In this video, we’re sharing BRITISH COUCNIL IELTS LISTENING PRACTICE TEST 2024 WITH ANSWERS – 11.02.2024 – a list of 40 questions that will help you prepare for the IELTS Listening test.

    This is the most effective IELTS Listening practice test you’ll find online, and it’s guaranteed to help you improve your score. Take the practice test now and see how much better you can do with the help of the British Council!

    In this IELTS Listening Test : As you listen, write your answers on the question paper. At the end of the test, you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet in pencil. You may write your answers in lower case or capital letters.

    Instructions to candidates…
    In the actual test you will be given the following instructions:

    Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so
    write your name and candidate number in the spaces at the top of this page

    At the end of the test you will be asked to hand in the question paper.

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    Hey there subscribe to my channel and also press this Bell icon so you never miss any new updates cause whenever we upload new video you will get a notification on your phone you are going to listen to a conversation between two people a customer and a representative of a company which rents

    Cars there are three alternative answers a b and c for each question decide which alternative is the most suitable answer and circle the appropriate letter first you have some time to look at questions 1 to 6 now the test will begin remember you will hear the recording only once so

    Answer the questions as you listen now listen to the first part of the conversation and answer questions 1 to six thank you for calling Carline so that we can best help you can you please press the star button on your phone now thank you now choose one of the following four

    Options by pressing the buttons on your telephone press one if you would like to make a car reservation press two if you would like to talk to someone about a car reservation press three if you would please hold while we put you through to one of our assistants

    Good morning Melanie speaking how can I help you my name is Mr Maxine and I booked a car several days ago to be picked up from Heathrow Airport in London and I’d like to change the booking I see have you got a reference yes I have it here somewhere on a piece

    Of paper uh ah here it is it’s a for Alpha C for Charlie f for Fox strot y for yeah yes the number of 15 uh 15 a for Alpha and G for go let’s see can I just check that AC c fy5 a g yes Mr John Maxine yes that’s it

    Okay so how can I help you I booked a car for 3 days from this Friday at 6: p.m. to Monday at 6 p.m. yes a manual I’d like to change it for a larger car and an automatic rather than a manual and I’d also like to book it for five

    Rather than three days okay let’s have a look we have an estate which is automatic yes that would be perfect there is a difference in price though for the extra 2 days yes but also for the size of the car the estate is £5 more expensive per day than the saloon

    Car you have already booked okay and how much extra is it Al together then um that makes it an extra 165 it seems rather expensive the last time I hired one it wasn’t so much when was that um several weeks ago I see before the speakers continue their

    Conversation look at questions 7 to 10 as you listen to the rest of the dialogue complete the numbered spaces 7 to 10 write no more than two words or a number for each space well it’s basically because the rates Change Daily according to to the cars available the estate is the last

    Automatic we have for hire for that period we have a manual estate which is cheaper if that would help no it has to be an automatic okay shall I debit your card for the extra £65 is it possible for me to pay the extra in cash when I pick up the car at

    The airport I’m afraid that isn’t possible as there are no facilities for handling cash at that time of the day that seems odd it’s because the money can’t be banked in the evening and for security reasons no cash is held on the premises okay you can debit my

    Card you’ll have to give the number to me again isn’t it logged on the screen for security reasons it doesn’t come up on the screen when we look at the booking any changes and it has to be entered again I see it’s 345 91 345 91425 425

    75075 okay that is now been authorized shall we send the receipt to your Park fail address yes uh number 40 is there anything else I can help you with Mr Maxine no nothing else thank you have a nice trip thank you goodbye that’s the end of section one

    You now have half a minute to check your answers section two you will hear Joanne describing her home City of Darwin in Australia to a man called Rob who hopes to go there first you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15 on page 67 now listen carefully and answer

    Questions 11 to 15 Joanne hi you must be Rob nice to meet you so I hear you’re planning to visit Australia yeah and I really wanted to talk you because I was thinking of spending some time in Darwin and my sister told me you’re from there that’s

    Right so tell me about it well where shall I start well Darwin’s in what they call the top end cuz it’s right up at the Northern end of Australia and it’s quite different from the rest of Australia in terms of cultural influences in fact it’s nearer to

    Jakarta in Indonesia than it is to Sydney so you get a very strong Asian influence there that means we get get lots of tourists people from other parts of Australia are attracted by this sort of international Cosmopolitan image and as well as that we’ve got the same laidback atmosphere you get all over

    Australia probably more so if anything because of the climate but what a lot of the tourists don’t realize until they get there is that the city’s also got a very young population the average age is just 29 and this makes the whole place very buzzy some people think that there might not

    Be that much going on as far as art and music and dancing and so on are concerned because it’s so remote I mean we don’t really get things like theater and Opera in the same way as cities down in the South like Sydney for example because of the transport expenses but in

    Fact what happens is that we just do it ourselves lots of people play music classical as well as Pop and there are things like artists group groups and writers groups and dance classes everyone does something we don’t just sit and watch other people you said it’s very International yeah they say there’s

    Over 70 different nationalities in Darwin for instance there’s been a Chinese population there for over a hundred years we’ve even got a Chinese temple it was built way back in 1887 but um when a very bad storm a a cyclone in fact hit Darwin in the 1970s it was almost completely destroyed and

    The only parts of the temple that survived were part of the erss and the stone Lions but after the storm they reconstructed it using modern materials it’s still used as a religious center today but it’s open to tourists too and it’s definitely worth going to see it oh

    And as far as getting around goes you’ll see places that advertise bicycles for hire but I wouldn’t recommend it a lot of the year it’s just so hot and humid some tourists think it’ll be fine because there’s not much in the way of hills and the traffic’s quite light

    Compared with some places but believe me you’re better off with public transport it’s fine and not expensive or you can hire a car but it’s not really worth it what’s the swimming like well there are some good beaches but the trouble is that there’s this nasty creature called

    The box jellyfish and and if it stings you you’re in bad trouble so you have to be very careful most of the Year especially in the winter months you can wear a lyro suit to cover your arms and legs but I wouldn’t like to risk it even so personally and there are the

    Saltwater crocodiles too I mean I don’t want to put you off there are protected swimming areas netted off where you’ll be safe from jellyfish and Crocs or there are the public swimming pools they’re fine of course you now have some time to look at questions 16 to 20

    Now listen and answer questions 16 to 20 so which places would you specially recommend well one of the most popular attractions is called aqua scene what happens is every day at high tide hundreds of fish come in from the sea all different sorts including some real

    Really big deep sea fish and some of them will even take food from your hand it’s right in the middle of town at the end of the esnard it’s not free I think you have to pay about $5 but it’s definitely something you have to experience then of course Darwin has a

    Great range of food being such a Cosmopolitan place and if you don’t have lots to spend the best place to go is to Smith Street M where they have stool selling stuff to eat there’s all sorts of different things including Southeast Asian dishes which I really like you’d

    Think there’d be plenty of fresh fish in Darwin as it’s on the coast but in fact because of the climate it mostly gets frozen straight away but you can get fresh fish in the restaurants on Cullen Bay Marina it’s a nice place to go for a special meal and they have some good

    Shops in that area too what else well there’s the botanic garden it’s over 100 years old and there’s lots to see an orchid Farm rainforest a collection of palm trees uh a wetlands area you can easily spend an afternoon there that’s it funny bay a

    Couple of kilm out to the north then if you’ve got any energy left in the evening the place to go is Mitchell Street that’s where it all happens as far as clubs and music and things are concerned you’ll bump into lots of my friends there talking to friends why don’t I give you

    Some email addresses I’m sure they wouldn’t mind that is the end of section two you now have half a minute to check your answers section three you will hear part of an interview between Dr hilon a member of staff on a fashion design course and a student

    Julia who is applying to do the course first you have some time to look at questions 21 to 23 on page 130 now listen carefully and add answer questions 21 to 23 right Julia so from your CV and portfolio and what you’ve already told

    Me you seem to be very much the sort of person we’re looking for on the postgraduate course so tell me you finished your fashion design course in London four years ago did you think of carrying straight on and doing a higher degree at the time yes but there were

    Financial pressures so I ended up working in the retail industry as you can see from my CV and actually it was a very useful experience H in what way well I was lucky to get the job with fashion now they’re a big store and one of my priorities was to get as much

    Experience as possible in different areas so that was good because I had the chance to work in lots of different departments and having direct contact with the customers meant I was able to see how they reacted to Innovation to new fashion ideas because with fashion now a designer might show something in

    New York or Milan and there’ll be something similar in the shop within weeks so that was probably the most useful thing for me right and so what’s made you decide to do a post-graduate course now um well while I enjoyed working at Fashion now and I learned a

    Lot there I felt well the way forward would have been to develop my managerial skills rather than my skills in fashion design and I’m not sure that’s what I want to do yes when I was doing my degree in London I’d been interested in women’s wear but I know that there’s

    Been a lot of work done in areas like new fabric construction and though I’m not intending to go too deeply into the technology I’d be very interested in looking at how new Fabrics could be used in children’s wear so I’d like the chance to pursue that line yes good and

    Are you at all concerned about what it’s going to be like coming back into an academic context after being away from it for several years no I’m looking forward to it but I’m basically more interested in the application than the theory or at least that’s what I found

    So far and I’m hoping the course will give me the contacts and skills I need eventually to set up my own Enterprise I’m particularly interested by the over Seas links that the department has yes many of our students look overseas or to International companies for sponsorship of their

    Projects you now have some time to look at questions 24 to 30 now listen and answer questions 24 to 30 and the facilities here look excellent I just went to look at the library it’s really impressive there’s so much room compared with the one at my old University yes most students find

    It’s a good place to study and there are link UPS to other universities of course and all the usual electronic sources the staff run an information skills program which we recommend all postgraduates do in the first week or two design students find these special collections particularly useful yes then we have a

    Separate computer center which has its own academic coordinator Tim spender he’s got a background in art design and the ethos of the center is that it’s a studio for Innovation and creativity rather than a computer laboratory oh right I liked the study spaces where students can sit and discuss work

    Together very useful for joint projects we always had to do that sort of thing in the cafeteria When I Was An undergraduate and I read in the brochure that there’s a separate resource for photography yes it’s called photo media it’s not just for photography but things like Digital Imaging and New Media it’s

    A resource for all our students not just fashion design and we encourage students to work there producing work that crosses disciplinary boundaries it’s well used in fact it’s doubled in size since it was set up 3 years ago and we also have an offshoot from that which is

    Called time-based media this is for students who want to develop their ideas in the area of the moving image or sound that’s in a new building that was specially built for it just last year but there are plans to expand it as the present facilities are overstretched

    Already right now uh is there anything you’d like to ask about the course itself um I know it’s a combination of taught modules and a specialist project but how does assessment fit in well as you’d expect on a course of this nature it’s an ongoing process the degree

    Course has four stages and there are what we call progress reviews at the end of each of the first three then the final assessment is based on your project you have to produce a report which is a critical reflection on your work and is there some sort of fashion

    Show there’s an exhibition the projects aren’t all focused on clothes as such some are more experimental so that seems more appropriate we ask representatives of fashion companies along and it’s usually well attended right and another thing I wanted to ask that is the end of Section

    3 you now have half a minute to check your answers section four in this section you will hear a lecture on the research on teen brain now you have half a minute to read the questions 31 to 40 now listen to the lecture and answer questions 31 to

    40 today our guest is Joseph Parks medical director for the botany Department of Mental Health he’s going to give a lecture about the research on teenage brain good morning everyone today I’m going to introduce the new research about adolescent mind the teenage brain how much do you know about

    That do you believe in brain scanning do you think we can judge whether a teen is normal or mentally ill or it’s just another immature test the new research shows a teen brain is in the middle of disordered changes those changes scientists now believe are so significant that they may reveal the

    Mysteries of mental illness explaining why some teens commit suicide why others harm their classmates and why some emerge later in life with mental disorders the Reon resarch looks forward to a day when teens could be tested for suicidal depression as easily as they are for heart disease but there are

    Signs that society and parents in particular would reject such a tool many parents question the validity of a mental health diagnosis they fear that their children will be falsely tagged with a Mark that he or she is abnormal at the center of the debate is the teen brain its confusing AR chitecture and

    The difficult question of what’s typical in a teen and what’s not under the old thinking the Adolescent brain was fully formed needing only to be filled with facts figures and experiences to become an adult mind at the same time many people rejected the idea that young people were even capable of developing mental

    Illnesses however the new research shows a teenage brain is an organ in in transition it has an unstable and vulnerable composition the evolving teenage brain clearly isn’t adultlike until the early 20s if teens act young and stupid it may be because brain areas that govern rational thought are not

    Mature yet all that is fine when the brain develops normally but if the teen brain fails to successfully reinvent itself as an adult brain mental illness may happen researchers increasingly believe if that process stops for some reason teens are likely to develop mental illness early warning signs might

    Be disregarded as adults may think them the typical teen behaviors perhaps the chief hope of the new research is that it could make a difference for teenagers suffering from mental disorder and major depression these can lead to Suicide which for years has been the leading cause of death for teens until recently

    Scientists couldn’t peer into living brains to look for changes associated with normal development or mental diseases that is beginning to change as researchers develop ever more sensitive brain scanners however the composite pictures are somewhat misleading a snapshot of an individual brain may fall somewhere between normal and mentally ill for now psychiatrists and

    Psychologists must still rely on interviews and observations of children’s Behavior to diagnose mental illness that is the end of section 4 you now have half a minute to check your Answers


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