we explore abandoned classic car graveyard also the abandoned cottage hoarded piled high inside of dispensers and antiques we find classic cars vw and Austin’s and ford and other classic vehicles.one death trap house getting stuck inside no where to move round also outside the house.

    Caravans and old talber Express there some Vans but we’re going to make our way up there now and see what we can find at the top level because it looks to me like it’s absolutely full so we’ll catch you in a bit oh God that is hoarded absolutely hoarded in there more

    Of those paper towel things we got what submissions we do I can hear banging Right so let’s go and check out what we got down here now what’s in here it’s an old one it’s got to be it’s got to be a 70s Caravan is it that look H unreal it’s an ion D tell you what it’s a I mean I know it’s a bit moldy

    Like it’s a bit moldy but the floor’s not rotten you see no crazy and we got a camper van there look just shut shut that obviously bloody explorers come out there and oh stuff is let’s have a look at this uh talur oh it’s still got

    The it’s got a garden in the back but it has got still got the heater is it oh no it’s not a toit it’s a uh Bedford it’s an old Bedford at the roots God they come through the floor there’s more foliage in there than

    Outside oh we can we can have a look through the back door cuz it’s open oh well he’s hanging on oh look at this this would have been an awesome camper van if it was mint he got cooker sink cupboards your beds there toilet and shower in there look proper

    Shower God I’d love that hey no what a waste oh Bedford right the xr4 I is there I don’t know if to leave that till last what do we do we’ll leave that till last D but I’ve got to see the xr4 right I’ll

    Be gutted if I don’t get to see it oh look an old punto old 90s punto F it’s ni to see what they been modified oh look at that Umbro that goes with a card actually it’s a boy rac’s card and a boy rac’s jacket from the

    90s oh it’s Uzu Trooper there look God we could do with that should we just drive off with that we swap the car we have that there an escort remember our escorts there’s loads of them here look there’s an old tractor there now oh yeah old

    Tractor oh there is a main road at the top of there and these are deer tracks these are Ren out Master might be sketchy I don’t know dirty look at these I tell you what persos don’t rot do they no they do not rot God that van is disgusting it’s one

    Of them horrible Rena bloody UT Dingle van 2007 yeah that wasn’t that long ago really look like some kind of old this yard up here I tell you what that’s mint feel cobwebs in there but the see some mint there’s a Wing in the back off a I don’t know

    No myself let’s get up here oh Christ tell you what that that that’s in good Nick we got a 360 excavator here looks like he collected bloody everything to be honest oh Christ oh smell the oil huh smell it oh I can smell it on this pretty uh big digger

    Oh we got cars up here we got cars oh the bloody all up the top of the ha and all look no oh W it’s look at that yeah it’s mint right we got to I think we’ll go this way look at the hoard as well this is definitely a

    Hoarder that’s a cool picture look at that uh big digger it’s just gone green let’s go through that little Gap there but I can that that looks like a find and half up there that camper van right so we come up here and what the is mad what is this

    Hoorde what was he hoarding here what are these these some pry what are they you know the towel things like the blue roll I’ve got them at work it’s them he’s got racks of them why would you need them I don’t know oh my God there’s a collapsed

    Caravan there full of stuff got to you bins look the racks of the stuff so did he work for a I’m wondering if he worked for a do you reckon he worked for a cleaning company do you reckon he worked for a cleaning company maybe come on let’s get this

    Way why look The View nah we ain’t got time we need to get up there we we got to we’ve got to come back this way anyway cuz I’d rather Tre deal a bloody just keep it down now because I want to see as much as

    This saw it now as possible but look at this L get your home service need all gas cans what’s in there we don’t know do they oh my God this is an order what is in that Barn Jesus Christ we found the house we found the house we’ve got a motorbike we found the house oh my goes this is sketchy oh [ __ ] oh god oh oh my God what in there’s a boat here this is weird we got look at the I mean there’s a car there there’s a

    Bloody car yeah I’ve noticed that I didn’t even see that wonder what that is it looks like a m yeah it’s not moris I text as well yeah keep it down I don’t know how dodgy this is or what but look at that somebody’s living here well we just don’t know we don’t

    Know been screwed short there’s no way no one’s living in there it’s creepy this is unreal I mean there’s a caravan there that’s completely collapsed and but look at the horde this is hoorde as Paradise it’s just full of car parts and in there look

    Hey I know just Omni buses it’s a bus stop sign yeah it is I think we got to go this way then want a junk why does it look like everything’s been trapped down did something like I don’t know cuz that’s obviously the front door can’t leave in here nobody can leave here

    Surely bu St I up confused abandoned right let’s get over here oh my God Christ oh that’s disgusting oh no bloody hell we got what submissions we do I can hear banging how did you get look at this whole RAC toilet that is mental what is that that hurt let’s get around

    Here God that is hoarded no absolutely hoarded in this more of those paper towel things loads of them Absolute crazy or did you cleck them that’s that easy we still un sure if we can get in the house yet I mean the easy way getting out the

    SIDS up there but we got to go back down to see the xr4 right this little Caravan that’s cool oh God Jesus this looks uh looks like we found a I found a way in we’re going to need lights and I don’t know what it’s going to be like

    Inside this house people it’s going to be well it’s a hoarder should wait for jwes to get down here and we’ll be back soon so I’m in the house but you you ain’t going to come in here it’s deal is to the seeding I’m going look at this my head’s

    On the ceiling and I’m treading on the hoorde this is stupid this is bloody stupid how has somebody been living like this I mean look we got the old Dedra BOS there look there’s like phone there’s an old cooku clock there look few bits and Bobs look at the day

    To wall Piper oh know there got pictures over there look family photos I’m going to try and get over there but I don’t know how oh my God it looks good through there though look at that M big cash oh my God I’m going to get Jesus Christ

    I mean I was somebody living in here I can’t get around myself I’m struggling I am really really struggling I’m going to try and get in that b room and we’ll see what’s uh what’s good what it’s doing this is going to be a long bloody video this one the car graveyard has

    Turned into a house Explorer has any has anyone this is unbelievable has anyone ever done that before car graveyard stroke house no we’ve never done it trying trying not to bang my head look at all these fishing rods tea time creams got an onion I’m going to get down

    There into this back room because oh God he’s killing me just to stand up these things again why did he hoard towel boxes for toilets did he work for the company this room is full of them this room is literally full of tow uh tow rail the you know the blue towel

    Things that you pull pictures there look some glass this place is absolutely unreal absolutely unreal I mean I can’t even move in here oh god oh we got an old picture there look it might be brighten don’t know this place is R packed oh look all the stuff in

    Here all the Cher away and oh hang on know the thing is I love exploring houses you know I like looking at the old stuff and all this and that but I can’t stand doing these houses I hate them do you yeah you just can’t film I’m

    Literally I’m struggling to stand up I can’t stand up and I can’t move I’m literally like oh God it gets worse we’ll try and video it as good as as we can as possible this is deal we’re probably going to be in a two-part video

    Is we yeah we’re going to too cuz we did come that we far we probably a going have to do the second explore because this is going to take up some time in here honest to God and we Ain finished looking at the cars out side in that yet

    So we’re going to just get get R to looking around and seeing what we can find if we can see anything bloody card I know right let’s turn you around and show you some uh bits that I can see so if if I can position myself you

    Can’t here with me cuz no I W it’s hard to bloody move I can’t move I’m I’m literally stuck in just SC through the door I’m standing on I I think I can say that the bloke who lived here worked for a a cleaning company yeah because these

    Are what you have in toilets to draw your hands hand drawers yeah and he’s got racks of them now what in here they’re in here as well so was he using the house as a storage and he was living in a caravan do you reckon no cuz there’s Caravans

    Outside he was living in it cuz I’ve seen the K anyway see what we got in here some more things in here as well oh look at that that’s like oh it’s Swedish polish I don’t I know really oh I’m gone oh that’s from Scotland I don’t know some egg cups salt

    And pepper cell salt cellers there’s a few bits and mobs in there where’s that from h browe I’m guessing that’s German that pot there V Books oh my God this is madness you can’t move we got a picture of a king fisher there it’s a good job on P old

    Heater and that’s literally all I can see I’m not joking that is literally oh look what’s here a lava lamp oh that’s an old one really old lava but you literally you can’t see nothing in this house can you I mean all I’m looking at is tow dispensers it’s just

    Unreal there’s nothing in the cupboard can’t move I think we’re done in this room it’s you looked at the things on here look all sorts of things in there just glass nothing really interesting to be honest some little chunk that’s strange a woman a lady lived here

    That’s what I’m saying ditch the BM and die and then the bloke lived in a caravan and just slapped all his stuff in here like this he done his cooking in here what are these super discount saving books stamps I’m quite old look at all things in the Cup by I

    Mean I can’t even move I’ve already looked at them so no I need to go that way and you in the way I that this literally how small this place is right you I’ll go that way and then you can go down there look at that cover

    There some coing in there see what I mean back them tow dispensers oh it’s making a choke in here that’s what I mean I don’t really want to be in here long long oh God sorry what’s this cofin crap what’s in this little room here watch see for

    You oh my God it’s the they end up in a& we got in here what this what is it view Master oh it’s a oh it’s for a slide light attachment God look at the old phone no doter these wag oh wages so so did work um what did he earn 40

    Quid don’t know when was this oh 1974 on there oh it’s the woman who lived here so there was a woman who lived here look at the oil so a hip flask uh no electric in this place all off oh wow a top loading VHS player there look that’s uh that’s retro and

    Some sea fishing rods so we must have been into sea fishing because there’s quite a few of these uh sea fishing rods oh we found the old Hue bank I mean it’s not much use in this place you a’t going to be able to well you can’t see the

    Floor the fashion in here I know a lot of overalls really old Eubank I haven’t seen anything modern in here yet to be I mean that’s from the 80s early ’90s that top loading VHS so the trouble is because it’s hoarded so much that you can’t really

    See much if you know what I mean because it’s all piled high and hid in the good stuff I really to take photos you just can’t do it I mean it’s just look at that little window that looks through to the kitchen as well oh did you it’s a bit

    Weird it don’t make sense does it this place oh you’ve got all you’ve got all the cars at so and then you got this but I knew straight away when I seen the cars I thought it’s definitely some kind of a hoarder oh my God it looks cool in here

    It looks cool in here all right let’s go oh it’s disgusting though don’t really want to touch much what’s this C scribe Mark 2 SE that’s a bloody what’s that doing in here oh the guy did sea fishing that’s what the boat is oh nice it’s sea fishing rods in

    There this is a depth gauge to go on the boat so we must have done a lot of sea fishing oh that’s cool look at that my big catch saw that when I come in uhuh there’s never upstairs oh yeah there’s an upstairs it’s going to be bad

    Oh God that’s creepy up there oh know it’s cold in here as well oh look at the old alarm clock really old alarm clock and he’s that one of them yeah oh God finally managed to get here did I’ll pocket one that’s cool though that there all sorts of stuff got to be

    Careful not to give away addresses I mean hat to like this you’re just call a you that is right I mean I’m knacked and I’ve only just gone from that room in there to here rula’s copper soup climbing all there could be oh God look at the nothing’s modern in here is

    It it’s really old look at the state of the cooker can we kept his Tins in gr it’s a Parkinson Cowen Prince one good there man good cookers kept all the cans in there can we get any d off these cans or what some cell cream of mushroom here 2019 Home

    Pride um always give it a extra year 2020 oh may be 2020 then 2019 Maybe oh I’m gone 2014 trouble with hoers they keep everything that’s the problem the wides are hang in there well see fishing yeah go look how so it’s just that’s the back end it’s

    Collapsed could I stay to the kill it was using that it’s all broke I want Lo a brew out of that would you it’s all broken it’s in the D that looks modern 2020 so yeah this those old Nails in there it’s an Al te Royals oh look at

    This it’s one of those uh encased in case real beetles in glass let’s got typewriter on the fridge in front here did you see there on top of all the clutter I mean it’s not a big house at all but it’s just St God look at the microwave have you seen the microwave

    Heach you got the Hoover washing machine should I touch it oh God what see what ST in might be put the tins you never know with orders no it’s what it’s been clean put it that way the diry shelves are leaning to one side oh God the roof’s not looking good

    Deal nah I was going to say the roof is green it’s full of moss what’s in that room there store cupboard yeah just a store cupboard full of blankets right yeah go check upstairs in a bit let’s go and see what’s through this uh one real room that in here weird smell smell

    Spices yeah got coffee drawers mold oh got the mold M want to be in here too long cuz of the mold yeah I’m not everything’s moldy oh go see this it’s coffee yeah on the floor and coal oh look at the blamon Oxo cubes God it’s it’s strong smell I smell

    Spices as well that little Cube God how old’s that that’s an electronic typewriter oh God it stinks that is old an imperial your phone oh God do I oh no oh no oh no there’s rot eggs no that’s eggs there’s eggs in the fridge there is eggs in the

    Fridge I’m going to show you oh no hold your mouth on I’ve got that bug thing oh what’s in there God let’s move I don’t think we going the right way I see yeah I see bad Ren’s ala celus benine lus an alisco bag oh of course

    Got open the fridge again I want to get a a good a good ho oh we got two fridges let’s have a look you see that one them eggs eggs are gone black we got milk a Carin butter but those eggs oh God if

    You crack one of them oh oh it’s a small rotten oh You’ be dead what’s in the next fridge I to look oh God I don’t oh god oh nuts and bolts oh there’s nothing in the freezer I can’t believe there’s eggs in there no M oh yeah Nan’s got one of

    Them oh look at the old uh boy blue licorice assortments what’s this the there J what’s this you pull the what is it I got a clue what that is right oh what’s that oh it’s just a lock and PE amazingly the fridge doesn’t smell I was expecting that to smell see what

    This is an Al would what that a washer pump never seen one like it how small is it you ain’t going to fit much in there am you I’ve never heard of the name a pair of socks that’s about Eastern bur D6 76 holy hell sinks it’s just a little bathroom

    A’t it this well is this a bathroom must be on it must be cuz the Bath’s yeah the Bath’s there under that look well he never bath did he obviously well where’s the toilet we got a brewing jug coal Coal book bucket oh spin dra down

    There oh I think the toilet’s outside oh is he yeah cuz I seen some RAC thing and it’s oh oh no mold go oh God I don’t want to be in here long it stinks absolutely reeks it’s like you need smelly Vision to smell it I can’t smell it’s like it’s a cross

    Contamination with coffee spices and the other one so there a all adhesive try putting upstairs the roof don’t look too good oh God it looks spooky up here Little J there what what’s there there burning thing gas gas canister thing God knows Christ what’s up here oh we got some horseshoes oh God

    Then wers me why we need then wers for you in and out of here oh what’s up here she weird oh okay we got something interested in the back room there we go up here first a look jewelry there’s pretty jewelry in here oh God I can’t get

    In got brooches and uh bits like that that’s cool you know no we see that do you at that cuz usually them get thieved and St that looks like real silver as well this one in memory of some how pretty that is some beads right not a lot in this roomart from

    That I bet all the good stuff’s buried underneath all the what these again what was why was he he loved his cardboard he liked his booty towel dispensers and all ni Str isn’t bed oh there’s a good some good pictures in here maybe you’re right

    He didn’t sleep in here bed I think he slept in the Caravan what’s that picture there in front here this oh look at that an old picture of uh oh God could couldn’t even put an age on that 16th century 17th I I don’t know there’s nothing in there sketch that’s a

    Sketch got some more down there we got oh we got a Jesus Christ one down here look look at that our Jesus more Jesus there Jesus Christ how many there’s one here oh look there’s a picture of a hall here I don’t know where that oh I don’t know is that W Castle

    I don’t know what’s this we got some uh buttons and Cottons I just wondering what’s in here is it a diary or oh there’s no pictures in it those was definitely religious that was an oil lamp glass there look no oil lamp though oh God what is it with Comics

    Every house we’ve been in for the last 3 weeks is there a comic in it oh no we’re not getting away from these Comics what’s this to London I’m be years old though what’s the dates on these newspapers look 87 87 look at this family B how old it is

    The new test Old and New Testament what do you John Brown that is old I really want to message really like fragile sod as well these 1994 on the comic as well look take away Terry oh look at that oh break it Castle picture celebrate 50 years of home

    Shopping with John Moos the bloody is that all about you know what I don’t understand him though you got all them cars outside yeah where’s all the car keys log books manuals and everything strange where AR they you’d think they’d be in the house wouldn’t you well yeah but he Wason

    Sleep oh God I don’t think he was sleeping in here why is he got stuff from Co-op what is it mats what is it with Comics I’m going to call this the comic ass as well stuff it bony I know do that one got loads of

    Bony 22p 1987 it’s all buy collected buy they were nice Classics didn’t they I’ve never heard of buy of you no I’ve never heard of that drop it in the comments if anyone’s heard of that one before or read it obviously it’s I’ve kept well in here though 80s I mean there’s probably

    Collectors probably someone out there was like oh wow them rare you know but them just sat here doing nothing and yet again we got another one of them Chinese things things with f like that in last week’s explore oh look at that someone’s turned the old bailees into a lamp yeah that’s

    Like a new thing now they they all do that now at this what is that oh it’s a gas meter in he oh some fies over there oh them postcards My Little Pony God that’s old that blw me now have I’m gone C kids books buy buy again 1994 yeah the

    Collection it’s in the old oven that’s old old oven not to heater old electric heater he lik his waterfalls taking photos waterfall ones yeah everything in here is just so moldy and why do they always have the S kit as well I really don’t know I can’t understand

    There can we go in the Next Room the mold on that wall I think there’s any more rooms there is there’s one more room and then I want to get out this house because it you can’t smell I can smell it it’s so strong of mold that’s I’m trying to cover my

    Face we have got to go around and take some pictures though as well cuz you can see them on the Wardrobe the mold also the ceilings black oh these the bed so they’re definitely uh does running this place in candles and allil lamps by looks of things oh there’s the stuff’s

    Eagle oh look cigarette watch the floor a be bloody cigarette cards look at these oh wow we got a cruising car varble perch we got a more look H know trat salmon uh that a grilling we got car ones as well look these oh wow how cool is

    That c more them are pop NHS glasses yeah but they’re really tiny like children’s I know can they the little box as well Japanese style got he collected them all look at these we got airplane theme cards animals plants is where the light just SLE in 60 s of ships more car

    Ones God there’s a rack of them there look just loads cigarette cards oh look at the little wind up clock huh do the wind up clock even work if it starts ticking Brook Bond Brook Bond tea that’s old it is it tea Brook Bond tea yeah

    What what are these oh it’s what you put the you put these in cards in collect your cigarette cards they don’t do that now it’s just all gone there’s the old radio maybe I should get out I can’t move to be fair oh God I’m limited and

    I’m scared of flaws I’m trying to get around here careful there we go oh look at him what would I have oh it’s not a seagull it’s a or is it a turn I think it’s a turn not a seagull weird any it why would you have stuffed one of them in your

    House oh look at the old picture that’s cool is it gun oh God there’s a bloody gun in here oh it’s t really why why would you make that why would you even bother it’s been mid it’s not real hands up look at this God look at

    These the ear of BU Camp bu Camp that’s bloody the marriage that’s waser that’s like not far from where w wow where’s that here madr Field Court ooh oh I got watch your dresses that’s local to where we not far from where we we’re from we might have to go and check that

    Out oh what’s these like little tins amill nitrate that’s a little old portable TV in here know it’s really small good what’s going on there yeah we got the stuffed bird got the suitcase at they all the powers talcon pwder talcon P it’s all tal bloody is it

    Lavender yeah no you got different versions you got perfumed talc and powder lavender talcon PW and you’ve got I don’t know what’s in the orange one what’s that there is that a light yeah oh sad more the Clos the lady stuff oh still here I must look I’m I’m just

    Curious how tiny was she eting them on the old metal angers wasn’t tiny no she wasn’t just a normal person God look at the moths on it I’m loving the clothes know we got drawers full of nitty jumpers and stuff down in here and we got the P here’s the

    P with a light what what’s that all about look more books yeah I found the P purse yeah I was was P what strange what they got light bulbs in it for there’s there’s the oh god I’ve dropped it all on the bloody floor again another PA do is there anything

    Inside no no no it’s got got the subscription that’s see yeah want show dress old D BOS right hands up so pey deal hands maybe he built this to scare people who come on his land don’t know oh it’s just do hooks don’t get it all out they used to keep

    The little things in little tubs look like this one that’s nice oh no it’s no good nothing in there okay I don’t get it all out because we’re pry I I don’t like to really root root too much to be fair I mean I do like to have a rumage

    But I don’t like to rumage too much what was the thing back in the day in the old days every property we go in we just see PA’s and mattresses high up this is the same yeah there’s about two mattresses on this bed I don’t get it

    Why did they do that maybe it was a cheaper way of having a comfortable mattress without buying a new mattress I don’t how are you going to clim in bed I don’t get it nor me right I’ll take some pictures while I’m in here because it

    Serv it’s coming back in so I’ll be back in a sec right the be yeah me because we’ve try the house now it’s not a very big house but I’m guessing there might be Caravans with stuff in if he’s living in Caravans as well what’s this is this way

    At no what you done get tin tray today no I’m going to get out of this house now because it’s uh old do down there old ble it’s too small this house God wash your head on the mold what watch this leg oh I’m putting my prying nose in

    Here the mold is we just don’t look up what that way there’s no rats in here to be fair there probably is oh God we got to climb over that lot again now what a mission this hard it’s just I reckon what’s happened here the woman’s died he become an

    Orderer and he just got out of control and this is how we got in and out of his house o you know um there’s a front door right nothing there so we never come in this room I see her family photos oh god there look yeah I know but you just got

    Another type rouer Family Photos that’s probably of the bloke who lived here and the woman there’s a picture of the grandchildren looks like uh late 80s I’d say that picture there well see all things buried you just don’t know what’s underneath all this lot you just we got to try and get out

    Of here now oh God anything in the drawers you reckon oh co get in the drawers right oh got me head oh my God this is this is epic watch it epic right got this thing sh keep it down keep it down because next door neighbor doy get out

    I’m stuck oh God me lamp’s G got the RO you I got the roof on the head and everything fing I I got my hands full Shh go on oh what you doing that I’m going to finish off taking pictures oh God yeah have the torch the torch

    Oh Christ oh God you done that I’ve got him I’ve got Him I’m out I’m out is that a poo oh don’t even just get out of here this is [Applause] bad oh God it’s a mission it’s a mission let’s get up Christ that was Unreal that was bad it was not even a big house either but it’s just you can’t

    Look around it it’s just absolutely rammed full of Horden I just don’t get there right we’re going to look around now than God we right to there de we need to look at the last remaining cars and uh then get out of here so let’s carry on it’s really

    Old really really old house there I’m just going to see if there’s anything down [Applause] here n okay there’s nothing down there so we’ll head back around the house now and uh check out the last remaining few cars and then we’ll go down to the uh

    Where that Sierra is and I think we’ll call that a good explore that is ridiculous i’ I’ve got a funny feeling that the woman died and he just haed the place full of them tow dispensers cuz it’s just it’s ridiculous oh it’s made me laugh and it gets worse out here we

    Haven’t been up here yet I know we got to see what holds what did he collect I mean you you can’t you can’t even get inside the garage cuz it’s all it’s all did the front of that have you seen these I’m out you co get in the garage so was in

    There I know yeah Jesus got a green house here that’s hoed full and then we got a bloody wheelie bin full of cans let’s get out of here this is the old [Applause] [ __ ] right right what I’m thinking is I think the blo was living in this Caravan yeah I’m stuck quiet

    Oh try not to get caught oh my God glad that’s over that pot now what I say is I think I reckon the BL was living in this Caravan just collapsed yeah and he used that just to do his cooking but look at all the wood

    Why the hoarders hoard wood I don’t know never got it right let’s get down here and have a look we can’t get in any of the sheds they’re just completely overgrown or bolted shut we got an old fire extinguisher or two old fire extinguishers I mean how did he get that

    Bloody Morris Miner in there how long has that Morris Miner been there it’s literally how did he get get this up here don’t know but it was before the hord happened can you get to the moris miner yeah you can oh don’t know if it

    Is a moris miner I don’t think it is I don’t know what it is looks like a Maurice I don’t know I’ve Cel tell us let’s go up here we got lawn mowers we got a Bo a boat this must have been a sea fishing boat oh look at

    That you get to really see the top of the site for here I look unreal oh got another car there’s a car there I saw that it’s another CA no way yeah another CA people Jesus Christ these are rare cars and them just there’s a no is there

    There’s a car next to the cartina Jesus this is just unreal could be years of just hoed metal and all sorts oh god I’ve got my foot stuck oh got colors what it what’s it got that for was this the electric to the house oh no it’s the phone

    Wire BL hell not very good is he he the woodpeckers yeah what the for thing there but look at the boat that is wild he’s got a bloody full on boat there we got all sorts oh my God he’s for the in there as well try the te for the

    Tools oh yeah there’s more then heed more H I reckon he worked for a company and he went bust and he ended up with it all cuz of me everywhere look yeah them everywhere SM mixer another shed there’s number 11 yeah I’m wondering what’s in here oh God just hoarded

    More hard just tools and stuff just to is little tool [ __ ] I’ll put the uh put the fre back so this must have been his last car he ever used yeah this cure Sportage cuz the road is literally up there asbestos but like I said oh here’s the Volkswagen is that a mini

    Oh no don’t know what it is I think it’s another legro or something or a maxi look at the Volkswagen though got the Volkswagen that that one’s still intact see if I can get down the side of that there’s m in there has he ordered

    It yeah I got to try and get down here somehow oh God I I’m going to get in the oh my God he’s ordered it he still got a steering wheel in it as well it’s a bloody CA this one’s a CER as well no way cuz there’s the back end of it

    Look Noah such a shame look can hear Look car oh anyway I just want to show you the front End of this look at that it has got a number plate KYR 93k how cool is that it’s all still intact probably gutted about the cartina though I mean that is it’s crime pure crime there just it’s the whole back end of that car rotted and fell off it’s a CA

    This cuz the back end’s rotted off and it’s on the floor down here look it’s literally that’s the Jack well see if I can get around there and uh see Christ let’s see if I can find the door there got the door off the ca

    There I want to see oh it had bucket seats this was a sport one it had racing bucket seats in it and a racing steering wheel uh 8,95 hang on 89,000 Mile Foody hell but the the engine was removed so it must have been used for racing purposes I’m all

    Guessing what up there as well there’s an algro boot lid there unreal so I’m guessing this was his last card he ever used oh God yeah why is all this been blocked off up here to stop you getting in Neighbors of God there’s a whirly line up there to

    Be fair I don’t think there’s up there don’t look like it there is one car I think we should get down we should get back down cars now yeah don’t want to get caught really there is a car up there but I don’t think it’s going to be worth getting caught

    For so back down we go look at the boat it’s crazy right so we’ve got to try not to try not to bang anything I know it’s hard well up there it looked like the neighbors had blocked you from coming in so obviously there’s a house being lived in there so I’m

    Trying to keep away from that I’m going to go the way we come which is as sketchy as it gets oh we got a chrome tow R dispenser that’s a neat oh God I’m doing some acrobatics here imagine when I don’t think you do this expl in summer oh no it’ll be

    Brambl you won’t see the car you want to see the cars there’s an exhaust here suspension shock absorbers what’s in here what what’s in there oh no look oh no what the hell is in there it’s probably boarded with car parts there a it’s the motorbike bloody motor

    Bike don’t think there’s a way in there though nice he boarded it out little fan there right out fan off aord I’m going to take a while guess that that’s come off a qua no no weird where’s the door to it it’s a shame in it is that the door

    That’s can’t be the door no the door’s at the other side but it’s completely blocked up with bamble oh B all B this I don’t get what’s this is all about no there but I can’t believe how this bloke has just hoarded this amount of tower rail dispensers I

    Mean did he work for the company when Buon ended up with all the stuff or did he just ow it cuz he wanted to cuz well that’s how holdes work they just collect stuff for no complete reason I’m trying to get down there where Jules has gone so we can uh

    We am going to go back around the cars oh actually we can go this way we’ll go this way but you can see the site of the cars so it’s down there there’s a gulf some down there and it goes all the way into the trees and everything he literally hoed all

    Sorts he must have bought a car drove it around and then parked it up and bought another one and he must have done that for years because there’s even more cars we couldn’t look at at the top but do you reckon we should risk

    It go and look at the cars over the over the back yeah where you going you’re going that way I’m going this way I’m going to go this way oh the steps that’s handy there’s actually steps going down is a bit uh strange got a Volkswagen Golf there golf Mark 4 on

    X-r a suu trooper it’s a bit strange with there was a drone because I ain’t seen any one of you oh well God what a waste do you know how much I’d love this car oh there’s a dead Robin in here oh what a is it

    Dead a sad yeah a you couldn’t get out he stick like cardboard looks mummified oh what a shin the Troopers pretty [Laughter] shielded what a waste of a car though what was this on oh it’s done his done his duties though 161,000 on the clock I shouldn’t have got rid of mine

    Should I should have fixed it I like Robins I know how sad it’s just knocked out clean on the what he is he Frozen through the cold weather no it’s brought M done M SE refuge in the uh in the car and knocked itself out it’s a shame what a shame oh

    God good got some good toes on it though pretty me escort I know I was looking at the escort that’s probably a save you can probably save this well he needs a bit of work someone stuck the axle out of it where did he go for the effort of locking his

    Cars what we got here oh Nan MRA two Nissan micers what the Mage on the Micra oh no it’s digital in it oh we’re coming down to the main the main car I want to see there’s another one of them things what oh it’s fire extinguisher is that ni been doing a bit

    Of shamming I don’t know what’s going on see if we come here in the summer you would not see any of these cars no cuz this is you ain’t getting over here this is lethal and I swear that we’ve come the right time to be fair to this

    Location I’m sure we’ve seen a video of this AG ago you couldn’t see nothing cuz it was overgrown yeah uh Volkswagen pool 405 and then that I can’t believe this oh my God that’s cool that’s an XR 4×4 no way that’s got to be like a 15 20 grand

    Car is it that yeah it’s very very very rare I’ve never found an XR 4×4 that shouldn’t be it really should you shame it’s over looking bad Nick I mean the door’s rotten it’s Rusty but you can probably you can probably get new oh God am I standing on here oh what a Shame so sad seeing cars like this though I mean it’s just some beer but at the end of the day it’s a car look at that it’s got no wheels on it though so so wonder what happened to the wheels it’s completely gone I mean look

    At the state of the sh oh my God the chass is gone you wouldn’t be able to save this car no chance The Arches all gone door skins have gone the only thing this mint is the back end of the cars back up there what we so there’s yeah

    Going to take some actually I’ll have a look around the front of this first oh god oh I don’t know what I’m treading on oh look at that that is awesome look at the front end of that it almost looks like the Cosworth it just looks like a CO I love

    It that is in good to be fair that’s in good condition I know you know it’s not bad oh God I some stuff like this could be saved CU it’s plastic even the Bonnet that’s I want to see the engine let’s see if we can get the engine open so I

    Don’t think anyone’s ever looked at the engine of this car have [Applause] they oh god I’ll just let it open just there we go see you got to bloody dogs 97,000 M on the clock that is literally all it’s done oh the oh God which is a 5-speed four-wheel

    Drive oh man somebody’s dream car these I’ve got the Bonnet open that nobody’s ever seen huh nobody’s ever seen so there should be a V6 under here and there it is so the engine could be saved it’s not too bad is he no V6 engine bit rusty though I’m surprised they rusted through

    And the Springs have come through there’s a lot of components on here that could be saved you know contains asbestos there’s the shassy plate what a shame so you could save a lot of parts on this car look at that that’s how right right we’ve got to be careful because I can hear

    People that’s a rare Ford Ford Fiesta SI this was the other car I never got to look at where I can’t see anyway a [ __ ] I’m coming down get down well uh TP Refuge by the by the SI well I can’t believe that I don’t even pay attention to the Sierra next to

    It to be fair cuz I was just more interested in the xr4 I can’t believe that has been just left there like that what a waste well all the cars here waste they yesy local horse riders got okay we can go we can go got this look

    Sa has just got the engine in it oh bloody look at that you know somewh that could still be used IES um yeah it’s still got some Slurp in the engine so this could still be used God he’s that another Trooper is it locked yeah it’s locked unfortunately it’s in good

    Nick God I’d love that and restore that get it back on the road you saw that I know the old Digger the car what was a Poe 205 didn’t see either I was going have a look at that oh the escort van do you see the escort van huh yeah going

    Take a look at that I want to try and look at everything you know cuz a lot of people come look at one car and go wow wow but I like to look at everything that’s why um I’m better at being a car explorer let’s going have a look at the

    205 oh it’s got a pipe across air filter on it so it must be fast nothing left of this one is there so see if the engine’s in here TR to work put ddi’s in the trees put this was a boy Rice’s car oh God look at that he put a put he

    Put a stripe down he oh God yeah still got the engine though still there show sh out like that I know just going have a look at that algro that down the back here I I did see an algro car we walked off I think there some more yeah

    There is but there in a one down here where was he I saw the car there is there’s a car over there somewhere feeding in the middle of nowhere cuz there’s the C now there’s that BM that bm’s in good Nick I’m not going to lie it’s in good Nick it’s not open

    Though God you see the difference you got British laand made in made in Birmingham completely rotten and then you got made in Germany it’s still standing that’s just the quality unreal see what was the mileage on this this old algro uh 79,000 Mile and this was the

    One with a famous Square steering wheel that everyone said was just disgusting and useless one of the worst cars ever made apparently also Top Gear took the mick out of them by dropping pianos on the top but I don’t think they’re a terrible terrible car really I’ve seen

    Worse so I’m going to go back through here there’s a car over there there’s a where is he I want to see it I can’t bloody find it over there oh there why is that one all over there let’s going have a look at it you know if there’s more trees you don’t

    Know just’s going have a look we could be the first to find them cuz if there’s one here why was it pushed all over here this oh Maxi oh God we got to be careful why is this here how long has it been here it’s rotted to the core it looks

    Like it was being stripped it was being stripped and just left got to be careful here cuz this houses there and yeah I can hear coming on over there we need to go and check out the other cars I don’t care I’ve got a SE to we’ve

    Done if we get caught now it don’t matter does he no there’s the Volkswagen so we’ve looked up there so we need to go up here we haven’t been up here cuz we went up there that’s that MC so let’s go and have a look at the Jeeps got that look oh was a v in oh now there’s that camper van the blue one oh vandom PL found another vandom PL oh look at that what car is it I think it’s an Allegro it’s ni color it’s nice color it’s beautiful the front of it I think it’s an

    Algro oh Jeep it’s got a f oh dear yeah it’s legro course it’s locked damn it uh I’m seeing some that says turbo is that a oh let’s going to have a look hold uh the Metro’s up there God look at this Jeep God how comfortable would that have

    Been I know at with yeah this one’s got everything who left w got sardines what’s that’s a can of sardines AR he God this Lord dear look at this this is our good Jeep Sam and dad said Jeeps are good it’s done 24243 3 Mile on the clock yeah bloody

    Hell so it’s done his it’s Duty huh yeah God it’s been right around the clock good old Jeep I want to look at this cuz it says Turbo ZX so is this like a limited edition Bluebird it’s got oh look at the wheels it’s got some weird wheels on

    It I’ve got a feeling that is a rare car you know oh here’s the oh we haven’t seen these H God oh look at that it’s the front of the uh camper van and the Comm oh look at these that’s a cool picture this one yeah everything’s just green you got a

    Green camper all the green foliage you got the old Robin down there trouble is your mat uh flat out in the uhu at the bottom all right back to the bluebird so we’ve found this as well an old Volvo I don’t even see this one either bloody hell

    Shame oh I don’t know how do you how’ you get in these Ros oh it’s locked it’s locked but it’s in good Nick in there what’s what’s the front end of this Volvo look like it’s lack in a front end more like it’s fell off just going to see if this bluebird’s

    Open cuz this is a rare car oh God no something’s died there in there something’s died and completely rotted oh there’s bones oh god really want to see if this is open now I think it’s easy to say it’s not open it’s got that there if someone can

    Tell me if that’s a rare car well I know it’s see a rare car in this I’m Bluebird but is a special edition of Turbo ZX I’m assuming it’s going to be Al also someone do a r check on that as well assum when it was last on the

    Road log stuff like that the old Japanese Classics right let’s go up here we’re going to keep it down now because this is where the houses are so these are the last cars on the site so we’re going to make this quick and then we’re going to exit back the way we

    Came oh if there’s more even better I don’t care this video is going to be unreal so there’s a house up there look or I’m assuming is a house got got persos he led his persos there’s tons of the things here oh my God what’s up here there’s garages up here garbage is

    Alled all the dead apples oh my God this is watch this okay there’s people up here there’s people I don’t know lifting it’s lifting there’s a cabin up there as well but I can hear voices yeah don’t know I can hear voices oh no there’s a mean no no it’s too

    Dodgy it’s too dodgy there’s a it is somebody’s house there’s a brand new car par there just don’t go don’t stop don’t stop let’s get out of here it’s only persos anyway I think we’ve seen enough persos for one day how do we get out of here this way

    Yeah right we’re going to make a Hast to retreat now and get back to the car cuz I don’t know what time it is but it’s going dark we’ve been around here that long we’ve been here ages but what a place I can’t believe it it’s the second

    Explorer of 2024 and it’s been good as well brilliant brilliant day so it’s a car graveyard stroke harder’s house you know one Hest collection of rare cars and towel rails that you put in a toilet but yeah I’m going to go around now check the last few pictures but we’re

    Going to get out of here I hope you’ve enjoyed this picture a picture picture video if you’re new to the Channel Please Subscribe if you like our content and check our other videos out and yeah if you see anything in the uh this video that you know or you interested of

    Knowing or anything like that any of the cars that you recognize then just drop me a comment so we uh so we know what they are the house is unbelievable oh my God the hard you you can’t explore that that was just little time capsu but it was too rammed too

    Rammed but mainly the main thing is out here I can’t believe how many cars are actually here some real it’s just all just Paradise so if we can fight more locations like this then blood I love these big car graveyards we haven’t done a car graveyard in a long time last time

    We did one now I think we did it I don’t know 2 years ago but anyway I hope you’ve enjoyed this video cuz we certainly have and we’ll see you on the next video uh this will be a two-part video I think because it’s been going for ages going to have

    To get off here all right we’re going to go some weird noises coming we’ll see you on the next video and uh yeah don’t forget to subscribe and take care see you soon


    1. you Brummies always sound so warm and enthusiastic, Got some great rockers from your area as well – not only Liverpool and London,( won't mention the football – not quite as great as they used to be !). Think what is left will be sold for scrap then remains probably sold off as building land. By the way look out for feral guard dogs!

    2. Amazing dump over the 2 weeks 👍 the first camper if you could buy its a do er up a. the other cars soo many to talk about but the old allegros always gave you miles and miles of vrooooom 😂 I sure think that house was not lived in, old buggers would have fell over all the time lol, maybe lived in caravan and used for a dump 👍 the Bunty, well my sister used to have that in the 60s, I had the Topper 👍🙂
      Abolutely award winning find 🏆🏆🏆

    3. I really don't understand why people leave cars to rot why don't they sell them or scrap them there was some right old vehicles sat there but there was alot of rubbish and nasty things around that place I really feel for family (if there is any) if they got to clean the whole land up as it environment agency would not be happy with the lot of the stuff but was a good explore but crazy insane unsafe

    4. Dyl found a dead robin in a car scrap yard – that would probably be the reliant variant lol.
      Did a reg check on the dead Bluebird, guess it must have been the robin's cousin, hahaha – was last on the road in 2003, so its been dead for the last 20 years. That car you found being registered in April 1990 , it was one of the very very last Bluebirds, ending their presence in the UK after many many years – the Bluebird was replaced by the Nissan Primera in Sept 1990. The ZX turbo has only a low pressure turbo on a 1.8 engine, so although it was pretty rapid, it wouldnt set speed records. Not to be confused with the Nissan 300ZX which was a much more powerful sports car from the 80s.

      Loved that old blue Allegro Vanden Plas you found, my grandad had one of these, exactly the same colour and a Vanden Plas way back in 1982 when he bought it new – they had leather seats, walnut dash and picnic tables built into the backs of the front seats – really quite a find to find one. Same goes for the older Allegro you found with the square "Quartic" steering wheel – they only fitted the quartic to the very earliest allegros from launch in 1973 until some time in 1974.

      The Sierra XR4X4 was nice, but the better one to find was the original XR4i that was the 3 door model made between 1982 and 1984 (Y A and B reg only) – these are worth an absolute fortune now – they were really quick back in the day too being the 2.8 V6 engine, and essentially following on from the Cortina Mk5.

      That old red Cortina you found with the back end sitting on the floor had a really old reg plate on it pre 1963, which means that Cortina could have been one of the very first ones from 1962, which was when the Cortina Mk1 first came out.
      Sadly most if not all of those old cars could not be saved now, as they are sitting on grassland and the undersides of them would all be completely rotten – they would have no structural integrity at all. So many old cars there I could not possibly comment on them all, but you really hit the jackpot with that place.

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