Ted Mason’s Runners and Riders fell race 2024. Organised by Wharfedale Harries, held in Appletreewick in North Yorkshire.

    A 4.7 mile fell race with approximately 900 ft elevation, where runners complete with cyclists in the same race over felly and traily terrain.

    Sunday 4 February 2024

    Strava Route:

    Allan’s channel:

    Time Chapters:
    0:00 – coming up in this video
    0:37 – introduction
    0:52 – about Appletreewick village
    2:02 – about the race
    3:12 – Ted Mason – the race director
    3:40 – race registration, Mearly Runners, free cake
    4:20 – meet and greet runners and riders before and after the race
    4:27 – Donald from Ottley (rider)
    4:52 – Accrington runners
    5:03 – Benjamin Grundy (Wharfedale Harries)
    5:16 – Antonio at registration
    5:20 – Johnny from North Leeds
    5:37 – Alan from Bushman and Blue
    6:14 – the rider on cross bike with gravel tyres (conversation after the race)
    6:52 – conversation with Henry Webb – 2nd overall
    7:17 – Mearly Runners before the race
    7:23 – Rossendale Beasts
    7:33 – Ottley Runners
    7:49 – Nidd Valley runners
    7:55 – Talking to Mearly Clough runners
    8:20 – Becky from Bowland and other people at the start
    8:49 – Andy Holden and other people at the start
    8:59 – the Race Director’s starting speech
    9:33 – the start and the first uphill with everyone
    11:52 – first uphill finished, xc – riders are catching up
    12:31 – to the farm and from the farm
    12:43 – a bit of muddy track – riders are overtaking
    13:44 – off the track – Johnathan on his BMX (which he had from the age of 15 for 30 years) is catching up
    14:30 – riders through the bog
    15:30 – downhill again
    15:38 – cyclists are catching up downhill
    16:05 – Johnathan the Muscle Man with BMX
    16:26 – cyclists are overtaking before the ducking bridge
    16:46 – Gorgeous valley with the River Wharfe on the right
    17:00 – steep descent for riders
    17:14 – back up a hill – hard work for the cyclists, runners are catching up
    18:26 – riders are catching up after the steep ascent
    18:43 – back on the gravel track
    18:56 – through the farm and down
    19:22 – past Antonio running
    20:07 – my finish
    20:39 – chatting to the cyclists, who finished just before me (after the race) – 16 year old lads
    21:10 – people finishing after me
    23:04 – barn, tea, cakes, fire – after the race

    H Hello it’s the 4th of February today it’s a very windy day and I’m in North Yorkshire I came to run a race called Runners and Riders and it’s an apple apple tree wig apple tree wig is a little village in North Yorkshire 6 and 1/2 miles Northeast of Skipton and 7

    Miles from Skipton railway station the pub where we had the presentation looked very old and quirky with lots of authentic features oh I like this let’s go by the way apple tree week is where this year’s British fell and Hill relays are going to be held in October

    Look how pretty so pretty pretty gorgeous all of his old features I like it so authentic the race director Ted Mason has a family farm in this Village the whole Community helped with organizing the race and all the proceeds from the entry fees went towards three local

    Charities it’s so windy today so I’m not sure if you’ll be able to hear me I’m trying to find a place where it’s not so windy but it’s impossible to do it so this race is just under 5 miles with approximately eight not 900 FT elevation and Runners verse riders in

    This race so some terrain will favor Runners like Ste raid off truck terrain maybe boogy one and sunrain will favor Riders like going down here or straight A Flat Rock so we’ll see that will be interesting that’s quite different I’ve never done this race before I’m looking for a place

    Where there’s no wind everywhere and I’m really looking forward to it sa johnes the Baptist Church it’s a relatively new race it’s only been run 5 years in a row and only Riders will winning let’s see if ver can win the this is Ted Mason the race organizer he organized this race first

    Time when it was his 40th birthday and now he’s done it five times already is that right that’s right yeah yeah how are you feeling about this today uh well hopefully I’m I’m not running so it’ be good to see the others run yeah but it’s always like nerved for the organizer oh

    Yeah you just don’t if anyone’s going to turn up cuz I do which entry on the day over yeah you look quite relaxed so quite happy good thank you despite Ted’s worries that people might not show up because of the entries on the day they were about 200 people at

    The start line even a very strong wind didn’t scare them off or maybe they just all came for the free cake at the end of the race as you might have gathered already the race registration was in a barn of a local Farm before I show you the footage

    Of the race from my perspective let’s meet and greet some Runners and Riders before and after the race this is uh Donald Donald from Atley and today he’s going to be a rider last year he tried to be a rider but he had a puncture so you had to take

    Part in this competition as a runner yeah oh I need to jump r as well oh that’s cool I need to go register myself thank you see you and this is our Arrington all together is Liam here today Liam’s my running partner he’s not here oh look Benjamin hi

    Benjamin oh wow interesting interesting way Refreshments it’s famous Antonio registering this is Johnny so I just found out that he’s here for what Johnny just the cake just a cake cuz what is it going to be at the endake fre cake wow that’s am is it and his for his vest is

    From North leads show us your vest there it is this is Alan he’s got his own YouTube channel called Bushman and blue and met a celebrity here and he was a runner today weren’t you Alan celebrity I don’t know about that but yes I ran and it was proper Yorkshire torture yeah

    But it was wor for the Riders I think you not agree um well a rider won it so I’m not sure about that one but anyway it was hard work it must have been very very tough did you did you quite it hard or not oh slowly I never find it hard

    Because I run slowly well I just absolutely killed myself every time so yeah good I need to get better so how did you find it really hard it was I was like surprised how hard they made it for for the bikers fog we just well I mean I

    Sank I’m on gravel SI yeah let’s have a look just sank and went backwards saw these Runners that pass on the Cel track did you have to carry your bike at some point I car my bike so much yeah all the bles basally I had to get off we’re well

    Done yeah thank you let’s have a look at your bike again yeah there so it’s a gravel bike it’s a cross bike cross bike ah gravel tires and this young man from dark Peak came second what’s your name Henry Henry well done Henry who came from first oh

    It was the rider wasn’t it yeah the rider which club are you from are you Runner or cyclist I’m run he soon be run a well well done camer wait second so first was a cyclist and you the first runner then yeah oh brilliant well done M Runners

    Hello serious warming up going on well done guys are you allly yeah oh you’ve got a rider as well um Donald I think yeah take a picture of you Valley arate oh is there oh that’s nice leather last year about 180 did all together oh how many you running

    Don’t know but last year said about 180 total weren it’s a nice dat but it’s very windy yeah but it’s fresh but the wind is warm so the wind is warm it’s fresh and it’s not currently raining so it’s you know it is warm not warm it’s

    Warm on ball on I saw someone else from your club is there anyone else CL no I think I don’t know and this is a picture of me after finishing the race with some of the Riders who were racing around me we were taking turns overtaking each other

    Depending on the terrain and now it’s nearly the start time and we’re all edging forward towards the starting line Andy Andy hello he listen up everybody there’s a slight route change at the start if you did it last year me towards that wall up there and you’re going through a different field

    That is both on the out and the back there on the way out you will join the track and through the clown building when you’re on the track make sure you keep left so people can pass on the right so talk to each other

    Oh by the way we have an eike here if you’re worried he’s a bit good he’s not that good under ready and off we go Runners and Riders tackling the first steep Ascent I must admit I was in complete awe over the ridus bushing and carrying their bikes

    And running up the hill at the same time it’s not something that I see all the time during races their Fitness level is just phenomenal the uphill off-road boggy terrain was very challenging for the cyclists I really enjoyed this race because it was a constant rivalry between some Runners and Riders from my

    Running position the riers did especially a great job not getting stuck in the bug I wasn’t able to film all the runners and Riders especially the ones who are ahead of me because I’m a slower Runner but I’m going to take you through the course of the race from my running

    Perspective show you the landscape and the terrain we were going through and film The Runners and Riders around me N [Applause] Hey n I’m done do now hold done Hold done you’re hiding hold Done That’s amazing you can do it keep going guys thank You oh God it’s hard to work oh cool look at this so this man has this bike what’s the name Jonathan that’s his bike it’s fing fire now Go Time by fish well done not easy through this CL come over take us let the down someone a Truck Muscle muscle M I want to be a man hold Done You have to duck here to go under must have been fun for Cyclist thanks I don’t want to get in the way careful we done guys Done that was cool to watch thank you come on everybody hold on cyclist hold on I’m no idea how you doing it heavy hard enough just walking never mind pushing the B so pretty that’s on the right hand [Applause] Side That’s very picturesque that’s all it’s for you to enjoy you know the hardest bed so you’re like oh at least the scenery is nice you know oh [Applause] God what a wonderful [Applause] trees of green I [Applause] See [Applause] Hold God find the Marshall so beautiful you made it tough for the cyclist very tough thank you okay Antonio hello this still want I C behind hold on Antonio you too well done thank you very enjoyable it’s Fun D you’re already finished That’s such fun race great concept I like it hold done to thank you you thankk oh on he go hold oh W oh boys is it the first time you’ve done this race yeah how did you find it I heard you at first you’re like morning but then you’re going for it

    Well done no well done is they made it really tough for the Riders I think do you think yeah brilliant are you from any club or just do you live me do you live in this area oh that’s cool especially in this wind yeah I stayed at the finish for a little

    Bit to film some people who finished after me oh done well done Antonio well done well done Antonio Antonio the legend the onion Legend hold on I had the just there Fu because there so many holes yeah oh over yes do him do him well done hard work well done well done after the race a lot of Runners and Riders went back to the registration Barn where there were some warm drinks I

    Had some tea and some homemade cakes and I also warmed up by the fire well done push your Instagraming you all tring there the presentation was at Krav and crack Barn this very old authentic pub with loads of quirky features look at it look how pretty it’s so pretty pretty gorgeous [Applause]

    This time a new winner Tom Bell 3126 wow the most valuable stuff on the top size 10 [Applause] the she R all second overall was a Henry [Applause] [Applause] w well done Henry all the female winners run as regards the top 10 we have four Riders and six Runners

    So fourth home was a chees on an e for him without him is Harry kingh third female is H Thomas fifth overall is colum James female Charlotte chamber that’s fale wood fifth or six fth well done [Applause] so I get a first 23 well done 6 well done


    1. Great footage! I remember reading about Harriers vs Cyclists events in the 90s but I've never seen one, so this was very interesting viewing.
      There was a popular one near Haworth or Keighley in the old days.
      I think in the big rocky Lakeland mountains a runner will always be faster but this course was well designed, especially for good cyclocross riders who are just coming off their season's peak. Wild conditions – well done to all !

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