Ghana black stars AFCON report on mohammed kudus, Andre ayew, inaki Williams, Chris Hughton and more #kudus #ghanablackstars #blackstars #sportscornergh #afcon #afcon2023 #inakiwilliams #chrishughton #ghanatrends #today #ghanafootball #ghanafootball #ghanafootballassociation #egypt #jordanayew #ivorycoast #asamoahgyan #capeverde #nigeria #chrishughton #gideonmensah #ghanafootballassociation #mozambique #kurtokraku #jurgenklopp

    Hello guys welcome back to Sports Corner GH my name is Eden in today’s video I have latest updates concerning Ghan and black star players live here on Sports Corner GH which includes a video that was speculating about Andre a earlier this morning and ghanians were not happy

    About it only for Andre a to play a game for his Club side Le today in the first Le against s Laurence and Andre a SC two goal we are going to talk about that life Sports Con G we also going to talk about Osman ibraim his move to West has

    Collapsed I have all the details for you live here on Sports Conner G alongside latest update concerning asaman the baby jet in N William and also Muhammad s so guys if you have not subscribed to the channel yet please make sure to subscribe if you have already subscribe

    To thank you very much and may God richly bless you today Sunday and happy Sunday to you all and thank you for supporting Sports con GH shout outs to you all so guys quickly let’s jump into it and I’m going to begin with the video that was C related on social media

    Earlier this morning and ghanians were not happy about it check out this video so guys that was a video of Andre areu going or arriving at a steam Camp they have and then his teammates they were teasing him and they were making jokes about Ghana getting out of the

    Group stages in the afon 2023 and ghanians were not happy about this because they felt like Andre a is the Caps of the side even if you and your friends play like that being the captain of the black stars they should not be on the public space I’m not saying Andre a

    Was the one who posted this but one of the team is definitely posted this on social media and Ghan are still nursing emotions Ghan are still Furious for the fact that Ghana is out of the afan in grou in the group stages and then they seeing this video annoyed a lot of

    Ghanes I feel ghanes are overreacting but let me know your Down Below in the comment section do you feel like this video and are you is not showing like passion to play for Ghana or what let me let me know your thought about it down below in the comment section because

    People feel like this video is bad on many levels but that’s aside today Andre Adu featured for his Club side le as they played against FC La in the FR Le now in that game he came on as a St he came in the 70th minute and when the

    Game was going on exactly in the 85th minute Andre Al scored a goal in that game and getting to the close of the game 90 plus 4 minutes Andre AR scored another goal in that game that goal that game actually ended in a 3-3 draw where

    And scored two goals he was rated 8.5 yes 8.5 he played only 20 on this and scored two goals and rated 8.5 and G are saying ah so if andreou can do all this thing why wasn’t he doing it for the black stars why can’t he do what he just

    Did for his Club side let why can’t he replicate the same thing for the black stars ghanians are still Furious I don’t know I feel like now the whole thing is becoming like a personal attack to Andre ID it’s like whatever he does ghanians still are not satisfied ghans are like

    Why can’t he do the same thing he could score two goals for have but for the black stars he’s either not giving away a penalty or probably taking a red card or not scoring a penalty but people are asking why can’t you do this so guys this is the latest update concerning

    Andre a he scored two goals today just in 20 minutes and he was rated 8.5 by sofa score in a game between leav and FC laor in the first Le which ended in a three three draw now moving away from that let’s talk about Asam yesterday Asam made a tweet about oim after

    Nigeria beat cun by two go to Z and he said oim plays with passion and that is what every country wants their player to do and ghanians are not happy about this statement because ghanian feel like as a is indirectly speaking to ghanian Black Star play like the Black Star players

    But instead of speaking to them directly using a tweet he’s using a Nigerian match to talk to them R are saying if you want to talk to the Black Star players talk to them directly stop passing through corners because you are trying to say that the Black Star

    Players should look at what their sister country is doing Nigeria and make sure they play with passion because that was what we were Laing and GH are saying that we are the ones advocating that xers should take over the black stars but if you cannot have the courage to

    Talk to the black stars directly then maybe we are wrong and ghanians are not really happy with the approach people feel like if you want to say what you want to say say it directly to the Black Star players don’t be using Nigerian mat and then you are using it to give a

    Messaging directly to the Black Star and this is what asan is saying to me I feel there’s nothing wrong with it I feel like as is trying to send a message across and the message is very Harless but I feel like G we are just coacting because when Ghana got eliminated out of

    The a didn’t come and say anything he only posted a and ghanians are not happy about it up now so ghanians are really nursing you know the pain from the Al and they taking it on everyone they taking it on everyone please you should calm down we

    Are out yes but we just need to work on our you know mistakes and come back better in afcon 2025 now moving away from that has rendered an apology to the media men during the afcon 2023 after G played against mozambik there was a bit of confusion in the mix Zone where Med

    Men to to interview some of the players and has come out to issue an apology and he says that my action to the media was out of frustration we went to the afcon 2023 to win the trophy but things didn’t go as planned everyone would bear with

    Me witness that that last game was unacceptable and so the fans have every right to criticize us but not to the extent of assault and threat nevertheless I want to render my unqualified apology to whoever I offend we never wanted this result we will come back stronger thank you for your

    Tremendous support and this is coming from mam salisu all I can say is we accept your apology but you should have come a bit earlier and please not everything needs a reaction you a player definitely ghanians should talk so not everything needs a reaction we we just

    Hope that you come back stronger and the love Ghan used to have for you they’ll have it for you again because still ghanians are still not happy with the way like the things you did but I mean the apology you going to accept but trust me if you do one more mistake they

    Going to bring that back again I know how Gans behave so guys this is the apology from Mam salisu and we accept the apology now moving away from that let’s talk about some disturbing issue and I’m not really happy about this you see some few days ago I told you that a

    Young ghanian teenager who plays for norand is attracted interest from a lot of clubs in fact Dortmund Chris is biting a whole Alum and recently we had West Dam were progressing with negotiation and everything smoothly it was reported by romanu now what we are hearing is that that deal has collapsed

    And this was you know reported by GTV Sports and they say that deal collapsed despite a very good negotiation between West Ham and FC norand regarding the sale of ibraim Osan the deal has collapsed for now according to Danish website BT the agent and the representative have demanded High agent

    Fees hence the breakdown of the transfer and this is the reason why the transfer has broken down at the moment the agent London High Fe and I mean I mean this boy is Young he wants to play football agent we beg you we bet the we want to

    See Osman Ibrahim and Mohammad Kus reunite at worest time and play together that is what we want to see but it’s like this move is just looking like Alexander J move when he was playing Str he wanted to go to S the same thing agent Fe I please this thing should be

    Resolved as quickly as possible there is a play Future that lies in this deal there a lot of clubs interested in signing this player if clubs are hearing that agent fees are high don’t move back we will beg you this thing should be resolved as quickly as possible I’m

    Really really not happy about this but I’ll make sure to follow up on this and bring you all the necessary updates live here on Sports cor G I’m moving away from that let’s talk about inaki Williams now after the afon when Ghana got eliminated he went straight back to

    Athletic Club and performed very well for them in the C area against Barcelona scoring a goal and giving an assist and today he was was in the starting lineup for Athletic Club as the play at cadis in the Spanish landga and he was phenomenal today let’s take a look at

    Inaki Williams performance today for Athletic Club versus Cardis inaki Williams statistics in numbers against cadis today he played the full 90 minutes he had a total Touch of 43 accurate passes completed was 18 out of 27 accumulating to 67% one key pass crosses successful was zero out of two

    Drible attempted successful was two out of of five ground W one was three out of seven aial draws one was 1 out of two and he was rated 6.6 by S far score and this is inaki Williams statistics and numbers against CIS that game ended in a

    Z0 draw the game was titly contested by both teams so guys that is all we have for you for today let me know your thought about it down below in the comment section don’t forget to like subscribe and turn on notification my name is I’ll make sure to see in the

    Next video Char we go [Applause]


    1. Stop this if you have brothers in a team they will always play for each other. Don't let them deceive you enough of the Ayew Brothers they can retire from the National Team in Peace 🕊️

    2. Asamoah gyan is lost and he should wait and see what will happen …

      He does not qualify to coach any team …

      He wasted all the goals we needed to win cups .
      He thinks wevhave forgotten…

    3. It is because of your bad mouthing that is why he can’t score because you have written him off but he proved otherwise with his club.
      Asamoah Gyan must also shut up!
      Ony3 obiaa!.He can’t compare himself to Dede in any way!
      What soccer did he Asamoah play!.
      Very good past Ghanaian players who are still alive are not being critical.
      Who a heck is Gyan!.
      He is the last on my list of good players in rating!

    4. Ghanaians must understand the difference between international level and club level football. Some Ghanaian players doing well at club level must learn how to adapt quickly to international football if viven an opportunity call for Africa football has move on. There is no longer push over nor underate Africa football nations.
      Andrew Ayew has done it all for Ghana football, statistics show. Andew has nothing more to prove for he has done it all. Captained Jnr National team to win world cup. Graduateed to world cup, played in two Afcon finals. Played in 3 world cups and still playing games. Stop lazy mindset and emotional sentimental coments and be objective facts finding analysts.

    5. We Ghanaians should stop complaining and learn from our mistakes, you don't expect such a young team like this to go to a tournament and just win a trophy. We should rather encourage and build them
      up than criticizing them in such a manner . No one is perfect in this life and if we don't stop this kind of behavior towards our players we are going to have problems in the future , they may turn down offers to play for the national team and may instead prefer to play for their various teams , because everybody need peace and not this kind of treatment. We all do make mistakes so let go and let God .

    6. And please moreover no country is sleeping in this modern world , because now knowledge has spread all over the world. You don't underrate no one period . Thanks

    7. You are lying. No Ghanaian is furious. Nobody is asking any questions. You are the one making all these up. You have politicians who have stolen from you and cannot complain. Leave the players alone. GFA has become a private business. Go and address that first.

    8. Masa truth be told he is out of form…his funs hate to hear this hard truth. We all know he has been a good and great player in the past years in the national team but the truth is he has to retire simple.

    9. This black star players can play more than what they are doing for black star I think something is going on that they don't want to say it but their reactions says it all

    10. I don't understand why people hate him, why I had won world cup for Ghana, and now he is bad and people hate him, Ghanaians must stop this is not fair 😢😢

    11. He shouldn't have responded to the media insults, is he not a player ? Was he the only player insulted after the game? this is total disrespect even in his apologise he still has something to say, he should just bless his stars for being in the national team at this time, bcos his coming back to the team will be something of the past.

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