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    Thank you to these creators:

    Caine is Trying to Save the Humans? ‘The Amazing Digital Circus’ Pilot Breakdown & Analysis!

    15 Amazing Digital Circus SECRETS + Easter Eggs YOU MISSED!

    Film Theory: The Amazing Digital Circus is LYING To You!

    The Hidden Meanings Behind Digital Circus…

    What does XDDCC mean?
    byu/GamerAyrat inTheDigitalCircus

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    Is Kane actually a hero does ker have a wife and wait was that actually prace these are some of the most hidden secrets in the amazing digital surface starting with secret number one py is actually a replacement for kmo I have a cute little image here of all the

    Characters in the circus now notice something there’s no repeated characters now Kos a clown pom’s kind of a clown and kmo was literally abstracting what do you think did pomy literally get thrown into this disco surface just to replace cth milil secret number two is there actually a secret code in pne’s

    Name let’s see okay so here we are this is the secret coat that’s going to pop up so it starts with x d d c c now if you put this into what’s called a Caesar Cipher that creates the word out the Caesar Cipher is a simple encryption

    Technique that was used by Julius Caesar to send secret messages to his allies which is pretty cool the letters above this also mean something allegedly this is a PN CMM which means get get out who would be telling her to get out that’s not very

    Nice she didn’t even want to be there in the first place secret number three pne’s name is actually Russian we are on Google translate and from English to the Russian language it literally stands for the word remember what is pomy trying to remember secret number four is the glink

    Queen actually Ker’s wife okay let’s go back to this creepy hallway where most of the characters faces are just on the door right a few are X out though just like this one so I thought that was Ker’s room with a weird ex but actually

    That’s a queen piece and there’s an X in the glink queen what if that was her they put an X over her because she’s like garbanzo beans you know like she’s gone let me give you just a little more evidence if you don’t believe me we are

    In the glink’s cave we got the GLS Queen she’s trying to be cute look at the way he is ruling over her that’s how you look at your wife right there ladies and gentlemen I think this theory is true secret number five amazing digital circus is actually based on a game from the

    1990s guys I was a ’90s baby not to make myself sound too old but maybe I’ll recognize this game film Theory actually may have uncovered the truth here let’s watch it together for example right at the beginning we see a pixelated title card for the show that’s obiously in the

    Style of old school PC PlayStation and N64 game we also see a flower pot fall to the ground and clip into it kind of like an old school Source engine glitch is that a chicken that literally y’all this looks like a roasted chicken I don’t know if that’s just me plus when

    Pomy first enters the world she says this I put on some weird headset and see I thought that me it was was VR and it was I thought it was futuristic she put on a VR headset and was transported into the world digal circuit all of that

    Checks out and should be pretty darn obvious to the Casual viewer but what you might have missed is the fact that this is set in the late 1990s and not the present day did they have VR in the 1990s I don’t think so but you might be thinking hold on they’re talking about

    VR headsets here that’s a modern thing right would this thing just be inspired by the 1990s rather than set in the 1990s that’s a pretty good call out back in 1991 Sega announced the Sega VR in 1993 virtuality created the mega visor display and in 1995 I thought VR in the

    1990s was probably those like red and blue little sunglasses you got to see Disney movies that were 3D I I feel like that was the closest that I could possibly think the long and short of all of this everything that we see in the series is pointing to this taking place

    In the past and not in the present all of this has already happened from our perspective we’re just watching the events of the game unfold so what do you guys think do you think this is true I don’t know put it in the comments I still can’t decide I feel like this is

    The future trying to confuse the audience you know they’re like you’re trapped in the past but you’re really not and my name is Elon Musk secret number six did pomy create the amazing digital circus y’all this is mindblowing because if she did she is Mega suspicious because home girl’s acting

    Like she’s never been here before I thought it would be Kane if it was anybody let’s watch the proof one of the scenes that really jumped out to me while I was watching and rewatching the pilot was the sequence where pom’s running through the back rooms on the other side of the

    At one point she enters a more traditional looking office space before stopping and staring at one desk in particular we Linger on the shot for a long time I mean I’m zooming in on it cuz that computer is dirty like gross but that is a good point why was she

    Running there are tons of computers everywhere and she chose to look like this at that specific computer why well because this desk isn’t just some simulation that came cooked up in the back rooms it’s based on a real place in the real world of this universe take a

    Look at the computer computer in the desk it’s the exact same setup that we saw earlier in the episode in the back room section the same old equipment on the left the same file cabinets on the right the same retro Monitor and keyboard and computer tower and speakers

    The same VR headset I didn’t notice the VR headset was there and it looks old does that also sell the fact that this is a 1990s game cuz that is not an Oculus that looks like 1990s trying to be VR right there I think that subconsciously omne recognizes that this

    This is her desk at the beginning of the episode they make it clear that PNE has lost her human memories this I believe is triggering a deep realization inside of her based on what we’re here I believe that human Persona is an employee at CNA company developing the

    Digital circus game and VR headset and seeing it here inside the game unlocks some weird flash of our memory as to what’s happening to get her into the situation and if she helped create the game she might find it even more like overwhelming like haha this is crazy I

    Invented this weird game and now here I am I actually think this could be true pomy legit looked at that computer a sort a way what if she was the game developer herself secret number seven the characters are not real people I thought they were they all have very big

    And unique personalities but what if pomy literally downloaded her brain onto the computer I don’t think they got science for that in real life but if they do hold on to your seat belts instead they’re all digital copies of the brains of humans who’ve put on these headsets cloned and then

    Simulation I mean pom’s first line of the series is practically oh no I’m a human who put on a headset and now I’m trapped here and then follows it up with it and then she got the ey squiggles which might be like the downloading Circle you know what I’m talking about

    It appears a new human has entered this realm human he calls her a human in contrast to Kane being an AI all of that being said I believe that there’s a lot of evidence pointing towards these characters being computerized clones rather than actual humans for instance

    As I mentioned above py starts going a bit crazy when she sees her desk from The Real World in the circus’s back rooms but think what was actually on that desk the VR headset clearly a headset I could see it to be true but why secret number eight mannequins are

    Actually blank characters that have not fully uploaded I think this could be true I mean pomy technically could have loaded her brain onto the server let me show you some of the mannequins here like what if these characters just randomly appear slowly like the skibby toilets there a mannequin you see in

    Like bunny man does not look so pleased secret number nine is Jack Black actually a secret character now sidebar Preston he was in a Mr Beast rock paper scissors competition and because of Jack Black Preston lost and so Jack Black I’m a little disappointed in you but let’s

    See if he’s in the game oh bubble you always know how to make me say this exact sentence this sentence right here is how we find him we’re going to literally go to this website it is real it’s playing we’re on wacky watch.com hey Kane what’s up not Jack makes sense

    You’re probably getting ready for the big release of the amazing big release of digital circus why don’t you show the folks at home a little what you’ve been working on let’s see it join bney Jack did she do that in the game eyeball ja and all the gang in The

    Amazing digital circuit Jack Black was mer okay so that means he is a part of this game wait I think I see what’s going on what if that’s why the little bubble looks like a character from Mario cuz Jack Black was Bowser so Bowser is technically a part of the amazing

    Digital circus drop the mic we’re brilliant secret number 10 did Kane kill his brother why would we think that we’ll take a look it’s really hard to see here but you can see a c and a pretty Prett clearly I don’t know so what could that symbolize it could be Cain and Abel

    Which in the Bible Cain kills his brother Abel also hold on to your chair because take a look at Kane really quick I just I just want you to see something sour he has two different eyeballs what if he like ate his brother and then he

    Got like his brother’s eye and then like his eye and he’s like a cyclops and they melted together or what if his brother is little bubble I’m glad you asked bubble they’re small what do they do seems like a little brother thing to ask right they’re always asking why why

    Why that could be his brother secret number 11 Grimace was actually a character that abstracted I’m talking about the real Grimace like the chicken nugget like purple Grimace with the Grimace shake you know let me prove to you his legit photo is here going to take a break from everything and have a

    Bit of a routine wait there it is he does have teeth like big old teeth but Grimace he’s like a part of McDonald’s and you got to like Chomp on those nuggets right that sounded really creepy but this I truly believe is Grimace and he abstracted and no longer can he eat a

    Big Mac which is very sad secret number 12 is Kane actually the hero this is really hard to believe but y’all remember when we talked about these characters within the digital circuits may not actually be humans but downloaded versions of their actual ual human brain well cartoon Universe had

    Something to say about that the characters also never have to actually sleep so it would seem that they are plugged into the game by I’m sorry sidebar I would be so grumpy if I didn’t have to sleep or if I didn’t have to sleep would I not be grumpy cuz I didn’t

    Have to anyways because of this time is endless and there is never a need for True rest in the digital circus Kan thus seems to know that humans are not supposed to be trapped there long term but he appears to have no way of actually helping them to get out that’s

    Why I thought thought he wasn’t a good guy because he’s not trying to help anyone get out he’s basically just like you’re stuck here he may have been used to people coming into play for short bursts and leaving of their own free will but at some point something seemed

    To have changed and Kane realized that he had a long-term duty to try and help the humans who somehow get sucked into his game to do this Kane focuses on trying to simulate human life while maintaining his Circus theme and his video game mechanics also like kindness

    Goes a long way that’s all I’m saying like if somebody like you’re in a scary situation but somebody’s like really up and positive and happy it makes you feel more at ease but guys let’s be real why would anyone actually want to download their brain onto a computer that’s what

    I’m trying to figure out but what if the world was ending and Kane was trying to keep people alive I don’t know cartoon Universe has yet another thing to say about that the rundown look of the office makes me think that the entire world is dying or dead I think that pomy

    Among others chose to have their Consciousness injected into the existing virtual reality I don’t know cuz pomy said she didn’t know why she was there so why would she CH let’s listen more by wiping their memories pomy and the others probably hoped that they would forget the horrors of the destroyed

    Planet they were leaving behind and live blissfully in a favorite childhood video game however this causes most of them to fixate and become unable to simply enjoy their existence there and this can of course lead to abstraction here we can see lots of other strange horrific monsters indicating quite a few people

    Have come in here and lost their minds entirely before Kane had to put them in a darker prison this sets the stage for an in does that make him a hero I guess they’re still alive but it’s like he’s throwing these abstracted creatures into the ground

    He’s not giving hero to me one where Kane is not the villain but he is the biggest obstacle stopping the characters from finding out the truth because he’s programmed to prevent them from figuring it out simply trying to make their lives as nice as possible even if he doesn’t

    Quite understand how humans work I could see their point but here’s where I’m at I don’t think Kane is a hero because he’s not letting them leave leave and he’s kind of like brainwashing them what do you think secret 13 the void is a reference to Minecraft now I have fallen

    Off many Minecraft maps we don’t need to talk about it but once you do you often die and you’re thrown into just this crazy area called the void Drew MC has done a point on this I think he could be correct in the start of the episode of

    The Amazing digital circus p is actually showing pomy around the universe well it’s almost like a Minecraft map and then all around it is white and it makes sense if this is based on a video game from the 9s they would try to have video game references like Minecraft now

    What’s also interesting is that when he’s showing her around the universe he essentially shows her something that is called the void this place is literally nothing there is apparently nothing in the void I mean there’s like something but not of course in Minecraft Minecraft also has a void in vanilla Minecraft it

    Can only be entered using a command or the map editor or the creative or spectator or when you make a mistake I feel like somehow I’ve made this mistake before is it only me why have I fallen into the void so we know that the void is something that exists in Minecraft

    And of course it exists as well in The Amazing digital circus although the only thing is the color scheme is a little bit different we have to understand that also the void was so bad that Kane actually realized that pomy was in there and he left whatever he was doing and

    Managed to bring her right back oh no someone’s venturing out into the void guys I think this theory is probably true because yet again we’re referencing video games here secret 14 pom’s throwup is actually piby I don’t know who pib is and I also am afraid of throwup so I

    Don’t really like this one but let’s investigate py actually does throw up now I do think this is a reference that eag viewers also caught on to this throwing up could have been a reference to the PB glitch now if you don’t know what the PB glitch is the piby glitch is

    The main antagonist in learning with piby it’s a mass of dark glitchy liquid that can attach to and absorb characters transforming into mindless glitchy zombies which is kind of similar to what’s happening in this video right I mean if characters are there too long or something bad happens they abstract

    Which kind of looks like what’s going on here the reason that many people do think that this is the case when pomy throws up she does the same emotion as the other Pibb characters on the Cartoon Network show now at this stage of the show when you’re watching it pni doesn’t

    Actually glitch just yet but later on in the show we can actually see the glitches happening so could it be that the glitches that we saw later on in the episode were actually foreshadowing what was going to occur earlier on in the episode but some people have actually

    Done some more digging they’ve seen said that those textures are actually the textures for Metal Mario although I’m yet to confirm this and Metal Mario is a character that appears in both the Mario series and the Super Smash Bro series I have never heard of piby so I did put

    Their name in and apparently it was like a cancelled show and Adult Swim thought it was going to be a very very good show so that’s really sad wait hold on I just came up with a new Theory just here on the spot what if the creator of the

    Amazing digital circus was the creator of PB kinger references little runmo I have not heard of this but I’m really excited to look into it more here is the clip we are putting into question you didn’t experience a game show in there did you what uh I what are you talking about

    Girl I feel you what are you talking about let’s look into it what game show could he possibly be referring to Drew MC you’re going to answer that question for us for us the little runmo reference eag viewers actually did catch on to this but many people did miss it in the

    Part where zubu gets eaten by the creature at the end ker asks zubu a very important question he says you didn’t experience a game show ending did you and this is in reference to something called little runmo so little Runo is a 2d game originating from an animated

    YouTube film called little runmo and essentially in this 2D film we see this green character go through many different interesting that is literally the glink queen if she was swallowed by a seahorse what happens is after little runmo gets eaten he actually experiences a game show ending and I’m going to show

    You guys what that game show ending is let’s see it that’s a sad ending welcome to the gas guys I do think they obviously took inspiration from that game I mean those characters looked very similar secret 16 Sun and Moon are actually based off Sundrop and moon drop in FNAF those are

    Some of the scariest characters in FNAF to me these characters are the Sun and the Moon we are told that this is just the day and the night but of course in Five Nights at Freddy’s the daycare assist I’m just saying there’s a scarest and that legit gave me a jump scare did

    You play you’re in like the playground babysitting area and they’re like coming for you yeah terrifying debuting in Five Nights at Freddy’s security breach gaining a third personality who’s referred to as Eclipse no I was going to say he wasn’t a scary and then I saw his face never mind and what’s also

    Interesting was that Kane actually says let’s get out of there before these characters do get crazy and we do know that’s true that when sun does turn into Moon he does in fact get pretty insane and you do need to to be very careful to

    Make sure you get away from him I don’t believe that one why because when I watch the original movie he has a thing with the moon and I don’t know why I just get that Vibe and I have good intuition so I don’t believe this one

    But I do love FNAF secret 17 is this movie actually a ripoff of Alice in Wonderland hear me out here if you Googled the plot of Alice and Wonderland first off she’s got to wake up to get out of this crazy dream and a lot of these characters relate to the Alice and

    Wonderland characters so these characters here you have the Queen of Hearts who is obviously the gl’s queen you have the madh hatter who’s you know potentially Kane he’s crazy he’s wearing a hat and then we have the rabbit just like Jack that’s all I’m saying and the

    Only way that Alice could get out of this crazy Wonderland is by waking up from a dream what did pomy say when she first arrived at the circus that makes me anxious oh okay now I get it this is a dream and I should just play along until I wake up right

    That’s what Alice did and that leads us to our next secret secret 18 does Jax actually know how to escape the circus now I know I referred to Jax as you know the rabbit from aliceon Wonderland cuz he’s a rabbit but what if he actually is similar to the Chesire Cat which please

    Don’t tell me that my cat looks like that cat cuz that’s that’s a offensive and it hurts my feelings so this is kind of crazy right do you see the resemblance between Jax in this clock I mean I I feel like it is quite similar h

    I mean he’s purple he has crazy yellow eyes kind of similar right and also take a look at this don’t worry doll face I’ve got a key to his room W kind of creepy why you you you shouldn’t have keys to anyone’s room nah I’ve got keys

    Everywhere and you’ve all been fine by the way I may have left that is Mega sus why does Jax always tend to be like where the action is and he has keys to every room the Chesire Cat is actually the guide for Alice so what if JX is

    Secretly the guide that’s going to get all of the characters out of the circuit


    1. So l had a really confusing myth what if Caine never wanted the characters leave the world cause the void at the end of the video pommi did go to the void right but at the end of the Amazing digital circus video they zoomed out of the computer and no one was they're so what if Caine was planning to trapped them inside of that world? But first of all the question is is caine the first character but no one have thought that Jax have keys to alll rooms but what if they're was an exit key? 21:18

    2. A little theory: maybe when pomni got into the circus Kaufmo was abstracted and we all know she was a replacement so maybe kaufmo was abstracted as soon as pomni got into the circus

    3. Maybe king was looking at her because Because he Was Confucius of what she was saying Because he was What she was saying?❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😇🥰🤩😘🤪🥳🎪

    4. What about if pomy's looking at that compute tour because that's what her heads it was attached to maybe❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😘🙀🙀🙀🙀

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