We have an athlete embarking on 120 Iron-distance triathlons, in 120 days! We discuss the recent PTO T100 Triathlon World Tour that has got everyone talking, Bahrain Victorious announced all 13 athletes, plus a little bit of drama at Ironman 70.3 Tasmania!

    Welcome 0:00
    GTN Reacts 0:40
    T100 Discussion 5:17
    120 in 120 15:28
    What the tech?! 18:26
    TrueKinetix Giveaway winner 🤝 #AD@truekinetix_ 20:47
    Race News 21:09
    Pinboard 22:56
    Say What?! 25:50

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    This week in the world of triathlon we have an athlete embarking on 120 iron distance triathlons in 120 days whoa plus we have all the reaction and some of our opinions on the new PTO t00 World Tour that was announced last Tuesday yeah bar and Victorious have now

    Announced all 13 of their athletes in that team including one rather exciting new addition and also there was a little bit of drama at a race over at 70.3 Tasmania this past weekend it’s time for the GTA Show okay kicking off with react things we’ve spotted on social media this past week I’m going to jump in with this one James uh spotted this on the santara tech the group that look after Christian and Gustav and various athletes uh plasmid heard of plas yeah well it may

    Look like that it is apparently a liquid plant-based blood Health adaptogen with natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties you’re going to have to give that to me again okay okay I’ll carry on uh plasma stimulates increased production of endogenously produced nitric acid oh nitric acid blame me that

    That would be disastrous uh nitric oxide uh which helps to improve blood oxygen and nutrient flow I don’t I still like is it a gel that does all this or honestly mate I don’t know but I saw it and I ped uh no I saw yeah

    Well I mean if I’m Christian using I’m sure it’s pretty good uh we know they using it is it like something you take through our training no apparently it’s pre and post uh they will still be using their gels um for juring so it’s like a food supplement kind of booster

    Thingy right yeah yeah okay well Mark Mark’s going to do a bit more research a bit more research moving swiftly along for Duffy actually posted this pretty interesting little insight she’s got a company called Apex group limited who are have supported her looking at a carbon footprint

    Now as we were saying off camera it’s pretty easy to predict that a professional triathletes carbon footprint is going to be a little bit higher than your normal person’s uh they looked at Flores 2022 where she traveled the world all over the place I mean just

    The list here of her air travel Yokohama leads Montreal Hamburg Birmingham Slovakia Dallas St George Bermuda Jona Abu Dhabi London Bermuda South Africa she’s going to have a pretty high carbon footprint well that is what they found she had a 10 times higher than the normal person and that’s despite having

    Electric vehicles in Boulder and electric uh solar panels on the roofs of her of her house both in South Africa and in Boulder she still had a really high carbon footprint the other main thing was her supply chain that is obviously providing all the equipment that she uses the bikes Etc getting them

    To wherever she is in Boulder South Africa uh and yeah fairly high carbon footprint uh it is interesting reading I mean I think you can probably have predicted that right I mean they are traveling the world on big jet planes all the time so uh I guess hopefully

    We’ll see some pros taking more of a notice of their CV footprint and trying to reduce it as much as possible uh but yeah they do have to get to all these events don’t they it’s an interesting topic and I think it’s great to bring awareness to um and I think what you

    Know for her it’s been um a bit of a eye opener really and she as she says she she does try to donate and give away a lot of her kitted into year because obviously they’ve always got on the latest great she’s also um looking at offsetting options and various things um

    But yeah interesting study by her partner Apex group um so yeah cool to see um moving on um and kind of picking up on this one a little bit actually because um a few or a couple of weeks ago we discussed some of the new members joining the barain Victorious team

    Normally 13 members as it still is um I think we left off with Joe Skipper was number seven those was the first seven was Lauren Parker alist browny cat Matthews Hayden wild Henry Schuman Kate war and Joe Skipper and now we have the rest of the 13 we do so we’ve got

    Cassandra bant uh Georgia Taylor brand not doing well on my pronunciation Georgia Taylor Brown uh Vincent Louie Max Stapley and another Max Max Newman and then finally 10 time Iron Man or 10 time world champion Daniel Arif making up the 13 uh it’s a pretty stacked team isn’t that that’s there’s some great

    Additions this year as well it’s quite there not really any team competitions in in the world of triathon but maybe that’s the next thing that the PTO can add to the t00 more about that coming up soon uh and then there’s also this one of em palent Brown who over in South

    Africa uh decided to jump into the South African National time trial championships uh just cuz you can why not she said the First Time Racing an individual time tral heaps of fun out there and second Silva in the elite woman in the South African national champs so well done to her that’s uh

    Yeah I mean we’ve seen quite a few triathletes going and throwing the hand into TT Champs and second for for em is a pretty solid showing all right now it’s time for TR news and we’re going to start with a little bit of discussion about the new

    PTO t00 Triathlon World Tour that was announced last Tuesday uh much fan fa a lot of people talking about it uh yeah it is a big thing let’s not beat around the bush yeah it’s going to be a big thing we had a couple concerns before

    They announced it uh one of them was that it could be undersubscribed by pros and this is a big danger because you really need all of the top names to be in the tour otherwise it could become like a side show on the side of the

    Other season where the rest of the top Pros are Etc Mark also had some concerns that let’s be honest for the last few years there’s been a lot of next big things announcements in Triathlon like this is going to be the thing the Collins cup was one of them that didn’t

    Really turn into anything and has actually disappeared now uh The Clash Daytona with their money was a big one uh the arena games even Super League Triathlon is like this is the new thing this is going to be Triathlon from now on so a little bit cynical that that was

    Actually going to happen yeah and don’t get me wrong I get very excited about each and I obviously come in very hopeful hopeful but there only so many before you start to kind of lose that enthusiasm you’re like is it really going to be but anyway it seems they

    Have got all the pros pretty enthusiastic about the likes of Patrick Lang Christian blo felt so is this another hype train and what does this mean for the Iron Man distance yeah that is a big question I think what does it mean for the Iron Man distance because

    Until now you’ve had short course and long course and long course was everything from 70.3 or middle distance half Iron Man up to Iron Man they’re all in the same bracket under the same umbrella and this creating the T100 series 100 km essentially divides the sport again into almost three arms you

    Now have short then you have long the T100 and then you have long G which is the Iron Man and when you’re talking about who’s going to who’s going to lose the most I’m not sure the swort can handle three arms three separate spots in one spot I

    Mean it’s hard enough having two separate Sports in one sport um the Iron Man is probably going to be the thing that suffers right I mean they’ve notoriously difficult to hold their viewers for8 Plus hours and keep it interesting and that is exactly what the PTO have said that their main aims

    Are is to make it interesting make it TV friendly so when it comes down to this launch and segregating the sport again uh you do kind of think that Iron Man might slip the wrong direction and be a bit more Niche and a bit more kind of

    Fringe where the crazy people who like the ridiculously long events Go I mean obviously you say that but also Iron Man is the history of the sport it’s one of the originals but it is in danger of being pushed aside by things that are more spectator friendly yeah and one

    Notable bit of news from this whole PTO announcement in the t00 series is that Lucy Charles Barkley will be doing the t00 world tour rather than defending her title at the IM World Championships in nce and the reason she stated for that is that she won in cona and she would

    Like to defend her title in cona not nce and apparently she actually got a bit of heat for this I’m not entirely sure what that was where that came from some of them were nasty though yeah um and so she actually put out on a statement

    Saying she holds both Iron Man and PTO in high regards um decision was made in her best performance interest um nce takes two much investment of time to know the course Etc and her comments on title defense in no way way meant to detract from the N winner which is fair

    Enough I mean it took her five years to figure out coner and when it she got second four times before she managed to win it however not having the Iron Man world champion defending the Iron Man world champion title does whether you like it or not detract from the event it

    It has to by its very nature uh this is not however Lucy Charles Barkley’s problem is it it’s not even the problem of the next world champion who is crowned in N it’s really an man problem they need to now be able to sell that the nce winner is the Iron Man world

    Champion even though the defending Champion wasn’t there off racing a t00 event uh and that’s obviously fors to Iron Man to do we’ll see how they respond uh I may be a little bit cynical here and say that if you go on past form for Iron Man they’re probably going to

    Get a the world champion to sign a contract saying the following year they have to defend their title kind of the hilarity of this is that IR man could have done exactly what the PTO are doing many many moons ago and actually contractually signed athletes

    To a series of 8 to 10 races but instead what they’ve strived for is just having as many Pros as possible across as many races as possible and covering some expenses for some of those athletes which let’s face it was just literally covering their travel expenses yeah in

    Fact ien have created something a little bit similar it was actually stated by the CEO Sam Ruf of that uh this was the reason one of the reasons that the announcement was delayed IM man announced their Pro Series back in October which is 1.7 million in both prize money and bonuses

    And also unspecified but athlete uh athlete support whatever that means uh presumably they’re paying some appearan fees to someone um now they the PTO have said that this was almost certainly triggered by the imminent arrival of the t00 world triathon World Series uh I think I’m man you you’d be hard pressed

    To get Iron Man to admit that their hand was forced in this regard and also what’s quite exciting is this isn’t just it seemed a flash in the pan with the PTO T100 World Tour because apparently a lot of these um venues have been signed and agreed for multiple years three to

    Five years in some cases yeah apparently they have the financial backing and they’ve got the contract signed in these venues for multiple years so they mean business yeah exactly so what does it mean for the pros well as we’ve seen with Lucy Charles the pros are going to have to have

    Decisions they they have to make decisions at the beginning of every season now whether they go the PTO contract rate route or whether they go the Iron Man route and do multiple Iron Man’s to qualify potentially we’ll see the qualification system changing for Iron Man you don’t have to do so many

    Races or you your their series doesn’t require so many races or they’re just going to go head-to-head I think the decision is pretty easy for most I mean maybe the top two or three could go out of the way and still earn almost the same amount of money but essentially if

    If anyone else if you get offered the contract you’re pretty much going to have to say yes not only is there the money there’s obviously also then the ability to race up to eight maybe even 10 next year gold or even platinum level races for the PTO points which gets you

    Higher in the points which gets you a better chance of being back in the series The Following year it’s kind of going to be your other in or your way out uh and people are going to have to make that decision I think it’s a pretty easy decision for most people it is

    Possible that we’re going to see the sport going into the top 20 in the t00 triathlon World Tour and every other event out there the challenge roths the Iron Man’s Etc are competed by the ranked 15th to 20th and Below uh because the top 15 to 20 are in this series yeah

    And I’m actually going to try and take my cynical hat off and get well behind this and enthusiastic about another thing in the sport because I really do hope that this will make it TV friendly and de develop a season long narrative through the year and hopefully kind of

    Build these names up to become sort of household names that then also obviously sponsors want to get behind and pay good money to be part of it an athletes Journey Through the tour um obviously you could liken it a bit to the wtcs series which obviously we see the short

    Course racing which you know is a decent model does have some room for improvement but that is obviously run by a governing body whereas this new Venture with the PTO T100 series it’s a private company so they’ve got more freedom and there’s an incentive to make

    Changes as they go yeah they want to tell you there that it’s owned by the pro triathletes but it is still a private company they have the freedom and incentive to do whatever they want to make it more te television friendly also the wtcs doesn’t actually contractually tie in their athletes to

    Any specific races or specific events obviously they have the the points chase that they have to do certain number of races to get certain number of points but you can really pick and choose which one you go to so there’s no obligation to see a Beth Potter versus Cassandra

    Bon at every race or a Alex E versus Hayden wild at every race in fact those two kind of tend to avoid each other for the most part it seems maybe that’s just what it seems like from the outside but they don’t seem to come head-to-head very often in that wtcs series and

    That’s obviously something that the PTO is trying to change by getting the top athletes to race each other regularly so we can actually see those battles unfold yeah now I just want to read a quick statement from aliser Brown as well about all this obviously maybe T pinch

    Assault because he has signed a contract I don’t think anyone’s aot shot though he didn’t qualify true but he did get in and I don’t think anyone’s going to complain about he said uh this is the most significant change for long-distance professional athletes in the history of triathlon it is bold

    Statement I mean it’s even almost tempted the goat Yan fro out of retirement after retiring last year notably on his Instagram post when he suggested this m possibility he suggested he’s going to have to ask his wife rather than the PTO whether he’s allowed to go and do it uh clearly she

    Has more say than they do I would agree with aliser on this actually I I do think that this is the biggest thing that’s happened in the world of triathlon particularly longdistance Triathlon ever in history and if they can make it stick and it can take off it

    Is going to change the whole landscape of triathon for many many years to come if not forever yeah it’s it’s very exciting time to be a professional TRL well we look forward to seeing it all unfold this year and in the years to come yeah moving on now and on to Epic endurance

    Feats well I’s say Feats he’s actually yet to do this um this is yonish dykman who is multiple world record holder is going to take on 120 iron distance triathlons in 120 days wow taking on that Sean Conway record that he set last year 105 in 105 days

    Wow 120 though he’s doing it in Roth in Germany he’s basically doing the Roth course although not exactly the course because he has he can’t swim in that uh the canal the canal every day because you get taken up by boats uh so he’s swimming in the Roth sea uh but then

    Pretty much staying on the Roth course every day for 120 days he will actually do challenge Roth on the 7th of July halfway through his Challenge on day 60 and then he’ll have another 60 days I mean if it was me I’d start on challenge Roth because I mean but then you’re

    Going to be it’s going to be like winter closing he’s also starting now and I can’t imagine that rothy Lake’s much more than 13 maybe 14 degrees right now well he on 9th of May so spring will hopefully have sprung and he’ll be fairly he’ll be warmish I suppose he’s

    Going to cover a total if he does it obviously or 456 kilm of swimming 21,000 km of cycling and 5,063 kilm of running over those 120 days I mean fingers crossed for him that is a ridiculous challenge through all of this he is going to be collecting donations for the Roth youth fire

    Brigade and Laurus sport for good foundation um but yeah we’re wishing him all the best um and absolutely getting behind him hopefully we can feature some of this for the channel because it’s absolutely we can probably get out there and do one or two with him Mark will you

    Put that out there now Mark’s not convinced no absolutely um and Talking of Challenge and challenge family um they have started in the last few years started hosting a bit of a party kind of award ceremony for their events um and they got all sorts of awards that they

    Give out for internally for their their events um but I thought I’d pick out a few notable ones because I think it’s pretty cool for a company like them to do this race of the year went to challenge St pton in Austria which is a done that very cool um best race venue

    Challenge paguera mior best new race challenge Barcelona we have get out that one uh best and I thought this was good best after food which is obviously very important see them all pick up their competition challenge paguera muor um best video content now you might find this one interesting James challenge

    Samand the race you went to and produced a video from so maybe that actually had some influence really like my video yeah um and then most familyfriendly challenge Kaiser vle Voli in Austria which I haven’t done have you done that one I haven’t done that one been there yeah good one

    Now it’s time for what the tech and this has not actually been released yet but it’s been spotted in the Wild on the feet of French Continental cclin team n metropoles cyclist uh it is apparently a new ecoy pedal but not just a pedal as you’ve imagined it a whole redesign of

    The pedal and shoe interface it’s like this really long wide kind of boat shaped pedal that Clips directly onto the shoe without any cleat or anything underneath the shoe so it makes walking a lot easier it also allows them to make it like 8 millimet lower so the stack

    Outut is significantly lower than any other pedal and cleat system uh you obviously have to get the shoe with the pedal so details of that are still to come uh they call it the ecoy pw8 because apparently it saves up to 8 watts and as we’ve seen some pro teams

    Are testing these out uh apparently even inos are testing this out uh so we may see it been released soon uh more details to come but it is interesting because uh I mean we’ve all been using the same pedal clip something attached to the bottom of your shoe for pretty

    Much ever now haven’t we yeah absolutely uh we moving on and this has literally landed today this is coming from zwift and woo they’ve just announced the Wahoo kicker cor zift one obviously a collaboration between the two companies you may remember a little time ago that

    We mentioned the zift Hub one with its single speed zift Cog that went on the trainer allowing you to pop your chain onto this essentially single speed Cog giving you access to 24 virtual gears through the zift clicks that’ll go on the handlebars and this will work for

    Anything between 8 to 12p speed bikes pretty impressive you didn’t have to get a specific cassette for your trainer every time depending on your bik exactly so you can just literally pop it on and off you go you can switch bikes out and it will run true I’m really nice about

    That um now the Wahoo kicker core Swift one it’s a bit of a mouthful isn’t it um is available now um and it’s available in the United States United Kingdom and European Union for $599 £549 599 and it comes actually with a year Swift membership nice speaking of

    Trainers we have a trainer to give away from True kinetics yeah U we announced this a couple of weeks ago and we have the winner the one lucky winner for the true trainer 8.2 and it is chenade Foley congratulations um we’ll be in touch and getting that trainer out

    To you as soon as possible it’s a good trainer we’ve been using it recently and it’s uh you’re going to love it I’m moving on to race news our single race result at least it is a race result feels like it’s slowly coming the season

    It’s a good one as well yeah IM man 7.3 Tasmania uh we saw camworth in action also Gomez heavy Gomez Bren Curry was quite a stack field actually uh Chelsea sedoro was also there yeah didn’t exactly go to the form book though no we had a little bit drama Braden curry in

    Particular had a couple of crashes and a puncture for a good measure apparently was torrential rain really wet and really slippy in the air just not really nice conditions to race and took BR and carry out also cam Worf who rode up to the front and was

    Actually in the front of the race got a puncture with I think sixks to go and lost a bunch of time in those last Casey as you would expect cam to do he rode in on his flat puncture so he rode all the way in and lost a fair amount of time

    And then ran fairly well uh to get up to third by the end but uh I think he might have taken the win had he not had that puncture ahead of him Mitchell Kibby in second and the winner Nick Thompson with a pretty impressive all round performance yeah that seems like a name

    To watch I think um I’d love to see camw wheel after having ridden in on a sure not short of a pair of Wheels though uh on to the women’s race um and in third place it was Hannah devet took the third place Podium Grace St in

    Second and then Chelsea sedo not only LED off the bike but then also just ran away with it yeah she’s uh definitely finding some form that’s really good and yeah Kenworth put this post up of him spraying champagne in his head while he did win the champagne he got the the cor

    Cart F win the race yeah well Done all right now it’s time to take a look at some of the stuff you guys have sent us on our pinboard uh it’s February it’s the month of love so we’re asking for any images or videos of what you love about Triathlon and starting us off this

    Week we have Steve who says the biggest thing I love about triathon is having my family there with me every time no more so than when I just finished my first IR man last year at Bolton really don’t think I would have made it to the end

    Without knowing they were there at the end waiting for me ah yeah we love that too that is that’s very nice um another one from Matt uh sometimes your pain cave also turns into a daycare sent I’m sure he’s saying that in a loving way yeah exactly

    Keeping your family close yeah no I don’t think there was any uh malice intended there yeah then Manuel says from Austin Texas a month ago this was just a dirty garage and it still is but I’ve parked a treadmill and a spin back in there so now it’s a pain cave in its

    Infancy because of y’all I like y’all very Texas I’ve jumped into zfin and been really enjoying it though I haven’t worked up the courage to do a try a 4: a.m. ride with gtn crew quite yet fair enough nonetheless thanks for all the work you’ll do and the motivation you

    Give me in the process to get this crazy sport attend my first Olympic distance later this year we look forward to seeing you upgrading your pain cave I think you misunderstood when they said uh put that paint on the wall uh next one from Jennifer um I like

    The fact she said bike some Walmart bike um but anyway she G to say 29th day gtn 30 and3 and I’ve actually kept up with it although it’s been fun I can’t wait for it to be over so I can get a rest day fair play thanks for getting stuck

    In my garment was very upset at the beginning but similar to Mark and James’s seven marathons in seven days whoop results it eventually got to where it said I was just maintaining my training effort we can feel St effect yeah um uh my husband and I both have

    Cheap bikes that we keep on our smart training so we don’t have to worry about removing them when we want to ride outdoors also I’m wearing a hoodie because although our pain cave is climate controlled it’s the coldest room in the house has got to as low as 1° c

    One of the times when I went out to do my workout thank you for all your content than my garage anyway Steve then has this pretty funny one from Riverton Wyoming in the United States he says I’m so embarrassed I had an amazing zift Valentine date planned and then I made

    It awkward but accidentally walking in on her we’ve been together for 12 years I should probably officially propose soon she’s only TR Mark I’ve ever had and luckily ever will have a very very cute personally the thing I love about training and post training is the fridge

    So maybe I’ll just send in a fridge I thought you were going to say something about taking your back in the shower walkk anyway keep F uh photos coming in things you love about tra and training using the photo upload link on the screen right now or in the description down Below say what all right some of the comments under videos this past week in fact it’s just under one video it’s our couch to 5K video that went out this weekend in which we got a bunch of our work colleagues to complete their first ever 5K it was really cool quite a

    Moving video actually and the comments back that up great beginners getting into the 5K not that all our colleagues just lie on the couch all the time that wasn’t what we anyway they’re all a lot fitter than they were at the start iret says my best advice if it sucks slow

    Down for way too long I ran too fast for my fitness level and never loed running eventually I did slow down with a friend and finished thinking wow that was great keep Pace conversational screw speed I like it good that’s good advice I probably agree with that actually yeah

    So nice one uh and another one from s boots 29 very good job to all I remember starting running it was brutal I had to wear knee bands and struggled every step but I kept going now I don’t not even blink an eye at training at 10K and love

    It and hopefully that’s what some of our couch to 5K guys are going to go on to do well if you’re looking for something to watch right now you can click over to that couch to 5K video it’s pretty good all the guys attempting their 5K uh

    Coming up later this week we have a test where Mark and I tested the FTP test basically we tried to we figured out what our FTP was using tests and then we tried to actually hold that for an hour pain faces incoming I’m glad that’s over it’s horrible also James runs through

    Running shoes through the decades um yeah also really cool piece um but if You’ enjoyed Today’s Show please give a thumbs up give it a like and we’ll see you next week thanks for watching


    1. Have you ever tried to run or ride every day for a significant period of time? How did you get on? Let us know 👇

    2. I am planning to ride the Roth course with Jonas as I need to ride the course for Challenge Roth anyway. WIll be fun to ride with him. I have been following his endurance feats for a couple of years.

    3. i think the t100 distance is the sweetspot especially for agegroupers. its long enough that you have to train a lot to succeed, but not as extremely long like an ironman. i really hope that this format will grow a massively!

    4. 120 Iron-distance triathlons, in 120 days ! That is madness. I do not get why you would subject your body to this kind of destruction. It does not matter if you can do it.

    5. If Ironman is not careful, they will become the taxi cab of professional triathlon and the PTO will be the UBER of the tri world. In this day and age, you have to be video friendly and keeping a viewers attention span for 8-12 hours, not to mention trying to get advertisers, will be increasingly difficult.

    6. Whilst the PTO news is great for pro triathletes, how does it help the age groupers ? Will there be AG races associated with the Pro races ? With IM and 70.3, the races are really aligned to mass participation.

    7. I am hoping Ironman will change its focus to age groupers and make the races significantly cheaper for the age groupers to participate in. They are moving slowly in this direction.

    8. Does anyone want to watch triathlon, i mean i like doing the sport but watching it is insanely boring, it's hardly like it's neck and neck racing unless it's really short. Sounds like this new org has paid a lot of athletes to sign up.

    9. As a non-pro very average triathlete I'm very excited about the T100. More competition in the events space means more choice for Triathletes. One of the things I love about Triathlon is how I can race on the same course and cross the same finish line as the pros!

    10. I think the T100 will take off, Ironman have backed themselves into a corner and someone at some point was going to challenge them. Plus its almost the perfect crossover distance between short and long course.

    11. I have a question not completely related to this video. I've been watching old GTN Show episodes at work (I work at home and can have it playing in the background) and saw an episode where Hank from GCN said he was going to do an Ironman and GTN was going to follow the journey. I tried looking for videos and continued to watch episodes of the GTN Show but it has yet to be mentioned again. I was just wondering what exactly happened to that goal. I was really excited about it and was looking forward to watching those videos.

    12. About the t100; there’s a whole discussion in the Netherlands about the two Dutch on PTO rank 18&19 (I think, doing this by hearsay on the top of my mind right now). They missed the contracts, but two spot 100+ ranked athletes did get a contract… more info @triathloninside (they are Dutch though).

    13. It seems like the men really tried to make Nice really a spectacular event but it doesn't seem like the women aren't embracing the Kona location change with so many opting in for T100 and probably not competing in Nice.

    14. It could be like full distance Ironman becoming the Test Match cricket that is only for the purists! Still the best form of the sport, but struggles to get the same audience

    15. I'm a big fan and loyal subscriber. I must say however, I'm truly disappointed by your false comments about CLASH Daytona. CLASH Daytona is not a flash in the pan as you described it. CLASH Daytona is still very much alive, evolving, and growing. CLASH Daytona has grown 20% year-over-year and hosted 4,000 athletes over multiple events in 2023. It's a two-day festival that includes 5K run, duathlon, aqua bike, two Sprint distance races (because the first Sprint always sells out), kids' triathlon races, and is the USAT 70.3 distance national championship. Furthermore, CLASH Daytona has signed a 3-year extension to host the USAT 70.3 distance National championship going forward.
      CLASH was the first and the original 100 km race (in an effort to finish before inclement weather set in). The following year, CLASH Daytona offered $1 million prize money to the professionals and supported the pros (and allowed age groupers to race) during COVID when things were locked up. CLASH Daytona brought the comprehensive TV coverage to the sport due to the connections with NASCAR. Their leadership has carried over to CLASH Miami which has signed a 3-year contract with T100 to be the opener of each season.
      It's a spectacular venue within the epic speedway and unique event that offers camping / glamping on site, Live entertainment, and events for families. CLASH Daytona is scheduled the first week of December so it's a late season race to keep people motivated. You two should come to the event and experience it firsthand. It's going to be around for a long time….. It doesn't hurt that it's in sunny Florida, just before the holidays! Perhaps you could extend your trip to include the Magic KingdomUniversal Studios, and the lovely beaches😊!

    16. I have only done one full Ironman and I really must say that the experience was absolutely flawless!!! The energy and the atmosphere were motivating, welcoming, inclusive, inspirational. When I arrived I completely forgot about who the pros were and how much they were getting paid or what distance was best. Ironman provides an escape for age groupers. Focus, fitness, accountability of oneself. In my most humble opinion, Ironman would do best to focus their efforts on age group athletes and providing life changing experiences!!! I love live coverage as much as the next person but I understand the complexities of an 8hr + race. I plan to do multiple full distance Ironman races going forward and I can only hope that they provide the same experience regardless of the prize purse for the pros or any competing tour. There is room enough in this world for everyone to race. In the end, I think what I am trying to say is that I hope Ironman doesn’t lose their focus of being available to everyone. And I mean everyone!

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