In the first webinar session of ‘The Challenge of Evil,” we will discuss our first task in dealing with these numerous forms–recognizing and diagnosing their working.
    With Bastiaan Baan recorded September 4, 2019

    Hi everyone joining the call I see so many people joining us right now thank you so much for joining us today um I’m here with Bastian Bond who I feel so fortunate to be doing this webinar with um we’re here to talk about the challenge of evil and we’re so grateful

    You’re on the call and what we’d like to ask you to do right now is just to in the Q&A please type in where you’re joining us from I know I’m up here in Northern California and Bastion is actually a across the ocean in Holland it’s quite amazing that we get to be

    Together to to share this information with you so thank you so much so if you could go to the Q&A you should see a little box and yes there we go people will let us know where they’re calling from so let me see if I can see

    That okay and maybe if you can also use the chat that would be super there should be a little chat box and it should be able to show me where you all are calling in from okay everybody is sharing and I can’t quite see there we go there’s the

    Chat I think the chat might work a little bit better for us today um New Hampshire that’s great Sacramento Los Angeles oh hello Mel Miss press in Massachusetts thank you for being on the the call with us today yeah so use the chat instead of the Q&A that’d be better

    New Brunswick New Jersey Santa Barbara California people from all over B incoming Chestnut Ridge New York Loganville Georgia hello Georgia nice to have you on here anybody else you can share right in the chat that’s super Cambridge Massachusetts short Mountain Tennessee uh Fair Oaks hello yes two people from North Carolina

    Vermont oh there we go Montreal Quebec Lancaster Pennsylvania Copic New York Spring Valley New York um Ottawa Canada so happy to have our Canadian friends here Denver Colorado there we go to few more San rafhael California Palm Bay Florida we have a lot of people on the call this

    Morning thank you so much for being with us it looks like we have Alabama on the call too New Hope Pennsylvania I’m just going to read a few more and then we’re going to get started anybody else coming in you can use the chat and we’ll use the chat for our questions today

    Too okay well I’m gonna just take a minute and introd you basan I’m just again feel so fortunate to be here with you today um this time last year uh you were doing a tour a US tour um talking about the topic the challenge of evil um

    And someone came up to me in fars and they might be on the call right now and said you should really consider having a webinar on this topic it’s just really amazing the way it’s presented so here we are together a year later um and I’m

    Sure people know a little bit about you but um I know you are part of the Waldorf movement you’ve worked in Los Angeles and then Gandhi schools um and also of course in the Christian Community um and we’re just so glad you’re here with us and I’m sure you’re

    Glad to be in H with your 10 grandchildren did I get that right 10 amazing okay so I’m going to stop now and um we’re just going to get into uh into the webinar and if you can’t see Bastion you’re just going to be able to see him in a minute as soon

    As I sto talking okay here we go thank you everybody yes are we ready you are ready this morning I got a few uh emails from the United States uh and one of them uh who knew that I had my birthday today uh greeted me and said I’m looking forward to your

    Evil well let’s see it’s of course a strange thing uh to give a talk on evil on your birthday most people on the special birthday with a zero in it they go let’s say they go paragliding or they go on an air balloon or so but I do it in this

    Way and uh you see the title The Challenge of evil it’s a challenge perhaps or even probably for you and me to speak about evil in a clear way um and shed light on one could say a dark subject there’s a principle that says speak about the good as much as

    Possible speak about evil as much as necessary we will do it in this way please don’t reverse the order because otherwise you are mixed up when you say speak about the good as much as necessary speak about the evil as much as possible I won’t recommend to do it this

    Way we will have three sessions and I hope to make clear to you that we need a special order a certain order to build up this difficult and rather obscure theme you saw in the announcement that first of all this session is about how to know evil and with knowledge you think first

    Of all of a certain distance yes first of all in order to get a view of this being of evil we need some distance to the theme it’s like a medical doctor who before he begins to act uh makes a diagnosis so that’s my aim for this first

    Meeting uh that before we go into something like a therapy we begin to diagnose what is evil and therefore we need this faculty of thinking in order to recognize the different forms of evil you might know from your own experience that without this faculty of thinking uh you are often we are often

    Puzzled by evil or even drawn into the evil before we know it drawn into the abyss there’s a powerful expression of freed nit uh who once said if you gaze for long into an abyss the abyss gazes into you so it’s like being sucked into the abyss and

    This is one of the ways in which evil works that it it takes you in therefore first of all we need this faculty of beginning to understand first session you saw probably that the second session in two weeks has the title confront evil and there we go somewhat nearer of course with a

    Confrontation uh we are already much nearer than just with this looking at it um in this second session we will talk about tools not only tools of knowledge but also one could say weapons or we will speak about the armor a certain armor that one needs for the

    Confrontation and you will see we will see that it will not be just about so to say evil as something outside US you remember this expression from one of your presidents who spoke about the AIS of evil something that is far away from my bad no evil uh is confronted of course most

    Of all in us how to deal with the dark sides of ourself with what uh a friend of mine who was on his deathbed once called my dark twin brother we will talk about the so-called double doppelganger uh and at the end of this session I would like also to bring a

    Question to you so that we in the next session can share a little bit about these experiences confronting evil wherefore for which we need the this first part knowledge of evil how can knowledge of evil help us in the confrontation with evil third session there we go in the direction of

    What what one could call therapy Redemption of evil something that for many people seems to be something of the far future however we can work here and now to try to begin to redeem evil whereas in the second session we will still meet e evil as kind of

    Opposite even an opposite inside Us in the third session we will get to know evil more from within and this brings me to uh something that is different than the way in which evil is described nowadays often in uh the newest literature about evil you find many many times evil described as

    Something of the human being the hum Humanity’s dark site there is a new book published this year the science behind Humanity’s dark s side Julia Shaw that describes evil just as a psychological experience an experience of our Insight in this third session we we will see more inside this being of

    Evil that is a spiritual being also Laura can you show us the first image I took this image from a Dutch painter Hess it has the title confrontation uh uness is uh modern Peter who is called once in a while the modern rembrand a little bit too much for a an

    Artist but nevertheless she paints beautiful artworks in this artwork confrontation you can see that um something that is happening in a difficult way between people we will not yet call it evil but confrontation that’s her title that it is not something between the one and the other

    But it fills so to say the whole space in a confrontation you have in your language I’m a Dutchman so once in a while you will hear me say words that are not completely in your language please Laura tell me if something is not yet clear so in your language you say when

    Someone is uh very upset um when he enters the room the milk turns sour yeah it shows the the the wording shows in the wonderful way that it doesn’t stay with you when you are in a bad mood it expands in the space around us with our moods we can fill this

    Space and attract certain beings and this understanding we need in order to get to know evil the first task for the first session perhaps should we we can go back Laura to my part uh to the next slide or just to take no not yet yeah a little bit of

    Introduction for the next slide okay it’s a huge task to get to know evil because it usually steps in at a moment that we are not completely awake completely aware evil usually steps in at the moment that we are some somehow somewhat unconscious or even asleep uh there’s um an artwork

    Of the artist Goya I didn’t put it in the series where you see a man fallen asleep and behind him is a huge uh serious huge row of monsters who step in and the painting is called the sleep of the reason creates monsters here with this sleep of the

    Reason or the sleep of thinking the sleep of understanding we are already in the realm where evil originates and it is even connected to one could say the origin of evil in the history of mankind U it’s not like Goya says the sleep of the reason creates Monsters the monsters are

    Already there the being of evil is already there and it influences us and wants us to get asleep is waiting for the moment of an a dreamlike state and in the next slide we can we have a visible expression of this sleep likee state or dream like state in which evil steps

    In this is an old relief in the Cathedral of OT France that shows the moment of the fall of mankind you see Eve you say Eve yeah um who is lying amidst the green she turns her arm back the the the hand doesn’t know where it

    Reaches but you can see a little part of the snake at the very right side of this slide you see a part of the snake who steps in and then uh presents the fruit of knowledge to her uh f expression of the sleep sleep likee state in which the human being is

    Open for evil where does evil originate this is in itself a giant theme it could be a theme for a whole lecture in itself uh I will only touch a little bit on it because I still want to continue the threat of getting to know evil but

    We have to introduce a little bit of this beginning of the existence of evil I studied uh dozens of stories myths of creation of different people different countries and I noticed where wherever you look uh in these myths of creation they all tell about the stepping into existence of evil not as a

    Something that is a an error so to say a production error not an accident but it’s always a deed of the Gods the gods in whatever mythology you look are the ones who create as a conscious deed evil God creates his adversary and the interesting thing when

    You look in these uh myths of creation and look uh how the so-called evil develops you can see in the beginning that it’s not even an opponent in the beginning evil or now we have to say the evil being the evil one is a kind of server of the gods someone uh

    Who uh stands next to God do you say a vessel a vasel yeah someone who serves the gods and that in this case Satan we will have to speak about different beings of evil that Satan is a create a creation of God you can find in the Book of Job Old

    Testament that begins with the words on a certain day the sons of God came to stand before the Lord and one of them was Satan what an interesting wording the sons of God Satan is one of the creatures of God himself so originally someone who who is there even standing Before the Throne

    Standing before the Lord in the course of time and in order to understand this we need something that Rina brings he becomes an opponent even the accuser of God the adversary power the rosicrucians called the demons or Satan Deus inversus the in you say the inversed god or later people spoke about the

    Devil as God’s ape the Devil is a kind of caricature of God he becomes the opposite how these beings become the opponents of God is again uh a lecture so to say in itself um there’s indeed a whole cycle of lectures of ruler I will bring a

    Little bit of it in this first talk uh it’s the lecture cycle number 132 inner realities of evolution and here um there’s a remarkable way in which Riner speaks about this origin of the evil one um first of all to put it in my own word the Gods in this case the higher

    Hierarchies reject the offering of certain lower hierarchies they put it away they let them turn away from this original light and these hierarchies that are rejected they form an own group they split apart so to say from the origin and Hiner tells why this is needed and here we have a very

    Interesting wording let me read a few sentences my own words show already that this origin of the so-called evil is not evil itself but the higher beings the higher hierarchies that reject something of their offerings now rudol Steiner so we see that we must not look

    For the origin of evil in the so-called evil beings but but in the good beings who through their resignation first brought evil about through those beings who were able to bring it into the world and then why do they do this but now the following objection May easily be

    Made I have till now thought more highly of the Gods I have always believed them able to give freedom to Men Without creating the possibility of evil how is it that all these good Gods could not produce something like human freedom without bringing evil into the

    World and then he reminds us of a Spanish King uh who considered the world dreadfully complicated and said why did God make it so difficult can’t you make it much simpler if God had allowed him to create it he would have made it much simpler

    And then R adds man in his weakness may think that the world might have been made simpler than it is but the Gods knew better and therefore they did not leave it to man to create the world so let us do the work you human beings are not able to understand this

    And then uh he brings an interesting image and says we might think that a triangle can be made with just one or two angles no impossible just like a triang triangle can only be a triangle because it has three angles so for in order to develop the possibility of

    Freedom we need the possibility of evil and of suffering here we have the three angles freedom is only possible with the possibility for evil and of course this causes in many many cases suffering these three are needed so here in this lecture we have a kind of Glimpse in God’s kitchen so to

    Say where God creates a space an empty space where his opposite where Darkness can step in in order that human Freedom can exist you will find uh in older and oldest images of evil all the time expressions of different forms of evil Lord can you show us the next image which is an

    Illustration from a medieval book and here you will see and recognize something that we can follow in its development also later in art in this image you can see the CME W surrounded by a huge Aura in this Aura he’s completely protected but from all

    Sides images of evil step in and you see that they are very different there are certain snakes who try to attack they even go with their breath into the outer realm of this Aura although they cannot enter completely on the other side is a very dark demon who with a

    Kind of Lance or stick I don’t know what tries to break in uh and these are already different images for different forms of evil Christ between two images of evil the snake and the Satan or as it is called in other languages the snake Lucifer the one who is described in the book

    Genesis uh the fall of mankind and on the other hand Satan or ariman the dark being back to the scene how to know evil so here we are one could say completely surrounded by different forms of evil very complicated to discern who is who how do they work impossible in our time to

    Eradicate yeah so um I think everyone nowadays has to admit in our world we cannot eradicate evil it’s somehow everywhere it’s not we are not able so to say to break evil to destroy it there’s a nice um expression of one of the Jewish rabbis Rabbi naftali who once

    Said I tried to break with evil but when I did so I had two evils you know you have a stick you crack it from one it’s to so it’s like that uh that it’s impossible to get rid of it however the difficulty coming back to

    Our theme of how to know evil is that we that we look away from it that we bring ourself in this kind of dreamlike state and that we ignore evil I once saw this happening at the time long ago in the 70s when I was a w of

    Teacher in one of the children of my classroom um I think it was the third grade uh and we went for the first time uh with our group of children uh into a medieval drama of the three kings where uh so to say black and white

    Good and evil come on stage in the form of on the one side of the uh the stage the angel on the other side of the stage the devil and and in between all these people who are part of this drama and now this child uh who was kind of scared of all

    Forms of evil looked at the stage in a very interesting way I still see her before me uh she put her hand before one eye and where the devil was she just went like this so she she completely locked away the dark side and she just

    Wanted to focus on the the good side it took a few years for her to get to know more of this necessary Evil by the way that’s a book the title of a book that I would recommend necessary evil written by my colleague Hans van how can we begin to get to know

    Evil let’s start so to say from scratch from the beginning bu Steiner describes an interesting method in fact not only a method to deal with evil but he speaks about it in a more broader context a method to work with anthroposophy and he uh puts it in the

    In the shortest way that he says in fact working practically with anthroposophy is seeing everywhere circumstances of germination in the German language we see a world that seems to be complete ready fixed but it is possible in each experience to look at what we see in

    Such a way that we try to find what is developing in this being what is in a in a state of germination and let’s try now to practice this in relation to evil the best way to begin to recognize evil is to try to understand the to try to recognize it at the

    Moment when it originates we all know he when evil is omnipresent when it fills so to say the whole room it’s very difficult you are in a kind of zoo surrounded by all the animals yeah but here in this early stage of germination where it originates you are

    Still able to manage to work with it in a certain way I will give you one or two examples of this recognition of evil in an early stage and again here for this we need something of the Insight of rudol Steiner in the year 1923 national socialism appeared for the first time

    Openly in Munich in Germany there was a kind of riot in which national socialists the later na Nazis uh stepped forward uh and the next day uh the papers the journals all over the world uh showed what happened in Munich one of these papers was on a

    Board uh outside the ganum and people gathered around it w Steiner uh came and read the announcement and said when these people come in the government I cannot enter Germany anymore and he made his conclusions in this early stage of evil that was germinating he said uh to uh one of

    His co-workers Anna samber who described this moment Anna go to Berlin and tell the house owner in Berlin in the M where he had a house that we will move out and take everything and bring it to dorar Mariner was upset people did not understand at all why this was

    Necessary but rudol Steiner at that moment was the very first to recognize evil in a state of origin so to say just as uh in one of the courses that hurus gave before the for the priests he announced already in 1924 in the year 1933 Humanity will be confronted with the Beast with this darkest form of evil and indeed the year 1933 was the year in which na socialism grabbed power and then this unfolding of evil began let me um make his point as clear as possible in a few quotes that give

    And you will find again and again this expression of no evil Consciousness is needed in order to understand evil here one expression we can only develop the right resistance against demons you see hush doesn’t speak just about evil but about beings Demons by recognizing these forces that we know that they

    Exist these forces only become destructive when we remain unconscious about them when we don’t know anything about them a lecture of January 19 195 evil forces can only keep their power as long as we are not conscious about them the development of Consciousness works for certain evil

    Forces like the clear day for monstrous ghosts they flee away when Consciousness is developed September 22nd 1923 in other words uh the best way to work to begin to work with evil is to look look at it instead of to run away when we run away from them they

    Come so to say after us when we do the opposite when we confront them with our knowledge with our understanding then they run away from us therefore we need this being that we saw in the second image and I would say the modern expression for this same

    Image is what Hina made many of you will be familiar with this sculpture the representative of the human being where you have something similar as in the medieval image Laura can you show it to us this third image so just compare what we saw before Christ in this middle

    Realm kind of attacked by the dragon the Snake On and On The Other Side the Satan this dark being here we have Christ in the middle creating a space between two adversary Powers one below him this dark being of Satan one above him Lucifer and he brings so to say order in this

    Chaos by bringing them on their righteous place I would say a friend of I once said about this image imagine what would happen if you take away this being in the middle so try to use your fantasy just to take away this central figure what would happen in this middle

    The two of them would cling together but even more my friend who is very much at home in the realm of evil said there we would find a third form of evil the asuras with their being who is Central sorat the one who even wants to extinguish the whole of the human

    Being the eye of the human being I won’t go into these three different beings that’s again a theme in itself I want to draw your attention to the one and to this gesture of the one who is creating balance between the two and here’s another expression for how to know and work with

    Evil in order to begin to work with evil we need this being in the middle this being who is in our midst the Christ the shortest expression that rer once used is a wonderful sentence in searching for balance is the Christ he doesn’t say in balance is the

    Christ because we as human beings are never in complete balance yeah we always have to go back and forth between different forces that pull and push but in searching for balance the Christ is present let us try to make this uh somewhat more concrete uh with an experience a wonderful experience a one

    Sorry here a wonderful example of on the one side the technique of evil and on the other side the moral technique to work with evil to overcome evil is give by um a story of St Francis the story tells that St Francis the famous Saint suddenly has a vision of a giant

    Being a powerful spiritual being who appears before him in a dazzling light and tells to him in this confrontation Francis here I am Christ and Francis who has this feeling of balance confronts this being by saying my Lord is humble show me your wounds the Stigmata and at that moment in a cloud

    Of stench and smoke Lucifer flees away yes indeed Lucifer can clothe himself in something Christ like which makes it even more difficult to discern these forces but this story story of Francis who meets the counter forces and recognizes the counter forces repeats itself endlessly how many times does evil clothe itself in sheep

    Clothes and nowadays these sheep clothes are very sophisticated and uh fancy we can and uh not often recognize evil at First Sight one of the people who uh attended a lecture of me on this theme came to me in the break and said well I recognized that something changed in our uh

    Understanding of evil in the course of a few decades when you look at old western movies these black white movies you indeed recognize a world of black and white so to say at first s you recognize the good guys and the bad guys the good guys have nice clothes they look open at

    Frank and the bad guys you see already oh there’s something inside that goes wrong yeah so literally a black and white world and look now at uh modern uh films and pieces of art perhaps only at the end something begins to Dawn on us or we are just left with

    Riddles and indeed that’s an expression of how complicated the sheep clothes so to say of evil are we are left in a gray world here is a remarkable experience expressed by an expert on evil I have to insert something that is very radical but step by step we have to

    Become more and more clear about these forces in Germany we have a woman AA berus who worked for decades in Germany as a Satan’s priest you know many of you will know that not only we have nowadays Priests of a certain religion a positive religion but

    Nowadays we have in many of our cities also Al in the United States a Satan’s church and so on where priests work with black magic now this AA berus who was who is well known in Germany through many talk shows where she came and uh interviews

    That she got she she came regularly on television from one day to the other she changed from black to white magic and here is the story that she tells she told it a few years ago in an interview a friend of her died a few days after her death she was able to

    Meet the person who died and and she went with her in imagination through a long Corridor until they came in the imagination in an open space there was Twilight something between night and day and suddenly in this open space a rain of grain poured down a rain of golden grain and then Christ

    Appeared at the cross and said to him and said to her in the end I Will Conquer and this very image and these very words made that from one day to the other AA berus became a white magic not only and here’s the interesting thing uh from what I call an

    Expert on evil not only someone who warned and who warns against all forms of black black magic but in this interview she alsoo says you know we are not only surrounded here and there by black magic but what even more penetrates our whole society are all forms of gray magic gray magic enters

    Our society and we are flooded by it through the media through what one could call Sweet science through certain forms of art certain forms of religion occultism addiction doping and so on here I let her speak for herself she says at the moment Satan has our Planet completely in his

    Grip from the moment that I changed my spiritual path from Black Magic to white magic 90% of my students left to know about these things is the most important so here we are back to our theme know about evil knowing about evil being awake for all

    Forms of evil is in fact the essence of the task the very first task to become uh aware of it I see that the time is going on I have to to put away much of my content I see uh but let me go back to what I promised earlier uh

    Something of this lecture cycle inner realities of evolution and here is something that I want to bring already in order to prepare for the second and the third session we might think that uh just just by closing the door so to say for evil we can exclude it as I hope I could

    Express before it’s not possible to exclude it completely uh no we have to do even more we have to begin to understand evil not just from without but from within and here is a beginning of this understanding from within hudin in the lecture that I mentioned earlier in the realities of evolution

    Describes the nature of the hierarchies their nature is to offer now lower hierarchies offer their substance to higher hierarchies and he describes that this offer is rejected now let’s try in a human way to understand what happens when you try to bring an offer to someone else and the other person

    Says no thank you I don’t want it yeah so it helps in order to understand evil from within and the origin of evil from within to use our human understanding imagine my offering is not accepted nobody wants me what’s wrong with me there’s no answer there’s just Silence from the other

    Side of course I feel when my offer is not accepted I I feel rejected I feel isolated I am thrown back to myself and there begins there’s the beginning of this drama that these forces these hierarchies begin to turn away from the light they begin to make a distance

    The distance is already there but they cut themselves off from these higher beings they hide their own treasures and this is what one could call in the giant picture the beginning of cosmic alienation this Cosmic alienation dark beings who turn against these higher beings who do not accept their

    Offering this is also the beginning of human alienation the so-called fall of mankind but and that’s in this drama so to say the positive side this all of this is necessary in order to make us human beings free we are no more by falling away from the

    Godhead puppets on the string of God where are no more moral robots but we begin with our freedom as Shiller the German poet put it the fall of mankind the most Blissful hour of humanity it’s not just tragic it’s an absolute necessity to develop Freedom well uh with

    This at least there’s a beginning so to say of our theme I’m very much aware that there are some strings that are just put out and that can be followed endlessly uh we will need certainly the three sessions in order to make the thingss to a tapestry that is more woven

    Together but I will try to pick up these threats and develop them further in the next session I hope that it’s at least my um intention of this first meeting that um each time when there is an out ver of evil and when we begin to complain why did God make it so

    Difficult can’t we do it somewhat easier that this image uh also pops up so to say in your thoughts necessary evil Laura I think our time is already nearly up or yes wow basan thank you you so much for this incredible time together there’s so much to think about in process

    Um and I keep you know thinking about this country in particular and some of the things that have happened here and then and then all the way down to my own you know bring bringing the sour milk into my own kitchen um with my own way of being sometimes um and I’m really

    Looking forward to exploring this more with you so uh just a just a yeah people are asking if there’s a possibility of questions now um and I would say uh we can probably have a few questions now and then I would encourage people to email me the question and I can pass

    Pass it on to you um for those of you getting off the call thank you so much for being with us and um we have lots of people Wishing you happy birthday today Bashan a very special day and what a thing to do on your birthday um so yes I

    Think um if if anybody wants to ask a few questions now we we can stay on for the next five minutes or so so why don’t we go into that and um we’ll have this time together in in two weeks again to move on to the next if people uh ask

    Questions after that I’m happy to bring them in in the next session too yeah great so you can email me and I think pretty much everyone has my email but it’s Laura anthroposophy dog so as long as you can spell it anthroposophy you should be able to reach me it’s Laura

    Anthroposophy dorg um and you can email me there so if anybody wants to share in the chat I’m going to stop sharing the um slides right now um and then there we go okay can you say that the author of the book necessary evil that’s one of the questions we have

    Hder but Laura I made a list of references and there you will find it perfect and everyone will get that along with the slides so they’ll get that in this recording super yeah anybody else have questions they want to ask now I think okay so here’s

    One um okay so we have a question that’s saying that first happy birthday and then Steiner says there is a mystery of the new Isis hidden in the representative of man and I I think you know the question is what is the role of Isis in the sculpture and is there a

    Connection to the topic that we’re talking about do you have a sense of that um or we can talk about that you know via email too as far as I understand it’s not immediately connected to the theme of evil the Isis um another our another thought is needed in order

    To bring this together with the theme of evil but it’s not directly connected to the theme of evil as far as I know yeah sorry I so a huge theme in itself you know there’s a lectures that has the title the new Isis there you might fight find some

    Connections but for now it’s a theme in itself too much to go into it yes and if you want to email me about that we will be taking up this topic over the next year or so um the divine feminine and Sophia and Isis that’s something that the society will be

    Bringing um over the next year or so so okay and then one more question we’ll just do one more were you gonna say something else fashan sorry yes at the end I will say something okay that’s great um can you speak bit more about the painting of a confront confrontation

    The person didn’t really see the confrontation in there I can probably pull it back up so if you give me one second yeah H sorry everybody’s gonna see something a little funny for a second here we go so here there it is it’s a huge painting um something like one by one

    Meter sorry I don’t know your big yeah it’s big at the left you can see the silhouette of a person when you look more clearly at the right side there also might be something of a silhouette of another person then a shadow in the back are well are these persons are these

    Beings I don’t know but it might be that there are a few more just a a beginning of an image but then you see between the two at the left and at the right side these two dark images um the forms uh going toward each other meeting somewhere at the top going down

    And forces that so to say are connected to each other there’s not just at the left side one person at the right side one person there’s evidently between them something that one could say brings them together but also something that confronts them as said the title of the painting is

    Confrontation so in this very open image which doesn’t give a clear picture it’s a kind of riddle picture it shows that between two forces something is working in between and therefore I use this painting to to show that when we are confronted with something or someone this confrontation is not just

    In me and in the other person but between us and it creates an atmosphere this atmosphere is the realm in which certain beings evil beings can step or in a positive confrontation we will talk about confronting conflict of glassel who works in a positive way with it it can be the space in

    Which uh light beings enter beautiful for now I guess our time is up I think it is yeah okay well let me ask one question to all of you so the question about knowledge insight for our next meeting which is about confrontation with evil it might

    Be a helpful question if you want to think about it how are you helped by Insight how are you helped by knowledge did you find so to say tools weapons with which you could work so we will attach the theme of confronting evil with the theme no to

    Know evil how are you helped with this insight and knowledge with this we will start then in two weeks in two weeks thank you so much and I hope the rest of your day is wonderful and thank you everyone for joining us I’ll make sure I send that

    Question out to everyone along with the recording and the slides so thank you so much everybody we’ll see you very soon thank you Bastion Bye Bye Bye by thank you

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