it probably doesn’t happen, but generally, there are some, I don’t know, antibiotics that are more predisposed to treating diseases. respiratory Well, I have some, I don’t know, doxycycline tiamulin florfenicol no, linkospektin, I think the question is too broad to answer yes,

    The digestive system, it’s more of a certain thing, not me, for example, I really like colistin because it is such a mild antibiotic, it typically has a strong effect on E. coli bacteria and it simply saves other remaining flora and these

    Bacteria ki are Mainly such a complicating cause Koli are in every Pigeon they are always there so it can’t be eradicated but in the event that even the pigeons are attacked by some virus, for example the Rota virus Well, these bacteria ki are always

    Included in it, these two cents I always interject there Well, suppressing these Koli bacteria always gives a good effect even in the case of a viral disease, but on the other hand it is a very mild antibiotic. Because it is

    Not absorbed from the intestines, there is only as much of it as the person drinks. This amount of antibiotic is excreted, which means it does not burden us. this Pigeon Well, when treating the liver and kidneys with antibiotics, treating probiotics, it means after the treatment, the most ruthless, it means probiotics,

    Especially after antibiotics, and not just two applications, but for at least a week, take a probiotic every day and acidify the water, the acidifier napie season, the acidification of the water in the field means yes, no, the acidification of the water is generally very good and I think that as

    Many breeders as possible come and take swabs for trichomonas and there is no problem, they have clean pigeons and they say that it is because they acidify, although I, for example, Personally, we don’t acidify much, but that’s what I’m saying, yes, that’s what I do, no, that’s the case. Let’s say

    , I got the sourdough with probiotic. I don’t know, once a week during the racing season, and in winter, for example, we don’t acidify at all. I’m not saying it’s good, I rather encourage you to do it. to acidify, I have a neutral approach to it.

    I know that acidification is fashionable now. I think that it has some positive effects, but my opinion is that nature is such that if it wants the pH in beef to be acidic, not low. Well, yes. that it would

    Have evolved, that there would have been a certain pH there, and if there is a different pH there, then maybe it wasn’t supposed to be like that. So that’s my theory, you come more naturally, but generally they are like that [Music]

    They are, it’s on top today, everyone is acidifying, I’m not saying God forbid that it is bad I personally don’t want to drink this water later, I don’t know if I had to drink some acidic water, I wouldn’t want to

    Drink it sometimes later yes ZDW right now there are a lot of these hot flights, we like the climate it gets closer and then the pigeons don’t want to drink hydration these are my subjective opinions that subjectively we don’t acidify enough give us an acidifier because then it actually works better it means

    Better buddy you give it after Wednesday somewhere usually on Wednesday Oh half of the week right after the flight then some electrolyte , more protein, just the one for the liver, something rather amino acids, such a reconstruction, not reconstruction, mainly amino acids, first of all, after

    The flight somewhere, a probiotic, then on Wednesday to stabilize a bit, but maybe immediately on Sunday after arrival or something, generally amino acids, I will recommend it an amino acid is that they do not need a probiotic The first thing, when the pigeons come after exercise, let

    ‘s say they have to rebuild the muscles, they have to rebuild, glucose and amino acids, this is the first thing they need and the best is protein powder, protein support and this is another one of those, we have not yet discussed

    The topic of coke dioses for breeders they ask about coxodides, that is, apart from those natural preparations that can be given to some extent to prevent it. Well, the best way is to check your stool once in a while, because unfortunately you never know

    When it may not be there one week, it may not be there the next week. it may appear, however, it seems to me that in this case, unfortunately, the best method is to administer a small dose of an anti- coccidiostatic drug every four

    Flights and if someone does not have the opportunity to undergo regular examinations, the best method would be some Tol here I will not mention the names of producers because there are a lot of these today, there are these, this is this one

    The most popular agent in a small dose, some ml, 2 ml for lithium, which is toltrazuril, if someone reads it, there are a lot of preparations there, I can’t mention the name to recommend any. But this one is called toltrazuril 2.5, it is for pigeons, there are several preparations that

    Contain it and one gives in a small dose of 1 to 100 ml on Monday with some preparation for the kidneys, the liver can be combined immediately in one water because it is very important not to lower the fitness, if there is any, I don’t know TRS, some light

    Flight is expected, one with the wind, so as not to give before a hot flight, it seems to me that if someone does not have the opportunity to undergo regular tests, it is best to give such a dose of the drug every three weeks, every three C flights a week, because

    When tests are done, there are plus two pluses TR pluses like it’s just that it’s just that it means that you only treat it when there is a larger amount Well, but it’s also not entirely because yes Well, for example, we have single coccidia,

    But these single coccidia, it may be that he had it at all and 11 had a lot not if you get rid of it, that there are few of these cocci but this one may have a lot of them no And it rather seems to me that we had to control it,

    We had to examine everyone, that’s why I say control it as much as possible, but when coccidia start to appear, I think you need to have a schedule prepared or so, such a medicine at hand announces a light flight with

    The wind, about 3 o’clock or or, for example, we have a day longer because the flight was on Saturday, the next one is on Sunday, it is administered once, but it is very important that with this protection for the liver and kidneys, it will be mainly the liver, just then, because these

    Lechis actually lower your fitness a bit, don’t avoid such large doses, about 5 ml per liter of water or 20 deep, small doses 1-2 ml one day at the beginning of the week with liver protection and it will pass the exam, probably like TR C flights just

    Give it to me, they will be in such a small breeding farm with my friends, well, they were white people for flight testing, with about 50 pigeons, about 20 pigeons, about 1/3 of the flock, or more than 1/3, almost half, so… they did this test every week or every two weeks,

    Then they took the second part, well, they based on the research, because practically every Pigeon was examined individually, because they went every week for the examination and took, let’s say, they had 45 intake, 15 per week, drug 15 TR, and so in the

    Past If we had more time, we tried to do it like that, the breeder did it every week and we did things like that, I don’t know if it was every week or every

    Two weeks, because I could have done it a few years ago but all the racing ones and the effects were like that, they gave 50 pigeons, he was able to do it, for example hand and usually we only gave the tablet to those who had it, it usually happened that during the next

    Examination they did not have it, during the next examination the same ones who had potf before were who did not have to take any tablet during the whole season, i.e. they did not have trichomoniasis at all during the whole season. there were those who received three because whoever got the pill They

    Disappeared and rebuilt again, so here you confirm what I thought intuitively, that I would say yes to diseases, pigeons are also such that they are more resistant and that trichomoniasis is also a disease that some pigeons sometimes more susceptible after breeding pairs are such pairs that it turns out that some of them

    Hide the whole season And there is no problem before the breeding treatment, I do not do any treatments for Trichomonas and so on And I have never had my first brood raised, something wrong And there are pairs which in the second or

    Third brood, you see that one pair is all good young and one pair has weak young the next year, it generally repeats itself and it seems like I see that the same pigeons have problems. Is it with raising young, i.e. Toy predispositions, i.e. is it’s some way

    If he doesn’t give it a Well, if he doesn’t give it and some of the pigeons fly and have results, it means that they are more resistant, he advises those who don’t fly. Well, it won’t always help them with chemicals, so to speak, it means we have to pay more attention. in

    General, I myself have a greater predisposition to trichomonas than females, so I also observed it and it is already proven that males are more susceptible to trichomonas than females. So, for example, now in winter we test it usually, for example, breeders bring males and females, we test females There are none,

    We test males with pi So, generally, males have greater predispositions and generally it is like this with Rami, it is also like that, unfortunately, but in the racing season In my opinion, there should be rather a rule that the female alone twice during the racing season, once in the middle of

    The flight, however, they drink and then cry, all this is related to the heat, they are burdened, they have to fly, you are What distances are these 500 km, some against the wind, the heat Well, this pigeon must be healthy no And it seems to me that in the

    Middle of the season I only use it, I fly females, only once or twice in the middle of the season Well, I rather use this Metroid azole, but not whether it will be razol or metrozol or some of these yellow drops that now they are fashionable

    , yellow drops were fashionable and there was a question about these yellow drops, whether they work or not, do you have experience with them ? the drops work, you also have to be careful when you administer them at the beginning of the week because they definitely have a negative impact on

    Your fitness. I had cases where someone put them on a flight on Friday and then had a flight like that. No, it didn’t work out very well for him, so I’d rather administer it at the beginning of the week, and I don’t have experience here, for example, to

    Buy a certain preparation, for example, I don’t know how much of it to give to the fish or how to mix it, because I haven’t used it, I never use it, so I rather buy it unless someone has tried it, or buy the preparations, that’s what

    The producers write and so then use it no, that is, if the breeders liked it, did not like it, did not praise it, did they breed it individually C does they mean, boasts, just means, mocked According to the manufacturer, yes, no, so yes, because there are original producers, they simply

    Also made yellow drops of these yellow drops, that’s how they took it substitute product, for example, didn’t they give the original ones, but we are not talking about these substitute products? They gave those products that are produced for

    Pigeons according to the instructions for pigeons and it worked for them. And how do the aquarium ones that are not available now? I mean, they probably work, but what dose? How many drops should I use? Is it necessary? Theoretically, the chemical composition

    Is the same, yes, but you would have to check, for example, whether there is any substance, what dose to compare, or not, take some prep, some manufacturer that has a written dose and concentration. And then somehow compare, but I didn’t need to, because for me it’s not a

    Problem, yes, it’s not such a problem as salmonella, that you have to worry about which vaccine to choose, how financially, it’s not like that, there are drugs available, yes, we have some other drugs, so it’s one administration. for the season with this female and let’s say

    We have other medications that also work, trichomonas is not such a problem that I don’t know how it makes sense. No, it’s also not, it’s not such a problem to deal with it. Not that it can be administered, but I rather say or Someone somewhere

    Has it checked, there’s probably also a carrier, because I have an opinion, one of my friends said that, for example, these drops dry out the mucous membranes of fish or so, because some ingredient may be produced and added in them.

    Something like that and something like that it may make a difference, no, maybe somehow more I would be careful with it, but maybe someone has tried it, I prefer it, normally there is no shortage of the substance, so that’s another question, common symptoms and this

    Has happened in recent seasons, this season, for example, maybe it was quite calm. But a year ago the symptoms of wet eyes were not the wet eyes that occur, and there are two versions, one is that in breeders on

    S it goes away without treatment because here it is also an issue of ornithosis, one for example how to detect it, what is ornithosis what is not ornito, as if you can’t tell it apart Because it’s all together, no, is that what you said, do these pigeons have

    Ornithoses in them, i.e. chlamydia, mycoplasmas, have herpesviruses and there, these diseases pass into each other smoothly and complement each other and cli Someone says that if he has ornithosis, he would need some treatment introduce it to get rid of it and so on m Well, you have to assume that you have

    Everything Well, that’s what you have to assume You have both the herpes virus and the mycoplasma and swine because I mean, these parasites, these pathogens, the pathogens occur together, they support each other, there, they complement each other and and if you have we should rather

    Talk about a syndrome of respiratory diseases and not no, whether we call it ornithosis or chlam medio or mycoplasma, it is it, it does not matter, it is a symptom of wheezing Well, it is obvious that the only question is whether we have it more in

    The conjunctiva or on the roads respiratory problems, or scratching, it’s just about the degree of advancement, only this one. But this is one disease yes no, does it only affect the conjunctiva, or also the sinuses, or even the lungs? It’s one disease but with different degrees of advancement, so how to fight it?

    Mykal, who it is a vaccine against mycoplasmas, it will help to some extent, yes, at this point, yes, myal Kumba 2 Farm wag pH, there they have the herpes virus again, which is a different ingredient, but also those from this triad, those

    Vaccines where no one says that they are against the respiratory tract in fact, they can also help with the respiratory tract, as I mean, no, mykos salmovir, well, I am, they say it, but for example, I didn’t know the pH, and it’s not like that,

    Because there is a herpes virus and a herpes virus is also very present, I think not everyone knows it that it helps on the roads and this Columbus 2, it is also on the roads, but that there Well, you can’t sew everything up Well, you had to try

    A little bit of this, a little bit of this, there are breeders who are more satisfied with Myko, they are more satisfied with the pH, but well, they are like this, you can like the best way to save yourself is by introducing one of these vaccines into the vaccination program, one of these

    Vaccines that has this component for the respiratory tract, i.e. the herpes virus or mycoplasma. I know that there are so many complexities that it is not known how long it will last. herp virus, that this one contains chicken mycoplasma, not pigeon mycoplasma, that it is not known how many of these

    Antibodies are made in the respiratory system, because that is where the anti-secretory ones would have to be, but in general, there is definitely some stimulating effect there. Well, they vaccinate them in the years I vaccinate them. I am more satisfied

    Because there are fewer of these symptoms or none at all, and when the ecos were not vaccinated with salmovir, it turns out that many of them appeared. Breeders claim that it works, so Zac introduced the vaccination and it gave such effects, but it is not 100%, but there is a problem there.

    You have to approach it comprehensively, it’s not like I don’t know, we’ll give you something. No. TR you have to look at the microclimate of the dovecote. That is, what conditions are these pigeons in? draft, overcrowding, draft, overcrowding, I don’t know, some

    Moisture, I don’t know, too little air movement, too much air movement, I don’t know, even the aviary whether they want to sit on the steer somewhere in the depths or do they hide in the loft they don’t want to stand on the steers maybe there is too much of a draft there,

    The females are often driven out Under duress I don’t have the sides covered, the sides and the top are covered There is a roof or a roof for the steer and both sides they are also covered so that there is no

    Draft What kind of draft in these aviaries, i.e. drafts Dovecote, these vaccinations with this component for the respiratory tract, and then some herbal preparations, and then some treatments, treatment of this This is plowing on the fallow land As they

    Say, No because that’s how it comes back, antibiotics penetrate poorly even if there are antibiotics that work on it, i.e. in vitro, in vitro, on the plate it turns out that the antibiotic works well, but it does not

    Spread in the body as it does on the plate. Where in such conditions do I artificial laboratory This bacteria has good contact with the antibiotic, it works well in the body, this antibiotic does not penetrate equally into all parts of the body

    , for example, the conjunctiva. And even though it works great, not in the patches or somewhere else, it works poorly in the conjunctiva . it’s hard, relapses are like that It’s like that, it means it’s treated even

    To a certain extent It’s nice, but the problem with relapses is that we treat it and then it comes back again, and then here we come back to the topic of whether to do long treatments In winter, it used to be recommended, i.e. such treatments, for example, some

    Tetracycline or oxy-tetracycline, three or four weeks, because yes I heard something like this, there are also such things, that is, in general, there was such a school once or there are such theories that, for example, we should do pulsatile anti-inflammatory

    Therapy, give it a week, so again, we will take a week’s break because it is related to this developmental cycle of dogs. The one that multiplies there is in this phase. so which is available to the antibiotic and then again creates such elementary bodies on which the antibiotic

    Again has no effect and now we have to wait until it turns out of these elementary bodies into the invasive form and then turns into the invasive form again and then the antibiotic can maybe it can destroy Well, then either administer it for a very

    Long time or administer it like Pulse, i.e. we kill it, we wait for it to develop again, and then we kill those that develop again, and for example, there were questions like Why is it used, for example, did someone want it? tetracyclines are almost no longer used

    No, because generally it is the case that there is a whole family of these antibiotics, these tetracyclines Well, from the oldest ones, i.e. tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, to the newest ones, i.e. doxycycline and minocycline, for example No, then generally, for example, someone there, I don’t know,

    He I don’t want the valley, he just wants, for example, to be stubborn, no, but here there is complete cross-resistance between these antibiotics. That is, if the depth, if the bacteria are resistant to tetracycline Well, at this point, this doxycycline will not work the same and vice versa, the same

    Doxycycline, for example it is better absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, it achieves higher concentrations in the lungs than chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline or regular tetracycline and, for example, it is less susceptible to the formation of these non-absorbable helots with calcium or, for example, magnesium ions. Generally,

    If we have a choice between tetracycline and we want to do, for example, treatment means we want to do it with tetracyclines, yes, it was recommended in the past Well, if we have a choice between tetracycline or chlortetracycline, then

    We have doxycycline with a newer antibiotic, yes, so it has better absorption I know that someone in the video said to use tetracycline but I’m not saying that it is there was a mistake, but for example, if we don’t have it, let’s use

    Another antibiotic from the same group. Well, we don’t have to worry, we don’t have this one, we can really use this oxy or this doxycycline, because it’s practically the same, except that the newer generations are better they will work better p they work at all in general, that’s what it means, these are

    Antibiotics used quite heavily, deep, and the immunity is high, they are resistant And when it comes to the respiratory tract, mucus II is the purification of mucus Well, I’ve also compared it before, so I started talking about the fact that there I don’t use it there, these nakan, for these noses, it causes

    Irritation of these goblet cells in the respiratory system, these cells produce mucus and this mucus is secreted to cleanse the respiratory tract from dust and dirt. it’s not that the mucus is there in these pigeons. It doesn’t work because it will clean some pollen, because the pollen will come out

    Together with Silt, so we stimulate with these preparations, irritating these goblet cells, they secrete mucus and the mucus flowing out cleans the way for the air, not that this mucus is stuck somewhere in our sinuses, and here is it also

    Related to the respiratory tract or dirty noses, which may also be there, it absolutely means if these wax caps are not white, they must be snow-white, apart from the fact that we administer some, I don’t know, some oils or something that can make this nose dirty is generally the conjunctiva, these feathers

    Sticking out around the ears, which are caused by the swelling of the sinus below the eye sockets. No, with this sneezing, maybe not, because pigeons have the right to sneeze normally, but I won’t drink acidified water. water will also sneeze,

    Yes. Let’s say here that, for example, I shouldn’t sneeze. Everyone will start breathing problems now, because everyone of these pigeons is sneezing somehow. I really recommend a little bit of peace for this pigeon, like this. Well, maybe sometimes

    I tell some breeders, for example, a little bit. maybe they spend too much time there PR for these pigeons because sometimes people are so oversensitive that I don’t know the pigeon is shaking something, I don’t know much, it’s shaking its legs, but I don’t know much, it’s

    Kicking its feathers. Something’s too much. He sneezed, and my throat is red, and that’s what they have, and it’s just a little bit of mucus somewhere in the throat. It can also happen . into some kind of paranoia. Sometimes, for example, some people say that the recommendation after

    The examination is to sneeze. It’s just that I know that you have to pay attention to it somehow, but you also can’t fall into such paranoia that he really has the right to sneeze somehow. you have the right to scratch your nose once in a while, he

    Belongs to a normal toilet, that he combs his feathers somewhere, that somewhere they have some kind of ritual with this, I don’t know, well, it’s like, I have these pigeons, so let’s not make a fuss about it, I say no there are machines, it’s also not that

    Every sneeze, you have to immediately go for the respiratory tract, not exactly, also in the throat. Pigeons normally have saliva in their throats, because in order for the grain, the pigeon would be able to swallow the grain and it would go to Wola. Well, there it is.

    There must be a throat it must be moisturized it must be covered with saliva so that it doesn’t stick to it so that the grain can get into the Wola Yes and now the breeder opens the throat and says that there is some mucus there And there is no mucus there

    It must be saliva in the throat, no, but dirty noses, definitely not, it can’t be waxworms, they must be snow-white, snow-white And here, if I associate dirty noses with these fungal diseases, it’s more, more, means yes, more, it’s probably diseases of the

    Respiratory system, fungal when it comes to these, for example, candidiasis, it’s probably it, apart from very advanced forms, such as some thrush in the bow cavity, it’s more likely it’s just a decline in fitness, worse appetite Well, because it’s also like that, if there’s a fungal infection before it,

    They’re also like, because they can occur when antibiotics are overused, yes, but not only, unfortunately not only, it is true that there are breeders who definitely did not administer any antibiotics, and there are problems with candidiasis. No, it is a pathogenic fungus and somehow it can spread between pigeons. I don’t know,

    A decrease in immunity, some additional load, in favorable conditions, however, these pigeons can infect a lot of probiotics, some anti-acidifying preparations, they also work on this, Zac PLN too. It’s possible, but only for a longer period of time. No, I rather use it, I mean, I like to give

    It to children in suspension, just for advertising, I can make it because there is no other registered zinc preparation, it is also difficult to overdose with it, it even causes a little stimulation of the form of depth, even if the form drops a little, it will be given. Well,

    Even the form increases a little, a little, you can give it at the end of the week, it doesn’t even bother you on Thursday Friday, you can give it and MO can be given to the water, you can give it to the food, a safe preparation, but it works quite effectively. It

    Only works on yeasts, it doesn’t work on fungi of the respiratory system, but that’s mainly the main reason. However, these are the Candida, i.e. these yeasts, which I feed on. it’s a statin This is the kind of PR that likes to use

    Statins often Well, about this natural behavior there will be pairings Well, the pigeons are stressed, they are pairing, then for sure the white diarrhea will come back for sure, maybe some diarrhea too Is green feces or do they lock the pigeon in the breeder’s cells like he

    Will come out, he will always eat this green feces, then when he is mating, they don’t think about eating, only about mating. Well, if it’s not automatic, as they once said, Pigeons do not have a gall bladder, bile is secreted all the time, it flows down

    The bile duct into the intestine, and now if the pigeon normally eats food , this bile is cut, most of the bile is, of course, reabsorbed in the intestine and what is not absorbed Well, somewhere around 10 PR is excreted outside and now If it is 10 PR of this bile is simply

    I don’t know in some I don’t know in 3 gr k Well, it doesn’t give such an intense green color if the stool is starvation, i.e. it basically consists of some mucus and bile itself. Well, it has such an intense light

    Greenish color, but it doesn’t mean a disease, it just means that it is they eat me Or maybe there may be different reasons no So no The rest of the topics that we touched on and these diseases of the breeding eye in the previous videos so maybe

    We will send the breeders there because there we also talked about supplements and minerals so I guess that’s all that nothing changes at all I guess it doesn’t change on this topic, so today a long interview with Tomek, I would like to thank you very much for sharing

    The information here and we wish the breeder a good flight, good flight success, perseverance, and everything cannot be arranged in the video , because after all, there are veterinary studies when it comes to he spends some time there and trains in this direction, all PR, all these pigeons, that

    All the time he teaches you something something something something something not all the time you have to observe it all the time That’s why you can’t arrange everything right it starts in general it’s the same thing it’s the best with pigeons Breeders are the ones who

    Are able to observe certain certain dependencies, certain certain nuances, and they simply can overtake others with their observation skills, no, that’s what’s beautiful about this pigeon sport, but here you have to be able to you need to be able to observe this

    Pigeon in order to talk to it so that it all works somehow. There are some breeders who can, I don’t know, quickly understand what it’s all about. And there are those, unfortunately, who spend their whole lives learning and only then We will slowly finish here. I have I have one last

    Important question for you because breeders often call me and want to contact you because we do not provide your telephone number for contact purposes and here I would like to clarify this point with

    You so that you could tell the breeders what it looks like, I mean, the easiest way is to ask some questions but I would like to ask it by e-mail anyway, i.e. Tomasz Klimczak m.pl Well, I would rather ask that the questions be more specific, concise,

    Some short question, short answer, I would rather avoid calling because it ‘s really hard, there’s just no time for it during the day and it’s good to watch these videos because there really are a lot of things, I try to cover many

    Topics, even if sometimes there is a question, we make another video We just try to answer this question somehow here or expand on some topic watch these videos and I think that here rather You can really learn a lot from this. And I rather encourage you

    To look for doctors somewhere in your area, where you live, because it’s such a close contact. It’s important that you can drive somewhere or something remotely, it’s hard, it’s hard, no you know, it’s different for those who have the opportunity to go to this clinic Where as part of their work

    Of course, they can make an appointment and something can be examined there, everything is on site at a distance, but there are major complications What normally takes a while, it always takes some longer time to A lot of things can’t be done by phone,

    If someone has the opportunity, just go to the veterinary clinic and there are your employees there, there are more of you. If someone is further away, they are mostly breeders, then there is no problem because there is one person here. vicinity Well, everyone knows it, they know what hours and so on,

    The problem is, if someone is still in need of help, I encourage you to look for help somewhere on the spot or contact us somehow, rather by e-mail, because it’s really a kind of distance treatment, that’s it, we don’t have such hours of telephone consultations So simply if

    Someone calls and asks about something, then I have to do something else to distract myself from other work, so I either vaccinate pigeons or do some treatments or receive someone. There is no time for answering the phone, so I rather say write some a simple text message, a simple e-mail with

    A short question, but I say Well, if anyway. If someone wants to have contact with a doctor, they should probably look for one in their area. Unfortunately, this is how it looks like, if there are a lot of questions and some

    Amount of messages, it will be easier for us to record and answer some questions, update something, you can definitely ask some questions in the comments somehow or other we will answer whether we can record another video in some

    Time or c or somewhere in the period when we will gather to answer these questions, I think it is an easier form of such general questions and here Unfortunately, there are also a few vets and you can draw knowledge from the videos and see them several times

    And just look for pigeon specialization in Poland will start next year, so there is a chance that more doctors who will also definitely be in the area in every town. In every town there is a doctor or encourage a doctor you know there to take care

    Of pigeons. topic and somehow it will also be Greetings to everyone, we wish you a successful season, good flight, good flight


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