Some friends and I ride our gravel bikes up to the Malta high alpine street that goes to the Kölnbreinspeicher Lake. It was an amazing bike ride and I highly recommend it for everyone.

    You can see the route here:

    Hey everyone so a new video today but this one’s really uh different i’m here by the lake just kidding in the mountains by church with uh giles and bob and today we’re riding up a road called the malta hawk almsdresse so it’s a really beautiful road it’s 1500 meters of climbing

    Like 15k it’s in canton so in corinthia so in the southern part of austria it’s only like an hour and a half drive from salzburg so it’s been quite nice we’re doing it at the coldest part of the day 12 noon so it should be nice and warm make sure

    You start right by this cool castle which is kind of nice so we’re starting from the town of gemund which is actually where porsche was founded which is kind of cool as well so uh we’ll get started today it seems to be a lot of cars here which we’re hoping

    Wouldn’t be the case but we have some alternative stuff we’re going to the top there’s a big dam there actually you can see it right here there’s a big dam there and then we’re going to ride some gravel at the very top of it

    So it should be a fun day out let’s get started So So so officially on the climb now 14k with points of 14 is that average 14 percent high max again max 14 uh there’s not as many cars as we thought which is good so Onward So we’ve gotten to one of the first stoplights this climb has a ton of stop lights and the wait time is 20 minutes so you have to sit here for 20 minutes there’s a nice waterfall we can actually go to because i’m gonna jump my bike here

    Uh so we’re gonna walk up this hill to this waterfall and have a look while we wait So like i said there’s tons of tunnels tons of tunnels fun to say on this route on the climb we just came across a tunnel that actually has a has like a little button you push to get a bike light so something i’ve never experienced before so kind of cool Great Bye [Applause] Be So all about the dam now it’s actually the highest dam in all of austria so it’s really high and we’re going to keep riding because at the top of the dam there’s about 15 kilometers of just gravel which i’ll show you right now you can see the

    Along the ridge line and apparently it’s really amazing there’s no people there so we’ll come back to the dam after we do the gravel Do [Applause] [Applause] So So we’ve made it 2022 meters all the way up it’s incredible up here there’s like waterfalls everywhere there’s the glacier right there there’s a hunt here as well so we’re going to stop and get some food and drink it was way harder than we thought um but

    Really the last bit of grapple was perfect but really the last bit of gravel was perfect really exceptional like i cannot recommend this enough i think one of the prettiest places i’ve ever been on earth so let’s get some food and drink so we just got a bite to eat and some

    More to drink an hour to wade now it’s time for us to make it all the way down the valley back to the dam so there’s a lot of up and down a lot of water crossings i didn’t bring a gopro so i won’t be covering this much but i’ll try and

    Shoot as much as possible but what a place incredibly beautiful here Oh Oh Okay that’s it we’re back at the dam we’ve done the final gravel bit that was way more gravel than i was expecting but really good really amazing only one flat which is good for me even though i was on road tires so we’re all in the dam now

    The highest dam in austria this is it and this is also the end of this video because we have a really long boring road climb uh road descent back to the car and there’s a thousand stop lights we’re gonna be waiting forever so it’s not that exciting

    You saw it on the way up already so hope you enjoyed this video i really like this climb i like this place malta alpine strasse is the name of it i’ll put the link to the route below us and you can check it out there uh like subscribe all those other things

    Uh thanks everyone for joining today’s ride and thanks bob and giles for joining along


    1. Occasionally there is a content creator where you just like the video and then watch it…every time. John, you are one of those. Perfect mix of riding and info, good background music, and good cinematography. Keep up the great work, always look forward to your videos. Now to get back across the pond and experience some of your rides firsthand.

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