On August 4, 2022, Scarlet and her dad set out from Calgary, Canada to ride the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. 42 days and over 2,900 miles later, they arrived at the US and Mexico border with a deeper understanding of themselves and each other. Along the way a poem was written to help a dad come to terms with the inevitable growing up of his daughter.

    “Just to be With You” written by Flint Zeigler
    Narration by Tony Brady

    Tony Brady is a contributor to Insight Timer (an app that features meditations and reflections) and organizes mindfulness meetups in Dublin, Ireland where he lives with his wife. I am forever grateful to Tony and his meditations on Insight Timer and honored to have his voice on this project. www.lifeofmindfulness.com

    Scarlet and Flint are ambassadors for Restrap, a manufacturer of bikepacking bags and gear in Leeds, UK. We are so thankful for Restrap and their ongoing support and friendship. www.restrap.com

    For more stories and pictures on our GDMBR ride, visit our Instagram page: @meadow_to_mountain

    Just to be with You I wrote in front of you to lead you to be a guide and a trusted voice in all that life has in store for you be a good leader vulnerability is a virtuous attribute and transparency is a required tra as we ride you can follow my way

    Deciding for yourself if it could be your way Too sometimes I am an example to you and you mimic the path I’ve taken other times you see my mistakes and find a better Direction at times I glance back to see your progress to sense your presence and I am filled with awe at your strength determination and raw ability I aim to show you that anything’s possible to help you set your goals high and then be an asset to their

    Success I rode in front of you to lead You I wrote behind you to support you in all your endeavors I am right here offering what I have to give You sometimes it’s cheered encouragement other times it’s an understanding ear that listens to your voice when the trail is too Steep and you can’t gain traction we often push together I watch as you try new lines as you take risks and as you push your own [Applause] boundaries I’m proud of your Independence and find I’m encouraged by your fearlessness To support you is to recognize you’re like me and different from me at the same time from behind you I can see your struggles and your victories you may feel alone but I’m your safety net always watching and always close By advice can be offered yet I choose to recognize experience is always the best teacher I rode behind you to support You But I rode beside you just to be with you to see your eyes take in the beauty and wander all around us to take in all that Wonder at the same moment in Time to hear you sing because you have a voice that Sings to be in the presence of you and your Youthfulness To quietly find rhythm in our peddling together to bask in time together because I want to be with You I rode beside you as a friend to hear your laughter and to share in the unique experience with each Other to watch the landscape change and to be changed by It To quietly let the day pass and soak in the Tranquility as it [Applause] [Applause] does I rolled beside you just to be with you There is no right or wrong way to learn about oneself there is no failure that cannot be used as a step toward Success there is no place that cannot feel like Home there is nowhere you can go that my love does not go with You I rode in front of you to lead you I rode behind you to support you but I rode beside you Just to be with You You always have like a sand or two yeah like f are buttheads right so hiking always biking don’t be AER what I on yeah but um one of the a ones is what if I fall but my dear what if you fly ask if I stay on these

    Downhills was just like I don’t know about this what was just like damn it keep going this is fun you just climbed God knows how many freaking miles Fe you can ride here your butt on this yeah this

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