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    This video is of cyclist, Sarah-Charlotte Peace, describing the collision with a car which left her severely injured and with post-traumatic stress disorder. The driver of the car received a paltry fine and a few penalty points for her crime. Cycling UK’s Road Justice campaign is calling for tougher sentences for bad drivers who maim other road users – for more information go to www.roadjustice.org.uk.

    Check out the Cycling UK website for more wheelie handy advice and the latest news: https://www.cyclinguk.org/

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    1. £110 fine and 9 points – so the driver responsible probably drove away from the courts. This girl can hardly walk and she did nothing wrong. Our road legal system needs a good shake up.

    2. £110 fine and 9 points. So the driver probably drove away from the courts yet the victim can hardly walk. Our road legal system needs a serious shake-up.

    3. This is so sad, makes me completely mad & angry, the law is an ass! the Government don't give a XXXX, I would like someone to explain to all cyclist why this is! Hope U have a full recovery.

    4. This week a guy got more for hitting a judge in court of 18 month in prison, for contempt of court. Drivers who fail to abide the rules & drive properly should need to retake their tests & more suitable sentence for the crime they've commited.

    5. Ok, so the driver failed to 'properly look'. If there was a a history of harder sentencing for these easily avoidable accidents Drivers would make a point of looking properly. Thanks for posting this video, you are an amazing woman.

    6. Yes to stiffer sentences & enforcement of existing traffic laws. However, I believe time, money & effort would would be better spent campaigning for a network of fully segregated cycle lanes on all major routes. Unfortunately in my experience, many CTC members & branches are actively opposed to this obvious solution.

    7. Sarah-Charlotte, your case is yet another apalling example of how drivers in our country get away virtually scott free with killing and maiming other people.
      Thank you for sharing your story, I hope it contributes towards a rethink by our legislators about proper punshment for those who endanger us all almost routinely.
      Best wishes to you for your recovery.

    8. Thank you all for your posts, I hope to make something good from something bad at the very least, please share this video with others and support the campaign by signing up to the newsletter and/or donating to Road Justice (link above)

    9. If Britain can allow so many cyclists on it's roads, then it should have strong laws with strong enforcement to protect them. I'm saddened by everything you've gone through and hope your video helps to make a difference.

    10. Thank you all for your comments. Sadly I am still following a rehabilitation plan with several appointments per week, progress is slow and outcome is unknown, along with future career – all because a driver 'did not look' and failed to stop at first impact! I hope this video can make some positive changes for safety on our roads…

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