Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is bicycle touring England on 29th January 2024. Waltham Cross to Canterbury. It’s another day, and after cycling through London yesterday, he’s now heading back. Although not the same way he came, Garry is heading east to Kent today.

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    Stay safe and keep peddling.

    #travelsonabike2 #bicycletouring #england

    Morning all well it’s positively barmy this morning it g me considering what it was like um last night and yesterday and yesterday not last night the night before and yesterday morning I me it’s really warm today um we’re going to head to midstone I think today um I think I have

    I found a campsite that’s open there so we’ll head there tonight um and then maybe tomorrow a place called horum I think it’s sort of tumbridge Wells way anyway that’s tomorrow so yeah we’ll go to um as I say mstone tonight um um I run the person I was meant to be working

    For and told them I won’t be there so that was all fine oh look at all the traffic on the M25 oh what a nightmare mind you I think we’ll probably cross that again uh later yeah um nice campsite uh uh gave me a nice little spot um in the Sun so everything

    Dried out last night before I had to unpack my sleeping bag um I think I was definitely NE next to one of the wardens she was excellent asked me if I wanted to put anything in her microwave got my water for me so yeah that was all

    Good I’m not too sure on the forecast though although it’s looks rather overcast today um not as sunny as yesterday but hey as long as it doesn’t rain who cares right oh there Tottenham in hot Spurs oh training ground I think it is yeah oh I’m coming all

    Right yeah I’m not too sure whether we’ll go well I think we do go part uh way through London uh not the same way as yesterday but when we came up from kobra I saw we went sort of uh wherever the cuty sock is I can’t think where it

    Is begins with G I think grage that’s it I think we sort of go that way sh we go left here quick yeah right let’s get going oh you are a bloody idiot I’m wrong way perhaps I should keep my phone zoomed in a bit I might get it right come on let’s

    Go God right perhaps we will go back down the same way we came up 40 Hill that’s it my sense of balance today is well I don’t know what’s going on every time I sort of slightly look around or away from the road I seem to wobble all over the place just as

    Well run a cycle path um and we next or rather we’re beside the A10 uh we have been down here before that much I do know obviously it’s Rush Hour there’s been quite a few um ambulances and different things this morning maybe it’s Monday morning and people are not paying

    Attention oh an actual fact I think down here yeah um down here I don’t know how near we are maybe near I don’t know um is that um the valley campsite that I stayed at and luckily got a free night but let’s turn you wait till we stop

    Here of course not only have we got the rush out of traffic we got all the school traffic as well I might turn you around see not very fast come on oh there you go yeah that we get this is more like it those roads are definitely rather busy

    Um I don’t think this lasts too long I think we hit the road up ahead maybe you can see the lights flashing that wind seems to be in a bit of a easterly Direction seems to be going against us anyway we on c21 not that that means anything to me oh that looks

    Annoying we got to go down there oh he’s open still good good good good Angel walk there a big go we don’t know something else again think we was on it oh God it’s going to be a fun thing uh further down before have to

    Walk up here now I’m going to get going again wow ridiculous hell right morning always good to make these people say hello miserable buggers right go this looks over steep ter that was very short L I think we turn left just here silly gates to the marshes wow that it’s

    Okay this is um Le Valley I think I just saw sign saying PA leaves a lot to be desired help typical turn right I think can we yes that’s good I always like it when we deviate from a hill and another sporting um Arena uh late and Orient football

    Club what division they’re in these hopefully things will calm down a little bit now um I would have thought well couple more minutes um and then all the kids should be in school and well Rush Hour could be over perhaps oh left oh no we can long as it is

    Broad turn right here and we’ll be back and the route today has been fairly good so far probably jinxed it now um we’ just been basically on the same road for most of the time I’m wondering whether we um go on that um I don’t know it’s London Green

    Way or whatever it was um it came out when we was on it last time by the Olympic Park well I can see oops that over to marck now yeah somewhere I can see one of the stadium Stadium stadium that was nowhere near it well we just P the um XL um

    Sentor I see you now it’s own by some a Debbie company like everywhere seems to be these days but we’re right near um is it City lond City airport or something it’s called the Cent think that’s the build was though oh look there’s a City Airport just to the left an airplane

    Just come in and to the right there is the O2 um God you can see it’s all rather um Misty over there no see cool City Airport to the left right well we don’t want to go to the black W tunnel that’s for ging Shore oh yeah right we go left

    Oh you still on really down there well it says I’m I’m Hing and I think or wonder um whether we end up going underneath that um tunnel again under the TS looking on here I’m sure I remember that name whatever it is can’t see it

    Now sure I saw it but we’ll soon find out well got it wrong thinking So very interesting much this Is yeah of course I think that tunnel at grenage must be miles back willage Ferry cancel that I think we going to go have a look but I think I could go I can see the tunnel another look hope you don’t need anybody coming around there sure don’t think it’s the same one

    Oh maybe not let’s have a look maybe uh no perhaps not it’s closed we have to go down those stairs which I’m not going to no that’s not cycle friendly right uh back to plan A I think that’s going to be a steep time to get up out of There better for tigers in thought passengers are reminded they must locate the vessel on completion of each Crossing yeah really wa good old wow and toight I’m no I’m only going stay I live in B just and I’ve been up chip not ch ch wol from Cross last night then probably home that so it’s only a short one yeah there’s not rain let’s put it that way get on

    Now this could be fun oh go that hurts more L is going across from this side I notic that on the last um f or the one the opposite one to this one which was called game beer and Lin wonder what my one was called was called wot or something something willot

    Right let’s see where we got to go very [Applause] [Applause] good you all very picturesque around here we just crossed into Kent um we’re quite near the dford crossing cuz s uh uh Bridge back there from the distance very busy around here over really I see

    Well we just come up watland Street um I knew I recognized the name so I just had to Google it um it is an old um historic Route I think it’s Roman I didn’t really look at it that much does doesn’t look very Roman now

    Though um I think on the left soon it’ll be uh Blue Water shopping center sure Julie and Vicky would love to be here now this veryy good is it oh no it’s fine maybe the sun’s going to put in on appearance that would be nice cyclist is now I think not the moment

    Anyway more houses never been to that blue water and to be honest I don’t really have any intentions to it is to the left it looks if it’s in an Old Quarry to me whether it is well to be honest I don’t care I don’t know why I’m saying this but

    Goodbye back to this wling um Street um it’s um National cycle Network route one as well um I wonder if that goes all the way to Goa right my passport on me and enough time I I would have considered that oh squirrel White Cliff is that the name of the well I

    Think it’s a new Village they’re building it’s been huge it’s more like a town or a city to me is it Whitecliff no white I think oh Google it and have a look 55 miles [Applause] good well well never thought I’d be cycling next to the end two I’ve driven

    Down it quite a few [Applause] times oh can’t see Village is still going on to my left like Cliff whatever it’s called oh it comes another on the bik whether it’s cuz I’ve been coming up a hill and I’ve got slightly hot and sweaty but feels to me

    As if the temperatur is dropping [Applause] B okay um I think we’re still we’re next to the end too but where are we I think we are I know whatever it is it’s a busy road to the right this felt like most of this route’s been up the hill

    Today well since we crossed the T [Applause] anyway as you can see we’re got a nice quiet M2 [Applause] again the state of the rubbish siid of the road look at it all people just coming into Rochester oh we’re just going over the Midway I think it is is it not too

    Sure how much further is going stop and take a picture of I can see it it’s Rochester Castle to the right I don’t think we’re going to get Pi VI maybe yeah change of plan um we was going to um I think it was called o VI here it was some campsite

    Near uh main main but I probably well it’s only 7 or 8 miles away and it’s only just by oh three going people phones um it’s only about 8 Miles Away to there so we H probably regretless but we’re going to go to P oh T thank you

    Which is oh I don’t know what was it 30 miles away maybe so we better get a move on I’m already regretting it BL me um where are we I don’t know where we are um we just well over the road is ch gramar um we just come up a bloody great

    Hill need to have something some sweet um some coke right I shall recover and then turn you back on afterwards that’s better you I think I think you can see never mind yeah well we haven’t actually stopped all day so that probably did us some good um I really can’t mind that tonight

    Whether it’s cold or not there’s a definite chill but as I said earlier it might be because I’m hot and sweaty still it’s nice on this A2 Road let’s turn you back again well I don’t like to look at this road closed and I’m hoping is it just this

    Bit and I think we go down onto the onto a cycle I hope um we got supplies for the night so we’re fully loaded now and we can stop get P worried about this road close business maybe it was there because there’s cars coming towards me which is always a good sign

    Um don’t know how many more miles we got it’s not too many looks like we might have found where the roads closed or maybe I can get through on the foot path good re oh easy oh my how is it we got an apple orchard or apples on the

    Left and a hot field on the right which there’s no surprising being in Kent Hill hops um I don’t think we’re going to get finished before dark today what is it it’s 5 4 um I think it’ll be dark around well today won’t be that long might have to stop and

    Put lights on soon oh not again you hav no right all right it won’t be too bad now look this isn’t too deep [Applause] God Come On Son [Applause] oh hey yeah yeah yeah yeah bloody diversions well according to my phone there’s about 12 miles to go so that’s not that bad

    So Bo hopefully we’ll be there by 6 long old day beer and bed I think it will be look what we got here wonder if there’s any freees where are we Fa smell the old Brewery Fe look nice um if I had more time well more time man if it wasn’t so late I would have probably had a little bit of a look around same as uh Rochester to be honest I’m not a very good tourist i’ only cycled around a little

    Bit taken a couple of photos and then gone all lot of keen on this C in the dark and we’re next to the A2 [Applause] again well I think it’s a cycle power is not exactly [Applause] brilliant I see that the campsite is on

    The other side of uh caner bre so we got to go all the way through which is somewhat [Applause] annoying he night vision goggles I say right I think I’m going to turn oh turn you off come on well we’re in can bre um we well we came

    The wrong way well it was fine um we took a wrong turn in so we’ve ended up on the main road and hopefully we can pick the route up once we get through these Gates maybe come on you’re going to pack up in a minute as well come

    On all right turn you off again um well we made it to the campsite um yeah I think we got here about oh I don’t know halfast 6 so it wasn’t it wasn’t too late but it’s well it’s obviously pitch bluming black but yeah um 73 mil in the

    End um bling hard 73 miles but any it is what it is um I think tomorrow tomorrow we’re going to sort of well we got to head home cuz so we got to be home uh Wednesday night for Thursday so I think um I saw there’s a campsite at a place

    Called horm so I think we’re going to head there tomorrow um we’ll cycle back through uh caner breed tomorrow so hopefully we’ll get to see that in the daylight and maybe I’ll take some pictures right I shall get on right in my daily blog and well I shall speak to you all tomorrow


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