City Bike Tour in Helsinki Finland | Wooden houses in the stone city” – route Part 1/3

    City bikes are shared-use bicycles that anyone,
    residents and visitors alike can borrow for a fee. More than 4,500 bikes and 450 bike stations are in the capital region.

    The city bike season starts on 1 April and ends on 31 October. There are 4,570 bikes and 347 bike stations in Helsinki, and 110 in Espoo.

    Helsinki has 1,500 km (930 miles) of cycling routes. The cycling routes can be seen in the Journey Planner. Home district cycle routes allow cyclists to learn about the history of various Helsinki districts and conveniently see them.
    This video takes the “Wooden houses in the city” route.

    I love our yellow city bikes. It is for easy living. You dock the city bike in its sign docking station, stroll around and continue with another. Sometimes the stations can be empty. An app will tell you
    where to get a bike.

    At you can get a pass, and there is also info on how to use bikes.
    You can make as many 30-minute bike rides as you like.
    If you use a bike for more than 30 minutes at a time without docking it, you will be charged one euro for each additional 30 minutes.
    Be punctilious when you return to the bike station. Check and wait for the information that the return is ok.



    All the wonderful old photos are from:

    2. Wasastjerna Nils
    Ajankohta: 1892
    Osoite: Helsinki, Kaisaniemi

    3.Brander Signe HKM
    Ajankohta: 1912
    Osoite: Helsinki


    Tekijä: Rista Simo SER
    Ajankohta: 01.1975
    Osoite: Helsinki, Kaisaniemenpuisto

    1936 jälk
    Osoite: Helsinki, Kristianinkatu 10, 12, 14

     1936 jälk
    Osoite: Helsinki, Kristianinkatu 10, 12, 14

    Cygnaeuksen galleria
    Tekijä: Dilén Börje
    Ajankohta: 02.05.1953

    Tekijä: Nyblin Daniel
    Ajankohta: 1906

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