MASTERS OF THE AIR EPISODE 4 – Lance and guests get into episode 4 of the show and discuss it detail.


    History Bro Links


    The Critical Drinker

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    A Okay good evening hope you’re having a wonderful Sunday wherever you may be in the world this is uh Che the f where we get into uh things in a bit more detail on any particular film episode TV show theater production comic uh whatever it may be uh tonight of course we are

    Talking about episode four of Masters of the air I’ve got quite a lot to say about this episode um to be clear uh from the beginning I have been giving this uh show a lot of praise for the most part I have got some gripes with it

    But for the most part episodes one and three I was pretty impressed um but uh we’re going to talk about more I think about episode 4 in a second I’ve got an excellent panel tonight um people with various uh extensive knowledge of different subjects and things like that

    But I’ve also got blue color loser as well how are you sir oh you you’re muted mate um I know that’s going to be a glare problem yeah excellent good choice of clothes I take it you’re representing the Americans uh this evening yeah of course funny I’m drinking Scottish

    Whiskey because I knew one of your guests was coming on so ah yeah good good shout also a man who works on the inside of Productions uh works in the business much like my myself and and has quite a lot of inside knowledge about masters of the a it’s the Inside Man AKA

    The Inside Man AKA retropolis now hello hello are I’m very well thank you how are you you’re looking very good pretty good oh thanks very much I’m feeling good so so you know must be the roast dinner I had earlier um yeah okay uh next uh the man who’s got a History

    Channel funny enough it’s all about history on that channel a stickler for accuracy we’ll be getting into Rivet counting in just a second with him it’s history bro Bo good to see you hi hi yeah no good to see you thanks for having me back not at all and the man

    That I need to thank for introducing you uh to me is the critical Drinker fortunately he’s here so I can do that in person hey man how’s it going great to have you back on the channel mate and uh good to see you and welcome back to the

    UK it’s a pleasure to be here I was going to say it’s a pleasure to be back in the UK ah not so much yeah I’ll take I’ll take Florida over this any day of the week I can you looked pretty uh you looked pretty perky and upbeat when you

    You got into that was it an ice cream cafe where there was a like an an actress who was the waitress or something saw a bit of a video and you literally just stepped off the plane what am I what am I seeing here like other people have been talking to me

    About this as well have I totally missed something here yeah maybe you were in a complete days and you weren’t fully conscious but you went to some kind of ice cream cafe with nerd rotic and all those guys and there was a there was an actress serving everyone and she was

    Doing I think she was doing a British accent but I only saw a really short clip of it oh that yeah oh man that was the chocolate Emporium on the first night yeah um they had they had actresses in there um doing their bit

    And man she was good I will give her her dues cuz we threw all kind of curve balls and she just went with it so I did watch The Improv going on it was it was pretty entertaining all right well we’re gonna get into Master’s uh of

    The air we’ve got 31 people watching listen thanks very much for tuning into the outcast creative uh in case you don’t follow what I do uh not only do I talk about stuff that I’m interested in discussing or reviewing uh but I also interview people from the

    Industry and on Tuesday at 10:00 I’m sorry it’s quite late but I’m interviewing film director Ron Underwood who directed Tremors and City Slickers and is currently working on The Walking Dead franchise and there’ll be some other special guests on that stream as well so you do want to check that out on

    Tuesday so don’t forget to like And subscribe uh uh be great to get the subscribers up to 5K as fast as I can now people have been pretty divided on this show but for the most part apart from the fact that I do think there should have been an episode that

    Introduced all the characters that didn’t have any action in it I do think the show has suffered from that but that was my main gripe I still liked what we’d been given I was I thought episode three was one of the best episodes of Television of this type I’ve ever seen

    Incredible cinematic very gripping uh I was invested in what was going on then we had episode four which people will describe as a filler episode I’m just going to say what my I’ve got a couple of criticisms of this episode but I’m gonna say what my main one is just to be

    Clear I don’t care that this is a filler episode I’m okay with episodes that aren’t filled with action I quite liked a lot of the stuff in this epod waiting for people to come back I like some of the subplots uh the the thing with Polish lady a little bit stereotypical

    But still believable it was believable but stereotypical however this section I’m going to show you some steals now and I’m going to talk about why I have a problem with this scene in particular this scene for me brought down not only my rating of of this episode but the

    Show as a whole so we have two American Airmen who are through the underground Railway making their way back through Belgium initially then France presumably to go via Spain which is where most of them went to then get back to the UK uh they’re being facilitated to do

    This by a couple of Agents one of whom is traveling with them on the train who excuses herself to go to the toilet as the train is coming into Paris the most highly occupied city in Europe with Germans in it at that time probably with the highest number of collaborators at

    That time this is 19 43 it’s not clear which way the war is going at this time and she says don’t talk to anyone I will do all the Talking by the way I’m now going to the loot so that I had a bit of a issue with because it just seems

    Stupid one of them gets up he panics he runs into the train we then have this scene with the second underground agent lady who we don’t realize is on the train she stops him and she speaks to him in English in a carriage that’s filled with about 30 people

    Okay none of whom she knows who could be collaborators who could be German agents they could be absolutely everyone and they have a very urgent and hushed conversation bit of dramatic nonsense but okay I I’ll buy into that a little bit that was that was almost passible

    But then she rushes him back to the carriage okay let’s look at what happens in in that scene when we get back to the carriage she stands for no reason cuz they’ve now shown their tickets with the carriage door open right while people are passing behind her just not

    People that are part of the team just other French civilians are passing behind her we don’t know who these people are she doesn’t know who these people are there’s one of them in that shop there discussing their escape plan out loud in English and when the characters talk in their own language in

    The episode they talk in French we we have established earlier in this part of The Narrative of the episode that they mustn’t speak because they might get found out we also establish as we pull into the station that it’s filled with Germans and German SS officers and alike

    And then if you look at the um reverse shot of uh that same scene when they’re in the carriage are two Americans they don’t even speak in hush tones they’re speaking in their own voices with the door open with her standing in it whilst other civilians are just wandering past now I’m sorry

    But this is [ __ ] they would have been taken off the train and caught in seconds if they’d actually done this and this is supposed to be a show that’s grounded in realism this is not the dirty dozen this is not based on a novel by alist mlan where you can forgive

    These kinds of things I do have some other issues with this episode the other issues I’ve got are forgivable this one is not I I just you could have you could have got all the drama with this scene with no one saying anything the guy still could have got up

    And panicked the woman still could have grabbed him and just forcibly taken him frog marched him back to the carriage they could have had a bit where they went to say anything such as shut up don’t say anything and then it could have all been done with an exchange of

    Look sometimes no dialogue is far more powerful than people kind of overacting this was like a scene from Lolo I just I’m sorry but you can probably tell I’m a bit peeved so let’s hear people’s thoughts on this I think you should actually um I think you should actually speak your mind

    Lance turn back man yeah look I’m a big fan of Band of Brothers it’s one of the best shows ever made I like the Pacific as well I like that I like the episode Melbourne in Pacific no action it’s a filler episode it’s one of the best

    Episodes in the Pacific this is also a filler episode but this is this is historical nonsense it’s not believable they set up a scenario where they say don’t speak etc etc what do they do they speak on a carriage full of people in the busiest train station in Europe

    That’s full of collaborators I I think you know you know just just before sorry sorry will just remember just before the stream that I I said to you Lance I said that um um I’m probably going to say snap to a lot of your issues and um snap

    On every count of this on absolutely every single part of it I think you’ve said it all so um yeah over to any I think much like you it really struck me as very odd that she chooses that moment to go and have a piss like just as

    They’re pulling into the station like surely can you not wait for five minutes like you’ll be off the train shortly you can do whatever you need to then but you really need to Shepherd these guys carefully through this section and yeah like the one thing you didn’t mention is

    The reason that the guy panics and runs is because they’ve been confronted by the conductor who’s asking them for their tickets in French they don’t know what the hell he’s saying so they’re trying to give them like all kinds of travel papers to Bluff their way out and

    Like he’s you know he’s clearly getting more pissed off with them because they’re not understanding him so one of the guys just runs and like she has to spin this ridiculous [ __ ] lie like oh he’s deaf so he can’t understand you or something and like he’s panicked like

    If I was that conductor and I’m assuming he’s not like any kind of collaborator and so he’s not particularly invested in like turning people into the Gestapo but still that would be a massive red flag if I had two guys who looked suspicious who weren’t responding to me who clearly

    Didn’t understand the word I was saying and then who tried to run off the train i’ definitely want to know what they were about but yeah that they seemed a bit contrived and I’ve got to be honest I’m not hugely invested in this like escape and evasion subplot like the no

    The show is definitely at its strongest when it’s the bombing missions it’s like this is this weird appendage that they’ve put on dramatically I mean I get the air Crews did get Downs during the war and they had to try and make their way back to Friendly territory so it

    Kind of gives you a different perspective on it I just don’t think it’s handled in a great way and I think a lot of these scenes are going to drag with these guys yeah yeah yeah I mean I mean history BR probably um probably confirmed this that um when it comes to

    It’s actually picking on something that that you said um will uh that people in sort of authoritarian positions like Railway guards and uh uh you know obviously police Etc they were pretty much in the pay of uh the the Germans so um they were they were in those position

    I s because you know they they would turn anybody in you know there were so many cases of Railway uh conductors and uh and such uh that were turning in um you know skps as well as uh uh as well as resistance you know so they were very

    Much you know part of the establishment if you like so it makes it doubly uh unconvincing I suppose um that all this this would have happened but exactly as you said I mean of all the times for her to get up and want to go

    To the toilet it was that moment and it was almost like I don’t know what we’re going to do we’ll have to write something here um that’s actually going to put them in Peril because we haven’t really seen them in Peril since they’ve been on the ground so how can we

    Contrive this and it was so contrived it was such a contrivance I can I can think six other ways to make this scene dramatic without any of this nonsense I mean it’s it’s not hard you know we’ve got two writers um we got two script writers in this on this guest panel and

    I bet like right now we could both come up with things that are just more plausible and and would fit and it’s the fact that they broke their own rules it’s a I I hate shows that they set up their reality they set up their rules

    And then they break them it’s a bit like Pierce go brosen you know surfing off the Iceberg again in uh James Bond you know we we all know that yeah B isn’t quite capable of that you know I do think I I do think the word contrived is

    The perfect word for for it uh it so that it did it did stick out like a sore thumb to be quite honest uh I I would have thought the thing that sprung to my mind the thing that was sort of one of the worst errors in probably in in

    Writing the whole thing was that I’m not sure you’d really want to go through Paris at all yeah to go right let alone the yeah the sort of crowbar in bit of drama uh yeah yeah it stuck out it stuck out there surely would have been ways that you

    Could travel at night through the countryside where your chances of getting spotted are relatively slim and just stick areas there was a curfew in place if you were traveling around at night in France um without a valid reason and without a pass you’d get shot they’d assume you were members of the

    French Resistance cuz that was when they moved so I would thought you want to be squired away in the back of a van under a tarping or something you don’t just go on a train to Paris I mean yeah I mean that there was a there was an underground railroad that did exist

    Which actually a lot of it involved people traveling by train that they’d then go to the the town that was I forget the name of the town but it’s near the Spanish border and they’d be taken over the Pyrenees panes yeah um by by guides um that was part of it part of

    That could could involve and did in some cases with the Jews as well that were being smuggled out traveling by train but but even so I mean you’re not getting off at Paris you’d come in here and you’d probably be going through because they don’t get off the train

    That’s that’s established so you know again yeah the whole thing even if she’s getting off getting up not to go and P and ah just yeah and it’s not even so much that it was the fact that they were conversing in English freely in front of people whose

    Identities they did not know you know what I thought it was initially and I thought it was actually going to be quite clever that she was baiting them almost to test to see who was going to run or who might be a double agent or something like that like oh I’m going to

    Go off to the bathroom for a minute and I’m just going to see what these guys do when they’re not being watched I thought it might be a way for the resistance to test them in which case okay cool that’s that’s pretty smart I guess but you

    Probably wouldn’t do that test in Paris though you proba do it in you know a smaller station like yeah exactly obviously it turned out to be something way dumber than that so it’s fine I know this is sorry I was gonna say I know this is an obvious comparison

    But if you look at how how subtle it was done in in the Great Escape when they’re all all on the train and look at how subtle that was it was done with looks with hand gestures what the most you actually got was a whispered tally hoe

    And that was it yeah yeah yeah when the um what’s his name James Garner jumps off the train until you until you get that German Gustaf guy going good luck good luck he just goes thank you I’m afraid you won’t be uh commanding ci5 after all Gordon Jack

    That is a truly classic bit of Cinema of all time isn’t it that is he the one that tested the guy earlier in the film someone said already that uh the IDE of that the the writers at some point the writer or writers are sitting down and they’ve they’ve decided that you know

    It’s a filler episode that’s fine because episode 3 was sort of an a battle an air battle the whole episode so okay dial it down a bit for a filler episode fine uh but we need some kind of drama especially for this subplot so what we’re going to do let’s let’s write

    Something you know it’s going to be contrive let’s contri something and this is what they came up with it was it’s a bit poor it is a bit poor I’m not I’m not quite as angry as Lance but it is s of obviously a bit subpar uh in terms of

    The writing I think I think I view almost view it as well clearly this is not the show’s um strong point you know doing all this subterfuge um escaping evasion Behind Enemy line stuff it’s like I say it’s geared up to be this big bombastic World War II drama in the air

    Mostly and so when it has to do these bits you can tell they’re not really comfortable right stuff like this and it’s not their 40 and so yeah I almost don’t expect these bits to be too great I just the okay the thing that annoys me

    Right is this is a huge production with big names attached you know Spielberg you expect a standard of quality and we have for the most part in most areas we we’ve been given that by the show um you know Hanks Etc I don’t know who I I

    Didn’t can someone check to see who directed episode 4 because I can’t remember Wasaga I think was it okay yeah he’s done the first four and then it’s going to switch to different directors for the next couple of episodes so I I just you know did somebody not sit down and say

    To someone I mean you’ve got historical advisors did they just not say look guys you know I mean because they are trying to go for realism here it’s not hyper realism again you know it’s not dirty dozen uh it’s not um you know uh Quentin Tarantino’s uh World War II this is

    Supposed to be grounded realistic World War II I just well it’s the same wrer who’s who’s done the whole show it’s John yeah yeah but if we look at um if we look at we look at when it was um it was being shot in uh from early

    2021 um this was supposed to have been initially released in 22 so the the evidently there are and have been issu issues with it so you know hence being sort of trimmed down you know having an episode shaved off why n episodes I’ve have no idea you know and

    Why these episodes are so short I’ve no idea that’s weird obviously a lot that’s been taken out a lot you got 42 minutes on average per episode roughly because you know half of its credits and coming next week which I really don’t want to see because I don’t I turn that off I

    Don’t watch that me too me too lot of Recaps as well yeah yeah and yeah you got a recap so I I worked it out I timed it and it’s each episodes between 41 and 42 minutes some episodes of Band of Brothers were nearly 70 minutes they all

    They were all slightly different lengths and it’s not like we’re trying to cram this on the Telly between Crossroads and News at 10 or or whatever so I don’t understand why the episodes can’t be be longer was one thing I think there was one thing that someone said and it’s

    Interesting I think it was you L said it um that when it comes to the writing side of things hasn’t it gone through sort of a number of rewrites or a number of eyes of professional writers script writers things um and you know it often Buggles my mind that you can have a

    Massive production I’m thinking of almost every Michael Bay film it’s a massive production you got you got years to play with probably you’ve definitely got T of millions maybe hundreds of millions of pounds and someone writes something off the cuff and that’s what they go with and that’s what ends up

    Being the plot and the script and the dialogue and it’s and it’s and it’s [ __ ] it’s dog [ __ ] oh like how it boggles my mind how does that happen you know but it does I don’t know I don’t know well here’s here’s here’s here’s a little here’s a little something for you we

    Actually shot episode one of Band of Brothers twice there are two episode ones wow why um and what happened tell us more um it just wasn’t working it it really wasn’t working tonally it wasn’t working if you if you look at the the original the first um the the first kind of

    Production script uh not the first draft but the actual first production script first shooting script um it differs completely from the final chewing script so um we there was a lot more at tooa um um there was uh a lot more in the uh the aerial training a ton more I’ve actually

    Got that episode um that fell into my bag I would love to see it Studios yeah well you know Green Room discussion about that after the stream uh probably shouldn’t say to much more mate I don’t want to get you in trouble there yeah no no yeah I yeah just let’s let’s honestly

    Mate I you know working it working on the other side as we do I would I would keep St that may have been a fictional statement let’s let’s move on MRA so uh um okay exhibit to your honor sorry uh I have to raise something

    Else so um that that issue for me is the biggest sin okay I I um I am fully aware that this production was shot uh with the shadow of lockdown uh so very difficult we can’t get a second unit over to France and do some stuff in France or whatever fair

    Enough okay and um so with that in mind but I am GNA point at something else and and again just minimum research is all it would have taken so we ride through a village that we know is in Flanders so Belgium but could even be in France but

    Let’s say the border of French and Belgium this is the Village Street nice bit of production design detail here some French Resistance people hanging from a post on the street which is you know it’s quite cool um and we’ve got our downed uh American Airmen coming through and this is supposedly our um

    French Belgium Flanders Village of 1944 I’m going to tell you a few things that are wrong with this show first of all number one the chimneys uh there’s no chimneys that of this design in France and Belgium in 1944 I know that’s a rivet counter type niggle which

    Is why to be honest I wouldn’t care about that sort of thing but I know why they’ve done it like this and I’m going to tell you why um so um whoever looked at where this was filmed looked at the other buildings that they were using on

    Location and went oh well we better get the designs to match that the the other buildings but the problem is the other buildings are English they’re not French now these triangular rofes in in if you’ve ever been to any villages in Belgium uh and there’s a lot of them

    That are still completely intact from the 40s that that missed getting smashed and World War II um you don’t have straight triangular roofs like that they kind of have this sort of ziggurat um uh configuration which I’ll show you in a sec the actual Street where this was

    Filmed um was in Maple Durham in the UK I want you to pay particular attention to this white door on the left with the lantern okay so I’m just going to take that slide down and um this feels like that episode of Star Wars that Drinker did where they

    Were sort of doing the court case right okay so this is the actual Street notice the white door so you can see how much CGI they’ve done now I’ve been to this location because in the eagle has landed which is an excellent World War II film for

    Anyone who hasn’t watched it um two of your uh polish paratroopers pop out of that workman’s Hut there and Ambush the American Jeeps as they’re driving into this town There’s the church from the eigler landed and there is maple Durham house um down there on the left you see

    And note the chimneys on Maple Durham house so what they’ve done is they’ve looked at Maple Durham house which by the way they also filmed in the grounds of there because they had their guys there’s a there’s an archway just here in this in in this next field and

    There’s a shot of the resistance people you can see it’s covered up but if you could see through there there’s another Archway parallel to that so this is where that that street was filmed so all of those houses were all added on CG post production now all you had to do

    Was just look at a picture of a Belgian Village um which is presumably the production designer or art director’s job and go to the people in post production effects and go yeah the rofes should look like this they should have this configuration this is what they look like in Belgium

    In France so we don’t look like an English Village in the 1940s but what someone’s done is looked around Maple Durham and go okay that building was actually built in the 30s or whenever it was built I don’t know probably way earlier than that I think late 1800s

    And they’ve gone and copied it and um said we’ll make and as soon as I saw that shot I said well I know they didn’t film that in France but they haven’t even made it look like France and I just again you had that attention to detail

    On banded brothers when they went to they they they built that set which was which was overseen by my late friend Alan Tomkins and if you shot down One Direction the street was France and all the signning and the design of the rules were all French when you went to the

    Other end of that street you could shoot the other way and it would be Holland and they designed the you know actually sorry just just a a quick minor correction in it kind of was that that kind of was the case um but what what we did was

    Um as the episodes were going on um they were reconfigured and redesigned a lot of the buildings were reused um uh but say for example I mean einhoven was a completely different town on set to caran and haenow haenow basically is Karan reverse kind of rejigged about and

    You know things pulled down yeah yeah can yeah so so we you know we had we had all of that yeah yeah yeah that’s and that that really was there that really was built that Canal yeah yeah um yeah still the best set I’ve been on and

    Where you know you know what I mean where on Earth were the um the real kind of historical observers you know looking at this and thinking hang on a minute something’s not quite right there you know this is as you correctly say the art director’s job to look at these kind

    Of Minor Details I know mil films did um did the CG work for banded Brothers I’ve no idea who did the CG work for this uh a lot of it is very good you know it’s not taking away any of the you know the fantastic aerial stuff that’s there um

    No look again I do like there’s a lot I love about this show if you go and watch the other reviews that I’ve done of episodes one two oh yeah three uh episode three I was full of praise for and again this this art Direction stuff wouldn’t really bother me but I just

    Sense that some where on this show there’s a lack of cohesion in terms of somebody who’s got the power to to say that wouldn’t have happened oh and by the way that should look like this it just doesn’t feel like we’ve got someone steering the ship on that Stu whereas

    Boob and Pacific felt very I I was hard pushed to find things where I went yeah that’s wrong um I’m quite I’m quite surprised bit of a lazy episode yeah I mean I’m quite surprised and disappointed that they even felt like they had to use CGI for a village

    Anyway like you couldn’t just find an actual village with buildings in it that you could just shoot like why did it have to be built up like this it’s just stuff like that just makes it more expensive when you didn’t have to it’s weird and like you say Lance if you’re

    Going to do it uh at least get it historically accurate so you’ve got the right building cgy in there because it is ultimately completely within your control like all they used was a road essentially and put everything else in around it the the shot before this is

    And I didn’t grab a still of it but it’s it’s the girl and the guy cycling cycling along the side of a canal and it looks like a canal I’m not sure if I mean when we do have canals in the UK there’s plenty of them they could

    Have gone to and of course Belgium and and Holland are full of canals and to be honest and it you know the next shot after this is they go into a bar in the town and they’re taken into the back room and interrogated we didn’t even

    Need these two outside shots um it would have been enough to just show them cycling along the canal they’ve cged the town in the background of the canal you can see they’ve done the chimneys again wrong chimneys yeah and um then we could have just cut to them coming in the bar

    Um this th this looks like it adds production value and I I listen I like the attention to detail I like the bikes I like the milk CH cartons and all of that stuff nice period car even you know French and all of that stuff but again

    It looks even like the headlights have been taped over for blackout yeah wow stuff like that stuff like that’s great what we don’t need is the Harry Potter house in the background here that’s been PGI in you know with these nonsense chimneys that you you’d be hard pushed

    To find chimneys like that in France in in 44 maybe in a Mana you’re real chimney man Lance yeah you know that’s my that’s my I’ve got four books on that I honestly have I just looked I just could tell they were wrong and I looked it up for the stream and I

    Just thought yeah this is my feeling on that Lance is that once you pointed it out and said all that uh you know can’t fult you you’re absolutely right bang on uh for me I didn’t notice in at the time when I was watching it I didn’t I didn’t

    Notice but as you as you’ve pointed out it’s absolutely a fair enough criticism one thing I would say is that you know whenever there’s a you know a period piece whether it’s supposed to be the 19th century or it’s supposed to be the 40s or something yeah sometimes uh uh

    It’s done well uh uh one thing that if it’s if it sticks out like a saw thumb one thing that sprung to my mind I don’t know if you you must have saw them you know the old puos with um with David susha as PUO yeah it’s me to be the 30s

    Quite often you see London in that and it’s OB it’s like it’s really badly obviously like 1990s or 1980s London and they’ve just got some 1930s cars and and sprinkled them in the background and it’s like it’s really obvious for me for me this uh it wasn’t

    Really to me anyway and I haven’t got I haven’t got a great eye but it wasn’t really obvious that sort of went over my head the chimney thing I must admit I just it helps that they’re they’re usually confined to Quick establishing shots like just them going into a

    Building or passing through quickly so you can get past it I suppose without noticing it too much yeah which helps but it’s a fair criticism of lances I’m not saying it isn’t I just I just didn’t happen to notice that’s all I mean I mean it’s

    Like this is a minor gripe my big gripe is that nonsense in the train station but how did you feel about the the whole subplot with um Bucky heading off to London with his polish squeeze it wasn’t anything we hadn’t seen before but I do know that because

    You know World War II is my thing and and I do know loads of relationships transient relationships like that happened people thought London was still being bombed at that time it was being bombed well into 43 um there were still people being killed that scene with the house that

    Was destroyed and you know the mother comes out screaming and you see the kid being carried out really effective great scene really loved it great production design you know just a and and the reason they had that scene in there was to show death can happen to you any time

    Men and women were looking for these transient relationships and her saying well my husband was killed he’s in in a field somewhere I’m not looking to romantically get connected to another pilot it was a bit cliche but it was believable I could believe it I could believe it yeah that conversation he had

    A Bigg a p please please go ahead no I was going to say yeah people in that situation like you’re not looking for long term no yeah no you’re absolutely right well what did you what did you think of that mate I thought it was fine like

    Kind of like you say It’s relatively TR and predictable that uh you know it was just uh a filler episode something to fill up what can we put in bit of sex keep people happy I could have done with SE a bit more flesh but that’s okay yeah but it

    Is it definitely is that bridge episode isn’t it it’s that that bridge episode that’s going to take you on to I you know what I would have liked to have seen a bit more from and we’re getting hints of this with um with Bucky it’s always confusing because there’re buck and

    Bucky um you know the fact that he’s maybe getting a bit burned out with with flying so many missions and he’s starting to become a little bit of a wild card yeah and it’s like do they call it Flack happy or something when you’re you’re starting to get a little

    Bit like I need this it’s like I need the adrenaline rush of it and you’re starting to become a danger to your crew um I might have liked to have seen him struggle a bit more with being away from it like being in London and not the the machines the crews all that

    Stuff um maybe to see a bit more insight into what he’s going through because he’s still pretty closed off I think yeah um and yeah obviously what happens at the end of the episode we’re going to see probably a more um a more emotional side to him in the next episode that that

    Conversation that he actually had on the phone that’s that’s absolutely accurate that conversation when he phones uh Thor Abbotts that is that is yeah that is AB verbatim absolutely verbatim I liked that I like that whole golf s wasn’t it golf they were talking about striking out and I like he went

    Out swinging yeah he said he wants he wants a pitch for a next game yeah Inside Man uh do you know where that was shot cuz I’ve got a feeling I might happen to know where it was do you know where that is no idea where that was at

    All no I completely wrong but it looks to me like it’s in Bloomsbury it’s between Russell square and to ro it was no we the British museum I can tell you that location is that I hope I’m right Trinity Trinity Church Square in it’s all the yeah it’s all these like

    Beautiful Victorian Terraces isn’t it like it’s like a really clean looking London which is just not like what it is now no well in in indeed I’ve got a super chat here by the way so let me read it now because I don’t think I’m going to

    Need to do a drinker catchup stream in that regard so Sandy Q who’s a lovely historian who actually popped on I play American Civil War uh computer game ultimate General and I was playing the the Battle of antium and she’s actually a tour guide around the Battle of antium

    So she popped on my stream and was kind of guiding me through what happened while I was playing the game and losing really badly this is her input as a historian sorry I have to say that at least once a day I’m torn I love to see

    Any effort even when they get it wrong to memorialize historical events in film I agree with you on that history is so much more interesting Than Fiction there was a lot about the episode I liked I did say that at the beginning including the things that have just been mentioned

    The coded conversation on the phone yeah the the scene with the bombed out house very powerful the scene where the bombers come back and you’ve got the when they come back by the way and they’re doing the flares it means they’ve got wounded on Bold yeah I think

    I think it’s red red is red red is yeah it’s two red I know that what I love seeing as well is like when they touch down and you see the condition these planes are in like you just look at them how the hell did that

    Thing even make it back like they’ve got massive chunks blown out of their wings they got three engines out like these things were just absolute tanks that they could sustain so much damage and keep just stay in the air a Fortress Yeah C can I say something about the

    London thing and the the subplot with the Polish woman and stuff I thought um I’ll probably sound like a massive prude here but hey whatever um I I thought it was sort of unnecessary you know like in Band of Brothers there’s a bit where Tom Hardy you see Tom Hardy banging some woman

    It’s like it feels like sort of crowbar in you know um it’s it’s fine you know it’s not a problem I’m not sitting there watching it with my mom and like blushing or anything but it’s just like I don’t know it just didn’t seem particularly necessary or if you are

    Going to do that you know as trinka said well I’ll see a bit more then actually at least you know do do one or the other um but with the bombed out house thing I I thought that was as L said quite powerful and very very good I I

    Think it was great that they did sort of a a tip of the cap to the blitz uh because because it is a massive thing I mean I’m a Londoner so I’m you know I’m going to know a lot about it and sort of you have an interest in that but the

    Blitz was unbelievably bloody I mean um there something over 40,000 civilians were killed in the Blitz and maybe as many as 100,000 no one really knows on top of that wounded and of course a lot of those would be women and children it was an unbelievable thing and uh you know it

    Wasn’t just London you know like centry got smashed Liverpool got smashed Manchester Bristol they bombed as far far as North as Glasgow crazily but London and the docks and my some of my family from sort of the East End and uh it’s not a million miles away from the

    Docks so there’s some stories in my family and stuff but you know they they didn’t have to do any sort of tip of the cap to London and the bombing of civilians and they did and I thought it was done quite well you know it was

    Fairly soft touch but it was powerful I like that I like see they yeah they they started bombing Glasgow but then they realized that was actually making it better and so they decided it’s probably better to stop with that but um yeah it was an interesting time as well like

    When this is set because this is late 1943 and I guess the blitz had kind of eased off by that point the the LOF Waffa wasn’t um in quite the the numbers that they’d been before but yeah you do get these these Air Raids still happening on a fairly regular basis I

    Was always a bit confused that they were able to sit in their their hotel room and watch this happen because I’m pretty sure everyone would have been like ordered down to shelters if there’s an air raid warning on London it wouldn’t just be oh know there’s there’s bombs

    Falling on this region of the of the city which is like half a mile away but you’re totally safe where you are like everyone would have just been sent into the the shelters because they wouldn’t know where it was going to land but I don’t know maybe it was optional you

    Could just choose to ignore it I I I didn’t have such a problem with that scene there’s an identical scene to that in the Battle of Britain with Susanna York and um what’s his name Lovejoy who went on to M mshan Ian McShan I think it’s the

    Two of them or no no it’s Christopher Plumber I think and and and they’re watching the start of the Blitz from their hotel room he’s just had a weekend pass this is much later in the war as you say German raids are less frequent but are still happening people are still

    Being killed it’s not really established where the hotel is but he is in Hammersmith um which is much further away from East London so there’s some effort made to set up that actually this is much further away than the East End the docks the primary targets of the LOF

    For the industry of London um the West the West Posh part of London didn’t get bombed as much as we know that’s why there’s still a lot of the original architecture there uh but um I can forgive thator I noticed um in the chat Echo chamberlains here and he was asking

    Why hav we got Mark felt on like well he’s he’s too interesting and charismatic for us we just couldn’t handle him I’m missed that comment must be way further down he to be fair he introduced me to mark Felton and there is something weirdly Ive about his videos because he

    Covers the most obscure bits of World War II lore even I find it quite interesting yeah no he’s great I’ve reached out to him a couple of times been completely blanked I would love to have a conversation with Mark felter but U I’m I’m sure if I get into the manua

    Of Chimneys in World War II oh yeah yeah he’ll definitely jump all over over it and again reiterate I have no interest in chimneys I just know they justop they just on Maple Durham you’re a closeted chimney fanatic we know it um I was going to say as well it’ll be

    Interesting because this presumably is going to progress towards 1944 and 45 so it will get us through to the end of the war if it will show like the v1s and V2s falling on London because that’ll be pretty interesting to see well Inside Man do we think there might be any V1

    V2s mentioned in the show I I’ve got to be honest with you I have no idea um because Point having you on that was literally you you you have to remember that um that that now today you don’t get a script you don’t get a full script anymore everything be on a

    Get sides if you’re luck everything for the most part it will be on a tablet you know what I saw it as well like it was very brief during one of the air battle scenes but um I think it’s uh a [ __ ] wolf that does it

    It launches Rockets into one of the the b7s and it’s so [ __ ] cool yeah yeah yeah it’s not something you see very often in air battles in World War II but yeah they did GL you I’m glad yeah I’m glad you pointed that out actually

    Because the you know it mentions it in a lot of the books um in in both uh Frank Murphy’s book and uh and Harry Crosby and there’s another one that I’m going through at the moment to do a little bit of research on this as well which is is called the full of

    Fortresses uh which is about the schiner and uh reagens spurg raid um but um but yeah that I mean they were amazing absolutely amazing but I was really pleased to see those there was one other oh sorry sorry I thought you finished sorry no no please oh there was

    One other thing I was gon to say probably before we move on about the the the uh the bombing of that house um yeah it’s interesting it’s really interesting that Drinker mentioned V1 and V2 because because it’s supposed to be it was supposed to be summer autumn 43 and as

    Lance said um yeah somewhere between a and sep October 43 so the the main Blitz is sort of an 8mon period between 1940 and 41 but then towards the end of the war you then get the doodle Bugs the V1 and then right near the end of V2s which are

    Essentially like an InterContinental missile basically a a cruise missile it’s a giant rocket it’s like two stories high or whatever so in 43 in Hammersmith um it’s like quite it’s quite rare I wonder if that’s actually true because you can find people have documented the Blitz in ridiculous detail almost every

    Single bomb pretty much every single night of of it is been documented I wonder if there was an actual bomb that fell on Hammer Smith in the summer autumn of 43 uh I would be interested to know that it’s weird as well when you think about how they you know presumably

    When a plane drops their bombs they drop them all at once and so they’re all going to come down in relative the same area like they’ll fall in a line I guess so it it always seems strange when you just see one house that gets blown up and then everything else

    Around it is untouched like okay where did all the other bombs fall yeah it’s funny because I suppose with the speed that they’re actually the speed that they’re actually traveling you know uh the distance distance between one bomb and another I suppose could be a good couple of hundred yards

    Um you know you’re looking at it through um through relativity you know um but uh but also the amount of unexploded bombs that used to you know and are still there Drinker have you seen operation crossbow World War II movie and um the one they’re um they’re parachuting into occupied France and

    Germany to infiltrate the V1 and V2 rocket factories yes it also covers the the campaign from the British uh point of view as well and it’s it’s a good movie yeah I I think I remember that one yeah that’s worth checking out um yeah is that when that the Germans have

    Almost got like a new like even improved version of the V2 that they’re planning to launch and guys yeah they thwart it at the last minute yeah that one good this is this is Trinity Square where that scene was filmed in London this now you’ll remember if you look at the shop

    When they’re walking down the street you’ll see these pillars in the background of one of the shops and uh they use this section of Street just here obviously cutting out not that big careful with careful angles cutting outm and uh song but this is this is

    Where they filmed and I can see why because it’s easy to section it off from the public close the streets um and why why don’t we make nice buildings like that anymore and just beautiful my last comment on the aforementioned subject there’s the chimneys on Maple

    Durham they copied them and put them in that shot I’m sorry you know yeah you mentioned another film is that the one where Michael Kane is a double agent and it’s all in the church a lot of it’s in the church that’s this is where where

    This is where the the EIG landed was film here did they re sorry one last thing did they re because there’s an old 70s thing with Michael Kan did they remake that film no it’s not been remade but a director’s cup was released about um 10 12 years ago which I’ve got which

    Is really good it’s a great film now to be honest this is where the pub was built um you had a pub here uh in that car park and then they had a second set there’s the mill you know where the kid uh goes in the water and the uh the

    Identity of the Germans are revealed and just here where this wall is they had a like a post office or something built as well so they had a building built there and they had a building built there we did a special episode actually about um

    We covered it way way way early in my uh stream but I think I should do one about operation crossbow um at some point interesting yeah um okay so what what else did people like or not like about this episode we’ll go around and go one

    One thing that sort of also stuck out to me was that they that you saw like a a Down Syndrome kid at the beginning I know the you mean he’s a lovely guy actually that I’m sure he is but the point is it’s like it just didn’t seem necessary what is what it

    Was there someone in the production or someone that said you’ve got to have a disabled person depicted in it at some point yeah like why like it’s got nothing to do with World War II and the Bloody hund and and and b7s why you know I don’t I don’t begrudge the actor but

    Like why it’s just I don’t know I think there was a I’m not I haven’t thoroughly researched this but I did ask somebody this question and I believe there was a story about somebody you know in the pub the the pub because the pub was almost within the

    Perimeter of the base the the local pub that they went to and I believe that there was a kid with a disability who was brilliant at darts and it’s mentioned in someone’s um either letters back home or something like that and you know obviously somebody said well let’s put

    That in yeah no fair enough I I I feel like a bit of a dick even mentioning it but you know it’s it’s a little bit like are they going to Crowbar in you know like a trans black woman at some point for the sake of it you know I think it’s it’s

    One of those yeah it’s one of those unfortunate realities of modern TV where every time you see something like that rather than just thinking well that’s probably reflecting a real story from a real individual at the time yeah your mind leaps to like oh did they just have

    To like you say put that in to to score some brownie points or something or meet some quota and it’s a shame because like you know like you’re saying uh if there’s a real individual um who was in involved in this back in the day yeah you then he should be represented on

    Screen fairly like anyone else it’s just that’s the nature of modern TV unfortunately he’s right yeah I mean it’s um people may recognize that actor he has a really great part in one of the earlier seasons of line of duty oh I remember that actually yeah where criminals using his house um and

    That’s based on something that happened to a real person who had a um you know would be a council flat and it was taken over by drug dealers and that happened about um 500 meters that way and that person had to be relocated under police prot protection to Manchester why they

    Thought Manchester was going to be safer for him I’m not really sure but um that and I heard that that was the the inspiration for that storyline and that character um so you know boy when they closed down that drug Dem did we know about it they all came down this end and

    Was did anyone expect or want more with this whole uh subplot with the character of Quinn and maybe remember baby face Dyan during a train sequence they talk about it for like 20 seconds and I think that would have been a good subplot I mean the whole PTSD element where this

    Kid’s begging for you to save his life and you know the fact that there’s nothing I can do but let you die and they gloss over for like they have lines I expected more from that I think because yeah like it was obviously a harrowing scene in the previous episode

    And you kind of think like yeah it’s going to lead to something the fact that he lies about it because I don’t know why he chose to lie about it I don’t you know what he did was pretty understandable in the circumstances I couldn’t get him out like either I

    Stayed and died with him or I got out myself like what what do you want me to do I think anyone would understand that so the fact that he did choose to keep it to himself and like like lie about it uh I yeah I thought there was going to

    Be a bit more of a payoff when he did finally admit the truth and it like you say it just kind of gets swept under the rug like oh okay you couldn’t have done anything else yeah it feels like that bit done now and I also felt like the

    Guy came back with that answer a bit too soon I felt like for a bit of an arc with that that conversation maybe should have happened in the last episode you know um where there’s a bit of a because the other guys kind of got to take that information in it’s not you

    Know you got to absorb that and these are guys that are still going they’re young they’re they’re it’s the first time they’ve lost one of their fellow crewman it’s the first time they’ve crashed they haven’t done this five times already so um I I don’t know I

    Think more could have yeah that’s I felt because that T Train sequence had we got that instead of this weird subplot that would have been a better a scene for a better episode yeah yeah yeah I do like the the scene as well with the the rookie Crew

    That’s joining up and they ask like you know what advice do you have well try and survive more than 11 missions because if you manage that then you’ve beat the average yeah oh had to crush their Spirit damn man what’s quite interesting about this what’s actually quite interesting about these um these

    Guys is you know obviously there’s the 25 missions and you go home you get to go home um but I believe from one of the accounts that I’ve just gone through that there wasn’t a single plane that went home with the full compliment of the crew that they started out with so

    Yeah you would have you would have a few casualties here and a few casualties there um but none of them went home after 25 missions with their absolute original crew in the bloody hunds well I was just going to say it’s called the bloody hund for a reason uh I don’t know

    If you guys are um I don’t know if you guys are familiar with uh Catch 22 the Joseph Hela book yeah I like the series as well good that’s a series yeah with with George Clooney George Clooney that’s completely passed me by but um I’ve I’ll check that out but

    Uh I’ve read the book a couple of times in fact it was one of the first sort of very serious books I read when I was I don’t know 16 or 17 or something you know a proper grownup book you know and I’ve reread it since and in that it it

    EXP flws quite heavily you know the idea that these Crews because you Saran and they’re they’re in um what are they in North Africa bombing in or well they’re not in the European theater are they in Catch 22 anyway the point is is that you’ve got this set number of of uh

    Raids or missions you’ve got to do and you know you see guys fall your friends Falling by the wayside and everything and the attrition rate is very very very high and so it’s it’s sort of maddening that you know you’ve got to go back up there that you’ve got to and

    That if you if you do it enough you are going to get killed and so it’s sort of it’s sort of a Madness you’ve got to be sort of mad to keep doing it uh and and then in in cat too they explore the idea that if you’re you know if you’re mad

    That uh you only mad people can do it and if you want to try and get out of it that’s that’s sort of sane and anyway anyway I think I hope that in later episodes of this masters of the air they do explore a bit more the the you know

    The Deep psychology or it would it would be a crushing pressure wouldn’t it it would be how much would you how much would you be [ __ ] yourself on your 25th Mission like oh my God am I going to buy it on this final one like on the

    Home stretch I don’t know I feel like you’d be more nervous then than any other mission that it’s interesting well as well because like sometimes I imagine like they’re given a bombing Target that’s relatively easy to get to like northern France or something like okay

    That’s a short run we can do that but then occasionally it’ll be like some city right in the heart of Germany and you can just like their hearts just sink you know oh [ __ ] we got to fly all the way across Europe getting week episode next week’s episode should should give

    You a bit more of an idea of that to be honest I mean episode three was crazy man where it’s like okay our plan is for you to go to Breman you got to bomb the [ __ ] out of that and then you got to fly down through the whole of Europe to get

    To North Africa getting attack it wasn’t Breman that was sorry not brem it was was way further in Germany and um we know you weren’t able to be on last week’s uh episode but we we we pulled the map up and looked at how far it was

    The and the second objective was even further away they had to go right into the heart of the Germany then turn South go over Switzerland um there was a great story um about one aircraft from that Squadron not from one of the other groups that was shot up and it had to

    Land in Switzerland and the crew were intered there for the rest of the war what a lucky break that’s not bad I was quite Sur do some skiing eat some fondue times quite quite surprised that that wasn’t in in in this you know in the show I thought that’s a that’s a

    Writer’s dream that that little bit Yeah there’s so much skipped so much has been skipped because I mean these stories are they’re vast stories there there’s so much that I cannot believe is not been incorporated into this series so far I mean it’s good but it could have been

    Better because of the amount of stories attached to the bloody hund particularly these particular these particular men that we’re focusing on um you know oh it’s just it’s a little frustrating you you guys can correct me on this one um because you you’ve got the better historical knowledge but one thing that

    Always struck me about the air battles is like the the the turret Gunners on the b7s seem to score an awful lot of kills and I just feel like they probably wouldn’t of most of the time I feel like hitting an enemy fighter and actually Downing it would have been super [ __ ]

    Rare considering how fast they move and how heavily armored they are your chances of actually shooting one down with like a 50 cal must have been like astronomical I don’t know like maybe maybe I’m wrong there but like it seems to happen like you know every guy’s

    Scoring like two or three kills per Mission it just seemed bit the on that massive Mission between the two groups I think watched the stream last week because I had the accurate figures but I think memory serves me between all of them the Americans claimed 288 kills and

    In the records with the Germans there were between 22 to 27 of their planes were destroyed not not including the ones that were damaged yeah um so you know a lot of people overestimated a lot of people claim the same kill you know you’re firing gun you see a plane go

    Down oh I hit that one and you probably got Five Guys on five bombers well the other thing that strikes me is like because the the b7s are flying so close to each other like Friendly Fire must have been a real problem like firing pretty wildly like they must have hit

    Each other sometimes was a huge problem we we talked about it a bit last time but yeah the the it was proven really that the the whole concept of a flying fortress is kind of flawed the the thinking was that okay we can’t necessarily have fighter escorts uh all

    The way for like long missions so what we’ll do is we’ll make the the bomber itself uh just like bristling with guns it’ll be able to defend itself we’ll put five six seven eight 50 cows twinlink 50 cows we have it we’ll have it bristling

    With guns and it will be able to put out a wall of lead around itself H and after the war in highight looking back at everything the concept was a flawed one it’s extremely difficult if there’s a if there’s German Fighters coming at you at two 300 miles hour you’re moving at a

    Couple hundred miles hour closing speeds Inside Man talked about this last time sometimes closing speeds of like 700 miles hour or something silly it’s very very very difficult to shoot them with a machine gun so yeah the whole concept is actually flawed you’re quite right yeah

    Yeah I I I think to be fair to the show because it did seem like a lot of Fighters were shot down but as as someone’s said in the chat that particular group were under attack for a period at one point nonstop for 80 minutes that’s crazy so imagine that

    That’s nearly an hour an hour and a half where you’re flying towards your Target in Germany and you’re under constant attack from wave after wave after wave of Fighters imagine your adrenaline going like that for 80 minutes and yeah that is compressed into a 20 minute sequence give can you imagine how

    Exhausted they imagine how exhausted they would have been after you know that all of that adrenaline going around you you know when you land I they must have completely flaked out yeah they would sleep well that night that’s for sure I like how they all get

    Handed like a whiskey as they they come back for their debriefing you’ll definitely need this I saw I saw a clip a little bit of footage of from the real bloody hund uh um or at least B7 some B7 Squadron afterwards and the guy sort of getting out and having a

    Smoke everyone smoked oh yeah everyone smoked in my childhood let alone in the 1940s everyone smok and you can see them sort of almost shaking and almost like a thousand yards stair it’s a real battle it’s a real real battle Yeah the amount of adrenaline the amount of sort of

    [ __ ] yourself would have gone on yeah I mean it would be terrifying absolutely terrifying yeah I I did like the little narrative where you you’ve got the new guy he’s the one they say try and survive L missions he immediately takes the liking to the British girl

    And um you know he he gets a dance with her he wants a kiss but you know she doesn’t want to give that to like every guy that that turns up um I forget the name of the the character I think it might be uh this chat possibly but it’s it’s

    An American girl isn’t it is she not over from no no she’s no she’s a British uh W or nafy she’s handing out the sandwiches and things when they come back I thought she one of the I thought she was one of the American Red Cross girls yeah oh she might yeah that’s

    Right there’s one of them that’s American um anyway and oh no I know I know what you mean though yeah there’s a different girl that like um they’ve got that they’ve got that little narrative and he says to her you might be the last smiling face I see and they have that

    Little exchange and she’s looking for him when the planes come back and that was a really simple story line that wasn’t over milil and we know these things happened and they happened a lot and you know when and then um one of the guys takes her aside and says sorry to

    Tell you he didn’t make it and and and it’s just that little thing and and they must have it must have been really difficult for them working on that base affiliating with these young men some of them probably falling in love with some of them or just liking them as friends

    Colleagues and seeing so many of them not coming back after mission what I really appreciate about this show is that there’s never these big like hysterical breakdowns where where people are crying and screaming and stuff it’s very subdued and it’s very um pragmatic when people hear that someone’s died they

    Just take it on the chin because hey they’ve been living through it for like three or four years by this point and they’re kind of used to it now and it’s weird that’s the generation that like just um probably endured like emotional hardships that you can’t imagine now but

    They just learned to cope with it and I think uh it’s represented well on screen and I’m just really glad that they did it this way and they didn’t try to just put this modern spin on it where everyone is like super emotional and like constantly has to talk about their

    Feelings in hallways like oh and I liked the the scene at the beginning where you’ve got the guys coming back from their 25th Mission and everyone’s like rooting for them they come back and they launch all the flares off the the the plane which probably they buzzed the control tower as well

    Was Buzz the tower I was Wai and spill his coffee you know but no I think this is this might be the guy that’s come that comes back from the successful Mission or he’s the one that goes off you know there’s lots of guys with little tashes that all look very similar

    In uniform yeah I think I think that was I think that’s a really good point Drinker made I completely agree that you know she’s told he hasn’t come back and she doesn’t burst into tears or anything I think that’s good and uh also there’s a bit where uh towards the beginning of

    The episode where they just talk about oh if we die no one will really remember us if these new kids if they die I probably won’t remember them and stuff yeah we we we touched upon this in in one of the other episodes we did about how that’s quite realistic as well is

    That maybe it’s not such a terrible artistic or writing decision to have fairly minimal characterization because in real life you’re thrown in with guys on a squadron or something you don’t really know them all that well and then half of them die quite quickly and you

    Know and you don’t make you don’t make really close friends because you know you may be all dead quite soon there’s a there’s a really good movie um with Lee Marvin and Mark Hamill called the big red one that deals with this and like there’s a there’s a because there’s

    Narration in it at times and it’s like diary entries one one of the characters straight up says like we like Replacements came and went so quickly that we kind of avoided getting to know them after a while because it wasn’t worth it like um and there’s that that there’s

    That scene where the guy gets one of his balls blown off and they find it he says don’t Lee Marvin goes don’t worry you’ve got another one yeah it’s like you can live without it that’s why they give you a two also touch on that in Band of

    Brothers don’t they but what one small anote that’s not even just in Wars one anecdote is that uh Graham Chapman 1960s 7s Formula 1 owner he didn’t ever want to really know or become friends with his drivers because it was quite it was quite common that you could die or be

    Burnt to death in Formula One in those days so even in something that’s way less dangerous it’s still very dangerous actually 7s Formula 1 but still way less dangerous than World War II uh bombing cruise but yeah you don’t you don’t become best buddies with everyone you

    It’s like it’s like what what what I mentioned I think I think I mentioned it on episode one um where the I think it was uh it was Egan or or who was it it was uh Crosby in Crosby’s account in his in his book he said you know we knew

    This guy just for breakfast and um and that was it he went out on this Mission and he didn’t come back and from from then on we knew him as the man who came to dinner and that was it they didn’t know the guy’s name you know you know it must have been

    Terrible absolutely shocking but but I the most common complaint that I’ve seen in World War II groups and those kinds of things is people saying apart from this person and this person I can’t follow who people are I don’t I I’m not invested in this person because even the

    People that you know we are going to get to know over the course of the show who are obviously going to survive like the the the Navigator guy the nervous navigator from episode one who narrates that episode there for and he’s talking about things retrospectively therefore pretty good chance he’s going to survive

    And I think he’s got a book out so know he lives um we’re still not that really invested in him and we’ve got to remember this is a dramatic narrative it’s a TV show and people you don’t have to spoon feed people but they do like to be emotionally invested in characters

    And um I think I we felt it when bar Barry kean’s character died because we got a fair bit of time with it not loads but enough oh can I can I I think we could have had a bit more time with some of the other people I I think this this

    Is a similar problem to what I had with the Pacific and um I think maybe it’s because you get thrown into the action relatively quickly and so you don’t get a chance to get to know people and there’s a lot of characters in the Pacific yeah just like there is with

    Masters of the air and you know a lot of the time they’ve got face masks on and it’s quite hard to just visually distinguish them from each other and it’s only now we’re four episodes in that some of the the key players are really um you know really like emerging

    As supp you get to know people a little bit better but yeah for the first couple of episodes I was starting to struggle I was struggling to just keep track of who was alive and who was dead because it’s just there’s a big Sea of Faces and it’s

    It’s a lot to take in like right off the bat could ask the panel what they think about this I I Got the Feeling um that maybe Buck isn’t dead that maybe I don’t know know yeah he’s not he’s not there oh right just I mean of a [ __ ] I

    Figured they wouldn’t kill off like with such a big actor playing him I I figured they wouldn’t kill him off so unceremoniously as just an offscreen death no I mean I I I I I don’t know the history of it but I I knew that we’re

    Going to get another episode is going to cut back to that mission and we’re going to see what happens to him we know that certain people have written books so we know that those people I’m without getting into specifics we know those people survived because they wrote books and it’s not

    Hard to find uh who I’m just gonna highlight this comment from George Kaplan Peter Jackson was gonna make God that would have been awesome damn but it never happened mate that movie went into turnaround like three times they got the money and lost the funding and they

    Built the fullsize bombers for it in Wellington in New Zealand where they were gonna do the main shoot and they buil this this is one of those rare occasions where I would like to see a remake of that movie because like obviously it was made yeah the 50s or

    Whatever the effects weren’t great and I think if you were to do it now oh it could be amazing especially with someone like Peter Jackson doing it we need more World War II movies we really do yeah and George you’ll Pro hang on hang on a second mate um George you’ll probably

    Know about the Pegasus Bridge movie and that was my film and that also went into turnaround twice and uh I’ll tell people the full story of what happened with that another time but that was my movie you can buy the script for it on Amazon though

    So quick plug it’s funny it’s funny just you know talking about the um the the D Busters and everything it was um it a really interesting uh little story that Steven I told and he he was in America and um and he he got a call from Peter

    Jackson and he said you know you know I’ve got some uh research material for you you know I’d like to like you to work on a on this script for the Dam Busters you know I think you’d be the right person to write write the screenplay for it so uh he said that

    Somebody will be turning up with some research material for you so he’s got this this Villa out in America or this this this big area in America where we saying um so about 9 in the morning these four huge Vans turn up and there was every single document ever that was created either

    Before the planning of of the of the raids all the um uh all the maps um you got every Memoir that’s ever been written every documentary that’s ever been made um manuscripts that have never been published other screenplays that have been written that had never been made about the Dan Busters the

    Original you know all all sort of original handwritten stuff and handrawn plans and what have you and there were there were like four van loads that turned up and he had to unload them all and go through and decipher everything go through everything in chronological order um to try and put this screenplay

    Together which apparently he did he did successfully complete a a very very decent screen plate apparently but that’s a lot I’ve heard the screenplay was great um yeah I heard a lot of stories about why that film didn’t get made and there’s competing uh theories which probably we shouldn’t get

    Into now but um it’s a real shame one thing I’d like to say about the Dam Busters and and the bouncing bomb is you can find I think it’s on you I’m sure it is on YouTube you can find the original archive footage of them practicing with different designs of bomb yeah it’s

    Incredible of the footage is incredible where the bombs sort of bounce off at weird angles and come flying towards the camera and and uh yeah it’s it’s honestly some some superb archiv footage that no it’s there’s there’s lots of uh footage of that um available there are a

    Few World War II things in production that are coming our way um pretty soon uh whether they’re going to be any good or not I I don’t know yeah’s there’s one that I’m not looking forward to I’ve got to be honest I’m really not looking forward to um um un gentlemanly

    Warfare um really I saw a trailer for that for the first time today so it looks fun like it’s it’s obviously not like something you’re meant to take too seriously but I see see the these guys this this stories are among the best that you will ever

    Hear and they they really are absolutely remarkable um and I don’t know maybe maybe it’s because I got a little bit of a thing about guy Richie you know I don’t think he knows who he is I don’t you know one minut he’s trying to be

    Quent and Tarantino and then he wants to be Christopher Nolan um you know and I just don’t like I just don’t like his style I don’t like his style and um I I I just think that this is something that doesn’t require any kind of trivializing it might be something interesting I

    Don’t know I mean I’m prejudging just by the just by the trailer but I know the story and and um yeah and I don’t like y Richie it does it does it does look very um what was the World War II one that Tarantino made oh in glorious bastards it does

    Look very in glorious bastards in terms of tone and the weird thing is and I I think this is why you’re a bit gripy about it is it’s based on the book by Damen Lewis not the actor the WR book and uh it is a straight up factual

    Book about those missions that those men and women carried out it doesn’t really need additional drama or silly World War II German Naval bunker sets built and whatnot that look wrong all that it’s got on it this the real the real story this you know you know we’ve got you know in glorious

    Bastards was complete fabrication you know um this is a real story about real people um and I I don’t know I just don’t think that stories like that should really be trivialized and turned into you’re you’re worried they might dishonor the memory of those I I am actually yeah yeah if I’m completely

    Honest yeah and I don’t like guy Richie before you jump in let me read out the Super Chat at work so I’ll listen later congrats Chris streaming with the Drinker at last oh well on my channel but yeah I’ve done it both work on I’m sure this is old hat for you God

    Chris I’m sure Drinker will get you on there cheers Lance Chuck Norris can beat up your imaginary friend that’s true I’m got an imaginary friend I’ve got a toy baby Yoda but that’s about it CH Norris could beat that up as well pretty pretty

    Sure he can um yeah both sorry go I was to say one this is just pure flight fancy of my own One World War II era story I’d love to see but done seriously like like this or like Band of Brothers not like T would be uh sort of the the

    The Desert Rats the long-range desert Patrol group The Early SAS stuff in North Africa I would love that I would love if they did sort of serious either featur link film or you know a series that would be that would just be gold for me but did you did you not like the

    BBC One boat which one there’s been all sorts what what one no Rog Heroes Rogue Heroes was that yeah sure yeah I like I yeah yeah it was it was pretty good yeah um there’s loads there’s there’s there’s a lot been done on it but over the years

    In all sorts of ways but I’d love to see you know like really slick you know like like uh this or like bad brothers or Pacific where it’s it’s you know you can only f it minorly here and there and uh you know look make it look very very

    High budget and all that stuff did you um did you ever watch a movie called anthropoid which is a weird [ __ ] nameun C poster for that right there I’ve not heard of it I’ve not even heard of it do you know what really weird that just before this just before this I was

    Actually thinking of um anthropoid and operation daylight and I was going operation daylight was the original one shot by was it John Sturges or yeah it was back in the 60s wasn’t it with Timothy botton 776 I think 75 76 so what is that fill me in is that about s she

    Was the assassination of the the SS leader in prag reh hyd yeah reh hydri okay okay so really pro-jewish resistance sort of story then is it like it it doesn’t really delve into that it’s it’s literally just um it’s a pretty straight up retelling of the

    Story and like not just like the the actual killing of of him the assassination attempt but then the aftermath of them on the Run getting cornered by the the gapo the German Army and stuff and then trying to fight their way out and it’s it’s a really refreshingly just straight up World War

    II drama I think it’s really well handled I think it’s is good yeah totally Phan Murphy’s in it so it’s pretty good performances all around yeah ah yeah now you say that I think I’m vaguely aware I haven’t seen the film but yeah I am aware of that now I should

    I should check that out I will check that out there are there are three versions of that story you’ve got operation daylight that was made in 76 um which is like I say it’s a really really good um action movie and I’ll stick on a quick clip of it if I can

    With that us getting uh cut off um and then you’ve got um HHH which was in production the same time as um operation anthropoid and they were released within months of each other I I think operation anthropoid is the is the more Superior film yeah but um HHH is definitely worth watching it’s

    It’s got really good uh production design but the the battle that’s at the end which is the one in the church yeah of the of the three movies I still think the version of it at the end of um operation Daybreak is and I you’re not

    Going to hear any sound on this but is is the best one and um I mean we don’t know exactly how many Germans they killed and uh all the rest of it but um it’s extremely well directed and edited and uh well worth checking out and I

    Think I mean for a time the whole film was on YouTube I’ve got the DVD of all three of these movies well why are we talking about hyri has anyone seen the film Vance where hyri is played by Kenneth Brer you mean conspiracy conspiracy is it not called VY well it’s got different

    Conspiracy okay um but I mean that’s another one that I was and the only reason that I was going to bring any of these up is because at the moment I’m actually reading a book about Reinhardt hyrich or I’ve got a couple of books to read about hyrich so um

    Yeah conspiracy is fantastic I mean again that’s uh you know everything that you hear all of the dialogue is verbatim it’s all through right yeah yeah yeah he’s performance is amazing Stanley Stanley toui is in it as well yes he is there’s loads of famous people in that one right yeah it’s like

    Watching a stage play of you know the Nazi hierarchy plotting the D destruction of the Jewish race basically it could be a play couldn’t it it could very easily be a play yeah I mean actually would be a really interesting one to stage now with the current political climate you know the

    Theat might get firebombed but um s’s mentioning valky oh yeah valky yeah that was a good movie I like that really like there’s a German version of that film that was made for TV exactly the same story and and they re-released it when the Tom Cruz one came out so I was able

    To get a DVD of it and some of the scenes are almost word for word for btim and my friend Danny Webb was in the the Tom Cruz one he’s the guy in charge of the he Communication Center where they right oh yeah I remember him

    Yeah of course and of course if you if you look at um conspiracy and downfall you’ve got like half of the cast of conspiracy and half of the cast of downfall make up almost all of the cast of Valkyrie Valkyrie right yeah yeah what do you guys think of downfall actually because

    I really quite like right okay good probably the best portrayal of Hitler the closest I feel I’ve seen the real Hitler in any World War II movie and I saw that at the cinema it was packed it was opening night in London and everyone was so Git

    You could have heard a pin drop yeah yeah I think CU obviously the you know it’s been memd into Oblivion with like the Hitler reacts to whatever but uh yeah the the way he gradually just becomes more and more disconnected from reality and all these like Fantastical plans just become so detached from

    What’s actually happening uh it’s great characterization and incredible performance from Bruno Gans I thought he did a great job with that yeah he really did like like playing playing Christ or playing Hitler or you know playing St you know something like that it’s going to it’s always going to be really really

    Difficult to do it any sort of jce without being stupid and uh I I was blown away by downfall I was sort of Blown Away I saw it the as well not on open night but again you could hear a pin drop absolutely the fact as well

    Like it’s a German production so they didn’t necessarily have a huge budget but like they even managed to make the battle scenes look really effective and it’s filmed in Russia the whole movie that’s ironic I know right the streets were all the street stuff is all filmed in St

    Petersburg or what people would know as Leningrad in World War I and they went to like the warehouse districts there and because the architecture was very similar to Berlin right it was destroyed they had those same kind of apart the new modern apartment blocks was something that the Russians copied from

    The the Germans you know they kind of had a look oh yeah we’re going to copy this and we’re going to make Leningrad you know the the the sort of model City for Russia so they had a lot of the similar architecture and the bunker set

    The way that they built that was so that any section of wall could be removed so they could get the cameras in but they kept the actors in it like the whole time so it had that claustrophobic feel you know they couldn’t just pop off and go to the

    Toilet sort of thing it was they had to go walk all the way out and it was extremely well done brilliant it really was incredibly well is has anyone seen come and see at all God yeah oh my God that I haven’t seen it yet like everyone

    Keeps recommending it like that that’s a war movie that will stay with you forever uh Drinker that’s not one to watch with the family I’m just even the gr hounds might get traumatized yeah it really is it’s it’s a heavy watch and um andely abstract at times as

    Well yeah it is it’s you know it it’s and it will still it will stay with you it’s there’s there’s no question I think it you know and this is not to kind of denigrate Schindler’s List in anyway but this kind of makes Schindler’s List look

    Like a [ __ ] Tom and jerryn you know it it really does um it’s it’s really heavy it’s a really really heavy film and um I think if if you if you if you don’t if you don’t really I don’t know I don’t know I mean even thinking about it

    Now kind of um because you’re scaring me I mean it’s about atrocities on the Eastern front and there’s not a lot of dialogue and it’s all seen Through The Eyes of a young boy which is a really clever genuinely there are there are zero punches pulled in this movie there

    Are absolutely none it’s as horrible as you can conceivably imagine it’s absolutely horrific it’s horrific um you know if you w to if you want to see um you know a really realistic portrayal of the destruction of a human being um then come and see his uh you know your go-to

    Movie it’s it’s you know it’s it’s horrible it’s horrible and um yeah sometimes I mean even just thinking about it brings a bit of a lum to my throat because uh it’s yeah it’s an incredible I’ve only watched it once and I I’ve got it and I’ve never been able

    To watch it again so it’s not like fil you think oh I’m going to stick that on for the afternoon and chill out I can do that with a Great Escape come and see no it’s hard it’s a it’s a genuine hard watch it’s a very very difficult I guess you know what’s

    Interesting it’s um it’s on YouTube it’s available on YouTube okay there you go on YouTu think yeah like because obviously when it comes to World War II movies you can get the full spectrum I suppose of genres and like emotional tones where you can have something like the Great Escape which is relatively

    Cheerful or like it it’s portrayed almost as this this Caper you know like it’s all good natur relatively um although there are dark moments in that movie feel it when the characters die in that you do yeah but like it’s I guess what I’m saying is like you can get

    Movies like that where the tone is more adventurous and it’s more uh the sort of thing you can comfortably watch on Boxing Day in the UK whatever Kelly’s Kelly’s Heroes in a similar yeah like but then at the opposite end of the spectrum you’ve got movies like

    Schindler’s List and come and see and I guess my question is like where do you see World War II movies sitting in that like is it almost like disrespectful to portray the war as some Adventure that’s fun almost um or or you know is it too much to just have

    Every movie have to be this Grim horrifying SLO that that strips to your soul there’s room for both in my view there’s the alist mlan type stuff which is your wear Eagle dare your dirty duon Kelly Heroes uh the other thing you mentioned you know the rockov and unnecessary

    Machine gun fire and you’re not expecting too much realism but it feels real it feels like it could have happened but not really and then there’s this is history and these are the real people and these are the real names and if we’re going that way I’d like it to

    Be as accurate as they can get it yeah but still make it dramatic and enough to invest that’s that’s my take but I think I think also you know when we look back on some of the older War films that we really do love um you have to remember

    That they are products of their time as well they’re products of the um you know some of them are not long after the war you know maybe 10 15 20 years after the war perhaps um and you know there are still sort of um censorship codes um to

    Abide by so there there’s only so much that can be put into some of these films although the greatscape you know an incredibly brilliantly written and uh directed movie you know um a lot of it is extremely accurate there some minor inaccuracies in there but obviously

    Tonally it’s of its day isn’t it it doesn’t take anything away from the fact that it’s a great movie one thing I would say is um for me A Bridge Too Far sort of hits the tone very well yeah very very well where it’s sort is serious and and and

    Everything but also it’s like an adventure one thing I think is very interesting is that different parts even within World War II are more or less brutal so for example it’s true that in operation Market Garden when the parat Troopers finally gave in at einhoven they were the Germans were just sort of

    Giving them chocolate and congratulating them on on fight so hard but then on the Eastern Front you just uh just Crush people under a tractor and and cover them with water so they become a human Road right so and and from real life accounts sometimes in fact it’s not all

    That rare that sometimes guys that are in combat and saw a lot of stuff go down in front of their very eyes they still talk about it glowingly it was the adventure of their life they loved it it’s it’s odd to say that but that that

    Is not not all of them of course lots of people were absolutely traumatized obviously most most of them wer but yeah many of them weren’t many of them loved it and it’s it’s weird to say that but that does that is true um there’s a different ideology between the Eastern

    Front and the Western Front and the way of War were treated from those night and day night countries they were was a communist you know and they they well I think they they kind of adhered to the the Geneva Convention when it came to like Western prisoners like Americans

    And Brits and so on but with the with the Russians with the Soviets it was pretty much they treated them almost like animals and we can just they can kill them at will basically um as somebody mentioned the bridge too far just my vyl soundtrack of

    It of course and uh it’s great because it it opens out to that so which is rather lovely and uh it’s not a double album sadly the record is is still in here um I don’t have a record play to play it on sadly but I do have the soundtrack on CD

    But I also CD player either I love how we’ve just gone off on this mad tangent like covering like every war movie ever it’s great yeah sorry we forgot to mention this is a 40-hour mega stream we’re gonna talk about every war film ever made you know what’s kind of

    Funny J was say we should get back onto masters of the air episode Sor like Drinker was saying you know if you make every war film very Dow and very serious you kind of risk losing your audience but take JoJo rabbit for example JoJo rabbit found a good way to

    Make it comedy but also like not disrespect what people lost and also how heavy war is but it’s uh yeah sometimes people like Eng glorious bastards yeah people didn’t watch that film for the historical accuracy but sometimes you just want to have like a light-hearted kind of take on history and some people

    Do you know want to change it up to make it more fun I I think yeah like for I guess in a lot of cases it was just a convenient canvas to paint an action movie onto yeah so it wasn’t really about examining the the roots of the

    Conflict and like the the horrible impact it had on people it was just we want to see a bunch of stuff go boom and so that’s what they did but yeah I I just think it makes it makes an interesting I guess point of comparison seeing all the different takes that you

    Have on World War II from all these different perspectives with all these different kinds of stories that they wanted to tell um and it might be that yeah there’s no like ultimately correct way of doing it it’s just perspectives which is fair enough I think I mean not

    To mention like you figure from American standpoint America people always say that Hollywood loves making American World War II films because we’re the heroes but then imagine being Germans the German people for most these people these people were victims they weren’t they were caught in a conflict they had

    No say in the matter they couldn’t stop what was going on so or versus the UK versus Australia the the term is World War II so every country is looking at I mean we we watch Godzilla minus one and how Japan was looking at World War II

    It’s yeah no I think it’s fascinating like the the Germans have done a good job at doing some World War II movies like Das Boot is a great example where they don’t they don’t really try to delve too much into the ideology that the these guys are fighting for they’re

    Just guys they doing a job like their job is to like hunt for enemy ships and and try to survive yeah and that’s the perspective they take which I think is fair enough because probably for most German soldiers in World War II that’s all it was like you’re there because

    You’ve been ordered to do it not because you want to be there or anything and that’s why it’s very hard for because for German like you said these guys are just doing their jobs but the rest of the world’s looking at these guys like these guys the enemy it’s all your fault

    Like you’re you’re the bad guy so like does the rest of the world want to see a movie from the bad guys point of view when it’s more complicated than that they weren’t bad guys they’re just like they’re victims in their own right yeah yeah I must admit I really really

    Dislike JoJo rabbit as a film really yeah yeah it’s like straight up the only film that gave me hope for Tao as a filmmaker I [ __ ] me yeah he struck such like because there’s such an emphasis on like kind of goofy comedy throughout so much of it those moments when the drama

    Kicks in hits so [ __ ] hard like that bit where he’s walking down the street and he just sees his mother’s shoes like the obviously she’s hanging she’s been hung so all you see is her shoes the rest of her’s out of shot like God damn that hits hard because that’s what it’s

    This it’s this great juer position of the child’s view of the world like very everything’s just a big adventure and like he imagines Hitler as this like cool hero to him and then every so often reality comes into his world and you see what’s actually happening uh and it’s a

    Great contrast I think it’s giving you a child’s perspective on World War II a German child no less and how really yeah I think it’s really clever as a film and it’s really effective and you know not to mention both like jinker was saying look at Sam Rockwell’s

    Character he could have been a monster he actually showed his the guy’s just doing his job it he’s he wanted like you know saving JoJo’s life because even even these guys and during the course of the film Sam Rockwell’s character is like he doesn’t want to be here he

    Doesn’t want to do this stuff he’s got kind of no choice in a matter oh and he’s got a kickass uniform by the end I kind of I I I just disagree I’m afraid I thought the tone was really like cartoonish I thought it was written by

    That’s the idea yeah but it didn’t work for me I didn’t like it no I mean I mean that’s fair enough if it didn’t work for you but I felt like it was written by a 13y old or something I thought it really it’s written from the perspective of

    Like a 13-year-old in that like it is Goofy and cartoonish and silly because that’s how he sees the world but then every so often like especially towards the end reality comes in and you see what’s actually happening and it’s to be that contrast for you like I I took it

    As like imagine Blazing Saddles but in World War II you know Blazing Saddles what do you do you make the racist or the the the bad guys idiots because the Nazis in this film were morons but that’s the point you know you’re like Drinker said you’re looking at Hitler

    From me the mind of a 12-year-old back in 1940s Hitler was this glorified great person that everybody loved right that was the premise of the film and then yeah I also don’t like Blazing Saddles what you’re killing me let go down Rabb you’re killing the stream [Laughter] dude for reeducation man I’m Gonna

    Change T quickly and before it’s too late show this picture um thought you guys would get a kick out of this so right after my father was in the Danish resistance in World War II he used to evacuate down Allied Airman over to Sweden cuz him and his uh Brothers there

    Were four of them all together they they used to all sale so they all owned little boats um anyway right after World War II the first thing he did was he bought a camera um and uh he traveled round in I think it was 1952 he traveled all the way down

    Through ruined Berlin which I’ve also got pictures of right after World War II and then he hitched a ride with a French Foreign Legion Supply Convoy right across Africa and they went through the middle of the sah and this is one of the planes that they

    Found that was shot down and you can see the bullet holes in the window I think this is a British plane uh I don’t think G ask what is that I’m not a great Aviator a mosquito that’s what I thought it was when I first saw the picture but

    Somebody else told me it wasn’t it was something else um but somebody in the chat will probably know but um I’ve got a whole load of pictures of my uh dad on this trip I think actually Drinker I showed you some of those pictures in the

    Pub one time when we were know like the Indiana Jones sort of trucks and my dad was really good with with truck engines just imagine like imagine doing something like that now like we can’t even wrap our heads around it yeah I’m just going to go on a like a world tour

    Through like War tour in Europe and Africa I’m just going to take pictures of all this stuff that’s like been downed or blown up or whatever like hit your ride with the French Foreign Legion it’s cool as can i l can I ask you Qui question you can of course um I don’t

    Suppose your father um when he was in the UK I don’t suppose he worked for a company that sort of dealt with sort of fire extinguishers and fire alarms and stuff like that by any yeah he did he worked for new Swift on Regent Street how did you know that I’ll tell you

    After no Well did you meet him I’ll I’ll tell you after I I’ll tell you after okay damn come back next week to find out everyone you don’t just get film criticism here you get family dramas and historical mysteries well this is when my dad made the front page of the mirror for making that

    Journey and uh here he is on the right and uh boy man do I miss him big time imagine but um look at that Penny don’t get papers for one penny now do you that’s his then girlfriend Ingrid who he dated before my um mother and I

    Just traced her family and very sadly she died in 2017 but she was an accomplished children’s uh book author and did a load of children’s books in Denmark they were both graphic designers and yeah my dad did all the artwork for new Swift which was a a Danish fire extinguisher

    Uh company that was based in Regent Street it was just down the road from Hamley um and uh he invented this thing called the sorry I know this is off a bit of a tangent but he invented this thing called the fire fiend which was like an animated creature and I’ve been

    Trying to get um that artwork logo off of new Swift for years but they they haven’t got it this is the shop in Regent Street back in when he first worked there in I think it was early 50s and he worked there until they relocated to Yorkshire which would have been in

    The late 80s and that was when he decided to leave the company because he didn’t want to relocate us to Yorkshire a decision for which I’m forever grateful so oh just to to to answer your question as well um it seems like people in chat think that that down plane was a

    B26 Marauder which is an American plane right that’s interesting I I I’m looking at a picture of one right now and it does look pretty similar to what you showed uh that’s yeah that’s I’ll have a quick look um somebody did tell me what it was before and you know what to be

    Fair to them they may well have said that and I’m just remembering it wrongly um because I said isn’t it a mosquito and um yeah yeah the front of it does look like that doesn’t it yeah um the the the pick on Wikipedia looks looks and which as we know is never factually

    Incorrect it’s actually interesting how much stuff is just still left over from World War II just sort of sitting in place battlefields yeah oh there’s amazing videos on on the Eastern front like when guys will just go hunting through Peete bogs and stuff God knows what they’re

    Going to dig up even stuff from from before World War II from World War I there’s a whole bunch of trains that law of Arabia blew up in Arabia that the The Hulk The Wreck of it is still just sitting there to this day there areas of

    France that you still can’t go it’s called the The Zone Rouge from World War I because they dropped so many Munitions and so many like poison gas bombs and um and mustard gas and stuff like it’s saturated the the land to the point where like it’s uninhabitable pretty

    Much forever yeah and it’s like this strip of of no man’s land where it just yeah you even now it’s fenced off and you’re not allowed to go there it’s hundred years later there’s some French Farmers still occasionally get blown up by Munitions they call it the iron

    Harvest wow I love the way you threw that out there b occasionally some French F what to happen more often though is that they’ll they’ll plow up like a bomb or something and they they actually have like boxes to put them in at the edge of their fields because it

    Happens so often that there’s actually a procedure for it oh my God I think the French government have got a whole department to deal with it it’s it’s you know it’s a big issue still 100 years later the the the the weird thing about World War I was that it was concentrated

    In such a narrow area like World War II it was distributed all over Europe but in World War I it was like four years of basically lobbing shells over this like mile or two of dirt uh stretching right across Europe like it was just this really narrow strip and so these areas

    Became so like heavily Laden with unexploded Munitions that they still turn up even now it’s it’s crazy stuff like what the numbers and remember Godzilla minus one um done missions there like hey we we put like 50,000 mines into the water and you’re thinking like that that number 50,000 of Mines

    Into to the ocean like do people comprehend these numbers I know God well there’s one last thing on that drink you probably know but you sound like you know quite a lot about it you probably know this you know at at messine the messine ridge where in I think 1917 they

    Blew up some of the most massive concentrations mines of Mines like giant giant mines that were heard in London and like ,000 Germans were blown up in a single moment and stuff one of them never went off and and to this day there’s basically a room full of dynamite somewhere under the messine

    Ridge um yeah I wouldn’t want to live there right natur natural ging gets quite unpleasant after like a hundred years like yeah wouldn’t want to go near that wait for it it was such a yeah such a bizarre idea as well we’re going to dig a tunnel underneath the enemy trench

    And just blow it up from underneath oh okay sure yeah yeah there’s beneath Hill 60 is one of the movies about that that’s not a bad little oh not even heard of that either that’s an Australian um film you were saying earlier Bo that you you missed Catch 22 that was a six

    Parter same I’ve I’ve got to watch that there’s three or four things been mentioned this evening that I’ve got to go away and watch came out in 2019 right that totally passed me by I think Inside Man owns a pair of those shorts um is it

    Good by the way is it good good is good very well produced it’s very faithful to the book um you’ve got these nuts scenes where they’re doing things like going and stealing loads of tomatoes and you know and it’s one of those things where the silly the silliness of War you know

    Truth is Stranger Than Fiction it’s it’s I thought it was good it got good reviews at the time okay I think um everyone was having such a [ __ ] year in 2019 that most people didn’t see it and thank God 2020 was coming you know CED us right up did 2020 yeah I

    Know right um but people C caught up on a lot more shows in uh 2020 for sure is true oh H Lori yeah yeah he’s very he’s very good in it so um there’s uh there’s his wonderful wife there he is anyway think about H Lori think about cheing

    Think about H Lori is he actually the thing about Hugh Lor is he actually does own a huge Lorry does he what what period World War II one does he just on ironically or you’re just whining us up inside man um I’ll yeah I’ll try my jokes on a better audience I

    Think Jesus um again this is from um the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare I mean I I when I watched it I I I thought there’s nods to Navarone there’s nods to the wild geese that’s great escape there it’s good to know that they had steroids in World War II that’s all natural come

    On um I mean I’m look I’m going when I go and watch this and I will go and see at the cinema I’m gonna firmly have my we Eagles Dare hat you know guns of Na own hat on I’m I’m and Carol smoking a pipe what’s not to like you know yeah

    That man was I think he’s great yeah car um here’s one of the nicest people to work with indry there they are um Henry got a wicked zash going on there it’s they’re not gonna see cus one out either so Drinker I’m surprised that um he hasn’t been on your your channel Mr

    Cav oh yeah he’s always M like come on Drinker have me on like no Henry not the right time big enough foret I’ll never forget the day when we were we were prepping Pegasus Bridge about a year away from filming and we just started casting it of course it

    Didn’t happen and we get a phone call to my casting director she Rings up we’ve had a phone call from Henry Cav’s agent is there anything in Pegasus bridge for him we’ll find something yeah well the lead isn’t cast yet you know and anyway

    It went back and forth and in the end he wasn’t going to be able to do the dates um some some other 20 million pound paying job came in for our 9 million pound film so you know like double the budget of our movie his paycheck but it

    Was nice that he was interested so I do think he’s got an interes in true story uh World War II that’s part of the reason why I hope this movie does really well because I just want Henry caval to have a hit like damn man I mean yeah we

    We all seen what Argy did at the box office oh yeah that movie sucked I Haven I haven’t seen it I’ve seen your video drinker but I haven’t seen the film it’s it’s not really worth your time it’s pretty pretty GFF and he’s barely in it

    If you’re going to see it for Henley caval like forget it he’s in it for like five minutes at most with this poster how can we go wrong what’s going on here I mean I don’t know what’s happening with the tongue and this looks like a

    World War I Battleship isn’t it with the that why so much rigging on it it looks like a a sailing ship of the line Master commanders of the world meets guns of naon yeah what’s uh what’s what’s going on there Sandy says drink a watches so

    We don’t have to he does one for the don’t I know it you’re talking to a man who watch she I’ve still got the scars today all right well let’s do a quick round up because we’ve gone down a few rabbit holes there and I you’ve been a lovely

    Panel of guests I don’t want to keep people on too too much longer um just going back to episode four we left about 45 minutes ago um you know after extensive discussion of chimneys and not whatnot that was the highlight of my day honestly give me your final thoughts on

    Episode four I’ll be nice and say a six out of 10 overall like Drinker and everybody in the panel would say I do like the sense the show after four episodes the sense of Duty because we get this from St Private Ryan Tom Hanks was a a freaking um school teacher and

    These guys they’re not doing this stuff because they enjoy it it’s because we have to and like you said Lance 25 missions they they were clapping cheering congratulations you earned it this current generation it’s like oh these guys succeeded why can’t I succeed and so so much jealousy and I don’t know

    I like the sense of these people they’re doing this stuff because it’s we have we have to we’re taking down the greatest evil ever created and it’s got to be done versus yeah I see Tik toks now where some girl has a nervous breakdown working 40 hours a week

    The other bow in the group uh well blue and bow history yeah I mean I thought it was it was still pretty good you know it’s because it’s a a filler episode it’s not going to get above about a seven out of 10 for me but it’s still

    Good uh you know I I thought uh I I am watching this this this whole series for the battles really uh but so yeah just a mediocre it’s it’s a filler that’s about the best I could say about it Drinker yeah kind of uh in agreement

    With the with bow and blue colar loser I think probably six out of 10 is fair um as you guys have pointed out it’s a filler episode after the the big climactic battle of the the previous episode that was a real high point it was going to have a tough hack to follow

    And uh it’s really just a fairly pedestrian sort of character driven episode um didn’t give us quite as much as I would have hoped character wise um but at this point I’m quite invested in the the world that they’ve created here I’m quite invested in all the little stories and

    And so I was willing to at least go through it I gave it a pass to some extent just CU I I enjoy where I’m at with this show so yeah yeah six out of 10 not great not terrible just I I give it the same uh six out of 10 three

    Points off for the nonsense scene in the train where everyone would have been arrested or grasped upon very point off for the chimneys one point yeah you were right one point off for the do dodgy uh European AR at least it’s not Echo but I think that with this you know

    If if you look at this so far as a whole and I think you know we’re really going to get to see how things are going to go uport of after the next next episode I think that most people would be looking at this and thinking you know what um

    I’ll skip that episode and I think you it will be one of those episodes that you know that you can definitely skip without having missed anything I don’t think you would have I don’t think you would dramatically sort of you know there there’s nothing really major that

    You’re going to be missing Ian okay you know the you know the two guys on the uh the escape inovasion and everything but um but yeah I I totally agree with the the whole scene of the train was um it just made me grown I just thought oh God

    No here it comes um I thought they could have they really could have done better really really could have done better with this episode but um yeah I’d say about a six yeah for me uh fair fair enough uh and you you know you worked on it allegedly um

    Allegedly this this this was I mean none of the location stuff at all none of it at all yeah yeah interiors and whatnot uh fair enough so I mean overall though I think overall we’re we’re all in agreement that overall we’re enjoying the show even though we have our issues

    With it yeah is that a fair yeah yeah I’m enjoying this more than I enjoyed Pacific yeah yeah there’s no way I’m not g to be watching all the other episodes yeah I’m completely invested absolutely yeah yeah okay um good good to hear good to hear well we are going to be

    Reviewing um each episode as they come out I do a gut reaction review every Friday time of which uh will vary according to Lance’s sleep patterns um and then um on Sunday uh we do one of these uh all of my panel you’re all welcome to come back uh of course um you

    Know uh Drinker we know you’ve got a million streams on but always be you’re always welcome to come back and I know you’re a bit of a World War II fan uh like myself uh history bro love having you on mate because you always come up things with a slightly different

    Perspective blue colar representing the American I’m A diversity hire that’s all I’m here for you know we know that America contributed a little bit towards the British victory in World War II so it’s good to the British Victory and Inside Man nationality and identity unknown but with all the inside

    Uh stories um I’m just going to mention a couple of other things quickly before I ask my guests what they’ve got coming up and the links to all my guests uh channels and social they’re already all down there uh we did an interview last week with act actor Peter mck who was

    Absolutely awesome awesome now if you’re a fan of the American Civil War movie Andersonville Peter has a key role in that film uh he plays the guy who leads the assault against the Union Soldiers who’ve been robbing everybody in the camp it’s a massive scene it’s kind of

    The Spartacus scene in the movie a great film by the way Drinker if you haven’t seen it please that would be number 679 to add to your list of films to watch but um it is well worth your time put it near the front now um since we did that

    Interview uh we would we’re doing an Anderson special uh in the Andersonville special episode which Peter’s going to come back on to to talk specifically about how that was shot and it was like a four month shoot it was directed by John frankenheim who’s an amazing Hollywood director sadly no longer with

    Us Peter is actually organizing a cast reunion for that stream so we think we’re going to have three or four members surviving members of the cast of Andersonville with us on that stream that’s going to be later this year we think probably March give will take some time if you

    Watch the Nelson ratings my Regular Show on Tuesday you’ll be know that uh you’ll know that I’ve been praising a television series that I’ve only just seen uh called um five days at Memorial which is set yeah during Hurricane Katrina uh it’s an eight-part show it is

    One of the best television shows I’ve ever seen um I put it on par with Band of Brothers I like the fact that it uh lets you decide how you feel about uh the characters and it’s what happened in the hospital during Hurricane Katrina when they were completely cut off and

    Ultimately some patients were euthanized by uh doctors and nurses this is an absolutely heartbreaking show with Oscar winning performances is one of the cast is coming on my channel to talk about it uh on March 30th I think it’s a Sunday so we’re going to be doing a special

    Episode of Che the fat on five days of Memorial at the end of March with one of the cast we might have two of them on uh to talk about how it was filmed how it was shot the research that they did it’s all based on a book um it’s very

    Accurate if you haven’t seen uh that show I highly recommend it then finally in case you miss the running bar that’s been going um along the bottom of the stream uh I have an amazing interview on Tuesday later than my normal time at 10 pm with Ron Underwood the director of Tremors and

    Shout out to American filmmaker Matthew Holmes who was very instrumental in making this interview happen Ron Underwood also directed City Slickers he’s done episodes of Fear The Walking Dead much more recently and things like like the Brer uh the remake of Haw 5 and other things Agents of Shield and so on

    Um he’s going to be a fantastic guest and there’s going to be a couple of surprise guests on that uh stream as well one degree away from Kevin Bacon that’s what I’m saying so um uh so it’s gonna be great do join me at 10 o’clock

    On Tuesday that’s in place of the Nelson ratings my my weekly show which all of my guests have at one point or another I think have popped on uh that’s what I’ve got coming up on the outcast creative channel uh history bro uh what have you

    Got coming up next all your links are already down there all right well there’s two things there’s my own Channel History bro uh hope soon there’s going to be a video coming out on The Fourth Crusade a good couple of hours long that’s the one where the the the

    Western Christian Crusaders burnt down Constantinople a Christian City uh anyway so there’s a big bit of content on that coming out but also I’m on Lotus Eaters if every single week the history themed content comes out there this week this week it was on Long Shanks actually and specifically a Scottish campaigns so

    The Drinker might be interested we’ll breed them out with Prim happen at that time and was historically inacurate I was told but so uh yeah well we did talk about Sterling bridge where actually the Scots do hand the englishes asses to them so it’s not

    All just so it’s not all just dunking on on on the scotch north of the Border do you have a Scot flag after that stream behind you no we we didn’t do that but it’s it’s it’s a second part of a three-part thing all about the life of

    Edward the first but every single week on Lotus eers there’s there’s some history themed content with me and uh so yeah two things for me but that’s it I’ll let I’ll let someone else Dar Darth playto said The Fourth Crusade had no leadership that’s because Darth it was

    Going to be a film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger but it went over budget and didn’t happen wow that would have been epic well there was there is the DOA Venice was the leader of it I don’t know what um somebody somebody is sending me the script of Arnold Schwartz ner Crusade

    I’m not goingon to say who but they might be close by at this moment um sorry uh bo oh no sorry I think maybe I’ve got cross wires is there just another film called The Fourth Crusade it’s got nothing to do with no there was there was going to be a big budget

    Really Crusade which covered the the sacking of Constantinople arold Schwarz was going to be in it it it was going to be Paul hovind’s big project after Starship Troopers and it the budget on it kept going up and up and up and then car was

    It caral or one of those yeah I think it was Andro Andrew v v you know van Andrew van and the other guy Mario Kazar that’s a shame because I would love to see a film showing The Fourth Crusade it would be I mean a movie about the Crusades made by Paul verhoven

    Starold what what could go wrong I will love it yeah I mean you know blue color what you got coming up mate I know you’re on with me on Tuesday well not not hanging out with you know this Tremors guy so yeah oh yeah definitely check out critical Drinker did Tremors

    Review and it’s excellent I I’m I’m looking so forward to watching that stream with you with the director be fun gonna be but I’m sure everyone’s happy three days guys we get to see Madame web I’m looking so forward to that film uh it’s gonna be an experience I’m

    Detecting some dry sarcasm but I won’t I won’t press what about you’ve got some streams of your own coming up next weekend as well I think I’m I’m always I’m always hanging out with you so whatever okay you’re on my channel in the yeah so look out for

    Blue color on my channel occasionally I’ll go see mad web because I hate myself why not I think we’re doing a watch party next Saturday but I’m not sure what film yet I’ll let you know Drinker I believe you’re nearly at 500 Subs tell us yeah I’m hoping to make

    Help this guy out man you know yeah please subscribe to the Drinker 1.93 million something or other yeah it’s man no thank you um as for what I’ve got coming up I have absolutely no clue I just work out day to day so I wish I had something I could plug right

    Now um I Know M and I are going to be doing another Star Trek watch through because we we’ve done rra of Khan we’ve done Star Trek 3 so the next one is going to be the one with the whales so we’ll watch that together M you so

    Should have brought him to London when they had that screening of Wrath of KH do you remember I know scheduling really that’s the problem yeah it would have been great for him to have seen that for the first time on the big screen yeah but he you

    Can only watch a movie for the first time I have to ask him how how far are you in tack on titans I know you started that uh I’m on season two just starting season two now I want to hear your views about the ending because boy the the

    Ending is talked about to this day it’s it’s controversial okay yeah yeah well when I eventually get there I will tell you there like isn’t there like six Seasons or something well well the thing is they’re anime so they’re like 50-minute episodes and yeah I’ve got

    I’ve got the box set of seasons one to four definitely the last the last season is is different than the first season but it’s I don’t want to spoil it but it’s I watch it I’m like all right I’m very much enjoying what it is so far I

    Don’t where it’s leading but like I love the setup I love the characters it’s just fun show I really like it yeah well um just remains for me to say thanks very much uh to my guest I really enjoy these collaborations thanks to the Inside Man Who pretty soon will have his

    Own YouTube channel but you can already follow him on retropolis now on Twitter isn’t that right yeah that’s right yeah yeah I mean it’s quite good because um last week uh because of you I actually quadrupled my followers on Twitter so now actually have I actually have four

    Excellent yeah we gave you a shout out do check out the inside man’s uh he’s goingon to be doing a YouTube channel uh and on that we’re gonna you and I are going to be doing a regular stream I I know I’ll see where I can fit that in

    Between my other five weekly streams I’m doing um thanks to Blue uh always love having you on and also Bo uh Drinker I’ve said it before and other people have said it before but mate what you do to support other YouTubers I don’t see anybody else doing

    It to the extent that you do no and uh I don’t think you’ve any idea just the level of Love there is for you on from people from that and and we feel very very supported uh by you and it would be quite easy for someone just not to

    Bother but you really do make the effort and I’ve got to tell you it’s really appreciated really thanks man thank you no I say all the time I’m pushing 3,000 Subs only because of if critical Drinker didn’t exist I wouldn’t be pushing 3,000 Subs yeah same I I got to 3K because you

    Know you you you had me on you gave me a push and um and again I think even also when I was coming up to 2K you you either pushed me on your chat or did something and you’ve also been on my channel several times and you know me I

    Just love hanging out with you and talking about films anyway so well likewise yeah and it’s like I can tell how passionate you are about like the world of film and not just like the what you see on the screen but what goes on behind the screen and um you know the

    Production side of things and you’ve got so much like insight and knowledge like it’s always a pleasure to talk to you about this stuff so um yeah man it’s great to see you guys doing so well with your channels and see you growing and getting the recogition that you deserve

    So if I can help out a little bit then I’m more than happy to well hopefully the Tremors uh director Ron Underwood will help push me out to five I hope and then I’ll be in the top 10% of YouTubers apparently yeah funny you should mention this Dan

    Candy because Drinker and I have often spoken about should we do an in-depth discussion on Little House on the Prairie it’s got to be done a first for YouTube I think yeah Bo’s a big fan he’s you know he’s got all the DVDs uh we may

    Well I’m more of a Walton fan myself the Walt night John Boy awesome American TV show stream we may we may do that yeah um before I go so uh about three or four times a year we do an alternative uh interesting uh stream on the outcast

    Creative Channel um the next one uh that’s coming up I’m not going to be able to find the bloody artwork for it now but the next one that’s that’s coming up uh we did a review of the film Napoleon um starring actor Martin we AKA Danny DeVito and if you look on the

    Channel there’s a really long review of that film of course that film was never actually made um it’s a fictional review but actors from the outcast creative are on that review one of them’s playing the producer one of them’s playing the military advisor it’s purely played for

    Comedy we’re going to be doing another one of those of Jim Henson’s version of the thing and we’ve got Muppets coming on scen who are gonna take part and they’re going to be interviewed again members of the outcast creative getting involved for fun uh I’ll let you know

    When that’s going to be but uh it’s going to be pretty hilarious so the Muppets do the thing a full review of that version of the movie can’t say that we’re not original on this channel um right so uh in the immortal words of my good friend uh Mr Drinker would you like

    To take us out all right that’s all we’ve got for today go away now


    1. My biggest hate was the dialogue in the hotel room. On the one hand it was an interesting dichotomy, seeing the juxtaposition of the war outside, with two people forgetting their pain and making love. Seeing them as one, whilst outside, London is torn apart in a big spectacle. Yet the dialogue was so clunky. It felt like their debate was some trite attempt at deep contemplation by a committee of Hollywood writers. Either that or she was a bad actress. All in all though, it feels like the standards in Hollywood have dropped.

      The train scene was moronic, and it seems like the writers are trying to get the female quota up by having female resistance guides (they did exist of course), but doing them no credit by making them useless.

      Combine it with the trite brawl scene between the British and American (I'm Irish) pilot, Bucky thinking he's Elvis, and the Luffwaffe popping like fireworks, and this series just dropped to a 6/10 for me.

      Danger UXB does the blitz better
      Memphis Belle seems to do the air better (minus the hard gore)
      Secret Army does the lifeline for downed pilots better
      Band of Brothers / Pacific do the grittiness and camaraderie better.

    2. In the decades before the 1970s many families had children with Down syndrome. This was all before institutions took in Down patients. Families did the best they could to care for Down children. Today (in Canada at least) it is possible through amniosythesis testing to detect babies who will have Down and parents will often opt to get an abortion. The young man from the local pub is an interesting representation of a pre-1970s reality.

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