Sue Cook and Nick Ross present, cases include the murder of Ron Cousins in London, a lorry hijack and the murder of Kathleen Hempsall in Lincoln.

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    Good evening and welcome to a Friday crime watch a rare departure from our usual monthly slot on a Thursday perhaps we can reach new viewers who can solve some of tonight’s cases we start with some fresh evidence on a case you’ve probably heard about in the news in fact

    Tonight police in London have asked us to take out the case of 11-year-old nanara Ali in particular we’d like to show you some new bits of evidence two important things the first time that they’ve been seen they’re both distin distinctive and if you can identify them frankly you can probably identify the

    Killer n and Tara left home to walk to school at 8:15 a.m. 4 weeks ago today Friday November the 4th that’s the day before bonfire night she lived in pavy Road here in Forest Gate East London now there were two routes she could take to school and it’s important to know which

    Way she went a friend thought she saw n andara here in Odessa Road buying sweets so if uh and NAA then would have walked towards Woodhouse Road and gone to school the back way but there is a sweet shop too in Dame’s Road and Nara often

    Went that way instead did you see her or did you see anyone suspicious maybe on wanted Flats which is the green bit opposite or on any of the roads that run from Dame’s road to Odessa Road above all do you know anyone who ever goes into the disused stone Mason’s yard in

    Winshel SE road which is beside the railway vardu the railway is there in Black that’s where nara’s body was found in that yard buried under rubble and whoever put her there almost certainly had local knowledge several people tip rubbish here now these were photos taken by a resident incensed by all the mess

    Just a few days before n andara went missing if you dump stuff there believe me no one is worried about littering tonight please call us if you’ve dumped stuff there in the last three or six months 0500 600 600 you might not realize it but even so have seen

    Something which is crucial to the investigation 0500 600 600 if you know anyone who dumps rubbish there but above all do you know where this comes from it’s a fitted single sheet it’s sort of PE green color is unusual or do you know this carpet it’s about 7 and 1/2t in diameter and

    It’s been cut roughly into a circle as you can see maybe it was used as a rug it’s a thick tufted pile backed with hessan not rubber detective superintendent Doug Harvey is leading the investigation the actual carpet is still in in the forensic Laboratories what more can you tell us about it it’s

    Pink in color the unusual feature about it is it it appears to have been unprofessionally cut from a larger piece of carpet so perhaps there’s a viewer who knows someone who’s done that or maybe even the remnants are still lying somewhere now the the shape this this

    Round shape as you say it’s fair it’s fairly large seven 7 foot would have gone into a reasonably big big room the pile um is is probably from a a bedroom carpet is it it looks like a bedroom carpet it doesn’t look wor the other

    Thing about it which I must say is that it is possible that the body was actually carried through the streets for a short distance in the carpet so if anybody saw somebody carrying a carpet through that area towards Woodhouse Road you really want to know about that very

    Very much so the sheet itself fairly distinctive but I mean how would I know if that was mine well I’m told it’s unusual for a bottom sheet of a bed a fitted sheet to have a valance fitted as well now the fall the valance is the bit

    That covers not just the top of the mattress but the side of the bed as well and leg bed and the legs yes and that’s all part of the same the same thing same sheet now presumably you’re only interested in people in East London who who who recognize these things what I’m

    Hoping for is within a very local area if someone has looked over their neighbors fence and seen such a sheet hanging on their washing line or maybe in a service wash in a laundr I must here for n Tara’s clothes have not been discovered all the kit she was with this

    Is obviously the most recognizable this is um identical to the jumper she was wearing and and the the THS from from her school there this is uh the tie she had a an umbrella exactly like this and tell us about the duffel case she had

    Some PE kit as well she in the duffel bag that was her school bag it’s a black duffel bag may not be exactly similar to that but it’s certainly black and with the words take this from the pop group take that right across it and in that

    She carried a books her school books a PE kit various bits of personal property all missing maybe she went to somebody else’s house maybe she met someone if you can help in any way please call 0500 600600 it’s a free call number 0500 600600 or you can call the murder team

    At Laton Stone Direct that’s on 081 5685 that’s 081 5685 well calls to last month’s program have certainly supplied detectives with plenty of new information so far there have been three arrests and we’re told there are more to follow leads resulting from all three of our main reconstructions are still being

    Sorted and worked on we had 150 calls offering help in the search for 9-year-old Daniel Handley who disappeared two months ago after playing near his home on his bike unfortunately though nothing so far has taken detectives any nearer to finding what’s happened to him but we will give you any

    Further details as we go along tonight’s first reconstruction is a sort of modern highway robbery it’s so frightened a driver that he asked us to use an actor to portray him in our reconstruction rather than take part himself and we’ve changed some other details too in order to prevent copycat crimes several Clues

    Nonetheless should help you paint a picture of the gang it all began a month ago near Blackwood in gwent but you might have seen what happened after that during a 9-hour journey down the M4 and into the home counties are you all right I don’t know

    They take the trailer Unit A Lot me in the back and beating me and everything I’ve been driving for 3 years nothing like this has ever happened to me I still can’t believe it who do you actually drive Folly AJ ostrich it’s a firm based in Essex are you an Essex Bo

    Yourself yeah me and my girlfriend I’m away from home a lot so I talk to a lot on the phone come back tonight yeah can’t make another cup of tea can I yeah go make someone in the canteen T be wory there’s two boys hanging around down the crossroads they’ve been

    Down there for about half an hour which one of those oh they coming up by you and NOA you got any cans sorry Le only small balls of Pop you was 6 foot tall slim belt he had dark slashback hair his eyes was very close and he was

    In his 30s it’s 24 please you off from around you you I’m just working over in Mera been waiting for a lift for an hour oh and you had an English accent that’s you loaded all right mate when you actually drove out to the factory did you see anything suspicious

    No not really although thinking about it I do remember seeing something I think it was a white Renault [Applause] traffic you again how many times have I told you not to call me at the office hang on a minute love I’ll just F pull over somewhere oh come on love I’ve only just

    Set off I’ve got a long journey in front of me no I can’t make Friday sat is good any good films on N I’ve seen it I’ll tell you what why don’t you have a look in the paper and see what’s on and I’ll see you when I get back he bye [Applause]

    Yeah what do you want get in the back get in the back shut your mouth as I break your bleeding arm I can’t bre I’ve got an iron bar so shut him no oh so scared I didn’t know what they were going to do with me before they

    Actually covered your eyes did you should get a look at these men I think there were three of them but I only saw two the the first one he was 5’8 uh he had light brown hair and uh he was about 28 and stocky and the second one came in it as

    As the first man was hitting me he had blond curly hair he had two earrings in his right ear and I think he was about 6t tall I think they all like cottony accents what’s your name Lee Lee what Lee Jones Lee we’re not going to work you we’re

    Just after your load after about half an hour I could hear a lot of traffic we may have been on the motorway or something maybe the M4 I was in quite a lot of pain my ribs hurt I didn’t know if they were broken what do you do for diesel uh I

    Use a Shell card it’s between the two pack of boxes where between the two boxes now listen if there was ever a good time to shut your mouth it’s now got it all right just don’t eat me yeah it’s amazing what you can hear when you can’t

    See like all your senses and sounds seem to be better like one of them had a a pet Zippo lighter by the sound of it opening and closing I couldn’t have a [ __ ] could I soon as you’ve been a good boy by the way this man held the

    Cigarette I don’t think he was a smoker how long were you actually on the motorway for quite a long time we did a lot of stopping and starting I think we might have been on the M25 it was dark I could tell by the way the lights were going past after a while

    We stopped and reversed inside I was sweating so much that the tape started to come away from my eyes and I could just see this man and I think he must have got in when he United the trailer it curly air on top short the sides he was slim told you he wouldn’t hurt you again

    What’s happing shut up and keep down what are you doing cleaning the cab i’ like to leave things the way I find them I reckon he must have been wiping off all the fingerprints leave me keys please I’ll tell you what I’ll leave you your keys in your

    Mobile phone there’s a man in the car outside and he’s watching you don’t do anything for 10 minutes there was no way I was hanging around for 10 minutes I was scared I saw these headlights behind me I don’t know if they had anything to do with [Applause]

    It look I’m not mocking about I’ve been hijacked I’m sorry slow down just a minute slow down so I can get some details from you I need to know where you are can you see any road signs or any street name I have no idea I I’m no

    Idea you you’re still driving yeah yeah I’m driving if you can stop somewhere find a street sign and get a policeman’s to you straight away sge s got a problem here reporting a lorry hijack somewhere on or near the M1 can you attend he’s probably on the 507 I should think

    Somewhere there there sir can you s any road signs any landmarks so we can find out exactly which way you’re going uh yeah sign for amp till just a task there but uh I found no trace of him I’ll turn around right can you just not stop

    Somewhere find a street sign then I can get someone straight to you VA from Tango Mike 615 now located the vehicle over I was so Terri if it hadn’t been for that police car being so close there’s nowh would have stopped for anyone course Norman the load and the

    Trailer are still missing now the trailer in particular is a bit of a hefty thing to conceal that’s got to be lying around somewhere that’s right the trailer as far as we’re aware was unhitched in the Essex area and obviously we’re most anxious to recover

    It it’s a it’s a fairly scruffy sort of blue trailer not much more distinctive about it is is there well it’s a well used trailer it’s blue in color it has uh three wheels on double wheels on each side of the the trailer there it’s uh on

    The trailer itself it has a number which is DX 3101 3 DX 3101 now that will be painted on the back of the of the vehicle that’s painted on the the end of the the trailer that’s not the registration number that’s just a number the the trailer uh register number and it

    Belongs to I think it says um uh Deluxe International it that’s right on the side of the trailer you will Delux International now what they stole was um great barrels full of of of this stuff which is waste um it comes from the chips that come from from telephones I

    Think is that right that’s right these are the component parts from the the microchip from telephones now this this stuff the blue stuff there are two sorts this looks just like cat litter doesn’t it with tiny little bits of gold Fleck in it blue and and gray chips it’s a

    Blue and gray powder and this more gold and and silver the bits just have been chopped up the lally the chips like shavings of metal and it’s worthless to them isn’t it well it it is in that form what it needs to to have done to it is a

    Special sort of treatment to extract the valuable metals and where do they get that done well that can’t be done in this country has to go to either Germany or to Belgium so it’s quite possible that they’ve got this stuff and realized that frankly they’ve just stolen a LW

    Load of cats ler well we believe that when they actually stole the the load that they thought it was in its refined form but in actual fact it’s in the the condition we show you here so we believe they’re stuck with it well it’s a bit of

    An odd appeal but if anybody’s offered you any cat litter like this in this sort of powdery form with bits of gold Fleck in it or any of this stuff let us know now you’ve got a security video which contains people who just could be connected with this though they might

    Have nothing to do it we ought to we ought to stress this this is at mesbury service station on the M4 explain what happened here that’s right from our inquiries we understand that the lorri actually called at the memory Services where they purchased Diesel and what we

    Have uh recovered is a videotape from the service station which shows a number of people at the service station at the relevant time which is between 4:15 and 4:25 p.m. on the day well if you know who those people are and if it’s You For Heaven’s Sake just call us and uh make

    Sure this piece of evidence is eliminated but if there’s any way you can help on this please call 0500 600600 it’s a free call number 0500 600600 the evidence is being brought together at an incident room in cumbran and you can call there Direct that’s on 063 87999 063 the code for kumran

    87999 well now a photo call as a result of calls last month the man top left of your picture there was arrested last week and he’s now awaiting trial for murder on the building Society robbery a man has been arrested and is now awaiting charges but police are still

    Looking for the other man on the right do call if you recognize him these two George Edward Bell and Glenn Robert jman they were want in connection with deceptions and as a result of viewers information right after our appeal detectives went to a flat in Cardiff unfortunately the occupants had made A

    Hurried exit and finally bottom right the man has been found in Jersey although only indirectly as a result of crime watch he’s now been charged with a serious assault so let’s see what happens this month here are superintendent David Hatcher and detective Constable Jackie haes with

    Some new faces do you recognize this man colleagues in Bedford would like to speak to him in connection with a series of Street Rob at around 8:45 p.m. on Sunday the 23rd of October the man attacked a woman as she walked through Bedford Town Center she managed to fight off his first

    Attempt but he followed her and a few minutes later attacked her again at the junction between Midland Road and All Hallows he stole her handbag leaving her unconscious with a broken nose he’s in his late teens 5 fo8 of slim build he carried a rock sack and was earlier seen

    Wearing a burgundy Woolen hat if you can help at all please call us tonight can I help you do you know this couple they’re Clive and Joanna Ramsey and colleagues in London are anxious to speak to them in connection with a series of frauds during May last year a man in London

    Acting as a financial adviser to an elderly lady fraudulently sold her shares he and his accomplice disappeared with the proceeds cve Ramsey is 38 he’s 5’9 of slim build and has light brown hair and blue eyes his wife Joanna is 44 she’s also 5’9 with long blonde hair and

    Brown eyes a couple of both well spoken and frequently visit restaurants bars and casinos in London’s West End we believe that they could be in Scotland at the moment if you can help at all please ring us tonight this is KL madx colleagues in northamptonshire Keen to talk to him in

    Connection with a rape which happened earlier this year on the 16th of April a 34y old woman was assaulted and raped in Northampton by two men Carl madx is 33 6’2 and heavily built he may have shaved off his beard by now if you recognize

    Him or you know where he is please ring us tonight next do these two look familiar colleagues in Sussex would like to talk to them in connection with a series of frauds in the south of England here’s the couple on the 11th of August at Thomas Cook travel agents in ham

    Attempting to buy Travelers checks and foreign currency when they were challenged by the cashier they left empty-handed the woman is between 50 and 55 5’2 and slim she’s got Ginger or blonde hair the man is younger between 28 30 6t and of medium build he’s got dark brown hair if you recognize either

    Of them or can help with any of our photocal cases please call us now and here’s the number 0500 600600 free call 0500 600600 our next case has baffled police for more than eight months it’s the inexplicable murder of an elderly man Ron cousins in chelsford police have

    Talked to nearly a thousand people in house-to-house inquiries another 200 60 in stop checks in the street and they’ve taken nearly 600 statements neighbors and acquaintances have been more than willing to help but all to no avail this appeal to crime watch viewers is frankly their last hope of finding whoever was

    Callous enough to have killed a frail old man a reconstruction begins in the house next door to Mr cousins in the small hours of the day Ron died on Saturday April the 16th the couple next door toon David and Angela Bailey left home early in the morning they were

    Off to France for the weekend was a funny noise can you hear it yeah sounds like it’s coming from early to him up isn’t it yeah but we’re running late anyway let’s go Ron was born in this house five Anchor Street he’ lived all his life here closest to him was his widowed

    Sister Ruby who lived nearby he loved people you couldn’t forget him he was kind that’s the impression you get he was kind he do anything for anybody hello Ron how are you mate hello mate how are you nice to see you again nice B GRE yeah not bad the day of Ron’s

    Death Friday April the 15th would seem to have started normally enough are you I’m TR thank you and you right H he’s fine good you’re going to be busy oh yeah look what they gave me the that is nice I’m going to get it FR yes that look nice hanging up with my

    Front near enough everybody in the market knew he was the sort of man that you would like to have for your grandfather because he was such a nice old boy he was lonely you could tell that but he was nice and and I I just got the you know sometimes

    The feeling just came that you wanted to take him home and look after him later he went to the Christ Church day Center one of several Church run dropin centers he frequented he thrived on the company Anne helps to run the center I was a wise place to see him he used to

    Love coming for his lunch and he was a kind friend ly lovely old man he never grumbled um he’s always happy have a smile for you if there was somebody there to listen to him he would always chat he was just glad that he was able to be out and about amongst

    People Julie works as a secretary at an office in Anchor Street a minute J just going across to the post box all right okay late that afternoon she saw on in the street making his way home I’d only gone around the corner a couple of steps

    But as I turned I noticed Ron coming from the direction of the town from the New London Road end I always felt I wanted to stop just to make sure he was okay weather I me rain I don’t mind he had such a cheery personality he never grumbled about

    Anything and he always wanted everybody to enjoy life he never preached about anything he obviously knew there was nasty people out there there was bad in the world but he could never ever see in anybody make a nice te it’s a good idea who do with a

    CER now I see it and with that I I just told him to after himself and then he went down the back alley to the back of his house and that was unfortunately the last I saw of him shortly before 6:00 Peter Morgan left work and and headed for his Friday

    Evening workout at the local gym also in Anchor Street I saw a young man standing near the junction he was about 5′ 8 in tall he was slightly built and had long hair as I looked at him he turned away and I thought he looked a bit

    Suspicious it was as though he didn’t want me to notice him eyes half an hour later as Joanna Stevenson took her daughter to a German lesson she saw a man fitting exactly the same description there was a man standing outside the terorist houses right opposite where I turned into the car

    Park he seemed to be looking up the alleyway between the houses see about seven 5 minutes later she remembers the man was still there he was staring up at number five Anchor Street this time he was looking up at the bedroom window and then looking down

    Again he was still there as I pulled out and drove off home right Alan I’m finished I’ll see you next week Peter Morgan had been in the gym nearly two and a half hours it was 10 8 when he left and walked down Anchor Street I saw this young man again it was

    Definitely him I was a bit surprised that he was still there after 2 and 1 half hours this time the man had moved to the end of the street about 100 yards from Ron’s house isld to priv no one is known to have seen or spoken to Ron that evening but usually

    He’d watch television and read his Bible Sarahc wal news night on BBC 2 at 10 but that’s the 9:00 news tonight good night next door the Bailey had an early start ahead of them for their trip to France in the Morning once the the news was finished at half n um we went straight to bed I think it was about quter to 10 I was just dropping off and I heard some knocking um on Ron’s door and I remember thinking um I wish they’d shut up because some of us have

    Got to be up early in the morning um and it stopped and I dropped off to sleep thank you very much bye bye in the morning a couple living two doors away were concerned to see Ron’s curtains still drawn yeah do you think Ron’s all right it’s 10 it’ be up by now

    You think you better go and check could me Ron the bath was overflowing and the house had been ransacked Ron had been strangled and stabbed you couldn’t imagine anybody doing that to Ron he was so he wouldn’t hurt a fly I miss him coming around I miss going out with him there’s a

    Blank I expect I she always miss you well detective superintendent why would somebody want to do that to Ron well I don’t know really he’s an old man he hadn’t got any enemies as far as I know he uh was in the habit of inviting people back to his home address however

    And uh maybe somebody came back that uh he fell out with or maybe a robbery was the the motive I really don’t know at this stage so it needn’t be a local person you think oh indeed not he was in the habit of inviting anyone back to his

    Home and it could be somebody from outside the area yeah was anything missing well we had a search of the house and we can’t determine that anything was missing and we found £700 hidden in the house so obviously whoever the person was they didn’t find that money now the most important thing of

    Course is to find the man that so many people saw that night yes indeed yes uh this man is described as being in his early 20s he’s about 5’8 to 5’9 tall he’s a slim man and he’s got long straight hair which comes down to to his

    Shoulders but curls up at the edges he’s um dressed in a a beigy color um gray color loose fitting jacket it’s a busy area there so other people may have seen him too very very busy part of chood than anyone could have seen this man um

    Lurking in the area the other thing you need to know is who may have called at Ron’s house that evening yes there was a knock at the door at about 10:00 we think clearly we would like to identify who that person was um knocking at his door is there anything else you can

    Produce about Ron’s killer well well there was a lot of paint um left in the address and a lot of blood was left at the scene clearly this person will be covered in paint and Will C be covered in blood and he may have made some efforts to have washed himself in the

    Bath upstairs so this why the water was left running exactly yes so if somebody remembers somebody coming home covered in white Emulsion paint and all blood it was eight months ago remember in the on Friday the 15th of April or Saturday the 16th of April it is as we said quite

    Possible that whoever holds the key to this investigation comes from Beyond the immediate neighborhood of Anchor Street and of Chelmsford so if you do know something please do ring us police officers are here to take your calls and we’re on 0500 600600 here in the studio

    Or you can call the incident room number in chelsford which is 0245 45212 that’s 0245 which is the code for chelsford 45212 the lines may be intermittently engaged we’ve been busy almost from the off on the Mur that we started with the Nara Ali murder I can tell you a lot of

    Good calls have come in on the carpet under the valance but one in particular somebody that the police hadn’t reached for some reason in the local area who may have some very revealing information which we can’t tell you a great deal more about at the moment on the Lori

    Hijack some good Calla to incidentally there’s a £10,000 reward on that one now to uh incident desk but before we hear the clues an urgent appeal for a woman who called here last month about the murder of Stanley Nichols you may remember he was killed in the anchor p

    In Ying in Kent on Sunday the 25th of September now the caller named a father and son would she please ring back on the same case another call led to Edinburgh and this may have settled a quite different crime incidentally another very serious one but the murder

    Is still unsolved the other cases may have made more progress notably the violent robbery on a taxi driver in brms grve one name seems to be significant and the police say an arrest is imminent an assault on young boys may have been solved too we’ll bring you details of

    That when we can now for this month’s incident desk here are superintendent David Hatcher and detective Constable Jackie haes first on incident desk do you recognize this man on Saturday November the 19th at about 6:15 p.m. he raped a teenage girl in Southampton the victim was walking to a friend’s house in

    Dunkirk Road through the grounds of Southampton Sports Center at Basset when in front of her she saw a man in her path so she cut across the cricket pitch to avoid him but he followed threatened her with a knife and then raped her the man had a husky voice and wore this

    Black baseball cap which in his haste to get away he left behind it has a Los Angeles ra Raiders Motif on the front perhaps you recognize it or maybe you recognize the man he’s 30 to 40 about 5’9 well built with short receding hair and a stubbly beard if you recognize him

    Please call us tonight in the studio or you can call the incident room on free phone 0800 393 427 that’s 0800 393 427 next a murder which has baffled police officers in London 52-year-old Elaine Warman was killed by someone on Friday the 9th of September between 5:30

    And 6:30 p.m. Elaine worked as a clerical assistant in London’s West End she always caught the number 36 bus from Park Lane back to her home in camberwell that Friday she would have arrived at her flat at around 5:45 p.m. her body wasn’t dis discovered until the Monday

    Morning her Silver Charm bracelet and some money had been stolen ela’s Midland cash point card was used on four occasions over the weekend of her death at 7:00 p.m. on Friday in White Chapel and on three occasions in camberwell the final one was midnight on Sunday the 11th of September we’re desperate for

    Your help so cast your mind back to Friday the 9th of September did you catch the number 36 bus from Park Lane to camberwell just after 5:00 p.m. maybe you saw Elaine on the bus she was wearing a yellow and white striped blouse and a black skirt and jacket

    Elain was 5’2 and of slim build if you can help and there is a reward please ring us here in the studio or officers in the incident room in souk are waiting to take your call they’re on 0712 32675 that’s 0712 32675 in our last case tonight the

    Victim a mother of two to managed to fight off her attacker offices in Lincolnshire are in no doubt that this man would have raped her if she had not fought back so bravely at about 6:15 p.m. on Monday the 14th of November the man was in the Trinity Road play area

    Stamford which is 15 mil from Peterborough the victim was looking for her 13-year-old son who’d been out with friends onb known to her he’d arrived home shortly after she left whilst looking for him a man grabbed her and sexually assaulted her after a struggle the woman managed to

    Bite her attacker on the chin and moments later he fled take another look at him he’s in his mid to late 30s 5′ 10 to 6t and well built he has a broad face and fair hair cut in a basin style over his ears he was wearing dark trousers

    And a dark jacket possibly leather remember it’s likely he had bruising on the right side of his chin if you think you know him please call us here in the studio or you can call the Stanford police Direct on 0476 6251 that’s 0476 the code for Grandam

    6251 and the number here in the studio is 0500 600600 that’s free call 0500 600600 how often have you heard a burglar arm go off and done nothing about it the trouble is of course there are so many false alarms even so a bell or a siren going off generally makes us

    More observant and that might help to solve the case we’re showing next 7 weeks ago Kath Hempel triggered her alarm at home in Lincoln and detectives now need help to find her killer New Year’s Eve at cat’s house had become quite a tradition and uh the old

    Microphones came out at the drop of a hat really we weren’t that musical we just enjoyed singing especially after a few drinks it was a good time we had Fun look at that at that Kath Hemel was a part-time Midwife she lived with her husband and seven-year-old daughter on Lincoln’s busy inner Ring Road oh no oh just missed it YY Daddy I’m meting mommy C life revolved around Andy and Louise she was devoted to her husband and especially to her child handed stuff you mention the commercial here put your shoes in p hello oh Liz is everything all right

    Yeah no Louise go brush your hair yes I think they’re going to give me a perm they can see me about 9:15 which means I could get to you about 10:30 maybe 11: yeah I’ve got one job to do after I’ve dropped Louise off and then I should be

    Back here about half nine yeah okay all right see you later then bye have you got your lunch box yes Mom it’s near the block of flance excuse me can take a minute I’ll be with you in a minute and contact the RAC it’s like I go to school for the

    Rest of the week yes we’re worried about we’ve been in Dr surgery my son had chest infection and we were rather worried about It by this time Kath had dropped Louise at school had briefly been into town and was now on her way home what a hideous color can you believe that people should have such colors my son was in yet a very down sort of mood and uh I was really trying to cheer

    Him up that’s why I kept noticing things and and chatting to him I wonder if that’s oh it’s all right there a car in the driveway I found is in a remarkably good condition for it year it’s a w rge like this one and it was then that I became aware of someone

    Running along the pavement it’s all right I’m not going to run you over I know where the break is but he shot off towards the rear of the white Transit and that was the last I saw of him well I did say I’d get to my sister

    As soon as possible I’ll get you out for about 11: at the latest I should think okay to lean right the way back two traffic policemen happen to be driving by and heard the alarm made a very thorough search really but couldn’t see anything Disturbed or anything that seemed strange so we

    Returned to Lincoln Police Station how long were you there we left just after 10 we was there about 10 minutes in all yep okay I’ll see if I can get hold of a key holder for you leave that with you all right bye now although the police

    Had heard the alarm they didn’t know a panic button had been hit hello police I’m really worried about my sister she lives at Long’s Road I’ve been around there myself and she’s just not answering the car’s sitting there the alarm Bell’s going off she must be

    In it’s just not like I’m really worried about her I I don’t know what’s going this must be something terribly wrong the police found Kath in her hallway she’d been stabbed over 30 times I was prepared for a shock because I knew already that something was wrong

    Can you just stay in the car an officer will be with you shortly okay I don’t know when the realization of the way in which she had been killed hit me I I I really don’t know sometimes I wonder if it still hasn’t Tom coats is the head of linshire

    C it was actually a fairly foggy morning that morning Tuesday October the 11th that chap running across the road though is by far your best clue isn’t he yes he is he very important to us he may have of course been there quite innocently

    And if he was then we would like him to come forward may have been waiting for a bus or waiting for somebody else How could a description have you got of them well it’s quite a good description he’s 17 to 25 years of age 5’8 talls slim build pale complexion wearing scruffy

    Clothing and most insignificantly a Woolen hat now somebody like him was obviously hanging around that area for an hour or so because someone was seen by the phone box about 300 yards down the road yes they were there was a man seen of similar description there the telephone box and several other people

    Have also told us about him he’d seen in the area now apart from that man the other distinctive thing that was cited was this white Ford probably Ford Transit this uh y registered vehicle now what do we know about this it was there for some time too too wasn’t it it was

    There for quite a long time and certainly all the time that we were interested in and it’s a white van it’s described as a Transit but it may may be another vehicle of a similar type similar shape again you need to eliminate that if that was a a delivery

    Or someone hanging about there for for perfectly innocent purpose someone was also seen in the driveway of the house this could have been mistaken for one of the the police officers who investigating but maybe not it could have been but we the witnesses have

    Described a man of 40 to 55 years of age being in the drive and if the person was there we’d like him to come forward and a woman walking some dogs a potential witness you need to find very quickly yes a woman with two small dogs walking

    Along the road we would like her to come forward she must be able to identify herself well if that was you if there’s any way you can help 0 500 600 600 it’s free here to the studio 0500 600600 or you can call the incident room in Lincoln that’s on

    05258 542 that’s 052 the code for Lincoln 58 542 well one of the most successful anti-crime campaigns has been operation Bumblebee a drive by the Metropolitan Police to combat burglary a huge Treasure Trove of property has been recovered but a lot of it remains unclaimed so here are some distinctive

    Items from the temps Valley here’s Eric NOS with his expert eye over Aladdin’s cave thank you sir well if you’re watching tonight and you should be playing at a gig and you can’t for the simple fact that you’ve had your guitar stolen and feast your eyes on this

    Little lot uh it does include this F string base which I’m told is something of a rarity now for some inexplicable reason people ask me about the weather from time to time what I really need is a barometer but I’m not quite sure whether or not this 18th century Dutch

    Example would be of any use to me no given a choice I’ll take this little lot I’ll take the Bears every time I I particularly like the little golfer down here they’re German around about 1900 now if the faces of these two small boys mean something to you albe it they

    Were painted in around about 1840 5 then there is a connection with this particular pair of pistols in their original cases what’s it’s all in a name and it’s the name that I’m after but we got plenty of Cupids on the program this evening um what about this little chat

    Sat on top of a Victorian Oru casket and it’s all in the Renaissance style but even more interesting are these Cupids painted on this English porcelain bpot now this is from an incredibly rare English porcelain Factory date wise about 1790 and what’s more it’s one of a

    Pair here’s a single and honest Chinese table it’s about 1850 and8 in its inset with this white marble top and on it from the same period a Chinese bottle vase beautifully decorated in colid enamels and on the base is a particular Motif and if you can tell me what that

    Motif is I’d be more than interested little bit later in the Victorian age a silver tea service quite simple in shape in its original fitted box and know it’s by an absolutely TOP English maker and his label is inside that fitted box pretty as a picture

    Here’s a young lady we at the original the original is by Holan hunt but this is a little bit later in date but what makes it unusual is on the reverse inscribed is quite a lengthy poem now Feast your eyes on this Treasure of a watch it is an actual fact

    By ptic Philip of Geneva and what’s more it contains it’s the original serial number the unique serial number which is inside and um it’s telling me that time is of the essence and it’s time for me to say live for now well I’m just uh looking at the calls that have been uh

    Coming in uh the number incidentally if you see anything there that you recognize 081 345 4112 that’s 081 345 412 I’ve just been looking at the calls that have been coming in um on the Lorry hijack several sightings of the trailer some maybe during the hijack itself other possible descriptions of where it

    Is at the moment on the Ron cousins murder the same name has been mentioned twice for that guy who was seen outside Mr cousin’s home on the Nara alley murder more calls are several of them suggesting why the carpet may have been cut into that distinctive circular fashion photo call Carl Maddox a

    Location which fits with information that police already have on the Bedford Street robber we’ve got some names suggested on that in fact photo call looks as though it’s coming very promising indeed and there’s a number 0500 600600 Direct to the studio here 0500 600 600 the lines are going to be open until

    Midnight and most of the incident rooms are open 24 hours a day crime watch update is at 11:40 tonight and it looks as though we might have quite a lot more to tell you by then indeed uh some quite interesting calls right now if it’s beyond your bedtime tonight we’ll be

    Back next month back on our normal Thursday evening do remember that the sort of offenses we show are rare in fact you’re much more likely to be able to help solve a major crime than be a victim of one so please don’t have nightmares do sleep well good night good Night welcome back to what’s been a very busy evening and frankly very revealing one as well two East London homes are being visited this evening now after people there thought that they recognized the carpet found with Nam Tara Ali’s body a rather disappointing response though on

    The murder of Kath Hemel but there are strong leads on the rape in Southampton and the indecent assault in Stanford and there’s a great deal more besides so well we’ll start with the murder of Ron cousins in Chelmsford in Essex Ron was a very popular man among the local people

    Of chelsford and police are quite baffled as to why anyone should want to kill him a man with shoulder length hair was seen outside Ron’s house on the evening of the murder and the date of it was Friday the 14th of April so we’re going back eight months Ian dibl you

    Have had quite a stack of calls yes I’m very encouraged by the response that we’ve had we’ve had over 40 calls and very in mind that this squar is now several months old I’m very encouraged because several of those are actually naming the person that we are interested

    In so most of your information tonight has come on that man who was seen outside the house yes indeed it is it’s on the description of the man as we put out earlier which is yes he’s in his early 20s he’s about 5’8 to 5’9 with this long straight shoulder length hair

    Which curls up at the top wearing this beigy colored uh loose fitting jacket and whoever did Kill Ron that night would have been covered in paint I can’t believe that anyone who did that that murder is not covered in paint and blood and I appeal again for anyone who who

    Had anyone come to their home address with with blood and paint spattered clothing to contact us so this is white Emulsion paint you’ve got through all the conventional lines of inquiry which is why you’ve come to crime was tonight indeed and that’s why I’m very excited

    That we’ve actually got 40 calls in in our response to our appeal to the public let’s hope they lead you somewhere thank you very much thank you thanks well now the lry hijacking gwent a gang who attacked a Dr driver and drove his truck for 9 hours with the driver tied up in

    The back with blindfold on him what’s your name Lee Lee what Lee Jones Chris Norman you got an enormous response I mean there some 150 calls so far I think here just going through a chunk of them but nothing here that seems to clicked no we’ve had a

    Tremendous response from the public but we need something more specific now on a number of issues we raised at the earlier interview very little from Essex which is where you you think the trailer probably finished up and you haven’t found the trailer no the trailer remains outstanding we’re very keen and very

    Anxious to get further calls on where the trailer is at this time it’s got a it’s blue it’s fairly scruffy fairly old it’s got a a number painted on the back of it not not the registration plate and you haven’t found the waste that was in

    It I mean it should explain for people who didn’t see the earlier program that there were barrels of of bits of old microchip in which have been stripped into metal bits part of it looked like blue cats litter frankly that’s right it’s a blue and gray powder type

    Substance and the other was like shavings of of metals small pieces of metal and you think it’s probably valueless to the gang they might have been trying to Palm it off on people telling them it’s it’s very valuable absolutely in the state it is at the

    Moment it’s of no value to anybody it certainly needs to go through a treating process we showed some security uh video from um a service station on the M4 you were anxious to to find people shown in that yes we’re very keen for anybody who recognizes themselves firstly on the

    Video to come forward so they can be eliminated from the inquiry and just as is importantly for anyone who might recognize anybody on that video to please give us a ring we’ve had several names but if uh if you were in that piece of video just show then please do

    Call us there’s a £10,000 reward in this and let me stress once again there is a sense uh the police believe that this is all focused in essics so I had a photo call Jackie have people been recognizing their faces yes lots of information coming tonight the Bedford Street robber

    Was the first picture we showed on photoc call had 10 calls an investigating officer in fact is very pleased he’s had some very strong information which will be followed up so good news there Clive and Joanna Ramsey wanted to speak to them in connection with some frauds in London um several

    Very good sighting which fit in with information that um the officers knew already so they’re very pleased in that and in fact one call is being followed up tonight so fingers crossed and on Carl M madx we wanted to speak to him about a rape in northamptonshire um we’ve had 20 calls

    But nothing really concrete um we do feel that someone knows where he is tonight remember he could have shaved off that beard beard bring us in confidence if you know right what news on incident desk um well the rape in Southampton um the man with the baseball

    Cap if you remember had over 50 calls which is a tremendous response and in fact they’re still coming in here lots of names suggested in the Southampton area um but remember if you were in that area there’s a sports center there you may have seen something if you think you

    Did please call us and the indecent assort and Stanford tremendous response um over a dozen calls but definitely quality calls and there’s one potential exciting one which is coming which is Prov correct could solve this case so watch us again on the 18th of January great Jackie thank you very

    Much well now the murder of the little school girl the 11-year-old nanara Ali a month ago today on the 4th of November in East London she was found rolled up in some carpet which is revealed on K much for the first time and D Harvey you’ve had a tremendous response on this

    From the community which you really thought you you trolled extensively already yeah that’s the impressive part awful lot of these are from local people now I thought we’ done an extensive house to house inquiry but there still people here that we didn’t reach and are now ringing in which is absolutely great

    And and some of them are very very specific as we’ve got a local man who cleared out a similar carpet just a month ago and a local woman who recognizes it as one her landlord has used in the past and we’ve got a telephone number there to check which we

    Doing right at this moment it’s about 7 ft across tufted yes um cut into a circle cut into a Circle which may account for order the fisherman ringing in to say it’s the sort of thing that fishermen do to put under their bivvies when they’re fishing and somebody rang

    And I just saw a few minutes ago or few moments ago from nara’s own Street absolutely in pavy Road apparently there was a similar carpet dumped in one of the front Gardens which may have disappeared over this very weekend when the body was found so that was one we’re

    Going to be following up very very quickly good looking very encouraging it is yes thanks very much indeed so and last and often most in terms of quantity of calls Aladdin’s cave this month’s Hall comes from London in the temps Valley and of course the property which

    Has been recovered here could have come from anywhere in the country Eric what’s been happening well first of all let me tell you that these guitars do not belong to Chaz and Dave so please it’s very good of everybody to get in touch with us about but we’ve had so many

    Calls they’re not Chaz and Daves but what about this for a bit of fun I didn’t show it earlier on but um little Japanese Kobe toy one of several that the police have recovered I’m not um I’m not convinced that that these particular bow Poots have gone unnoticed have

    Another look at them um they are important English porcelain bow Poots you would grow crocuses in them 1790 and as for the watch pck Philipe this is the Rolls-Royce of Watchers believe me and each one has its individual serial number so take another good look at it because it is one very

    Important watch and last but not least take a look at one mantle clock now a lot of them around but this is quite distin Ive with the SHA Levy decoration have a good luck times of the essence bye for now Eric thank you the lines are closing here shortly but we’ll give you

    The local numbers on the screen in a moment no doubt a lot more will have developed between now and our next program next month we’re back to our regular time 9:30 and our regular night Thursday so that’s crime watch on January the 19th meanwhile though it’s still 3 weeks

    AG away have a very happy Christmas don’t have nightmares and uh don’t eat too much that really would give you nightmares good night good Night La


    1. All hail the king @redcard I realize it's not CW but hope you managed to grab witness of truth 2001 also which is basically a CW file episode

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