The 13th Tour of Oman, scheduled for 10 to 14 February, will serve up a five-course menu catering to all tastes, from sprinters and punchers to climbers. Its two iconic climbs —Eastern Mountain (stage 3) and Green Mountain (stage 5) will be tough nuts to crack at this point in the season.

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    Extreme weather so only 76 km on stage three we were expecting to go for the mountain but uh now it looks like it’s going to be more a Sprint hard today I think will be one to watch for sure you know he’s a a smaller Sprinter light a sprinter so I

    Think the uphill Sprints like that suits him the positioning will be very important I will try to have look in my whe the most longer as possible and then he kick for the for the Finish they rolled out but to what it was very quiet at the beginning and then

    All of a sudden all hell break Lo of the Breakaway decided to go for the modified course kicking on beautifully so David Delgado that was Temptation two others joined him and then the Bridger Alan palzer made it four could they make it oh no the pack had too much at stake so

    Many different kinds of riders could win the day it didn’t matter how Brave you were up front it was always going to end in a climb a Sprint one as well drama and so that kick up just beyond the park awaited everybody the senses were alive they were getting themselves

    Into Colorado when mut Al haani went for it he was hopeful to do it for a man it wasn’t to be driving through all the quick men the strong men the GC men they all had an option time to kick on through the golden gates and take the

    Day sudo quickstad absolutely in charge wrestling it home Luke lamperti in the white jersey good enough for the lead but Paul Mane taking the win BR goard just denied in third on the last clim it was deeper than expected to be honest uh but yeah I was feeling very good very

    Good positioning and then I just go full gas to the finish and victory very happy about this great will for Mane super day for sudell Quick Step man taking ahead of his teammate Lamberti who goes into to the lead he’s in red for tomorrow Nar it is though same time as Finn Fisher

    Black how will we race depends on the weather


    1. Highlights editors don't have a clue – "Modified Course"…how about showing THE MODIFICATION? Seems to have radically affected the finish and who could win.
      We might assume it was due to weather, but whether that's the case and what kind of weather, that must be a secret….

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