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    Today on beta Squad they are racing to see who can get the furthest away from London they are split into two teams team one which has chunks and AJ oh and team two which has Nico shy and Kenny gather round gather round they will be given a range of different

    Challenges for them to do and must complete before the time runs out they have exactly 10 hours to see how far they can get challenge one is to stroke an animal and you will need video proof challenge two is to convince a member of the public that something around them is

    A famous landmark and should take a picture with them and lastly Challenge three is to use five different modes of transport and once those five different modes of Transport have been ticked off you are free to use whatever vehicle you desire to assist you on your travels

    Along with this they’ve been given a budget of 69 per person now let’s go to chunks to start off the challenge all right listen the challenge starts no let go go you going come on man you doing sorry I going that way make money we got

    To get far guys go up north yeah up north in a train our aim should be getting a train to Manchester or Liverpool yeah how much is it to get on the train that’s good that’s good thinking from the jump oh my God it’s

    £71 to go on a train okay we can start off with a bike bike to Houston to Houston so you know we’re thinking then we take the train y but we need to make money to start that so we need to make about what 10 15 quid to be safe yeah

    Yes how long we got to the train uh jeez we okay an hour and 20 so we got an hour to make the money per perfect get making money actually we just follow them and then last minute of the video we just got ahead no but we need bikes huh we

    Need bikes wa to go where right now we’re going to go to Houston Station and catch a train to Manchester how did you come up with his SP ready because I’m ready I’m on point today let’s go where’s the bik where you get back let’s go let’s go

    Back is already gone look how far he is what the okay so we on our first mode of Transport we on bikes when the last of you on a bike bro years it’s been years I I almost thought you crash when you went yeah I know I know they can’t

    Be that him we’re going to take the bike straight to Houston and um we have our little phones in there now it takes 13 minutes maybe 25 cuz it’s me jump in we’re about to go we making us late come on leave at a station as team one begins

    Their Journey the other team begin their money laundering scheme you guys Harry Pot yeah I can teach you some spells for for some money um so we’re Wizards um we go to the school of Harry Potter are you sure yeah so we can teach spells for 2

    One pound is fine there we go thank you thank you okay amazing it seems that this team’s moral compass is at an all-time low as they extort this innocent family for one pound see Shish Mania sh Mania Shish Mania it makes them disappear she remaining that’s good

    That’s good and then they happily break the law as they begin to put on a show without a legal permit guys I think the best thing we can do right now in a place like Leicester Square is perform and hope that people give us money ladies and gentlemen this is the first

    Boxing dancing show gather around gather around these guys can do back flips I’ll tell you that now if you want to see this gather around it’s rude to just walk past while people are performing do you want to watch the boxing dancing show let’s go for that knockout blow three two 1

    Woo and that’s crazy dancing at the end woo yeah oh we that yeah we Cy there we C there so where’s the Mone yeah that’s that’s a picture that’s not dip yeah thank you ni nice to meet you have you have you got a tip for the show

    For the boxing dancing cuz uh you watched it like1 oh card yeah oh you only have card yeah my fingers are mashed up I a little bit left you ready let’s go let’s go guys look what he’s stopping for look man it’s he’s got a bike he’s got a bike

    He can literally go through last time I was on a bike like this I was short very short well I still I guess he hey hey hey hey come on brother trying to kill me all right so we just got to Houston and now it’s time to book that train

    Ticket all the way to Manchester we have I have to now buy these tickets on my phone so we got £69 each1 138 all together on the weekend we’re trying to get tickets that’s going to be expensive how much is it £142 we need £4 who here has £4 don’t

    Yeah I got yeah perfect that’s it oh yeah yeah yeah that’s that that works you got £ yeah got oh thank you thank you very much just like that all right cool let’s book these tickets and go to Manchester you guys from Liverpool yeah we’re trying to we’re trying to get

    There today we’re trying to yeah we don’t we don’t currently have the funds if we can do a scout acction that impresses you you give us a tiny bit of cash you got a tenner thank you I oh my gosh no way no oh [ __ ] believe it

    Can’t believe can’t believe it oh my gosh we got oh oh you’ve saved our day we’ll see you there thank you we’ll see us there see us there yeah we’ve now got to get to the station so we can get out of here should we go towards uh the

    Bikes now so we got £ 69 each which means we got 207 add the £ we just made we got £218 let’s get some bikes yes take it to Houston and see how much we got then upon finding the bikes the boys rush to hire them out and the chaos

    Ensued 10 minutes free Houston by bike is 13 minutes we can shave off 3 minutes easy we can get there in 10 minutes easy go let’s go let’s go let’s go oh my gosh oh my go careful careful care almost died immediately oh my gosh we almost died immediately we almost died this

    Quick I am a strong bike rider I’m telling you now oh guys oh go go go this is M oh my godo falling I’m not coping this is a bad idea where talking I’m not enjoying me I’m behind this is the worst thing I’ve ever done ah the go jump in around

    I feel like I’m going to die feel like I’m going to die okay let’s try again with the GoPro I’ve made it ah sorry almost died oh are we are we done you was here oh wow we got it quick okay what’s the Dage it turns out that Nico

    Took 25 minutes when it should have been 13 meaning that the boy had to eat into their budget this resulted in the boys losing 8 lb meaning they would need 3 lb to be able to buy the train ticket how long have we got left till the train

    Goes literally like 10 minutes okay we need to go there as this team was fighting for their lives the other team had a much smoother Experience we’re currently at the platform and we are on Route to Manchester Picadilly now Manchester is ripping North is very high up so we are very far two hours in and we’re going to be at least 7 million miles imagine their plan is to go in the same chain as

    Us that’ll be hilarious that’ll be bad there’s no way to beat us we’re already going Manny and after that we still we haven’t gone in a car yet yeah hav a rocket yeah yeah yeah haven’t going in a spaceship yeah yeah yeah I haven’t going in your cousin yet run guys run run

    Run I gen can’t run any fast in this right now anyone go three lbs three lb three l oh my God was brother oh my God give me thank you m oh amazing little money we ready guys we are making our train let’s go yes really here we

    Come it’s more on there than it is on here so we’re going to have to switch 23 here £ 218 10 there we’re in a bit of a situation there’s £249 tax and we’ve only extra 2 lound so we now have to make 49p you got 50p yeah you okay oh that’s thank

    You because of you we might win this challenge there we go you’re going to Manchester padilly that’s our second mot of Transport done all right we got we’ve got 8 minutes to catch all right let’s go let’s go boarding it’s boarding platform six run run we actually might

    Miss this getting my cardio in for the the day I got 2% off my phone time for us to get onto this train any more seat what wait what are you guys doing here we’re going to the furthest place possible don’t tell me you guys we going

    To same place again where you going sto we’re going further than that you guys going sto well I might have to stay on now oh you how you going F that when it ends there how you going F man when it ends maner yeah he said St he said St

    There so you guys are trying to cap go I’m going Manchester I’m telling you now he’s going stuck I’m going man you doing we supposed to send these guys they know where we’re going man this is JY man you do something different man what are the chances they went on the sa

    What the hell man just there on the other side I put this on the thing to tell the kids to go as the very immature Nico made the first move chunks and AJ retaliate and begin a very childish battle by sending some fans to annoy them okay go go go go

    Go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go what up I’m watching all of you guys right now for real do you know do you know chunks yeah he’s right there well do you guys want to get a picture of

    Chunks yeah sure I’ve got my phone yeah si si just go there take a picture and then just keep asking in for pictures so keep asking yeah just say oh I I don’t really like how I looked in that one I think it again

    Yeah all all he’s a kid man take a big shot oh you killed him you killed him you killed him you killed him I didn’t get a picture honestly you’re a legend that smashed we’re we’re all one team so should we all get one big selfie all of

    Us as our team than you guys are Legend up legend legend just you make sure you get a picture with AJ there as well so I know that nich told you guys to take pictures of nonstop yeah he hasn’t never he has he paid you no I wish I’m going

    To pay you you going to pay yes that’s our budget sorry intimate more this is for you to yeah just stay with them for 15 minutes and keep talking a don’t but that’s all the money all the money this is expensive listen sit down next to them for 15 minutes

    Stop yeah and keep talking go go go hell guys What’s happen how are you guys oh no we’re the same team remember we said my name oh my God sorive we don’t have any money we got 50p if you want have you got change okay listen this is a quick life

    Lesson for you guys yeah blood runs thicker than money yeah just going to betray us just cuz he paid you off with that mentality how far we going to get how far you going to get you’re not getting to Manchester that’s for sure cuz we’ll

    Throw you off the train and that’s not a threat I think we should be a team again right so so how about you give us that FIV right as a as a truce thank you thank you so much see you stole money off the kid yeah this

    Was just a test for the Loyalty so now I’m going to give you this the two back yeah take it back take it back take it back and now just say he’s just given us a f you going to pay else he’ll give you something else you move back here we’ll

    Pretend we’ll give you back their money again and then you’re going to keep on making money yeah we’re going to gain them and then once you get it we’ll split the profits split the profits and chunks has G up your price sorry us they give us

    Even more money show me the money okay that’s my one no that’s that’s not so wait there you’re coming back to me when able to give me five quck well you need to give us another five so it makes it fair there you go listen you go back

    There now and and and annoyed him take another 5 off them guess what get the5 off him and get it back to amazing work you got the fiver and you got fiver did they get they gave you 10 over so let’s let’s split the profits now five five for us

    Five for you guys B cuz remember it was our idea for you guys to go over there and absolutely wow nik’s just taking A5 off them you’re joking hold on hold on hold on did you just give niik some of your money yeah why because he asked for it

    So what you do run up and down and Say ni stole money of us you know what you do you just walk straight past him and say we don’t want to talk to you anymore we’ve got our money out not allow to talk to you anymore well done every round of applause for

    NCO for stealing money of well done absolutely incredible ni Ste money kid disgusting Behavior all right is the camera off give out my money all right guys so we are going to Manchester so it only makes sense to message or call one of my favorite people on Earth he me I’m right

    Here H he’s from Manchester so I’m going to see if I can get some advice some opinions hopefully some help from him cuz we want to travel as far up into England as possible yo yo yo can you hear me yeah can hear you can hear you

    Hey listen I need some I need some help man so basically we’re coming up to Manchester right now yeah challeng today is we have to try and travel up as far up the country as possible right but we we’re limited for a budget so I’m going to need to some

    Money from you and also what I’m going to need is we’re going to need different ways of transport to get up into into England basically would you want me to take you somewhere yeah but I also need a plug for a carriage a rocket a spaceship just

    Anything that that can move in One Direction I need plugs for everything um obviously we got my car y if you really wanted we could get the out with theorik now we’re talking get the boys out let’s get on the motor bike I can’t I don’t know if you realize but I’m very

    Big could get a quad if you get qu if you get qu you get your shes cool then I’m going to call you as soon as we get there yeah love you take care peace that’s what happens when you have friends in serious places and you didn’t want my

    Team today I didn’t want to be in he didn’t now that you have eight yeah with both teams now on their way to Manchester which is a total of 199 M away they both eventually arrive at the station and team one immediately rushed to initiate their plan all right you

    Know forget these guys we’re just going to go on you guys know the plan and he’s waiting for us right now there’s no way so let’s go yeah Thebes and everything come on man oh yeah yeah yeah yes sir what’s happening we’re in your playground right now we’re in

    Your bits man let me know what you want to do we’ll do it yeah that’s what we like I like that energy though I like that that’s what we need we’re in man we got a workout plan guys we’re in Manchester so now we got here but the

    Problem is we know the other team have also got here so we are no further than they were when we were together in London so right now we need to figure out what we can do I say we bang out some of the challenges cuz they’re quite

    Tough to do okay I’m saying we convince this guy that that building is the building of a famous celebrity which you’re going to tell me right now um David James excuse me mate mate excuse me excuse me that’s the David James building right could could you take a picture of

    Us in front of it the one weing that’s the one we Trav over here for incredible man wait let me getk we Trav to Manchester for it just get the David James build in the back yeah David James all right we’ll get a you want a picture of it I’m we we’ll

    Get one we’ll get one just smile mate smile smile smile there we go perfect yeah you didn’t get the building did it you got the building you got the building there we go why do I see that Dem again what’s happening oh my God wait they got us got that’s a nice car

    Get back man get back don’t get near us oh my God what happed what happened who’s that oh it’s my friend you’re using contacts you doing what you mean it’s my friend wow what you doing wow wow wow wow what’s going on here what’s going on here what do you mean oh you

    Just conveniently B to him yeah just I just I don’t believe that for a second I even know I didn’t no I know everyone okay have to check in with him yeah we’re checking in with you now hi Hi H oh nice to meet you man we’re in your city how you get

    Out we get already committed to another team right now are you man love man he’s just talking low in it all right okay you do your thing I’m calling up rashford that’s all right guys guys everyone stand behind this car here stand behind the car here go here go here stand

    Behind yeah you made that do you guys know about David Beckham yeah you know his bench is right here really yeah yeah it’s a famous landmark where people come and take pictures with all the time yeah get a picture of it get a picture both

    Of you Father and Son time it’ll be good for you guys that would be nice yeah on three say David Beckham 1 two three Beckham wo yeah oh and now you guys you can remember that David Beckham’s bench I didn’t know about that yeah it’s crazy

    All you didn’t know about David bre so that was completed challenge complete love this game all right so listen we’re in the car with Bros what you man man and um yeah AJ do you have any idea where we go right now well you said we

    Got quad bik that’s why I’m here the other team is struggling I can see already man they’re just on the main road to Manchester taking 19 pictures to meet and greet for them we’re here n got granny Walkers off yeah you kind even B weirdo so us for us we’re we’re just

    Going to complete the challenges and get all the way to timbak 2 like I said to yeah and I’m comfortable you seeing the words I’m in right now crazy yeah so let’s uh move on on the other side they are adamed on finding another source of transportation so they ask members of

    The public where they can find electric scooter oh maybe he was talking about that oh yeah wait so the guy wasn’t Ling he directed us to a scooter shop fair play to him yeah he was a li yeah actually he was a liing but he directed us to do scooter

    Like actual scooter shop I’m saying we just ask can we have a trial run on the scooters just to see we’re interested in buying them we’re businessman these are pretty good I like the the thickness in the tires de it mod I don’t suppose mate uh could we just even Round Here could

    We just try try one of your scooters send that through to Titan he he’s our boss you know Titan as the boys convince the manager to Joy Ride one of the scooters they then decide to spark up a business deal with the owner no the price no 10,000 models

    Yeah okay thank you very much thank you thank you my friend listen listen listen everyone please go to Dr scooter yeah because uh you want a scoo Dr scooter doctor scooter best place we promised them 10,000 orders so please guys can you go scooter and buy it I want buy his

    Scooter from dror scooter he’s a great guy all right well that he tram tram and then car tram solid we’ve got the5 from the other guys that should get us on the tram W tram that’s actually that’s actually that’s actually perfect as the boys go to buy the tickets for the tram they

    Find out that it is within their budget and immediately purchase the ticket thank you chunks and AJ f for they f for us f for our time here we are our time is here do you know when Z where Zone one ends my friend India where Dean gate gate how

    The hell you get IND from India all right yo there’s only one person the boys had to shout when he was in Manchester come on come on King R here oh yeah so what we’re going to do now we’re going to complete a challenge we’re going to go jump on some

    [ __ ] motorbikes yes and then we’re going to go stroke for more dogs okay that’s another challenge you’re trying to complete everything let’s go let’s go let’s jump in the W let’s jump in the wood going the back today Cal down Cal down all right cool currently in the

    Middle of nowhere the traffic in Manchester the city that’s known from other traffic blaming this guy what do we do now now is the the sun’s gone is sound yeah Sun’s going we haven’t completed all the challenges we’ve been in I to you I want everyone

    To blame this guy right here everyone in the Hey listen ba Squad yeah it’s all their fault all right as this team is stuck in traffic somewhere the other team has just arrived at Dean’s gate and find out that they actually haven’t traveled far no one here yeah we’re done we are

    Done we’re now at the end of Zone one so we have to get off and there’s no one here ghost town oh and it’s getting dark as well that’s what I love though should we ask him if he’s willing to uh drive us without payment taxi driver is is

    There any chance he can drive us to Scotland Jing I’m being serious we can have a nice road trip together see look I know Somalian and you get one Somalian here yeah I’ll take [Laughter] what fake say say Li does there’s nothing fake about this are you serious Brother oh my

    God right well this is our final mode of Transport street cars shout out to street cars shout out street cars shout out Somalia shout out Somalia Somalia just you two on the team [Laughter] I can’t believe I can’t believe it you know you know when I said it to you I

    Was like say a joke I can’t believe here we go we’re going to Scotland to Scot what’s your name my friend Gilly Gil here we are we are in Scotland you see we moved we been in Scotland oh he’s well you really guys thinking I’m going to take you to Scotland

    A come on guys no please that’s hours and a half please we are making a YouTube that’s it my the biggest you know how much he just sent us he sent us oh no he’s being serious I am not serious man get out man guys [Laughter] byebye guys this is some real sh you know since he said he can’t take us I felt like an energy just shifted in me 4 hours he was about to drive there’s no way we’re going to find someone to take us to Scotland I thought we had the

    Biggest Miracle of all time man yeah same I thank you for for SM we we we hugged Joy saying thank you we’re absolute idiots we idiots despite the drop in mood what the boys don’t realize is that they have just completed a chall our best bet is either

    Hitchhiking oh a dog a dog it’s coming here it’s coming here a sausage dog I’ve always wanted to stroke one is that okay yeah just let him [ __ ] hello Nigel oh no I’m sorry please say hi to me Nigel I’ve I’ve always wanted to stroke one of

    These you guys have known how long yeah he always has what a nice dog you are you guys come feels like almost like a challenge complete for you it is it massive I’m I’m okay but all right we’ll let you guys scal thank you so much

    Great to meet you guys though thank you so much for letting us do that complete challenge complete well challenge complete challenge complete now we have to find a car no we gen need to get out of here been in man it falls out forever been here and it’s getting dark so we

    Need to keep moving we need to go with this team completing all of the challenges from the list the other team has finally arrived at their destination where the sun has already begun to set meaning that time is running out all right we just arrived hey where are we

    Bro we’re in M right now we in this is look this is look eny ends going to get the boogies out all right great let’s see this buggy cuz hey I’m excited for this oh [ __ ] oh no no what are we doing what is this hey this this is Batman’s thing look at

    This oh my God all right chks you scared yeah two for came now two three minutes bro I’m not H this yeah look at this girl you reckon you can pull it off then let me’s see this is I’m I’m a big boy okay let me jump in with you at least then

    I’m ready to go man time to jump in the car and get out of here oh my hey look at this hey you sto it the he hey come on what you doing he stalling it man hey come on let’s move this oh bro I’m you know what it is I’m just

    Shook I’ll show my mom if junks and AJ die yeah it was not my fault I just got told that they needed Vehicles these are the vehicles that I can supply and that’s that’s all that’s what I done whilst chunks gets a 40-minute lesson on driving the other team meet a few fans

    Who may be this team Saving Grace nice to meet you guys we’re the brcs we’re the brodricks from Manchester we’re the BRS coffee people two daughters do you have bro’s like a van and bro’s lot of them yeah of upon finding out that this man owns a business that owns 100 Vans

    The boys begin haggling him which actually ends up in their favor and it does look rather promising we’re trying to work something out so let me make some calls and see I’ll come back to you I got to make some calls come back can we get your number yeah got me mobile

    Number on there yeah perfect perfect thank you give us give me 15 minutes yeah okay all right okay Dr now that is what you also call a miracle you see sometimes you just get Miracles happening a guy starts plugging his brand Fair that’s that’s how you do it

    You know mutually beneficial right we could possibly win the challenge now and bradrick could possibly win a lot of free promotion deservedly so let’s see how their water tastes first heit how they conveniently have free balls and it’s just sending broad text yeah surely by now chunks has finally learned how to

    Drive right come on chunks first L one you got it there you go yeah there you go come on mother [Laughter] yeah come on look at me go look at me Flex not a plane more like a jet I song We impressed then she hear me now she

    Dress to make it all worse I got to check I call you I’m not driving yeah I I I get I bring bki I’m not running this all right so um I decided that I’m going to stop man um you know what I mean I’ve done I’ve done

    My due diligence uh I’m not breaking this today so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go in the paci and uh probably going to have to drive so what I got this one for no reason then Tux is probably dead by now already they they squashed him they squashed him just all have a moment of silence for chunks yeah yeah everybody please moment of silence for chunks everybody Please moment of Silent for chunks chunks is dead Happ what’ he say I don’t know he just said put him they’ve not wrapped it up gra the car in it no way what something just happened wait are they they say are they good then what the happened to you yeah the is blue

    What wait are you all right yeah the whip blew up I knew you were after us I knew he was after us I knew he was after they what happened to the car I’m about to vomit that’s not Good oh oh no so he’s he’s popped the drive shaft is that what it’s called yeah yeah you don’t made it when how did you don’t make it back what the hell happened hey false alarm false alarms what happened he done he done you know why I couldn’t drive it

    He put a two wheel M on but I heard something go I said yeah broken all right so that’s the What’s this called a buggy Bo yeah yeah that that’s the boy compl that’s the bo complet we’re going to get some scr um and then we’re going

    To go uh maybe see a dog on the motorway that’s Scottish [ __ ] so let’s go get some scr let’s go let’s get out of it my mom’s I thought n and I thought he’s mad cuz I kill okay so we actually have a development they’re saying they can’t drive us to

    Scotland but they can drive us 100 miles Greta green is 111 M away I’ve never heard of gret green what’s that it’s on the edge of Scotland it’s in Scotland sooss B ourselves so if if they just push a little further they can get us to Scotland right okay should we just call

    Him yeah call him call him let’s let’s let’s negotiate get that hot chocolate as the boys begin their negotiations with Mr bradi they’re quick to come to an driver coming 45 minutes and he’ll probably 100 Mil the yeah 100 miles 111 miles that would be great yeah big up Peter thank

    You all right well I guess it’s time for us to make our way to brri yes br’s here we come meanwhile on the other side of Manchester the boys arrive at another random location you been showing us around and um listen what are you

    Focusing oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m scared chill out chill out so as you know one of the challenges is we have to pet somebody’s animal and of course we can’t touch dogs Haram so what I’m going

    To do is I’m going to hold the camera and and our representative Josh the cameraman get get away from me there we go come on get that one as well you sick for hey chill out I’m somal get away from me I’m somal get away from me please they’re gone bro you scar

    That You’ been You’ been a star today are you getting off wait wait no CL I thought you said you going to drive me all back to Landon in the Rover you know what you want to do yeah you want to jump over this yeah and just and just go just

    Run okay just run you’ll get to the end of that hill in about an hour bro I’m not fing running bro how Okay generally now you want go to the tra stop yeah tra stop going to a [ __ ] stop thank God are those dragons are there dragons in bed

    Yeah here we are broadrick love coffee wo as the team arrives at broadrick they are taken on a tour of the facility and are given their long awaited hot chocolate three 2 one that’s good that is good that might no that is the best hot chocolate I’ve

    Ever had hot chocolate coniss oh yeah yeah to be fair you would know what is rank amongst your favorite hot chocolates you’ve ever had if I had to give it a rating really out there bro that’s a 9.8 out of 10 wow absolutely incredible that is incredible perfect

    Temperature as well you know so you said 100 miles you take us 120 m going for it yeah so would would you be willing to take us to greter Green which is 111 miles away we can do that 111 not a problem absolutely I think we

    Can make it you know because we’ve got a cut off time of which is 8:00 what’s the time now it’s half 5 and how long does it take to get there 2 hours and 9 minutes with the realization that they need to get a move on they make their

    Way on the next vehicle oh my gosh look what we’ve got we’ve got a whole van we got a whole new vehicle all you broadrick have made us feel like family can we call ourselves the broadrick squad now yeah yeah Peter we were just saying we’re going to change our name for the

    Broadrick squad thank you to okay oh look at that we’re going to arrive there at 7:47 you think Ace is driving them all the way to Scotland there no chance the end of the road man hey this car was comfortable as well man I want to say thank you so much man youve

    Helped us a lot today man appreciate that man have you got money then it’s like a pound maybe you got any money maybe a pound maybe like a pound you know what I’ll do for you you know what I’ll do for you you know what I keep in my

    Wallet emergency FIV never oh you wait wait wait wait thank you man I keep this in my wallet yeah for like like you know if I’m I need a right now app I’m I’m not thank you thank you thank you when you thank you right you can take this

    Thank just remember remember where you are right now oh yeah know that when you get to them top of them stairs good luck all right we are now alone on this journey we’ve done full motor transport we on the last one right now and we’re going to take the tram through

    Manchester all right so the tra is now here so this will now mean we have done five out of five tra’s actually kind of busy sry yeah filming are you on the T yeah I’m the tell yeah a documentary for about Manchester oh yeah yeah what do you think about

    Manchester yeah yeah yeah I’ve lived here for 20 years now good yeah yeah yeah yeah so those are the locals uh people that we can see on the Trap so we got to be there 8 but we’re going to arrive there 8:05 is we can shave off five

    Minutes yeah you can shave it off if you speed yeah yeah please please you got it man you can do it it’s already shaved in my eyes all the best all the best yes see you I don’t want to be you see you he’s a rapper mcer MC yeah that’s racist though yeah

    Yeah yeah yeah yeah I do a porn wow this is my first time going to to gret gr green just trying to make I’ve never before today before today have have you ever heard of gr green you no have you heard of gr green no I’ve never never in

    My life first time for everything first time and that’s all our transportation complete let’s go it’s time to get out of Manchester so let’s hitch hike see if someone allows us to get in the car going to give us a ride no please slow down please hey you know there 35,000 get

    Rejected as hitchhiking was leading the boys nowhere slow down please yeah you’re kid chunks used his insta live to his Advantage any in mancher that can help us out we need help please please we need help and within no time at all they received what they were hoping for to

    Go don’t leave come on I’ve just been watching the game at me out there I’ve just seen you on live inp jump all right someone literally just pulled up sorry sorry we’re literally about to go right now let’s get in the car let’s get in the car come on come on

    Come on all right we actually managed to find a car my friend you are a hero how far north can you take us that’s the question uh is that your rdale or something like that up that way that’s enough in it as far as you could possibly go then you had enough Pass

    Perfect how we got left hour and a half yeah hour 20 minutes and while chunks and AJ have only now found a car the other team’s driver is traveling at the speed of light Danny has cut our time to arrive at 7:58 wow incredible there’s no

    Chance our team can be further than us no no chance for now we just got to wait it’s a waiting game isn’t it it’s a waiting game what the hell I’m sorry I just completely read the situation wrong I thought we had something going on after only 15 minutes chunks and AJ had

    Reached Rochdale and their journey in this car was over we are out of Manchester we are in a place called rdale continue being a hero my friend appreciate that we just landed in rdale have you ever been here why would I come to watch never there’s no one here you

    Oh yeah we got to convince someone yes convince this is father’s Christmas actual tree with the root yeah hello my friend right how you doing H yeah we’re just we’re just finishing our documentary okay did you know about this tree right here no so this is the real

    Father Christmas um tree yeah you know yeah oh you already know yeah oh can you explain that explain for that Christmas yeah know explain how that’s his real tree no I can’t you can’t explain yeah but you see new yeah new is for Christmas tree Yeah Christmas lights so this the this

    The real one oh real one yeah the real that fake that real that’s fake the one you had for Christmas prob was fake okay yeah so can you just do you mind taking a picture of me there me and you take a picture together for the yeah just you

    Want to come inside as well yeah yeah yeah yeah come here okay all right all right so this is the real tree that’s why it’s it’s placed in the middle of the sea you look like one of my friends yeah his name is Onana Onana yeah yeah you look like one of my

    Friends as well oh that’s yeah party oh thank you very much yeah all right take care see you yeah just sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry all right so that’s all the challenge is completed we’ve been in five different vehicles and now it’s uh time to just get as far north as

    Possible I guess what we can do what running we having an L day yeah yeah I’m tired now I’m tired we’re 36 minutes away from gret the green but at the moment we’re getting there 6 minutes early and um I don’t know where the other team are what’s happening with the

    Other team though that’s the real question we just seen a a bus that is going north you right my friend can you just stop for a second please up please left go left we’re trying to go on the bus no I’m trying to go to psych you want to help me go to

    Psych sorry I’m not that fit how much is it brother 2 each 18 lucky5 it’s guarantee you got tickets let’s go we’re going north we’re about to arrive into Scotland into Greta green welcome to Scotland y we made it guys good work Brothers good work Scotland where’re in Scotland

    All right we have finally reached pych thank you thank you very much this looks like the ghetto where the hell are we crunky sh CR shw heing Community North the bus just left us in the middle of nowhere right the place is called psych that means we’re dying today go let’s go up

    Nor as much as we can with only 10 minutes left on the clock both teams are making the final race for victory are are that looks gay oh that looks dangerous We are running South we we are running South yeah let’s just go off on the next exit we need to be at the most northern point of this station okay thank you Danny thank you where where’s North where’s North where’s North okay we need to run this way thank you so much Danny

    But it’s time to go we’ve got we’ve got 3 minutes bro I’m not going thereo let’s go n why it’s as far as I go why yeah through the woods through the woods through the woods Oh my God they no booby traps where the are we oh my god oh the Hill’s too big no it’s not I 759 keep going what we’re doing to go north man what we’re doing to go north oh God guys we got to some random field in gret

    Green in the middle of surely this got to be enough yeah at 8:00 p.m. there you go look oh my God all right well let’s sit down here this no you fre I’m sitting here I’m screenshotting where we are and I’m walking back I’m going to make the call you make the

    Call time is up y time’s up where you guys at man where are they show them up here send the location I send my current location set it zoom out zoom out watch now that’s England that’s England that’s England oh they you’re in England you’re England a

    What do you mean roale where are you guys they’re 2 hours away from us we’re in Scotland in Scot say w we’re in Scotland we in Scotland see was away from Us hey hey hey I just want to say to that somale driver har yeah hold that hold we did it without you we didn’t need you in the end we didn’t need you so we just got the uh the the news look H and tell was the reason tell him you

    Should have gave more money the news just came in h what happened we’re we’re in just above Rochdale an area called py near near Bley yeah and guess where the other team is Scotland I get the out of here get out this area out this area SK the other team is

    In Scotland you had a laugh though that’s all that matters are you to say I could have done more maybe maybe maybe maybe yeah yeah I I think they could have been a little bit extra right do me a favor then see that F I give you roll

    It up stick up your ass guess what that F already got spent you know what actually he’s helped us a lot today yeah he has helped us a lot today so we just want to say thank you very much as well even though we lost a big thank you know

    What you know what yeah both never go home no we just want to say like we appreciate all the hard work and effort that you put even though it was useless and we got nowhere cuz you’re idiot but we trying to say thank you it I I hope you never see your mom

    Again so chunks and AJ were our sore losers today and let’s have a look at the map to see how severe their defeat was but anyways let’s see if there’s any final words from the victors if you guys want us to do this again oh but we

    Travel in planes and we go across the globe interally yeah worldwide edition then how many likes I’m saying 250,000 likes that’s reasonable yeah that’s reasonable 250 likes you see us do this Edition worldwide there we go and we that being so shocky please play the trailer today on

    Beta Squad we’ll all be competing against each other in a set of challenges to try and win this £10,000 PT of cash it’s when the man ejaculates ni’s crazy has heard a pop fighting


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