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    Today’s cabinet meeting this is not a public meeting but a meeting that the public can attend I’m Ros Jones mayor of Doncaster and I’d like to welcome you all to today’s meeting before we commence proceedings I would like to outline the domestic arrangements for the meeting we are not expecting a fire

    Practice today if the alarm sounds please leave the building and congregate the other side in front of cast of the water this meeting will be recorded and published on the council’s website by entering the council chamber you are accepting that you will be recorded and your images will be retained and

    Broadcast by the council if anyone intends to record today’s meeting please ensure that this does not disturb the conduct of the meeting and please ensure that your mobile phones are switched to silent mode thank you I will now commence the meeting item one apologies for absence I’ve not received any apologies for

    Absence do we have any please no item two exclusion of the public and press there are no items on the agenda where the public and press are to be excluded is that agreed agreed item three public statements and questions there are no public statements or questions item four Declarations of

    Interest are there any declarations of Interest please therefore I would ask that you go and sign the relevant declaration forms and return to government services item five decision records from the meeting held on 17th of January 2024 these have been previously circulated and after noting only agreed agreed item six corporate plan

    I will introduce this item this report sets out the council’s contribution to the team donger bur strategy for the year from April 2024 to March 2025 we all know how heavily invested the council is in this partnership strategy and in 2324 we contined to make significant contributions to all of its

    Themes for example under the tackling climate change theme we’ve installed additional electric charging points and administered low carbon grants to businesses within the skills priority we’ve hosted the UK’s first remake learning Festival which engaged over 10,000 residents and have helped develop a new University Technical College in the city

    Center delivery of the Stamford Town deal and continued to work to reopen our airport are example examples of how we’ve supported our economic Ambitions and under healthier and happier bir theme we’ve launched and embedded dun’s all age carer strategy and supported well-being hubs delivering help for residents such as at food banks warm

    Banks debt advice and the energy advice we’ve embedded our Local’s working model across the burough in order to help make our communities safer stronger cleaner and Greener also delivering Road Safety advice in schools and helping over 225 Ukrainian refugees to settle in dsta following the war in their home

    Country we supported organizations to achieve child friendly accreditation and provided School holiday activities to help nurture child and familyfriendly bur and we’ve helped develop our transport connectivity with rail improvements at Hatfield and stford invested in walking and cycling routs to improve active travel options we continue to promote the burough and its

    Cultural sporting and Heritage offer through a variety of events such as delicious dster and the DN festival of light and have received a royal visit from his Royal Highness King Charles to Mark our new city status at this time of year as well as celebrating our achievements we also look forward to the

    Next year and set out our Ambitions and commitments in a new corporate plan the 2425 plan identifies 10 key corporate priorities that will represent our B strategy contributions for this year we’ve grouped the priorities into three themes our organizational priorities are cultivate a dynamic diverse informed and empowered Workforce think local act

    Personally and create a fairer Kinder more inclusive City the second theme covers people focus priorities which include improving outcomes in adult social care and our children’s director and co- delivering an impactful NHS partnership we also have Place Focus priorities these include work to reopen the airport delivering of our program of

    Major projects and a range of activity to create safer stronger cleaner neighborhoods finally we have a general priority which encompasses all other activity that the council will do to contribute to team Don’s strategies linked to education and skills health and well-being culture the economy housing and environment and

    Sustainability as is always always the case we are ambitious to deliver but also practical relating to the resources available to us which is why the corporate plan is presented today alongside our budget for 2425 I ask cabinet to give its approval for the corporate plan to go forward to

    Council for final approval and adoption that we can continue delivering improvements and positive impact for people businesses and communities of Doncaster I’ll now ask cabinet members to indicate by raising their hand if they wish to ask any questions in relation to this item Rachel thank you it’s not a

    Question it’s just a comment it’s it’s really good to see the progress set out about what we’ve been doing in the last year um it’s clear that we’re very honest about the challenges that we have um and that transparency is something that should be welcomed and and the fact

    That we have measures in there so we will know whether or not we’ve been successful um so um I support the corporate plan thank you I can’t see any more answer so I will read out the recommendations within the report and that is that cabinet approves the council’s corporate plan for

    2425 prior to its final approval at full Council on the 6 of February 2024 is that move colleagues seconded therefore the recommendation is agreed I now move on to uh item seven which is capital strategy and capital budget 2425 to 2728 and I will introduce this item this report sets out the capital

    Strategy and capital budget for the next four years 2425 to 2728 the council continues to invest in the future of the B despite the tough economic climate with 56.6 million of capital investment planned over the next four years this will continue to stimulate growth and prosperity with 103.1 million of investment plan for

    2425 the council is investing in projects to further improve core services such as education housing infrastructure Leisure and culture as well as creating jobs attracting investors and visitors to the bough this includes 222.000 investment in the council social housing stock over the next four years covering maintenance adaptations and the

    New build program in addition we are committed to the ongoing refurbishment of our Leisure centers and there is 14.4 funding to commence refurbishment work at the Dome that will bring in much needed investment support the long-term service provision at this location and in turn the viability of dster culture

    And leasure Trust our South Yorkshire airport city program does not feature in the capital program at this stage but will once the procurement for an airport operator has been concluded and the final business case updated I will now ask cabinet members to indicate by raising their hand if they wish to ask

    Any questions or make statements in relation to this item please Nigel thank you chair it’s just a brief on really I mean um I think I think it’s worth worth noting really that particularly on economy and development um it’s really positive to see certainly um the city reging sustainable transport settlement for

    Mepr um we know that this area will benefit massively from this um injection of cash and obviously funding but more to that I mean obviously with the the infrastructure changes of the the entrance to the town it’s extremely positive for the the town and obviously

    Um it’s it’s residents as well um so I think we need to um bear in mind that that will have a real gamechanging effect on that area hopefully um and it’s good to see that investment being pulled forward so thank you chair yes thank you chair yeah just a

    Comment really uh although the uh housing revenue account uh report later in the on the agenda covers some of uh the uh Capital issues I feel it’s worthwhile mentioning that around some specifics uh on spend and works uh those mentioned in the report there’s 12.3 million pounds uh to

    Acquire new Council homes uh over on the open market over the uh forthcoming year uh that’s building on what we’ve what we’ve already acquired in this financial year uh also we are planning to spend two uh 27.8 million pound on home uh improvements and maintenance uh in the program for

    2425 and also uh there’s uh an additional 9.7 million pounds to be spent on thermal and energy uh efficiences uh also other improvements in the pipeline are to Gypsy and traveler residential sites and we are still endeavoring even though it’s in difficult circumstances to move forward on the council house build program phase

    2B and phase three so things are uh happening in uh in housing within Doncaster and uh we look forward to more homes coming our way and improved homes uh also thank you chair Phil thank you mayor I just wanted to commend the report um I particularly welcome the um ambition of the capital

    Strategy3 million planned for the coming year alone it’s half a billion pounds of investment over four years and it shows how Central the council is to the borough’s economic fortunes and to its um regeneration and its improved economic performance um I’d also want to say that although investment in the Town

    Center is always more visible if you build stuff near the station or the market lots of people are going to see it actually the investment if you look throughout this report the investment is distributed across all corners of the Bor and I think that’s something that we shouldn’t neglect to mention it’s really

    Important Doncaster is a place of places and North southeast west are benefiting from this investment and but also what I would want to highlight is the Revival of doncaster’s airport is a centerpiece for our uh economic fortunes and I commend the council’s plan I commend the mayor’s determination to get negotiations over

    The line and to get a successful airport back up and running in the Bor um thank you very much Mark thank you m um i’ like to welcome the investment in flood prevention um donc cter over a number of years has experienced a number of regular flooding incidents in the

    Borough Works have been identified to improve flood def flood defenses to better protect homes businesses and indeed properties in the areas of greatest need uh again I welcome this investment in the report thank you I can’t see any more hands raised so uh I will read out the recommendations

    Within the report and that is that cabinet recommends that Council one approves the capital strategy at appendex 3 two approves the capital program for 242 5 to 2728 of paragraphs 13 to 33 and three notes that directors in consultation with portfolio holder take responsibility for allocating the

    Block budgets to specific schemes in the capital program the block budgets are identified in appendix one and include the retained building program School condition program and integrated transport block colleagues is that moved move it chair is it seconded seconded therefore the recommendations are agreed I now move on to item eight which

    Is treasury management strategy statement 2425 to 2728 I will introduce this item this report sets out the strategy for management of the council’s finances and provides a framework for the operation of the treasury management function within the Council treasury management seeks to optimize the council’s cash flow and secure the most

    Effective arrangements to support the long-term funding requirement key credential indicators relating to Bing limits are detailed in the report there have been no significant changes to the report this year and the key issue to take from the report is that we remain under borrowed and continue to use our

    Internal Resources with reserves and balances to reduce the need to borrow whilst interest rates remain high I will now ask cabinet members to indicate by raising their hand if they wish to ask any question in relation to this item please Council Cole yeah I just wanted to e Echo your

    Comments mayor and say I know that although this is a report that never attracts many questions from counselors um actually I know that you pay great attention into the detail of this uh report and the work that underpins it from our officers our council is incredibly responsibly well-run and the

    And not only are we under borrowed but actually I think the management of our finances in the last year to minimize our external borrowing um because of the rising interest rates has required an awful lot of work of Staff um and so I commend the fact that you pay so much

    Attention to this but also the uh highly skilled staff that that back us up and make sure that we are a very well-run local Authority thank you councilor Cole and I endorse what’s been said we are all aware how hard it is for our staff in all different areas of the authority

    Delivering with fewer and fewer resources in order to deliver for our residents and businesses out there therefore with no one else want ing I will read out the recommendations within report and that is that cabinet recommends Council approves the treasure management strategy statement 2425 to 2728 report and the presedential

    Indicators included and the minimum Revenue provision policy as set out in paragraphs 41 to 42 detailed in appendix B is that move please mov is it second Ed and therefore the recommendations are agreed I now move on to item nine which is the revenue budget 2425 to

    2627 I will introduce this item this report sets out my Revenue budget proposals for 2425 to 2627 this desite the significant financial challenges and ongoing uncertainty around government funding the proposals set out a balanced budget whilst maintaining investment in the burough and protecting the most vulnerable in our

    Communities this Council now has 25% less to spend on services in real terms than it did in 20101 which creates great challenges and represents 344 reduction per res president this budget provides sufficient resource to enable Frontline services to continue to deliver at their current service levels despite increased

    Service pressures and Rising costs there remains a great deal of uncertainty in relation to adults and children’s social care costs and long-term funding for local authorities we have yet again be provided with a single-ear settlement meaning yet again we do not have certainty over funding of vital public

    Services in the medium term and this really is no way to run a country across the country we are seeing councils of all political control struggling due to lack of government funding Rising Service delivery cost and increasing demand a survey by the local government Association found that 20% of

    Councils believed it is very or fairly likely that they would need to issue a section 114 notice effectively declaring themselves bankrupt I want to reassure residents that whilst we remain under significant pressure city of donster council is in a stable financial position and we do not envisage issuing

    A section 114 notice in the foreseeable future that being said difficult decision have been made to balance the budget and meet an overall recurrent budget gap of 17.2 Million by 2027 in light of the pressures and future risks a council tax increase of 2.99 is being proposed alongside a

    Further 2% increase for adult social care this would mean council tax would increase by 4.99 in total the adult social care preet is specifically used to contribute towards adult social care funding pressures overall this will increase band b and a council stats by just over one pound per week and band d

    By £50 per week Dona will still continue to have the lowest council tax in South Yorkshire and one of the lowest overall in comparison to other councils of similar size in the country Doncaster is in an incredibly well-managed Council which is why we are still able to

    Deliver the services we do for one of the lowest council tax rates in the country we are a caring Council which is why we are committed to protecting the most vulnerable and whil many councils have amended their local council tax reduction scheme our policy continues to provide a much needed safety net for

    Those those who are most vulnerable on the lowest income including pensioners single parents and those with complex needs or disabilities with still no certainty from government about funding beyond the next year it is hard to plan ahead thankfully we are financially well-managed and I will do whatever I

    Can to mitigate the impact of uncertainty I remain firmly focused on supporting dunster’s priorities outlined in the core corporate plan and the 10-year burough strategy dster delivering together to create a safer stronger cleaner and Greener dster I would like to thank overview and scrutiny management committee for their

    Response to my draft budget proposals which are fully considered and respond directly in due course but they are supportive of The Proposal I will ask cabinet members to indicate by raising their hand if if they wish to ask any questions in relation to this item Nigel and then Lany yeah thank you

    Chair I mean I mean I think it makes it perfectly clear basically in the executive summary and for this paper com into to Cabinet um on on item two that that since 2010 councils have continued to face a position of reducing Government funding strong demand increasing costs on volatility and no

    Reduction in stat obligation to provide these services this budget again seeks to maintain Frontline services with less funding in real terms let let’s te this into context from from where we’re concerned obviously as a council so so back in 2010 we have seen year on-year Cuts in terms of funding as a local

    Authority um amounting at this present time to 25% as as the mayor’s just made everybody aware um if you look at England um in general that that’s roughly the cuts it’s roughly about 19% so donc cast is being it harder than the rest of England where where this is

    Concerned again you know um Ross has made it perfectly clear that per resident you know this is affecting affecting people um in terms of the spends we have by 344 pound per resident per year but in terms of an household that works at 751 per year in terms of spends now

    Whether we like it or not you know unfortunately because of the government’s reluctance to actually fund our um our situation and our funding certainly since 2010 we’re in a position where we’re having to S L look at raising things like council tax to fund our services so it’s the government’s

    Continued vicious U assault on the state of the public finances not just in terms of councils but it could be Education Services it could be our NHS that’s causing these issues at a local level and and as the mayor said we we’ve seen a number of councils go down they’ve

    Been obviously made bankrupt they’ve gone into financial difficulty peing simply because of underfunded by um central government we just need to make it clear again that we we we are obviously aware that people are struggling across donter but we’re all as as a city um and as a burough we are

    All going to need Services throughout our lives we’re all going to want our kids looking after properly we’re going to want our bins emptying we’re going to want us grass cutting as Refuge taken away and we’re also going to want his M and dads looking after as well if they

    Need that that that that care so the these these services that we provide to local Authority we we have to pay for whether we like it or not so you know the the council tax obviously sort of like is at to rise because of the lack of

    Government funding has a KN an effect so we know people are struggling we haven’t made this and to we won’t be taking this decision lightly but unfortunately we’re in a situation where 14 years of continue Tory austerity have placed Us in this position so thank you chair

    Lany thank you yeah I mean I just wanted to highlight you know a bit of a positive news story within this that I think should be captured um and talked about despite the quite leak picture in terms of um local authorities finances nationally and that’s the fact that you

    Know we are committing a significant amount of money for that Universal youth provision which we have done previously and what we’ve had to do as a local Authority is have them discussions around is the holiday and food uh money from DFE enough well it’s not because it excludes those that aren’t on free

    School meals um it’s never sure if we’re going to get it the next year there’s lack of clarity on that um so I think it’s really beneficial that as a council we’ve taken that decision politically to invest in that Universal provision because it means like what we when we

    Did that the last time it means that we’ve got over 500 sessions being delivered over the summer holidays so that weight on parents worrying about what their children and young people can and can’t access that’s being lifted it means that 29 areas like what we did last time had activities that were being

    Provided and up to 10,000 children and young people were actually attending these so I just want to highlight because when we have these discussions around uh youth services or youth activities and as we talked about with 14 years of aity the reality is is that was one of the first things that

    National government caught and it’s been caught by uh over 70% nationally and the uh YMCA for young people have raised serious concerns in terms of impact on young people terms of Mental Health crisis that they facing exploitation and the need for these activities are Beyond playing a bit of football in a field

    They’re beyond doing some arts and crafts it’s about learning new skills being with your peers and being in safe environments and the government continues through short-term settlements or through um ill-thought out ideas continue to drip feed pennies with lack of clarity and that is beyond hindering the local authorities capability to keep

    Our young people safe um and you know provided for so I think it’s just really uh beneficial and I think we need to highlight that we continue to have that commitment for our families thank you councilor Cole thank you mayor I just wanted to commend the budget uh this budget

    Actually acknowledges the very difficult times we’re in the difficult times the residents face and the tough choices that uh we have to make to support residents businesses and to secure donc cast’s economic well-being I our budget is set at a time when councils of all political colors are are finding

    Themselves technically bankrupt and are issuing section 114 notices um there’s a concern that up to one in five local councils May um find themselves in that position over the uh next 18 months to two years fortunately we will not be one of those councils because we are very

    Well managed um but it’s illustrates that the government does not provide enough resources Nationwide to make sure that local authorities can deliver effective public services that so many residents rely on um I commend the budget I commend the forward planning that’s done several years ahead despite

    The fact that the government gives us uh their contribution uh they announce it very late in the day I think they announced it a few days before Christmas this year um and then we have to uh make sure that our our financial planning is done in the few weeks that follow they

    Make it very difficult they never give us a threeyear settlement to allow local authorities to plan ahead so everyone is always working over scrambling to get their finances organized um the government really uh has nothing to say about improving the quality of Public Services delivered at the level that

    Most people uh encounter Public Service which is the local authorities that sort out their roads their bins their family support their social services and so on um and yet the government keeps talking about tax cuts just a few days ago the IMF which um monitors um uh the

    Economies of 190 different countries it announced that it advised the UK government against further tax cuts um I’m not sure the government will listen um it also said that preserving public services and investment implied higher spending levels than was reflected in the government’s current plans and and I think that demonstrates that even

    Independent observers and experts see that the government are continually underfunding vital Public Services I see no Prospect of that um changing without a change in government but I commend our budget put together in incredibly difficult circumstances thank you I can’t see anyone else indicating and therefore I will read out the recommendations within

    The report and that is that cabinet recommends that Council approves the 2425 to 2627 Revenue budget as set out in this report and this includes one the medium-term financial strategy including all proposals in this report as set out in appendix a two a gross revenue expenditure budget of

    636.3 million and a net revenue expenditure budget of 29.6 million as detailed in appendix a three council tax increased by 4.99 to 1,649 73p for a band D property £ 1,099 and h2p for a band a property for 234 this includes 2.99 counter tax increase equating to an

    Increase in of 90p for band D per week 46.98 per anom 61 P for band a per week 3132 per anom two 2% government adult social care precept equating to an increase of 60p for band D per week 3143 per anom and 4p for a band a per week 20.9 9 5 perom

    Four the revenue budget proposals for 2425 detailed at appendix B pressures 8.7 million and appendix C and D Savings of 10.9 million five the 2425 Grant to third sector organizations outlined in paragraph 56 and appendix F six the fees and charges proposed for 2425 out out lined in paragraphs 50 52

    At appendix G 7 note the chief financial officers positive Assurance statements detailed in paragraphs 64 to 83 8 delegates the acceptance and spend decision of any 2425 household support fund Grant allocation to the director of corporate resources in consultation to the mayor nine delegates approval of a spending

    Plan for the estimated 3.1 million to 3.7 million additional social care funding to the director of corporate resources and the Assistant Director of Finance and Technology that’s the section1 in consultation with the mayor is detailed in paragraph 38 and 10 delegates approval to change fees and

    Charges in year as a result of increases or decreases in energy costs to the Chief Financial Officer in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder as detailed in paragraphs 52 colleagues is that moved moving chair is it seconded second therefore the recommendations are agreed we now come to item 10 which is

    The housing revenue account budget and for this I will invite the deputy mayor councelor Glenn Jones Cabinet member for housing and business to to introduce this item thank you mayor uh this report sets out the housing revenue account as a balanced budget for 20242 and the medium-term financial

    Forecast until 27 2027 28 the HRA budget includes a council house rent increase of 7.7% in line with government’s policy on on rents for social housing which equates to an average weekly rent increase of £630 the rent increase includes 6.7% for inflationary and service pressures continuing provide to provide

    For our tenants including provision for damp mold and cons condensation and costs resulting from the introduction of the new consumer standards the further 1% is to provide additional funding for around 26 additional properties in 2425 to help alleviate some of the demand for social housing and support our efforts to tackle

    Homelessness we anticipate remaining the lowest Council house rents in South Yorkshire and one of the lowest in the country at 88 16 P per week we have carefully considered this recommendation due to the current economic climate and with the understanding that 73% of tenants will see an increase in their housing

    Benefits and Universal Credit payments to cover the impact of this change Council house rents will continue to be significantly lower than those in the private sector in Doncaster we continue to have in the region of 8,000 people on the housing register with this rent inre increase we will continue to maintain the standards

    And services for our current properties and tenants and provide additional properties to help alleviate the demand for housing for the first time since the right to by regulations were introduced in 1980 we are budgeting for an increase in property is in 20242 all of the fees and charges will

    Be increased by the appropriate rate of inflation and cabinet are asked to note this report and recommend the HRA budget and rent increase proposals to council for approval thank you mayor I now invite uh cabinet members to ask questions or make any statements in ation of the housing revenue account colleagues

    Joe thank you chair it’s simply to emphasize the fact that even during these difficult times we’re continuing to acquire housing that will be used as social housing it’s a brilliant thing that we’re doing section 106 is not delivering the affordable housing requirements that we need the initiative

    That you’ve taken through St Le jomes is hugely beneficial to this Authority and the residents of this Authority so I commend the content of the report and applaud the concept behind it thank you I can’t see anyone else uh indicating they wish to speak and therefore I again will uh read out the

    Recommendations within the report and that is that cabinet notes the report and recommends to council to approve the housing Revenue count budget proposals as set out in this report which are one rents are increased from 1st of April 2024 by 7.7% as detailed in paragraphs 8 to 11

    In line with government policy this will result in an average weekly rent increase of £630 resulting in an average rent of approximately £ 886 per week rents will be charged every week of the year two the budget proposals for the HRA for 2425 which are contained in appendix a

    These proposals set out a balanced budget for the HRA and maintain a reserve of 3.5 million three fees and charges set out in paragraph 15 and four delegates the approval to change District teaching charges in year as a result of increases or decreases in energy costs to the Chief Financial

    Officer in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder detailed in paragraph 15 colleagues is that moved is it seconded and therefore the recommendations are agreed we now move on to item 11 which is retail hospitality and Leisure scheme for business rates 2425 I will introduce this item this report sets out the retail

    Hospitality and Leisure relief discretionary relief schemes for business rates 42425 this Awards qualifying businesses with a 75% relief up to a cash Capital cash limit of £110,000 per business the scheme was announced by government at the Autumn statement on the 22nd of November 2023 and guidance was published on the 15th of December

    2023 the government is not introducing new legislation for these releas instead the council is expected choose its discretionary relief powers under Section 47 of the local government Finance Act 1988 to Grant the relief in line with the relevant eligibility criteria the council will be compensated for the cost of granting the relief

    Through a section 31 Grant from government an analysis of business rate records indicate that the schemes will benefit around 1,057 businesses to total value of over 8.6 million at a time when they continue to try and cope with the cost of living crisis the report sets out the full

    Qualifying criteria of the schemes I will now ask cabinet to indicate by raising their hand if they wish to ask a question in relation to this item Joe thank you chair not a question it’s a comment you only have to walk around our town and our cities to see the

    Difficulty that these industries are suffering at this point in time they’re really struggling I commend the fact that that’s been noticed the financial provision has been made I do however also note that it’s being left to donc cast the council in this particular interest to to deliver

    It may not be costing donc cast the council in terms of the money itself but in terms terms of Staff involvement and everything else there will be an impact on Doncaster Council I welcome the funding the businesses will welcome the relief I think it is due and I think

    They are entitled to it but I think government should be responsible for these things not local authorities having to do the work associated with them thank you chair thank you and therefore uh as no one else has indicated I’ll read out the recommendations within the report and that is that cabinet approves the

    Proposed retail hospitality and Leisure relief scheme at appendix one which will potentially benefit around 1,057 local businesses with the relief totaling 8,614 105 colleagues is that moved move it yeah is it seconded all in agreement therefore the recommendations are are approved we now move on to item uh 12 Capital

    Investments uh and service enhancement at Doner Dome and Thorn Leisure I will invite counselor B to introduce this item thank you chair um the C Doncaster has over the past four years undertaken a program of significant capital Investments to its Ledger facility stock with an investment of over 80

    Million as we continue to approach we are proposing um to use this approach to commit and commence refurbishing works at the D and across the city as a report outlines there is a significant investment of 14.4 million pound that will not only refurbish the lagoons and entrance areas but add

    Additional features to the much love building itself the D was built in the late 1980s opening in 1989 at the time being one of the largest ledure centers in Europe built as a Cornerstone of the development of the 130 hectare regeneration site which we now know as a as as a

    Lakeside however it hasn’t gone unnoticed that the building needs investment to bring it back to its former glory and obviously to serve its future Generations therefore this investment will support the long-term viability and provision the D offer as well as help underpin the viability of Doncaster culture and Ledger trust

    Itself The Works will have particular focus on the lagoons the main entrance and significant elements of the building Fabric and mechanical and electrical systems due to the complexity and scale of works the lagoons will be closed for 12 months and funding is being made available to cover the loss of Revenue

    Whilst these Works actually take place this report also ask the cabinet to agreed to accept a grant and this grant funding is from sport England of 1.2 million to support the works at Thorne Leisure Center contributing to the refurbishment of the pool changing rooms the entrance and redesign of the

    Sports Hall to create a twostory space additionally providing on the ground floor a bowling alley soft play a flexible space and on the first floor a well-being Studio gym and cly CH changing rooms this will extend the offer from Leisure to a health and well-being offer for the people of thorn

    And Moren in that area and finally the report will seek approval for a report outlining the options and feasibility assessment in relation to the pool for edlington sadly our leveling up fund bid for Don Valley was turned down by national government national government stated back in November that there would

    Be 100 million from the leveling up fund set aside for culture and we are hopeful that edlington pool will will be eligible eligible for this fund but we currently are still awaiting details of this I commit this report to the cabinet and and as it fully supports the health

    And wellbeing of Doncaster and its citizens thank you chair thank you Council ball uh does any Cabinet member yes Sirah thanks chair um I just want to say it’s great to see this investment and commitment to our Leisure centers and to towards our Collective health and wellbeing in Doncaster this is in the

    Face of countless closures of leisure centers having to be closed across the country due to government’s lack of support and investment in the face of volatility and Rising costs and bills it is clear that we’ve made it a priority here in Doncaster the long-term data on the value and benefits of swimming

    Alongside of physical activities on the long-term health of people um as reported by swim for all saying is that investing into swimming equals a surprising reduction in NHS need and massive good health outcomes like reducing cardiovascular issues and mobility issues this is why edlington deserves and needs the support from the

    Government to help fund the refurb for edlington community and well-being asset Leisure Center and it’s disappointing to not see this already being done by the level up funding and I hope that um the government will read this report and see the Fantastic work and commitment that we have and we’ll support this going

    Forward and help us to continue to invest in Doncaster residents health and well-being thank you thank you uh I can’t see anyone else indicating so uh I will now read out uh the recommendations within the report and that is that cabinet one agreed capital investment of 4,427 th000 and revenue support of 1.1

    Million to enable refurbishment and enhancement Works to take place that will return the Dome to a high quality Leisure offer and at the same time support city of dunster council’s Ambitions to reduce the service underwriting support moving forward from 2025 Works to include Lagoon refurbishment and enhancement including all andary areas entrance

    Refurbishment building fabric improvements mechanical and electrical system replacement two agreed the implementation of the scheme subject to approval of the capital program at full Council on the 26th of February 2024 three allocate 1.1 million from the service transformation fund to provide Revenue support whilst the lagoons are

    Closed for delegate to the chief exec and Chief Financial Officer of 1.21 grant funding from Sports England to enable phase two of thorn Leisure Center to be completed as intended with Works including install of a mezzanine floor Bing alley soft PL facilities and two well-being Studio 55 station gym and flexible bumping

    Space for local services to use and five agree to receive further reports in relation to the investment requirements for leisure facilities and the options appraisal in relation to edlington pool colleagues is that moved m is it seconded therefore the recommendations are agreed that now concludes the items of

    Business business on the agenda today I would like to thank everyone for their attendance and input and I will now close the meeting thank you

    1 Comment

    1. Backslapping, whilst elderly people continue to get run over at the dual-carriageway in Mexborough – for lack of investment in a flyover, bridge, roundabout… nothing for our town. An afterthought, compared to Lakeside, your airport (such hypocrisy, talking about Net Zero in the same breath), your redevelopment of Waterdale, which does nothing for Mexborough's pensioners, who wish to shop in their own, delipadated town. You take our taxes, and spend them, like Cllr Cole clearly stated, '…Central'.

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