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    Believe in what you fight for but there are others who think differently for example there are islamist extremists who believe that people will go to hell unless they convert to Islam they will sincerely perhaps break the law in order to force people to convert in their view

    They might be saving people’s lives for eternity there might be abortion activists who say that babies are being murdered and to save their lives we need to break the law to stop people having abortions why do you get to say that your moral convic is the one that’s right and other people’s individual

    Moral conviction are those that are wrong so what’s really integral to the just op oil campaign is the fact that it is a nonviolent campaign that’s what separates us from the examples that you’ve just given we’re absolutely dedicated nonviolence both as a tactic and as a principle so though we might be

    Breaking the law if individuals take it upon themselves to break the law for whatever their C is surely the way that we decide what Society wants in general is Democratic and within the law well of course we know also that protest is absolutely integral to maintaining and upholding a democracy and in particular

    Nonviolent protest I mean I really can’t express to you how severe this situation is and I’m sure you know this I’m Michelle jubber and I’m not here to tell you what to think I’d much rather hear what you have to say Sir send in your opinions to GB viws at GB newws

    Docomo I might read them out with my panel here on dubes and Co we debate we get stuck into the issues of the day on a show where all views are welcome Especially Yours GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel hello good evening it’s me Jacob rmog on state of the nation tonight the labor party the Socialists are running out of ideas as it’s set to abandon its Flagship Green Spending policy of 28 billion a year but surely if even secure starma can see the problem with green

    Policies then the Prime Minister should go further and remove more of those costs did you know that inanimate regions of the United Kingdom could be racist and Colonial well that’s exactly what a new report from a charity umbrella group is alleging isn’t it strange that groups set up for people

    From the Countryside by people from the countryside accusing the countryside of being racist and are the quango waking up from their Slumber of bureaucratic group think well the obr boss has suggested hold on to your seats that we ought to cut benefits and curb Mass migration and for once

    Someone linked to the ob has said something sensible and while the synthetic pressure builds for the prime minister to apologize to Brianna G Gear’s mother over his trance joke surely it’s sakir starma who should apologize for breaching K in May and misleading the house state of the nation starts Now I’ll also be joined by my most intellectual panel this evening GB news’s senior political commentator Nigel Nelson and the deputy editor of conservative home Henry Hill as always I want to hear from you it’s a crucial part of the program email me maog but now it’s you’ve all been

    Waiting for the news of the day with poly Midar Jacob thank you and good evening to you well the top story from the GB Newsroom tonight is that labor has confirmed today it is axing billions of pounds from its commitment to environmental issues sakir starma this afternoon said the pledge one of the party’s Flagship policies will be scaled

    Back to almost 24 billion in instead of the original 28 billion he says labor has had to cut back on their warm homes plan to insulate millions of houses over the next decade and he went on to blame the Tores for a very broken economy the reason for that is because

    Since we announced the 28 billion the Tes have done terrible damage to our economy not just the Liz truss um budget but also now the government briefing that it’s going to max out on the government credit card Reckless this but i’ have to anticipate the circumstances

    As they are now not as I’d wish them to be so stama while the chief secretary to the treasury Laura Trot says today’s announcement confirms that labor doesn’t have a plan for Britain for months labor have been saying that their 2030 energy policies are going to cost 28 billion p

    And all that’s happened today is that they confirmed that they don’t have a plan to pay for that not having a plan inevitably means imposing higher taxes on working people and that is why labor would take Britain back to square one Laura Trot now armed police searched two

    Addresses in Newcastle today in their hunt for chemical attack suspect Abdul aidi it’s understood the search warrants included his place of work but no arrests were made aidi is believed to be suffering from severe facial injuries which police say could be life-threatening if left untreated the

    Last recorded citing of him was was near voxal bridge in London just after 11:00 last Wednesday evening protesters who cover their faces to avoid arrest could face tough penalties under new laws announced today demonstrators would also be blocked from climbing War memorials or letting off flares citing the right to protest will

    No longer be an excuse for causing disruption as the home office seeks to crack down on what it’s calling dangerous disorder critics say the new powers represent a threat to civil liberties the minimum unit price for alcohol in Scotland is to be raised from 50 P to 65 P that means shops in

    Scotland won’t be able to sell a bottle of wine for less than £69 the price hike will be subject to parliamentary approval and won’t take place until the end of September the deputy first Minister Shen Robertson says it shows Scotland remains World leading in improving public health and

    Finally Queen C has described King Charles as doing extremely well under the circumstances following his cancer diagnosis Queen Camila said her husband who’s undergone his first bout of cancer treatment early this week was very touched by all the messages of support he’s been receiving from the public his

    Majesty has been spending time at his sanding estate in Norfolk after postponing all public facing duties on the advice of his doctors for the very latest stories do sign up for GB news alerts by scanning the Q QR code on your screen or go to GB newws Alerts the labor party seems to be frightened of ideas last month I ran through Labour’s fivepoint plan to tackle illegal migration it is of course a non plan that achieves nothing mostly consisting of platitudes and virtue signaling ideas about cracking down on Smugglers or solving humanitarian crisis

    Not within a UK government’s power but this theme of creating fivepoint non plans doesn’t end with illegal migration in fact Labor’s entire ticket is based on another fivepoint non plan the real test for political policies is to ask if anyone would ever say the reverse if

    They don’t it tends to be fatuous so let’s look at Labor’s growth Mission which comes with another fiveo plan which includes the routine platitudes of new labor such as quote providing stability seizing opportunities or giving working people opportunities no points for the opposite here then there’s the plan to switch on Great

    British energy but in recent developments there may not be any money for this and they want to get the NHS back on its feet including improving cancer survival rates and providing more care in the community but who is going to say that they don’t want to improve cancer survival rates fourth they want

    To take back our streets but again is there anyone calling for the streets to be a abandoned fifth is breaking down barriers to opportunity as ensuring that there is quote a worldclass teacher in every classroom when did a political party last call for there to be a

    Complete dud in every classroom so I think it’s clear that no one would say the opposite of most of these things which makes them pointless they’re not real policies they are just statements of worthy but pretty Universal intent would Rishi sunak conceivably say we shouldn’t provide care in the community

    Or that we shouldn’t provide opportunities or stability of course not they are meaningless platitudes but we might have one concrete position from sakur starma the man himself that is that he’s going to abandon his 28 billion annual Green Spending pledge no doubt he will claim this is because of a

    Lack of money but this isn’t strictly true because last June when the labor party recommitted to the spending pledge fiscal hroom has actually increased and the cost of borrowing Has Fallen so could it be that Sarma is in fact a skeptic of the Net Zero agenda itself surely even Karma can abandon a

    Signature Net Zero pledge of his doesn’t this mean that rishy sunak can go further in rolling back the costly green policies already in place we know that Net Zero is seriously harming our industry such as is the case in steel as we discussed last week in scunthorp we

    Know that boiler companies have already begun increasing cost in anticipation of a boiler tax which we hope hope is going to be scrapped we know that green energy is unreliable and Technology simply isn’t yet ready and we know that electric cars don’t work that well particularly when it’s cold which is why

    People aren’t buying them Rishi sunak should take a leaf out of sakure starmer’s book and roll back the green agenda even further as always let me know your thoughts mail MOG atgb and I’m delighted to be joined Now by a former cabinet minister when Tony blur was prime minister and a

    Friend of the program sha Woodward Shan thank you for in me is the labor party so certain in its own mind that it’s going to win that it now thinks it can do so without any policies at all and isn’t this just a little bit complacent I don’t think there’s any

    Complacency on the part of Kia St and there’s no certainty that KIA will win the election at whatever time this prime minister which is chooses to call it so we take nothing for granted what I think has alarmed everybody has being the state of the public finances and the

    Ongoing problems that we are facing as a country we are alarmed at how broken Britain is and we are alarmed that even now as the chancellor gears up for the budget in March there may be yet another raid effectively on the public finances in an attempt to try and bribe the

    Electorate to vote conservative later this year and I think they won’t fall for it but unfortunately it will mean probably another raid of 15 billion P out to the public Pur that effectively is unfunded but Sean um two things on that one is that this policy was

    Recommitted to last year and since then the public finances have actually improved and there is more Headroom and interest rates have gone down for government borrowing and secondly if taxes are cut in the March budget the labor party could go into an election promising to put them back up again if

    It wanted this money and it just seems as if they’re trying to get away from any policy of any specific nature because they just think they’ll win anyway and the less they say the fewer hostages to Fortune I don’t think it’s remotely based on the idea that we think we’re

    Going to win anyway I think it is based on not knowing the state of the public finances and not knowing when the Prime Minister will call the election so I think Jacob if you could tell us when the election’s going to be and what the state of the public finances will be as

    A consequence of what will happen in the budget yet again then that might make it easier and I think what you’ve got to understand here is that what K stor is doing is he hasn’t abandoned the commitment to want to pursue the green agenda what he’s actually done is say

    Our public finances may be in such a broken state by the time we finally get the election that what we wanted to do in the first five years is going to take longer than that and I’m absolutely certain that if more money becomes available you now already can predict

    Where that money will go I think what Kier is doing is rightly being very sensible and very prudent but you know as well as I do that efforts to improve the public finances after 400 billion was spent on covid actually been decisions made by Rishi sunak I didn’t

    Agree with all of them but he took very important steps including increasing taxes and being tight on public expenditure to get the public finances back in good order so it’s a bit of a red herring it seems to me that it’s ask this avoidance of any Clarity on policy

    It’s like Harold Wilson’s approach when he said he’d have to see the books because he didn’t want to say things that upset people I think we’ve learned a lot from history I mean we’ve learned for example that if you govern the country in the way that Liz trusted for 44 days and you

    Don’t think that you have to be accountable you can end up with Britain losing about 100 billion and as a consequence we’ve seen interest rates rise higher than they would have done if she had been fiscally responsible we’ve also looked in the history books and we’ve seen that what rightly Tony Blair

    Did in 1997 was not make promises that he wasn’t able to keep and I think what Kier is doing here is looking at doing absolutely as much as he thinks is reasonable to presume he can do which is why the 28 billion has been scaled back

    To about 5 billion it’s why we’re no longer talking probably about being able to retrofit 19 million homes of insulation but we still believe we can probably do five million in the first 5 years and there are other examples as well but again Jacob if we have more

    Money available without having to borrow the money over the fiveyear cycle if debt is falling as a percentage of our economy then you should expect Kama to do a great deal more it’s just that it may not because of the broken State he will inherit if he wins dare I say

    Rather better than we inher merited from Gordon Brown it will be a lower um deficit in nominal let alone real terms than in 2010 um but is it actually copying or learning from what happened in 1992 when Neil kinck and John Smith were very clear about what they wanted to do

    And when people know what labor wants to do they vote conservative no I think what’s very clear at the moment is that the country wants the current government gone and as you know many of your colleagues in the conservative party realistically are probably not going to be there this time

    Next year and with that if that happens and I say if it happens because you take nothing for granted uh K will form a government probably with a significant majority but having a significant majority doesn’t necessarily mean you got a significant amount of money to

    Spend in the bank and now what he is doing is adjusting people’s expectations I don’t think he for one minute wants to cut back on this as a matter of Choice he just recognizes that there is so little left in the bank and this government May yet spend more before

    They’re finally forced him to calling an election in which case he’s only got what’s left to spend well Sean thank you very much for joining me always a pleasure to have you on um but with me now is a great friend of the um program Don McCarthy the director of the climate

    Media Coalition Don you are good to come on because you can’t be very impressed by what K starm has done that he’s moving away from the green agenda because it’s too expensive um I think it’s a disappointing day we’ve lost this battle but the war will still go on um I

    Think what’s very interesting we’ve just watched maybe a 5 10 minute debate between a Tory and a labor politician and neither of you mentioned the crisis that we’re facing today it was announced that for the first time in human history the Earth BR breached the 1.5° Centigrade Rising temperature which has

    Enormous Economic Consequences going forward forward so I would say what’s happened today is actually a decision that will make B colder and poorer why just say colder because we’re not we’re going to cut back the insulation for 15 million homes families are suffering from cold because of the lack of

    Investment and secondly we’re going to be poor why are we going to be poor the the CBI and the British Chambers of Commerce have both said and former head of seans have said we need to be investing investing not spending on the new agenda if we’re going to actually

    Successfully expand the economy and compete internationally but actually the thing that has made economies grow historically has been cheap energy there is a supply of cheap energy if we were to start fracking the US economy has done very well on the basis of fracking and indeed low its emissions wouldn’t it

    Be better to use a known proofed technology rather than thinking that there is a new technology around the corner I mean theor government you know Jacob theor government itself has admitted that any gas is produced in the UK will actually be sold at Global prices and one of the things I think

    Find quite interesting I would say you know we have a choice are we going to be the prium the king of Troy and not listen to Cassandra warning about the threat of climate change are we going to be pharaoh who listened to David and said yes we will act and what

    Happened Egypt was protected and Troy was destroyed and I argue both the Tories and yourselves are acting as prium king of Troy and you will destroy our economy I I I love your biblical um illustration and the seven years of feast and the then seven years of of

    Famine um but we have seen historically that cheap energy drives economies that Technologies may come through but then the market will provide for them and if we currently go down the route we’re going of costly green policies when other countries aren’t doing it we just make our country cold and poor while

    China and India are carrying on a meting and it makes no difference to the Paris Accords in the last 20 years Britain has cut its carbon emissions by 50% because we targeted the most polluting fuel which is coal and our economy is expanded by 80% it does not mean that if

    You actually tackle carbon that you will actually have empowered your economy I think it’s really important we do both we look after the environment we look after make sure poor people haven’t got high bills and at the moment Jacob the most cheapest energy is renewable energy

    And one of the problems that why it’s not coming onto the market is because the the privatized National Grid is failing to allow that cheap energy to be connected the G and theyve made4 billion pounds profit last year and failing function all on the economic growth we’ve had absolutely we’ve had some

    Growth but compound growth is lower than historically we’ve achieved and therefore we have reduced our average growth rate because we’ve been reducing emissions and you talk about the grid there’s huge protests um going on in Lincolnshire where they are going to face vast pylons being built to bring

    This electricity in um to the country so nor and in North yeah but have you looked at the map nor this is the risk you destroy the environment for a theoretical environment so you make England ugly because you’re worrying about a theory around carbon dioxide this can’t be sens the it’s certainly a

    Theory oh you don’t actually accept the science I accept the theory but it’s still any a theory it’s still only a theory no no no no it’s a theory that not a theory it’s actually sorry in a theory that is still widely accepted but it’s not a theorem it hasn’t been proved

    Beyond all doubt you know that perfectly well you know you know you jaob I have done a science degree nothing you know the difference nothing is proven Beyond doubt some things are they become theorems not even gravity is proven Beyond doubt they become theorems when they AB what we actually when we’re

    Talking about science we’re looking at the oil companies in scientific terms it is a theory look at the oil companies look at the oil companies in 30 years ago their scientists said if we don’t start cutting carbon emissions we will start facing a significant threat to our

    Economies and to the and what they predicted is exactly 1.5 degrees is exactly what the oil companies predicted hold on there scientists also said we were at peak oil and we about to run out of oil and we’ve got plenty of it and we should use it thank you very

    Much to Don um coming up next did you know that the countryside is racist and Colonial Plus secure starma mislead the house Yesterday in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK we’re ready to give you accurate reporting every day when the news breaks we’ll be there with bulletins on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel leand ‘s real world Fridays from

    7 p.m. Dr Jane Jones was the clinical lead for care after combat Jane thanks for coming and just tell me a little bit about your organization what do you do okay well thank you for having me here so we can talk about care after combat so we are an organization a charity who

    Work into the prison system working with military veterans who’ve somehow got involved with the justice system and so there there’s quite a high population of of ex-service men and women in our prisons why is that do you think so 2014 the government did a review of who was

    Resident in UK prisons and what they found were that military veterans are the highest occupational group and this obviously raises some concerns so the government wanted to do something about that and so they supported care after combat initially just as a scoping exercise really to see if there was any

    Way we could help these men and women actually you know understand the problems that led to offending behavior and go on to lead successful lives so what sort of offending Behavior are we talking typically for for people that’s in prison that’s actually served in our Armed Forces primarily it’s a violence

    Yeah so that is the highest offense that that we work with Okay but of course the military as with everybody else it’s the full range of offended Behavior okay so we’re in a pub Jane Dr Jane um and I guess for some people you know the old

    Tip of alcohol is good uh a bit of fun uh of a weekend relax let your a down but for some people alcohol is not always their best friend and I guess that plays a plays a part in some of your veterans that end up inside absolutely So speaking from my own

    Experience a good 2third of the people I work with have some kind of mental health problem or mental health difficulty struggling to either adapt into civilian life or with some of the traumas they’ve experienced during service people might self-medicate with alcohol to manage some of those thoughts and

    Feelings your week we starts here with Friday Night Live with me Mark Dolan 8 till 9 on GB news big stories big guests and big laughs as we get you ready for a cracking weekend that’s Friday Night Live with Mark Dolan Fridays 8il 9 on GB news bring your own drinks the emissions

    Free have a great Saturday night with me Leo KS on this Saturday night Showdown it’s a crazy world out there so come and make fun of it with me my panel of Comedians and a couple of people who actually know what they’re talking about this Saturday night Showdown is your

    Front row ticket to the clown show every Saturday only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back I’m still Jacob reog and you’ve been sending in your mail mogs on our discussion on Labor’s green policies Jamie says Labor’s new strategy launch an expensive project withdraw it blame the Tories Peter nobody but nobody has ever explained what the new green jobs are and how they

    Will lead to growth and Louise K has looked at what’s happening in Europe with farmers and has chickened out over damaging 28 billion pounds I think that’s absolutely right Louise you see what’s happening across the continent people don’t want to vote and won’t vote to be cold and poor an umbrella group of

    Wildlife Charities has issued a bizarre report to an allp party parliamentary group suggesting that the countryside is a racist Colonial white space influenced by racist Colonial leg es before giving any more Credence to these bizarre suggestions it’s worth mentioning that they came from organizations such as the

    CPR now known as the countryside charity created by people from the countryside to serve people in the countryside and yet they seem to berate and dislike the country side this report was handed to a parliamentary group for race and Community was seen by Telegraph journalists who suggested that there

    Ought to be a rights-based approach to access to Green spaces whatever that means and that the government should create legally binding tar targets for access to Nature possibly by ensuring everyone has a green space within a 15-minute walk from their home well with me now is my most intellectual panel GB

    News’s senior political commentator Nigel Nelson the deput edit of conservative home Henry Hill Nigel this is sort of nonsense isn’t it why are Charities spending good money accusing the countryside of being racist and Colonial well I did wonder that myself actually um the idea that um ethnic minorities can’t go to the countryside

    And enjoy it I I’m PE that the um the bit where I think that um I did tend to agree with the Rapport was that they were they were arguing that uh the countryside and Villages there have uh White British cultural values and I think that’s right so my

    Experience of the countryside is that um people people are not racist in the sense that it’s not racist to want to control your borders it’s not racist to want to limit immigration to our economic needs um they’re just but there is a fear of the other and and where it

    Seems to be most prominent is in those those areas where there are few or no migrants do you think that because Northeast Somerset doesn’t have a high migrant population but it’s a very open Society in that way yes it has Traditional Values and it has the church

    Fate in most Villages every year and things like that and um the Ares is to some extent a representation of life that still goes on in rural communities but there’s no racism and colonialism what’s that even mean in terms colonialism thing I didn’t get at all I think that the that white British

    Cultural values yeah I think that’s true I think that’s what what a lot of villages are built on I’m thinking places like suffk my home county of Kent um so I don’t don’t know how it is in Somerset they may be far ahead of us in uh uh their their liberal attitudes but

    It does seem to me that that criticism is right about the countryside I wouldn’t go as far as to say that they are racist or trying to keep people out of it I mean Henry what Nigel was saying is very interesting it seems to me in a nutshell his point is that Cosmopolitan

    Londoners are slightly snooty about the countryside and think that they are more traditional and they don’t like that because they’re not fashionable londoners but these Charities are meant to be Countryside Charities I do think there is a tendency for some people to be oh this place is different to where

    I’m from you know big cities and maybe not even quite as welcoming as it could be but then impute that to racism when in fact if I you know if I went there or you went there we weren’t from around there we might get some funny looks and

    You know not that’s all fine I think with the Charities it’s because the charity class they always they hire from the same group of people and they all move around these different charities charity jobs aren’t especially well paid and so you end up with this kind of very

    Similar class of people running what are nominally very different charities so you say the countryside charity was founded by people from the countryside but it’s not a collective right like it’s staffed by professional Charities and when something like this comes along and you have these these hate academics

    Or whatever it is they’re obviously never going to there’s never going to come a point when those people are going to say well it’s done mission mission accomplished we’re going to shut down my bit of the university and I’ll have to go and do something else so of course

    They’re going to keep coming up with this and therefore they have to have a cause and they talk about not in this report specifically but as a general about diversity the one thing they never have is any diversity of opinion well you know quite this there it’s quite a

    Dogmatic view that these that these plac is put out but ultimately if you set yourself up as a dragon slayer you are always going to have an imperative to find more Dragon to slay and therefore you know England rural England has never been colonized I think that’s the word

    Right because racism You could argue it with evidence maybe but colonialism it’s clearly just they’re throwing buzzwords in because that’s the that’s what they do mind you I suppose wesix eventually took over Mercier and on and on we can that’s what they mean wonderful quite like talking about Alfred the Great

    Every good thing in this country comes from Somerset um but they’re then talking about access to the countryside and um having Green Space within 15 minutes as a great line about um the parks being the lungs of London that’s not a bad point is it that people should

    Have some green space that they can go to as long as it’s publicly provided rather than this is trying to trespass on private property yes absolutely um and the idea of actually being able to get to a green space within 15 minutes good idea um so that part’s fine it’s

    It’s a bit about the that um people from ethnic minorities feel unwelcome in the countryside that was the I I find worrying even if it’s a perception it’s worrying that they don’t feel it belongs to them as well I think it’s quite offensive to my constituents actually who would welcome people from all

    Backgrounds in the countryside who come in a law-abiding fashion and going across the foot paths and they’ve been enormously welcome in the pubs and Village Shops which frankly need the custom and it’s these high minded Pious people are being quite rude to good people in Northeast Somerset who don’t

    Have racist attitudes well we I have to see the report to see if they’re drawing on specific instances but you can certainly tar with far too broad a brush and this this does sound as if it’s very much like well once you stray beyond the borders of the M25 everything gets s of

    Misty and and shadow shadow haunted and everything else but the stuff on access to Green Space is remarkable because the countryside Alliance used to the countryside charity used to be the CPR do you know the best way to make sure that people have how like have green

    Space within 15 minutes of their house build houses in the country side and that and that’s the last thing want reduce pressure on Urban Green Space build houses with Gardens build houses in suburbs and in the countryside the CPR hates any building anywhere ever it opposes everything they are the Supreme

    Lites anyway then just come on the program and tell me why they are such Lites this evening will be the first time a western journalist Juan taka Carlson has interviewed Vladimir Putin since the war in Ukraine began in a potential propaganda coup for Putin while few people in the UK will know of

    Mr charson in the United States he is something of celebrity as he used to be a Fox News host the interview with the Russian dictator will be broadcast later but will Mr Carlson challenge him effectively will he ask the blood-lusting leader why in Boer and Erin there were men found shot dead and

    Mutilated with bags over their heads and their hands tied behind their backs will he ask about abducted Ukrainian children about the executions the torturing the sexual violence or the destruction of cultural monuments I sincerely hope so because the only justification for giving any air time to a dictator is to

    Challenge him if it is a propaganda opportunity for Putin then Carlson will rank somewhere between Stalin’s useful idiots and Lord horor anyway thank you to my panel coming up is it time to slash immigration and the benefits Bill the answer is yes and the OB amazingly has suggested it itself plus should secure

    Apologize for misleading the Commons big news big debates big opinion Patrick Christi’s tonight is the week’s biggest sh every weekday 9: to 11:00 p.m. we’ve got the inside track on the day’s top stories there’ll be sharp takes you won’t get anywhere else we will set the news agenda not just follow it and I

    Want to bring you along for the ride whatever it is we’ll have our finger on the pulse it’s news but it’s this close to entertainment Patrick chy tonight 99: till 11:00 p.m. only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel GB news breakfast every day from 6: a.m.

    So the highway code um was amended recently passed me by but anyway a new poll suggest this has made no difference to the safety of Road users and I could believe that yeah there was an awful crash in London wasn’t there a bus and a and a pedestrian yesterday um so we’re

    Asking yeah is the highway code fit for purpose or should we just scrap it all together uh that’s our debate this morning and joined uh we’re joined by Danny Kelly she argues highways are not fit for purpose uh and cycling instructor Anna Hughes thinks they are

    Good morning to you both you see Anna I think it’s I think it’s a good thing I think the the highway code is a good thing I just don’t think that any of us pay any attention to it or we should all be tested on it quite regularly I would

    Have thought we should have revision courses in it yeah I think you just summed it up Amon by saying the changes passed you by I actually asked a few of my fellow cyclists and uh pedestrians what is classified as vulnerable Road users about this very thing I said has the new

    Highway code made things safer for you and most people said not at all drivers don’t know what it is they don’t know what the changes are they probably don’t know what the rules are to start with and as you’ve just said doing refreshes is a really good idea it’s it’s a bit

    Bizarre that we’re given a license to operate this quite dangerous machinery and then we’re never tested again and especially not on the highway code which is especially when it changes why wouldn’t we be retested on that or have to do refresher courses on it you know there are conflicts on the road there

    Are fatalities it makes sense to be to be aware of what the highway code says because it is there to keep us safe yeah and Danny Kelly when I think back I think it’s 1999 I passed my driving test hardly any bikes on the road then to be honest probably virtually none

    I’m Christopher hope and I’m Gloria depierro bringing you pmqs live here on GB news every Wednesday we’ll bring you live coverage of prime minister’s questions when Richie sunak and Sir Kama go head-to-head in the House of Commons We’ll be asking our viewers and listeners submit the questions that they

    Would like to put to the Prime Minister and we’ll put that to our panel of top politicians in our Westminster Studio that’s pmqs live here on GB news Britain’s election Channel Well welcome back we’ve been discussing allegations of the countryside being racist and the taka Carlson interview coming later with um Putin and in relation to the countryside Gareth says these Charities have exceeded their remit and become politicized shouldn’t they therefore lose their charitable status I agree with that I I think

    Charities shouldn’t be political George there may be racism in the countryside but often that discrimination is unconscious and not malicious and Sheila I’m from Cornwell and do not feel welcome in parts of London where you’d be very welcome uh in sw1 I think you would raise the tone of sw1 where you to

    Visit it Sheila um Joy to the World the Lord is calm let Earth receive the office for Budget responsibility an institution named to be risk averse and dominated by bureaucratic group think might have found salvation the ab’s boss the ground fromage the big cheese has hit the nail on the head he has

    Suggested we need to cut Britain’s vast benefits Bill and curb Mass migration and he’s right as I mentioned yesterday there are currently 5.5 million people on outof work benefits in the United Kingdom and yet we are still told we need Mass migration to fill the labor shortage but there are millions of

    People who could work in the UK but are being incentivized not to by our benefit system if we can get our benefits bill under control it currently sits at 230 billion we may be able to afford some tax cuts to help unleash Britain’s latent growth and provide the jobs that

    People could then fill well with me now still is my intellectual panel GB news’s senior political commentator Nigel Nelson and deputed of conservative Fame Henry Hill Henry it’s a miracle the ABR said something sensible it certainly is out of kilter with the with the normal tone of their contributions and conservatives will

    Welcome it I am slightly wary when I hear uh sort of technocrats talking about getting people back into work because as you say it can mean getting people uh who are ill or or benefits back into work but it is also that reasoning is when you end up targeting

    People who are comfortably retired on their own resources start calling them the economically inactive it’s what leads to the anti- family uh Child Care policies we currently have where the incentive is the state doesn’t subsidize parents who want to stay at home it’s all about getting parents back to work

    As soon as possible so whenever I see this so as like a gift to you do check the you do check inside the horse before you let it in um but still it is good it is good to have somebody recognize that years and years of importing hundreds of

    Thousands of people a year have not delivered per capita economic growth at all well that’s absolutely right and this year just gone 2023 the Obi was forecasting GDP per capita would actually shrink because of migration 1.4 million people coming over the two years to the end of June 2023 but it’s

    Remarkable they’ve said this because previously they always maintained that migration was economically beneficial well it migration normally does Boost GDP if you don’t adjust it for per capita right just because you’re making the PIP bigger right uh but we are reaching the point where if you’re

    Importing 3/4 of a million people into a country that isn’t building nearly enough houses for an ordinary population growth that is obviously going to start racking up downsides and now we have you rents skyh High house prices skyh high and all the rest of it so I think there

    Comes a point when you have to recognize it but I think it’s really important that people start realizing that when politicians talk about growth if they’re not talking about per capita growth they are literally just talking about adding people to the economy and Nigel in the

    Array of benefits and tax there are lots of little disadvantages on there that people don’t want to go into the higher tax bracket if they’ve got children because they lose um child benefit at such a rate that it creates very high marginal rates and that these distortions discourage people either

    From getting into work uh or from working harder to earn more well I mean Child Care is the one that discourages people from going into to work the most um because it’s so expensive my daughter’s got twins she’s looking at $3,000 quit a a year bill for uh child

    Care care for for them um I think the important thing that David Mills was talking about in the the pce he wrote was that he’s not talking about cutting benefits he’s talking about reducing the benefits bill which is a rather different thing yeah so um that the idea

    That we want to get uh British workers into British jobs doesn’t seem to be a bad idea we’re starting to do that by uh ending the 20% discount that bosses were able to pay foreign workers that’s good next stage should be to sort out the NHS waiting list because 3 million nearly

    Three million of those people who are not working um are sick and they might be less sick if they could get their operations and actually one thing I would like to see is a the Universal Credit being fully implemented so that the withdrawal rate of benefits is

    Reduced so that you have an incentive always to go into work well I mean the it goes back to the oldan Duncan Smith idea that uh that that um work should pay more than benefits absolutely well um Nigel has rightly pointed out in his latest piece for

    23% of undecided voters to vote for him and Nigel has devised a test that will not only help you decide which way to vote but also one that seems to get to the heart of the disagreements between capitalists and socialists Nigel what is your test it was it wasn’t actually mine

    It was some uh American um uh economic psychologist who devised it and what they were looking at was fairness in economic behavior but it works it seems in politics so the test is um a hardware store buys shovels for £10 and sells them for 15 they’re perfectly happy

    About the profit margin they get on that when heavy snow comes they put the price up to20 the question is is that fair Henry is that fair I mean I I I think it you probably is yes not least because presumably it’s getting harder to resupply that business and everything

    Else but they are a business in a market and they have the ability to raise prices and that incentivizes crucially more people to start selling shuels you see I I agree with Henry I think it’s fair because everything is rationed either by C or by price and if you don’t

    Put the price up then the first people who run to your shop the fittest and the youngest will buy all the shuffles and the old and the Hal and the lane will be late but the old and the Halt and the lane may have the money to buy the SHO

    Which they may then employ the young to shovel with and you create a flourishing economy if you allow prices to respond to Market need well but I bet you don’t agree I don’t agree no I mean you’ve made it very complicated there um no I don’t think it’s fair I mean it comes

    Down to the fundamental difference I think between uh me you and Henry that uh you’re both Tories my wife for instance doesn’t agree with me on this one that she thinks it’s perfectly Fair she’s a Tory I’ve tried it on Tory MPS they think it’s perfectly Fair Trad on

    Labor MPS who don’t think it’s fair the argument really is over um how much intervention you have in the free market we’ll all agree that this should be a prosperous country we should create wealth but there should be certain controls on the way that is done my side

    Would put more controls in than your side yeah and another reason though I would allow the market to decide is this sometimes happens with um petrol stations when there’s a petrol shortage and they put their price up because there’s a shortage but if they’re the village petrol station they then lose their long-term

    Customers who are happily paying 2 or 3p extra when they filled up per liter sorry not to give it in gallons which I probably should um um but they alienate their customers so the putting up of the price is not just can I get more in today it’s also what is my long-term

    Business interest and that I think is much better left to the market than to a regulator well I mean again this is where where we disagree that um if for instance you take uh boardroom pay it seems to me what would be right and fair would be that any pay rise in the

    Boardroom should match that that they give to the workforce um it doesn’t I’m not suggesting you cap boardroom pay what I’m saying is that they would be fair if they did it that way so where we differ is just how much intervention there is from the state um free market

    Is already regulated it’s not free we know that employment laws minimum wage laws um and so on health and safety laws um but I think that my interventions are probably going to be greater than yours all right well thank you very much um to Nigel and Henry that was a very good

    Question uh coming up Rishi sunak is under pressure to apologize for his trans remark but surely it’s air who should Apologize tired of the usual Focus tested pre-prepared Westminster runaround well so am I so you want higher taxes is your department to blame for this are you rethinking this policy every Sunday at 9:30 I’ll be sitting down with those in power to get the truth about the issues affecting you

    Let’s be honest we’ve known about the cost pressures of this project for years not months that’s the Camila tomin show a politics show with personality on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel Patrick chrisy tonight weekdays from 900 p.m. so a new poll has revealed

    That gen Z or gen Zed I don’t know why I’m supposed to say and British boys and men are more likely to believe that feminism has done more harm than good when compared with older respondents so the polling also found that a quarter of UK males aged 16 to 29 believe it’s

    Harder to be a man than a woman with one in five looking favorably upon controversial influence at Andrew Tate 37% of them also agree that the phrase toxic masculinity is unhelpful so with Gen z boys increasingly holding this view has feminism done more harm than good let me know your thoughts

    Email me gbvs GB tweet me atgb news and make sure you take part in our poll but I’ll bring you those results shortly going head-to-head on this tonight our author and commentator Anna May Mangan and YouTuber and social media influencer Pearl Davis both of you thank

    You very much Pearl I’ll start with you has feminism done more harm than good especially when it comes to these gen z boys um yes yes it has I feminism really has turned into a bunch of Crybaby women that want to complain that we’re not given equal opportunity when really

    Women are given more opportunity than men um and so yeah I would say feminism is a hate group and it’s a bunch of Crybaby women Anna would you like to come back to that crybaby women feminism apparently so we’ve got a right lad with us tonight with pearl in her opinions

    Haven’t we how could it possibly do harm Pearl wouldn’t I hope you vote I assume you do I hope you’re not chained to the kitchen sink at home um I’m not sure if you got a job I S I don’t know very much about you but uh you’re Pro if there a

    Bloke doing the same thing as you you’re probably earning less than him so of course feminism is something that it got us the vote in the first place and it’s still doing a power of good it’s just wiy men and actually I Chang that they’re Lads they’re not

    Men 2024 a Battleground year the year the nation decides as the parties gear up their campaigns for the next general election who will be left standing when the British people make one of the biggest decisions of Their Lives who will rise and who will fall let’s find

    Out together for every moment the highs the lows the twists and terms we’ll be with you for every step of this journey in 2024 GB news is Britain’s election Channel Oh welcome back we’ve been discussing the OB suggesting mass migrations too high and that the total benefits bill needs to be kept lower and Terry says Jacob we have a generation of young people who’ve been encouraged by the BBC that you may know as a competitor broadcaster uh to believe they will make

    A comfortable living as footballers and pop stars where most of them find this is not true they expect the rest of us to make up the deficit you know I never thought I’d make either a footballer or a pop star but there we go uh John I

    Agree there are people who don’t want to work in this country but I also know there are people who have been in this country since the 70s and ‘ 80s and still haven’t bothered to get a job well oh dear the left’s synthetic anger continues to mount on the Prime Minister

    As they call upon him to apologize to Brianna gu’s Mother after a quip he made yesterday at Prime Minister questions there’s a reminder of the exchange Mr Speaker this week the unwavering bravery of Brianna J’s mother Esther has has touched us all as a father I can’t even

    Imagine the pain that she’s going through and I’m glad that she’s with us in the gallery here today defining a woman although although In fairness that was only 99% of a U-turn that the list goes on but the theme is the same Mr Speaker it’s empty words broken promises

    And absolutely no plan really really of all of all the work of all the weeks to say that when Brian’s mother is in this chamber shame parading as a man of integrity when he’s got absolutely no responsibility well um there are two reasons why Sak stama ought to apologize

    First because sakir was in direct contradiction urin May 2130 which states until recent times it was not in order to refer to persons in the galleries except generally for the purpose of an order for their withdrawal though it was a matter of judgment for the chair as to whether to intervene in

    2017 the former strict rule was abrogated the speaker stating that such references could be permitted but that references by members in debate should be brief and directly related to proceedings and should not be phrased this is the key bit says to be in any way intimidating or to seek to influence

    Debate starma clearly wanted to influence the debate and second because he misled the house when he said that Brianna G’s mother was in the Gallery at the time she wasn’t she entered the gallery later but a new procedural committee the procedural committee has ruled that non- ministers are now able

    To correct the record as well so the opportunity is there for sakir to make a statement to apologize to the house if he inadvertently which I’m sure it was misled him you may remember that Boris Johnson was expelled from the House of Commons effectively when he was found to

    Have misled the house so it’s quite a serious matter with me now as my panel GB news senior political commentator Nigel Nelson and deput of conservative home Henry Hill um this is the most synthetic R because K sta thinks he’s on weak ground on trans issues no I think

    That the what we have here is a um naive and inexperienced politician for a prime minister who should never at a time when Brianna’s murder was uh very much in the public eye should never have even mentioned that the in the first place having mentioned it haven’t been told

    That Brianna’s mother was in the Commons I appreciate not in The Gallery at that particular moment um having he should have then dropped it immediately he didn’t and finally he should have apologized immediately afterwards when uh he gave brena’s father offense he could carry on saying look I was

    Actually I didn’t mean to actually cause an offense uh all I was doing was trying to talk about the flipflops that K St was performing perfectly legitimate but just say sorry but it is perfectly legitimate to talk about these issues and starm is weak on the trans issue and

    Unpopular on the trans issue and to cover up his unpopularity he’s calling for this ridiculous apology over um an issue that he has raised that it’s all the fault of Kira who is using the misery of a family for political benefit in what I think is a pretty disreputable

    Way we’re talking about timing here we’re talking about about a situation where um uh the the murder of a a young transwoman is very much in the public cons Consciousness and because of that the Prime Minister should not make a joke out of it at at Prime Minister’s

    Questions and that to me shows why uh he just simply his naivity not spotting that Henry I mean I think prime minister is perfectly reasonable to make this sort of a point it’s an important point of division between the labor party and the conservative party and that kir sta

    Does this he takes offense whenever he’s found to be wanting do you remember the synthetic Fury when Boris Johnson said he hadn’t prosecuted uh Jimmy Sou who um had been alive whilst he was DPP and wasn’t prosecuted when he was DPP so I think the Nigel is writing as much as on

    The pure politics of this setting aside the principle for a moment yeah it was it was badly judged you know you he didn’t even need it to make the substantive point which was all of Labor’s u-turns he had a long list he could have simply avoided it so so as a

    Tactical Point that’s correct but the very fact that we’re talking about this and Nigel is saying the Prime Minister should have avoided this point he should then have apologized because she was in the gallery it’s precisely what you were saying about the rule about urin May and

    I think that sadly it’s not a one-off the rule about the gallery has changed but the whole character of the House of Commons has changed now because it’s live broadcast everywhere because MPS can be clipped it’s not an exchange between MPS it’s not a debate it is

    Grandstanding and this is just a very small example of the decline of the House of Commons well I agree with that I would like to go back to the pre 20107 rule that people don’t refer to the galleries because we now get this week in week out that there is somebody

    In the gallery who we’re pleased to welcome but every week we have constituents in we’ll take up the whole of business if we’re welcoming everybody who comes along and never get round to the substantive issues well indeed but that’s all right because you can always have the speaker cut the actual speaking

    Time on important bills to 1 minute or 30 seconds or whatever it takes to get the legislation through Henry’s got such a good point on that that we are not using the time available on report stages of bills on Tuesday the labor party failed to use all the time available on its own

    Opposition day the L party had chosen two subjects for debate and we Rose an hour early this is not how the House of Commons ought to be operating and this is part of the problem it’s using the chamber for publicity stuns rather than using it for its proper purpose I don’t

    Think the K starmer issue on this particular one was a publicity stunt it was a genuine uh outrage reaction to what he just heard um when it comes to the time that Parliament uses once people have finished actually their business I think it’s quite right that Parliament stops I don’t think you have

    To fill the time just for the sake of it but you know what opposition day debates are it is odd that you can’t find enough speakers from the opposition when you’ve chosen the subject of a debate because you would assume it is a an important topic but do not think it’s reasonable

    For any debate that that takes place in Parliament should actually be you once you finish saying what you’re saying don’t carry on saying saying things I agree with that if you could say that scrutiny of bills was being well done but well that’s a whole different it

    Isn’t it’s being passed to the House of Lords delegated to the House of Lords and we’re not doing mainly because the opposition doesn’t bother to do it the line by line scrutiny that the House of Commons used to do no I I think this is where select committees do do a

    Fantastic job because they are the ones who seem to scrutinize bills um uh most assiduously now well thank you very much to my panel um that’s all from me up next it’s Patrick chrisy Patrick what have you got for us this evening well a

    Heck of a lot on I have the minister for common sense Esther McVey a TV exclusive revealing what the Civil Service don’t want you to know about what they get up to I’ve got a huge scoop coming your way as well about the Church of England and

    Fake Asylum Seekers Nigel farage is on talking about our broken borders and when on Earth is K starma going to sack Ed millerand or is Ed millerand going to resign if he was actually in power he’d have to have gone over this environmental fast I tear strips off

    Them and all that’s coming your way very surely oh well everyone will want to hear that that’s coming up after the weather now I won’t be back at 8:00 on Monday because the prime minister is kindly standing in for me at the people’s Forum which will bring him to

    The Northeast where you can ask him any question you like I’m Jacob reog this has been state of the nation the weather in Somerset will be so absolutely splendiferous I understand there may be snow coming in other parts of the country but the somerset is going to be

    Immune from this being a Haven of calm nice sensible weather a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news hello again it’s Aiden MCG here from the Met Office with the GB news forecast Hill snow continues in the North during the next 24 hours spells of

    Rain at lower levels and further south across the country as milder Atlantic Air starts to take over that’s been pushing up against cold Arctic air in the north and in between we’ve had a spell of rain sleet and Hills snow some significant snow continues to build up

    From the Peak District into the southern Uplands and also for the tops of the hills in Northern Ireland could cause some disruption overnight in places but elsewhere well really at lower levels it’s rain and certainly in the South a very mild night to come 10 Celsius with

    Heavy showers for parts of Wales the South and Southwest those continue during Friday further bouts of rain or showers moving through parts of England and Wales some brighter inludes at times but a


    1. Is the countryside racist for wanting to keep white British values. If the countryside are prepared to have Muslim, Farms, Kebabs, mosques, muslim only areas and calls for prayers then no the countryside is not racist. If they are not prepared ti accept that then yes they are. The countryside will be infiltrated and colonised soon. Good luck. There is nowhere to hide! 🤨

    2. These youngsters are just brainwashed, there's other ways of lowering carbon emissions that dont destroy our lives but its all about making money. The net zero industry is worth trillions.

      Number one substance for climate pollution is concrete production.

      If the world started using Geopolymer concrete that uses waste materials like flyash, in some cases you can have a 90% reduction in carbon.

      To put that into perspective, if we changed concrete production it would have more of an effect than all cars and planes put together!

      Also genetically modified trees that grow faster and larger to absorb more carbon. If we planted these trees around the world it would have a massive impact, it would look beautiful and be great for wildlife also.

      Like I said it's all about money.

    3. 16:44 For it to breach it a specific criteria must be met for it to qualify as a breach. Which in reality is the temperature is at the boundary and for it to be breached (as stipulated in the criteria) the temperature must consistently be over each consecutive year spanning a decade (source: Radio4 this morning). But dont let facts get in the way of you peddling a variant of the green agenda driven dogma.

    4. Gov. wont stop saying get people back into work but keep immigration high so it doesnt pay!
      Then Moggy says; 'oh yes, lets allow the working on benefits to keep more of their money!'
      This is all a scam most people cannot see through.
      The actual situation is; the work place market is now dominated by off shore corps. who pay bugger all U.K. tax (so local biz cannot compete. ever. Try and rent a high street shop if you do not believe this- the big chains will outbid you EVERY SINGLE time)
      So what we have is 'CORPORATE WELFARE'.
      The more the likes of Mogg say increase in work benefits the more obvious this becomes and the more the deck is stacked against
      U.K. startup businesses.
      In short, the Tory's are selling the country piece by piece as an off shore work house to amazon etc. And that is why they keep importing cannon fodder to tread the wheel of drudge that sends money out of the U.K. and impoverishes the natural population.

    5. So the Climate gentleman thinks cutting net zero madness will make our country colder. But I thought we had global warming. Is he having a crisis of faith? Or just been waffling deranged nonsense from the beginning? I'd put my money on the latter option. "Net zero" was an idiotic policy. Get fracking. And lock the traffic blocking criminals up for long sentences, and fine them high enough sums to compensate their victims.

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