On the night Mike O’Leary went missing in January 2020, his family received a text from his phone.

    It read, “I’m so sorry x”.

    From that moment on, Mike’s eldest son Wayne knew something wasn’t right.

    “Dad was a proud Welshman. I didn’t believe for a minute that he would send me a message like that in English – especially if this was the last message he was ever going to send” said Wayne.

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    Thank you ladies and gentlemen! 🖤

    Power see emergency yeah I want to report a missing person who a threat to life okay bear with Me how long have they been missing for well he sent a text saying sorry uh I’m so sorry for tempers 9 to his wife and to his uh Sons what’s his name uh Michael Oli he’s about 5 fo 10 yeah and what her build he’s about 15 Stone 15 Stone dark

    Green hair short very short hair and a mustache Okay is this out the character for him yeah Okay Village ID yet probably um some would describe ma um yeah he’s a good man he’s great father he’s do anything for any of us he’s you know he grown up he’d work every hour he could just so we can go on holidays and get what we wanted for birthdays Christmases

    Whatever the initial call came in on the the evening of the Monday the 27th of January committ as a missing person inquiry by Mike’s brother-in-law who’s an next police officer uh said that Mike hadn’t returned home from work they’ received a text from saying I’m sorry um and this is quite out the

    Character he would normally pH his wife when he was leaving work and then he would turn up home an hour and a half later [Applause] Michi is missing but something doesn’t seem right about the text he sent to his family that message wasn’t from dad you know being proud very proud Welshman he

    Would not ever text us or speak to us in English even though there’s just only three words I’m so sorry you know was the English words and it just it didn’t sit right with me and the fact it wasn’t a WhatsApp it was a text message there

    Was those two things went hand in hand I was like right something wasn’t right from the offset detective Chief Inspector Paul Jones is leading the investigation as they search for Michael ly soon after the search begins they discover Mike’s abandoned truck in a car park by the river toi less than 4 miles

    From his home the car was Secure but they could see inside with a mobile phone so they force entry into the into the vehicle and recovered the mobile phone it wasn’t his personal phone it was a Works mobile phone but again there were no ideas uh from that vehicle s where mik

    Was we then started a large scale search operation uh that search included the police helicopter using thermal engine of the nearby River to uh specialist search police officers and Dog Handlers and when of the Dog Handlers noticed some Footprints near that river bank so again that supported the theory

    That this was potentially a suicide case first light and there’s still no sign of my coleri apart from his truck at The River’s Edge and the puzzling final text to his family at Police Headquarters the team take a closer look at their missing man was it the um Mike’s car I finish

    On right okay working closely on the case with Paul Jones is his Deputy detective inspector C Williams That’s justable updates we have not report for the uh the profile yet but not enough for VP more that wait to find out when you join the police force you

    You know um you know specifically you know certain jobs come in you won’t be going home the team dig deeper into Michael L’s life and his State of Mind your mind you just just think where it is he We do everything we can to find Him once you start exhausting that physical search you start looking into the background and know what what what’s caused him to go missing why what the reason for it um and he GA intelligence picture around Mike then he started speaking to family members and they thought that he may

    Have been um on relationship of friend friend quite friendly with uh uh somebody else um and it took a while to identify who that person was and that person was rianon Jones Ranon Jones is a married woman that Mike knows from the local Rugby Club police confirm that the pair are

    Having a secret affair they discover CCTV of the lovers talking at the Rugby Club just 40 8 hours before Mike went missing detectives now want to talk to rianon Jones about Mike’s State of Mind in the days leading up to his disappearance but when they go to speak

    To her Trianon isn’t at home she’s in hospital having been admitted complaining of headaches dizziness and memory loss her husband Andrew Jones is a long-standing friend of of the missing man has Andrew Jones got anything to do with this Oran Jose got anything to do with the reason why Mike will go missing

    It’s still a missing person inquiry um but has that relationship or that friendship got anything to do with it at all Andrew Jones is a well-known local businessman who runs a successful Building Company he says he last saw his friend outside the Rugby Club at the weekend 2 days before Mike

    Disappeared the team take a closer look at Michael L’s movements by analyzing GPS data from his Works mobile phone found in his abandoned truck so we going to check that out this area is as you were told by the the experts a lot of f trees isn’t there so

    Meanwhile searches for Mike by officers on foot are hampered because the river towy is in flood but the digital analysis of the phone is yielding important information on the Monday Mike disappeared they track his work phone to a remote derelict Farm outside kamaran detectives discover its owned by Mike’s friend Andrew

    Jones it is a huge dis Farm which is storing all building materials well and it’s unsafe there’s no lighting up there it’s um uh described me as like a scene out of a horror Film with this new information detectives return to talk to Andrew Jones at the hospital while he’s visiting his wife Andrew Jones now changes his story and admits he knows about his wife’s affair with his friend he also reveals he’d secretly taken his wife’s phone and used it to

    Text Mike pretending to be her luring him to the derel farm but when he confronted Mike about the affair he said Mike drove off Mike’s truck was found abandoned near the river a few hours later for detectives Andrew Jones’s story is Raising serious concern that he knows more about Mike’s disappearance than he

    Admits stuff wasn’t adding up there were discrepancies to a point where the made the decision We’ve Got to Now treat him as a suspect In the cold of winter family man Michael lii has gone missing near his home outside kamaran in West Wales it was first thought that Mike had taken his own life in a nearby River but detectives are now suspicious after discovering that he was having an affair with the wife of his friend

    Andrew Jones Detectives decide to arrest Andrew Jones on suspicion of murder but without a body the team are under huge pressure to produce any evidence a crime has even been committed I did feel the pressure on that making that decision the impact on Andrew Jones would have been huge potentially ruining that family but

    Again this it’s one of my objec my objectives are to number one find Michael lady number two find out what’s happened to him for the family and gather evidence if there is a a Sinister or criminal act being committed soon after being arrested as he’s been taken to custody in the back

    Of a police car Andrew Jones makes an unexpected remark he says he has Mich L’s other phone in the pocket of his jeans at home I’m 100 100% satisfied i’ I’ve done the right thing Andrew Jones’s account is now becoming partial truth so um yeah let’s start looking at Andrew Jones very very Closely I here authorized new detentions that you can be kept um be intervie ancy allegation against you and it will also allow other inquiry to carry on okay a missing person inquiry has now become a murder investigation and detectives believe they have a possible Motive Andrew Jones has now admitted meeting Michi at a derel farm on the night he went missing and is the last person to have seen him first of all he’s somebody with no previous convictions never come to police attention apart from he’s a very successful businessman you know but he’s

    A builder he’s got access to Machinery he’s got access to ongoing building sites building work foundations hey his capability to dispose of a body is I would say probably the most difficult one to investigate as they dig deeper into his background they also discover Andrew Jones has a concerning interest in guns

    We haven’t photographed the uh omnition yet we put would fit in this room no no he has eight licensed firearms and a further 21 imitation guns have been found in his Attic in custody Andrew Jones calls his solicitor right wa um I’m in police station um arrested

    It wasn’t necessarily a massive shock to him which you’d expect having had no previous involvement with the police um being arrested for probably the worst offense he could have um You’ think there’ be a kind of more of a shock but he he he was calm and

    Compliant you were the last person you not to see Mr Oli and prior to the report of his disappearance um and you’ve been arrested on suspicion of murder today until now Andrew Jones has given police Vital Information which they hope will help them find the missing man have you had any disagreement with

    Michael oi no comment when was the last time you saw Michael O on the last thing you saw Michael over re what was your relationship like he’s exercising right to silence he’s not giving us anything he’s saying nothing um in fact he’s been quite arrogant in custody at one point he asks

    He’s asked if you wanted some read material and his reply was something along the lines of as long as it’s not amid summer murder novel appre it’s been um it’s been long interview um I just want to get done I want to go home see my family so

    Okay in his police interview Andrew Jones isn’t giving anything further Away but he’s about to let slip the police should be looking for a body rather than a missing man Is there anything that you’d like to tell us um about yesterday or anything addition that you’d like to tell us before we move on to something else um no all I want to know is well obviously hav’t found mik but you recovered mik no not I’m aware of no no okay Detectives are now under huge pressure they can only hold Andrew Jones for questioning for 4 days before they have to charge or release him despite their suspicions there is still no evidence a murder has been committed and Andrew Jones could walk away a free Man Oh it’s hell of a job inner you can imagine this place at midnight got in the relocation with the last known sighting of Michi at Andrew Jones’s derel Farm the team begin their searches of acres of land and numerous buildings desperate for Clues that’s just off the main road yeah we we

    Do them on the way out yeah CU that that one is just as you come in you can see it in there in one of the sheds search officers find a forklift truck they notied that there’s some unusual discoloration on the forks initial tests suggest it’s blood this was a really significant and

    Important find because the forks had been placed underneath the generator at that point we knew something a definitely happened here police now begin the Grim task of looking for more human remains they are drawn to a small area in front of the old farmhouse they found two small what

    Appeared to be shirt buttons and significance of those that the cotton was still tightly wound around them I indicate they’ve been ripped off as opposed to fallen off and and and come loose there was also some um loose gravel on the floor which appeared to be uh recently Disturbed and the dogs

    Indicting that area as well we were thinking that this could possibly be a deposition site and we didn’t know if that’s where something had happened and then a body had been buried There we started on an initial look at that area with with the scientists with the archaeologists and at that point the scenes of crime officer noticed something in the gravel uh we couldn’t see it you sign the torure and pointed out we couldn’t see it and it was a 2 two bullet case

    In no when he’s a fight arms holder no one ask where the the button was looking at the just the layout of the place and I’m thinking relaying it in my own head thinking he’s lud him and you shot him in the market town of kamaran in West Wales detectives are under huge

    Pressure to find missing man Mol who they believe has been murdered there is no sign of his body but they found four used bullet casings shirt buttons and specks of blood at a derel farm belonging to their Prime Suspect Andrew Jones Andrew Jones a fight arms holder

    You know initial thoughts are has he lwed him this this place here and shot him police Focus their attention on this evidence with the bullet casings fast-tracked to the lab on high priority the scientists prove they were fired by one of Andrew Jones’s guns a 22 Colt

    Rifle there one Cas was found there yeah that P was here the direct line of sight there very anyway is absolutely pitch block yeah examining the buttons under a microscope they find a tiny trace of blood invisible to the naked eye DNA analysis of this blood and the

    Blood on the forklift proves its molies God we’ve we got a a dadli farm we found a button and that button’s got a microscopic Siz piece of DNA in it which is linked back to Mike G I I just just just uh unbelievable Result the case against Andrew Jones is building but they still need to link him directly to the blood of Michi found at the farm they now Focus their attention on a pair of Andrew Jones’s jeans so those genes J sees from sees from your bedroom have been sent for

    Forensic testing and following the discovery um of blood on them fully representative of represented DNA profile of Michael oi has been found within that blood explain to me how that blood came to be on your clothing no comment do you have an innocent explanation for that blood being on your

    Clothing are you not telling us because you’ve caused years harm to Michael no comment painstaking work is beginning to unravel the truth about what happened to Micha ly but without a body they can’t prove that Mike is dead and so Andrew Jones cannot be charged with his murder detectives are running out of

    Time and in just a few hours they will be forced to release Andrew Jones without Charge we could only hold um Andrew for 96 hours the first bit of an investigation is always intense when you got a collapsing time frame like a a p custody clock you know a lot of Staff members and the team were in an adrenaline having worked long hour was to achieve

    The level of evidence we needed to secure a charge I think the driving Focus for everybody is to obtain Justice for the family and and and get answers with a deadline dangerously close police get a breakthrough officers have found CCTV from the night mik disappeared it shows his truck being

    Driven to the Riverside and what’s more mobile phone data suggests that it was Andrew Jones who was driving it also shows a cyclist making the return Journey a short time later heading in the direction of the derelict Farm detectives are convinced it’s Andrew Jones on the bike having ditched his murdered friend’s

    Truck police now have the proof they need Mich ly had not taken his own life his disappearance was staged by Andrew Jones to look like suicide we literally had minutes left on the custody clock when uh the call came through say yeah charge a murder um

    So yeah a relief um but certainly it’s only the start inquiry you know a lot of people don’t understand that once you charge somebody that’s that’s pretty much the beginning of it you know we got a huge amount of work to do we haven’t located mic we still have haven’t fully

    Tied up all the Loose Ends we got loads of digital work to do there’s just so much more to do successful murder convictions without to body are extremely rare So to prove Andrew Jones’s guilt they will need to build a cast iron case against him Andrew Jones’s construction business

    Is located next to his home and both premises are monitored by CCTV cameras officers now begin the painstaking process of trolling through thousands of hours of footage you see him come out with a brush which he takes back to the same van which he’s been out dead it turns out there are seven

    Working cameras at his property running 24 hours a day capturing Andrew Jones’s comings and goings around the yard 2 days before Mike disappeared he seen stacking wooden pallets What you the he’s also seen carrying buckets the night after Mike went missing go up the C backck you see him you now as they troll through the grainy footage they discover he makes several trips to a small area of Quarry at the far end of his yard you see he walks here

    Right it uh right yeah yeah that’s a I I it definitely definitely the CCTV footage reveals that Andrew Jones lit a fire in the early hours of the morning And kept it burning for over 5 hours do put on There they now believe Andrew Jones killed his friend at the remote Farm before moving the body in the boot of his 4×4 to his Builder’s yard they then think he burnt the body on a bonfire of pallets at the far end of his yard what I found remarkable is that

    He’s basically filmed his own crime he’s minute by minute which I can’t get Over convinced that Mike’s remains lie somewhere in the remnants of the fire the momentous decision is taken to remove 70 tons of soil for sifting by a specialist Team we’re using 5 mil sifts so we’re looking for items that small small items of bone teeth Etc it is quite difficult for the fact that they’re also wearing face masks so we try and limit the amount of time that they’re in there but we understand we’ve

    Got a job to do we’re under a little bit of a time scale as well in relation to getting that work done and it is it’s it’s a laborious job painstaking my hard work on the officers in there but the ultimate goal is the reason we’re Here as the flood waters recede another team is busy reassessing the river experts believe it might still hold vital evidence CCTV has thrown up a new line of inquiry early in the morning following the fire Andrew Jones is seen leaving his home in his 4×4 and returning 6 minutes

    Later we do a circle and worked out where he could have gone for a maximum of of 6 minutes or 3 minutes each way then and when we search every area within that radius we came across this uh area here which is the gly uh River the timing of it fits perfectly to give him the opportunity to come down here dispose of a body or body parts and then get back to the address so for me this is really a key area where we need to search We’re going to be further searching this is the river gry for um the body of Miki body parts or any property belonging to Mike we still looking for his phone his keys his wallet any of his clothing blood State clothing anything like that as offices has searched the river

    Banks and nearby Railway line in the water the dive team make a discovery guys yeah what does it look like without hand in It slight change of plan I’ve just come off the phone with the di the South Wales um dive team have found three pieces of bone um in the river or on the river bank and the DI is asking if you can come here first we’ve got a crime

    Scene investigator coming down now who seize the bones and at this point obviously we don’t know what they are but we’ll certainly be sending them away to be Examined the team will have to wait to see if this is the evidence they need without a body it’s going to be difficult to convince a jury that a murder has been committed start literally where you are now yeah and move up search teams spend hundreds of hours

    Forensically picking over every inch of ground and at the sight of the fire the hard work brings a disturbing discovery we’ve emptied a bottle we’ve we’ve found something we we think it’s a a piece of Flesh the item went off the lab for analysis and uh scientists have

    Identified that item as human flesh and it’s got a DNA profile which matches Michaeli the pathologist and card if confirmed uh it was a piece of small Intestine at this point I’m I’m satisfied he’s he’s dismembered and destroyed the remains of michaeli um which ramps it up even more you know even if he’s even whatever’s happened between them um killing somebody’s one thing to take the body back to your home address burn burn dismember and get rid

    Of is at an absolute different Level Family Man Micha o lii went missing in suspicious circumstances in a rare m investigation without a body after months of searching the team now have proof that he’s been killed after a piece of his small intestine was found in a barrel at his friend Andrew Jones’s Builder’s yard it

    Provides answers we couldn’t say what happened to him but it was horrific whatever’s happened is is horrific the team pulled together months of investigative work and evidence Gathering as Andrew Jones faces a charge of murder we’ve been living breathing it for a few months we just become part of our daily

    Routines as long as we can walk away and say we’ve done everything we can and provide every bit of evidence we can so that the courts can examine that evidence and hopefully Justice can be served my question to you Andre explain to me in as much detail as possible your

    Involvement in The Disappearance and murder of Michael or no Comment since he was first questioned Andrew Jones has declined to give any explanation for the evidence against him or disclose any information about the whereabouts of his friend Micha Ly have you got anything whatsoever that you could say which may assist in the recovery of the body of Michael no Comment today Andrew Jones is in court ahead of his trial and he must enter a plea to the charge of murder today then is it’s a big day in the investigation uh and particularly for the family no they’ve had no answers whatsoever for the last sort of 5 six

    Months you know Michael lady went to work on that January morning and they’ve never seen him since they don’t know what’s happened to Him I’m satisfied just killed him um he’s tried to destroy the uh the evidence by fire including Mike but I really don’t know what he’s done with Him we keep trying but um there are times you do stop and think you know put yourself in that situation you think you know what would I want if I was a family member and hopefully we’ve done everything we can for for them at Swansea Crown Court Andrew Jones denies murdering his

    Friend but in another twist he now admits that he was involved with his death he says he took a gun to the remote Farm to scare Micha oi but when he confronted Mike about the affair with his wife he says they scuffled and the gun went off fatally injuring

    Mike but he can’t be sure exactly how it was fired so on that basis then he’s going to accept luring him down to King cord Farm yeah he’s going to accept he’s killed him with the firearm but that was accidental yeah and you’ll accept taking the vehicle over to KI and cycle him

    Back yeah I think he you must be accepting those facts okay Andrew Jones says his attempt to clean up and hide the body was because he panicked should the jury accept his account he could walk away a free Man not quite what I was expecting but um at least the family now know that he’s accepting responsibility that’s that’s one bonus for them um but again still got to go through a crown court trial and that’s going to be um difficult experience for the family

    As well and I want to ensure that our case stands up to that cross- examination so we will say the search is ongoing uh we’ve still got no further indications to what where Michael leer is so um we keep going but I just wish we could find him it’s Really for Paul and his team finding any extra piece of evidence is critical the pressure I do feel is that should this verdict go the other way then is it down to something I’ve missed or something I should have done differently and having the responsibility of the family’s expectations was probably the toughest

    Bit with the court case looming police are afraid they still don’t have enough evidence for a successful murder conviction Poppy and they received disappointing results from the forensic examination of bones found on the River Bank their animal remains and not human material is up yeah yeah yeah but

    There’s more promising news from the tons of Earth that’s been sifted for human remains a world-renowned specialist in Italy has identified three tiny pieces from the fire as probably being human bone but due to their small size and because of the fire damage they sustained the experts failed to extract conclusive DNA

    Evidence it supports their case but they need more following Andrew Jones’s new account of his scuffle at the farm and a shot being fired they take another look at the Gun given the description and explanation that Andrew gave of how it happened uh in his in his terms in king COD Farm we’d expect and the scientists and the expert biologists would expect that there’d be blood belonging to Mike on the gun the fact that they wasn’t is crucial uh for the prosecution

    Case in the forensic scientist’s opinion this disproves Andrew Jones’s claim that the gun somehow fired accidentally as the pair struggled with each other the team hope this is enough to secure a conviction as the trial finally begins at Swansea Crown Court detectives believe they have the evidence to prove

    Andrew Jones is a coldblooded killer but his fate Now lies in the hands of a jury I don’t think I’ve been in any situation like this before really we just got aely upon 12 members of the public the jewry to make correct decision and getting Justice for the

    Family the question for the jury was this a callous murder or a tragic accident between two rival lovers for the 3 weeks of the trial Andrew Jones maintains he’s innocent of his friend’s murder but in the end 7 months of meticulous investigation by the major crime team pays

    Off Andrew Jones is found guilty of murder and will serve at least 30 years in prison we welcome this verdict today although no sentence relieves the pain Michael Le’s family we’ve had to endure throughout this investigation and the subsequent Trial it’s never going to bring dad back you know a sentence it’s not enough it’s but it’s better than him walking the streets and you know the chance of impossibly doing something like that again Andrew Jones intended to kill his friend all along after discovering he was having an affair with his wife

    Armed with a rifle he lured the unsuspecting micheli to an isolated Farm where he shot him in Cold Blood before burning his body and getting rid of the evidence


    1. It’s really sad as humans nobody’s perfect shit happens but nobody has the right to do what happened to Mike it’s takes 2 to tango . Lying in hospital headache s memory loss she’s in it 💯

    2. Yeah he’s who he is but he’s having an affair with someone he know that a no no so hey men need to stop sleeping with married women especially if it ur friend it disgusting why would u sleep with ur friends wife that what happened

    3. I’m sorry I know how the killer felt angry betrayed etc from he’s own friend sleeping with he’s wife I honestly she a dog too both i know how the killer felt but I didn’t kill anyone but men are different the wife is nasty and ur dad is also a dog he was having affair with he’s friends wife so I’m not Gina say but he’s family should know ur dad put himself in that sleeping with he friend wife it sad but ur dad put himself thief sorry and wife also a dog

    4. Every action has consequences. Mike was banging his misuse and Andrew couldn't contain his emotions and killed him. Friends are sneaks never trust them with your women no matter what! In this situation, nobody won. Sad story.

    5. Why'd you bring Andrew Jones in for questioning so early? That's giving him a chance to run or to commit suicide. It also blew the interview bringing any confession without any evidence.?? It's a real rookie move.

    6. This was really interesting im really glad the police had done a excellent job of convicting Andrew johns how did he really think he was going to get away with it i no hes friend was seeing hes wife but to kill him was really to much and now both families have really been hurt by it and hes doing life was it really worth losing everything should of been a different way of dealing with it but was taking to far stupid to kill him

    7. Our cousins across the pond have been world renound for their forensic science investigators. They have recorded some of the most shocking and condemning footage of murderers carrying out their crimes. Known to man. Yet are world renowned for their light sentencing for brutal crimes. And have some if the nicest prisons and look like the luxury treatment of convicts in prisons compared to anywhere else.

    8. Watching these amazing videos I'm surprised anyone believes they can get away with murder. The investigating teams strike me as being second to none. The police are widely criticised these days but when it comes to investigation of a murder they are worthy of much praise.

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