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    Coming at you live from the orbital moon base it’s Starman and the Zumer please send air there isn’t much left I’m afraid we’re paying double rates for air these days it’s all it’s inflation yeah but the Germans come up here and tick all the air first H dare

    Me dare me anyway as people filter in we will say indeed that we are back yes uh the weather on the moon is relatively dry and quite clear today yes it’s it’s not it’s not too bad up here the only shame is that everything on the desk is

    Slightly floating a little bit and it’s it’s a bit of a pain but I should hope my legs don’t break yeah I’m not going to continue with that joke that’s a this is a terrible one but we we’ve you guys requested it we’ given it to you it’s more containment and we

    Won’t have to highlight the containment at this point this this was a gimme we’ve kind of to be fair kept this one a little bit in our back pocket yeah cuz there’s it’s honestly I don’t think it’s as intriguing as some of the stuff that’s a bit more closely related to the

    Direct funding model of the Tor party like our little Trilogy was but this is just full of the wackiest stuff you will see for quite a while we’re about to take you on quite the journey well see we we should almost use the line and i’

    See someone kind of half doing in the chat it’s like of chat interaction like chat can you be contained and I need the wall of no we can’t be contained anyway uh for those who saw us on academic agents stream last night for the cigar stream uh I hope you enjoyed

    If there’s any new people that have come across from that or the ding pole stuff this is your first stream uh I would say you’re welcome but maybe not so much you’re welcome to give us money and shell our stuff uh you can find us on

    Substack where we do all our writing and you can subscribe there you can become a member on YouTube channel or you can give a onetime donation via the kofile link that is pinned in the chat yes uh we that’s the best way to do it like I said we are still fully monetized

    Somehow so Interac with the videos and donating and all that stuff and leaving comments does help us we’d like to get it out of the way we don’t try to do too much YouTub stuff but you have to play the game a little bit and one thing

    Mentioned in a while I might as well mention it to some of the new people but please do get down in the comments and just discuss how much you love Al Gore’s Rhythm uh yes the rhythms of Al Gore yes uh there’s none out there really like Al

    Gors no no no and uh you mentioned it earlier but we do also do written work there will be another piece out this week um likely from the substack we’ll see if I manag to finish it or not but there’s a decent amount Stu of stuff to

    Read there there’s some stuff for paid users and blah blah blah blah blah we just we uh we just like the Frog yes we like the frogs just reminded me of something but we we have a few areas of content but that’s that’s not really what this is

    About um what it’s about is we’re not going to sit here and talk about like o the Tories behave like Communists no that’s not what this is about um for once we are talking about literal Communists basically everyone we will mention in this video is a communist in the literal sense or

    Is at least was or is still in some way a member of a group called The Revolutionary Communist party it’s changed its name but they’re still a member of it yes as we get to well as is mentioned in one of the Articles we get

    To I’m not sure if it’s one of the first ones you’ve got there or not I think it might actually be in there as a comment from one mza I’ll I’ll I’ll get this on screen but to to preface it very very quick with what we’re doing um there has been

    Some incongruities that we’ve noticed in who is advising the government in Britain and some of these things have breached the news cycle already uh we we are having a we are having a delve into some of stuff that you may have picked up on in tiny little bits if you’re

    Quite a close follower of UK politics but one of the big in congruities that people noticed is that yes literal Communists have been advising the borish were advising the Boris government back in 2020 so go yes well not it’s just I was going to point to the fact that I

    Believe at some point anywhere in this article there is a comment by this one Mano Marza character it says well it’s not really about communism anymore it’s about the ideas so I mean I think we could we could and we probably will in future develop this idea a little more but just

    Think about the people that we’re discussing here and the groups they are associated with as essentially functioning like their own little Vanguard for their own interest yes um for those of you familiar with the UK politics and we’ll probably mention this at the end because I’ve got a couple of

    Postcript things we have time for it uh both the early neocons and the early labor party were both trust GES of exactly this ilk yes and they created small organized minorities that took over well started the labor party in the UK and really started the neoconservative movement in America

    Because those of you who don’t know the neoconservative movement is a trotskyite movement yes uh there may be some slight strange framing throughout some of the stuff that we’re going to read in this as well because there’s some Guardian articles and some other bits and Bobs that aren’t just like center right

    Garbage but Center left garbage a lot of this stuff has been criticized from the left most of what you will hear uh in the sources that we’re using are leftists criticizing other leftists for being basically anti-woke leftists yes this is what this is what the anti-woke

    Left looks like as we’ll get to you but uh should we just fire into this article for a bit here and we’ll get some context going have a fringe sect from the 1980s influenced number 10’s attitude to racism Min murza as in charge of the UK’s inequality commission but her past

    Comments do not Inspire confidence again with pressure mounting from the global black lives matter protest movement where are these people now they’re already gone Boris Johnson has put forward his advisor Mina murza to lead a new Commission on racial inequality however however her appointment undermines the commission before it has

    Even started murza has PR previously expressed skepticism about the existence of institutional racism in the justice system and it suggested that anti-racist lobbyists and activists have corroded public trust she’s also suggested that Britain does not have a serious problem with racism this comes as no surprise mza has been associated with spiked an

    Online magazine increasingly well known for its raring takes on current events and for its writers popping up in various places across the media landscape with right views isn’t that odd Infamous for its right libertarian and iconic clastic style spiked has gained notoriety for arguing against numerous Progressive positions but you

    Using a rhetorical style indebted to its earlier Incarnation as a trot group in the 1980s and 1990s the Revolutionary Communist party with combative tone the Magazine’s writers have routinely sought to dismiss many political actions is not dealing with the real issues h i I do remember distinctly from doing some of the notes

    Stuff earlier on that there is not much else really going in here other than the fact that they just kind of dropped the fact oh some of the revolutionary Communist party people weren’t 100% in with AIDS awareness which I think is in the paragraph below yes yes but this is

    Kind of an introduction it’s kind of a soft introduction because what we’ll be reading from throughout some of this is a paper called culture wars or at least an essay called culture wars uh culture War Marxism the Revolutionary Communist Party diaspora and the conservative party and this is really some of the

    Meat of of of what we’re what we’ll be doing here the the influence of the alumni of the Revolutionary Communist Party especially that and Boris Johnson’s former advisor Muna MZ miza I can’t say I can’t say these foreign names let’s just call her [ __ ] Mary or something let’s just call her

    M upon the conservative leadership has been much remarked upon in recent years rather than an unlikely Alliance brought together by the brexit campaign however this relationship has deeper Roots within the conservative intellectual ecosystem if the conservatives have often lacked ideas beyond the will to power the Revolutionary Communist party

    Has never lacked for ideas yes ideas End quotes nevertheless the post brexit political landscape has created a greater degree of alignment between the two Susan Mitchy is that like some sort of is that a Seinfeld joke I’m not even sure I think that might be uh I can do

    This but yeah go it in early February 2022 Monza the of Downing Street’s policy unit it’s an interesting role to have as a revolutionary communist yes and a long time Aid to Boris Johnson resigned over the prime minister’s use of a farri smear at pmqs and heated exchanges amid the party Gate scandal

    Johnson had leveled the accusation that labor leader Kier starma had failed to prosecute the pedophile Jimmy savvo during his time as director of public prosecutions Mera decried this is inappropriate and wrote that the PM had let himself down by making a SCU scous accusation unsurprisingly the departure of such a senior Aid attracted

    Media attention Justin Parkinson penned a short profile on murza for the BBC born in 1978 to parents had come to the UK from Pakistan miss mza went to a comprehensive school before studying English at Oxford University while there she joined the Revolutionary Communist party as you do when you at Oxford yeah

    But during her 20s frustrated at what she thought to be a lack of free thought on the far left she went through an ideological transformation having completed a PhD in sociology at the University of Kent she started to work for policy exchange a I mean I will just

    Sayy exchange the fact that we get in that first paragraph there about a spiked writer being discusted about an accusation of pedophilia will be a an almost recurring theme in some ways yes it is but then it’s it’s I think as well and this is something I believe rad Li

    Of asked you about in the telegram chat when you announcing the stream is this is like the classic sort of path that many Boomer and Silent generation Republicans in America to yes they became sort of weird marxists or trots of some variety in the late 30s 40s sometimes right through into the 50s

    And further on beun to realize that communism wasn’t really going far in America on its own yes and obviously if you’re aware of the cia’s involvement in creating the quote unquote non-communist left that had a large part to do with that so they decided Well you know much

    Like Mrs murza here there’s no free thought on the far left we can’t get anywhere so we’ll just pretend we’re conservatives cuz that’s where the real power lies the basic details of this bro are broadly accurate Mira did attend those institutions and she she did hold

    Those jobs and she was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party Parkinson’s profile however is an exercise in being right on the details while completely and utterly missing the bigger picture being in the RCP was not for murer a brief flirtation with student leftism a fun detail to add

    Color to the profile of conservative party aaric it has rather been a key through line an organizing ideology of mir’s politics and hints at The Wider strategy of how an Oben ly communist grouping that supposedly disbanded in 1997 came to hold not insignificant Sway in the Contemporary conservative party

    It’s an interesting year for it to disand isn’t it yeah understanding the group’s history and how it has come to stalk the corridors of power gives us a valuable insight into the internal world of the party that has run the country for a dozen years and counting we’ll get into

    The actual history of the revolutionist party in a sec I was going to say the first paragraph for this actually quite good in that if you don’t want to go any other links in the meantime the Revolutionary Communist Party began Life as a split from the international socialist group now the

    Socialist Workers Party it went through several iterations across the 1970s before at the end of the decade emerging as the RCP then as now its intellectual Leading Light and de facto leader was Frank fared fedi was born in Hungary and 1947 his family fled to Canada in 1956 as a

    Result of the Revolution he came to the UK in the late 1960s and quickly became active in trotsky’s politics he received a PhD in sociology from the University of Kent in the 1980s and has been a Kent ever since where he’s now professor of Sociology his tenure there has made the

    Institution something of a center for the RCP Mouser naturally was fed’s PhD student there in the 2000 she published a book based on her PhD thesis in 2012 about government approaches to cult policy that’s that’s probably quite a good summary then because we have um a bit

    More excuse me we have a bit more of the Revolutionary communist uh tendrils here because the other thing that we noticed was why has a revolutionary communist become a conservative peer yes and this is someone we’ve actually mentioned before in regards to some of the elements of containment one Baron clear

    Fox yes it’s there’s an article here from the critic I think it engages in some stuff that isn’t useful later down but we’ll we’ll read it until it gets a bit off pieced who told Boris Johnson to make CLA Fox appear and why Jonathan ball was three years old uh Tim uh Parry

    Was 12 they’re talking about her support from an IRA bombing here is the phras they’re not really talking about this is a bit of an outrage piece that misses the point as as some stuff from the critic tends to do I’m afraid um but anyway I will read the introduction here

    One of the new additions to the House of Lords whose name has surprised many on the left and on the right is CLA Fox why has Boris Johnson put her name forward surely he should have known about her political history in the Revolutionary Communist party or as he obviously

    Doesn’t mind uh that his advisor M we talked about earlier is XR CP uh maybe making one of them part of the legislature didn’t seem like a big enough deal let me be clear on one point though I don’t think it would be surprising if any Tori PM put an ex RCP

    Member into the House of Lords if it was evident that they had not renounced their PR previous views after all uh to take one example sir Alfred Sherman was an adviser to Margaret Thatcher despite having been a member of the Communist party’s youth but when someone in this

    Case CLA Fox who is utterly Unapologetic about their past controversial beliefs and and indeed confirms that they still hold them is emboldened by a prime minister who shares neither her past fance for the IRA struggle nor uh her current lockdown skepticism well then something very curious has happened almost certainly is

    Going to go on happening until it explodes uh I would scroll down a little bit here there’s this sort of paragraph that’s taken out that I believe is an interview with play Fox well just said let’s go back to the last year’s EU elections when the brexit party

    Announced that CLA Fox was to be their then uh their candidate for Northwest England cuz she was she was part she was part of the uh the brexit party’s election campaign in northern England which is again a strange Confluence here but go on well it’s just I I find this

    Little paragraph here that is a quote uh from her to be quite eye opening because I think this speaks to the view of all of these people some level I never left the RCP when it was disbanded in 1997 the organization folded in the mid90s few of us actually

    Recanted our ideas instead we resolved to support one another more informally as we pursued our political tradition as individuals or launched new projects with more General aims that have also engage people from different Traditions or none these include spiked and The Institute of ideas where I now work that

    Is by the way the Institute of ideas is the people who run the Battle of ideas the Battle of ideas the Free Speech absolutist conference is run by an Unapologetic communist and some and someone part of a political cabal who is openly talking about that they are part

    Of an informal political cabal whose State ad mission is to soak itself into UK politics welcome welcome to the libertarian right in the UK something I saw on chat there that mildly interested me I might have a further look at that at some point but yes you know how often does someone who

    Is a communist be involved amongst the rightwing that they shouldn’t be involved in and also be interviewed by someone else and basically give free comment to the fact oh yes well I’m here engaging in subversion of course why why else would I be here power ah dear well well I don’t think we

    Want to keep going with this one because this one goes into hand ringing about uh give me a second let me check it GES a bit of a hand ringing about an IRA bombing which is kind of reported here breit part candid criticized for past ARA uh Ira defense basically she

    Defended the bombing in Warrington uh that was you know a bombing on British soil that killed a bunch of civilians as trotskyites uh tend to do yeah they do have a harit that I don’t think there’s a too much more here on this one though is there

    Yes um here’s another one he’s from the by line times fox in irmine from revolutionary communist to Lady Buckley Auto English charts the rise of a brand new member of the UN unaccounted unelectable House of Lords again all of this has a very highly leftist bent on

    It apart from that critic one which seems to just be trying to go in for the whole Ira angle there’s basically no discussion of this on the right I know somebody talk about Unity News Network and things like that there’s been a few pieces of chatter about it but you’ll

    Mainly see as we go forward there’s there’s individual instances in which the Press becomes outraged but nobody’s reporting on the fact that effectively a small cabal of Communists as as it said in the other piece is stalking the Halles of power that seems to be a nonissue to people on

    The right and I the problem is that there a lot of these people who related to it as we’ll go forward and as we’ll see keep appearing in our spaces yes this has hasn’t been excised from our circles in fact it continues largely unabated but uh not hopefully that’s not

    Too many spoilers there uh I would I was going to say scroll down to the part where it’s uh the S the second section in this revolutionary communism and the fourth paragraph oh sorry about that yeah thanks one of his early members was CLA Fox who joined as a student at Warick

    University and stayed with it to the better end Fox was more than a ranking file member she was a key player in the movement eventually co-publishing the group’s glossy monthly magazine living Marxism right up until it lost a liable action against ITN news and folded she rang but having done so simply refused

    To disapper a stance down the line to him compounding the arrogance of it all in the course of the two decades of our membership the RCP living Marxism stoutly defended the IRA and any number of death spots now we don’t really care about diso terrorists or dictators or

    Whatever but again it’s pointed out here that not only is she just some sort of like you know fellow traveler added a little bit of Communism in University no this is someone who was dedicated to it for decades uh those of you saying oh I like CLA Fox all these people are fine

    I’m afraid in the second half of this you might regret saying that yeah you’re all making I’m afraid slight idiots of yourselves but we’ll get there we’ll get we’ll get to the really evil stuff in the second half um we we’re building up to it but I there’s some really evil

    Stuff we’re going to have to talk about uh anyway keep going uh oh I’m not sure I think the rest is again is constantly battering on about the IRA thing there’s a sort of section here chocy again which is more about the IRA this is once I was

    Going to say this is once again a kind of a a weird point about the fact that this person’s come out of nowhere and is known for defending the IRA and that seems to be the only Vector that this has been talked about I’ll move on to

    This one The Ballad of poor CLA Fox Boris Johnson and the Revolutionary Communist party and the House of Lords I never figured CLA Fox for a lady but Boris Johnson took the opposite View and has elevated her to the House of Lords um it’s it’s just again it’s very odd to

    See this um this person bounce around all these rightwing political movements effectively is an unrepentant communist look who shows up here as well this one Niger as far as I know she hasn’t been back she was soon signed up by Nigel farage and won a seat in the European

    Parliament now Fox is running with a different gang of Northerners the vi count book b the vi count CRA cavon Lord Brown of Belmont the Lord Willie ha Bal or the Lord blah blah blah uh Lord tremble of pocketing the see it’s just just a never ending list of like Lords

    And Ladies yes obviously these people are also all Communists I would presume probably at some point yes but once again it seems that uh Nigel farage has no problem appointing revolutionary communist to be candidates for his brexit party well when he was in the head of it anyway but that’s that’s kind

    Of funny that you you got both Nigel farage here elevating this woman and Boris Johnson here elevating this woman into the House of Lords despite her really not having much of a public political career or at least one that we are that we’re aware of uh so we now

    Have a revolutionary communist in the House of Lords um this is a quick kind of power based thing I was say this this starts to come to the point of how does this affect us yeah yeah how how how does how is this relevant to us well CLA

    Fox is also the like I said she leads the institute for ideas and the institute for ideas um has managed to sneak itself into our spaces using the Battle of ideas um it’s part of what is referred to as the LM Network or the I guess the living Marxism Network because

    Really that was as we saw earlier that was the magazine that was the publication that the Revolutionary Communist Party put out was living Marxism and as we’ll get to the direct sequel to living Marxism and not just the tangential but the direct sequel is Spike with all the same people involved

    Yeah with all the same people involved it’s spiked online let’s look at the the key people list on the right there if that’s not cropped out on everyone else’s view I’m sure people will recognize some of these names Frank fedi yes Michael Fitzpatrick yes clear Fox Helen Goldberg O James harfield Bron

    O’Neal mck Hume Phil Mullen you know I recognize some of these people it’s just the same thing it’s just the Revolutionary Communist party and yes if you if you have interacted with the Battle of ideas if you’ve been to it if you’ve seen content from it congratulations you’re watching revolutionary communist conservative

    Content yes without knowing it and most people if you went up to most people and went you know this is a communist conference right they look at you funny but because of the layers of removal even though it’s obvious even though if you look at it for 2 minutes it’s

    Obvious what this is and yet because you have the The Institute of ideas uh the Academy of ideas and then it it does its little conference which is the Battle of ideas and we’ll get to why uh trits might be quote unquote Free Speech absolutists near the end as well because

    It does take a rather Dark Turn yeah uh any specific bits on this page alone that you’d like to read uh not really U we’ll go they’re all part of the same network so when we get to the funding part of this I’ll be able to explain

    That all of this living Mar let’s for a laugh have a look at the pledges for Progress section anyway yes 21 pledges for Progress 20110 policy ideas that would make candidates worth voting for sorry give me a second stop that no sorry I’m just a dry from

    The food I’ve eaten H number one repal hate speech legislation in the interests of free speech no ifs no buts repeal the UK’s liable laws and the interest of free speech stop bureaucratic crb checks and vetting of adults who come into contact with children and vulnerable adults in the interests of free

    Association between between Generations H I kind of don’t want to read anymore after that a lot of it is boilerplate stuff but yeah well a lot of it is hiding in popular ideas and uh there’s there’s another interesting one there number seven scrap the database State including the contact Point database

    Which holds information about every child in the country and the DNA database which includes details of criminal suspects without con V in the interest of civil they want to get rid of the six offenders registry uh effectively yes that’s that’s kind of what’s being said in number 10 as well

    Open the borders revoking all immigration controls in the interests of the free movement of citizens this is how again Communists adopt reev like libertarian rhetoric they adopt what is considered popular libertarian rhetoric in quotes to further their aims well it’s it’s just so simple isn’t it these

    People were respect your right to say you’re against immigration but they don’t respect your ability to move politically against it no uh welcome anyway but that’s that’s where the Battle of ideas come and and here we are here’s the Battle of ideas you wouldn’t know it from looking at it

    And again they do advertise themselves the transformation uh here has has come fully we we’ve gone from like trites University students to Jordan Peterson to Jordan Peterson yeah to I mean they have been the trit okay via like the Battle of ideas which includes you know John peton style figures it

    Tries to flirt with the intellectual dark web people that tries to flirt even with people like danula and people like that who are effectively kind we know we know people have been to these we know people have been to these we know people have spoken at these uh people have

    Tried to say that these are very very good things but there is an agenda behind it and that agenda is revolutionary communist trotskyites we trying to make sure that all ideas are on on the table um I just think it’s very funny that the trots things have

    Gone so far things progressed so far in like March to the institutions leftwood thing there’s so much of a win more going on that the trots have been team balanced onto the blue side onto the conservative side they have they have done team balancing and now we have

    Trotskyite Tories yes and I think this is partially the point that we can be make on the next piece as well and it’s definitely a point I made on the stream with AA last night that the Free Speech issue this is the why we made free expression is the ultimate sort of

    United front for all of these types who want Power who want their own little finger in the populace pie but still want to oppose agendas that they don’t like because they’ll allow you to say what you want but they have no interest in allowing you to do what you want

    Especially if you are someone who is genuinely anti-progressive genuinely anti-immigrant or you know maybe you just don’t care about free speech in the first place because you realize it’s a waste of time tell you what it’s probably a little bit better to to keep uh reading from some of this is there

    Any more of this that you’d like to uh we could go about over the lawsuit and some of the stuff but really what the to give you a summary having read all these what the Revolutionary Communist Party was in his early days was something of Frank Fred’s cabal yes it was something

    Of a cult of personality it had a very ingroup tight structure to it you must think of the Revolutionary Communist party not as a political party not as a labor movement but as an organized minority they are a classic organized minority that attempted to essentially break away from what was in the 1970s

    The completely failing traditional Marxist framework Marxism in in the 1970s in Britain died yes like classic Marxism completely went away it was not an idea that held sway by the 1980s that’s something that even Bowden has discussed on his rather good talk on the left in Britain is the sort of militant

    Anti-liberal leninist you know the the the really hardcore sort of leftist types just don’t exist anymore and what’s left of the have to basically be sort of directed around by these chameleon take on whatever shape they need to be political actors who are you know interested in power and success

    First and ideas laterally it is explained here it’s a splinter group of a splinter group of a splinter group the original revolutionary Communist party and they went through a phase of another one here this is from Jacobin and this is you know the strange odyy of Britain’s revolutionary Communist party

    But this goes through some of the same stuff in that they kind of had a um a a a break with a lot of the race stuff they had a break with a lot of the what was kind of emerging of woke stuff yes what we can see them is as

    Anti-woke Communists I’ll keep saying that because it’s true they are what anti-woke communism looks like and they’ve also had a kind of a moment of there’s an essay quite a famous essay called leaving the proletariat or beyond the proletarian depending how you translate it that was a lot of the

    Thinkers the culmination of a lot of the Communist thinkers in the 1980s getting to the 1990s realizing that really because we live in a society that doesn’t have mass manufacturing employment like it used to that the the old idea of the proletariat doesn’t hold sway it’s wrong Marxism needs to beyond

    The needs to move beyond the proletaria if it is to survive and really that is the underlying philosophy that the Revolutionary Communist Party adopted their whole stick has been attempting to modify uh kind of classical Marxism into a way that it will be relevant to Modern Britain and two to create a structure

    Especially post lawsuit as we’ll get into especially post their official Marxist phase um moving into a way of influencing UK policy on areas such as abortion the age of consent um policy towards pedophiles um spoil spoiler alert we’ll get into that later and anti-Semitism and and anti-Semitism the

    Only racism that actually matters yes so we’ll we we’ll get to that Confluence later of pedophile advocacy abortion advocacy and anti-Semitism uh prevention advocacy and all three of those do seem to go together rather often well I mean we’re best to start than Frank fared yes um

    Going say what what I will quickly go through here is the fact that the um yeah the 1990s saw the RCP undergo significant changes in his account for the for the group’s life uh former leading member Michael Fitzpatrick identifies the first half of the 1990s as a turning point according to

    Fitzpatrick the RCP now argued that the working class has disappeared as a political force deeming its role as a wouldbe revolutionary party to be redundant it stressed a shift towards advancing an intellectual rather than practical alternative one of the major causes for this shift was the end of the Cold War

    And the collapse of the Eastern block again um the rcps uh writing at the end of the ’90s in the rcps new magazine living Marxism this will become quite important Frank Richard argued that the situation in Britain and Eastern Europe demonstrate that both labourism and stalinism had failed yeah

    Frank Richard is of course not that person real name but we’ll get there yes Frank Richards is I believe Frank Freddy yes um over the next half decade the RCP really vented itself the class struggle now took a back seat to the Battle of ideas and living Marxism became the deao

    Party with practical organization increasingly seen as a dead end the RCP argued that any political alternative needed to be developed intellectually first and for it’s basically the opposite of our approach well yeah but their whole thing is like the the conservative party will welcome Us in let’s take advantage of

    This ah you know whereas we always put our hands up and say the conservative party wants to welcome you in that’s why you should run away well what happened was and and we should probably finish this story here quickly is that in the rcps final year of existence LM

    Published a new Manifesto titled the point is to change it it’s still emphasize the policies that the magazine had published in the ’90s but now jettisoned the party organization a debate about the value of the RCP as a revolutionary party had been in progress for a few years it was possible to wage

    The Battle of ideas without party structures they’ve kind of realized what a lot of people have realized in in a traditional party structure if you can just be a behind the scenes organized minority is completely pointless you don’t need very much apart from being an organized minority and that is what the

    Revolutionist Communist revolutionary Communist Party Journey demonstrates above all a the year after the rcps dissolution uh were Dem here after the as’s uh dissolution were dominated by a liable case uh that the broadcast ITN and two journalists brought against the magazine an issue of LM in 1997 published the article that published an

    Article that questioned the veracity of itn’s reporting on the camp in trpo during the Balkan wars in the 1990s iron ironically something that they have been since largely Vindicated on ironic I ironic isn’t it the only thing that they do that was actually had some balls to it they get slapped down

    And basically disbanded for and have to retour themselves but we’ll leave that Journey there the Revolutionary Communist party has been jettisoned living Marxism has disbanded due to a very large Lial case which is why they’re very big on their anti-al stuff um and that’s where we’ll find it but

    Really to understand what’s going on here we must take a journey into the heart of the Revolutionary Communist party and talk about its founder Frank Freddy Frank Freddy was originally uh from Hungary but immigrated to Canada after the failed 195 Uprising uh he’s somebody who did a bachelor’s degree

    Blah blah blah uh RC pis offshoots the former student radical he became involved in left politics in Britain in the 1970s in particular a member of the international socialists on the stonm Frank Richards that’s why it says Frank Richards in there with his followers he was expelled from the is 1973 and formed

    The revolution communist group and then broke from that in 1976 to fund the Revolutionary communist uh tendency refounded as the Revolutionary Communist party in 1970 eight he’s um in December 199 to the RPS magazine living Marxism run an article by Freddy entitled The Midnight in the century which argued of the gross

    Of effect of the collapse of both stalinism and reformism on the working class and for the time at least the working class has no political existence as we went into earlier this signal the reorientation of the party towards more libertarian positions and its for dissolution by in the decade Freddy is

    Now associated with the RCP successor the website spiked online thanks Wikipedia you made our job very easy but but but we’ll get we again we’ll uh we’ll get to that he’s still writing for Spike online oh this one’s a good one there’s some stuff in this is worth

    Reading because it’s just theate coating of of Jews the Western left’s response to hamas’s atrocities has exposed the virulent new form of anti-Semitism this is like one of my tweets I wrote about this period of stuff expanded as like an article but seriously instead of as like a a

    Joke I’ll let you read this one then what what highlights would you like from frankf just to give just to give a flavor of the man and then we’ll get into a bit more of how he’s influenced it structure we’ll do the first few and

    In the last one cuz I do believe the last one and this is also a bit egregious okay go ahead The Assault on Southern Israel H quoting Nigel farage yeah last weekend was more than an atrocity this callous and systematic murder of civilians was nothing less than a 21st century version of a

    Barbaric POG ROM the video was recorded by Hamas operatives as they slaughtered people serve as a frighting testimony to human depravity they more they more than match the numerous beheading videos that glorified the barbarism of Islamic State and other terrorist organizations in recent decades it’s an interesting spin

    From a man who defended Saddam Hussein in the ira yes seeing the Hamas orchestrated pogrom was gut-wrenching but what I have found almost as disturbing are the smug voices of those in the west who say that Israel is responsible for hamas’s barbarism that it brought this horror on itself ever since Hamas operatives

    Embarked on a depraved Killing Spree self styled progressives have been queuing up to tell anyone who will listen that the evil zionists had it coming no comment not even this week’s report of hamas’s Massacre of babies turned out to be completely false yes have given them pause for reflection their victim

    Blaming is echoed by numerous Western Muslim organizations and even by some mainstream politicians they too see Israel had it coming with his with his usual smug complacency former Greek Minister jannis vacus declared in an interview that he would never denounce Hass for these atrocities I can imagine fedi probably

    Spent decades writing lovingly about varus yes he is there to the leather jacket motorbike driving communist guy woo and now he’s oh no I have to pretend I care of Israel now pointing a finger at Israel he stated that the path to ending the tragic loss of innocent lives

    Both palestin and Israeli begins with one crucial First Step the end of Israeli occupation and aart time I will leave it you know a moment or two so that people in the chat can guess what kind of Hungarian Frank fredd might be I was going to say yes it it should

    Be obvious by now but can you can you guess what kind of Hungarian Frank Freddy is do you want to do some of the super chats we got before I read the last paragraph for this sure um before before we uh finish this uh we’ll quickly read

    Some super chats here thank you Mr Panama Hat there for the 10 Mr Panama Hat says this is vital stuff the mfom right are all frauds and Chumps these Tory organs and men from Swindon Who Shall Not Be Named will drag the entire right into a pit of humiliating failure

    It’s all interconnected and we’ll get some the incon interconnects between the stuff we’ve talked about in this later but yes um and Lewis and thank you for the10 pounds Mr Panama Hat uh Lewis sha mofit with the 5 PS said I called it years ago all the liberal stuff has

    Always been commies Don the play has been Vindicated alas too late I again we have to be quite accurate we don’t like going around just calling people Communists but like that they’re Communists if you’re going to be part of a group that calls itself the Revolutionary Communist party I mean I

    Don’t want to make the mistake that James buram warns against which is partly what we’re trying to warn people as well with here but yes they do call themselves communist so we should probably call them Communists too yeah just scroll up so we get the last couple paragraphs

    There L Han and Brandon O’Neal alive in conversation wait in the same place at the same time oh no where is it yeah we’ll go from here yeah looking behind the campaign to devalue the moral status of Jewish people is the pathologization of Israel so just as

    Jews have been cast as hyper white symbols of white supremacy Israel has emerged as the Exemplar of Western impression and appear iism in this ways Jews have reemerged as the allpurpose 21st century scapegoat today we see the convergence of three different strands of anti-jewish sentiment islamist traditional European and identitarian which has revitalized

    Anti-Semitism this is why the loss of Jewish life can be met with such indifference even by a supposedly fervent advocate of Human Rights like Maggie Chapman so thoroughly dehumanized is the Jew among sections of the western left today that they are willing to excuse a pogram what a shame those

    Terrible people those who collaborated with the Nazis would often claim that they didn’t know that the Nazis were planning to exterminate Jewish people today’s leftwing collaborators have no such excuses the atrocities perpetrated by Hass are there for all to see thank you Frank stunning and brave stunning

    And brave but yes this this is the rhetoric that these people bring into the quote unquote right I was fortunate or should say unfortunate enough to actually listen to something by Frank Freddy I can’t say where and I can’t say the content of it um because it was done

    Under chattam house rules and I I use that in its literal not not its literal sense but you know what I mean I I wasn’t actually at chattam house but I I am privy to some certain things behind the scenes um and I was one deeply unimpressed by his libertarian like 2010

    Soup of ideas and also it became increasingly clear that a lot of these ideas are one because of the alarm that some of the left they’re also feeling about the state of the system and the pure delusion of the intellect in intelligen of the left and also because

    It is a great way to clothe yourself in populist ideas it felt like a populist grab bag he really said nothing yes he said very little what he said sounded like a you know like a 2014 thunderfoot video or something like that it was extremely extremely limited hangout

    Libertarianism from somebody who is a former libert who is a former revolutionary communist and the thing is that his nominal right-wing ideas are so paper thin that it is very easy to see him very simply is the leader of a pragmatic set like the Fabian Society of

    People who want to be in power are figuring out how to be in power and are willing to say anything to remain relevant the power center well let’s let us not you know let’s not totally bmch the man yet anyway cuz maybe maybe this is all just politicking and at home and

    In his family life maybe the fared and I say see the fared plural are good people they’re trying to this is they’re trying to show shut us down October 20th 2004 pregnancy uh let me see if this is cutting it off it is cutting shimmed um yeah that’ll do that’ll do I’m afraid

    This is a bit zoomed out but pregnancy advisor an pared vilified for informing women about late in scare quotes clinics in Spain tells Mick cume why she is so angry at the Despicable campaign being waged against her do you want to read this one because this is them trying to

    Defend her but as this goes on some of the I what she does what she’s part of and and what she was basically caught doing is extremely alarming and you may remember this Scandal about people being recommended um like uh Beyond 24- week abortions and by the way that is a six-month pregnant

    Woman after 24 weeks just remember that as we move forward but yeah today she faces a challenge from opponents less VI violent but rather more threatening is chief executive of the British pregnancy advisory service how Frank Freddy’s wife ever ended up in this position as another foreign Jewish person I don’t

    Know either but you know who else would do the job I’ve got to say uh yes you don’t need the early life of an Freddy she is also somebody who is a I guess very similar lineage and very very s it’s that they’re both they’re both Jewish there there’s no way around it

    Not there’s anything wrong there’s anything wrong with that it is just as we go forward that is just some uh some humble context as chief executive of the British pregnancy Advisory Board the leading abortion charity she’s been accused by a national newspaper of helping women to AB obtain illegal L

    Abortions in Spain oh Spain pardon me wa write this no I’ve got it they’ve got Jonah japson the young blonde curate prompted a police investigation of doctors who aborted a fetus with a cleft pallet lined up as the champ on the side of good fed told me now they’re trying

    To personalize the pro-choice Side by setting up bpas and me in particular is the personification of evil illegal abortions maybe because you are the the British prescy advisory service by the way is the it is the biggest abortion entity in Britain biggest advisor biggest policy advisor and also provides

    A quarter a quarter of all UK ations were headed up by Frank fed’s wife the Revolutionary communist who has ties to people who March around and give orders within the conservative party and who is also attached to people who are now lifetime peers why is this staple to the

    Rightwing in Britain H that’s interesting an under recover reporter from the Sunday Telegraph claiming to be 26 weeks pregnant Beyond Britain’s legal limit of 24 alleges that she was requested an abortion bpas referred her to a Barcelona Clinic where she was offered a termination and told staff they would falsify

    Records John Reed the health secretary has reportedly asked the chief medical officer to investigate and wedam MP the former conservative Minister has tabled a parliamentary motion calling for the immediate withdrawal of the 12 million of government funding from BPS and for the charity to be closed down the Sunday

    Telegraph alleges that for already runs bpas as a crusader in a rare personal column Dominic Lawson the papers editor claimed that fed has a fundamentally political motivation to provide abortions regardless of the law in years to come he argued her views on women’s rights to late abortion will seem as

    Barbaric and bizarre as the advocacy of slavery and force sterilization seems to us today the paper seemed particularly insens by her refusal to apolog oliz making a banner headline of her initial inent response so what is your point exactly so is fared Britain’s Madame abortion a hard-faced baby hating

    Haridan the unattractive image does not match the women I know oh yeah than thanks for the discloser thanks for disclosing that so this is just that this is one of her trotsky’s media friends what mck Hume yeah is one of the Revolutionary Communist party people

    That was yes yes listed earlier on yes I was going to say this this I was about if you got the power base one still up I’m not sure if you do uh I can quickly check though if you want yes yes well mum is one of the Revolutionary Communist Party People yes

    Has been written by one of her friends one of her Communist Party Insider friends they’re trying to run defense well he’s got a job at the Sunday time well he’s got a job at the Sunday Times they’re trying to run defense this cabal of people for illegal referral for like

    Late super late term abortion and she won’t apologize for it she won’t acknowledge that it was wrong and the reason for that is because this is representative of her beliefs here’s another one this is from the telegraph this is again from uh this is from 2013

    I believe but here She is again she’s still the head yeah of the largest abortion organization this is N9 years later 9 years after she’s sending women overseas for illegal abortions where they offer to falsify records she’s still here women are legally free to abort a baby because of its sex as abortion

    Charity head the chief executive of Britain’s biggest abortion charity has said women are legally free to arrange an abortion because they are happy with the sex of their unhappy with the sex their unborn baby again why is this cabal of people in all of these positions and deciding all of these

    Policies why yeah I don’t know is the is the quote you’ve got in the document there from from the yes I don’t know if you to just scroll to that where is that I’m not really sure H it’s just a part however Mrs fared whose charity carries out more

    Than a quarter of abortions in England and Wales argued that if doctors believe going ahead with a pregnancy would damage the mental health of the mother the abortion is within law uh yes uh writing for the online magazine spiked e Cole comes back around she said a doctor agreeing to an abortion on

    Grounds of rape would be breaking the law no more more and no less than a doctor who agrees an abortion on the grounds of sex selection she said yes well is true that the sex thefe is not a legal ground for abortion nor is Rap by

    Incest or being 13 years old nor is being homeless nor abandoned nor just feeling there’s no way you can bring a child into the world yet they are all reasons why a doctor May believe a woman has met the legal grounds of abortion she’s basically saying look the legal

    Grounds of abortion are fuzzy she is the reason that Britain even though it was never meant to on paper even though within law we don’t have it an Freddy is the reason that on demand abortion is effectively legal in Britain she was the driving force behind it she has Weedle

    Through all of these she’s sent women abroad and she’s now arguing that the you know the two doctor rule the harm rule can extend to a woman who is so mentally distressed by the fact she might have a boy instead of a girl that she should be able to abort the baby and

    This is a woman who is ostensibly supposed to be part of the British right as it were or at least in terms of her grouping she is part of this group of people who has injected themselves in the British right and yet she is a late term abortion Advocate who wants you to

    Be able to abort your baby because of its sex what was it in one of the other articles I think I can’t remember maybe it’s the link you’ve got coming up next or not but I think we are talking about something in the order of 50 to 60,000 a

    Year at least yes I don’t know if we have that up here but basically yes uh the the I I I the number of abortions that have been carried out by uh in fact we can we can actually go and get that uh because I I know we had that on the bpas

    Website um yeah here it is uh figure show yeah it’s the one you’ve got as a link that’s oh it is okay we already have that one good good good we do have it do you want to quickly get this one then uh dat release today 22nd of June 2023 by the

    Department of Health shows an increase of 177% in number of abortions in England Wales between January 20 June January and June 2022 there were 123,124 188 over the same period in 2021 I suppose that was maybe the one good actually wholly organically good thing that lockdown did is it shut down enough

    Of the NHS that there was 20,000 less abortions during that period yes but yeah yeah I don’t there isn’t much else that comment here on this because this really just gives you an idea of the scale that they were operating at and yes and not only were they doing that at

    The same time an fared and MCH and all their pals are running a pro-choice Forum that’s an extension of the living Marxism magazine all at once yes they are so they’re not even just killing children they’re also running a magazine and a Lobby group to help normalize the

    Notion of killing children and here’s your same people again Frank fared Fritz Patrick CLA Fox Goldberg M O’Neal who was writing the article about his friend defending her late time abortions as part of a revolutionary communist cabal and that’s why I don’t like CLA Fox because CLA Fox

    Is part of a revolutionary communist cabal with a woman who eats baby well oh a woman who kills babies for fun as a for a living she is a baby death advocate of the most repugnant nature as I said she believes that you should be able to send women overseas for illegal

    Lattime abortions will not apologize for it she believes that you should be able to kill children because of their sex she does not apologize for it she is cartoonishly evil she is one of the best representations of why like the pro-abortionists are so revolting they just make your skin crawl

    Because they’re so Unapologetic and yes she does have an ideological interest in it and she does have an ethnic interest in it as well because of the two things that make up her identity which is her communism and who she is anyway oh no I I looked something up based on what

    Someone else has said in chat I’ve come across one of Frank fed’s early articles in 2012 as an independent ESS wrote the bigotry of anti could circumcision zealots yes yes I did see that so we also did do it yes but uh well we should be very glad that anro decided not to

    Abought her own son of course not because who else would have been the editor unheard who would else would be the deputy editor of unheard but one Jacob Fred let’s have a have a brief scroll here and look at the nature of some of the Articles he writes as well oh Andrew

    T Andrew T geopolitics anyway um so so now we have the son of the of the founder of a re revolution in communist cabal and his mother is the abortionist the arch abortionist in Britain and yet he’s a deputy editor of a publication whose writers we are told we have to play ball

    With well what is going on in the British right now we know now we know who oner is for though it’s for Paul Marshall Yeah Tim Montgomery abortion Advocates Communists and child murderers yes it is and I don’t know maybe maybe we’ll never meet Mary hington everybody keeps saying good

    Things about her but she she works for the man who set up the well she she works for the outlet who was set up by the same person who set up you know the in Institute for social justice we’ve been over Tim Montgomery we’ve been over

    Uh Paul Marshall and who they are and what they fund and now we’re getting into some more of their staff and who they are this is a it’s a very dirty end of the uh T octopus isn’t it yes um again it’s a big Club you’re not in it

    And yet people are in it who we are supposed to play ball with and that’s why we don’t play nice with some others that’s why we don’t play nice with the Mary Harrington of this world because they are sent by people like this and

    And his yeah his AR I I just you don’t hear me flustered very often but like what an fored advocates for is one of the most evil things I can imagine she is at the helm of a baby murdering machine and advocates for more of it for

    More reasons she wants it later L control less control more more abortions damn it and this is the British right and and the Battle of ideas and the The Institute of ideas wants less protection for children and wants generational discrimination or whatever they called it to be broken down and just in case

    You think we’re a little bit mental there’s even a guardian article that proves that uh one Jacob ready is his son yeah scared silly uh in his book apparent parenting uh Frank FY is not a relaxed parent he can be laid back about some things his 5-year-old son Jacob so

    It’s not a coincidence he’s not just called for ready that he’s his son think about this though 2001 he’s writing parting books yeah raising his own son well he’s part of a group of people who let’s put it this way we have made it quite clear do not

    Like children and the only way they like children is liking them too much I’m just going to say poor Jacob and I’m going to leave it at that well here we go anti-statism and the trajectory from the Revolutionary Communist party to spiked here we get into the trajectory of what we see today

    We’ve we’ve talked about the Freddy family uh we now get on to spiked online uh spiked online just is it is a direct successor to living Marxism which was the Revolutionary communist parties magazine they lost a liable suit uh about the Bosnian genocide it had most of the same staff

    From former Revolution Communist Party voices such as Mick Hume again Frank Freddy CLA Fox Brendan O’Neal James Hartfield Michael fckpatrick and James woodhen it is just all the same people yeah um the same story here about them getting done over the ITN case I believe as well in the last 20 years

    Spites has become uh in an increasingly vocal and visible actor in Britain’s culture wars combining libertarianism and right-wing populism with a punch on for uh contrarianism a number of its editorial team and contributors have made Headway in the mainstream media such as Frank Freddy Donna Williams mume

    Brandon O’Neal and Tom Slater at the same time CLA Fox was an MEP of the brexit party and he’s now baroness of the House of Lords musi mm foreign name is a chief political adviser to Boris Johnson as spite appears to have gained access to cardal of power and scaled the heights

    Of the media as British politics lurches to the right this again this is written by leftists uh this paper will discuss how the RCP transformed from a small troest part of the 1980s into the notorious website that spiked is today developing what critics have referred to

    As the RCP LM spiked network uh I think it might be worth going through not the paragraph Below in the little cot bit here we go although the trajectory from far left to the right is not an uncommon phenomenon the shift on Mass from the RCP to spiked via living Marxism which

    Kept much of the same leading Personnel intact you don’t see and with few openly breaking with the party network is more unique as Chris Gilligan a former RCP M has noted this network seems to be quite a conscious decision made in the late 1990s citing Doan Cummings writing for

    The spiked Review of Books s 2007 I never left the right is that the yeah it’s all right that’s another quote of CLE Fox is Cle yes H over the years the former RCP members who made the initial translation into LM and spiked have fallen away or become less involved even

    Even though their public criticisms of their EXC comrades is muted looking at the RCP through the lines of its successors there has been a debate about whether the RCP was part of the left for example Andy Becket wrote In The Guardian despite its name most of its stances were not communist or

    Revolutionary but contrary it supported free speech for racist and nuclear power it attacked environmentalism and the NHS its most consistent impulse was to invoke an idealized working class and claim it was actually being harmed by the supposed Elites of the liberal left well again there is some debate

    About whether or not these people are right-wingers who pretended to be leftists and have returned to form or whether these are leftists who turn to pragmatism in terms of how they survive the the death of Marxism in Europe I’d say it doesn’t matter in many ways I’d

    Say that the the end result is that these people are a small organized minority who will take money from anybody and say anything to further their slightly nebulous goals but we can look at very very clearly who funds them what they’re saying and we can try and

    Glean some of their agendas from that oh we’ll move on then um here we go this this is power base seems slightly slightly not obsessed with living Marxism but really I I think that the the living Marxism Nexus is why partially why the website power base was

    Founded probably uh because a lot of people on the left were very very very concerned and were a little bit uh alarmed by these people and how they just seem to wonder around different places Willy nearly ideolog there’s a lot of interesting names in here as well yes none of the organizations associated

    With the LM Network provides a breakdown of funders and how much they have provided we do know however that they are funded by corporations that fund think tanks dedicated to promoting Sor their interest in the political and media spheres for example the pharmaceutical company fizer has funded

    Spiked yes the Institute of ideas Battle of ideas in 2005 and 2006 the debating matters program oh no wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute sorry they they’ve been team balanced uh by the left back onto right now yes a team balancing alert and the deating debating

    Matters program and two organizations which the LM network has connections at the science media center and sense about science both of these latter are engaged in managing debates about scientific issues isn’t that interesting though yes you know maybe that would explain why spiked start a lockdown supported the

    Idea yes because maybe you got money from fiser as well as funding the LM Network fiser funds free market think tanks such as the competitive envir Enterprise Institute and kto Institute and the Netherlands based edman Burk Foundation uh blah blah blah brussell based Center for news uh new Europe

    Which I believe that Freddy’s been associated with as well which also does uh work on climate fed by Exxon the UK social Market Foundation which I believe we’ve talked before a number of and the American Council on science and health uh a deceptive front group fisa is a

    Member of one of the most important uh corporate uh Global corporate Lobby groups the international Chamber of Commerce uh it’s very very odd to see fisa supporting this network of revolutionary Communists who have weeded their way into Power anyway BT is another major sponsor of the LM Network

    BT sponsored the Battle of ideas in 2006 7 and 8 in addition then BT subsidiary 02 sponsored five spiked debates during 05 06 and 07 while another was sponsored by orange the mobile operators Association is is also on record as having funded spiked in return bt2 and other operators had the opportunity via

    Spiked to challenge public concerned about the pre perceived effects on health child protection and the environment of mobile phones well it’s what they’ve done is what all of these intellectuals in quotes who uh burrow their way into a position of power do they are talking heads for higher they will suck up to

    Any part of the power center because they are pragmatists they are pragmatist members of the elite class and that’s what they do anyway other corporations uh and corporate Lobby groups that have funded the LM Network are Cadbury scheps IBM novarus orange O2 the mobile operators Association and the Society of the chemical

    Industry these sources of funding are typical of lobbying and or PR firms unsurprisingly some of the biggest Lobby firms also fund the network Hill and Nolton is one of the most controversial lobbying and PR firms in the world having famously been behind the deception on the incubator baby story in Kuwait in

    19991 it also worked for a list of controversial corporations including the oil tobacco Pharma fast food and GM industry it worked too for repressive regimes including Egypt Haiti Indonesia Morocco turkey and China after the tianan Square massacre along with PR firm Luther pen Dragon which has worked for the hinduja brothers McDonald’s

    Pepsi the GM industry and others hell and Nolton has put up cash for LM Network events I just it’s just it’s a Nexus that those of you who follow our streams will know that we mentioned the babies and incubators Q8 story that effectively brought America into the

    First Gulf War as one of the kind of prime examples that America’s never had a quote quot quote pure war and that all these information Wars are always going on babies and incubators one of the most obvious instances of a PR firm via the security State inventing a so story

    Selling it to Congress selling it to the American people but it turning out to be an absolute lie and yet we find them in this Nexus we find them in this Nexus of these people it’s almost like the greatest hits in certain ways yes everybody’s coming up um but we yeah so

    Really what we can see here is kind of a kind of a Nexus here we have spikes and the Battle of ideas which is just living Marxism it is just living Marxism and the revolutionist commy party and they are sponsored by fiser um Hill and Nolan strategies the

    The Kato Institute and as we’ll get to the coch Family Foundation they also receive quite a large amount of Coke brothers money I was going to say maybe when uh Mary mza or whatever the [ __ ] her name is went on to say about the fact that there’s not enough ideas and

    Free thought on the far left what she actually meant was there isn’t enough like corporatist wheel greasing going on for her liking H I will I will go through here because it’s there’s a bit about the thing with George moot here but uh yes it turns out that spiked uh USA

    Specifically the US arm of it has received $300,000 in tote from the Coke brothers the [ __ ] are mentioned in several spite articles but no corresponding interests are declared the article in 2016 when spite us received $170,000 from Charles [ __ ] Foundation attacks The Standing Rock protest against the Dakota access pipeline in

    Which the Coke brothers have a major interest again a left this talking coin but a genuine conflict of interest and a genuine kind of money in media Scandal as well um it’s just it’s just very funny there’s there’s also we can see here is that uh the Henry Jackson

    Society we’ve covered before are quite proud of having articles been placed in spiked yep they have a whole section on the website which shows the Articles they’ve had placed in spiked um well we also know Frank fared is a regular speaker at many of their events yes Ricky

    Bashan Bashan Rick Ricky Bashan rck oh it’s just like again uh spite has kind of Fallen somewhat recently it was a lot a lot bigger I would say kind of 2016 to 2019 and it lost its way a little bit but there is again it was it plays host

    And everyone in the Tory octopus is very happy very happy to interact with all these revolutionary Communists because they’re advising their Prime Ministers they’re sitting in the House of Lords for the conservative party they are paid up Frank fed’s on the new culture Forum or he’s speaking at National

    Conservatism or half of them are appearing at the the Alliance for responsible citizenship um but we now must move on to Brendan O’Neal I I hope this is L I might have to adjust the volume here but I’ll give you a quick introduction to Brendan O’Neal um once at trotskyist O’Neal was

    Formerly a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party um he wrote for the part’s Journal living Marxism in 2019 O’Neal said he was a Marxist libertarian which is why we all blocked by him on Twitter yeah which is why we’re all blocked by him on Twitter but here he is

    On a terrible hat on reason TV by the way the reason nights of course and this is him being asked about what he thinks of trosky oh don’t tell me Darren Grimes is on there no it’s it’s one of the reason kns but anyway my rally and cry

    Is trotsky’s Rally and cry he said we have to increase the power of man over nature and decrease the power of man over man I I would challenge anyone to find a better description of progressive politics than that and that is Spike’s rallying cry we want to increase the

    Power of man over nature and decrease the power of man over man yeah so talk a little bit about Spike how did it anyway so that makes it very very clear I think that that was that was good of you to leave that screen up so that people

    Don’t have to see his horrible shiny head uh yeah I I I hate this clip U the clip to be fair the clip looks like [ __ ] you’re not really missing much uh it’s just an Instagram thing and it won’t go full screen properly and it’s a

    Recording of a screen I believe yeah but yeah here he is with his stupid hat on um on his Instagram uh again I ha Instagram but that that’s that was Brandon O’Neal though talking about how he’s a trotskyite he loves trosky [ __ ] framework is try’s framework and spiked is try’s

    Publication you you can’t really I I again the uh the the containment points out itself um I don’t know he’s he’s also somebody who is responsible I was going to do like a top five worst Brendon onne articles but I just think we can read

    Over the like some of the stuff he said um his response to being um called out for taking Cook Brothers money was basically to admit it but say oh well why is that a problem why is it a problem we take Coke brothers money oh well that doesn’t why why is that a

    Problem why is that a conflict to to be fair all modern Publications take you know well let’s the host pip let’s just go for this little bit here then Mr mbots H questions dear Brandon and Viv I’ve been unable to contact you by phone as the number given on your site appears

    To be a border so could you please answer these questions by email or ring me back in the phone number removed please respond by noon on Monday 3rd December I’m writing a guardian column on who fun spiked this is prompted by our discovery that spiked has received through its us funding arm

    $170,000 over the past two years from the Charles C Foundation I’ve been investigating this funding in its context in in collaboration with dmog UK my questions are as follows what was the stated purpose of these donations could I please see your application for funds to the Charles Co Foundation could I

    Please see the contract that accompanied this funding was the funding from the C Brothers Foundation covered by a confidentiality agreement have you publicly acknowledged this funding if so please provide a link God I I’ll take that as it is there a lot of it is just

    Like Jour going ah you have to play by the rules it’s this is if you know who mbot is this and it’s a it’s a inter left spat this is an inter left spat because spiked has broken ranks and he’s going after some of the climate change stuff

    Partially is a populous thing but partially as primarily cuz it’s taking money yeah primarily cuz it’s taking money um but basically they came out and said uh spe programs £300,000 to produ public debates uh blah blah blah blah blah they he basically comes out and says well uh we took Coke brothers money

    But it was for some free speech conference so my free speech my free speech and a lot of people oh yo the safe space tour oh uh a lot of people are going well you know they’re anti-climate change that’s based you’re going after the this is how

    The red team blue team stuff works again they have once again uh that what happened was is that Brendon team balanced himself back into the left but has also now team balanced himself back into the right lot of Team balancing going on here because even though he

    Wrote this and you may think this redeems him in some way it’s only going to get worse it is but I’m going to say that the red team blue team stuff is how this stuff gets through yes it’s how they win we know as as actual dissident people that the Cog brothers are

    Irredeemable neocons that they are part of the same regime machine and they just wear a different t-shirt but if you are looking at this from an outside perspective you are quote unquote on the British right this is an attack on a right-wing publication that is climate skeptic uh from a leftwing publication

    About money they’re getting from a conservative funding source to you it is uncontroversial but in in objective terms what they are doing is technically unethical it is but also what they are doing is a clear sign that they are aligned with the Centerpoint neocon down the road narrative they are effectively

    Taking the same money that the Henry Jackson Society takes policy exchange takes that Nigel farage has been taking that all these people take to be the middleof the road reim Neo con and really that’s the Nexus that is what everything tends towards it’s where Corbin’s going it’s where spiked ended

    Up it’s where the conservative party is it’s where everybody is in this Central managerial position it’s because of the money behind it and it’s because of the fact that you can have these small groups of people who are able to be the mouthpieces for even smaller groups of

    People but one of the other reasons as well and why we talked about age of cons abortion all this stuff is because spiked online uh cannot stop Well it can’t stop attacking first of all Ted kazinski and a trotskyist calling other people basically wackos is very funny

    Ted K was so Bonkers because he didn’t believe in Marxism yeah but anyway what really really makes us revolted is the fact that uh Brendan O’Neal and others at spiked are Unapologetic pedophile Advocates y they will defend the rights of pedophile you know a lot of people are free speech

    Absolutist you know defend your right to say it they will they will die for the rights of a pedophile to be a pedophile and they’re quite explicit about this they’re quite explicit about that they are for uh Maps basically they’re for non-practicing pedophiles they def they defend the right of people to be

    Pedophiles in one way shape or form they have been doing that for 20 years yes they have and the again the nccl was right to affiliate with pi that’s Liberty which is the you know that Liberty is it success organization and Pi stands for pedophile information exchange the civil liberties group if

    Civil liberties groups won’t defr free speech for the unpopular what’s the point then that is what the Battle of ideas is for this is why the revolution revolutionary Communist party is so obsessed with who you stand with you become obsessed with free speech this is who you stand with this is who anybody

    At the Battle of ideas stands with this is the narrative this is what’s behind it is a group of Communists attempting to normalize pedophilia through saying well if you’re a free speech absolutist you’re for free speech for pedophiles we’ finally reached the end point and why I wouldn’t you know I can’t stand

    Someone like CLA Fox because this is the cabal she is part of she is part of the Free Speech means pedophiles cabal Free Speech means pedophiles too no it [ __ ] doesn’t and that’s why we don’t stand for free Heth Healthcare means late term abortions oh look harri Harmon

    Yeah uh to the Palace to see the palous uh state of moral and political debate in 21st century Britain look no further than Harriet Harmon and the pie Scandal here is the resurrection of all claims and smears about the relationship between the National Council of civil liberties and the pedophil information

    Exchange we had the opportunity for serious debate about freedom of speech and Association about whether even the most unpopular groups in society sorry sorry Association I thought this was about speech freedom yeah spiked online is a free is a free speech Outlet run by Communists because their ultimate form

    Of free speech and free association is touching kids and what could be more unpopular than an organization of self-identified Peter FS uh should have the right to exist and to give a voice to that ideology no it’s simple no where’s where’s the give us the give us what’s his

    Conclusion paragraph here uh I’m I’m trying to I’m trying to I’m trying to find the the obvious Meme here but yes let’s go to the conclusions here shall we because I don’t want to read this whole [ __ ] AP apologist it’s easy to have a pop Harry Harry Harmon even

    Easier to mock The Daily Mail for being hypocritical but that’s easy enough posturing let’s now talk or let’s now ask some hard questions do you support the right of pedophile to set up an organization no not a child sex ring but a campaigning organization those are the

    Same thing do you support the right of pedophiles to publish their ideas and their written fantasies do you support the right of pedophiles to campaign for a reduction in the age of consent as parts of the revolutionist Communist Party have done do you support these rights even though you find the content

    Of the material being published and the arguments for a lowr of consent to be deeply immoral and perverse and I am quoting here yeah I answer yes to those questions how about you I don’t have a big enough wood chipper that’s my answer yeah I

    I I I knew this was here I because I I was like this this this right here this is the ideology of the Revolutionary Communist Party this and tens of thousands of extra abortions imigration and replacement and general sort of photic inner group interest welcome to the British

    Right and people there was all those comments I saw lot oh everyone who’s not me is containment look at look at it you what you need see anymore [ __ ] look at this look at who they’re stapling you to look at these people look at this cabal of people in unheard in the UK

    Government in the House of Lords representing the right in media being platformed everywhere all the Tory think tanks platforming these people and then them platforming each other this is who we are supposed to break bread with and who we are shouted down for saying should not have a method of reaching into our

    Sphere these are the people who are being allowed onto your Platforms in quotes these are the people who are allowed to speak in your spaces these are the people behind the Free Speech events like the Battle of ideas and that’s the reason they have them these are the people who are representing the

    Libertarian right in Britain revolutionary communist child murdering pedophiles yeah the most awful person you can imagine I I as I said I don’t usually get like personally invested in just I find these people disgusting I find them morally objectionable to a degree that it makes me genuinely angry and I’m

    Trying to get tilted on the stream but these people are evil they are incredibly evil let me let me make this easier and also hard at the same time because there’s more of this [ __ ] here’s here’s Mick Hume another revolutionary communist member let’s just keep getting

    Through them the poit the politics of a pedophile Panic why supporters and opponents of sh real law Sarah’s law Sarah’s law sorry are as bad as each as bad as one another um let’s not I don’t need he let’s just point out that they’re doing it Bron o again our need

    For pedos why Society obsesses over child abuse after Rolf the Westminster child sex ring why the pedo scare won’t die go and watch our white March stream if you want to get like even angrier go and watch I want I want white M stream in the wake of this being said about

    Elite Peter FS r o is someone who will also just do cover for elite petophiles and here we go with another uh Jen M Jen Jan Mavish who again is another member of this kind of Nexus she’s another Kent University lecturer and another revolutionary communist alumni and here

    She is growing this this is the worst one growing up with pedopiles not so long ago adults treated pedophiles with caution rather than dread I don’t think I need to hear any more about this No Nonsense not negotiable no and for nothing else I will say that we should excise these people and

    Anybody anybody who would break bread with them without repudiating them before and afterwards yep I again I felt like I had to do this with someone who listen into a lecture from Frank Freddy because all this is going to have to come out someday all of

    These people are going to have to be asked about why they did this why they said this and why they’re saying that we should we should treat Peter FES with suspicion and not D I can’t believe those words were written I’m going to put it this way to those in chat your

    Homework this week is to take some of the links and the resources we have talked about and if you see any of these people interacting with the right or trying to sell themselves to the conservative base shame them shame them with all of this stuff cuz that’s it’s

    Almost is almost a sin upon ourselves to not do that abortionists Communists and pedophiles British right we have some to we we have some more Super chats though uh don’t worry we uh we don’t miss any fan funding uh we’ve been over those too quickly um uh leis sha m thank you for

    The the extra5 uh rurick Skywalker on substack has covered the slave lands deep Flor as regards very similar problems in Russia not really sure what that’s about um here for the Brandon O’Neal and co- bashing thank you for the 2 pound currently current Year and thank

    You for the F5 cing current year it’s regretful that I bought Mick hume’s book trigger warning and used to read spite articles back in the day who who is most dangerous to our side the thing is it’s it’s basically a contiguous group this is a small Kar within them the kind of revolutionary

    Communist alums as it were but it’s basically it it’s a big Club the this is the elite intellectual class of the British right this is who they turn to when they look for ideas this is this is the group of people that Boris Johnson and Co look to for some of their policy

    Ideas and that is why me and Mery or whatever her name resigned when uh somebody bis Johnson had theity to call out a this is why I just gristle donated thank you for the20 by the uh Kofi loving the spike stream thank you thank you very much yeah uh

    Shall I just read the last Quick bit of the sort of conclusions you’ve got here before we head out uh yeah yeah yeah no no we we have don’t worry we have our conclusions um we’re going to kind of go through well what does all of this mean

    What does all of this mean to us well I I’ll read the first bit you’ve got here leftists often see this affair as evidence of entryism into the Socialist movement which is partially correct but they’re not willing to admit that the regime runs both sides and their

    Supposed enemies are also fake the RCP is what happens when old-fashioned Marxism tries to survive in pure managerialism and have a voice this is also a story of the impotence of the left to properly frame these people as what they are okay uh my conclusions were that anti-work communism is indistinguishable from Modern

    Toryism the anti-woke communism of of the of the RCP of the Revolution Communist Party eventually just tends towards the raw managerialism of toryism and the Revolutionary Communist party is a perfect example of an organized minority this and the Fabian Society and the and the stuff I might give a quick

    Kind of postcript to at the end just to give people some stuff to research this is how you organize without a political party without a mass movement without a mass voice re the Revolutionary Communist Party were political nobodies and weirdos from the 1970s and ‘ 80s who

    Effectively died in the 1990s and yet they have a massive voice within the UK right a massive voice if you map out their entire network Elite academics in modern Western States even communist ones are political pragmatists when it comes to power and all of this shows us

    That no matter which way around these people move whether they’re leftists in conservative clothing or conservatives who formerly had Leff clothing ideology is post Hawk to being an organized minority and gaining power that that is what all of this demonstrates what they want is more dead children more rapes

    Children and more funding from fire that is the agenda of spiked online that is the agenda of the fetes of Brandon O’Neal all of this disgusting cabal of of of well rewarded political insiders who’ve had the coup of now having a baroness amongst them this is the kind

    Of some of the stuff you can see when you peek in and the rottenness of the British establishment they’re just all like this and the reason we’re able to zoom in on so many bits of it and show us the containment is they are just all like this it’s it’s it’s just awful

    Everywhere um I guess I guess a quick postcript here really um rad Li to his credit reminded me that um Irving Crystal even though he’s slightly further removed which is Billy Crystal’s father yes he referred to here as a a Jewish realist in National Affairs but he started out live throughout his 20s

    As as a trotskyite socialist and his ideas come from people like Clement Greenberg who was again a a uh formalist aesthetician but really what he was was one of the early thinkers in the neoconservative movement again you may be uh sensing a pattern here um there’s also Lionel trilling who was another

    Very very influential member of the early neoconservatism conservatives and all of these people especially the early ones especially Greenberg and trilling who is also what you might think I’ll just I’ll just I mean it says in all in both of them his family was Jewish it’s parents were middle class

    Jews it’s it is again the the frankly Jewish neocon Nexus is Marxist in origin and so also is the Fabian Society I mean this is just from encyclopedia dramatic encyclopedia dramatica sorry this is not from Ed this is from encyclopedia britanica it’s a very different text yeah the fabians at first attempted to

    Permeate the liberal and conservative parties with socialist ideas they later helped to organize the separate labor representation committee which became the labor party in 1906 the Fabian Society has since been affiliated with the labor party the national membership of the Fabian Society has never been very great at his

    Peak in 1946 it had only about 8,400 members but the importance of the society has always been much greater than its size might suggest generally a large number of Labor members of parliament in the House of Commons as well as many of the party leaders are fabians in addition to the National

    Society there are scores of local Fabian societies and let’s not let’s not forget the archetype the perfect archetype for this John mayard KES yes now the only thing that he didn’t have going for him as far as I’m aware is that he wasn’t Jewish he was a communist at one point

    And he was also a pedophile and he also went from being hard left into being soft left into being a hero of the rate yes I’m not quite sure why the screen isn’t changing over though because I’ve got the the lower third up it it’s because the image is overlaid on top of

    It no no it’s not I’ve got these in the wrong window here sorry um oh here we go sorry I was I had the wrong window well it showed the wrong window there but here’s here’s the Fabian Society section but this little section here sorry the the part part of the national membership

    Like Boomer moment there although I I I did leave baz on screen which is fine uh this really is just an exhortation like an exaltation sorry of the of the organized minority this the Fabian Society the Revolutionary Communist party and the early neoconservatives are burning examples of

    The power of the organized minority they don’t have party they don’t have mass and they don’t have recognition but what they have is power and you don’t need any of those three things to have power you don’t need Mass you don’t need a even a proper party structure and

    You certainly don’t need public recognition no um again very good worked example with all of this but I I think we’ve earned our title there I mean they are revolutionary communist Tories they interact with the Tory party they’re in the Tory party they’re Tory peers and they’re also just advocates for

    Pedophile rights yep um and that really is the end point of kind of the the the soft British libertarian rabbit hole that is where it ends in this Nexus of really grubby people with really really really grubby ideas um once again if you do want to

    Get our written content you can go over to the anti-politics substack I will show that quickly again here at the end uh do go and subscribe anti-politics if you want to help us out as well it’s one of the main places you can help us out financially too um I think I’ve made

    Sure we’ve had all the super chats R out um yeah we have uh so apart from that I will say do interact with the videos as we said earlier you know all the YouTube stuff it does help we have to play the game A bit thank you for coming thank

    You for staying with us everybody uh thank you to the 260 people watching yes it seems we have picked up a larger audience for this stuff especially over the last sort of month so so we’re glad that this stuff’s growing that there seems to be a growing focused interest

    On what we’re doing and to all the sort of newer folk if you have something that you either find is interesting about this stuff or something else you want to add or maybe you have that little tip bit of information that makes something extra juicy please come and contact us

    And give it to us or reply about it somewhere cuz we will read it we are interested and fundamentally I think a large part of what we really have done over the last couple of months wouldn’t have been possible without such a receptive audience who’s willing to

    Essentially learn with us as we go yes but I shall quickly uh put a a little bit of outro music on thank you guys for watching uh have a very very good evening and we will see you later see you next week yes see you next week go

    To the pub have a good evening thanks to all our members all that good stuff good night broom broom broom Yeah


    1. C'mon guys. What middle class intellectual hasn't been a member of the RCP at some time?
      Oh I saw Claire Fox interviewed only a few years ago and she still refused to condemn the Warrington attack. 🤔
      I remember Brendan Fraser, deputy editor of Spiked, condeming Andrew Bridgen as a conspiracy theory lunatic for questioning the vaccine. 'Nuff said.
      Oh, as someone who was abused at age 11, I'd just like to confirm that it does destroy your entire life. Just saying.

    2. When I first read the title I thought it was about some obscure NazBol/ConSoc off shoot of the Tory party, but alas this stream was little more than a retelling of a tale as old as the French revolution itself; Leftist infighting.

    3. It's a shame that these RCP subverters aren't actually conservative in their beliefs tbh. if they WERE actually conservatives (and alot more honest about their commie intentions) the prospect of a Tory party which fully embraces socialism as an antidote towards neoliberal cultural degeneration could have easily been a reality! And it would've been a baeed reality at that….

      Imagine the shocked faces of those 70's punks if it turned out the fucking tories have become the front fighters of the class struggle in the UK, lol.

    4. When i was first starting to notice "woke", YT was pushing a lot of Brendon Oneil. I watched an interview or two and was like "this guy is ok." And after maybe the 3rd or 4th interview he gave me the creeps. Hes also not very smart and incredibly low energy. This stream was fascinating.

    5. As much as I enjoyed the stream, and how good it is to have both Scrumpler and E on air at the same time again, I'm afraid that the manner of approaching the subiect is one moving towards cringe. Of course I am well aware of what may or may not be said on such a platform, and so you cannot focus on the essence that produces such constitutions as that woman's. However, this current framing plays into an age old false discourse that hearkens back to the days of the cold war that was just never true in its premise. This being the opposition of the post-war powers, ideologically.

      You make such a big deal out of Marxists being lorded, or speaking in democratic 'right-wing' circles, or advising the Boris government, but this comes with the supposition baked in that there is some fundamental disagreement that say Boris and any one of those mentored by Furedi would have. Or indeed, really any conservative going back to the days of Benjamin Disraeli. The democratic 'representative', the conservative, any party political member, ought make you as nauseous as the abortionist, for they are of the same stock.

      Would any Trotskyist have any greater will to abolish the British people and the nation than any Tory? I think not. For this reason I don't see the point of differentiation of the Marxist as this foreign interloper to the system or to the 'right', when the (((capitalist))) is no different. That is to say, there is nothing there of value beyond the hinterland of dissidents, most of which is sadly inadequate anyway, that may get infiltrated by them. Or put another way, it is intellectually stunted to suggest that any of the surviving branches of 'Marxism' are incongruent with the regime or at all at odds with it, but then none of them if examined closely ever were.

      The virtue of this presentation is that it highlights how little they stick to their own plays of pretend, that there is really nothing there separating a Marxist from a Tory, but this fact ought not be mistaken for one of communist infiltration.

    6. Careful who you put in charge of the Number 10 Policy Unit. David Miliband was in charge in 1997 when, along with co-religionists Barbara Margolis and Jonathan Portes, they advised the government to open the floodgates. Just as their ancestors had done in Toledo almost thirteen centuries before.

    7. Ann Furedi has been a commentator on GB News. If that isn't containment, I don't know what is. Oh, well, I guess it makes a change from all the gay men who make up GBN's usual onscreen "talent".

    8. My last comment on this (and I was late to the party anyway): Spiked put up a video on immigration to Ireland yesterday and it's their most viewed in two months already. It's worth watching for the framing. It's infuriating that this is the kind of crap that we're supposed to be content with.

    9. Completely off topic but about the WMD Deception & American Journalism in General The "Source" of the WMD Lie was actually the Daughter of Kuwaiti Ambassador in the US Nahyira al-Sabah People who say that only in the last few Years did Journalism get corrupted should revisit this little Story Remember that all of the Journalists on the Hill mingle with the Political & especially important in this Story Diplomatic Corps & that no one said a Word for a long long Time before it was published by some small Newspaper & it in a way "leaked" What People should never forget is that the Embassies essentially pay Journalists for positive Coverage in their Medium so they want to know the "Players" There's a great Book called Gekaufte Journalisten (German for Paid/Bought Journalists) by Udo Ulfkotte who was one of them himself & wrote for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) The Things he writes about in the Book are insane & I highly recommend it He sadly died a few Years ago but until then he wrote a few smashing Books about Journalists & Intelligence Agencies These two Act together & in a Way you can't talk about one without the other They've been working Hand in Hand since there are Intelligence Agencies & Media We should never forget that!

      Great Stream like always All the best to you Guys!

    10. They just want to harm goys. Affirmative Care. Abortion. Cosmetic Surgery. Atheism. Psychiatry itself.
      It is all about harming the “other”. Reduce the “others” numbers so we can have power over them.

      It’s beyond gross.

    11. Here is a comment provided by chat gpt:
      I watched the video, and it’s absolutely mesmerizing! 😍 The soothing jazz instrumental music creates a cozy coffee shop ambiance, making it perfect for studying or simply unwinding with a cup of coffee. The gentle piano melodies and laid-back vibe transport me to a tranquil place. Kudos to the creators for curating such a delightful experience! ☕🎶🎹

      Here’s the link to the video if anyone else wants to enjoy this musical journey. 🎧✨

    12. Wow, the communists infiltrated the institutions of power. If only we knew that they would do that.
      The big question is what are you going to actually do?
      The reason the Battle for Ideas and other debate platforms "for the right", your spaces, are run by communists is because they started them, and you didn't. After decades spent infighting and calling each other splitters they moved into their own cells and decided to spread their message via action in the institutions. They also stopped wasting their time attacking everyone on the left who wasn't the same brand of commie as they are.

      The "revolutionary right" did not, and you still aren't. Positive action is needed, not videos on Brendan O'Neill, he is irrelevant. The public has no idea who he is or what Spiked thinks.

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